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Top Foods that help you lose weight –

Weight loss can be a hard affair than you think. A lot of factors influence how quickly you will lose weight and your metabolism is one of them. One of the simplest ways to keep the metabolism on run is through engaging in any kind of physical activity. Performing intense exercises helps us to burn more calories and shed unwanted body fat.
One of the other ways to speed up the calorie-burning process and that is by eating the right food. Here are some foods that can speed up ones metabolism when trying to shed kilos.
Capsaicin in your diet may help to raise your metabolism by increasing the number of calories you burn. About 20 researches suggest that capsaicin can help our body to burn 50 extra calories per day. Capsaicin is an active component found in hot peppers and chilis that gives them their spicy taste.
Black coffee can be very beneficial in weight loss. Some studies suggest that caffeine can increase the metabolic rate by up to 11 per cent. Drinking 270 mg of caffeine daily can help us burn an extra 100 calories daily. It may also help to boost your workout performance.
Apple Cider Vinegar can daily keep you fuller between your meals and can immensely cut down our belly fat. Animal studies have also suggested that ACV increases the amount of fat burned for energy. Adding 1 teaspoon of AVC in half glass of water and drinking it every day. If its taken alongside a concoction with a high-carb meal, you will eat about 200-275 fewer calories for the rest of the day.
Protein intake is not only necessary for building muscle mass but even essential for burning calories. Protein-packed food items like fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, nuts and seeds, can boost your metabolism for a few hours. Consuming protein-rich food also keeps you fuller for a longer time helps one when overeats.
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Is weight loss possible with PCOS? Foods to avoid and proven to help – Insider – INSIDER

An estimated 80% of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) are overweight or obese.
Research shows that obese women with PCOS can have more severe symptoms and when they lose weight they see a decrease in symptoms, including improved fertility, a more regular cycle, improved insulin and cholesterol levels, and less excess hair growth and acne.
Insider spoke with Natasha R. Chinn, MD, FACOG, OB-GYN and partner at Brescia and Migliaccio Women's Health for tips on how to lose weight with PCOS.
There's no one universally recommended diet but research seems to indicate that a high-protein, low carb diet consistently works not only for weight loss but also certain PCOS symptoms.
In one small 2005 study, published in Nutrition & Metabolism, five women who followed a low-carb, ketogenic diet for six months lost an average of 12 percent of their body weight and also saw an improvement in their insulin sensitivity and lower levels of testosterone.
And a 2012 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that overweight and obese women with PCOS who followed a low-calorie diet lost weight over three months but the group who ate a low-cal diet with foods high in protein and low on the glycemic index also saw better improvement in other areas, like insulin sensitivity.
For her part, Chinn says that while the data can't point to one particular diet, clinically she's seen success when her patients have a diet low in gluten, sugar, and dairy. "When they eliminate or minimize these from their diets even before I see significant weight release, often times their acne, mental acuity, mood are all improved."
She also advises sticking to drinking water throughout the day, "eating 8-11 servings of green leafy vegetables per day," choosing healthy fats (like avocado or wild salmon), and eating only one to two servings of fruit per day due to the sugar content. "Insulin resistance is usually increased in women with PCOS. Thus, sugar is not processed in the same way that it is in women without insulin resistance which makes weight loss more difficult," she says.
Chinn recommends this diet since many women with PCOS have insulin resistance and therefore an uptick in type-2 diabetes risk, so "this is the healthiest approach for both weight release and maintenance and a lifestyle change which will only enhance their health in the future."
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Is weight loss possible with PCOS? Foods to avoid and proven to help - Insider - INSIDER
Weight loss story: ‘I lost 17 kilos in just 6 months by jogging every day!’ – Times of India

Different people have different approaches when it comes to shedding those dreaded kilos. However, when 35-year-old Ashish realised that he needed to lose weight, he decided to go the old school way. Instead of enrolling in a gym or going on a diet, he decided to make some simple lifestyle changes and jog every day without fail. His weight loss journey is an example that you do not always need fancy equipments and a gym membership to lose weight. Read on.Name: Ashish SethiOccupation: SalesAge: 35 years
Height: 5 feet 7 inches
City: DelhiHighest weight recorded: 92 kgs
Weight lost: 17 kgs
Duration it took me to lose weight: 6 months
The turning point: While I did know that I was slowly gaining a lot of weight, owing to my sedentary lifestyle, I did not give much thought to it. However, everyone, I knew had started commenting on my growing weight and it dented my confidence. I also started suffering from terrible leg, knee and back pain, thanks to all the weight. When I realised that all the extra kilos had begun to seriously impact my health, I decided to do something before it was too late.
