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Do this abs workout at home to lose belly fat during lockdown – Real Homes

Looking for new home workout inspiration? We're not kidding when we say that this abs workout is a bit of a killer. Brought to you by fitness blogger, Cassey Ho (Blogilates), it's inspired by fundamental Pilates movements and aims to help you build a strong and stable core which is pretty essential to maintaining the overall strength and flexibility of your body whether you're looking to lose weight or tone up (or both).
Comprised of seven different moves each of which focus pretty exclusively on the core this workout should take you just under 30 minutes to complete. Providing you manage 45 seconds of each of the killer moves, for four rounds, that is. Whether you're new to working out and only fancy doing a single round, or you're a bit of a seasoned pro who's seeking new inspiration, this sequence offers something for everyone.
Check out the moves below and remember, exercise isn't just about looking good, what's more important is that it makes you feel good.
Pick up a yoga mat to make home workouts more comfortable...
Evolution Yoga Mat (Blue)
(Image credit: Blogilates)
So, what does the workout include? As mentioned above, Cassey recommends completing each of the seven moves in the sequence for 45 seconds, with a 15 second interval in between. You should aim to complete between one and four rounds, depending on your fitness levels and how much you're looking to challenge yourself. The moves include:
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Do this abs workout at home to lose belly fat during lockdown - Real Homes
Weight Loss and Nutrition: The Latest Research …

How to achieve weight loss healthily. Learn more in our easy-to-understand videos on the latest research.
The largest study ever to compare the obesity rates of those eating plant-based diets was published in North America. Meat eaters topped the charts with an average body mass index (BMI) of 28.8close to being obese. Flexitarians (people who ate meat more on a weekly basis rather than daily) did better at a BMI of 27.3, but were still overweight. With a BMI of 26.3, pesco-vegetarians (people who avoid all meat except fish) did better still. Even U.S. vegetarians tend to be marginally overweight, coming in at 25.7. The only dietary group found to be of ideal weight were those eating strictly plant-based (the vegans), whose BMI averaged 23.6.
People who had once eaten vegetarian diets but then started to consume meat at least once a week were found in one study to experience a 146 percent increase in odds of heart disease, a 152 percent increase in stroke, a 166 percent increase in diabetes, and a 231 percent increase in odds for weight gain.
But vegetarians may suffer high rates of chronic disease if they eat a lot of processed foods. Take India, for example, where rates of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and stroke have increased far faster than might have been expected given its relatively small increase in per-capita meat consumption. This has been blamed in part on the apparent shift from brown rice to white and substitution of other refined carbohydrates, packaged snacks, and fast-food products for Indias traditional staples of lentils, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.
The dividing line between weight loss-promoting, health-promoting, and disease-promoting foods may be less plant- versus animal-sourced foods and more whole plant foods versus most everything else.
A dietary quality index was developed that simply reflects the percentage of calories people derive from nutrient-rich, unprocessed plant foods on a scale of 0 to 100. The higher the score, the more body fat may be lost over time and the lower the risk may be of abdominal obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high triglycerides. The standard American diet was found to rate 11 out of 100. According to U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates, 32 percent of our calories comes from animal foods, 57 percent from processed plant foods, and only 11 percent from whole grains, beans, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. That means on a scale of one to ten, the American diet would rate about a one.
For more in-depth data on this topic, check out Dr. Gregers book, How Not to Diet.It hones in on the optimal criteria to enable weight loss while considering how these foods actually affect our health and longevity.
Image Credit: sam74100 / Thinkstock. This image has been modified.
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Weight Loss and Nutrition: The Latest Research ...
After Weight Loss Surgery: The First 30 Days

Weight loss surgery (bariatric surgery) is a life-changing procedure. It isnt a quick fix, but the results can be dramatic. In the long-term, people can lose up to 60% of their excess body weight. Success depends on initial BMI (body mass index), the type of surgery, and how well people stick with the lifestyle changes. Typically, results peak one year after surgery. But the changes right after surgery can be intense. Heres what to expect during the first 30 days after bariatric surgery.
