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May 16

How to Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight – LIVESTRONG.COM

Drinking alcohol and losing weight might sound like one of those "you can't have your cake and eat it too" scenarios (sorry for the cake visual!), but it doesn't have to be. If imbibing is part of your social schedule or just a go-to way to unwind, you don't have to give it up entirely.

Can you really drink alcohol and lose weight? You bet, if you follow these six steps.

Image Credit: martin-dm/E+/GettyImages

But (of course there's a but) if your average night out or Zoom happy hour currently features more than a few margaritas or craft beers, you may need to rethink your drinking.

Alcohol is a source of calories, after all. And one way those calories differ from, say, macronutrients like carbs, fat and protein, is that they can impair your judgment which can affect the food choices you make while drinking. Regularly pairing your drinks with fried bar food or late-night pizza and nursing a hangover with an epic breakfast the next morning will most certainly sabotage your weight-loss goals.

Wondering how to calculate your calories for weight loss? Download the MyPlate app to do the job and help you track your intake, so you can stay focused and achieve your goals!

It is possible to drink alcohol in a healthy way and still lose weight, though. Here are six tips to make it happen.

We know, this one seems obvious, but it still needs to be said. The published research on the health benefits of drinking are on moderate drinking, not binge drinking.

So, what is moderate? This means one drink per day for women and up to two drinks a day for men, according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are compiled by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

The one- or two-drink rule isn't intended as an average, but rather the amount you consume on any single day.

The other key factor is understanding what "one drink" really means:

Sticking to these servings and moderate drinking guidelines will help you with your weight-loss goals.

In fact, an August 2019 study published in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine found that male and female drinkers have lower odds of developing obesity compared to non-drinkers, but heavier drinking, especially in women, is associated with higher odds of becoming obese.

If you're trying to lose weight, knowing which drinks are lower in calories and sugar will definitely serve you.

Mixing up a tequila on the rocks with lime rather than a margarita will save you almost 200 calories and a whole lot of sugar.

Image Credit: bhofack2/iStock/GettyImages

Ditch drinks with multiple liquors or high-calorie mixers. A Long Island iced tea, for example, has a whopping 240 calories and 20 grams of carbs, and a margarita clocks in at 275 calories and 36 grams of carbs.

Instead, opt for some of the lower-calorie options mentioned earlier. Try a vodka and soda, and add a splash of grapefruit juice or lime juice if you're looking for more flavor. You can also try tequila on the rocks with lime, which has just 96 calories.

If you're sacrificing food calories for booze calories, you may think it's perfectly fine to skip a meal in lieu of a "liquid dinner." Not the case.

Science shows having food in your stomach slows alcohol absorption. In fact, your alcohol blood content may not reach a quarter of what it would on an empty stomach.

Plus, it can help you avoid the "drinking munchies," which is when you feel hungry after a couple of drinks. There's actually a very good scientific reason why they occur: If you have a few drinks on an empty stomach, your liver can be blocked from releasing stored glucose into the bloodstream, which can lead to low blood sugar and cause you to feel hungry, according to the Mayo Clinic.

Instead, eat a meal balanced with fiber and protein before drinking. This will help absorb the alcohol and stabilize your blood sugar levels.

When you're imbibing in a drink that "goes down easy," that likely means it'll go down quickly, too. And when that happens, especially if you're out with friends, you might be looking for a second or third drink.

Instead, go for a drink that's meant to be sipped slowly; a stronger drink like a dry martini or even one of your favorite liquors served neat or straight up. This will slow down your drinking, which will allow you to enjoy your drink and company more without overdoing it.

If you're drinking more than your one or two drinks per day, alternating your cocktails with water is a good idea, even if you aren't trying to lose weight. This trick slows down your drinking and keeps you hydrated (bye-bye, hangover!). You can even sip soda water the bubbles may help you feel full and ultimately help you drink less.

Read more here:
How to Drink Alcohol and Still Lose Weight - LIVESTRONG.COM

May 16

Action Bronson Loses Weight and Is Ready To Drop 60 More Pounds – SOHH

Rap veteran Action Bronson has been staying on his fitness grind. In a new interview, hes revealed a changed diet, physical workout routine and some insane weight loss.

Bronson says hes lost 50 pounds and has been working out, keeping his meals healthy, cooking for his family and juicing daily.

[I] lost a lot of money because my tours getting canceled for the year, and this type of thing no one was ready for this but we all have to adapt. Me, myself, I lost 50 pounds just now. I mean, Im still fat, which shows you I need to lose another 60. Working out like crazy. I run, I do my push-ups, I do a lot of cardio work. I juice a lot, drink green juice two times a day. [Eating] good carbs. -Action Bronsons Instagram

Bronson also gave details on what caused him to push towards a major weight loss. He says he had an eating habit that had to be kicked.

