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Intermittent Fasting Offers Benefits Beyond Weight Loss, Article Suggests – Everyday Health

Each new year brings fresh proclamations about the best ways to lose weight and get healthier. Theres a lot of hype around extreme diets that have little research to support them, but an article published in December 2019 in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that one popular approach intermittent fasting (IF) may be worth considering.
Research findings suggest that there are many changes that occur in the body and brain in response to IF that can improve health and protect against chronic diseases, says study coauthor Mark Mattson, PhD, a neuroscientist at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore.
[Benefits] include improved glucose regulation, reduced blood pressure and resting heart rate, reduced inflammation, and improved muscle health, Dr. Mattson says.
In the article, researchers examined results from studies in animals and humans that focused on how IF may impact health markers such as metabolism and how IF may slow or reverse aging and disease.
RELATED: 6 Types of Intermittent Fasting: Which Is Right for You?
IF is an eating pattern [that] includes extended time periods during which no or very little food and caloric beverages are consumed, Mattson says.
There are many types of IF, but Mattson sees these practiced most frequently:
Several animal studies and some preliminary research in humans have shown that alternating between times of fasting and eating may support cellular health, probably by triggering an age-old adaptation to periods of food scarcity called metabolic switching, according to studies cited in the new article.
This switch happens when cells use up their stores of readily accessible glucose, or sugars, and begin converting fat into energy in a slower metabolic process. It normally takes about 16 hours without food for metabolic switching to occur, Mattson says.
During fasting, the liver converts fatty acids into ketones, a type of fuel released into the bloodstream when stores of glucose run out. Ketones also regulate the activity of many proteins and molecules that are known to influence health and aging.
As part of this process, IF triggers a stress response that increases the bodys antioxidant defenses against free radicals that damage cells and tissues, boosts DNA repair, removes damaged proteins, and curbs inflammation, animal studies have found. These processes can slow aging and are suppressed in people who overeat, researchers note in the article.
Time-restricted feeding (a form of intermittent fasting) has been shown to reprogram age-related pathways in our genes and may have an out with the old, in with the new effect on our cells and cell machinery, says Felicia Steger, PhD, of the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Dr. Steger was not involved with the current article.
Fasting gives our cells and tissues a break from processing and storing calories, and allows time to repair and regenerate, Steger says.
RELATED: Intermittent Fasting Puts Type 2 Diabetes in Remission in 3 Men
Decades of animal studies have linked calorie restriction and IF directly to an increased life span in mice and rats, but results in animals have been mixed, and there arent long-term studies in humans.
Both animals and humans have experienced improved physical function with IF that might also contribute to longevity, according to the article.
For example, mice with similar weight in one referenced study published in December 2014 in Cell Metabolism had more running endurance with IF than with unlimited access to food. And in another study published in October 2016 in the Journal of Translational Medicine, young men who fasted 16 hours a day lost fat while maintaining muscle mass during two months of resistance training.
If may also help slow aging processes in the brain, some research in animals and people suggests.
Studies in animals show that IF improves cognition, with gains in things like spatial memory, which is needed for navigation and recalling where things are located; associative memory, which is needed to understand the relationships between unrelated things; and working memory, which is needed for reasoning. IF also appears to reverse the negative effects of obesity, diabetes, and inflammation on spatial learning and memory in animals.
In a clinical trial published in theProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, older adults improved verbal memory with IF. In another study of older adults with mild cognitive impairment, published in March 2016 in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, IF was associated with improvements in verbal memory, executive function, and global cognition after 12 months. And a separate clinical trial published online in April 2019 in CNS Spectrums found that two years of daily calorie restriction led to better working memory.
In addition to the aforementioned benefits, the article suggests IF may modify risk factors associated with obesity and diabetes, says Mattson.
Six short-term studies of overweight and obese adults have found that IF works as well as standard diets for weight loss specifically.
Two studies found that IF is associated with a reversal of insulin resistance, the bodys failure to respond normally to the hormone insulin, which is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes.
