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‘Look at those arms’: Mother-in-law’s outrageous weight comment to new mum – Essential Baby

Photo: Getty Images
For most women, losing weight after having a baby is far from being a priority. Between recovery from birth, sleepless nights, breastfeeding around the clock and utter bone-crushing exhaustion, if the best you can manage is a stroll around the block with bub in the pram, you're in good company.
But if you've ever felt pressure to "bounce back," whether from social media or your own family, you're not alone. For one woman, the pressure came from her mother-in-law and she's not sure she'll ever be able to forgive her.
"This happened right after the birth of my first daughter, 10 years ago," she wrote on Reddit. "Twomonths after the birth I was barely hanging on: my baby had colic, my husband worked every hour of the week, we had just moved and I knew no one in town, breastfeeding was a struggle, and my pre-pregnancy anxiety was manifesting as some seriously complex post-partum feelings."
The mum shared that she was carrying an extra 20lbs (9kg) more than before her pregnancy "and wasn't feeling very good about it."
"My mother-in-lawchose this time to send me a card with a picture of myself in it taken at my wedding, fiveyears before," she wrote. "The text of her message suggested that I put the picture of myself up on the fridge to "inspire" myself to lose weight. "
According to the furious mum, the card read: "Look at those arms, look at that little waist! "I think you'd feel a lot happier about everything if you lost the baby weight."
And that's not the worst of it. The card was also full of " annoying, insulting and frankly unreasonable suggestions" about how she might lose the weight. "But mostly," she continues, "I'll never forget the last line of the card. It said: If all else fails, justremember: nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.
"So basically, don't eat so that you can be skinny again, sevenweeks after the baby is born."
As you can imagine, Redditors were outraged.
"What a stupid thing to say ... Especially when you were breastfeeding!" one commenter said. "Like yeah, a starving baby and starving mumma is such a good idea because you want me to be skinny MIL!! Yikes I hope she pulled her head in over the last decade."
"My youngest was 18 months before I even thought about losing weight,' said another. "I may have been on the late side of things, but breastfeeding made me constantly ravenous!"
"To insult your body after its achieved THE most amazing thing in the world is so shallow, petty and malicious," added one mum."To go so far as to send a card with points is infuriating. No wonder it's still on your mind all these years later."
'Look at those arms': Mother-in-law's outrageous weight comment to new mum - Essential Baby
Adele’s birthday photo: Is celebrating weight loss fat-phobic? – Insider – INSIDER

Adele caused a stir on social media on Wednesday after posting photos of her 32nd birthday celebration in isolation and thanking first responders and essential workers for their service during the pandemic.
Fans and fellow celebrities complimented her "glow up" in the photo, in which she looks particularly slender.
The British singer-songwriter has apparently been losing weight since her divorce in September and has previously credited a special diet and a lot of Pilates. There was a buzz about photos of the singer looking slender after Drake's birthday party in October, then at a Christmas party, and then again on a beach in January.
Many have said the singer looks "gorgeous" and "unrecognizable," by way of a compliment.
But the latest photo has also sparked discussions about what it means to celebrate a person's weight loss. People have voiced concerns about whether it's appropriate to comment at all, and whether there's a healthy way to do so.
An expert told Insider that all the answers depend on context.
People on social media were quick to create memes about Adele's photo, but some also expressed concerns that the emphasis on weight loss could be unhealthy and harmful to people.
Roisin Ingle, a writer, pointed out that weight loss isn't an indicator of worth and said Adele should be celebrated for her talents.
Sherronda Brown has written that complimenting weight loss can be problematic in part because it assumes thinner bodies are more valuable, but also because it can put commentators' own insecurities on the person they're ostensibly celebrating.
"My body is not better now than it was six months ago just because it happens to take up less space, and I need people to stop trying to make me carry the weight of their own fat hatred," Brown wrote for Wear Your Voice magazine in March.
In response to previous posts about Adele's body, Audra Williams, a writer in Toronto, tweeted that weight loss could be a sign of serious physical or mental-health issues and that complimenting it out of context it could send a dangerous message that how you look is more important than whether you are healthy.
Studies have indeed found that while weight can be a component of health, factors like blood pressure, insulin resistance, and cholesterol levels are more important.
Fat-shaming could also contribute to greater health risks rather than motivate people to lose weight. And people with poorer body image can face a higher risk of heart disease and diabetes regardless of their body-mass index, or their height-to-weight ratio.
Pursuing weight loss no matter the health costs can also increase the risk of dangerous eating disorders and worsen health. And during a global pandemic, people can be particularly vulnerable to disordered eating.
Weight loss can also weaken your immune system, so right now even more caution than usual is important when considering or discussing weight loss.
Since weight loss is complex, discussions about it should be too, said Kelly Coffey, a certified personal trainer and health coach.
"To make a blanket statement that commenting on someone's weight is horrible is shortsighted," Coffey previously told Insider.
Coffey said that for people who have made an effort to lose weight or become fit, compliments can be an important source of validation and support, particularly when they come from people they care about.
"It can be incredibly validating and invigorating to have someone that you love notice and celebrate it if you've been trying to lose weight," she said.
