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This Pineapple Water Will Detoxify Your Body, Help You Lose Weight, and Reduce Joint Swelling – 360aproko

This Pineapple Water Will Detoxify Your Body, Help You Lose Weight, and Reduce Joint Swelling and PainSubscriber channel Life Well Lived for a better lifeLife Well Lived is a channel that offers free videos about natural remedies, home remedies, alternative medicine, physical health advice, mental health and care of our body.
Disclaimer: Please consult a physician before beginning any treatment program or making any adjustment to your health care, diet, and/or lifestyle. Do not remove yourself from any prescribed medications or treatments without consulting your doctor. Any and all dietary supplements or nutritional products and treatments discussed on this video are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. The information contained in this video is for general information and for educational purposes only. Nothing contained in this video is or shall be or considered, or used as a substitute for, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should always seek the advice of a physician with any questions regarding their health or medical condition. Never disregard, avoid, or delay obtaining medical advice or following the advice of a physician because of something you have seen or watch on this video.
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This Pineapple Water Will Detoxify Your Body, Help You Lose Weight, and Reduce Joint Swelling - 360aproko
All You Need To Know About PCOS: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment – Krishi Jagran

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), common among women of reproductive age is a hormonal disorder. PCOS leads to hormonal imbalance and this causes women to skip menstrual periods making it hard for them to get pregnant.In a study, it was revealed that around 70 % of women with PCOS had not been diagnosed. Between 2.2% and 26.7% of women within the age bracket 15 to 44 years have PCOS.
The exact cause of PCOS is unknown though some doctors believe that high male hormones level prevent ovaries from producing hormones and making eggs normally.
Excess androgen.
Excess insulin.
Low-grade inflammation.
Signs and symptoms often develop during puberty, around the time of the first menstrual period. May also develop later sometimes, in response to considerable weight gain. Signs and symptoms vary, and diagnosis is made when any two of the following are there:-
Irregular periods.
Excess androgen.
Polycystic ovaries.
Irregular periods.
Heavy bleeding.
Hair growth(hirsutism).
Weight gain.
Male pattern baldness.
Darkening of the skin.
There is no test to definitively diagnose PCOS . Your medical history including menstrual period and weight changes and physical signs of excess hair growth, insulin resistance and acne are significant.
Diagnosis is confirmed with the aid of, pelvic exam, blood tests and ultrasound.
PCOS can make it harder to get pregnant and it can increase risk for complications during pregnancy and miscarriage.
In addition to infertility, the other complications being :-
Metabolic syndrome
Sleep apnea
Endometrial cancer
It starts with lifestyle changes like weight loss, diet and exercise. Losing just 5 to 10% of your body weight can help improve your symptoms if you are overweight.
Pay attention to your diet. Low-carbohydrate diets are effective for both weight loss and lowering insulin levels.
Fruits, vegetables and whole grains help regulate the menstrual cycle better than a regular weight loss diet.
Moderate intensity exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 days a week can be helpful to lose weight and improve ovulation and insulin levels
PCOS treatment focuses on managing your individual concerns, such as infertility, hirsutism, acne or obesity.
Medication such as combined birth control pills and progestin therapy are used to regulate cycles.
Clomiphene, Letrozole, Metformin, Gonadotropin help you ovulate.
Birth control pill, Spironolactone, Eflornithine and Electrolysis to reduces excessive hair growth.
The most important thing to know about PCOS is that the complications are very real and thus becomes important to take steps to stay healthy.
Talk to your doctor, follow exercise and diet program and take medication as directed. These are all recommended regimens for controlling PCOS.
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All You Need To Know About PCOS: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment - Krishi Jagran
The experts debunk myths: Why is lightsodavand better than regular soda – The Global Domains News

They make you fat. You will get cancer. Your teeth will be destroyed.
Youve probably heard most of them: Myths about diet soft drinks.
Now shoots a number of Danish researchers, several of the persistent claim of the light drink down.
a major theme in DR News highlights several experts that light products ARE healthier than traditional sugar.
One of the recurring statements about diet soft drinks is that sdemidlerne should make you more hungry and give you even more desire to eat sweets.
It rejects Randi Tobberup, as a senior clinical dietitian at Aalborg university Hospital, of She meets often clients are worried about when they get the council to replace regular soft drinks with a light version.
But I have never met one person who even saw that they ate more sweet, after that they for example have been drinking diet soft drinks. On the contrary, some say that it takes the top of the desire, she says to The research backs this observation up.
enough was there in the80s some trials that found a link between artificial sweeteners and the desire for sweet, but they are not, therefore, been confirmed in more recent research.
If you want to lose weight, is it a good idea to replace regular soft drinks with light. (Picture) Photo: Thomas Freitag Show more If you want to lose weight, is it a good idea to replace regular soft drinks with light. (Picture) Photo: Thomas Freitag
on the Contrary, more recent studies, that it can be a good idea to replace regular soft drinks with light products, if you want to lose weight.
so, whats with the suspicion that the sweetener aspartame causes cancer?
DR Knowledge have spoken with several experts, all of which one rejects the theory. Nor does the Fda believe that it is dangerous for people to drink light soda or consuming other products with artificial sweetener.
the Approval is based on comprehensive scientific studies of the drug, which shows that it is not harmful to people, including to the substance may cause damage to the genes, disturbances in fertility or cancer, writes the agency on its website.