Before I was just animalistic, it was unnecessary what I was doing. I didnt know what to do with myself so from that point on, two and-a-half months, Ive just been on my game. Its a lifestyle change. -Action Bronsons Instagram

In April 2020, Action shared a must-see pic of himself putting in workout goals alongside his son. In the shot, hes laying down alongside his recently born mini-me.

My workout partner -Action BronsonsInstagram

Recently, Action Bronson shared his frustrations on Viceland holding back the new season of his showF*ck, Thats Delicious.

The rapper and chef took to Twitter to air out some of his frustrations with hisVicelandshow,F*ck, Thats Delicious, which has suffered some setbacks. F*ck, Thats Delicious! Season whatever it is has been ready and the motherfuckas are holding it hostage. My contract is over in full in March and I promise Im gonna shove it down your fucking throats every chance I get. Youve sabotaged my shows at every turn. FTD 4 eva, he wrote. (Complex)

Go here to read the rest:
Action Bronson Loses Weight and Is Ready To Drop 60 More Pounds - SOHH

May 16

Chewing the fat: a year of Weight Watchers, a lifetime of dieting – The Irish Times

Jean Nidetch was in the supermarket one day in September 1961 when she ran into an old friend. Oh, Jean, you look so wonderful! the friend said, before asking, When are you due? Nidetch was not pregnant. Horrified by her friends remark, she walked home asking herself over and over, What do I do now?.

What she did was go on to found Weight Watchers International in her living room.

Nidetchs 2015 New York Times obituary opens with the above anecdote, describing Nidetch at that time as a a 214-pound [97kg] Queens housewife with a 44-inch [112cm] waist and an addiction to cookies by the box.

Few women would want this incident, or any particular set of measurements, to define them, but Nidetch had told this story of her rock-bottom moment a thousand times. Most fat people need to be hurt in some way in order to be jolted into taking action, she would later write.

Weight Watchers is ubiquitous in modern culture, with everyone from Mad Mens Betty Draper to Oprah to our own Aisling (the young Irish everywoman created by Emer McLysaght and Sarah Breen) dutifully following the plan. Who hasnt sat through an office lunch without being told how many points was in their sandwich? But, increasingly, the idea of women in a room together (it is still mainly women) at a Weight Watchers meeting talking about a physical ideal seems anti-feminist. We are conscious now of body shaming and fat acceptance; all bodies are beach bodies.

But while diet may be a four-letter word, many of us still want to lose weight.

I have been to Weight Watchers meetings the length and breadth of Dublin so many pastel-painted community halls with so many fold-out chairs; often a security man at reception who points the way to the meeting without having to be asked. Inside is a leader with the air of a kindly teacher and walls plastered with charts of good and bad foods alongside encouraging slogans.

Then there is the shedding of coats, boots and even jewellery for the weekly weigh-in; the handing out of gold and silver stickers to the success stories others left annoyed, they dont understand, they did everything right. So many people reduced to the loss or gain of 200g. Then afterwards, the group discussion: Where did it all go wrong this week, Mary?

Sometimes at the meetings sadder stories emerge: the woman so ashamed of her body that she shopped at a 24-hour supermarket in the middle of the night to avoid judgment, or the woman who went to her weekly weigh-in even though her mother had just died because she promised her she would keep going.

Stick with it girls, show up and stick with it!

And, always, the strange embarrassment at being corralled into a room and told what is good and bad for you, even though youve known for 30 years. Admittedly, youre a bit confused too, because along the way youve also done Atkins, keto, paleo, 5:2, and intermittent fasting. You had a fling with Slimming World because you heard you can eat more pasta there. An avocado is an angel or a demon depending on the diet.

Ultimately, however, the same fact unravels you each works every single diet works but only if you stick with it forever until the end of time, amen.

I have been dieting since I was about eight. Growing up, my house was full of Vogues and slimming magazines, all the women in one set of glossy pages wanting to look like all the women in the other. I went on Slimfast for a month before I went to the Gaeltacht when I was 13. Being a fat teenager was no joke. I still cant walk past a gang of teenage boys without steeling myself for commentary.

Last year, I had to be weighed before emergency surgery. In the midst of all the trauma, shame was still there in the room. I stood on the scales and said to the nurse, I cant look, is it okay if you dont tell me? She jotted the number down quietly, said youre lovely, and left. It felt like absolution.

The times when I was thinnest, I was grieving or depressed, but I still loved the compliment. When I was not dieting, and the compliment did not come, the absence of it was stark.

Late last year, in a packed Olympia theatre in Dublin, I cried when the singer Lizzo came out on stage like a goddess. It is all very hard to reconcile, those women striving and hopeful in a community hall trying to sort this bloody thing out once and for all, and then seeing Lizzo, big, resplendent and celebrated in a gold corset. You leave thinking; maybe Im okay as I am?