My breakfast: I keep switching between the following options:
1) 2 egg white and 1 whole egg mixed omelette with capsicum, onion, tomato, mushroom with one multigrain bread,
2) Besan chilla
3) Oat based cereal,
I also have a handful of almonds and walnuts soaked overnight and one glass of toned milk.
My lunch: 2 chapatis, a portion of seasonal vegetables, a small bowl of curd, rice (2 times in a week)
My dinner: I prefer the following options:
Option 1: 1 chapati, a bowl of dal and salad
Option 2: Roasted chicken breast
Option 3 : Chicken soup and boiled egg white
Option 4: Homemade greek salad with a bowl of any soup
Option 5 : Besan chilla
Option 6 : Soya chunks rice pulao
Pre-workout meal: A banana or apple
Post-workout meal: A cup of toned milk tea without sugar with one digestive biscuit or toast.
I indulge in: I do not believe in the concept of planned cheat days. If I feel like it, I have a samosa or a small portion of any other fast food once a month.
My workout: My only workout routine is to run and walk for at least 8 kilometres every day. Initially, I started with brisk walking for a month and gradually started running and jogging. I also do stretching twice a week.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Omelette, roasted chicken and soya chunks Fitness secrets I unveiled: Weight loss is all about consistency and focus and there is no single formula that will suit everyone. In my case, due to a sedentary lifestyle I had started to gain weight. I also had knee pain, back pain and frequent headaches. I realised that walking and/or running is the best option as all you need is a good pair of shoes.
How do I stay motivated? I aimed to walk and run for six months straight even if I did not get any result. How do you ensure you dont lose focus? The kind of compliments I get every day are enough to keep me focused and motivated. More importantly, the health benefits are so huge that I cannot even think of going back to my old ways.
Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? When you are overweight, your confidence takes a hit. You also know somewhere deep down that this is not the best version of yourself.
What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? I want to maintain my current physique for all the years to come. I love how I feel right now and wish to stay fit.
What are the lifestyle changes you made? I have made it a point to run regularly and strictly shun sugar, fried food and snacks. Moreover, I strictly monitor my calorie intake and do not overeat. For the last six months, I run every single day without fail. I have made it a target to walk 200 kilometres every month.
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Weight loss story: 'I lost 17 kilos in just 6 months by jogging every day!' - Times of India
Dr. Mary Claire Haver Has Cracked The Menopause Weight Loss Code: 20,000 Students And It’s Just The Beginning – Yahoo Finance

GALVESTON, Texas, Jan. 30, 2020 /PRNewswire/ --Dr. Mary Claire Haver, board certified OBGYN and founder of The Galveston Diet, announced today that over 20,000 students have enrolled in the online Signature Program. By offering an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition for women in menopause, The Galveston Diet has helped women lose weight, burn fat, and feel comfortable in their skin.
Dr. Mary Claire Haver is the founder and creator of The Galveston Diet, the first and only nutrition program in the world created by a Female OBGYN, designed for women in menopause.
"When we crossed the 20,000-student mark, I was astonished," Dr. Mary Claire notes, "The Galveston Diet is more than just a diet; it is a new way of life for many women. I created the program for women who are frustrated with menopausal and mid-life weight gain because I went through it and understood from experience how difficult it is to lose the weight. Going through menopause and perimenopause brings changes that can be a real struggle to adapt to. It is exciting to hear successful testimonials from our students. They are in control of their bodies and are seeing the results."
What makes The Galveston Diet different from other anti-inflammatory diets? Dr. Mary Claire has done the research and not only explains the science behind the method but takes the time to break down the medical terminology into applicable layman's terms. She believes in the power of nutrition to combat inflammation and highly recommends the unlimited benefits of Intermittent Fasting. To learn as much as she could about food and medical nutrition, she became certified in Culinary Medicine in 2019.