RELATED: 12 Possible Intermittent Fasting Benefits
While many human studies in the article have had encouraging results, much of the research cited is from studies that are too small and too brief to draw broad conclusions about long-term outcomes, the article authors caution.
We dont have long-term studies looking at adherence, which we know is absolutely key to successful lifestyle change, says Steger.
We also dont have nuanced results to individualize recommendations or clinical care, Steger adds. For instance, we dont know if healthy individuals gain any benefit to restricting the eating window in terms of preventing disease.
Its also important to keep in mind that IF does not give you permission to binge on pizza, doughnuts, cheeseburgers, and hot fudge sundaes.
While intermittent fasting can lead to modest weight loss, changing when you eat is probably not as effective as changing what you eat because losing weight ultimately depends on eating fewer calories than your body needs, Steger says. Intermittent fasting can lead to modest weight loss alone but will be more effective when combined with traditional weight management recommendations to reduce calories and increase exercise.
Fasting may also work best when paired with healthy eating habits, like a Mediterranean diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish, and unsaturated fats. Meanwhile, other people may combine IF with the popular ketogenic diet in the hope of supercharging their weight loss, though many experts caution that research on this combined approach is lacking.
IF is not distinct necessarily from a Mediterranean diet or other eating plans, says Susan Roberts, PhD, a professor of nutrition at Tufts University in Massachusetts, and founder of the iDiet weight loss program. You can do them both together.
Its possible that IF may offer benefits even when people dont have good eating habits, but those benefits wont necessarily be significant, says Dr. Roberts, who wasalso not involved in the article.
RELATED: Intermittent Fasting May Improve Metabolic Health, Small Study Finds
Some people shouldnt try IF, including pregnant or nursing women, children, the elderly, and individuals with any history of eating disorders, says Krista Varady, PhD, a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois in Chicago. People with diabetes and some other chronic health problems should consult with a doctor before doing IF, Dr. Varady adds. (She also was not involved in the current article.)
Getting started with IF may mean tolerating side effects like headaches, nausea, constipation, and irritability, Varaday says. Most of these problems come from failing to drink enough water.
People dont realize theres so much water in foods that theyre not getting when they start fasting, and they get hangry and irritable, Varady says. If you just do eight glasses of water a day, youll probably be fine.
While no serious side effects have been seen with short-term IF regimens, little is known about the long-term outcomes.
The big question is whether it is healthy for the long term and manageable for more than a tiny percent of the population, says Roberts. There may be side effects with implications for long-term health that are not apparent for months, or even years.
For now, there are only about 25 to 30 studies of IF in humans, Varady says. Much more research is needed that follows people beyond 12 months.
Steger agrees that more long-term research is needed. The intermittent fasting field is still young, and we dont have long-term data on sustainability, nor do we have feasibility for different groups of people, Steger says. While IF may benefit many (or most) people, it may not work for everyone.
Originally posted here:
Intermittent Fasting Offers Benefits Beyond Weight Loss, Article Suggests - Everyday Health
Does Your Cat Need to Shed Some Pounds? Here’s How to Help It Lose Weight – Inside Edition

Making one of the first inspirational stories of the year, Zack the30-pound, overweight cat was adopted into his forever homeand will be enjoy a strict new diet. Zackweighedtwotimes a healthy weight when he arrived atMichigans Humane Society.
Thankfully, hes on the road to weight loss with his new owners, and you can learn more about his story in the video above.What exactly are Zack and his new owners up against in their new journey together?
What weight isconsidered obese for a cat?
Obesecats are at least 20% heavier than their optimal weights, per International Cat Care. Studies show that59% of cats in the United States are overweight or obese. Owners spent hundreds of extra dollarseach year when their feline companions are overweight, according to PetMd.
What are the health risks for the cat?
Overweight cats have a shorter life-expectancy due to various health conditions that can be triggered by obesity.
Cats thatare overweight can be susceptible to numerous diseases and complications, such asdiabetes, high blood pressure, arthritisand urinary tract disease. Excess weight can also put a strain on the cats lungs, making it hard for the animal to breath.