But where comments can be problematic is if you know someone has a history of disordered eating or health problems, mental or physical, related to food, Coffey added.
And as Brown wrote, some people may prefer to be left alone entirely, particularly by those they don't know well. In that case, comments about their body in any way are likely better left unsaid.
If the person is someone you're close to and you aren't sure how your compliment will be received, the best approach is to ask the person directly what they're proud of and how they'd like to be supported, Coffey said.
"Ask them what they doing, how they're feeling, and then celebrate whatever thing they express pride in," she said. "Let them tell you what they want you to be excited about for them."
That might include weight loss, but it could also involve things like feeling more energetic or being stronger.
See the article here:
Adele's birthday photo: Is celebrating weight loss fat-phobic? - Insider - INSIDER
8 Walking for Weight Loss Tips – How to Lose Weight By Walking –

Over the past few years, walking and staying active have honestly become trendy. Hitting a certain number of steps for the day and corporate walking challenges have helped to improve daily physical activity. In fact, the US Department of Health and Human Services advises that adults should move more and sit less throughout the day, and they urge that some physical activity is better than none. If you are trying to manage your weight, walking can be a useful weight management tool. Here's everything you need to know about walking for weight loss, including our tips and tricks for maximizing your stride.
Research continues to show that overall regular exercise is beneficial for your health, but walking itself has several benefits which include:
Curious to see how many calories you burned on your walk? Carrying your phone with you and connecting to one of the apps below can give you an idea, but certain walking calorie calculators are available on the web to provide an estimate as well. Your calorie burn will vary greatly depending on several factors, including your weight, distance walked, incline, and terrain.
If you're going for a walk by yourself, you'll want to make sure you keep entertained and have something to look forward to. Here are a few of our favorite walking apps and audiobooks to get the most out of your walking time.
8 Walking for Weight Loss Tips - How to Lose Weight By Walking -
Simon Cowell weight loss how did the BGT judge lose weight? – The Sun

SIMON Cowell has lost a staggering four inches off his waist following his health kick.
The X Factor boss, 60, revealed his incredible weight loss transformation during a holiday to Barbados in 2019.
Simon has lost 20lb after embarking on a health and fitness regime.
He used to binge on sausage rolls, hamburgers and his favourite jam tarts made by his personal chefs.
But since ditching his unhealthy lifestyle he reveals he has managed to trim down by four inches on his waist.
Speaking exclusively to The Sun, Simon said: The most dramatic period was the first month where most of the weight comes off and you look at yourself and think wow.
I used to be 36 inch waist and now Ive lost four inches. Im really happy now."
Simon achieved his weight loss by reducing his meat intake and cutting out all sugar.
He overhauled his diet after suffering a fall on his stairs inside his London home October 2017.
The mogul blamed his injuries on his unhealthy lifestyle where he lived like a vampirestaying awake till 8am every morning.
On his new diet, he explains: All I do is avoid just red meat - white meat is fine - and I eat loads of vegetables, salads and drink this great beer.
If youre on a diet you have to keep the food sensible, but its got to be interesting and tasty, then the diets surprisingly easy.
Im on a diet but it doesnt feel like it now because the food I eat is really healthy and I dont find it tedious. If its boring you wont stick to it.
He admits hes astonished by how good he looks, especially as hes still been able to drink his favourite alcoholic beverage - Corona Premium Light.
You can drink this light beer but youve got to be sensible about quantities. I have loads more energy and feel great," he said.
In previous interviews, Simon has hinted that he was following a vegan diet.
He told Dan Wootton in April 2019 that he had cut out meat, dairy, wheat, sugar and was planning to ditch fish too.
Simon said at the time: A friend of mine, who is a doctor, recommended speaking to an expert, and I did it on a whim.
I was allergic to melon, so I didnt eat it for six months, but I saw this man and he explained it and it made sense.
Within 24 hours I changed my diet and Ive not looked back since. You feel better, you look better.
I cut out a lot of the stuff I shouldnt have been eating and that was primarily meat, dairy, wheat, sugar those were the four main things.
He added: "I can eat fish but this year I will go the whole way.
However in an interview with The Sun in January 2020, he admitted he still eats white meat such as chicken and turkey.
He said: All I do is avoid just red meat - white meat is fine - and I eat loads of vegetables, salads and drink this great beer."
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Simon admitted he was a pretty traditional eater - favouring comfort foods like jam tarts, hamburgers and spaghetti Bolognese.
But it turns out overhauling his diet wasn't as s hard as he first predicted.
He said: It was way easier than you may think. Like, I used to have yoghurt in the morning and I changed it to almond-milk yoghurts. I have almond milk in my tea.
I can eat certain fruits but not all fruits. You have to be careful because some fruit can have more sugar than a can of Coke.
Once you get into a pattern Ive found it quite enjoyable. It has helped me sleep and I wake up feeling less tired.
"I noticed a massive difference in how I felt in about a week. I have more energy and focus and it wasnt difficult.
"I dont like to use the word diet because thats the reason I never went on a diet before the word diet makes me miserable.