(Picture) Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen Show more (Picture) Photo: Mads Claus Rasmussen
It also suggests that your teeth have the better of light soda because the artificial sweeteners do not like regular soda transformed into acid by the bacteria in the coating on the teeth.
The experts who the DR has spoken with, however, stresses that acidic soft drinks even diet soft drinks can be harmful for the teeth.
The only point on which the experts are a bit worried about, is with regard to sdemidlernes importance of our intestinal bacteria.
Professor and research director Oluf Borbye Pedersen the Novo Nordisk Foundation Metabolismecenter at Copenhagen University stresses, however, that it is too early to conclude that the artificial sweeteners are dangerous to our intestinal flora and thus to our health. It comes naturally, if you are already suffering from a bowel disease, he adds.
See the original post:
The experts debunk myths: Why is lightsodavand better than regular soda - The Global Domains News
Here is what you should have for breakfast if you want to lose weight – Times of India

Breakfast is believed to be the most important meal of the day. It is also known to be very beneficial in facilitating weight loss. It gives you the energy for the day and also reduces the risk of overeating.It is important to have a nutrient-rich breakfast. Your food choices should have more nutrient value per calorie which helps you to feel fuller longer. Here is how you should plan your breakfast if you want to lose weight.Fiber-rich foodsFiber is beneficial for those who are looking for losing weight. They should make sure they eat fibre-rich foods during the day, especially for breakfast. Studies have found that fiber also improves symptoms of metabolic syndrome which is a risk factor of diabetes. It is also known to reduce visceral fat and inflammation in teens.ProteinStudies have linked a higher protein intake to more weight loss. It helps you feel fuller and reduces overeating. Protein also helps you burn more calories. They are also rich in other nutrients which are important for your health. With protein, you get the benefits of multiple nutrients without having to consume a lot of calories.Avoid foods high in caloriesIt is best to avoid high-calorie foods right in the morning. Reducing your caloric intake goes a long way in helping you lose weight. Do not add too much sugar in your morning foods. With a lot of sugar, even a healthy oatmeal can become unhealthy. Avoid pancakes and pastries for breakfast.Avoid sugary drinksDrinks play a major role in increasing your calorie content. A glass of processed juice can contain as much as 100 calories with no or little nutritional value. Instead, you should opt for whole fruits which provide the same energy but with much lesser number of calories.Whole foodsWhole foods go a long way in helping you lose those extra kilos. Replace white bread, pasta and bagels with whole grains. They have more nutritional value and also reduces the risk of certain types of heart diseases. They are rich in fibers, reduces constipation and help in weight loss.
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Here is what you should have for breakfast if you want to lose weight - Times of India
Weight gain in the times of corona | Jennifer Nataf – The Times of Israel

Looking in the mirror as I was getting changed yesterday (ironically, into exercise clothes), I was a little shocked to catch a glimpse of the Pillsbury Doughboy staring back at me. And whileI do think hes very cute, I dont particularly wish to resemble him.
Five weeks of lockdown have taken their toll on my body. Pre-Corona, I walked between 3 and 5 km per day, did 1 hour of low-impactexercise at home, and went to dance class 2-3 times a week. Corona not only obliterated my exercise regimen, it also did a number on my self-discipline. I lazily abandoned the daily hour of morning exercise Id been consistently doing for the past 6 years. Adding insult to injury, I consumed more food than necessary (and it goes without saying, right? more junk food than usual).
Less exercise and more food surprise, surprise resulted in a Pillsbury Doughboy body.
Because I know there are a lot of women out there who will identify with this, particularly at this time, I want to give you the good news, as I see it.
The good news has to do with set point theory.
Most peoples weight tends to fluctuate within a range of about 5-10 pounds. The set point theory about body weight refers to a specific weight to which our bodies return, time and again, after gaining or losing weight. Set point theory is at least part of the reason its so challenging to keep weight off permanently.
When we gain weight, our bodies automatically expend more energy on all the routine biological processes necessary to keep us alive. Our bodies also increase body temperature (again, to waste surplus energy), and release hormones to curb our appetite. All this occurs inside of us naturally, without any conscious intervention on our part, in order for us to lose the excess weight and get our bodies back to the set point weight. This is a part of homeostasis, the bodys natural regulation of itself to maintain the balance within.
Alternatively, when we lose weight, our bodies utilize less energy on routine biological processes. They lower body temperature to save energy. And they release hormones to increase hunger, so that we eat more food. The ultimate goal being the return to the higher set point weight our bodies are used to.
Image courtesy of ThemeInn/Unsplash
(Important side note: It is possible to change your set point, both to lower it and to raise it, but it will require time and effort. Even if you have been at a higher weight for years and you aim to lower your set point, it can be done! Just be prepared to experience hunger and overcome certain natural cravings for a period of time while your body loses weight and adapts to a new, lower set point.)
The good news is that if youve just gained this weight, your body wants to get rid of it. If youve just gained this weight, your body is already in the process of helping you release it. Your metabolism has gone up, as has your temperature (dont worry, not enough to keep you out of a supermarket*), and if you pay attention to hunger cues, you will notice that youre not as hungry as usual. If you obey those hunger cues, and eat less now, you will most likely find that its not all that difficult to take off the newly-gained excess weight.