Obesity cantriggerhepatic lipidosis, also known as fatty liver disease, which can leave felines in need of a feeding tube and IV fluids. If left untreated, it can be fatal.
An increased risk of cancer is the case for obese cats as well. Mental health can also be a struggle for the overweight animals because their instincts areto run when theyre in danger. An inability to do that, because of their weight, can cause them distress.
How can owners help their cat drop excess weight?
Just like humans, exercise and diet play a major role in helping a cat lose weight. Owners can take their animals on short walks or play games with them that help expend calories.
The next thing thats recommended is for the cat to cut calories, but not too drastically, as that can also trigger hepatic lipidosis.
Vets recommendno longer leaving food out for your cat all daybut feeding the cat threeto four small meals a day. A meat-based diet, high in protein, is recommended over dry kibble. Also, swap out the cats treats for healthier ones and make sure its water bowl is full to help satiate hunger. Its recommended for a veterinarian to help decide what diet would be best for your pet.
Regular weigh-ins, every two to three weeks, for your cat can also help to keep yourself accountable as the owner, per theVeterinary Centers of America.
Once you get your cat to a healthy weight, then its all about maintenance. Owners are urged to continue to monitor their animals food intake and activity.
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Does Your Cat Need to Shed Some Pounds? Here's How to Help It Lose Weight - Inside Edition
Revealed – 50 easy food swaps to lose weight and be healthier – Birmingham Live

It's January, and that means a good percentage of the UK population have embarked on some kind of weight loss regime.
Maybe it's because we over-indulged during the festive period, or because we've been carrying a bit too much timber for a long time and are using the new decade to finally do something about it.
Some of us may have decided to go on a proper, structured diet, while others may have joined a gym to sweat off those pounds.
But is such a drastic move really necessary? Surely just eating healthily and cutting down calories would do the trick?
Many experts say a few simple food swaps will trim your waistline and also help you adopt a more healthy lifestyle in the longer term.
Here are 50 easy food swaps suggested by the health experts at Bupa which won't leaving you feeling deprived, but will make a massive difference to your waistline and overall diet.
1. Instead of chucking in pieces of lamb or beef in stews, use lentils instead. Fewer calories, but full of fibre.
2. When using cream in cooking, switch to low-fat Greek yoghurt or reduced fat crme fraiche.
3. Don't reach for a bag of crisps - swap for unsalted popcorn.
4. Full-fat cheddar - go for cottage cheese or a reduced-fat cheddar.
5. Milk chocolate bar swap for dark chocolate.
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6. Mayonnaise go for the reduced fat version, or swap for half an avocado, mustard, or even make your own dressing using olive oil, herbs and spices.
7. Fruit juice full of sugar, go for the "real thing" by having the fruit itself, or have half fruit juice and half water.
8. Sunflower oil swap for rapeseed oil in cooking, and spray it onto the pan rather than pour it.
9. Apple pie swap for stewed apple with oat crumble.
10. Potato have sweet potato instead.
11. Chocolate biscuit swap for a homemade muesli slice.
12. Two-minute noodles try thin rice noodles instead.
13. Full-fat latte swap for skinny latte or white Americano.
14. Chicken wings or drumsticks opt for skinless chicken breast.
5. Thick-crust takeaway pizza try thin-crust.
16. Soy sauce swap for reduced-salt soy sauce
17. Salami have turkey or chicken breast instead.
18. Chocolate milkshake swap for low-fat chocolate milkshake.
19. Ditch the frozen fish in breadcrumbs and go for fresh or frozen fish.
20. Salted nuts swap for unsalted nuts such as almonds or walnuts.
21. Swap jam for smashed berries or mashed banana with a sprinkling of cinnamon.
22. Steer clear of the fried, fat-laden tempura and try raw fish or veggie sushi roll.
23. For breakfast, forego sugary cereal and try porridge, wholegrain wheat cereal, or wholemeal toast with peanut butter.
