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Weight loss story: I had reached a prediabetic condition and this is how I lost 22 kilos! – Times of India

A lawyer by profession, Ankits work and lifestyle were taking a toll on his physical and mental health. While he did recognise the warning signs, it was only when he saw that his cholesterol levels were out of control and he had reached a pre-diabetic condition that he decided to lose weight. Here is his inspirational quest to lose weight and get back in shape. Read on.Name: Ankit Tripathi
Occupation: Lawyer
Age: 31 yearsHeight: 6 feet 9 inches
Highest weight recorded: 92 kgs
Weight lost: 22 kgsDuration it took me to lose weight: 11 months
The turning point: I travel a lot for work. Sometimes for even 20 days a month without any fixed time to exercise, eat and sleep. This routine took a toll on my physical as well as mental well being. I used to feel exhausted after climbing ten stairs only. I was eating anything I could get my hands on without thinking about the consequences.
My energy levels were on an all-time low and my favourite pair of jeans no longer fit me.
However, one day I went for a routine check-up to find out that my cholesterol levels have skyrocketed and I was in a pre-diabetic condition. This report was the wake-up call for me. I finally decided to be stronger than my excuse and change the way I lived.
My breakfast: I start my day with two glasses of water. In breakfast, I have a combination of complex carbs like upma, vermicelli, raw vegetables, and protein which is mostly 4 egg whites and 1 whole egg. I recommend having atleast one whole egg as it is rich in calcium and essential minerals.Morning Snack: 8 Almonds and 2 anjeer
My lunch: 150 grams of boiled rajma chat, boiled soybean chat or boiled chickpeas chat along with 150 grams of curd without sugar.
Evening Snack: Any seasonal fruit and with one cup of green tea or black coffee.
My dinner: I prefer good sources of lean protein like boiled chicken breast and steamed fish. I also try to include at least one teaspoon of ghee, along with carbs like raw vegetables. I like to eat small portions rather than eating big meals.
I indulge in: I love to have cheat meals on Sunday as it helps you to stay motivated and kills your cravings.Pre-workout meal: One banana and pre-workout drink half an hour before a workout.Post-workout meal: Protein shake
My workout: Initially, for two months (6 days a week), I did a lot of cardio combined with High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). I gained my stamina by doing cardio and HIIT. I also lost a considerable amount of fat.
After two months, I increased my duration of weight training. As my goal was to decrease my fat level and increase my muscle mass, I focused more on compound exercises like squats, military press, dead-lifts, chin-ups etc.Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Boiled chicken breast or steamed fish like salmon.
Fitness secrets I unveiled: It is important to understand that there is no shortcut to weight loss. Secondly, in addition to focusing on your workout, you need to monitor what you are eating as well. Exercising tirelessly will not give the desired results if you do not watch your dietary habits.
During my transformation, I learned that not all fat is bad. Infact, a good source of fat helps to breakdown and mobilize the bad fat stored in the body.
How do I stay motivated? The support of your friends and family is really crucial on your journey to lose weight. When you start saying no to a lot of plans, your social life takes a hit. So, I make it a point to keep revising my fitness goals after weight loss. For example, right now I want to achieve a muscular physique.
How do you ensure you dont lose focus? One of the biggest reasons which helped me stay motivated was seeing tangible results of the efforts I was putting in. I am extremely proud of the person I am becoming with every passing day. There is a plethora of information available on the internet about how to keep our bodies fit.Whats the most difficult part of being overweight? The most difficult part is batting low confidence and low self-esteem. Moreover, suffering from several health issues was getting really exhausting.What shape do you see yourself 10 years down the line? After ten years, I want to remain fit and have a muscular physique. I would also like to keep learning about body science and its composition.
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Weight loss story: I had reached a prediabetic condition and this is how I lost 22 kilos! - Times of India
I’m Tired of Explaining How I Lost 30lbs, So Just Read This –

I lost 30 pounds and kept it off. It's kind of a big deal, but it also wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.
Every time I bump into someone I haven' seen in a while they always ask say the same thing, "Wow, you lost a lot of weight, how did you do it?" I know it's meant as a compliment, but it's kind of awkward. It's like they're really saying, "Wow, you used to look like a big fat slob."
In fact, I am quite proud of the fact that I was finally able to turn things around and get fit and healthy, so I'm more than happy to share my "secret." Although it's actually something thatanyone can do.