As we slowly head out of lockdown this experience unlike any other and get back to a semblance of regular life, I want to encourage all you other Pillsbury Doughboys out there.
Stop beating yourself up. Forgive yourself for having gained the weight. And get back on track (whatever that looks like for you), knowing that your body is on your side, that itwants to release that extra weight, and that its already in the process of doing so.
* In Israel, body temperature is measured by a security guard prior to being granted entrance into certain spaces, like supermarkets.
I'm a Jerusalem-based personal stylist, originally from Montreal. I have always loved clothes and expressing myself through fashion. So much so that I briefly considered studying fashion design, before ultimately opting to study nutrition (B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the Hebrew U). I recently decided to follow my dream of becoming a personal stylist and have received my certification from the International Image Institute. I invite you to explore my philosophy of clothes, fashion and body image in my blog. I would love to help you find your own look, and feel fabulous and confident in your clothing. Feel free to contact me to see how I can help you.
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Weight gain in the times of corona | Jennifer Nataf - The Times of Israel
How to lose weight in lockdown: theres one thing thats GOT to go from your diet, and you probably wont like it – T3

During lockdown weight gain is perhaps inevitable, and not necessarily the end of the world. But if you want to lose weight or at least not put on too much extra weight there is one thing you can do that is almost certain to help. It is very obvious when you think about it, and arguably not that easy, but it will give positive results, and perhaps it might not have occurred to you before.
So, you want to know how to avoid isolation weight gain at home? There is one item in a lot of people's diets that could be easily cut and would result in losing weight faster. You guessed it: alcohol, booze, and the drink. No one needs a lecture about why alcohol is bad for your health but I think a lot of you don't realise how consuming alcohol effects your diet and your weight loss. Or your weight gain, more accurately.
If Google Trends is anything to go by, everyone seems to be having more booze than usual now that we are in full lockdown. And in the case of the UK in particular, that is saying something.
Best protein shake blender: there are brands other than Nutribullet, you know
Let's get one thing out of the way right at the beginning: the best way to lose weight is not to exercise more, but to eat less. Especially now that we have to stay indoors almost all the time, eating the same amount of food as we used to will result in us putting on weight. Cutting back on calories of any sort will help you in your weight loss battle. No news there.
There are a lot of misconceptions about alcohol and as I mentioned above, I'm not here to lecture anyone about just how bad it is to consume alcoholic beverages. Sure, some types of alcohols contain certain micronutrients (like minerals) that can be beneficial for health, but this doesn't outweigh the negative effects of these drinks.
One very important thing to realise about alcohol is that it is basically pure carbohydrate. Carbs are one of the three main macronutrients your body needs to function; the other two are lipids (fats) and protein. This doesn't mean your body needs alcohol to function, on the contrary. Drinking alcohol adds nothing to your diet, alcohol calories are just 'empty calories'.
Shop low-calorie beer at Skinny Booze
Just how many calories, though? There are a few options that are considered 'low-calorie' drinks, like vodka and diet coke. Although diet coke can be considered free of calories (still pretty bad in every way) a double shot (50 ml) of vodka contains over 100 calories. You would have to run 10 minutes to burn off those calories and that is just one drink.
Shop alcohol-free beer at Amazon UK
How about beer? A small bottle (12 oz/355 ml) of Goose Island IPA is 208 calories, twice as much as what's in a double shot vodka plus diet coke combo. And whoever has only one small bottle of beer when they drink? That's right, no one.
Shop light beer at Walmart US
Maybe wine? A bottle (750 ml) of Cabernet Sauvignon is just under 600 calories, meaning that two medium glasses (approx. 175 ml) contain around 250-300 calories.
We used the Drinkaware Unit and Calorie Calculator to calculate the below numbers.
For the rest, we used MyfitnessPal's database and the manufacturers websites.
Promixx MiiXR X7 Performance Nutrition Food Blender 7 Piece Set Black | Buy it for 89.99 at Amazon UKThe Promixx MiiXR X7 is not just any blender; it is a performance blender with different mixer heads, two Tritan bottles and two no-leak lids so you can carry your freshly made smoothies with you. The 700w motor pulverises anything you put in this blended in a matter of seconds. The Promixx MiiXR X7 is dishwasher safe but also easy to hand-wash, too, thanks to the ergonomic shape of the bottles. Who needs a Nutribullet when you have blenders like the Promixx MiiXR X7?View Deal
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(Image credit: Getty Images)
The best idea, of course, is to keep your alcohol consumption to the minimum. As I mentioned in the 'how to lose weight at home' article, being mindful about your diet and food/drink intake can help. Before you pour yourself another drink, ask yourself: do I want another drink? Am I bored? Is there another task I'm putting off by drinking?
Admittedly, on some occasions, especially during social gatherings, it is pretty challenging to get out of drinking at least some alcohol. When everyone is having beers and wines around you, the social pressure on you to have one too could be immense. Even in these cases, there are ways to reduce consumption.
If you are a wine drinker, have a soda spritzer instead of just a glass of wine. You would still get the sensation of having a wine in a wine glass, but you also drink plenty of water, which dilutes the alcohol and makes it easier for your body to digest it more efficiantly.
If you are more of a beer drinker, see if there are any low calorie/alcohol-free beers in stock. A bottle of alcohol-free Holstein is only 8 calories (!) and there are plenty of low-cal options out there, especially if you live in the US.