24. When making pasta, don't have the creamy sauces, switch to tomato-based ones or pesto.
25. Ice lollies swap for frozen grapes.
26. Butter is more nutritious, but very high in fat and calories, so try olive oil-based spread.
27. Ice cream swap for a frozen blended banana.
28. Cheese and biscuits switch to crudits (vegetable sticks such as carrots, celery, peppers) and a dip such as low-fat humus or salsa.
29. Caesar salad swap for a build-your-own garden salad.
30. French fries swap for oven-baked potato wedges or sweet potato wedges.
31. Chocolate mousse make your own healthier version using blended avocado and banana with cocoa powder and vanilla extract.
32. Creamy salad dressing swap for olive oil and balsamic vinegar.
33. Ditch the bacon and fried egg and go for grilled bacon and poached eggs.
34. White rice swap for whole barley or brown rice.
35. Coconut milk swap for light coconut milk or light evaporated milk with coconut essence.
36. Ditch the spring rolls and instead have rice paper rolls.
37. Sweet chilli sauce swap for chilli lime vinaigrette dressing.
38. Have smoked salmon instead of bacon.
39. Swap a blueberry muffin for one slice of raisin toast.
40. Gyoza (Japanese dumplings) entre swap for edamame, which are a type of soy bean.
41. Pretzels swap for salt and vinegar rice crackers.
42. Ditch the carbonated drinks for diet or zero carbonated drinks, no added sugar squash or sparkling or still water.
43. Sprinkle herbs and spices over your food instead of salt.
44. When buying tinned fish in brine, go for the one in spring water, and try other tinned fish such as mackerel, salmon and sardines.
45. Hot chocolate try warm, low-fat milk with cinnamon.
46. When making pancakes, serve them with fresh fruit instead of lemon and sugar.
47. Quiche try the crustless ones or even better, go for an omelette or frittata.
48. When eating out, swerve the hamburger and have the grilled chicken salad sandwich or wrap.
49. Pasta swap for courgette ribbons or aubergine sheets.
50. When you fancy a sweet, opt for dates or a handful of fruit such as grapes or strawberries.
Revealed - 50 easy food swaps to lose weight and be healthier - Birmingham Live
Focus on Healthy Habits and Realistic Goals to Lose Weight in the New Year – PGH City Paper

Slim down. Drop a few pounds. Make my scale happy. Reverse my clothes shrinkage.
However it's worded, weight loss is one of the most common New Years Resolutions. Not surprisingly, a lot of these resolutions fail: Unrealistic goals and trendy weight programs lead to frustration and burnout with a return to original behaviors (and the same resolution the next year). Instead, the focus when trying to lose weight should be creating permanent healthy habits through realistic weight loss goals fueled by minor tweaks to everyday routines. Not only is this strategy easier to stick to but it also adds up over time and helps prevent setbacks from derailing your end goal.
What is a reasonable goal and how do you set one? Simplified, weight loss occurs when you burn more energy (calories) through activity and normal body functions than you consume through eating. A healthy weight loss goal is between 0.5 to 2 pounds per week this amounts to a calorie deficit of 1750 to 7000 calories per week or 250 to 1000 calories per day. This deficit can be achieved by either eating less (reduction of calories in), becoming more active (increase in calories out), or a combination of the two. To set a goal, first determine what you want the end result to be (lose 10 pounds), how you want to get there (diet and/or exercise), and what your weekly goal is based on how likely you are to stick to a new plan (be honest, if cutting 1000 calories per day is impossible for you, start smaller and work your way up).
To enact your new weight loss plan, focus on small changes to your daily habits to reach your daily goals. Try not to focus on your weight as it may fluctuate by 5 pounds per day based on what and when you eat and drink, if and when you exercised, and your stress levels and sleep quality. If you choose a daily weight check, do it at the same time every day, such as first thing in the morning. Adding an activity to your routine would help you quickly reach your daily deficit.