Diet is an area of drastic change after weight loss surgery. Nutritional goals include getting enough protein to keep your muscle mass, staying hydrated, and using vitamin and mineral supplements.
For most of the first 30 days, bariatric surgery patients eat a liquid diet. This transitions to a soft-food diet 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Protein drinks and shakes will help maintain muscle mass. Nutritionally complete protein drinks or liquid supplements will provide vitamins and minerals. You will only be able to consume 1 to 2 ounces at a time. As a result, the intervals between meals are short.
Frequent fluids are also necessary. In order to avoid dehydration, people need 6 to 8 cups of fluid each day. This means you may need to drink small amounts of fluids several times an hour to stay hydrated. Maintaining this schedule of frequent fluids and liquid meals can be a challenge. It may be helpful to write out the plan for your day. Downloadable smartphone apps like Daily Water can help you stay hydrated.
Weight loss is one of the goals of bariatric surgery. The amount of weight loss will depend on the person and the procedure. But it tends to be rapid in the first few months. During the first 30 days after bariatric surgery, the average weight loss is 5 to 15 pounds per week. Men tend to lose weight at a faster pace than women. By two months, most people average a 20% loss of excess weight.
Weight loss surgery changes how you can take medicines and which medicines you need. It also changes the way the body absorbs some drugs. As a result, extended-release, delayed-release, and enteric-coated medicines may not work well after bariatric surgery. Immediate-release forms of drugs tend to work better.
You will need to take vitamin and mineral supplements for your lifetime. You will also need to avoid aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) unless your doctor says otherwise. Doctors usually prescribe an acid-blocking drug for the first few months after weight loss surgery. Some people continue this drug if they must take aspirin for a heart or blood condition.
Doctors also use ursodiol (Actigall) to prevent gallstones after weight loss surgery. This is a frequent complication that occurs in up to 50% of bariatric surgery patients.
On the other hand, weight loss surgery may improve many obesity-related conditions, such as diabetes. You may find that you no longer need medicines to control symptoms or diseases you had before surgery. Talk to your doctor before stopping any of your medicines.
Obesity-Related Conditions
Reducing the risk of obesity-related conditions is another goal of weight loss surgery. Here again, the results can be rapid and dramatic. High blood pressure, diabetes, and GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) often improve within days of bariatric surgery.
In the first 30 days after surgery, its important to monitor blood sugars daily. They often return to normal quickly. In fact, most people are able to completely stop blood pressure and diabetes medications soon after surgery. This can happen even before weight loss.
There can be some problems in the first 30 days after weight loss surgery. Constipation is common shortly after surgery. Its usually due to pain medicines and dehydration. Keeping up your fluid intake will help. Wound infections can also be a problem, especially with a large incision from open surgery. Call your doctor right away if you have fever or pain, redness and discharge from your wound.
Vomiting may occur a few times a week. Often, it feels like food gets stuck and you must regurgitate it. During the first 30 days, this may mean that youve eaten too much. Talk to your doctor to be sure you are eating or drinking the right amount of food. You may need to weigh your food on a food scale to confirm you are eating the correctly-sized portions.
You should also call your doctor if you have persistent vomiting; your vomit is bloody or looks like coffee grounds; you have dark, tarry stools; or you feel faint or lightheaded. These are signs of possible complications, including internal bleeding from your stomach or intestines. Your doctor may recommend an endoscopy to check your stomach.
After Weight Loss Surgery: The First 30 Days
Weight Loss Options | Summa Health Weight Management Institute

Appointment options in response to COVID-19
In response toCOVID-19recommendations to keep you, our patients, and staff safe:
Summa Healths Weight Management Institute has implemented the use of telemedicine or TeleHealth for most patient office appointments. TeleHealth visits include new patient appointments, before weight loss surgery visits and after surgery post-operative care visits. Our current TeleHealth visits are currently telephone-based. There is a plan to add video capabilities soon.