See original here:
Simon Cowell weight loss how did the BGT judge lose weight? - The Sun
Here’s why you probably won’t gain the ‘Quarantine 15’ – Minneapolis Star Tribune

Just days into the stay-at-home order, the flood of jokey posts and memes began.
Featuring characters from Baby Yoda to a less-slender Ariel the mermaid, many speculated that this time of snacks, stress and stretchy clothes would cause us to gain the Quarantine 15.
While some of the posts simply celebrated the comforting power of carbs, others were fat-phobic, a trigger for those with eating disorders. All of them, however, reflected a surge of collective anxiety and out-of-control feelings about gaining weight during the pandemic worries that, at least so far, seem misplaced.
Despite the very real changes to our routines and diets that the pandemic has caused, we seem to be holding steady.
Data from hundreds of thousands of internet-connected scales found that the average American user gained less than a quarter-pound between March 22 and April 18, according to a study by the connected-device company Withings.
An April survey of about 1,000 Americans by the communications company Hunter found that a majority say they are maintaining their weight, in part because they are cooking at home and eating together as a family more often.
Of course, home cooking isnt a panacea. On its own, it isnt necessarily healthier. Popping a frozen pizza in the oven counts as a home-cooked meal.
In addition, the pandemic and subsequent lockdown have hit households unevenly. Those who have been furloughed or laid off may be struggling to afford to put food on the table, while others may have more time to cook the plentiful groceries they get delivered to their door.
And we are indeed eating between meals more often. According to the Hunter survey, 46% of respondents said they were snacking more. That number climbed to 50% among households with kids.
Still, cooking and eating at home may prove to be beneficial to our health.
Eating out is generally associated with increased calorie intake, said Dr. Donald Hensrud, director of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program. When were not making the food, we dont know exactly what goes in it.
In addition, many restaurants focus on quantity, he said. When people go out to eat, they may be less inhibited when presented with a supersized meal.
In comfort and health
In response to the coronavirus, many people are grocery shopping less frequently, which means what were buying has shifted toward more shelf-stable foods and frozen, canned or dried fruits and vegetables.
While we tend to think of these foods as less healthy than fresh, they may not be. The taste may be different, but fresh doesnt always mean more nutritious, Hensrud said.
Frozen vegetables are often, from a nutritional standpoint, healthier than fresh, especially if fresh vegetables sit on the shelf for longer, he said, because frozen veggies are preserved as soon as they are picked, holding onto their nutrients.
Canned beans, dried beans, frozen fish, whole grains, all those things have a long shelf life and are relatively healthy, said Hensrud.
Thats why Hensrud said there might be a silver lining in staying at home.
If you have more time to cook and you are around family, you can turn this into a positive experience, he said.
We dont know the impact dietary changes during the pandemic will have on our health, but Hensrud said past research shows that major events can cause dramatic health shifts.
During World War II, in some countries, there was a marked decrease in heart attacks, he said, likely because people ate less fat and smoked less.
For the duration of this pandemic, Hensrud suggests creating your own at-home food schedule to avoid what he calls mindless eating.
Other experts suggest simply trying for a natural balance.
Christy Harrison, a registered dietitian who calls herself anti-diet and hosts the Food Psych podcast, sees all pressure around weight or body size as harmful.
Instead of dieting or restricting certain foods, she suggests trying to take the guilt and shame out of eating in general, to create what she calls a peaceful, balanced relationship with food.
That can include comfort foods, she said.
I think the fact that were in a sort of disrupted routine, where a lot of us are eating more processed foods and shelf-stable foods and things that diet culture tends to demonize brings up a lot of anxiety, she said.
But if there ever was a time to let go of the pressure to lose weight, its now, Harrison said.
This is a time of unprecedented stress for most of us, and you know, its really adding to our stress and anxiety to be worrying about food and our bodies, she said. Its just not necessary.
Here is the original post:
Here's why you probably won't gain the 'Quarantine 15' - Minneapolis Star Tribune
what science tells us about losing weight without diet and walking – Explica

When it comes to losing weight, it is not only our appearance and slim down, too our health: overweight and obesity are risk factors for many serious diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and cancer, among others.
So there are many of us who strive to find a affordable method, easy to incorporate into our day to day and effective to remove some kilos of body fat.
Could walking be that method? Is it possible to lose weight by incorporating a simple activity like walking and without the need for a diet? The answer is somewhat more complex than a yes or no. Walking is actually one of the best ways to incorporate exercise into your daily life, but on its own, it is unlikely to help you lose weight.
Lets start by explaining that to lose weight, it is necessary your body burning more calories than it consumes. Calories are the energy that the body needs to carry out all its functions, which allow you to move, breathe and think.
However, each person uses a different amount of calories. The total depends on your age, sex, genetics and your daily level of physical activity.
In our current, mostly sedentary lifestyle, incorporate physical activity into our customs it is in many cases a conscious effort. Walking more can help you get there,
Depending on your weight, sex and age, walk at a leisurely pace 1.5 kilometers burns about a 100 calories. Study found that people not used to exercise walking about 5 kilometers an hour (a light pace), they burn about 270 calories at the hour.
To increase the calories burned, it is worth accelerating the pace or walking in areas with slopes.
Store a lot body fat around the waist It is related to an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. In fact, a waist circumference greater than 102 centimeters in men and 88 centimeters in women is called abdominal obesity.
One of the most effective ways to reduce abdominal fat is to do it regularly. aerobic exercise, such as walking. In a small study it was observed that obese women who walked 50 to 70 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks reduced their waist on average by about 2.8 centimeters and lost 1.5% of their body fat.
Another study found that people on a calorie-controlled diet who walked one hour five times a week for 12 weeks lost 3.7 inches of waist and 1.3% more body fat than people who only followed the diet to lose weight. .
Many people who lose weight later have trouble maintaining the new weight. To get it, exercise regularly It is crucial, something that can be achieved precisely by walking: walking not only increases daily activity, but also helps to build more muscle, which in turn helps burn more calories even while resting.
According to some studies, to maintain a stable weight the most recommended is walk about 150 minutes a week. However, if you have lost a lot of weight, you may need something else, about 200 minutes a week to avoid regaining it.
If you want to incorporate this activity into your daily life to lose weight, think that going for a walk with your dog around the block is fine if your previous level of activity was nil (a little is always better than nothing), but that is not enough and that you will have to increase the time and intensity of the walk if you really want to notice its effects.
The ideal way to lose weight is to walk like minimum about 150 minutes a week, in total 2 and a half hours. He tries to walk almost every day, and dont skip more than one in a row. If you want to lose weight, being consistent in your new habits is the most important thing. Again, ideally, each session will last at least about 30 minutes.
The reason is that during the first 20-30 minutes of exercise, your body uses the sugars in the blood as fuel, and it is from that moment when turns to body fat to continue maintaining your activity level.
As for the rhythm, try to find a speed that will keep you between 60 and 70% of your maximum heart rate. Normally that means walking at a light pace, between 5 and 6 kilometers per hour (between 3,000 and 4,500 steps every 30 minutes), but it can vary according to your usual level of physical activity.
We are sorry to tell you that, in all probability, no. While exercising and staying active is essential for staying healthy and a great help when it comes to losing weight, food is the protagonist and the most effective way to achieve it.
As we have already said, losing weight depends on balance between the calories you eat and those you burn: the former must be less than the latter. It is what we call a caloric deficit, and it is the only true secret to burning body fat.
This means that neither walking, running nor any type of physical activity will help you lose weight if your diet does not take into account caloric intake and places it below your daily calorie needs. This deficit does not need to be very pronounced: it must be large enough so that its effects are noticeable, albeit gradually, but not so much that you starve or your body cannot function.
In short: walking is an affordable and convenient form of exercise It can help you both lose weight and keep it off later. To achieve this, practice it about 150 minutes a week at a good pace, and try not to skip more than one day in a row. Of course, if you want to lose weight, it is mandatory you will also have to take into account your diet.
Images | UnsplashAt Xataka Science | With these miracle diets you will lose weight, but in exchange for losing weight there are a lot of additional effects on your body
See the original post:
what science tells us about losing weight without diet and walking - Explica
How To Interpret Genetic Predisposition For Weight Gain From DNA Kits – Women’s Health

Adriana Romero-Olivares signed up for 23andMe about seven years ago because she was curious about her ancestry. But the DNA testing company sends updated reports to its customers as it develops them, so in 2018, Adriana received an email notifying her that she had a new report available: a Genetic Weight report. She clicked, and it told her, Adriana, your genes predispose you to weigh about 9 percent more than average.
Learning that info was a strange pill for her to swallow. Ive struggled with my weight my entire life, says Adriana, 35. When I got the results, I felt validated, but then at the same time, I felt upset, because I struggle to accept the fact that I just can't be thin.
Over the past few years, DNA testing companies have started churning out reports like that one that specifically tell someone their likelihood of becoming overweight or obese. The thing is, getting bold text in your inbox that says you have a higher propensity to gain weight than the other people in your HIIT class can feel like a bit of a bomb, as Adriana points out.
So how reliable are these reportsand can they actually aid your efforts if you're trying to lose weight? Heres what experts have to say.
Just from pure observation, you can tell that theres a genetic component because you can look at families and see that weight gain runs in families, says Rachel Mills, a certified genetic counselor and assistant professor in the University of North Carolina-Greensboro Genetic Counseling Program. Beyond that, it gets more complicated.
Researchers dont have a firm answer in terms of to what degree being medically overweight or obese is influenced by genetics, compared to lifestyle and environmental factors. They've estimated that anywhere from 40 to 70 percent of person-to-person variability in body mass index (BMI) is due to genetic factors. (Obvious alert: Thats a wide range.)
And while researchers have already discovered hundreds of genetic variants associated with BMI, weve only got a partial picture of the genetic component so far, says Struan F.A. Grant, PhD, director of the Center for Spatial and Functional Genomics at Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia. Grant notes that BMI is a very polygenic trait, which means there are many, many genetic factors contributing to the trait, he explains. Each genetic variant could have a somewhat different effect on BMI, toothats something experts are still figuring out.