It all started last September when I was staying in a hotel. There was this huge, floor-length mirror that I happened to catch a glimpse of myself in while getting into the shower. I was horrified. I actually stood there in shock at how tubby I had become. Why didn't any tell me I was getting so fat?
Of course, it was my own fault. I had kind of given up on eating healthy foods and got lazy when it came to exercising. As a result, I wasn't only overweight, I was also tired all the time and not able to be as active with my son as I used to be. That's when I decided to pull my life together and get back into shape.
Now if I was going to lose weight I wanted to do it the right way. Stupid diets and weight-loss schemes never work and weren't something I was interested in wasting my time with. I decided that I was going to use the only proven weight-loss solution known to work, and it all boils down to four words: Eat less, move more.
The "move more" part was pretty easy. Gyms aren't for me. With my early schedule, I can't gohit the Stairmaster beforework, and after the show, I'm just too tired. Getting back out to the gym after my nap and before I have to pick up my son from the bus is also too much of a hassle. So, I decided to start walking. I just put on some sneakers and took a walk around my neighborhood every day. It was easy to do, and each day I would add a little more to my walk. Eventually, I was hoofing it up a huge hill in our neighborhood, hiking up to 2 miles a day.
Now, the hard part was figuring out the whole "eating less" part of the equation. I love food. So if I was going to eat healthier I needed to find foods that I really liked. For me, routine is key. Just like walking every day, I needed foods I could eat every day that I enjoyed, filled me up and were healthy. So, I started experimenting with healthy alternatives to things I already liked to eat. Eventually, I settled on a breakfast and lunch combo that was low in fat and kept me happy.
For breakfast, I ate a yogurt and breakfast bar. I traded out the sugary yogurt I usually ate for an Icelandic yogurt that was low in sugar. I shopped around for a protein-packed breakfast bar that was healthy and also tasted great and finally found a Kind bar that made me happy. From Monday through Saturday that and a banana would be my breakfast.
Lunch was harder. I love sandwiches more than life itself. But eating them every day wasn't helping me lose weight. So, I decided to deconstruct the sandwich. I tossed the bread, mayo and toppings and ate rolled up pieces of turkey dunked in mustard with a big, tasty pickle. That and a handful of almonds with a piece of fruit filled me upuntil my afternoon snack.
Snacking on junk food was out of the question, so I shopped around for some things I liked. I tried some dried apple chips and some cheese-doodle snacks made entirely from chickpeas. They did the trick for a while, but the best snack for me turned out to be prunes. I know it sounds gross, but they're delicious and they really fill you up. When I got hungry in the afternoon, one or two of them really did the trick. They're like candy now and I can't get enough. Oh, and before you ask -- the effects of prunes have been highly exaggerated. Just eating afew each day didn't affect my bathroom habits in the least.
As for dinner, I still enjoyed everything I ate before, but in smaller portions. I also tried to be smarter about sides. Three pieces of bread and butter every night wasn't going to fly, but maybe one dipped in olive oil was ok every once in a while. I also added a salad to every dinner. It helped fill me up so I didn't reach for some of the less healthy options.
No food after dinner was allowed on this self-made diet of mine, and I stuck to it. Some nights were tough, I'm not going to lie. But after a few weeks I stopped craving dessert and actually felt full at bedtime.
This was my daily routine Monday through Saturday. But on SundayI allowed myself a "cheat day." I could eat anything I really wanted. The first few weeks I kind of went nuts, bu itt just wound upmaking me feel terrible the next day. So I would start thinking during the week about the foods I was really craving and would look forward to being able to eat them on Sunday. Planning out the reward at the end of the week seemed to help me control myself not only on Sunday, but also gave me that extra push to follow the diet during the week.
This whole project was less of a diet and more of a life-change. I know that sounds like something Oprah would say, but I didn't feel like it was a temporary thing to get me to lose weight. I looked at it more as a new reality for my slowly aging body. If I wanted to live long enough to see my son graduate college, this was just the way things would have to be from now on.
After the first month I didn't necessarily seea difference. But I felt it. I had more energy, wasn't out of breath and was in a much better mood. I knew if I keptwith the plan the weight would have to eventually come off, and it did. I weighed myself every morning when I woke up and saw the pounds start to shed. That kept me motivated to continue. On Mondays I would see the increase from cheat day and get a renewed energy to get back into my healthy routine.
The next thing I knew, I had lost enough weight toofficially have a "normal" BMI. That's when I decided to set a final target weight that would be my gauge for continuing to eat healthy.
For me, it was 155 pounds. At 5'9" this was right in the sweet spot of my healthy BMI and a weight that I felt comfortable with. I never wanted to go above 155 again, so I vowed to keep eating healthy and measuring my weight each morning. Right now I stay at about 152 during the week. On the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays have become semi-cheat days now) my weight will increase back up to 155, but I know that If I keep up my routine during the week I'll never get any higher.
The holidays are the hardest time to stay on any sort of healthy routine, but now that I have been doing this for so long, I'm prepared to watch those portions and make up for some unhealthy eating with extra walking and exercise. I don't need to eat 12 cookies in one sitting, just a few will be more than enough for me to enjoy.
So there you go. That's how I lost weight and continue to keep it off.I know I said it was kind of awkward to have to talk about, but it really is very nice to hearall of the kind words everyone has given me. Every time I'm out at an event or bump into a listener around town who recognizes me from a while ago, they always compliment my weight loss and ask me how I did it. I guess that's not so bad after all.
My particular weight loss solution may not be the best one for you, but it certainly has worked for me. I hope that just the fact that I was able to just put my mind to it and do it at least gives someone else the motivation to lose weight for themselves. Believe me, it's more than worth it.
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I'm Tired of Explaining How I Lost 30lbs, So Just Read This -
How to lose weight & build muscles like this guy who transformed his body to get rid of a constant back pain – GQ India – What a man’s got to do

One of the most common health hazards of being overweight are constant back pains and aches. The excess body weight puts additional strain and pressure on the spine, thereby also increasing the chances of affecting (and altering) your posture along with a chance of developing either a herniated or bulging disc. 24-year-old Yash Mittal tells us that at his heaviest, he weighed 105 kgs and would suffer from a constant back pain. Not only that, I also couldnt sit properly because of the excess body fat that I was carrying.
To conquer all my aches and pains, I decided to lose weight by starting to play basketball and then working out in a gym. I also hired a personal trainer for the same. he adds.
But, for almost three years, I didnt see any results!"
"Yet, I was determined and didnt lose hope. After 3 years of constant disappointment, I decided to set a new goal for myself lose weight and get ripped in a years time. Looking back at this goal now, I realise that this was possibly the best move that I made. When you are trying to lose weight, initially, you don't really know what you are doing, even if you are following your trainer's commandments. The results only come to you when you want them to come and actively prepare for them to come as well. So, to prepare for mine, I devised the below weight loss plan," he says.
After failing to lose weight for 3 years, I was finally able to trim from 105 kgs to 90 kgs by motivating myself via watching motivational workout videos the kind that leave you with goosebumps and also help you develop the right frame of mind to workout eating right and constantly upgrading my workout routines to achieve maximum results. This is also the secret of building healthy muscles." How? The below weight loss exercise routine will help you understand.
Every day, Id start by running on the treadmill for 10 minutes, followed by stretching the body part (arms, legs, etc) I was going to work on that day. I only focussed on one body part, a day, and would indulge in 6-7 exercises (with 4 sets of each exercise) dedicated to it.
Post this routine, Id do 2 exercises focussed on abs/sides (alternatively) and then end the session with 30 minutes of cardio on the treadmill, cycle and cross trainer.
QUICK READ: The best cardio machine for every type of workout
While following this plan, I learnt that to build your body, you need to change your workout routines after every 3 months because if you don't then your body gets habituated to them and after a while it stops affecting you until you start lifting heavier. So, it is always better to change your workout after a period of 3 months.
Yash explains that your diet is not only the most important thing to get right but it is also the toughest. To lose weight, he started following the below three-meal plan via which he ate the heaviest meal of the day in the morning and lighter ones later in the day.
Breakfast: Protein shake + cereal with a lot of milk
Lunch/Dinner: Rice and curry with an egg roll or Subway-style sandwich
Post meals: Salads, fruits or protein shakes
For me weight is just a number. My motto is to be lean with strong bones.
First things first: Eat clean! The saying ABS are made in the KITCHEN is true. Also, don't get into steroids and start asking when am I going to get muscles or get lean. Good things take time. This is something that I have learnt from a personal experience, I also used to ask this all the time and in return my trainer asked me to start taking steroids. Dont do that!
Disclaimer: The diet and workout routines shared by the respondents may or may not be approved by diet and fitness experts. GQ India doesn't encourage or endorse the weight loss tips & tricks shared by the person in the article. Please consult an authorised medical professional before following any specific diet or workout routine mentioned above.
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How to lose weight & build muscles like this guy who transformed his body to get rid of a constant back pain - GQ India - What a man's got to do
‘This Is Us’: Fans Think They Know the Real Reason Kate Is Missing From the Flash-Forwards (No, It’s Not Because She’s Dead) – Showbiz Cheat Sheet

When This Is Us ended season 3 with a short reel of flash-forwards, fans went wild. We loved seeing where everyone ends up, but we have so many questions about how they get to that point. Rebecca (Mandy Moore) is on her death bed, and her children and grandchildren are visiting. Nicky (Griffin Dunne) is by her side instead of Miguel (Jon Huertas). Rebecca is living with Kevin (Justin Hartley).
Toby (Chris Sullivan) is visiting but does not mention Kate (Chrissy Metz) coming over at all. Initially, fans thought it could be because she passes away before that point. Now, they have a new theory, and it may surprise you.
Viewers often share their theories about This Is Us on social media after the show. This week is no different. Fans are contemplating why they have yet to see a flash-forward of Kate, and their theory seems plausible.
What if we dont see her in the future because Chrissy [Metz] hasnt had enough time to lose weight yet or didnt lose it when they filmed that scene. What if she does actually lose weight, and they make that part of the future later on? wrote one Reddit user.
I agree, I think thats why she wasnt there either, replied another viewer.
Fans believe that Kate wont be featured in any scenes in the Pearson family future until Metz loses weight. They theorize that Kates weight gain was because of emotional trauma from her teenage boyfriend, Marc (Austin Abrams).
Her lack of self-care, self-love, and compassion, in general, are the issue. I would love to see her work through that, wrote another fan about Kate.
Hopefully, we will find out what happened with Marc soon, so that present-day Kate can begin the healing process.
Metz revealed early on in the shows airing that she did sign a contract with a clause requiring her to lose weight along with her character.
She toldTVLine, That was a win-win for me because its one thing to try to do it on your own. But as human beings, its an ego thing: Were more likely to do something for someone else.
Metz went on to say, I just have to be very clear, whether or not I lose weight or stay the same, its purely a choice of mine for health. Not because I think that plus size, curvy, voluptuous, big bodies arent attractive because I think theyre awesome and sexy.
There is not a set weight that Metz needs to achieve. Instead, show creator Dan Fogelman told theHollywood Reporter, We have a general long-term plan that weve all talked about, and we will adjust the plan as needed. I mean, thats life, right?
Fan theories could be right, seeing as it is true that Metz agreed to lose weight for her character, Kate eventually.
Fans are begging for Metzs character, Kate, to begin to work on herself. They want to see her grow as a person, particularly now that she has a son.
With her issues and insecurities and inferiority complex plus self-loathing, she really needs counseling, which should be addressed. Maybe they can be smart about it and tie in that she wants to lose weight because she has a son. This is a very common reason moms lose weight when they fall into [an] obese area, wrote another fan on Reddit.
Season 4 of This Is Us shows us a Kate who is mad at her husband for losing weight without telling her. We also saw a few flashbacks to teenage Kate at the time when she met her first boyfriend. Producers have confirmed that Marc will be toxic to teenage Kate (Hannah Zeile). Many fans have hypothesized that he is the reason for Kates weight gain in the first place.
The producers also have indicated that the boyfriend storyline will be a slow process throughout this season. We hope that as we see the story, present-day Kate also begins to work through her emotional issues caused by this person.
To find out what happens to Kate on This Is Us, catch new episodes on Tuesday nights at 9 p.m. on NBC.
Weight loss made easy with these top 10 satisfying snacks that are 100 calories or less – Express

Losing weight for many is an ongoing battle of ups and downs, butonekey to successful weight loss or maintaining a healthy weight is incorporatinghealthysnacks into your daily regime. After all, snacks can help maintain energy levels throughout the day and could also help prevent slimmers from overeating once its mealtime.
Whether youre craving a sweet treat, a salty snack or something that brings the crunch factor, these 100 calorie snack ideas could give you plenty of delicious options to satisfy hunger without compromising your diet.
1. 3 x cups of popcorn (90calories)
Popcorn is a great snack as it can satisfy the crunch factor that many slimmers find difficult to replace.
Ditch the butter on the popcorn and top it with sea salt instead for a craving satisfying snack.
A cup of popcorn only has 30 calories and is packed full of fibre, meaning it couldhelpwith your cravings and weight loss without having to sacrifice any of the hard work.
2. 1tbs of peanut butter (94calories)
Peanut butter works to help you lose weight in two ways: by helping control your appetite and bysuppressing blood sugar.
Eating a spoonful of peanut butter as a snack or before a meal contributes to a feeling of fullness due to the rich fats and protein found in the peanut butter.
One tablespoon of peanut butter equates to roughly 94 calories.
3. Half-a-cup of Edamame (90calories)
Edamamearesteamed unripened soybeans.
Half-a-cup of edamame is full of fibre, protein and vitamin/minerals.
Edamame is rich in the antioxidant kaempferol, which has been shown to cause weight loss and lower blood sugar.
Half-a-cup (77.5 grams) of edamame equates to just 90 calories, making them the perfect and nutritious snack for a slimmer.
4. Dark chocolate with almonds (100calories)
Dark chocolateand almonds make a rich, satisfying, and portable snack on the go.
Dark chocolate is loaded with flavanols that may lower blood pressure and reduce heart disease risk, provided the chocolate contains at least 70percentcocoa solids.
Almondsare high in heart-healthy monounsaturated fat and have beneficial effects on blood sugar control.
By combining 10 grams of each, depending on cocoa content, itprovidesthe slimmer with a fantastic and tasty 100 calorie snack.
5. A piece of cheese (100calories)
Cheese is a portion of delicious food that's filling enough to be a snack on its own.
Although cheese is high insaturated fat, one-ounce (30-grams) serving of cheese provides about 7 grams of protein and 100 calories.
6. Pear slices with ricotta cheese (100calories)
Pear slices and ricotta cheese make a satisfying snack with a sweet taste and creamy texture.
Ricotta is an Italian whey cheese made from sheep, cow, goat or Italian water buffalo milkandis rich in protein and calcium.
Pears, especially thepeel, contain polyphenol antioxidants that have strong anti-inflammatory properties.
Together, an ounce of ricotta cheese (30 grams) and one small chopped up pear provides about 12 grams of protein and100 calories.
7. Cherry tomatoes with shredded mozzarella (97 calories)
Tomatoes and mozzarella cheese are aflavourmatch made in heaven and they're healthy, too.
Tomatoesare rich in vitamin C, potassium, and lycopene, an antioxidant,whilemozzarella is high in protein, calcium and vitamin B12.
One cup (149 grams) of cherry tomatoes paired with one ounce (30 grams) of mozzarella cheese has just under 100 calories.
8. Hard-boiled egg (70calories)
Eggs are one of the healthiest and mostweight-loss-friendly foodsyou can eat.
They pack plenty of protein, as well as vitamins K2 and B12.
Eggs are incredibly filling and may reduce the number of calories you eat for many hours, which should help you lose weight.
One large, hard-boiled egg contains about 70 calories and 6.5 grams of protein
Weight loss made easy with these top 10 satisfying snacks that are 100 calories or less - Express
How Joe Thomas went from 300-pound Browns left tackle to trim NFL analyst –

CLEVELAND, Ohio The whispers began before the 2017 season ended. In the weeks following Joe Thomas elbow injury, the one that stopped his consecutive snaps streak at 10,363 and ended his 11th NFL season, it was becoming obvious.
Thomas was getting smaller.
Not height-wise, the Browns 10-time Pro Bowl left tackle was still 6-foot-6, but there was definitely less of him. He didnt look the part of a 300-pound offensive lineman anymore. To those that saw him around the Browns practice facility in Berea or on the sideline on game days, it was clear that Thomas was losing weight.
When Thomas stepped to a podium on March 19, 2018, to officially announce his retirement from the NFL, he looked more like a former tight end than a former offensive lineman expected to be on the fast track for the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
But the reality is that we werent seeing Joe Thomas in a new body. We were seeing him in his normal body.
I was always the 250 pound guy that I was when I was 18 years old coming out of high school, Thomas said recently from his home in Wisconsin, noting how he had to gain weight to play offensive line in college and the NFL. But that in my mind it was just natural when I was done playing, I would get down to a healthy weight, lose the weight, get down back to about, you know, 250 or so.
When Thomas and his NFL Network crew visit FirstEnergy Stadium on Thursday to broadcast the Browns matchup with the Steelers hell be working the NFL GameDay Kickoff show fans will see that 18-year-old version of Thomas. Just with a lot less hair.
He said he weighs about 255 now. And if you want a visual of how that compares to where he was with the Browns, heres Thomas with his ThomaHawk podcast co-host, Andrew Hawkins, in March.
And heres Thomas in 2014, talking to Doug Dieken.
The Plain Dealer
Former Browns left tackles Joe Thomas and Doug Dieken talk prior to a 2014 game when Thomas was still playing. (John Kuntz,
Before we can explain how Thomas lost the weight, we need to explain what he went through to become at one point a 325-pound lineman.
In high school, Thomas would make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches out of a loaf of bread and eat one sandwich every half hour throughout the day, and wash it down with a glass of whole milk on top of his other meals then do it all again the next day. At Wisconsin he treated every meal like Thanksgiving, and down a special 900-calorie drink, to grow into a 300-pound lineman.
But it was always a struggle to keep the weight on.
So while most people dealt with the scale every Monday at the Berea training facility nervous about how high the number was going to be, I was the one that was nervous about how low the number was going to be, he said. So, you know, sometimes Id wear a couple extra sweatshirts or throw an extra two-and-a-half pound (weight) in my sweatshirt to occasionally make sure that my weight was up there and I wasn't going to be getting hell from the coach.
But more than trying to cheat the scale, Thomas had to eat.
A lot.
I really had to train myself to eat like a maniac really four or five meals a day until I felt sick, just to keep the weight on, he said.
Thomas would consume 5,000-to-7,000 calories a day. Oatmeal and yogurt and nearly a dozen eggs and half-a-dozen pieces of bacon for breakfast. Big protein shakes for snacks. Loaded burgers and fries for lunch. Sleeves of Girl Scout cookies and bowls of ice cream before bed.
I remember on Thursdays, we always used to order Jets Pizza for the offensive line and running backs and tight ends because after practice wed always get in the meeting room and review film together, Thomas said. And I could always count on that day because, those who love good Jets Pizza understand that one slice of Jets Pizza is like 400 calories. So I knew if I ate 8-10 slices, I would be able to maintain my weight for that week and basically kind of boost it for our weigh-in on Friday.
As Thomas neared the end of his career, wear on his body meant he practiced less and less. Knee issues made it difficult to even stand off to the side for an entire practice. So he often remained in the trainers room, doing different things to keep his muscles firing.
So thats when I started swimming, Thomas said. I would swim in the training room when the guys were out at practice.
That led to the famous Joe Thomas Natatorium Swimming Championships for the offensive linemen during training camp in 2017 (Thomas lost in the finals to Spencer Drango). But it also stayed with him once he decided to leave football. Swimming was great for a guy with bad knees, and it helped him knock the weight off, along with a keto diet and intermittent fasting.
The first 30-or-so pounds that I lost was basically just I stopped eating until I felt sick, he said. I was in the 270-range, and thats when I had to kind of focus a little bit more on my diet and exercise to try and make sure I got down to 250.
Thomas has seen enough retired offensive and defensive linemen to know that if he didnt lose a significant amount of weight in the first year of his retirement, he probably never would.
Because your habits kind of become ingrained in you, he said. It just becomes really difficult.
Thomas doesnt eat breakfast, instead saving his first meal of the day for lunchtime. And that will include a salad or vegetables and some protein. No processed carbs. For dinner hell eat whatever his family is eating, but still tries to include lots of vegetables, fibers, proteins and fats while reducing his carbs.
On the weekends he lets himself have some freedom.
Thats usually when youre hanging out with family and friends and youre going to events and theres beer and pizza or whatever, he said. So I dont want to miss out on stuff just because Im dieting.
To be clear, Thomas new diet isnt just about looking good in a T-shirt, or in front of television cameras.
He had to save his knees.
Late in his career, when he was closer to 310 pounds, Thomas would get injections to help with the inflammation and pain in his knees due to arthritis. And before or after games he would have his knees drained to help with swelling. Those knees issues didnt stop when he retired.
Ive gotten into intermittent fasting, which I thought was very powerful from a weight maintenance level, but also an anti-inflammatory standpoint, Thomas said. I needed to lose weight to try to take some of the weight off my joints. I also found that, as long as I was doing that, when I would fast, the inflammation went down and my knees felt better.
Thomas doesnt stick to a strict workout schedule. Hell lifts weight in his basement, or swim, or do yoga, or ride a bike. Sometimes he just tries to fit in something good for his body when he can.
Two weeks ago I was in Arizona for Thursday Night Football. It was beautiful weather. I was laughing at my friends in the Midwest who were dealing with snow and cold, he said, and I just walked for like 90 minutes and it was great. I felt refreshed, burned some calories and felt great about it. It was awesome.
Thats a long way from not being able to stand through a football practice.
Thomas is happy with where his weight is at. And he seems to be enjoying the process of maintaining it. He admits that he loves food, and when he isnt in position to eat good food, he just doesnt eat. Instead, he saves up space for when he will be around good food.
I go to the Browns facility and theyve got a big sushi spread, or theyve got Mission BBQ catered, I can eat like four plates and I dont feel bad about it, he said. So thats kind of been my strategy. Because I like to work out, so every chance I get to basically lose weight is good because that just means I can go and have more good meals down the line somewhere else.
Im not sure that dietitians would love that approach, but its been working for me pretty well.
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How Joe Thomas went from 300-pound Browns left tackle to trim NFL analyst -
Intermittent Fasting: How To Lose Weight With Timed Eating – International Business Times

Intermittent fasting aka intermittent energy restriction is the process of scheduling your meals that cycles between voluntary fasting and non-fasting over a period of time. Intermittent fasting has been trendy among recent years as an effective kind of weight loss method.
There are three kinds of intermittent fasting namely alternate-day fasting, periodic fasting and time-restricted feeding. It might be similar to a calorie restriction diet. Although the science concerning this method of weight loss is preliminary and inconclusive, the American Heart Association opines that intermittent fasting can aid weight loss, reduce insulin resistance and lower the risk of heart diseases. Here is how you can use this powerful weight loss tool for a successful and sustained weight reduction:
1. Have bulletproof coffee
Although it might be difficult to skip breakfast, you can use this hack to fastfor18 hours. Rather than skipping breakfast, have a cup of fatty, bulletproof coffee (coffee with oil, butter or ghee) that can help you achieve a fastingstate while nourishing your body with good fats. Replacing a carb-heavy breakfast with a bulletproof coffee can not only make you feel satisfied but also energized for a long period.
2. Break your fast the right way
Consume the right fats, vegetables, and meats towardthe end of your fast. Although you might be tempted to eat sweets or snacks, opt for healthy options like salads or soups. Also, try to avoid binging on carbs or unhealthy snacks.
3. Do a 24-hour fast every week
Start by trying the "Eat-Stop-Eat"once or twice per week. It involves fasting for an entire 24-hour period. You can either fast from dinner to dinner, or breakfast to breakfast. For instance, if you have your breakfast on Friday at 9 a.m., you shouldnt eat until Saturday at 9 a.m. You are allowed to consume non-calorific beverages, water, and coffee during the fast. Make sure you eat normally during the eating period and not consume high-calorific foods.
4. Try the warrior diet
Fast throughout the day and have a huge meal during dinner. You can also eat small amounts of raw fruits or vegetables during the fasting period. The food choices include those similar to a paleo diet whole, unprocessed foods. The principle behind this kind of intermittent fasting is to fast all day and feast in the night.
Alternate day fasting may lead to successful weight loss. Photo: Image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay
5. Fastspontaneously
If youre someone who is unable to follow a structured intermittent fasting plan, you can do a spontaneous meal skipping where you can skip meals whenever feasible. You can simply skip meals from time to time when you dont feel hungry or dont feel like cooking. Human bodies are well equipped to handle long periods of famine and thus, missing a meal or two now and then will not be very difficult. Skip a meal or two whenever you feel like but make sure you eat healthy foods during other meals.
The rest is here:
Intermittent Fasting: How To Lose Weight With Timed Eating - International Business Times
Weight loss: Where do people lose weight first? – Times of India

Where in the body you will lose weight first depends on your genes. Your focus might be to lose your belly fat first, but this is not in your control. Human is a complicated creature, so it cannot be clearly said where you lose or gain weight. But in most of the cases, the first place you put on the fat is generally the last place it comes off from. If your arms have gained fat recently, then you lose that fat first from there once you start exercising and following a healthy diet. If you have a pear-shaped body frame than you might just get smaller in size, but will retain the same frame of the body. But remember the fat cells do not disappear, if you will increase your calorie intake you will again gain weight.
Mostly, losing weight is an internal process. You will first lose hard fat that surrounds your organs like liver, kidneys and then you will start to lose soft fat like waistline and thigh fat. The fat loss from around the organs makes you leaner and stronger.
Follow this link:
Weight loss: Where do people lose weight first? - Times of India
13 celebrities who say they’ve been pressured to lose weight in order to succeed in Hollywood – INSIDER

He said a casting director said he was perfect for the "big" character. Frazer Harrison/Getty Images
In a 2017 interview with The Wrap, David Harbour said he got an audition to play the character The Blob in an upcoming "Wolverine" film after a casting director said he was perfect for the "big," "fat" character.
"I was like 'Okay, wow, that's flattering,'" Harbour jokingly recalled. "And [the casting director] was like, 'No, no, it's not that you're fat, it's just that we need a big guy to wear the suit.'"
Harbour went to the audition anyway and jokingly showed his stomach to the director saying, "I've got your Blob right here."
After the audition, Harbour said the director expressed "concerns" about his weight.
"He was like, 'David, look, you're wonderful, we really think you're just a great actor, we're just concerned we're really concerned it's just, you lifted up your shirt and ... we're just a little worried about your health,'" Harbour told The Wrap. "I was like, 'Wait a minute. You are telling me I'm too fat to play The Blob?'"
The rest is here:
13 celebrities who say they've been pressured to lose weight in order to succeed in Hollywood - INSIDER
Is It Actually Harder to Lose Weight When You’re Short? – Yahoo Lifestyle

Is It Actually Harder to Lose Weight When You're Short? Losing weight is hard. But it's
harder for some people than
others due to a variety of factors. Age, activity level, hormones,
starting weight, sleep patterns,
and height all play a role. You've probably heard that it's
more difficult for people who
are shorter to lose weight. And if you're on the shorter
side, maybe you've even
experienced this firsthand. But is it really harder or does it
just seem that way because losing
weight in general isn't easy? We talked to weight-loss
experts to investigate. "Shorter women have to consume
fewer calories to lose weight...if all other
factors are equal," says Luiza Petre, M.D. Even with the same activity level,
your taller friend will be able to
eat more and still lose more weight. And because you have to eat fewer calories
to see weight-loss results (or to maintain
your weight), it can feel a lot harder. Shari Portnoy, Registered Dietitian Lean muscle mass impacts your basal
metabolic rate (BMR), which determines
how many calories your body burns at rest. Activity level plays a role too, but the
higher your BMR is, the less work you have
to do to account for extra calories eaten. "The less weight you
start with, the harder it
is to lose," explains Portnoy. This is the same reason it takes longer to
lose those last 5 pounds than it does to lose
5 pounds at the start of a weight-loss plan. So yesshorter people do
have to eat less than taller
people to lose weight in general. But height isn't the only factor
that determines how many
calories you burn per day. Sleep habits, genetics, hormonal health,
exercise, dieting history, and exercise
also play roles here, says Dr. Petre. One of the ways you can increase your
metabolism is by exercising, and in this
area, short people may have an advantage. Tracy Lockwood Beckerman, Registered Dietitian On the shorter side and not seeing
the weight-loss results you're after?
Here's what to try to troubleshoot. 1. Lift weights:
"Do strength training and develop as much
muscle mass as you can, which in return
burns more calories," says Dr. Petre. 2. Tune in to hunger cues:
"Your body knows what it needs,
so trust it!" says Beckerman. 3. Ballpark your calorie needs:
Use an online calorie calculator where
you can enter your height, weight, and
activity level, suggests Beckerman. 4. Chat with an expert:
A registered dietitian may have
suggestions on how to make
the most of your BMR.
See the article here:
Is It Actually Harder to Lose Weight When You're Short? - Yahoo Lifestyle