Enrollment for the online Signature Program has a one-time fee of $59 and includes 24/7 access to the curriculum, all led by Dr. Mary Claire. Including informational videos, comprehensive resources, and offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. The program is self-paced and has over five weeks of meal plans, shopping guides, and includes a mindfulness component. To learn more about The Galveston Diet, visit YouTube/TheGalvestonDietIntro or
About Dr. Mary Claire Haver is the founder and creator of The Galveston Diet, the first and only nutrition program in the world created by a Female OBGYN, designed for women in menopause. The Galveston Diet is dedicated to helping women reach their health and wellness goals through an anti-inflammatory approach to nutrition.
Pinterest: @thegalvestondietFacebook: @TheGalvestonDietInstagram: @thegalvestondietYouTube:
Dr. Mary Claire Haver is the founder and creator of The Galveston Diet, the first and only nutrition program in the world created by a Female OBGYN, designed for women in menopause.
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Dr. Mary Claire Haver Has Cracked The Menopause Weight Loss Code: 20,000 Students And It's Just The Beginning - Yahoo Finance
Trying to lose weight? Include these 6 best sources of protein in your diet – Times of India

When trying to lose weight, your diet plays a crucial role. A nutrient-rich diet is essential to stay fit and active. Protein is one such nutrient, which is famous for its weight loss properties. A protein-rich diet speeds up your metabolism, keeps you fuller for a longer time and helps to build muscle mass.
You might have seen bodybuilders and athletes guzzling protein shakes post-workout session and would have even considered to try it once. Certainly, protein intake is helpful after an intense workout session but it is not necessary to take protein powder or supplements for it at all. There are plenty of protein-rich foods that you can include in your diet for a similar result.
Here are the 6 best sources of protein that eat post-workout when trying to lose weight:
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Trying to lose weight? Include these 6 best sources of protein in your diet - Times of India
Trust Me, You Can Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same D*mn Time – Women’s Health

Learning how to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time isn't easy. But according to experts it can be doneand, what's more, it's actually more beneficial and sustainable for your body in the long run.
Phil Catudal, NASM-cpt and nutrition expert, can speak to this. "It's called body recomposition, and its probably the thing I work on most with clients," he says. The first thing you should know, he says, is that winning the lose fat-gain muscle game requires a serious level of consistency and understanding.
It's something he stresses clients like Ann (not her real name) who came to him after giving birth to two kids looking for the best way to lose fat but gain muscle too. The two started working together six weeks postpartum, and he developed a plan for her that focused on the two main things that you need to achieve both at the same time: protein and calorie intake. "By the end she was squatting 120 pounds barbells with chains on her waist and looking super badass," Catudal recalls.
Before undergoing any major changes to your diet or nutrition plan, you should speak to a registered dietitian or doctor. There are, however, some general guidelines and information that applies to healthy adults that you can use that are considered best practices by fitness and nutrition experts.
Keep reading for a beginner's guide for how to lose fat and gain muscle with advice from Catudal and other health and fitness pros.
"When people are trying to lose body fat or weight the typical rule of thumb is a 500 calorie deficit," Catadul says. This is within the guidelines of the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). But that's only if you're focusing simply on weight loss.
Remember, calories give your body the energy it needs to function, but can also be stored as fat. To keep that from happening you have to a) reduce your calorie intake or b) increase your physical activity. If you're trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, you're going to want to do both.
"You need them to go hand in hand, so that you dont lose muscle mass as youre losing weight," says Dina Kader, RD, CDN. "You don't want go below 1,200 calories a day, because then you also start to break down muscle."
Catudul's strategy to lose (or metabolize) fat and gain muscle at the same time involves keeping your caloric intake at exactly your bodies' needs and sometimes just a bit higher. According to, the average caloric intake for women is between 1,600-2,400 calories depending on age, weight, height, and activity level. If you want a more specific analysis, Kader recommends having your dietician perform a bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), a highly accurate test for body fat and muscle mass done through electrodes to determine how many calories your body needs.
But let's say for now that your body needs 1,800 calories. According to Catudul's plan, you'll stick to those 1,800 calories on days you're not working out. And then up that by 200300 calories on workout days, which is within the range recommended by the NASM.
By doing this, you're feeding your body enough food to operate at 100 percent. But since you'll also be increasing your strength training and HIIT training, when you do recover your calories, you'll be recovering more muscle than fat, Catadul says. And the fat that you do have will be burned for extra energy needed on those tough workouts.
If you don't want to focus too heavily on calories, that's definitely an option too, according to Erin Oprea, certified personal and celebrity trainer and founder of the Pretty Muscles workout app. "I never want my clients to be obsessing over their calorie intake," she says. I personally dont count calories and numbers, but I focus on correct serving size and to make sure every time you eat, you get a complex carb and a protein."