In her new book, This is Big, lifelong yo-yo dieter Marisa Meltzer explores her own weight-loss history alongside Nidetchs rise to the top of the diet industry. Meltzer was first signed up to Weight Watchers at the age of nine. At 38, reading Nidetchs obituary, she was surprised to find similarities in their weight loss struggle, with one difference: Nidetch had lost 32kg, kept it off and became a mogul in the process.

Meltzer is a New York journalist who writes about celebrities and wellness for high-end glossy magazines. Her appearance, she believes, helps her interview subjects open up to her. I think that you can take one look at me and theres no risk that Im gonna steal your husband. She writes about Busy Phillips cutting up a slice of banana bread into tiny cubes for them to share, and a Vogue photo shoot with Emily Blunt where Meltzer gorged on brownies from catering before sneaking a look at the size tag of Blunts jeans.

Meltzer had deliberately assembled an enviable life that existed in contrast to how she felt about her emotional eating, which consisted of the kind of delivery order where the restaurant packs four sets of plastic utensils.

She is on lockdown when we speak on Skype. She explains her motivation for writing this book: I was about to turn 40 and had a sense with a lot of things in my life of, Im turning 40, Im too old for this shit. Mostly, I kept thinking about my relationship to my body and food. And I was just like, I cant believe its still this hard for me.

Meltzer has spent most of her life either striving to change her body, or striving to accept it. No matter how unattainable perfection may be, working toward it as opposed to working toward self-acceptance is satisfying in its own way. At least youre aiming for something tangible, she writes. But at the same time, am I a fool for still, after all these yo-yo years, wanting to lose and keep off weight?

Nidetch would tell Meltzer that its worth the battle. She looms large in the book, all blonde bouffant and brutal quips. Fat is anything but beautiful, she wrote in her 1960s magazine column.

Meltzer wanted to know more about Nidetch, who she felt had become a footnote in the history of the company she started, which now has 4.6 million members worldwide. Having regularly written about Goop-style health camps, Meltzer was going back to basics. She committed to one year of Weight Watchers sampling her way around New York meetings until she found one that was just right.

Weight Watchers felt like the lowest common denominator. It felt like something for gossipy housewives. And it didnt seem applicable to someone like me, or the way that I think about myself. A lot of it was just getting over my own ego and being like, youre fat, these people are fat, youve a lot in common. She laughs. I had to humble myself a bit and there were things that I learned, but there are also moments where Im just like, Oh my God, if I have to hear you talking about the amount of cereal that youre letting yourself eat. . .

The idea of a weekly meeting as the basis for her Weight Watchers business came to Nidetch when, after a tragic stillbirth, she found comfort in talking with other bereaved mothers.

I think her genius was in this idea of community, Meltzer says. Dieting had been just yet another thing that women were supposed to slog through on their own; another private hardship of being a woman. They were all supposed to be good 60s housewives and get their shit together. I think Jean saw that there was strength in sharing the reality of your experience.

Meltzer recalls dieting from the age of four. Her parents split up when she was young, but together they focused on her weight loss. In the 1980s, Meltzer was sent to that American wonder: a fat camp. Her parents paid for meal delivery schemes and health coaches into her 30s, all three of them holding firm to the idea that Meltzer might lose the weight and be done with it.

Theyre not monsters. I think its hard for them to understand how their good intentions were so painful for me.

Writing about dieting these days can feel as current as penning an article on 101 ways to please your man. Self-acceptance is the more modern goal, which means there is often now a double shame at play shame about the body itself, and shame about wanting to change it.

Its hard to criticise something thats trying to do good, says Meltzer of the body acceptance movement. But I think that if youve ever had a complicated relationship with your body, you should understand that what its suggesting is just as unreasonable in some ways as someone coming up to me and being like, oh what you need to do is to eat less calories than you burn and then youll lose weight.

Its not a lack of knowledge that keeps me from being where I want to be. And I think the same thing is true of body positivity. In some ways its easier to change your body, or at least try to, than to change your feelings. I think that theres this false idea that you can be woken up one day to this liberating notion, and then youre forever changed.

What Meltzer really wants is to have more control over how she is viewed by the world.

A lot of this book was figuring out like, what do I actually want to happen? And in some ways, my fantasy is to be thin enough that no one could ever think that Im fat. Part of it is this idea of wanting to hide in plain sight. Weight is so complicated because theres no hiding from it. I wish that I could lie about the ending of this book, but it would be impossible because its written all over my body. Theres no hiding about weight, which makes it really embarrassing and touchy and vulnerable.

Meltzer jokes how she wouldnt have minded an Eat Pray Love-style conclusion, and now Im engaged to someone I met at Weight Watchers, and he also lost 50 pounds! I had to settle into that idea that this book was going to be more complicated than some easy triumph at the end.