Our offices are open to see patients who need to be seen in-person. We have implemented Summa Health guidelines for COVID-19 screening including temperature monitoring to ensure patient and staff safety.
Please know that Summa Healths Weight Management Institute providers and staff are committed to continue to provide you care. Our goal is to continue to provide the highest quality, compassionate care to our patients while also keeping their safety and that of their family in mind!
The Summa Health Weight Management Institute has been helping people lose weight since 2004. Since our inception, we have promoted a physician-driven, team-based approach to weightloss.
There are numerous quick fixes on the market, none of which results in long-term significant weight loss. While it is appealing to think of taking a pill to miraculously and effortlessly melt away the pounds, the reality is that it takes hard work and time to undo the eating behaviors and choices that lead toobesity.
The Summa Health Weight Management Institute offers many options for weight loss. We understand that readiness to lose weight varies from one patient to the next, so we offer a continuum of services starting with lower intensity options with a dietitian, and then including behavioral, nonsurgical and surgical options. All of our higher intensity services are designed to take place with a physician or behavioral specialist to make sure you get the level of care that youneed.
Our nonsurgical and surgical services are considered to be medically supervised weight loss options because your primary provider is a physician or surgeon. Depending upon the degree of your obesity and the level of knowledge you have regarding the options for addressing it, we can help you decide which of our weight management programs best fits yourneeds.
All patients of the Summa Health Weight Management Institute experience a clinician-driven solution, with the assistance of our team of registered dietitians, clinical psychologists, clinical exercise specialists, physicians and surgeons. We believe that patients struggling with excess weight, whether in the early (pre-obese) or late stages of the disease, require a multidisciplinarysolution.
The reasons for obesity are many and varied, and as such require a personalized solution and life-long support. We work with each individual to achieve the best possibleoutcome.
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Weight Loss Options | Summa Health Weight Management Institute
Common mistakes while trying to lose weight – Outlook India

Common mistakes while trying to lose weight
New Delhi, April 19 (IANSlife) Trying to lose weight can come with its own disappointment. Even when you believe that you are going the right way, there are times when your weighing scale doesnt budge.
Maybe, it''s those fascinating fad diets are to be blamed but there can be other reasons. Celebrity nutritionist Nmami Agarwal shares a few common diet mistakes that people do while losing weight.
Eliminating Fats Completely
Fat is an important macronutrient. Period. Fats are crucial for brain health, heart health, gut health, and to provide suppleness to your skin. Many vitamins can only be absorbed by the body in the presence of fats. It''s the type you choose to consume - refrain from having saturated fats like butter, margarine, hydrogenated and trans fats.
But, you must include essential fatty acids in your diet through foods like fatty fish, walnuts, seeds, avocados and eggs. Special mention to walnuts if you are a vegetarian/ vegan- as they are the only tree nuts highest in plant-based Omega-3 fatty acids that are vital for many body functions.
Fad Diet Trends
Diets that promise to do miracles with your weight and force you to follow the process of starving or choosing specific foods is a big problem. Crash diets work by eliminating important food groups from your diet say- carbs or fats and rely on limited sources of energy. These diets might give you short-term results but are non-sustainable for longer periods and once you''re back to your normal eating regime, your weight bounces back, sometimes even more than before. Such diets also hamper with your metabolism, in the long run, affecting your digestion and absorption.
The solution? Stick to a balanced diet that has foods from every food group. Just master the art of portion control.
Extreme Calorie Restriction
It''s a common misconception that the lesser calories you eat, the faster your weight loss will be. Yes, you might lose weight initially but at the cost of your overall health. Extreme calorie restriction can lead to severe nutritional deficiencies and can also give rise to food disorders hampering your mental health as well. Stick to a simple, basic diet regime comprising of whole foods like grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and dairy.