To burn 250 calories (these are estimates):
Or decrease your caloric intake by 250 calories by making some easy food choices:
So what tools can you use to help keep you on track with your weight loss plan? Health and fitness apps and other wearables can be very helpful as they can track activities and calculate energy burned; other apps log your food intake and calculate the calories you have eaten. HealthMetric is an all-in-one health and fitness app that personalizes your weight loss journey. With HealthMetrics weight loss program, you set your goal and select a strategy to meet your goal: diet, exercise, or a combination. The app provides daily feedback on your progress, shows how others with similar goals are doing, and predicts how you'll do tomorrow to keep you motivated. In addition, you can use voice commands to search and record food, drinks, and exercises from our large, curated nutritional and activity databases.
With HealthMetric, you control how to become: Healthier. Strong. Better. You.
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Focus on Healthy Habits and Realistic Goals to Lose Weight in the New Year - PGH City Paper
Want to lose weight? Lose the car – The Guardian

Since 2011 Beijing has controlled traffic growth by allocating new licence plates in a bimonthly lottery. There is less than a one in 500 chance of getting a plate in each draw but winning might not be as wonderful as it first seems.
The impact of increased motorised travel extend beyond air pollution. In the UK the total distance walked each year dropped by 30% between 1995 and 2013, and the distance cycled in England and Wales in 2012 was just 20% of that in 1952 but these changes have been slow and are difficult to study.
In Beijing, predictably, winners took fewer journeys on public transport and walked less than those that stayed on the waiting list. Overall there was no weight difference between the two groups, but this was not the case for the older people. After five years, winners over 50 had about 30 minutes less physical activity per day and were, on average, 10kg heavier.
Elsewhere, Colombian men in households with motor vehicles weighed about 10kg more in those without, and Europeans who cycle daily weigh about 3.3kg less than those who drive.
A long-term resolution to leave the car at home could help the environment, your wallet and your waistline.
Continued here:
Want to lose weight? Lose the car - The Guardian
How WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Helped This Mom Lose 93 Pounds –

Losing weight and keeping it off is a lot easier when you have expert guidance from the leader in weight loss and its supportive community. WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers) just rolled out its most customized program ever, and it's poised to continue to help millions of members around the world accomplish their weight-loss and wellness goals in 2020. With myWW, each new member takes a personal assessment which matches them with a customized program that can make losing weight easier.
While many members follow and succeed on the WW program using the WW app, those who would like a little extra expert guidance and consistent support swear by the weekly WW Workshops to keep them accountable and help them stay on track. WW Coaches host weekly 30-minute Workshops at over 800 Studios nationwide.
Meghan Niro is a WW member at the WW Studio Woonsocket. Learn more about her weight-loss journey and get inspired!
Answers have been edited for clarity and length.
Meghan: About two years ago, I hit my rock bottom. I had two babies, 14 months apart, and gained close to 70 pounds between both. I was eating just out of convenience to keep my head afloat with two babies under 2 years old. I knew I needed a change, and I knew I didn't have the willpower to embrace a healthy lifestyle alone. I joined WW, and I've lost 93.4 pounds.
Meghan: My favorite thing about WW is the sense of community. You have Workshops, the WW app, the WW Instagram page and WW Connect (WW's members-only digital community) where you can find support, engage with other members, share your struggles, get inspired, find recipe ideas or even get answers to questions about the program.
Meghan: I love that the new myWW program is customized to fit my lifestyle. Members just take the myWW personal assessment, and then WW's smart algorithm matches them with their very own proven weight-loss plan.
Meghan: I attribute a lot of my success to the community I have at my WW Studio. It's been like a second home to me for the past two years, and I look forward to going to my Workshop every week. It's where we share our successes and struggles, and where we can be vulnerable with each other. It's also where I can offer and receive advice from my fellow members. I wouldn't have this sense of community if I was losing weight on my own.
Meghan: Each Coach I've had the pleasure of meeting has different qualities about them that I enjoy, but I have to give a shoutout to my main Coach, Kathy Forte. She is a mentor to me, and she goes above and beyond for her WW Workshop members. She's an inspiration herself to me because she has maintained her weight loss for almost 20 years!
Meghan: I look forward to seeing the successes of others and celebrating them. I look forward to seeing people who I consider friends every week share their triumphs or struggles.