And in any case, if you drink a glass of water after you had a drink, your stomach will fill up sooner and you will feel fuller sooner, making you less likely to drink too much alcohol. It also helps with hangovers, too.
Follow this link:
How to lose weight in lockdown: theres one thing thats GOT to go from your diet, and you probably wont like it - T3
Ramadan 2020: Is fasting healthy? Is fasting a good way to lose weight? – Express

Eating Rules for Ramadan
When you're hungry, it's easy to eat your food too quickly.This creates digestive issues and will leave you feeling less full, and bloated.Hannah suggests seven things to do to avoid this, they are:
There are four main food groups to stick to during Ramadan, they are:
Hannah said: "Rich in fibre, fruits, and vegetables are essentials during fasting as they increase the feeling of fullness and help prevent constipation.
"They also contain vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that are vital for good health."
Hannah said: "High-fibre carbohydrate foods like brown rice, quinoa, beans, lentils, and wholemeal bread take longer to digest, helping to sustain energy levels longer.
Skinless chicken, fish meats, and dairy are a great source of protein to keep you sustained.
Hannah explained: "They help repair and build body tissue, and build up your immune system"
Don't fear fat! Hannah explained: "Fats keep you satisfied and happy.
"Load up your plates with avocado, nuts, good quality organic cheese, Olive oil, ghee, tahini, and ghee."
Originally posted here:
Ramadan 2020: Is fasting healthy? Is fasting a good way to lose weight? - Express
Want to lose belly fat fast? Try these tips, cheats and gadgets while in lockdown – T3

Want to know how to lose belly fat fast? Well you can't. But there are ways to torch fat, shed the dreaded visceral fat and maybe even reveal your abs. During lockdown it's a problem a lot of us are facing but then again, its a problem a lot of us were facing before lockdown.
Contrary to what a lot of websites will tell you, directly targeting 'belly fat' is largely impossible outside of surgical procedures. It's more of a matter of knowing how to lose weight in general some of which will be around your belly. It can also be useful to work on your abdominal muscles, so that when the fat is finally gone, your stomach will be properly flat, not fat. Although there's no magic bullet to slay belly fat, there are ways to burn visceral fat that are tried, trusted and true.
And, as you have probably guessed, we have a list of them. So if you want to burn belly fat and get fit, this is our 'six-pack' of tips, cheats, technologies and strategies. Oh and if you want to round it up to a lucky 7 tips, try this one blindingly obvious way to avoid lockdown weight gain.
Important note here, everyone: Belly fat these days is often referred to as visceral fat because that sounds scarier. If you really need to shed visceral fat because it's endangering your life, that is an area where you should probably be seeking medical advice, if that is at all possible. But while this guide is more about slimming down a bit, or avoiding ballooning during lockdown, belly fat loss also has an element of visceral fat loss.
Our lose belly fat tips aren't necessarily quick, and this is not about telling you how to get six pack abs although we have plenty of guides to that, too. No, this is just a 'six pack' do you see what we did, there? of tips to getting a healthier life and feeling comfortable with the girth of your mid-riff. We're not looking to fat shame anyone here or totally bro out, we're just offering advice.
We've got some great tips, a few cheeky shortcuts and key strategies to lose belly fat quickly, healthily and sustainably. As we just said, there are no quick fixes here; we want you to develop habits that ensure you'll stay trim for good.Weve also got the lowdown on the best exercises to lose belly fat, and all the gear youll need to get started although, of course, the most important 'gear' is the bit between your ears.
There's no hard-and-fast rule for slim-down success: the best way to lose belly fat is the way that works around your lifestyle. If you follow an unsustainable plan, you won't last: it's as simple as that. In this article we lay out six principles that are applicable to everyone, whether you're a total beginner starting your weight-loss journey or a seasoned pro who fell off the wagon over Christmas.
These guiding lights will keep you on the straight and narrow, even during a lockdown situation. Dont try to take on more than you can reasonably fit into one day. And, despite the name of this feature, don't fixate on 'belly fat'. It's important to reduce visceral fat, which does tend to lurk around the belly area, but that is best achieved by trying to slim down and tune up overall.
Here are six strategies to help you start losing weight.
(Image credit: Getty Images)
The short answer to the question of how to lose belly fat is to burn more calories than you consume on a regular basis. In the fitness world, this is known as achieving a "calorie deficit".
If this sounds like a waking nightmare, there's a trick to it: what you need to do is ensure youre eating the correct kind of food to make sure you feel full and sated, even when consuming fewer calories than you're burning off.
Certain foods are "empty calories" while others release energy slowly, keeping you fuller for longer. This is a big danger, especially while you're at home, with all your food within easy reach.
But before that, you'll need to find a good way to track your calories burned and calories taken in. The free MyFitnessPal app is one of the best ways to record your calorie intake, but to track your calories burned, you'll need a dedicated fitness tracker. If you already own a smartwatch, most will offer calorie tracking as standard, but for those yet to make the plunge, the Fitbit Versa Lite is the best activity tracker you can buy right now. Check out the deal below.