Disclaimer :- This story has not been edited by Outlook staff and is auto-generated from news agency feeds. Source: IANS
Common mistakes while trying to lose weight - Outlook India
Prescription Weight-loss Medicines –

Prescription weight loss medicines are given to you by your doctor. They can help obese people lose weight. They are usually used when diet and exercise alone are not working. People who use these medicines may not feel as hungry. Or they may feel full after eating only a small amount of food. Another type of medicine makes it harder for your body to absorb fat. Prescription weight loss drugs can be helpful when used in combination with a low-calorie diet and regular physical activity.
Prescription weight-loss medicines are only for people who are obese. Most of these medicines are designed for people who weigh 20% or more above what is ideal for their height and body type. Or they are used with people who have a high body mass index (BMI). The BMI is a measure of your weight in relation to your height. Your doctor may prescribe you medicine to treat your obesity if you have:
Your doctor can tell you if prescription weight-loss medicines might be helpful for you.
Prescription weight-loss medicines generally work in 2 ways. Most work in your body to make you less hungry or feel full faster. One FDA-approved medicine works in your digestive tract. It blocks the amount of fat your body can absorb. Some medicines are approved only for a short period of time, usually no more than 12 weeks. Others can be used long-term.
The following are medicines currently approved by the FDA for weight loss. Also included is information on how they work, common side effects, and warnings for each.
Orlistat is also available in a lower dose without a prescription. That over-the-counter medicine is called Alli. Orlistat is the only medicine of its kind to be approved in the U.S.
The following medicines make you feel less hungry or full faster. They share common side effects, including constipation, dizziness, dry mouth, diarrhea, and nausea. Additional side effects are listed for each medicine.
There are other medicines that can reduce your desire to eat. These include:
These medicines are only FDA-approved to be used short-term, up to 12 weeks. They have some side effects, too. These include:
You should not use these medicines if you have uncontrolled high blood pressure, heart disease, hyperthyroidism, or glaucoma. You should tell your doctor if you have anxiety or mood disorders before using these medicines.
In rare cases, some weight-loss medicines can cause seriousliverinjury. Call your doctor right away if you notice symptoms of liver injury, including:
Some weight-loss supplements containing ephedra, ephedrine, orcaffeineare available without a prescription (over the counter). It is not known whether these medicines are safe. Such supplements have been linked to reports ofheartattack, seizure,stroke,and death. It is important to talk to your doctor if you are taking or are considering taking an over-the-counter weight-loss supplement.
There is no easy cure for being overweight. Prescription weight-loss medicines can help you get off to a good start. But once you stop taking them, the weight you lost may come back. To keep the weight off, you must eat ahealthy dietand bephysically activeon a regular basis. You must continue these healthy habits even after you stop taking the medicine. Remember that losing weight and keeping it off is a lifelong effort.
If you decide weight-loss medicines arent right for you, you can still meet your weight-loss goals. Its important to develop healthy eating habits. But dont expect to change everything overnight. Start by training yourself to eat without doing anything else at the same time. For example, dont eat while you watch TV. Focus on what youre eating. Try to eat slowly.
Next, change what and how much you eat. Your doctor can help you create a low-calorie diet plan that will help you lose weight.
It is also important to be physically active. A good goal for many people is to work up to exercising for at least 30 minutes, 4 to 6 times a week. Regular exercise helps you burn calories faster, even when you are sitting still. Exercise also helps you burn fat and build muscle.
Aerobic exercise raises your heart rate and helps you burn calories. Aerobic exercises include swimming, brisk walking, jogging, and bicycling. Anaerobic exercise, such as weight training, is also good because it addsmusclemass to your body. Muscle burns calories faster than fat.