Reading the book, many of Meltzers friends were surprised to learn how she felt.

Secrecy is really behind so much of fat and food. Theres a secrecy to eating, a furtiveness, and theres a secrecy in not talking about it. Some of that is a sort of corrective that we try to impose because the weight is speaking for us. Theres this sense of, I dont get to have my weight be a private thing, or to be something that only I struggle with. The world can see that I struggle.

An unenthusiastic and inconsistent dater, Meltzer is particularly vulnerable when writing about her relationships. A New York psychologist, who she met online, texted her the morning after their date to say that he was attracted to the girl in the photos and not the one who had shown up at his door. His honesty was for her own good. She thought this might be her Nidetch rock bottom moment, but she just took a bath, ordered Indian food and cried.

One part of the body positivity movement that Meltzer resents is its adherents repeated assurances of how hot their spouses find them.

I hate it. I get it, it is supposed to give us all hope but its justanother way for us to feel were failing.

After attending Weight Watchers meetings faithfully for a year, Meltzer formed friendships but realised she was never going to reach a point where Im really happy with my body or with my relationship to food, and I also dont have to.

I no longer feel so tortured by it or in the dichotomy of, do I hate myself, do I love myself, am I a good feminist who accepts herself, am I someone who hates themselves and is trying to change? I am all of those things all of the time. And that has given me a lot of peace.

Perhaps Meltzer writing so openly about her body is the natural progression of Nidetchs idea of story-sharing, stripped of any element of shame.

I have the same body that I did before, but [with this book] Im outing myself as fat. And that feels liberating because Im acknowledging to the world that this is a complicated relationship and that it will continue to be complicated.

She believes that for the most part, the conversation around dieting has changed only superficially. Theres a lot of intense orthorexia that seems to be going on where people are obsessed with the health of every little thing they put in their mouth now. A lot of that is a contemporary spin on diet culture.

Even Weight Watchers is uncomfortable with the word weight in its name, rebranding as WW, with Oprah at the helm. Its very touchy-feely, speaking in the patois of wellness that we all speak in these days, Meltzer says, a far cry from Nidetchs more proscriptive approach.

There is nothing truly new in dieting; the variable is us.

Were psychologically complex beings and were not dieting in a vacuum; we have all kinds of commitments and cravings and hormones and emotions to be dealt with.We all want some area where we can have some comfort and slip up and slide into some sort of oblivion now and then, and fortunately for me, its not drugs, its not alcohol. And I wouldnt even say food is the only place, but we all have our areas we go to for comfort.

Meltzer has reached a sort of truce with her body, but shes also very tired of being lectured by every doctor I see for reasons that are totally unrelated to weight, you know? And yet I also understand that there are things going on in my body that would be better if I lost weight. Its still hard. No doctor is going to tell me that I should try losing some weight for my heart and give me a low calorie diet sheet and its all gonna click into place.

She says the fact that dieting memes and baking pictures overtook the internet at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic really shows how much food is a comfort for all of us. And some people are fortunate in that they can eat a lot and other people like me cannot without gaining weight.

We are being told to practise self-compassion, to eat the cake. But despite the scale of this crisis, in the aftermath many will turn again to the redemptive narrative of dieting as if a fat body is merely a chrysalis from which the real you will eventually emerge.

Lets see what happens when we are out and about buying bathing suits, dating, seeing our friends, gyms are open, you know? Meltzer says. I think theres gonna be also a big push to get your post-pandemic body sorted out.

This Is Big: How the Founder of Weight Watchers Changed the World (and Me), by Marisa Meltzer, is published by Chatto & Windus

Go here to see the original:
Chewing the fat: a year of Weight Watchers, a lifetime of dieting - The Irish Times

May 16

How a carer lost six stone and conquered her demons – MyLondon

A size 24 carer who battled with weight issues for years was so determined to be fit at 40 that she shed six stone, conquered her food demons and landed a job as a weight loss coach.

Amy Rowlands, now 41, says her confidence "hit rock bottom" and decided things had to change.

Amy, of Grimsby, Lincolnshire, managed to drop five dress sizes in seven months after joining a WW slimming group and even landed a job helping other dieters to lose weight.

A carer for her partner Neil Armstrong, 44, who has a long-term illness, she was unhappy with her weight as she approached her 40th birthday.

Now at 5ft 9in, weighing 13st 4lb and wearing a size 14, Amy, who has four stepchildren said: When I reached 19-and-a-half stone, I stopped caring and didnt look after myself.

I would never look in the mirror and my confidence was at rock bottom.

I put my life on hold. I would say to myself, Well Ill go for a new job when I lose weight.

Amy continued: I used to sing in a band and I stopped that, but told myself Id do it again after Id lost weight.

I would bury my head in the sand. People around me would gently try and tell me I should lose weight, but I would just brush it off.