Just because a genetic report says that you are less likely to lose weight, that is not an absolute. Rachel Mills, genetic counselor
So what does it mean if a person has several genetic variants associated with obesity? Once we have a more complete picture of how genes drive obesity risk, we could eventually be able to get data (say, from our doctor) that helps guide how we approach weight management on a personal level, Grant says. But right now, all we definitely know is that certain genetic variants are more common in obese people compared to non-obese people.
23andMes Genetic Weight reports even explain right under your results that your predisposition doesnt mean you definitely will weigh more or less than average. 23andMe senior product scientist Alisa Lehman says that, in 23andMes model, the genetic component [accounts for] less than 10 percent of what the total difference in weight between any two people is. The company does extensive user testing before releasing reports that delve into new areas, she says. And, in this case, they wanted to make sure that customers have an understanding that genes are only one factor in weight management.
How businesses gather weight predisposition info varies company to company. For example, health-focused DNA testing and supplement company Vitagene and weight-loss platform Lose It! use results from other institutions research papers to internally calculate a persons risk of becoming overweight. (Lose It! also asks you to input your AncestryDNA or 23andMe raw DNA filesthe company doesnt do its own DNA testing.)
But 23andMe, arguably the most well-known service, uses its own data to come up with a persons weight predisposition. We have a research program that allows people to answer questions and then, from that, if they opt in, we can use their data to make new genetic discoveries, Lehman explains.
23andMe researchers released the Genetic Weight report in March 2017. They created it by looking at data from more than 600,000 research participants, including their DNA and self-reported height and weight. (Check out a sample report here.)
23andMe researchers found 381 variants associated with BMI, and used that info to create a modeling process that weighs certain variants more strongly than others and considers age, sex, and ancestry to determine the result they send to a consumer. "So when people provide us their saliva sample and we gather their DNA, we can look at those 381 places and say, 'Hey, okay, you have some variants that increase your predisposition and some variants that decrease your predisposition, and the magnitude of each of those variants differ a little bit,'" explains Lehman. "But we add up the effect of all of that to get a sense of whether your predisposition is to [weigh] a little bit more or a little bit less than average."
Depending on your ethnicity, there might also be another caveat. The largest population that 23andMe has data for is people of European descent, so researchers were only able to look at genetic and BMI data from people of European descent to identify the weight-related genetic variants and their effects. Then they looked at how well that model worked for people of other ethnicities, tweaking the model as necessary. Therefore, people who have Latino, African American, East Asian, and South Asian ancestry can get results that are somewhat customized to their ancestry, while people of mixed ancestry or other ancestries default to European. (This Eurocentric bias comes up in a *lot* of research that scans peoples genomes for genetic variants associated with a disease or trait, not just in relation to BMI.)
It doesnt appear that any companies that provide weight-related DNA results have conducted any formal research on how the info impacts peoples weight-loss efforts. Lehman says 23andMe has looked a little bit into whether the information in the Genetic Weight report has actually helped consumers with weight loss or management, but that they havent come up with anything "publication-worthy," adding that its challenging to untangle this report from other info the company provides on nutrition and exercise.
23andMe also hasnt taken a fresh look at their Genetic Weight report model since releasing it, but it plans to. We do periodically review all of the reports that we have, and Genetic Weight is coming up for that periodic review, so we will soon review it and see if any updates are warranted, Lehman says.
23andMes Health + Ancestry Service
This product includes a Genetic Weight report that tells you how much more or less than average your genes predispose you to weigh. It also explains that your predisposition doesnt mean you definitely will weigh more or less than average. Keep in mind that your lifestyle and environment have a big impact on your weight, the report reads.
HomeDNA Healthy Weight
This report tells you your general weight loss ability with diet and exercise. On a page explaining those results, the report reads: "Remember that these results only indicate your potential based on genetic factors, but many other factors also affect the outcome."
Lose It! Premium
Once you upload your AncestryDNA or 23andMe raw DNA file, this platform will tell you whether or not you have a genetic risk of being overweight or obese. In a disclaimer, the report says, These genetic variants are not perfectly predictive. You may have a high genetic score and a low BMI, or a low genetic score and a high BMI. These results may be more accurate for people of certain ethnic backgrounds.
Vitagenes Health + Ancestry DNA Tests and Reports
Customers can learn whether their genetics may make them more or less likely to become overweight with this kit. The info includes this caveat: However, your genetics alone dont define your body weight. Making healthy lifestyle choices may help keep you from becoming overweight. (Customers also have the option to upload their own raw DNA results for $29.)
Of course, some people might just like or even be motivated by having more information about themselves, and thats totally fair. But heres an interesting twist: A recent study out of Stanford University found that just knowing your genetic risk for obesity can impact the way you respond to food.
In one of two experiments, participants ate a meal and then, on a different day, ate another after hearing that they did or didn't have a high-risk genetic variant associated with obesity and lower satiety. Heres the catch: Researchers chose randomly whether participants would be told they had the genetic variant. (The researchers fully debriefed the participants about their actual genetic risk only about an hour later, while they were still under clinical supervision.)
We saw that the information we gave to people was like a self-fulfilling prophecy, says Brad Turnwald, PhD, a postdoctoral research fellow in the department of psychology at Stanford University and lead author of the study. When researchers told people they didnt have an increased risk, they reported feeling full faster and even produced more of a fullness hormone. Overall, what we saw was that what people thought had as much of an impact, and in some cases a greater impact, than what peoples actual gene sequence was, Turnwald says.
The takeaway, says Turnwald, is that we need to better understand the psychological impact of these kinds of DNA test products. We're definitely not trying to say that genes don't matter at all. There are some diseases for which they really are predictive, he says. But for the majority of things like weight loss and how hungry we are and how well we exercisethings for which people are looking for explanations that they just weren't made to run or they just don't feel full based on their genesthe story is not going to be that simple.
Mills doesnt believe that its possible for any sort of calculation to exist at the moment that can accurately analyze a persons propensity to gain weight. If someone told her they were interested in one of these reports, she would ask them to think seriously about how you would use that information, Mills says.
I know, for me personally, I would see a report [that says I cant lose weight as well through diet and exercise] and maybe throw up my hands and be like, Well, Im just going to go to McDonalds because it doesn't matterno diet and exercise is ever going to help me lose weight, so why do I need to even try she continues. And that can have a really detrimental effect.
If someone has already received genetic weight report results and asked her how to interpret themor wants to know how damning they actually are, so to speakMills would emphasize this: Genetics is just one piece of the big picture, she says. Just because this genetic report says that you are less likely to lose weight, that is not an absolute.
Adriana is Mexican, and shes also a scientist, so she knows that she should take her reported propensity to be overweight with a grain of salt. She says her Genetic Weight report is one piece of information, an indicator that I tend maybe to gain weight or that my metabolism is not as fast as the average persons, she says. But shes not going to make major lifestyle changes based on it.
Over time, though, the report has had a positive effect on Adrianas mindset: The way that I think about it now is, if Im predisposed to weigh a little bit more than the average person, then I might as well just exercise and have a balanced diet for the sake of health and not necessarily for the sake of losing weight, which, for a very long time, was the main focus for me.
Read more:
How To Interpret Genetic Predisposition For Weight Gain From DNA Kits - Women's Health
How to lose weight the average 4 kilos that are raised during quarantine – Explica

Confinement days come with some consequences for our body weight and mood. With a change of habits and perseverance you can resume with vitality and energy your activities
The days of confinement derived from the coronavirus pandemic have caused different havoc on our lifestyle, between the main effects are the consequences derived from sedentary lifestyle; which is reflected in a weight gain. Throughout the quarantine we have been in contact with all kinds of content that invite us to feed ourselves in a healthier way and even with various programs to carry out various physical activities from home; however in many cases people feel without energy, mood changes and its quite normal that lets have more anxiety to eat.
The good news is that thanks to the work of nutrition specialists it is possible to drink some measures that will help us gradually return to our ideal weight and in due course resume our activities with better energy. Based on the information that provide the experts It is a fact that most people will gain weight upon completion of confinement, it is also important to understand that each organism has a different metabolism; However is estimated as a general measure a weight gain of 3 to 5 kg.
Taking into account this possible weight gain which on many occasions is given by the simple change of routine and the decrease in energy burningThere are some tips created by professionals that can help us along the way.
It is essential to resume physical activity or at least movement, there are many cases of people who they have passed the entire confinement without doing sport. The ideal is try to mix aerobic exercise with strengthit starts gradually with patience and above all be constant. A good tip is propose to do 15-30 minutes of physical activity a day, when the confinement ends you will feel with much more energy for resume your daily activities.
It would be absurd not to talk about the fundamental thing that is the type of diet that we follow, if during the first days of confinement you have neglected this topic a bit Do not blame yourself and begins to make different decisions. Here some basic principles:
Considerably increases the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Always try to integrate a portion into main meals and as a snack.Eat lean, plant-based proteinThey are the best ally to have good energy and to recover muscle mass.Limit alcohol consumptionl, its consumption tends to depress the nervous system and affects mood and sleep.Forget about ultra-processed foods, Create your daily menus based on fresh foods, rich in vitamins, minerals and lots of fiber.Substitute soft drinks and all kinds of sugary drinks for the consumption of fresh and natural waters, consume medicinal infusions. Hydration is vitally important and will help you go cleaning the organism.
It is important go back to healthy habits that give us wellr, among the most basic are the following:
Try to set clear meal times and plan your menus well.Always have available healthy snacks, provide energy and are a great ally for improve physical and mental performance. Dont dine too lateA good recommendation is to have dinner at 8:00 pm in such a way that there will be a good range of time until breakfast. At the same time you can do good digestion and feel lighter. When its time to rest avoid cell phone use, try to drink a light infusion, try to read something interesting, do a little meditation or yoga. This will help rest better.
They will always be those of natural origin that stand out for their high content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, proteins of high biological value and lots of fiber.