Meghan: The best nutrition tip I've picked up from WW is the importance of PORTION CONTROL. I measure everything I eat. I use measuring spoons, cups and a food scale daily, which is something I never even thought twice about before starting my wellness journey.
The best fitness tip I've picked up from WW is: Something is always better than nothing. I never attempted the gym, fitness classes or home workouts prior to my weight-loss journey, because I didn't think I liked exercise. Truth was, I just didn't like the gym. Exercise makes me sleep better, and it makes me a happier person overall. I walk almost every day. I put on my favorite podcasts, get my 10,000 steps in and I feel great afterwards!
Meghan: They are most surprised by how much WW has evolved through the years. My grandmother did WW back in the '70s, and she mentioned how limited the menu was when she did the program. Now, nothing is off-limits. Friends and family also are surprised by the WW app and how easy/user-friendly it is now to track through your phone instead of using a paper tracker.
Meghan: My favorite local hot spot for a healthy meal is Blackies in Smithfield. They have SO MANY healthy-plate options, even giving you the option to build your own plate. I also love Jacky's Galaxie on Mineral Spring for sushi and sashimi!
Meghan: My best advice is that we all have a day one. Losing weight is not easy. Determine why you want to lose weight, like maybe your child is getting married and you want to look your best. Or, you want to be more active to keep up with your kids. Your "why" will help keep you motivated and focused during your wellness journey.
Meghan: It's affected my lifestyle completely. I love being outside and being active with my boys (who I can keep up with). I now look forward to making dinner every night. I try to incorporate new WW-friendly recipes into our menu every week!
It's also affected my mindset immensely and taught me the importance of self-care. I think most moms would agree that we always put ourselves last on the list. I know I did for a long time until I told myself I would be a better mom and a better person overall if I put my wellness (mental and physical) first.
Meghan: Before WW I would say I was complacent, dull and unhealthy. Now I would say I'm driven, powerful and motivated.
Meghan: I don't make resolutions anymore I make intentions. I make a list of realistic goals with dates to have those intentions accomplished. Last year I hit "onederland" (the weight loss milestone of being under 200 pounds) in February, ran my first 5K in April, and hiked a mountain in August. In 2020, my intentions are to run the Disney 5K, hit my WW weight-loss goal and try a cycle class!
(For more from Meghan, follow her on Instagram at @meggssteronww.)
WW is a weight-loss program that takes a people-focused, science-backed approach to promoting weight loss and healthy living. Its new program, myWW, is fully customized to make losing weight easier for you.
When you join myWW, you'll start with a personal assessment that asks a range of questions about your unique food preferences, activity level, lifestyle and approach to weight loss. Based on your responses, WW will scientifically match you with a customized, proven weight-loss plan that can make losing weight easier.
Every person in the WW Studio is on your side! The friendly guides and expert Coaches will quickly become your greatest motivators and sources of support to make 2020 the year you reach your weight-loss goals!
Workshops held at WW Studio locations cover topics that are relevant to weight loss, health and wellness. You can participate as much or as little as you want. There are WW Workshops during the morning, afternoon and evening, seven days a week. This gives you flexibility to attend the Workshop time/day/location that works for during any particular week and ensure your accountability network is always accessible.
Based on years of research, the WW Workshop curriculum is always evolving to bring the best science-backed techniques to help you lose weight and build healthy habits for life.
People following the WW plan can expect to lose 1-2 lbs/wk.
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How WW (Formerly Weight Watchers) Helped This Mom Lose 93 Pounds -
Wear The Gown: Using bariatric surgery to lose weight –

SAN ANTONIO When someone is overweight to the point they are obese, sometimes weight loss surgery is one of the only options to get that weight off and reduce other health risks.
Qualifying for bariatric surgery is largely dependant on your BMI, or Body Mass Index. That's a measurement of your weight versus your height. If a patient has a BMI of 35 or above, as well as a medical condition related to their obesity, they are generally eligible for weight loss surgery. If a patient has a BMI of 40 or above they generally qualify, even without a related medical condition. And right now, there are two surgical options available.