Amys unhealthy relationship with food started when she was aged just 12 and gained some puppy fat prompting her to try and lose weight and leading to a two year battle with the disease anorexia nervosa, starting when she was 13.

My weight problems spiralled out of control and I would go from one extreme to another, she recalled.

I weighed five stone, and after being admitted into a special unit for teenagers, that helped me get sorted.

After having anorexia, I went the other way and gained more and more weight.

She said: Then, in my 20s, I managed to lose seven stone through dieting.

But I put it back on again, and in my 30s went up to more than 20 stone losing nine stone again through dieting, before putting it all back on.

It would never stay off. Life would get in the way and I would pile the pounds back on. I would be in denial about how big I was getting and my weight just spiralled out of control.

Eating calorie-laden food like pizza, as well as snacking on chocolate and crisps, with scant regard for portion control, did not help.

Amy said: I would eat six biscuits as a mid-morning snack and a family sized bag of kettle chips in the evening after dinner.

I also used to drink a bottle of wine a night.

With a body mass index (BMI) used to gauge a healthy weight of 40.4, compared to the NHS recommended range of between 18.5 and 24.9, Amy was classed as obese.

But as her 30s drew to a close, weighing 19-and-a-half stone and wearing a dress size 24, she was determined not to be fat at 40.

And when her partner spent a month in hospital with a chest infection, it served as a real wake-up call, forcing Amy to look closely at her own health.

As soon as he was discharged, I thought, Im not putting it off anymore. I have to sort myself out. It was a wake-up call for me, she said.

I joined WW and started to reduce my calories using the points-based system. It was about changing my lifestyle. Im an all or nothing person so took it very seriously.

I started to lose weight quite quickly about five or six pounds in the first week, which spurred me on.

She added: I felt in control of something, because I could see the results from the changes Id made.

Within seven or eight months I looked and felt like a different person. It was amazing.

By January this year Id lost 6st 3lb and now weigh 13st 4lb and wear a size 14. Im hoping to get to my goal weight of 10st 7lb by the end of the summer.

As an added incentive, Amy put a pound in a jar for every pound in weight she lost, meaning she could soon treat herself to a brand new wardrobe.

When youre bigger you dress for your size rather than your taste or style, but when youre smaller you dress for yourself, she said.

My confidence has really grown. I can look in the mirror with pride.

I enjoy getting dressed up and going out when, before I lost weight, I would make an excuse not to go out, Amy explained.

Best of all, losing weight has given Amy a marvellous new work opportunity.

She said: Id been caring for my partner full-time, but I think I was also using that as an excuse, because I didnt have the confidence to go out to work.

Amy added: In the New Year, my WW coach asked if Id ever thought about becoming a coach myself, so I did as I really wanted to share my story and encourage others.

I find it really rewarding and I know it makes such a difference when youre being coached by someone who has been through the same thing.

Now Amy sticks to healthy meals, eating porridge for breakfast and chicken or fish for dinner, as well as working out three times a week.

I have an exercise machine at home, she said. I also have a fitness hula hoop and will do home workouts three times a week, as well as taking our Golden Labrador dog Whammo for a walk.

Now I want other people to know that whatever has happened, they can change, too.

Today I have a bounce in my step. Before losing weight, I felt so sluggish, but Ive got loads of energy now.

She said: I dont think you realise how much that extra weight impacts on your life until you lose it.

I used to wear a coat 12 months of the year, just to cover up my body, but not anymore.

I cant wait to wear shorts in the summer even if its just to go in the garden.

See the original post:
How a carer lost six stone and conquered her demons - MyLondon

May 15

Do you have lockdown body? How to lose weight without going on a diet –

According to areport, on average we are enjoying an additional 333 calories a day while confined to our houses.And comfort eating and drinking is to blame.

The survey reveals the average Brit is consuming three alcoholic drinks a day while reaching for 'comfort treats'. The most popular lockdown snack is cheese on toast, for 22 percent of the nation, followed by crisps (21 percent), bacon sandwiches (19 percent), chocolate cake (19 percent) and cheese and crackers (18 percent)

Registered dietitian and founder of Nutrition Rocks, Hala El-Shafie, says she's had a sharp rise in clients reaching out via social media, concerned about their unhealthy eating habits since lockdown began. "Everyone's usual coping mechanisms have been taken away from them and many are turning to food instead.

'They can't see friends and family or socialise in the same way they used to be able to, and they are substituting with alcohol and sugary snacks,'she explains. Indeed, almost half of the nation (48 percent) say the thing they miss most about life before lockdown is being able to see friends and family.

Read this article:
Do you have lockdown body? How to lose weight without going on a diet -

May 15

Weight loss tips: The key food to lose weight and avoid heart disease – Explica

Accessible, known and beneficial for health in almost all its aspects. It is a habitual dry fruit in our pantry and of which many times we do not know its beneficial properties. In fact, the latest studies, which are echoed by the specialized magazine Mens Health, highlight its high protein content, keys to keeping the old enemy of cholesterol at bay and also to avoid gaining weight. We are talking about walnuts, a pure energy dried fruit with basic nutritional properties for our daily lives.