The trainer also makes sure to limit her starches to the morning time. "I do starches early in the day because those are your energy sources. You eat them, get that fuel in your body and burn them off," she says.
Pro tip: "Don't obsess over the scale," Oprea says. Unlike in weight loss where you're focused on numbers, body recomposition focuses on distribution. Your volume of fat will decrease as you build muscle. But muscle is more dense than fat, which means it takes up less space. So it's the same weight, it just appears differently.
To really drive the tip above home Catadul says that you should aim to stay within a 4-pound range. "Lets say I have a woman who is 58 and 140 pounds. Ill want to have her between 138 and 142 the whole time we're working together, Catadul says.
The National Academy of Medicine recommends the average adult gets a minimum of 0.8 grams of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day, or a little over 7 grams for every 20 pounds of body weight. So let's say you're 140 pounds. You should typically be getting around 50 grams of protein a day.
But if you're trying to build muscle and lose fat at the same time, you're going to want to increase your protein intake. Why? "If you're not getting enough protein while doing heavy weight training, you will not recover from your workouts enough to perform well, which means that you will not put on as much muscle or burn as much fat," Catadul says. The trainer suggests that around 30+ percent of your calories should come from protein.
A study from the Journal of Nutrition found that among 24 women, half of whom followed a standard carbohydrate-based diet and the other half who followed a lower carb, higher protein diet (30 percent) showed drastic results in fat loss and muscle mass. Each group ate 1,700 calories a day. After 10 weeks, researchers found that women in both groups had lost an average of 16 pounds each, but that the the standard-diet group lost 10.4 pounds of that weight in body fat and 3 pounds in muscle mass, whereas the higher protein group on average, lost 12.3 pounds in body fat and only 1.7 pounds in muscle mass.
So let's go back to that 1,800 calorie need. If you want to consume 30 percent of that in protein, you'll multiply that number by 0.30 to get 540 and then divide it by four (4 calories equals 1 g of protein) which will put you at 135 g. Catadul says most people aiming for 30 percent of their calories in proteins will have a protein intake of 100-150 grams a day.
Oprea recommends consuming your post-workout protein between 30 minute to an hour after your workout
And you'll want to sprinkle those proteins throughout each meal. "Having protein at every meal is key. As for carbs, you'll want to put them before and after your workout," Catadul says. It will help to fuel for the workout and fuel after to replenish. You'll also want to intake protein after a workout to rebuild your muscles. Oprea recommends consuming your post-workout protein between 30 minutes to an hour after your workout.
And while there are plenty of proteins to chose from, Khader says plant based proteins (think: pea or sprouted rice proteins) are best because they don't stress the kidneys. If you're a meat and fish kind of person, Khader recommends lean meats like chicken and turkey. Other great protein sources from the experts include wild fish, salmon, and beans. If you want to do red meat like beef, do so occasionally considering the fat consistencyOprea suggests once a week.
Thinking about body recomposition, but you need more vegan protein ideas? Check out this video below:
Catudul and Oprea have similar recs, but Oprea also loves to add in some eggs and for clients worried about boredom sinking, she recommends focusing on seasonings. Her secret sauce? Coconut aminos. "It has a similar taste to teriyaki sauce, but you're not getting all the salt that will leave you puffy."
Before you rush to the nearest grocery store to stock up on all these proteins, there are a few you'll want to steer clear of while shopping, according to Khader. First up is soy. A soy protein will affect the thyroid, she says. And consuming it regularly can make you more sluggish and it harder to lose weight. Another thing to avoid: nuts. "People think they are good protein sources, but they're too high in fat," Khader says.
Dont be scared of weight training, Oprea tells her clients that are worried about looking too jacked. It's actually a major part in accomplishing fat loss and muscle gains at the same time.
"Weights help you to put on more muscle mass and the weights also help you to burn more calories," Khader says. How? Because muscle burns calories but body fat does not. "People think 'I dont want to put on muscle because I dont want to get bulky,' but thats not true. Lifting weights helps you to burn more fat more efficiently," Khader says.
"Lifting weights helps you to burn more fat more efficiently."
When it comes to body recomposition Catadul recommends 34 days a week of 45minute strength and weight training exercises (machine workouts, free weights, etc.) with 60 second rests in between exercises.