Oh, and staying hydrated is crucial, as well
Fitbit Versa 2 | now 199 at AmazonThe Fitbit Versa 2 is getting regular price cuts in 2020. The Versa 2 features advanced cardio tracking as well as the usual steps and sleep stuff, and has Alexa built in. It's also unusually stylish for a Fitbit, and via its excellently presented app and sprawling ecosystem, you can use it as the basis of a complete fitness and diet programme. You can also enter your meals to log calories consumed, so you can have all your dietary data in one place.View Deal
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S'Well Marble Drinking Water Bottle | now 17.50 at John LewisIn this case beauty is more than skin deep. This bottle is vacuum sealed, which means it should be able to keep liquids warm for 12 hours and cold for 24 hours. Its stainless steel, has a capacity of 500ml and requires handwashing, and its definitely one for one-upping your co-workers boring flasks and supermarket specials.View Deal
BEEFIT Biltong, 10 x 30g bags | now 16.99 on AmazonLooking for a calorie-dense but highly nutritional snack? Swap your bag of crisps or chocolate bar for jerky or biltong, a cured meat snack high in protein. BEEFIT comes in handy 30g bags, to keep yourself fuller for longer. It's packed full of protein to help build muscle after a workout (Over 20g per pack, to be precise), and is even gluten free too.View Deal
Intermittent fasting is becoming more and more popular. It involves significantly cutting calories or abstaining from food altogether for a portion of the day or week, and then cramming all your calories into a much shorter time window.
The best-known intermittent fasting plan is the 5:2 diet, where you eat as you normally would (although hopefully a bit healthier) for five days a week, then scoff no more than 600 calories two days a week.There are also variants of this diet where you consume almost no calories, two days per week. This is much more doable than it sounds, so long as you are in good general health, but it's not exactly fun.
However, for trainees who are serious but not that serious, there's the 16:8 diet. With this diet you have only 8 hours a day to fit all your meals in, but can only drink water (and maybe some black coffee, if you're feeling naughty) within a 16 hour fasting period outside of those 8 hours. Most choose to eat from 10am to 6pm, but as long as you stay within an eight hour window, you can start and finish at any time of the day. This isHugh Jackman's strategy, so if you have ever wanted to be in Wolverine shape
Why try fasting, though? Well, during the fasting period the body will run out of sugar to run on, and so will start eating up the bodys fat stores. The big negative is the adjustment period: if you're used to a big breakfast or an early dinner, a 16-hour fast feels tough at first, especially if you're exercising. You're going to get seriously cranky.
Soylent Nutrition Shake, Cacao (Chocolate), 12 Pack | now 35.00 on AmazonMarketed as a 'complete meal in a bottle' soylent is a perfect on-the-go quick feed for breakfast or lunch. With 20g of plant protein - to keep you going and slow-burning carbs to help you stay full, Soylent is vegan, gluten free, nut free, dairy free and low GI. At under 3 a shake, it's an ideal replacement to your usual hurried, bland supermarket meal deal.View Deal
Dead set on having chips? An air fryer can deliver a lot of the delicious taste with less of the not-quite-so-delicious oil
(Image credit: Future)
If you eat fried food all the time, switching to an air fryer will definitely cause you to lose weight unless buying one causes you to start eating loads of chocolate because you've reduced your fat intake. No, it doesn't taste as delicious as proper fried food of course not but it turns out meals with a good fried/roasted taste, but with up to 80% lower fat content.
If you don't eat fried food all the time but like to treat yourself now and then, switching to an air fryer could still help with you to lose weight. Even with a solid balanced diet and a good workout ethic, there will come a time when your willpower will falter and you'll want to fall back on your old favourites, like fried chicken, fish, chips and all the other foods you love normally dripping with grease. If you schedule in cheat days and do this in a controlled way, it's good to know you're cooking these foods in a way that still helps you hit your goals.
Enter the air fryer. The best air fryers are revolutionary pieces of kit that use hot air combined with a teaspoon of oil (as opposed to the gallons of oil found in the deep-fat variety) to cook your crispy favourites. If kitchen space and budget is no object, you can cook a whole chicken in the Philips Airfryer XXL, but if you're after something a little more economical, Pro Breeze Airfryer 1400W is lightweight, versatile and cheaper, perfect for portion control. It also seems to usually be sold out all the time at present, so perhaps everyone has already taken our advice, here.
This is just one way to have your (fried) cake and eat it too. Swapping high-calorie pints of ice cream to the low-calorie versions like Halo Top or Oppo, or switching out cholesterol-laden butter for a healthier olive spread, are other easy ways you can make relatively simple lifestyle choices and still keep weight off.
Weight training is a great way to tip your muscle-fat ratio the right way
(Image credit: Getty Images)
There are two main types of exercise: cardio training and weights, otherwise known as resistance training.Although cardio burns a lot of calories while you do it, weight training builds muscle which burns more than fat as you go about your day. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you'll burn even when not working out.
Resistance training may seem scary if you're doing it for the first time, especially in the gym when the area's dominated by serious lifters, but you dont have to start adding big plates to the bar right now. There's plenty of ways to get started at home with smaller weights such as dumbbells, kettlebells and even medicine balls.
Were not going to list every single lifting exercise, so why not pick the body part you want to start toning up and check out some of our muscle-building how-tos. One you've done that, grab one of the best dumbbell sets on the market. They're not just for arms: you can use a dumbbell to work your core, shoulders, and even your legs with combination movements.
The only issue you will find right now is that most of them are sold out, but this store still has home gym equipment for online delivery. By the time this lockdown ends, you'll be ready for the gym.
If everything for the home gym has sold out which happens a lot lately consider doing bodyweight exercises. If that idea makes you think of muscular men working out in prison, try our guide to the best bodyweight exercises for beginners and ease into it gently. Before you know it you'll be ready for the Navy SEAL workout. None of these require any specialist equipment.
York 20kg Cast Iron Dumbbell Spinlock Set | Buy it for 59.99 at the Fitness SuperstoreIdeal for starters, the York 20kg Cast Iron Dumbbell Spinlock Set features knurled handles for a secure grip, plastic spinlock collars and solid, durable weight plates. considering you can't buy any reasonably priced home weight sets anywhere at the moment, this might be your best option to get an adjustable dumbbell set for under 500 for a while.View Deal
Powerplate Move vibration plate | 2,199 | Was 2,699 | Save 500 at John LewisIf you want to really power up your bodyweight exercises, and certain dumbbell moves, try doing them while being violently vibrated. This is particularly good for your core as your body has to work extra hard to complete moves.View Deal
All of this aside, dont neglect cardio, as regular cardio workouts are important for fitness and stamina.
Electric Muscle Stimulation can help your muscles recover faster
(Image credit: PowerDot)
It may seem gimmicky when you unwrap your new six-pack vibrating belt, complete with a picture of Ronaldo on the box, but don't roll your eyes just yet. While you can't just sit there eating crisps and expect to get ripped, Electric Muscle Stimulators can help as part of a controlled dietary and exercise plan.
EMS can cause the muscles to contract, essentially tensing and untensing rapidly. During downtime post-workout, you can continue to encourage muscle growth with EMS, while the right bit of kit can also encourage faster recovery, allowing you to get back in the gym all the quicker. According to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, EMS stimulates the muscle in the same way as a massage, prepping it for the next go-round.
It's not a bona fide shortcut to a six-pack, but it can speed up the muscle-building process with regular use.
(Image credit: Sixpad)
Our top choice is always SIXPAD as used by Cristiano Ronaldo, a man who takes great pride in his body. Perhaps a little too much pride, the unkind or jealous might say. Amazon also sells all manner of abs belts by brands we have never heard of, for about 20. Needless to say we dont recommend these.
PowerDot 2.0 - Smart Electric Muscle Stimulator | now 185 at AmazonAlternatively, the PowerDot 2.0 is a smartphone-controlled muscle stimulating monster.This neat muscle stimulator works from your phone, allowing you to control intensity, stimulation and goal. Reduce your recovery time and increase muscular performance, as the PowerDot working to support your gym schedule. This model has two stimulators, but you can scale up to four for 325View Deal
Planks are a tough abs workout and a great end-of-workout finisher
(Image credit: Taco Fleur from Pixabay)
As well doing both muscle-building and cardio exercises, if you want to lose belly fat its also important to switch up the pace of your workout.
Every time you workout, you should exercise using both steady state (working hard but not at max capacity, such as during brisk jog) and high intensity (going flat out, like sprinting) to torch your abdominal fat.
Steady state or aerobic exercises include cycling, running or uphill hiking.Its a crucial part of losing belly fat because it burns through your fat stores. However, it also uses your sugar stores for energy first, so you need to do steady-state for long enough to use up all that sugar before it eats into your fat reserves.
High intensity workouts use mainly sugar for fuel, so they don't hit the fat right away, but it does help in building muscle, which will help you torch fat even on days you're not exercising. Explosive weight lifting, sprinting and HIIT-friendly exercises like mountain climbers are all great high-intensity exercises.
A good fitness tracker will help you to gauge the intensity of your workout by monitoring your heart rate. For overall fitness trackers, check out the Fitbit Versa Lite above, but for a dedicated running watch, you can't beat the Garmin Forerunner 645, the best on the market right now.
Find out more about heart rate zone training
Garmin Forerunner 645 | now 342.34 at AmazonGarmin dominates the running/fitness watch category so totally, it's almost embarrassing for the competition. The most recent addition to their premium line, the Garmin 645, incorporates GPS and wrist heart-rate tracking, which is good for monitoring your resting and all-day rates. The 645 crunches a lot of data to suggest recovery times, make a decent stab at estimating your VO2 Max, tell you how optimal your training load and lots, lots more.View Deal
FitBit Aria 2 smart bathroom scale | now 119.99 on AmazonThis clever scaletells you your weight, BMI and body fat percentage which is all a lot of people want. It then reports this to your Fitbit account, so you can monitor your weight trends and use it alongside your Fitbit wearable's daily calorie-burn estimates. Add MyFitnessPal or Fitbit's own dietary features and you can then sync your meal-plans, daily calories consumed and weight goals, if you want.View Deal
The most important thing to bear in mind is this: losing weight takes time. You'll have setbacks and slip-ups, but if you stay committed to your goal, you'll be fitter and healthier in 2020, building up great habits for many years ahead.
Need some help to get started? Check out all the latest deals on the kit you'll need to get fit in 2020.To start with, you'll need a killer playlist and a good set of workout headphones to listen to it on:
Beats By Dre Powerbeats Pro | now 219 on AmazonPowerbeats Pro are a 'game changer' for Beats; the quality of them is over and above anything the brand has produced before. Designed for workouts and running, the clever design of these true wireless buds means they stay still in your ears during even the most arduous physical jerks. Battery life is way better than most true wireless buds at 8-9 hours and they recharge incredibly fast.View Deal
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Want to lose belly fat fast? Try these tips, cheats and gadgets while in lockdown - T3
Leptitox Review – New Information Released – The Good Men Project

Please Note: This article is presented for informational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness. If you have any health concern, see a licensed healthcare professional in person.
Obesity is an issue that is prevalent in all parts of the world. In fact, the statistics show that the cases of these conditions are rising day by day. Tackling the issues of being overweight or obese is very hard, especially now.
In such a situation, people often go for other ways to manage this issue, such as taking one of the many supplements for weight loss. Leptitox is one of the most popular ones. This article will review the product and provide unbiased information on it.
Why Is It Hard to Lose Weight?
Losing weight has become a big challenge for even people who need to shed only a few pounds. This is because many simply have lifestyles that are too hectic. You may come home from your job, thinking you will put aside time for yourself, but then you get too indulged in other work.
Hence, following a meal plan and finding time for the gym is indeed hard. Instead, you may end up spending a lot of money on an activity or program that may not help you at all. What do you do in such a situation?
Identifying the cause of weight gain in situations where you are unable to lose weight is essential. Sometimes, you may not even be aware of how little things can halt your journey of losing extra weight.
Surprisingly, many people are not aware of common conditions that lead to weight gain even though every other person has them. One of them is leptin resistance.
What Is Leptin?
Leptin is a hormone that is secreted by fat cells upon growth. This specific hormone is also responsible for controlling the levels of hunger. So, a low level of leptin will make you hungry, while a high level of it will make you feel full.
Sometimes, you can develop the condition known as leptin resistance, where you do not feel full no matter how much you eat!
Sounds like a familiar condition? You may have it as well. In fact, researchers predict that around three-quarters of people in the US will have leptin resistance by the year 2020.
The common symptoms of leptin resistance include frequent hunger pangs, difficulty in losing weight, and weight gain. The leading cause for the conditions varies from person to person and can include factors such as exposure to toxins from the environment around you.
What Is Leptitox and How Can It Help You?
As mentioned before, weight loss supplements are often the answer to many people who are tired of trying different diets and exercises. For the people suffering from leptin resistance and for those who struggle with weight issues in general, Leptitox supplement may be helpful.
Leptitox is an all-natural weight loss supplement that can help you lose pounds, be healthy overall, and achieve the fitness goal that seemed impossible to you.
By taking one capsule of the supplement per day, you can see your stubborn fat around your stomach disappearing. Leptitox comes with no side effects; it is formulated using only natural and safe ingredients.
>>Visit the Official Website of Leptitox here<<
How Does It Work?
While looking for supplements that can boost your weight loss journey, you are bound to come across many options. However, you may notice that not all of them work the same way. You may still have to follow strict diets or vigorous weight loss routines with some of them.
What about Leptitox? Do not worry. You do not have to consume an extremely low-calorie diet or spend hours at the gym for this supplement to work!
By taking Leptitox, you can manage your leptin resistance better as it targets endocrine disruptors that may be causing the issue in the first place.
In addition, it is also suitable for overall health. The supplement can also boost the health of your heart, promote circulation, and elevate energy levels. You start seeing the results within a few weeks of taking the supplement.
Ingredients Used in Leptitox
The secret behind the effectiveness of Leptitox is the unique blend of ingredients used in its formulation. Not only are they one hundred percent natural but also extremely potent. Following are the ingredients used in the supplement:
Grape SeedAs mentioned before, you can develop leptin resistance as a result of being exposed to potential endocrine disruptors. One of the most common ones is cadmium. Grape seed can help by cleansing the body of cadmium and boosting overall health.
Marian ThistleMarian Thistle is another ingredient that can help in getting rid of the endocrine disruptor known as BPA.
BarberryBarberry contains the enzyme berberine, which is known to aid weight loss by preventing the formation of fat pockets. It can also you if you struggle with high cholesterol levels.
Apium Gravolens SeedThis specific seed will protect you from the harmful effects of the endocrine disruptor known as DEHP and cleanse your body.
Chanca PiedraTaking chanca piedra not only safeguard from endocrine disruptors but also potentially help with digestive issues.
JujubeJujube helps in detoxification of your body and helps to fight against another disruptor called ZEA.
AlfalfaIf you are familiar with herbs that have multiple benefits, you have probably heard of alfalfa. It will detoxify your body, provide essential vitamins, and improve your liver as well as overall health.
BrassicasTaking brassicas leads to the production of glutathione an extremely powerful antioxidant with many health benefits.
Taraxacum LeavesTaraxacum leaves a rich source of nutrients such as vitamin K and can boost the health of your liver.Each one of the capsules of Leptitox is manufactured using high-quality ingredients.
Leptitox is produced in the United States of America and hence is an FDA-approved supplement. It is certified in GMP and does not contain any harmful substances.
Is Leptitox Effective?
Have you made up your mind about Leptitox and are considering buying it? There is good news for you! There are now offers that can get you up to six bottles of the supplement with ZERO shipping cost. Following are three bundles that are available:
Get one bottle of Leptitox for $49 instead of $99 with NO shipping fee.Get three bottles of Leptitox for $117 with only $39 per bottle. Not to forget the zero shipping charges.Get six bottles of Leptitox for $198 with only $33 per bottle with, of course, free shipping.