In fact, walnuts (lets talk about 25 grams) can provide more than 90% of the daily needs for omega 3 fatty acids. Experts recommend a daily ration of this dried fruit. They have a large amount of minerals: potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, iron and zinc. In addition to other key substances for the proper functioning of the brain, rich in vitamin B. But, and here comes something very remarkable, according to a recent study from the magazine The New England, walnuts are very important to reduce heart attacks and provide intestinal benefits to the body. Eat around 30 grams a day, more or less from 4 to 7 walnuts, that is the recommendation. Nor should you forget the benefits of walnuts for sports, since the consumption of walnuts improves muscles and the nervous system.

What seems clear is the importance of nuts in any good diet. In addition to walnuts, we cannot forget almonds, a habitual dry fruit that usually accompanies us in our pantry. The specialized publication Mens Health has produced a report with the benefits and properties of this food that becomes essential. In addition, according to a recent study, almonds also serve to keep us younger. On the other hand, the dried fruit has something differential: they are recommended for any age and for any type of diet, vegan or vegetarian. Research from Phytotherapy Research provided significant news regarding the influence of almonds. He did this by bringing together a group of people who agreed to take two handfuls of almonds (60 grams daily) over a period of four months.

At the end of the period, positive changes were observed in the skin, with a decrease in facial wrinkles of up to 10%. Therefore, almonds are not only essential for sports, but also to look better and look younger. For laggards, in addition to other recommendations, here are a series of characteristics of almonds. First of all, a little trick. If the almonds are soaked before being consumed, more nutrients are absorbed by releasing phytic acid.


Read the rest here:
Weight loss tips: The key food to lose weight and avoid heart disease - Explica

May 15

Blue Meanie Reveals Who Got Him Signed By WWF Losing Weight To Be Blue Boy – Fightful

Blue Meanie is commonly associated with his ECW run, but he was also a part of WWF during an instrumental time in the company.

In 1998, Meanie was brought into WWE and placed in the JOB Squad. As it turns out, Meanie told us in a crowded convention room that a man standing about 150 feet from him in Al Snow helped get him signed by WWE.

"I was coming home from an indie show in Pittsburgh and there was a message on my answering machine from Al Snow. And Als like, Hey, are you under contract to ECW? I was like, No. Hes like, Per chance, if theres an opportunity to come be part of WWE, would you I went Yeah! Didnt even let him finish the sentence. So, within like two hours Bruce Prichard called me, got all my information and stuff like that. The rest is history," said Meanie.

Meanie would spend the next year in WWF, working alongside Snow, Goldust, Stevie Richards and others. He re-emerged in ECW as a much leaner version of himself. So lean, in fact, that some doubted that he actually was Blue Meanie!

"When I was with WWE they had asked me to lose weight." Meanie recalled. "So, I went and lost 160 pounds. And I was seeing Headbanger Moshs brother John, whose a nutritionist. Through him I lost 160 pounds in a couple of months. But, I got to the point where they sent me to Memphis and I was trying all these new characters. I was going to try, the big band at the time was Smash Mouth, so I tried to grow the little chin strapped beard, I tried to wear the heat shirts, like movie Swingers and all that. I was trying to be that kind of character, WWE releases me. So, when you go out and do the indies, you try to do the character they remember you with. So, Im going out there and doing the Blue Meanie and people are like, Man, thats not the real Blue Meanie!

The change in appearance was a gift and a curse. While he didn't look like the Meanie of old, it did birth "The Blue Boy," a porn-star seconded former overweight wrestler who now fat shamed random in-shape fellas on the beach. Meanie recalled how it all came about.

"So, I approached Paul [Heyman?], I was like, Hey, I got ideas. Hes like, But, you dont look like yourself. So, I told them my ideas, and he came up with the idea for the Blue Boy. It was an opportunity. I would have love to have been the Meanie, but its just an opportunity. I hadnt worked heel, so I was a heel character and being cocky and stuff like that. Any chance you go back and with your friends, even though it was a short run, they eventually closed, it was cool to get back there with the family," said Meanie.It is hard being a heel. It just makes life easier to be cool. Im nice until people give me a reason not to be. But, to actually turn that on you just start thinking of situations. Like, Somebody just cut me off in traffic, what would I say? Dude, Im a different person behind the wheel of a car, by the way. Thank God theres no cameras in my car. Yeah, it was an adjustment, but it was a lot of fun. The former fat guy fat shaming people," said Meanie.