But he'll also do a 15-20 minute HIIT workout. Oprea's go-to is a tabbata workout where each round lasts four minutes. You'll do 20 seconds of all out intensity, followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated eight times. "HIIT is the most efficient way of burning fat," Catadul says. "Youll burn as many calories in a 15minute hit session as you would in an hour of jogging."
In terms of recovery, of course your post-workout carbs and proteins will take care of some of that, but Khader also recommends some natural remedies. "If your muscles get sore from working out, when you have a lot of soreness or inflammation you will not burn fat or put on muscle as easily," Khader says. Instead the body will focus on taking care of the inflammation. That's why she recommends using weekly salts baths to help relax and provide extra recovery to those muscles. Carving out time in between tougher workouts for active recovery activities will help expedite the healing process too.
All three experts could not stress this point enough. "If people are poor sleepers they will not burn fat as efficiently and it's much harder to build muscle," Khader says. The nutritionist also pointed out that people who don't get enough sleep are always hungry which means they are at risk for consuming above and beyond the amount of calories they really need.
And there are several studies to back this up. One published by the Public Library of Science studied 1,024 people's sleeping habits and the participants with short sleep had elevated levels of certain hormones related to appetite regulation and an increased BMI was shown as proportional to decreased sleep.
And of course the other factor, hydration is also and always super important, in body recomposition and in everyday life. "You can't build muscle if your body is not recovered from the day before in normal life," Catadul say. "Being hydrated and sleeping are so critical to basic human function. If you do all these things and you're not drinking water or you're sleeping four hours a night, it's either not going to work at all or work so much slower than if you're body is in a good state." And who doesn't want to see results?
As far as timeline goes, the experts all agree that you should start to see results within four weeks if you've been consistent. Within a few months, other people will start noticing. And in six months, you'll see drastic changes. Its not easy, but its worth it, Oprea says.
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Trust Me, You Can Lose Fat And Gain Muscle At The Same D*mn Time - Women's Health
This Guy Lost 100 Pounds Through Intermittent Fasting and the Keto Diet – Men’s Health

Thomas DeLauer had always been fairly fit through high school, but gained 120 pounds due to stress and a lifestyle that had become less physically active as he began to focus on his career. Now a health and fitness entrepreneur and YouTuber, DeLauer explains how he used intermittent fasting in conjunction with working out as a tool to help himself lose weightand how he struggled to sustain his results until he learned to prioritize his mental health.
"I started intermittent fasting not really knowing what I was doing," he says. "I was doing intermittent fasting simply because it was easy; I could go for a period of time without eating, and then eat. But there was no regiment, it wasn't like I was following a structured plan. I would go until 3 or 4 p.m. and then eat. That was just it. And quite frankly, it probably wasn't healthy, because I developed a weird addiction to it."
DeLauer lost about 50 pounds in a 6 month period. That kind of rapid weight loss isn't uncommon when you make changes to your diet and reduce your calorie intake, but as is to be expected, his results began to plateau.
At this point, in addition to continuing his intermittent fasting, he also started the keto diet, and his weight loss continued. He began to see benefits outside of just dropping body fat, such as reduced inflammation, and becoming more productive at work. Soon after, he started his own business, which brought on a whole new wave of stress that caused him to fast and then binge:
"I was still fasting, but my results were stopping, because when I was eating, I was eating the wrong things, I was eating an overabundance of things, and quite frankly, at that point in time, I was doing more of a modified one-meal-a-day type diet because it was just the natural progression... if I knew what I know today, it would be a whole different story."
DeLauer believes now that if you overload with food in just one sitting, it can backfire. He adds that at certain points on his weight loss journey, he would either be way too strict with regards to what he ate, or go too far in the other direction. "I didn't live life a normal way," he says. "I either lived it totally on or totally off."
The biggest improvement he made, he notes, was when he stopped focusing merely on his physical health, and started focusing on his mental health.
"By focusing on my mental health, everything fell together. It should have been step one," he says. "But it seemed so distant to losing the body fat, to changing my physical body... I tell you, if I had spent 10 minutes meditating vs. 60 minutes pounding the pavement, I would have made a lot more progress a lot faster."
He recalls how, at times, he was able to use the anger and frustration he would feel about his own body to motivate himself, but that ultimately it's an unsustainable approach. "You can't live on the anger drive," he says. "You have to live on intention and purpose."