"The gastric bypass has been around a long time. It's actually been used in weight-loss surgeries for about the past 40 years and is a very popular weight loss operation," said Dr. Kent VanSickle, the Division Chief for general and minimally invasive surgery at UT Health San Antonio, and the Medical Director for the University Health System weight loss program.
He said gastric bypass, also known as the Roux-en-y, is becoming less common. With this surgery, the food you eat will no longer go into parts of your stomach and small intestine that absorb food. "It is more complex in it's technique and postoperative recovery," Dr. VanSickle said.
The second option, which is often much more effective, is called the gastric sleeve. Dr. VanSickle said, "It's a procedure where the stomach is stapled with a stapling device into a much thinner, narrower stomach, which restricts the amount of food and volume of food that a patient can eat."
Both procedures can also eliminate a variety of obesity-related conditions, including diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart disease, and, in some cases, different types of cancers. But Dr. VanSickle said surgery is just a tool to help lose weight, with diet and exercise needed after either procedure is done. "The treatment or the cure for these obesity related problems is to lose weight, and the advantage of surgery is the weight loss is more rapid than with just dieting alone and it's durable," he said.
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Wear The Gown: Using bariatric surgery to lose weight -
SFWLC: Boxing to lose weight – WTOL

TOLEDO, Ohio Our Super Fitness Weight Loss Challenge is designed to get you up and moving, shedding those unwanted pounds something that's often easier said than done.
Here's how you can get fit without getting bored.
You have those fitness goals you want to reach, but you're becoming bored with the same old routine. The treadmill, elliptical, stairmaster and weights.
Trust me, after dropping more than 100 pounds I understand how challenging it can be to stay motivated.
But something that worked for me was the sport of boxing.
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Super Fitness Weight Loss Challenger Daryl joined me at the Glass City Boxing. He had never boxed before but was ready to take his workout to the next level.
James Easter, a boxing coach and trainer, was there with me and Daryl. He comes from a family of professional boxers but said you don't have to be a pro to practice the sport and reap the fitness rewards.
"Absolutely, anyone can be a boxer. It's great exercise and you lose about 800-900 calories a session. It's hard work, but it pays off," he said.
"It is a full-body workout. You get cardio, you get strength and conditioning, discipline, a lot of stuff comes along with boxing," he added.
Before getting in the ring, there is a circuit of stretches and exercises we can benefit from.
First, the good old medicine ball, which works sides and abs. Additionally, you also stretch your legs with it.
Moving to the big tire, you usually see this on the football field during summer camp. The benefit of it is picking up endurance while working on leg muscles.
Arm extensions and the weights are quite beneficial for the arms. In boxing, you have to have strong arms that will even help you in your work out.
You see the jump rope in the moves, in the gym, but what are the benefits? It helps you work your timing, cardio and wrist muscles.
Finally, push-ups. Those also help you build arm and chest muscles that will allow you to deliver solid punches.
Once we are done with the circuit, it's time to focus on key movements. You've got the jab, the hook, the right hand and the uppercut.
All these movements help you burn calories because you use a lot of your body and throw leverage around.
I asked Daryl how he felt after his first time going through the boxing circuit.
"It was a good hard work-out, a lot of sweat. I'm glad I did it," he said.
Then, I asked him if he worked some muscles he probably hadn't in some time.
"Yeah, for sure, because I've never done those types of exercises. I pretty much just ran and lifted weights. But this is totally different, I'm glad I did it," he said.
'I would defiantly recommend this to other people, to get something else out of the regular routine," he added.
For personal boxing classes or group sessions at Glass City Boxing, you can contact James Easter at 419-690-3023.
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SFWLC: Boxing to lose weight - WTOL
How Keto and Walking Helped This Guy Lose Nearly 90 Pounds –

Alfredo Zuiga Jr. remembers gaining weightit happened slowly but consistently from around the time he was eight years old. Now 19 and a college student helping with his familys business in Fort Worth, Texas, he acknowledges that the reason the pounds kept creeping up was a simple one: He found comfort in food.