Whole grain cereals As the brown rice, whole wheat pasta, oats and quinoa.Lean proteins like white fish, birds and eggs. Food they provide healthy fats as is the case with avocados, seeds, nuts and extra virgin olive oil. Products rich in probiotics as is the case of plain or Greek yogurt. Fruits with diuretic properties among which stands out pineapple, papaya, citrus, strawberries and kiwi.Vegetables galore, integrates those that stand out for its antioxidant value and anti-inflammatory action such as green leaves, celery, cucumber, beets, carrots, artichokes, and squash.
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How to lose weight the average 4 kilos that are raised during quarantine - Explica
Weight Loss: Drink THIS Jeera, Dhania and Saunf concoction and lose extra kilos – PINKVILLA

Want to know a simple way to shed a stone or two? Read on to know more about this drink.
Weight loss is one of the common concerns of many. And now, amid lockdown, many are gaining weight more instead of losing due to constant munching and lack of physical activity. If you too are unable to lose weight or hit a weight loss plateau then drinking a CCF (Cumin, Coriander, Fennel) Tea aka concoction may help to rev up metabolism and can help to lose some stones as you quarantine. Speaking Cumin which is commonly known as Jeera, has several health benefits for us. It helps to boost our metabolism and helps to secrete enzymes that promote good digestion. And these factors lead to weight loss.
A study was conducted over 80 obese women. They were divided into two groups i.e. cumin group and diet control group. The cumin group were asked to consume jeera on a daily basis and the other group was asked to follow a specific diet. In the end, they found that cumin group lost significant weight in comparison to the other group. Now talking about coriander aka Dhania, it is packed with many minerals and vitamins and keeps excess water weight at bay. One of the reasons for weight gain is water weight aka water retention.
Last but not the least, fennel aka Saunf has a cooling effect on the body and aids digestion and better metabolism. The seeds are also a rich source of fibre and the same helps us to stay fuller for longer and prevents us from cravings and overeating. It also reduces fat storage as our vitamin and mineral absorption gets better with its consumption. Being a mild diuretic, all the toxins from the GI tract gets eliminated and the same contribute to weight loss. Did you know oxidative stress in our body can lead to obesity? And the antioxidants such as phosphorus, selenium, zinc, beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin and others fight with the free radicals that lead to oxidative stress.
How to prepare Cumin, Coriander, Fennel aka CCF tea:
1. Boil three cups of water.2. Turn off the flame and then add half teaspoon of these spices.3. Let it steep for 5-10 minutes and then you can store in a thermos.4. You can dry roast before adding or ground the powders.5. You can also add raw honey and lime juice to the concoction.
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Weight Loss: Drink THIS Jeera, Dhania and Saunf concoction and lose extra kilos - PINKVILLA
RECAP: Jax Taylor Abused Adderall To Lose Weight On ‘Vanderpump Rules’ – All About The Tea

Posted on May 6, 2020 at 9:19 am
Welcome back to another pasta-fueled episode of Vanderpump Rules. Lets dive in!
This weeks episode opens with Danica Dowtelling Ariana Madix that they might have to move a few tickets over to the bar area because Jax Taylor is going to be an hour late to his shift. I have no idea how he gets away with half the shit he gets away with, Danica sneers. Okay, but youre the manager Danica. Shouldnt you know? Or did you forget thats the role your playing to make yourself relevant this season?
Meanwhile, Brett Caprioni is walking around looking like a standard poodle after a long, luxurious day of getting #vanderpuffed at Vanderpump Dogs pet salon. When asked about his newfound curly locks he makes it very clear he did not get a perm. When I just kind of like do nothing and let it chill this is what comes out of it, he says. Suuurree Curly Sue. So effortlessly cool you are.
Scheana Shay and Dayna Kathan have yet another run in when Scheana casually mentions to Dayna that she and Brett just got back from Palm Springs. According to Scheana, they were there to film a music video for Good As GoldOne More Time. A song about-you guessed it- banging it out one last time with your ex. Scheana all too eagerly admits to being topless in a scene or two while showing off the raw footage- no pun intended. As one can expect Daynas not thrilled. I literally dont know what to say about it. Like, Im so uncomfortable, she admits after watching snippets of the footage. Well, that makes two of us
Bravo half-heartedly attempts to set the premise for the rest of the episode when Tom Sandoval and Jax meet at a sneaker cleaning business to have all of their sneakers cleaned. Think dry cleaners but for shoes only. Hey, theres an idea! Dorinda Medley, if youre reading this I have an idea for a new service John can include at Madame Paulette! But I digress
Jax Taylor makes it very clear that hes annoyed from the get-go to be visiting a shoe cleaning biz, let alone filming a scene with his number one frenemy, Sandoval. Only in LA is there a shoe/sneaker cleaning place, he complains.
After his card is declined Jax promptly switches gears and sets his pasta-fueled rage sights on Sandoval and Arianas relationship. I dont know what goes on behind closed doors at your house. Right? I mean youre fine? Youre happy?
Tom Sandoval is adamant that he and Ariana are fine. The best theyve ever been, actually. But Jax isnt backing down. When Jax asks Sandoval if they ever get into arguments and resort to namecalling he cant help but add, I thought she was being a b**** many, many times.
Tom Sandoval seems to have had enough of Jaxs interrogation when, in a nutshell, he tells Jax that he needs to learn how to keep his trap shut. Sometimes its good to take a second, not get too responsive, Tom advises Jax.