Be sure to check with your family doctor before you begin an exercise program. He or she can help you create an exercise plan that will help you meet your goals.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Prescription Medications to Treat Overweight and Obesity
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Healthy Weight
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Prescription Weight-loss Medicines -
Want to lose weight during self-isolation? Include these food products in your diet – The Indian Express

By: Lifestyle Desk | New Delhi | Published: April 19, 2020 8:00:44 pm Scroll down to know which food products will help you shed those extra kilos while you are in self-isolation. (Photo: Getty)
Lockdown might be hard but it also provides us with ample of time to get back in shape. However, there is also the constant lure of stress eating and while it might be tempting to give in, wont it be ideal to come out of the quarantine without those extra kilos? In case you are wondering what to do and how to take the situation in your hands, scroll down to know which food products will help you shed those extra kilos while you are in self-isolation.
Kiss your refined sugar goodbye because trust us it will do you no good. It not only spikes your blood sugar but also triggers a flood of insulin through your body, which gradually leads to fat accumulating around your tummy area. Ms Dolly Kumar, Founder & Director, Gaia says, befriend stevia instead. Also known as Meethi Tulsi, Stevia is a 100 per cent zero calories natural sugar alternative. Obtained from natural herbs, it does not contain Aspartame and has absolutely no side effects. This food product is also beneficial for Type 2 diabetics, heart patients and those who are conscious of gaining weight.
Ms Kumar suggests a diet enriched with fibre and protein. The best way to incorporate a diet like that is by consuming Muesli. This helps with weight management and with zero cholesterol, it becomes good for the heart as well. The low fat and high fibre properties in Muesli make it a healthy breakfast option for the health-conscious says Ms Kumar. Theres nothing like kickstarting your day with a bowl of muesli topped with your choice of fruits and milk.
Oats are the perfect balance of health and taste! It is highly rich in dietary fibre and this is exactly why it keeps you feeling fuller for longer, thereby, helping you manage weight. Ms Kumar also points out that they also help in reducing the blood pressure and aid in digestion, which increases the bodys metabolism to lose weight faster. Consume them in your breakfast like overnight oats or simply use them as a flour to make gluten-free bread, dosas or even desserts says Ms Kumar.
Green tea
Green tea is the best way to burn that body fat since it does a great job in breaking fat cells. Ms Kumar points out that the EGCG content in green tea helps impede an enzyme that breaks down norepinephrine. As a result, she adds, the norepinephrine hormone increases in the body to breakdown the fat cells. The caffeine in green tea is a well-known stimulant that can aid fat burning and improve exercise performance.
Honey is not only great for your skin but the blend of natural sugar along with trace enzymes, minerals and vitamins, is unlike any other sweetener on the planet. Want to aid weight loss? Switch your sugar for honey and add it to your desserts, breakfasts and fruit bowls for a guilt-free indulgence.
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Weight-loss surgery may lower risk of heart disease in people with diabetes – Harvard Health Blog – Harvard Health

Obesity is a serious, chronic, treatable, and global disease epidemic. Over 98 million people currently have the disease of obesity, and in a recent New England Journal of Medicine article, Harvard researchers predicted that by 2030, 50% of the population in the United States will have the disease of obesity.
Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is significantly associated with obesity. While many people with obesity do not have diabetes, most people with T2D have the disease of obesity. Excess adiposity (body fat storage), which is present in obesity, contributes to many chronic diseases beyond T2D. These include high blood pressure, heart disease, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is becoming the number one reason for liver transplant across the globe.
Metabolic surgery, also known as weight-loss surgery and bariatric surgery, can be an effective way to lose excess weight and keep it off. Two of the more popular procedures are gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy.
We have known for many years that weight-loss surgery has a positive impact on cardiometabolic risk factors, including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and abdominal obesity. It is also the most successful treatment for remission of T2D, which is another cardiometabolic risk factor.
A recent study published in JAMA set out to determine whether the beneficial effects of weight-loss surgery on cardiometabolic risk factors translated into improved cardiovascular (CV) outcomes in people with obesity and T2D. To do so, they compared CV outcomes (death, heart attack, stroke, heart failure, kidney disease and atrial fibrillation) in 2,287 adults with T2D and obesity who underwent weight-loss surgery against CV outcomes in 11,435 adults with T2D and obesity who did not have weight-loss surgery.