If you choose to buy three bottles of Leptitox, you will get a free bonus of Colon Cleanse Bottle. If you go for six bottles, you will get a bonus of 2 Colon Cleanse Bottles!
Although it is encouraged to try the supplement for at least 60-90 days, if you are not satisfied with its results, you can return the bottle and get a 100% REFUND within 60 days.
Are you ready to achieve your dream body and have optimum liver and digestive health? Hurry up and grab your bottle of Leptitox before they run out of stock!
Final Word
Leptitox is a supplement that can help you lose your stubborn fat. If you suffer from leptin resistance, this product can answer all of your problems. The price of Leptitox is economical and affordable for all.
It comes with a 60-day return policy with a full refund with no questions asked. Try using the supplement for at least twelve weeks as it takes time for the supplement to work. Make sure to take the capsule daily and be patient. Grab your bottle to kick-start your weight loss journey now!
Photo: Shutterstock
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Leptitox Review - New Information Released - The Good Men Project
UB faculty experts review teen obesity treatments in JAMA Pediatrics – UB Now: News and views for UB faculty and staff – University at Buffalo…

Americas teen population has not escaped the countrys obesity epidemic, two UB experts said in a recent editorial in JAMA Pediatrics.
Adolescent obesity is a serious and growing public health problem that threatens both current and future health outcomes. Attempts should be made to disseminate evidence-based behavioral, pharmacologic, surgical and device-based treatments, and develop new interventions that incorporate multidisciplinary approaches to the treatment of adolescent obesity, Leonard H. Epstein and Teresa Quattrin write in an editorial in the March 23 issue of JAMA Pediatrics.
Epstein is a SUNY Distinguished Professor and division chief of behavioral medicine in the Department of Pediatrics in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at UB. Quattrin is a UB Distinguished Professor and senior associate dean for research integration in the Jacobs School.
Citing research published in the issue, Epstein and Quattrin note that effectively treating adolescents for obesity poses unique challenges. The teen years range from 11 to 21, a span that involves many physical and psychological changes.
On the physical side, these changes include sexual dimorphism, sex-specific hormone changes that often occur prematurely in young people with obesity, and natural insulin resistance that is enhanced in individuals who are overweight.
From a psychological standpoint, teens drive for autonomy, the shift from parental/adult influence to peer influence, and the development from immature to mature impulse control systems balanced by a mature reward system can complicate treatment, primarily because most treatments do not focus on the psychological factors.
The UB authors note that other researchers have provided ideas that are relevant both to treatment of adolescents, as well as the broader pediatric population with obesity.
For example, they cite the observation that obesity in teens should be considered a chronic disease and treated as such over a long-term basis.
Approaching adolescent obesity as a chronic disease allows for treatments with the goal of reducing weight during adolescence to reduce health risks associated with obesity and changing the trajectory of weight from adolescence to adulthood, they write. Interventions are needed that adapt the treatments to the changing psychological needs of adolescents with obesity as they traverse the rocky road of adolescence.
Using a long-term care approach would likely lead to reduced health care costs, they add.
Epstein and Quattrin also point out that since everyone learns at a different rate, mastery-based behavioral treatments that match the presentation of the treatment with the rate of learning may be more effective than treatments that provide the same protocol for everyone.
The idea that there are individual differences in learning to implement lifestyle changes can be a platform to develop a personalized approach to treatment that targets the unique pathophysiology that led to obesity that may make weight loss or weight maintenance challenging, they write.
Epstein and Quattrin urge clinicians to examine new treatment designs to maximize outcomes. They cite the multiphase optimization strategy (MOST) and the Sequential Multiple Assignment Randomized Trial (SMART) model.
The use of the SMART design may improve clinical translation because it mimics what health care professionals do in real life when they try new approaches when specific treatments do not work, they write.
The fact that teens live in a family group means that the best treatment approach would include the family, a concept that has not been explored, to their knowledge. Even though adolescents desire autonomy, they live in a family and the approach to include the family in treatment has not been addressed for adolescents with obesity.
This could ultimately lead to an innovative family-personalized approach, which can capitalize on the likelihood of genetic and psychosocial similarities among several family members, they write.
While there is little synergy of treatment methods in adolescent obesity treatment, there are many opportunities for integrating interventions to improve adolescent obesity treatment, according to Epstein and Quattrin.
They also write that while there are currently few approved drugs to treat for adolescent obesity, certain medications that reduce the reinforcing value of food to teens would be valuable to help them change their eating habits and lose weight.
The next generation of treatments should attempt to integrate behavioral, pharmacologic, surgical and device interventions simultaneously to capture their synergy, they write.
Because obesity affects a disproportionate number of teens with social disparities and heath inequities who might not have access to an obesity specialist, there needs to be interventions that can be carried out in pediatric primary care settings, they write. However, the general lack of specialized knowledge about diet, exercise, behavior change and obesity among clinicians poses a particular challenge.
Adolescent obesity is a serious and growing public health problem that threatens both current and future health outcomes, they write. Attempts should be made to disseminate evidence-based behavioral, pharmacologic, surgical and device-based treatments and develop new interventions that incorporate multidisciplinary approaches to the treatment of adolescent obesity.
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UB faculty experts review teen obesity treatments in JAMA Pediatrics - UB Now: News and views for UB faculty and staff - University at Buffalo...