Another of Meanie's character's included "Da Blue Guy" in the Blue World Order, which was a take-off on the Razor Ramon character. Needless to say, he didn't quite look enough like Scott Hall to get the call to play the fake Razor Ramon, the late Rick Bognar did. But even that started in ECW.

"The funny thing is, he did that in ECW first," said Meanie. "It was amazing. It was [Slice N Dice Ramirez] they called him. I think it was in Allentown. It popped the boys. I guess that was his gateway into WWE. I guess Paul E. was still secretly still working with WWE at the time, so. Nah, amazing. Its pretty cool."

You can see our interview with Blue Meanie above.

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Blue Meanie Reveals Who Got Him Signed By WWF Losing Weight To Be Blue Boy - Fightful

May 15

Anna Wintour staged intervention to help Andre Leon Talley lose weight – Yahoo Style

Anna Wintour once staged an intervention to encourage Andre Leon Talley to lose weight.

The 70-year-old fashion journalist, who served as the editor-at-large at U.S. Vogue magazine from 1998 until 2013, has revealed it was Wintour who prompted him to kick his bad eating habits during his 40s when he realised he had a problem with food.

"I began to realise I had a problem. I had never exercised," he told People magazine, adding that Wintour, the editor-in-chief of U.S. Vogue, had noticed his weight gain and called him into her office.

"You need to start working out," Wintour told him, and he lost weight and could finally "wear my beautiful suits."

However, in 2004, he gained weight again and Wintour responded by staging an intervention in the Vogue conference dining room, where Talley was told to shift the pounds.

While he took a year to agree to their suggestion, he eventually spent several weeks at the Duke University Diet and Fitness Center in North Carolina.

"I emailed Anna every day about my weight loss," he shared. "I had not been successful at dieting. But I did it. I lost 55lbs. But I did not follow the rules."

The fashion journalist would return to the centre twice more, after he gained weight following unsuccessful gastric band surgery, with him confessing, "It's the same with alcohol, I'd often say 'I've fallen off the wagon,' when I'd go back to Duke."

Talley, who is known for wearing opulent kaftans, still struggles with his relationship with food every day.

"I cannot control this addiction... I am obese," he admitted. "I am just a sinner when it comes to food. Yes, it's an addiction. Overeating is an addiction: When you don't realise that the calories that go in have to go out... I am a victim of my food. It is a behavioural problem. I've always associated food with love."

Talley is promoting his memoir, The Chiffon Trenches, which is to be released on 19 May.

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Anna Wintour staged intervention to help Andre Leon Talley lose weight - Yahoo Style

May 15

Do you want to lose weight, then be quarantined? Why is it that on a Keto Diet, it may be the solution for you – the Power – Matzav Review

What is the secret behind the way of Koutney Kardashian, Halle Berry, Adriana Lima or Vanessa Hudgens? Simple: you diet Keto or cetognica. Dont start with the conclusions: this is one of those formulas in the ultra-secret food estranhssimos habits and amazing that it is only the school they follow. Its a lot simpler than that. This is a plan for affordable the only products that you find in the supermarket, the ones that are part of this formula is effective, and that is to lose weight, and it reduces the fat in the body.

But this does not mean that it is a easy thing to do, because we all know how hard it is to go through a process of loss of weight the more we think about what we cant eat it, the more you want to eat, and its a pain in the ass. But, okay, heres the thing that just gets worse all the more so because, with this exclusion, almost all of the carbohydrates, which the body gets messed-up and unsure of where to go and get the energy you need. But he is smart: it goes to the fat that you want to delete them. That is, the body is a fascinating thing.

And how does it work? What is it that you can eat? What are the consequences? These and other questions. We explain to you all about the diet Keto in three key areas, and with the help of a nutritionist, Ana Lucia Silva.

Before we commit ourselves, with great explanations, there are a few facts that nutricionias that you should keep in mind so that you are able to notice the shift of the radical regime Keto causes in the functioning of the body. Basically, there are a group of nutrients, the macronutrients, which are responsible for giving us energy. It is composed of three main actors: the carbohydrates, which is our major source of energy in the immediate on our fuel as we do in all of our activities, so we have everything in our body to work on; then there are the proteins, which are essential for the muscles and cells, and, in the end, the fat, which has the function of storing energy, as well as a sort of storehouse for energy.

In the diet Keto to change the function of the energy of macro nutrients, with the elimination or drastic decrease of nutrients and an increase in the other. This is the kind of diet that basically consists of lowering the consumption of foods that are rich in carbohydrates and increasing the intake of foods that are rich in protein, while maintaining the consumption of a balanced fat, says registered dietitian.

Thus, in this regime, we do not accept the intake of cereals and by-products of cereals, legumes and root vegetables, or with bread, rice, pasta, potatoes, beans, lentils, chick not forgetting, of course, but also cakes, biscuits, soft drinks, fruit juices, chocolates, anything rich in flour and sugar.