But the unfortunate side effect of all that comfort-eating was that by 17 years old, Zuiga weighed 275 pounds. His weight seemed out of his control. At my heaviest, I was going through a lot of depression, he says, because I was so insecure about my body. I felt like I was disgusting.
Nearing 300 pounds forced him to face an uncomfortable fact: If he was going to lose weight and get his body back under control, he would have to change his life. Hed have to get active, whatever that meant. So he started small, going on walks. At the beginning he would do two miles a day. As time went by, he walked longer distancessoon enough he was walking five miles a day. On top of that, hed started running three miles daily.
And he struck at the root of the problem: his diet. When he decided to change, he dropped all the junk food and fast food that had previously defined his life. Sugary drinks, too, went out the window. A pair of bodybuilder friends encouraged him to join them at the gym, where he could hit the weights to build strength as he slimmed down.
He was losing weight, but at 230 pounds he hit a roadblock. He was stuck there for a whole month, not dropping any lower. He figured hed plateaued; fixing his diet had gotten him this far, but hed have to try something more radical to keep going. He thought about a ketogenic diet, devouring everything he could find on the keto subreddit. Then he cut out all carbs in his meals. The weight started to fly off, he says. Even though hes no longer doing keto, he still keeps a close eye on his carb intake.
The way I stayed motivated was by telling myself Im changing my life every day when I woke up, he says. Hed felt like the fat guy in his friend group, and he wanted to make sure that wasnt his future. In two years, he dropped from 275 down to 19085 pounds. Hes eyeing 180, but people have told him hed be too skinny, and he should stay where he is. Hes also focusing on getting stronger, and earning that elusive six pack. Shoot, maybe Ill be built like The Rock one day, he says.
Whether he ever reaches the fitness heights of Dwayne Johnson, Zuiga has already transformed himself. Friends and family that I hadnt seen in a long time didnt even recognize me at all, he says. A cousin he grew up with walked right past him, not realizing who he was until Zuiga said something. Even he, looking back at old pictures of himself, is surprised by the person he sees. I never knew how fat I was, he says. Hes got a newfound confidence; friends even rib him about being too cocky.
For anyone needing a push to get started on their own transformation, he says now is the time. Persevere. Dont let negative thoughts control your mind, he says. If I was able to lose weight, I promise, you can too.
See the original post:
How Keto and Walking Helped This Guy Lose Nearly 90 Pounds -
Five Bad Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight –

It's that time of year again where everyone makes their New Year's Resolution.The common resolution seems to be losing weight, but some people have a hard time quitting those bad habits that helped them gain weight in the first place. Now, recent studies have shown that some of those bad habits might just HELP you lose weight!
Here are five ways to lose weight WITHOUT ditching some of those bad habits....
1. Drink wine. There's an antioxidant in the grapes called ellagic acid that's been shown to boost your metabolism and slow down the growth of fat cells. And WHITE wine is better than red. But one glass has about 125 calories, so don't drink too much...unless it's special occasion like a Monday.
2. Eat chocolate. Researchers at U.C. San Diego found that people who ate chocolate regularly tended to be thinner...even if they consumed more calories on a daily basis. Dark chocolate is actually the best in this case, so avoid those Kit Kats!
3. Have lots of sex.Even though you only burn 3 to 4 calories a minute, it actually helps. It also makes your body produce the hormone oxytocin, which can prevent you from gaining weight by reducing stress. And some studies have found it also helps suppress your appetite. It is better than walking, not as good as running, but who cares?
4. Use butter, not margarine.Recent studies have found butter is better if you're trying to lose weight, because of an acid contained in it calledbutyrate . Margarine has trans fat, which hasbeen directly linked to weight gain and gut fat...and nobody wants that.
5. Sleeping in. Don't be afraid to hit that snooze button every now and then. When you don't get enough sleep, you're more likely to binge eat. Recently, a newstudy found when teenagers lost one hour of sleep, they consumed an extra 200 calories on average! For those of you who don't know the math, thats nearly a half pound of weight gain per week if it becomes a habit.
For more ways to lose weight by keeping your bad habits, click here.
Read the original post:
Five Bad Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight -