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Jan 3

Fat cat with New Year’s resolution to lose weight seeks new home – The Detroit News

An unusually large cat is seeking a new home after being surrendered to the Michigan Humane Society earlier this month, officials say.

Zack, a domestic short-hair cat, was given up to caretakers at the shelter in Howelldue to overcrowding in his previous home.

At 12 years old, Zack weighs30.63 pounds and is looking for an owner to help him shed the weight.

Zack weighs more than 30 pounds and is 12 years old.(Photo: Michigan Humane Society)

"He is just a friendly kitty-cat, according to all his reports," said Anna Chrisman, spokeswoman for the Humane Society. "He enjoys being petted and have his ears scratched."

The ideal family wouldhave to monitor Zack's weight and follow a new diet and routine.

"Zack is severely overweight and needs to be about half the size he currently is," she said. "He needs a diet prescription from a veterinarian and needs to be monitored over a long basis."

Zack did well previously living with dogs, cats and children, but officials say he would prefer a home without as many animals.He also has difficulty grooming himself due to his weight and is sensitive to having his tail touched.

"Grooming is a part of who they are as cats and once he loses the weight, he should be able to keep his coat neat and shiny," Chrisman said. "Sensitivity in older cats is not unusual and the best home would probably be with children who are old enough to understand appropriate behavior.

Zack was surrendered at the Humane Society in December and is looking for a new home.(Photo: Michigan Humane Society)

"Things we're concerned about with an overweight cat is the same thing we're concerned about with overweight people," Chrisman said."It can lead to a lot of health problems so we need someone who can help Zack lose the weight and keep it off."

The adoption fee for Zack is $50. He ismicrochipped, neutered and can be visited at the shelter located at2464 Dorr inHowell.

Twitter: @SarahRahal_

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Fat cat with New Year's resolution to lose weight seeks new home - The Detroit News

Jan 3

How to lose weight like this guy who lost 46 kgs with this smart weight-loss hack instead of a strict diet – GQ India

Were already in 2020, and todays as good a day as any to actually start following through on your weight loss and fitness resolutions for the new decade. As an additional booster, here, scroll through 26-year-old Vibhor Agarwals inspiring weight loss and fitness journey. He trimmed from a whopping 125 kgs to 79 kgs.

Vibhor tell us that his tryst with fitness began after his friends tried to convince him to lose weight. A few of them gave up as well! The thing was, I never actually felt like I needed to lose weight until I saw the weighing scale flash 125 kgs! This three-digit number made me realise that I better get started soon as this is not going to be an easy ride.

Shortly after this awakening, I started playing badminton not to lose weight per se but to master the game 4-5 hours everyday. After a month, one of my friends suggested that I should check my weight now, and so I did, I had dropped 6 kgs! This is when inspiration really kicked in and led me to make the below changes in my lifestyle to lose weight in a sustainable manner."

1. I started running 4 kms everyday

2. I completely and totally restricted myself from eating any kind of junk food, aerated drinks (5 years now), Pastas, Pizzas, etc. and also started calculating my calorie intake to create a calorie deficit.

QUICK READ: How many calories should you eat every day to lose weight?

A calorie deficit can be created by keeping a track of your calorie intake. This concept requires you to calculate the number of calories your body needs to consume to function smoothly without feeling hungry, and how much deficit you need create without harming your health. The deficit can then be created by cutting down empty calories and unhealthy fats. Keep in mind that the number of calories required to create a deficit is different for different body types. You can calculate yours online via a calorie calculator.

I made these small changes to cut down on my daily calorie intake:

- Curb my sugar intake

- Switched to skimmed milk

- Stopped eating any kind of fried food

- Said no to sweets

I also focused on my sodium intake as it aids in water retention.

"After 5 months of following the above changes, I was already at 96 kgs. This is when I started following a weight training and cardio routine in the gym. It further helped me achieve my target goal of 79 kgs.

QUICK READ: Best cardio exercises for fat loss

To maintain my weight, I try to workout 5-6 days a week. I take the stairs whenever feasible and walk as much as possible. So in a nutshell, I try to be as active as possible. I also keep track of my calorie intake (roughly analyse whatever I am eating). I try to pack my own food and not eat out too often it is the best way to keep track of the macros of the food you are eating.

QUICK READ: How to lose weight by calculating your macronutrients right

Its never too late, get up and get going. And, don't try too hard on yourself, just stick to the basics, they'll work wonders for you.

Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.


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Eating before you go to bed is an awful idea

How to lose weight & get fit like this 40-year-old who lost 20 kgs after not being able to do even one push up

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How to lose weight like this guy who lost 46 kgs with this smart weight-loss hack instead of a strict diet - GQ India

Jan 3

If You’re Trying to Lose Weight, Should You Try Whole30? Here’s What Registered Dietitians Say – POPSUGAR

Happy New Year; now let's lose weight! Ugh, it seems like so many people assume the two go hand-in-hand. Wanting to lose weight is such a common new year's resolution, and one popular plan to jumpstart weight loss is for people to hop on the Whole30 train. Before you embark on this 30-day plan for the sole purpose of losing weight, we asked dietitians to tell us if Whole30 is the best approach.

If you're unfamiliar with Whole30, for 30 days straight you eat whole, unprocessed food including meat, seafood, eggs, veggies, fruit, and natural fats, and you avoid dairy, added sugar (real or artificial), alcohol, grains, and legumes (which includes peanuts and all forms of soy). You also can't have any baked goods, junk food, or treats made with "approved" Whole30 ingredients, so no vegan "nice cream" or baked sweet potato fries. Oh, and did I mention, if you "cheat" then you have to start back at Day 1?

Whole30 can help with weight loss as it restricts many foods that most of us tend to overeat, such as sugar and refined carbs. You'll also feel full on less overall calories since this plan focuses on eating protein and vegetables. "However, it all comes down to how many calories you're consuming. If you end up eating just as many calories as you currently do, then you may not notice a significant change in weight," said registered dietitian Kelli McGrane, MS, RD, for the food tracking app Lose It!. You may also eat more fat like avocados and nuts, and complex carbs like sweet potatoes and bananas, which could make you gain weight.

If a person does end up losing a few pounds, said registered dietitian Jessica Levings, MS, of Balanced Pantry, "the weight loss is unlikely to be sustained when they go back to their normal eating patterns at the end of the 30 days."

Registered dietitian Jackie Ballou Erdos, MS, RD, CDN, owner of Balancing Act Nutrition, warns that although Whole30 makes a lot of claims with weight loss being one of them and you may feel desperate to make a change, not everyone will experience what Whole30 promises.

"Like many wellness trends these days, Whole30 is marketed as a sustainable, positive lifestyle change; however, it's really a diet in disguise," Jackie said. It asks participants to restrict certain foods, and it labels some foods as "approved" and others as "off-limits." For those people struggling with body image, their relationship with food, or with other disordered eating behaviors such as binge eating, such a restrictive diet could make those issues worse.

That's not to say you shouldn't try Whole30. It can be great for people who want to get started eating more whole, unprocessed foods, or to figure out if certain foods are triggering certain issues like digestive or skin problems. People rave about how good they feel after the 30 days. But it's not the best approach if you're only doing it to lose weight.

We know from research that diets don't work. Although people may lose weight at first, if that way of eating is unsustainable (as most diets are), people will inevitably regain the weight back. This typically begins the vicious restrict-binge, yo-yo dieting cycle.

Jackie shared that literature shows weight cycling losing weight, gaining weight, repeat is actually more harmful to our health than just staying at a higher weight. One research article that reviewed over 30 studies on dieting concluded that dieting is actually a predictor of weight gain.

"I worry people are setting themselves up for restrict-and-binge cycles, weight cycling, and feeling guilty and ashamed and like they failed, when in fact it's diets that fail us; it isn't us who fail on diets," Jackie said.

"Just because something helps you lose weight does not mean that it is healthy in the long run," added registered dietitian nutritionist and NASM-certified personal trainer Whitney English Tabaie, MS. Focusing on eating to change how your body looks can only make you feel bad about yourself and lead to harmful eating habits. So skip the dieting-for-weight-loss mentality! She added, "for optimal health, you should focus on a long-term sustainable way of eating, which emphasizes whole, healthy plant foods," and that makes you feel energized, happy, confident, and healthy.

View original post here:
If You're Trying to Lose Weight, Should You Try Whole30? Here's What Registered Dietitians Say - POPSUGAR

Jan 3

A kinder New Year’s weight loss resolution – Sealy News

Contributed report

It is OK everyone, breathe it is here again; the beginning of a New Year and countless resolutions to lose weight.

Remember that weight loss journeys are noble pursuits and a tremendous way to care for our health and ourselves.

How much do I need to lose?We know that even as little as 5% of body weight loss is shown to reduce risks of chronic diseases like type II diabetes and heart disease. For someone that is 200 pounds, thats 10 pounds of weight loss. That amount is realistic, it is attainable, and very likely to improve your health. More importantly, you show yourself that you are capable of weight loss, that those changes you made to your lifestyle, like avoiding high-calorie beverages and upping your fruits and veggies, can make a difference.

Resolve to be specificEveryone is different, but we know that extra calories will cause anyone to gain weight. Therefore, finding a way to reduce your calorie intake should be specific to your habits and taste preferences. Replacing high-calorie drinks with water, cutting restaurant portions in half, and avoiding sides like fries or chips are specific and can help if these are part of your everyday routine. They apply to everyone. In that case, take a good and honest look at your food habits and make some substitutions or reductions. If skipping fries is a non-starter then you can reduce the portion size or plan to balance them out throughout the day.

Be patientHalf a pound of weight loss a week is fantastic progress, but especially appropriate for those that are small in stature or older. Half a pound a week might not seem like a lot, but that amounts to two pounds of weight loss each month. In five months, that will turn into 10 pounds of body weight loss. Think about that. If someone had told you at the beginning of August that you could lose 10 pounds by the beginning of the year, you would have been thrilled.

Step Up Scale DownThat slow, realistic, and consistent change is the reason that Step Up Scale Down lasts 12 weeks. Step Up Scale Down is a New Year weight loss program provided by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service. It covers the basics of a balanced and portioned plan of eating that encourages fruits and vegetables and personal physical activity goals. The program also provides encouragement and accountability in a group setting for the community or worksites.

Also available is an on-line version starting at the beginning of the year to use at your own pace; visit for more information.

For more information on a Step Up Scale Down starting near you, contact the Austin County Extension Office at 979-865-2072.

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A kinder New Year's weight loss resolution - Sealy News

Jan 3

Advice for making healthy choices when trying to lose weight in the new year – YourErie

The new year is inching closer, leading some to look for new ways to lose some inches.

Many use this time of year as motivation to get started and kick off the new year right, but the challenge becomes continuing the new trend in the months ahead.

A new year often comes with new goals and many look to reach the end goal quickly instead of gradually.

Theres a thing called yo-yo dieting where you lose the weight and then gain it back, then you lose the weight and gain it back. That puts a strain on your body. It puts a strain on your heart, your nervous system, your skin, said Dr. Bradley Fox, MD, FAAFP, Allegheny Health Network.

A popular way for people to chose a diet is to use what they see work for other people they may know on social media. That can be misleading.

What theyre seeing is those before and afters of people who lost 20 pounds in two weeks and its just not realistic. You dont know whether those photos have been photo shopped, you dont know what that person did on the side. Its not a clear representation of what that particular plan or diet will do for you as an individual, said Amie Hornaman, Nutrition and Functional Medicine Practitioner.

If you are someone who is looking to live a healthier lifestyle in 2020, just remember the number on the scale is not something you should live by.

Go by how your clothes fit. You know when you gain two pounds, lose two pounds by when we put on anything, we know. The scale can lie, it can absolutely lie, Hornaman.

When choosing to decide what is best for you, remember the bigger picture.

You should make your resolution for the year to change my life, not your year, change my life, said Dr. Fox.

In order to achieve your long term goal, health experts made a suggestion of going to the gym for 20 minutes a day or just cutting back on fast food and sweets.

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Advice for making healthy choices when trying to lose weight in the new year - YourErie

Jan 3

Getting fit, losing weight now easier at the Family Y – The Augusta Chronicle

Many people will make a New Years resolution to get in shape or lose weight. The Family Y of Greater Augusta is trying to make it easier to do both this year.

Amy Hane is already months ahead of where many people will be as the new year dawns.

Always one to stay in shape through a variety of activities, from running and walking to yoga and Pilates, a couple of months ago she started pursuing a different goal.

"I wanted to become stronger in my upper body and lower body," said Hane, 48, at the Riverfront YMCA in downtown Augusta. "I have always considered myself in shape, but as I aged I can just tell Im losing strength."

The North Augustan turned to certified personal trainer Chase Day, who carefully watches and scripts her routine to maximize her workout.

"Hes really good about saying you can do more," Hane said as she went up and back on a rowing machine.

Emphasizing personal trainers for members who want to do more is one way the Family Y of Greater Augusta is trying to help those who make a resolution to get healthier actually achieve that goal.

It starts with waving the fee to join the Augusta Y in January, which is normally $50 for an individual or $100 for a family, said Ralph Sapp, the manager of the Riverfront Y. Not that the Y has a problem getting people to show up, he said.

"January is definitely the busiest month," Sapp said, and the Family Y can easily add 400 new members this month.

Some of them will be looking to lose weight through its annual Team Lean competition, which kicks off Jan. 13. Non-members can participate by paying an extra fee and then become members during the competition and take advantage of the Y facilities.

While the Y has always had personal trainers, it wasnt really emphasized as it is now, Sapp said. The personal trainers can help with those who have never really worked out before and dont know what to do and also with those who are rehabbing, he said.

For Hane, Day is extra motivation and a knowledgeable expert on how best to reach her goals. While her husband is also very knowledgeable about working out and had offered to help her, something about hearing it from him just didnt appeal to her. Day grins at that.

"My wife is the same way," he said. "She said, I know you are certified, but Im not listening to you."

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Getting fit, losing weight now easier at the Family Y - The Augusta Chronicle

Jan 3

Isumi Weight Loss Patch Reviews – It’s Good Thing For Lose Weight | – KEYC TV

Though we could remove weight by burning calories with swallowing, its difficult. Thats why making obese women and men begin trying to find a easy method to burn off their surplus fat. Isumi Weight Loss Patch spots possess the capacity to stimulate fat cells to reduce weight fast like magic. Despite the fact that it may lower body fat out of its mechanics, our obesity specialists indicate a balanced diet whilst utilizing these stains to have a much better outcome.

The stains have the elements that could provoke inner fat cells, block sugar as well as starch from being absorbed, especially where you use it. They also help remove toxins and improve the blood circulation of the region. Then they excite cells, improve blood circulation and complete metabolism process and hasten the fat-burning process. Thus these stains reduce cravings and lead to weight loss.

From the name of the item which you may readily predict that mint is the main ingredient, but not all at all. Several different ingredients like organic phytoncides, essential minerals and oils may also be used to produce the stains more successful. But, no chemical compounds are utilized here, its completely a nature-based product.

See the rest here:
Isumi Weight Loss Patch Reviews - It's Good Thing For Lose Weight | - KEYC TV

Jan 3

Gear for New Years’ Resolutions to Lose Weight and Get Fit – LIVESTRONG.COM

When it comes to starting your 2020 strong, the goals you set can make all the difference. The problem is that usually people make them too challenging or vague, then forget them a month later. But there are a few ways to increase your chances of sticking with them and finding success.

There's a right tool for every job including your New Years' resolution to eat healthier and get active.

Credit: monkeybusinessimages/iStock/GettyImages

And who better to share their favorite tools for turning those New Years' resolutions into reality than experts in the health and wellness field? Here are some of the greatest apps, gadgets, fitness gear, kitchenware and other handy products you can use to help you power through your resolutions and make those amazing changes to your daily routine.

A food processor can make healthy meal prep a snap.

Credit: Denia Fernandez/iStock/GettyImages

"A food processor is such an essential item for me that I use multiple times per week," says registered dietician Kelly Jones, CSSD, LDN. "I make my own hummus and dips in big batches so that I have some for the week ahead and can freeze more for a week in the future when I don't have time to prep."

It's a great gadget for planning easy snacks and pre- and post-workout fuel, too, which can help you stay on track with your healthy eating and fitness goals. "I also make energy bars and bites regularly to fuel my workouts or pack for a snack on the go," she says.

Buy it:; Price: $34.49

Investing in a slow cooker means you can come home after a long day to a healthy, delicious meal.

Credit: Devrim_PINAR/iStock/GettyImages

Instant pots are great, but still require time and attention, which can make mealtime difficult when you're trying to eat healthier while juggling a busy schedule. "I'll always love my slow cooker more since I can throw ingredients into it the night before or morning of, and have food ready to eat as soon as I wake up or get home after a long day," Jones says.

It's the best way to have delicious and nutritious meals ready and waiting for when you get home, with minimal effort on your part. That way you can't get lazy end of day and just order takeout!

Buy it:; Price: $19.99

Writing down your goals and a plan do get there can make your resolutions a reality.

Credit: AndreyPopov/iStock/GettyImages

It's a good idea to track your progress and goals by using a planning to aid in your diet and fitness resolutions for 2020.

"I know the paper planner can feel a little outdated, but handwriting out my schedule, workouts, goals and how I plan to use my time always sets me up for success and ensures that I remember and stay on top of my schedule with no questions," says Kat Wiersum, certified Pilates instructor and Interval instructor at Studio Three in Chicago.

What's more, save your planners each year. "I look back on the previous year's planners to see how my goals and life have evolved! It's always inspiring to see how far I've come over a year," she says.

Buy it:; Price: $24.95

A fitness tracker can help you quantify your progress throughout the year.

Credit: DragonImages/iStock/GettyImages

Whether your goal is to take more steps, log more gym time or improve your workout performance, there's a fitness tracker than can give you the data you need. Two of the biggest names in the game Apple Watch and WHOOP.

"I just recently started using WHOOP, and its data has given me huge insight on my sleep, recovery, and performance not only in workouts but in my daily life. I plan to use the information about my heart rate, strain, and how my sleep affects my day to set myself up for success every single day I can," Wiersum says.

Buy it:; Price: starting at $18/month

And Andrea Wright, interval instructor at Studio Three relies on the Apple Watch to track her fitness journey and sync up her favorite jams to her workouts.

"If you are new to your fitness journey, don't let those numbers or apps intimidate you though as there are so many other amazing tools with this watch," she says. You can use the breathing app to help alleviate stress and anxiety, for example, which can also help you better work those fitness goals and just feel happier each day, overall.

Buy it:; Price: from $399

Credit: Yummy pic/iStock/GettyImages

A blender is great for tool for meal prepping and whipping up healthy and delicious meals and drinks. Maggie Michalczyk, RD, recommends the Vitamix. "It's super versatile so you will definitely get your money's worth you can make everything from smoothies, nut butter, soups, sauces and pancake batter," she says.

What's more, you can cut the hefty price tag by buying a refurbished version that works just as good at the new ones! "I have a refurbished version and can back this statement! It's for a fraction of the cost," she says.

Buy it:; Price: $269.95

Turn your bland veggies into something you'll actually look forward to eating with a saut pan.

Credit: Sergio Amiti/Moment/GettyImages

Sure, it might not have all the bells and whistles of a "gadget" but a pan can be used for cooking so many different healthy dishes, and so while it's simple, it's super effective. "Everything from veggie stir frys to curry and soups can be cooked in here. It's definitely one of the foundation pieces of a healthy kitchen," says Michalczyk, who likes Made In Cookware's 3.5 QT Saute Pan.

Buy it:; Price: $135

Or try this less expensive option from Amazon a bestseller with more than 4,000 reviews, averaging 4.5 stars.

Buy it:; Price: $35.50

Using a foam roller is like getting a massage for a fraction of the cost.

Credit: Boris Jovanovic/iStock/GettyImages

Affordable and easy to store, a foam roller can do wonders for your workout recovery efforts, says Kristine Kubat, CPT, instructor at Shadowbox and SoulCycle in Chicago. "It requires some patience and effort, but it is the best way to work out the lactic acid build up in your body from a good work out," she says. Incorporate 10 to 15 minutes into your cooldown routine or dedicate a whole active recovery workout to it.

Buy it:; Price: $24.95

You can take your resistance band workout with you just about anywhere you go.

Credit: South_agency/iStock/GettyImages

"We've seen 'em, we love 'em and they work!" Wright says. Resistance bands provide a challenging full-body workout wherever you are, so they're great for staying on track with your resolutions.

Plus, you're able to squeeze in a quick workout while traveling or at the office, since adding resistance means you can do fewer reps, Kubat says. Just make sure to get a few different resistances lighter, medium and heavy for targeting your various muscle groups.

Buy it:; Price: varies

Don't bring the bad habits of 2019 into the new year.

Credit: Chainarong Prasertthai/iStock/GettyImages

A meditation app (like Headspace) can help you zero in on your goals by tuning out the noice. "Learning to be mindful and taking just a few minutes every day to meditate has been shown to improve sleep and decrease stress, both of which can make other goals like 'eat better' or 'workout more' a lot more achievable," says Gabrielle McGrath, LDN, a registered dietitian for Baze.

Headspace is easy to use, great for beginners, evidence-based and practical. "It has really helped me integrate mindfulness into my day-to-day," she says. "Plus, I always have my phone with me, so I can literally do it anytime, anywhere."

Buy it:; Price: $12.99/month (after free trial)

You can also download a habit tracking app, like Strides, which lets you check off the habits you're trying to build throughout the day or at the end of each day. "This will help you feel the joy of accomplishment and help you turn an activity into a life-long habit," McGrath says. Start small and don't overwhelm yourself, adding in another habit or two every two weeks or so.

Buy it:; Price: free

Keeping a food diary is one of the most effective ways to manage your weight and make sure you're on track to reach your healthy eating goals. So of course, we couldn't miss the opportunity for a little shameless self-promotion for MyPlate. You can download the MyPlate app for either iOS or Andoid and easily track calories, stay focused and achieve your goals!

Buy it:; Price: free

Read the rest here:
Gear for New Years' Resolutions to Lose Weight and Get Fit - LIVESTRONG.COM

Jan 3

US Woman Sued Soda Brand Over Not Making Her Lose Weight. What Court Said – NDTV News

The judges of California court said that diet soda doesn't claim to aid weight loss (Reuters File)

A woman from California lost a lawsuit she filed against a diet soda brand, alleging that she was misled into believing that it would help her shed some pounds, which it clearly didn't.

Three judges from a California's 9th circuit appeals court rejected the case and ruled that diet soda doesn't claim to aid weight loss.

According to the judgment, "The prevalent understanding of the term in (the marketplace) is that the "diet" version of a soft drink has fewer calories than its "regular" counterpart. Just because some consumers may unreasonably interpret the term differently does not render the use of "diet" in a soda's brand name false or deceptive."

As reported by the New York Reporter, the case was filed by Shana Bacerra who claimed that she was deceived by Dr. Pepper into consuming its diet drink, which she did for nearly 13 years in the hope that it would make her lose weight.

The judges were of the opinion that the word "diet" is usually used for products that have lesser calories than the "regular" versions.

Ms Bacerra also felt cheated because of all the attractive models displayed in Dr. Pepper's advertisements.

Judge Jay Bybee wrote in the decision that the portrayal of fit and attractive people in ads "cannot be reasonably understood to convey any specific meaning at all."

Such a lawsuit wasn't a first for the California woman, as last week her case against Diet Coke was shot down by the same court.

The woman also blamed the beverage manufacturers for using aspartame in their drinks as an artificial sweetener, which she believed caused further weight gain.

Ms Bacerra lost both cases as she was unable to produce any evidence regarding misleading advertising and ill effects of aspartame.

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US Woman Sued Soda Brand Over Not Making Her Lose Weight. What Court Said - NDTV News

Jan 3

Spend less money, lose weight of patriarchy: Congress asks BJP to adopt 7 New Year resolutions – India Today

The Congress on Thursday took a swipe at the ruling BJP, asking it to adopt seven New Year resolutions such as exercising more democratic principles, losing the weight of patriarchy and learning the skill of telling the truth.

It also suggested that the BJP should embrace resolutions of live life to the fullest and let others do the same, spend less money on advertising, read more of the Constitution and spend more time in India, an apparent jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi who has been often targeted by the opposition party for his foreign visits.

"Most people are usually unable to stick to their resolutions, but we implore the BJP to adhere to the above promises for a better and more democratic way of governance," the Congress said in an article "BJP's New Year Resolutions" on its website.

Sharing the article on Twitter, it posted, "Top 7 New Year's Resolutions the BJP should make immediately."

The New Year brings in promises that all make to better their lives as well as of those around them, the Congress said.

"So, our New Year gift to the ruling party is to help them with their resolutions. We have taken some of the most popular resolutions that people make and have given them a little bit of a twist in order to ensure the best possible outcome for you all," it said.

The article said the first resolution of exercising more democratic principles is the need of the hour for the BJP and must be given utmost priority.

"From imposing (CrPC) Section 144 in major cities to the undemocratic scrapping of Article 370 and especially the extreme force used against peaceful protestors recently; with the talks of Citizenship (Amendment) Act (CAA) to that of the National Register of Citizens (NRC), the BJP has proven democratic practices hold little value for them.

"Hence, such a resolution is not only apt, but much needed," the Congress said.

The resolution about losing the weight of patriarchy targets the BJP's narrative that is evident from the "infamous" Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath opposing the Women's Reservation Bill, which the party has not yet implemented, the Congress alleged.

Prime Minister Modi, who is known for his social media presence, follows 1,779 people, and among them are people who post sexist tweets, personal attacks, abuses and rumours aimed at women, especially women journalists, it alleged.

"Not surprisingly, the BJP has MPs and MLAs who have a history of crimes against women, more than any other political party in the country. Moreover, the crimes against women have increased by 9 per cent under their rule," the Congress said.

The resolution, "we wish that the BJP would stick to is quite obvious - honesty is the best policy", it said.

"We have seen many lies spew out of their mouths, from the denial of the presence of detention centres to the fact that they have never uttered the letters N-R-C," the Congress said.

"Recently we have seen the inconsistency in the narrative of (Home Minister) Amit Shah as well as Narendra Modi with the former announcing in Parliament that the NRC is inevitable and the latter denying any talks about it at all.

"Theyre trapping themselves in a web of lies, so were certain that this resolution will serve them well," it said.

The Congress also accused the ruling government of not liking anybody voicing their dissent towards them, even if it is in a peaceful and democratic manner.

"Anything that may cause them even the slightest inconvenience must be cracked down upon hard. The unlawful detainments, the entry of police in educational institutions, the firing of pellet guns on peaceful protestors or the arrest of journalists who relay the facts and tell the truth, are just a few examples," it said.

Taking a jibe at the prime minister, the Congress said "Narendra Modi has travelled to 92 countries in 55 months which cost him more than Rs 2,021 crore. In 2020, he should consider spending more time working to achieve his many tall promises & less on foreign trips and campaigning."

The opposition party also took a swipe at the BJP leadership for spending on advertisements, alleging that the BJP is the single largest spender on advertisements by spending around Rs 17 crore, which is 500 per cent more than what the Congress did.

It is no secret that the BJP has a "blatant disdain" towards the Constitution, it often comes across as if they have never read it, the Congress alleged.

This can be seen "in their CAA which violates Article 14 of the Indian Constitution, the undemocratic abrogation of Article 370 or the crackdown on journalists and peaceful protestors which is a blatant attack on free expression and freedom of the press", the Congress said in the article.

Here is the original post:
Spend less money, lose weight of patriarchy: Congress asks BJP to adopt 7 New Year resolutions - India Today

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