The researchers found that weight-loss surgery in people with T2D and obesity reduced the risk of death by about 40% over the eight years of observation. In fact, weight-loss surgery resulted in a significant benefit for all CV outcomes compared to no surgery. These study results illustrate the benefit of weight-loss surgery for both diabetes remission and heart disease risk reduction.
This was a large study with many patients in both the surgery and no-surgery groups. The researchers did a comprehensive analysis of the data, and controlled for many differences in the groups, including age, sex, body mass index (BMI), and average blood sugar level. The study authors appropriately acknowledge that since the study was observational, it cannot be seen as conclusive. A randomized trial of patients moving forward is needed to determine whether weight-loss surgery actually caused the beneficial outcomes.
The human body is incredibly engineered to promote fat storage; weight loss induces physiological changes that promote regaining of lost weight. This survival mechanism is hard to overcome by lifestyle interventions like diet and exercise alone.
Weight-loss surgery leads to physiologic changes that help regulate excess body fat, thereby promoting fat loss. For example, it influences metabolism, and can help you lose weight more efficiently and maintain the lost weight more effectively. These changes cannot currently be replicated with nonsurgical interventions in their entirety.
Our genes also play a large role in the disease of obesity and our tendency to store extra fat, given an environment in which we are surrounded by inexpensive, unhealthy, supersized food options. Genetics also plays a large role in the development of diabetes.
This helps explain why reversing diabetes can require re-engineering our physiology through a combination of specific lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery. As illustrated by this study, the remission of diabetes and obesity may prevent a host of future complications such as heart disease and stroke.
No one wants to have surgery, but when a surgical intervention produces the greatest odds of disease remission, we must consider it to get the best long-term outcome. We see this for example in cancer treatment, where a combination of surgery, medication, and radiation is used to produce the best chance of remission.
All people with T2D and obesity (a BMI greater than or equal to 35) should strongly consider metabolic surgery to reverse their diabetes and, as this study suggests, potentially prevent future heart attacks, stroke, and other cardiovascular complications. Metabolic surgery is increasingly safe, and currently has the same risk profile as having your gallbladder removed; less than 1 out of 1,000 people have a risk of death from the surgery itself.
If you have T2D and obesity, an evaluation at a comprehensive multidisciplinary obesity treatment center can help you understand your individual risks and benefits for metabolic surgery, and can help with medications and lifestyle interventions if you choose not to undergo surgery.
Weight loss tips: How this guy lost 14 kg and got super-ripped by following this genius diet plan – GQ India

Weight loss is easier said than done. In fact, on the click of a button many websites flashing weight loss plans and diet hacks will pop open at the click of a button. But be wary. Dont start following just any plan you come across without considering its pros and cons. Weight loss, or fat loss, can only be achieved by following a sustainable routine. A routine that can help you build your body as well. 31-year-old Chirag Mehta highlights the routine that worked for him here.
He tells us that hes a very self-motivated person. And once he decided to lose weight and build a ripped, modelesque physique, there was no stopping him! At my heaviest, I weighed 96 kg, however within five months of following the below weight loss plan I lost 14 kg and trimmed to 82 kg.
As my first steps towards weight loss:
1. I completely stopped eating sugar and deep fried food.
2. I started calculating my daily calorie intake to create a deficit. It helped me start eating right and clean.
3. I also followed a proper workout schedule comprising cardio, weight training and core exercises.
QUICK READ: Best cardio exercises for fat loss
A calorie deficit is a specific diet pattern that revolves around the number of calories you consume in a day. According to Healthline, the concept is based on the idea that as long as you eat fewer calories than you burn, youre bound to lose weight.
This diet pattern requires you to calculate the number of calories your body needs to consume to function smoothly without feeling hungry, and how much deficit you need to create without harming your health. Keep in mind that the number of calories required to create a deficit is different for different body types. You can calculate yours online via a calorie calculator.