If you're interested in intermittent fasting as a means of losing weight, here's what you should know before trying it out for yourself.
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This Guy Lost 100 Pounds Through Intermittent Fasting and the Keto Diet - Men's Health
Never Add THIS To Your Eggs If You Are Trying To Lose Weight – SheFinds

Breakfast time is the best time to start your day on the right foot when it comes to your daily meals. Youre bound to stay on a healthy track when you begin your day with protein and perhaps even fruits and veggies. However, lets not ignore the fact that you want to be able to make breakfast in a pinch, because honestly, no one has enough time for it most mornings.
Luckily, there are plenty of healthy breakfasts you can quickly whip up without a problem eggs being one of them. Eggs take just a few minutes to cook during your morning rush and theyre loaded with beneficial nutrients.
According to Healthline, eggs contain antioxidants and powerful brain nutrients, in addition to containing Vitamin B12, Vitamin B2, Vitamin A, Vitamin B5, and Selenium. Healthline further explains that eggs can be a great weight loss food because they contain a lot of protein and fat. How amazing is that?!
The best part about eggs is that they can be prepared in a variety of ways. From sunny-side to poached, you can effortlessly switch up your breakfast game so that you will never get bored of eating this hearty morning go-to ingredient.
Even though eggs are a healthy breakfast ingredient, that doesn't mean that they're always the best food to eat when they're paired with other sneaky ingredients. You should be pretty careful when it comes to eating your eggs with different foods to complete your meal.
You should be extra wary when adding oil to your egg pan. Were all guilty of adding lots of olive oil to our frying pans to try to coat them the best we can, however, those calories in oil can add up qucikly. A Livestrong article reviewed by Jill Corleone, RDN, LD, explains that olive oil consumption out of moderation means excess calories, which can also mean fat gain if youre not careful.
Another ingredient you should sparsely add to your eggs if needed is cheese. Cheese can be rather unhealthy at times. According to Healthline, cheese is loaded with sodium and is also high in fat. You should definitely lightly garnish your eggs with cheese the next time youre in the mood for some cheddar or fontina.
As youve heard before: moderation is key, and that still holds true even when it comes to preparing some hearty eggs for breakfast in the morning.
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Never Add THIS To Your Eggs If You Are Trying To Lose Weight - SheFinds
Weight Loss Surgery Improves Breathing Issues in Obese Patients – Imaging Technology News

January 29, 2020Bariatric surgery and weight loss appear to reverse some of the negative effects of obesity on the respiratory system, according to a study published in the journalRadiology.
Obesity is a public health epidemic that contributes to a higher risk of hypertension and stroke, diabetes and certain cancers. It also harms the respiratory system, although the scope of these effects is not fully understood.
Known effects of obesity on the respiratory system include increased respiratory work, along with compromised airway resistance and respiratory muscle strength, which may all contribute to restrictive pulmonary function impairment.
As an imaging technology that provides detailed pictures of the lungs and airways, computed tomography (CT) has great potential to improve understanding of obesitys impact on the respiratory system. Up until now, however, there have been few CT studies evaluating obesitys effects on the lungs and the trachea, often referred to as the windpipe.
Study lead author Susan J. Copley, M.D., saw CTs potential firsthand in her practice as a thoracic radiologist at Hammersmith Hospital in London, part of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, where she observed differences on chest CT images obtained in obese individuals.
This caused me to wonder if these differences were due to obesity and whether they were reversible after weight loss, she said.
For the study, Copley and her colleagues evaluated changes in the respiratory systems of 51 obese individuals who underwent bariatric surgery, a treatment for obese patients who havent responded to other weight loss approaches. The procedure reduces the size of the stomach. All participants lost weight post-surgery with a mean body mass index decrease of 10.5 kg/m2.
The researchers used CT to measure the size and shape of the trachea and assess air trapping, a phenomenon in which excess air remains in the lungs after exhaling, resulting in a reduction in lung function. Air trapping is an indirect sign of obstruction in the small airways of the lung.
When the researchers compared results at baseline and six months after bariatric surgery, they found that surgery and weight loss were associated with morphological, or structural, changes to the lung and trachea.
Post-surgery CT showed reductions in air trapping and a lower incidence of tracheal collapse. Change in the extent of CT air trapping was the strongest predictor of improvement in dyspnea, or shortness of breath.