Cut to Stassi Schroederand Brittany Cartwright meeting for a puppy play date at the dog park. Brittany congratulates Stassi again and the two discuss how Stassi is, in fact, morphing into a Demon Bride right before their very eyes. Stassi Schroeder casually mentions that Jax was unhappy with some of the comments on her social media following Beaus proposal. According to Stassi someone congratulated her and said they were never more excited for a couple to get married and Jax replied with Really? That hurts.
Poor Brittany is left to apologize for her husbands antics, chalking it up to Jax just being an attention whore. And there ya have it, ladies & gents. The real reason for Jax going off the rails is because hes no longer the center of attention. Id like to say Im surprised buuutttt this is the number one guy in the group were talking about.
Jax finally shows up for his shift at work but its obvious that he doesnt want to be bothered when Scheana scurries over chomping at the bit to show Jax footage from her new sex tape music video with Brett.
Jax Taylor then unleashes into some long-winded tirade about how he always gets yelled at for being a liar but no one else is being honest either. High on the list of people that Jax thinks needs to start being more honest:Sandoval, Arianaand KristenDoute.
Scheana seems genuinely confused about Jaxs angry outburst when she tries to change the subject to the beach clean-up day that Max Boyens has orchestrated. Unfortunately, thats also a sore subject for Mr. Taylor. It turns out that Jax is also annoyed that Max would have the audacity to plan a beach clean-up day so far from his own home in Valley Village. THE NERVE.
On the day of said beach clean-up, everyone arrives and Krazy Kristen runs over and gives Stassi a long, awkward embrace while whispering congratulations in Stassis ear. She then scurries away just as fast to the opposite side of the group probably afraid that the Demon Bride might attempt to feed her to the sharks.
The clean-up is officially underway when it becomes all too clear that maybe this wasnt the brightest idea seeing that the beach is actually already pretty clean. Max has brought us to do a beach clean-up at literally the cleanest beach Ive ever been to. This beach is actually cleaner than my house, Katie Maloney Schwartz says. Why am I not surprised? Cue the montage of Katie sitting around the house literally doing anything BUT cleaning her own home.
While on the beach, Brett confides in Lala Kent and Dayna saying that he thinks its finally time to set some boundaries with ol Sheshu. He explains that he may have bitten off more than he could chew when he agreed to star in her music video. He goes on to say, I felt a little violated at some points-like when she was biting and licking my f****** ear wax out of my ear. OOF.
Meanwhile, Jax appears to have taken a page right out of Tequila Katies book while firing off round after round of rage texts to Max. To make a long story short, Jax essentially calls Max a little girl and then disinvites him to his pool party. Has Jax forgotten that quite literally everyone in the Valley has a pool in their backyard or?
Later that evening Sandoval and Ariana host a dinner party and B-squad members Dayna and Max have a highly produced conversation in which Max admits he still has feelings for Dayna and feels some type of way that she and Brett are now hanging out but not enough that he actually cares to do anything about it. Hmm. Cool talk.
The next day Kristen is caught up in all of her glory playing entrepreneur while slinging graphic tees that she made at home with her Cricut. Think phrases like Live, Laugh, Love, and Tacos + Tequila. Scute.
Jax strolls in and at first, it appears that hes ready to make amends for his piss poor attitude. He apologizes to both Max and Sandoval for hastily disinviting them to his pool party that they probably dont want to come to anyway. Jax tries to explain away his erratic behavior saying, Im going through some mental problems right now. Like some mental issues. And Im angry all of the time. All of the time Im angry. I call it an episode. Hmm is this a Jekyll and Hyde dueling personalities kind of thing?Are Jason Cauchi and Jax Taylor at war with one another right now? Is this Jason apologizing?
Just as fast, though, Jason morphs back into Jax as he takes one last big fat dump on anything that is not about him. He pulls KristenDouteaside to chastise her about a sex tape that was either made four weeks ago or four years ago with a man that is not Carter. WAIT, WHAT?! Is this an attempt to expose Kristen for all the lies shes supposedly been telling or has Jax consumed wayyyy too much pasta? Im about as confused by all of this as Raquel Leviss isin a community college remedial math class.
Jax Taylor storms out of the event with Brittany standing by or rather running alongside her man. Once at home the newlyweds are duking out behind their closed doors. Wait- I thought that was supposed to be Sandoval and Ariana.
With tears streaming down her face, Brittany tries to explain to Jax that she is sick of bearing the brunt of his misplaced anger. Instead of acknowledging her feelings and apologizing for his behavior, he launches into a pity party about how hes experiencing super lows. I smoke a lot, then I get hungry, then I gain 20 pounds, then Im like shit I gotta lose weight so then I take f****** Adderall, he says. DING DING DING. There we have it, folks. It is indeed ALL ABOUT THE PASTA.
Will the newlyweds make it through their first rough patch? Or is Jax Taylor starting to revert back to his old ways? Tune in next week to find out!
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RECAP: Jax Taylor Abused Adderall To Lose Weight On 'Vanderpump Rules' - All About The Tea