I have been working out for a long time now and dont really need to calculate my calorie intake anymore. I have enough experience to understand how much to eat and from what sources to eat to keep the weight stagnant.
1. Fitness is a passion. Dont workout because others are doing it. Workout because you want to see yourself fit.
2. Make exercising as fun as possible and your weight loss journey will be a cake walk.
3. Lastly, remember the mind dictates, the body just follows!
Disclaimer: The fitness journey, diet and workout routines shared by the respondents are purely for inspirational purposes and in no way intend to propagate a specific body type. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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Weight loss tips: How this guy lost 14 kg and got super-ripped by following this genius diet plan - GQ India
Where is Brandon Scott from My 600-lb Life Now in 2020? – The Cinemaholic

The TLC series My 600-lb Life was originally supposed to be a five-part miniseries, but because of its popularity, more and more episodes were filmed.Every episode in the series follows a different morbidly obese person, with a minimum weight of 600 lbs (270 kgs), and documents their life for a year as they try to reduce their weight to a healthier level. This is done in Houston with the help of Dr. Now (Dr. Younan Nowzaradan), a surgery, and a strict diet. Wondering what happens to the patients who have appeared on the show after their year is complete? Well, we have the answer for one such patient for you, read on!
When he first appeared in Season 7, Episode 7 of My 600-lb Life, Brendon had hoped that he weighed somewhere in the 600s, but unfortunately, his exact weight came out to be 718 lbs. The 33-year-old explained that it was his girlfriend, Tayler, who managed to finally inspire him to fight for his health, after which he headed to Housten to meet Dr. Now.
He explained that he wanted to get better now before things got so bad that his girlfriend would need to clean him up and added, I am ashamed at how out of control I have let my body getI just see a monster. He also admitted that his food addiction was so deep that he craved it at all times and said, Nothing has ever compared to the happiness I feel when I eat.
Brandon didnt have a stable childhood, so he found solace in food. His parents fought a lot when he was a kid, and even when they stopped, Brandon couldnt. His mothers remarks about his weight and lifestyle when he was a teenager seemed intruding to him instead of worrisome which, led to him resenting her. And when in college he had to kick his dad out for infidelity, he gave up on his music dream to go to Italy and become a soap opera singer but never gave up food.
At the age of 27, Brandon had crossed the 600 lb mark. And six years later, with 118 lbs more, he began his weight loss journey with the help of his girlfriend Tayler and moved from Columbus, Ohio to Houston, Texas.
During their first meeting, Dr. Now told Brandon that he must lose weight himself before he gets approved for the weight loss surgery as his size and lymphedema a swelling in his arms and legs caused by a lymphatic system blockage would make the surgery unsafe for him.
In two months, Brandon reached 577 lbs, losing a total of 114 lbs trough rigorous exercise and diet. Dr. Now, pleased with this result, scheduled the surgery, and Brandon was on his way to Houston for a year. Throughout this time, Brandon was able to lose 335 lbs making his final weight at the end 383 lbs. Whats even better is that Brandon was told that he should be losing around 30 pounds per month from then on and when he comes down from the 300 mark, he can be approved for the excess skin removal surgery.
To reach his ideal weight of 180, he said that hell do whatever it takes, adding: I know I still have a lot of work to do to hit my target goal. Its not going to be easy. Along with this, in the year that it took for him to lose this much weight, he relied on his guitar and music to get him through the tough times. He was heard saying, A year ago, I thought I would be dead soon. Now Im able to start pursuing my dreams again.
The fan-favorite is still losing weight and looking fit while he pursues a career in music. In Fact, he even has his own YouTube channel where you can find him continually uploading the covers he does of famous songs as well as some of his original work. And as far as his relationship with Tayler is concerned, the two got engaged in the summer of 2019. You can check out more about him on his Facebook page too. After everything that he has been through, we hope Brandon gets everything he wants in life and more.
Read More: Where is Ashley T. From My 600-lb Life Now?
Where is Brandon Scott from My 600-lb Life Now in 2020? - The Cinemaholic