On the other hand, its about the macronutrient is predominant, there are various theories. Some advocate that an intake of great fats (saturated and unsaturated), but its Ana Lucia, Silva, gives the preference to the protein, thus restricting the intake of lipids, and to their health. Going to be the key to consume protein. With this choice, the origin of the animal, including meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products, with some degree of caution on the amount of fat, he says. The consumption of fats would be on the sources, the more unsaturated, such as olive oil, vegetable oil, avocado, fish, and tree nuts.

So, but without the calories, as the body has no energy right now? That is a good question. We explain this point below.

Most of the calorie restriction, this diet is restricted in carbohydrates a change that generates a change in the body, is highly efficient in the burning of fat in the body. The name Keto, that serves as an abbreviation for the term cetognica. The diet cetognica is the one that causes the body to enter a process of ketosis, the production of ketone bodies, it is a phenomenon that results from the elimination of this macronutrient and added sugars in the diet plan.

The diet cetognica it works for the carbohydrates, the main source of energy in red blood cells and the cells of the brain, when the amount of available glucose, which is a single unit of a carbohydrate is not available, the body tends to use its fat reserves and, eventually, a few of the muscle tissue, as an alternative way to produce the same glucosesays the nutritionist. The ketone bodies are a by-product that results from the use of fat as an energy source.

As a result, the body to pass to go pick it up the stored fats in the body is the source of the energy that you need to work on. At the bottom, in this case there is an exchange of the main power source is no longer on the carbs and fat in the body, it will begin to decrease, thus resulting in weight loss and reduction of inches.

In the long term, hunger is also decreased, because of the absence of the ingestion of the glucose, makes sure there are ups and downs, drastic blood glucose, which makes us become weak, and the desire to eat. But, in the short term, you can feel the effects of the settling-in period. It is not as easy as it sounds.

This is a change from a fuel to generate some of the effects are unpleasant: fatigue, aches and pains, headache and difficulty in concentrating are some of them.

Because this is the kind of diet that uses a pipe as a source of energy will no longer be the calories and make your fat stores and some muscle tissue as an undesired side-effects may arise from the decreased ability to concentrate, constipation, and an impairment to the physical performances, especially the ones that require more effort, more high, says Ana Lucia Silva.

In addition to this, it is common to get bad breath: The ketone bodies are derived in the appendix, then it may be a alitose [mau hlito]which creates a distinctive odour in the breath of a person.

Ana Lucia Silva is not recommended because this type of diet to those who do, is physical activity, lack of intensity, as well as those who have demands on the intellectual as well.

Whats more, it highlights the need for follow-up work: what I would advise is that you follow these protocols, followed by a nutritionally oriented doctor, because, in spite of these general guidelines, each situation is different and, for this reason, all diets need to be personalized.

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Do you want to lose weight, then be quarantined? Why is it that on a Keto Diet, it may be the solution for you - the Power - Matzav Review

May 15

Get rid of your excess weight with this 5-minute towel exercise – TheHealthSite

Losing weight during lockdown is a strenuous task and you would agree if you are struggling to decide between carefree binge-eating and working out. There are people who prefer to follow rigorous dieting regimes and tough exercising schedule to lose weight. But, if you are not a big fan of high-intensity workouts and dont feel like sweating it out, we have a Japanese method of losing weight just with a towel. Yes, say goodbye to your excuses of not having any weights or gym equipments to begin your fitness routine. Because now, you can shape your waist and also improve your posture using just a towel. Also Read - Stuck at home amidst quarantine? Try these 4 exercises that require very little space

This towel workout came into the picture when a Japanese doctor ToshikiFukutsudzi introduced a very simple method to lose weight and improve body posture. She came up with a solution to combat bad body posture and weak abdominal muscles, which only needs a rolled towel as you lie down on it in a specific manner. The doctor claimed that this method can help in reducing the problems in your pelvic bone and it is also said to reduce extra weight around the waist. Also Read - Not a gym freak? Try these 6 ways to get fitter in just 15 minutes

This may seem one of the easiest ways to lose weight as it just takes about 5 minutes of your time everyday to perform this exercise. Take a look at how to shed those extra kilos with a towel: Also Read - What to eat before hitting the gym? Top 5 pre-workout snack options

This exercise encourages weight loss and also helps to effectively cure your back aches. It strengthens your abdominal muscles. Back pain and the layer of fat around the belly are basically the results of misplaced pelvis. This Japanese towel exercise claims to correct the pelvis placement by placing a towel under your waist which supports your back as you stretch your body. The whole process eventually leads to a smaller waistline. However, if you are planning to perform this workout specifically for your back pain, you must first consult your doctor.

Published : May 15, 2020 10:22 am | Updated:May 15, 2020 11:46 am

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Get rid of your excess weight with this 5-minute towel exercise - TheHealthSite

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