For the first time, this study has demonstrated changes in the CT morphology of large and small airways that improve when individuals lose weight, Copley said. These features correlate with an improvement in patient symptoms.
The results suggest that there may be a reversible element of small airway inflammation related to obesity and that reversal of this inflammation correlates with improvement in symptoms. The findings also point to CT as a potential marker of this inflammation.
While more studies are needed to better understand the link between CT features and biomarkers of inflammation, the study underscores CTs potential in the work-up of patients with obesity.
CT is a useful morphological marker to demonstrate subtle changes which are not easily assessed by lung function alone, Copley said.
For more information:
See the original post here:
Weight Loss Surgery Improves Breathing Issues in Obese Patients - Imaging Technology News
Diet Demand Analyzes Weight Loss Surgery: List of Pros and Cons – Yahoo Finance

Jackson, MS, Jan. 28, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery describes a number of procedures that are performed on the stomach or intestines in order to produce fast weight loss. Weight-loss surgeries alter your digestive system to help you lose weight by restricting how much you can eat, and/or by reducing the absorption of nutrients. After surgery, patients tend to feel full faster, reducing instances of overeating and encouraging portion control. Reducing what you eat via surgery can keep weight off in the long-term if you are committed. Quick weight loss due to bariatric surgery in this case isnt for mere aesthetic benefit only, excessive weight gain places strain on the bodys joints and organs which can lead to a number of debilitating health conditions and even early death. Bariatric surgery can quickly decrease risks for common weight related conditions such as: High cholesterol High blood pressure Sleep apnea Diabetes Heart attacks Strokes Acid reflux Circulation issues Chronic pain Chronic infections Inflammatory diseases Who is a candidate for weight loss surgery? Many surgeons will require that the patient shows some degree of commitment to losing weight, particularly if their weight poses a risk when it comes to the safety of an intrusive surgical procedure. Weight loss surgery is performed in patients where diet and exercise either hasnt worked or is made difficult by an individuals weight or health status. Bariatric surgery is geared toward patients whose body mass indexes range in the obesity category rather than those who are just a bit overweight and can use diet and exercise interventions instead. You may be a candidate for bariatric surgery if: Your body mass index (BMI) is 40+ (extreme obesity). Your BMI ranges from 35-39.9 (obesity), and you have one or more weight-related health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnea. Some people may qualify for certain types of weight-loss surgery with a bit lower BMI 30-34 and weight-related health conditions are present. Is weight loss surgery risky? Still, all forms of weight-loss surgery, including gastric bypass, are major procedures that can pose serious risks and side effects. As with any major surgery, gastric bypass and other weight-loss surgeries pose potential health risks, both in the short term and long term. Some short-term risks and complications associated with weight loss surgery include: Hemorrhaging/Internal bleeding Internal organ puncture Bowel perforation Bacterial infections/Wound infections Gastrointestinal leakage Adverse reactions to anesthesia Blood clots Respiratory distress Rare instances of mortality Possible long-term risks and complications: Dumping syndrome (a cause of gastrointestinal distress) Gallstone formation Bowel obstruction Hernias Ulcers Malnutrition (low absorption of nutrients) Gallstones Hernias Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) Stomach perforation Successful bariatric surgeries can only work as well as the patient will allow. Making permanent healthy changes to your diet and get regular exercise will improve the chances of long-term progress. Diet Demand suggests that anyone considering weight loss surgery should look into medical weight loss as a much safer option. Medical weight loss is a way to lose weight naturally based on your body composition and health profile. As a specialist in telemedicine based weight loss, Diet Demand offers customized diet and prescription plans, along with personal diet coaching by phone. Clients are seeing success rates of over 90%, with long-term weight loss following directly afterward. At DietDemand, all patients gain unlimited access to the best minds in the business. Their staff of doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches are available six days per week to answer questions, offer suggestions, address concerns and lend their professional guidance and support. Because of this, more and more people are turning to DietDemand for their weight management needs. Diet plans are tailored to be specific to the needs of those of any age, gender, shape or size and for those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more. Call today to request a private, confidential, no-cost online consultation.
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About the Company: DietDemand is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, DietDemand has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long-term weight loss.
DietDemand Providing Care Across The USA Headquarters: Escondido, CA (888) 786-9568
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Diet Demand Analyzes Weight Loss Surgery: List of Pros and Cons - Yahoo Finance