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Lobke’s 75-Pound Weight-Loss Secrets: Weight Watchers and Fitbit – POPSUGAR

Lobke's 75-Pound Weight-Loss Secrets: Weight Watchers and Fitbit
After her "aha!" moment, Lobke Meulemeester from the UK realized she had to change her habits to live a healthier life. Starting at 233 pounds, she's used Weight Watchers and Fitbit to lose 75 but she still lives a life of balance, sharing that even now she has days where she doesn't go to the gym and gets takeout ("takeaway," in UK terms!) instead. And while she always gets her steps in, she has a little chocolate every day.
POPSUGAR: What made you decide to start your weight-loss journey?
Lobke Meulemeester: I came to a point in my life where doing simple tasks like walking became difficult. Walking short distances gave me a backache; I got short of breath. I was borderline diabetic. I knew things had to change if I wanted to prolong my life. But it wasn't only physical my mental state was also suffering. I had no confidence in myself and didn't care anymore. I didn't care what I looked like or what I wore.
I have always been a little overweight as a kid, even though I was quite active. And this continued through adulthood but escalated after my mother suddenly died back in October 2013. Dieting and losing weight got put back and I wasn't on my mind at all.
PS: Was there one program or method that you used?
LM: I had used Weight Watchers before so I thought I'd give it another go. I followed the program, combined with exercise and daily hour-long walks while being on lunch break at work. I got myself a Fitbit and tracked my daily steps. I enjoyed doing the challenges with people all over the world and it got me walking in all sorts of weather. Before Weight Watchers, I had tried a few different weight-loss programs like SlimFast, calorie-counting, and shakes. I had lost weight but always ended up regaining after going back to normal foods.
PS: What's your favorite way to work out?
LM: I love to go to classes. I find it more fun than just using the cardio machines, although I do plow through it sometimes as I know that's what works for me.
PS: What's your weekly exercise schedule?
LM: It depends. I try and go to the gym three times a week but I never set myself a target or set days; I go when I feel like it. Sometimes I have days where I can't face it and go home and have takeaway instead. It's all about balance!
PS: How do you keep workouts exciting?
LM: I try and switch it up as much as I can. I go to different classes and do a day of HIIT cardio in between.
PS: What was the first big difference, other than the number on the scale, that really made you feel proud and excited?
LM: It was the confidence I gained while losing weight. Not only did I feel so much better and more alive, but I also started to love how I looked as a result. My skin was glowing, I was smiling more, and I started enjoying clothes shopping again.
PS: How do you track your weight loss?
LM: I use the Weight Watchers app but I also have a sheet I made in my kitchen at the moment where I track the days until I go on holiday which I cross off every day so I can keep motivated and on track until then. It's good to have goals to work toward.
PS: What's a typical day of meals and snacks?
LM: I start my day with a good, filling protein breakfast that will keep me going until 11-ish. Lunch would also be a sandwich with a good amount of protein like chicken. I make sure I have plenty of fruit with me to snack on during the day, and I also make sure I have a little treat in the afternoon with a cup of coffee to keep me going. Being Belgian, that's mostly chocolate!
PS: Do you count calories? What's the range of calories you eat per day?
LM: No. I have tried using the MyFitnessPal app before and it's just not for me. I want something that's easy and doesn't require me to weigh everything I eat.
PS: What are the healthy staples that are always in your fridge?
LM: You will always find yogurts, pineapple, almond milk, eggs, precooked chicken, and gherkins [pickles] in my fridge.
PS: How do you strategize for meals out?
LM: I always have one day where I have a treat meal and dessert. I always choose what I want as I think it's important to listen to your cravings. I have learned from experience it doesn't end well if you ignore them. So one day, I will have something I've fancied all week and a nice dessert to follow, that way I feel refreshed for the week ahead.
PS: How did the Fitbit help you on your journey?
LM: I got myself a Fitbit when I first started my fitness journey. It helped me get more steps in on a regular basis as I have an office job and it's actually astonishing to see how little steps you do in a day. So I started taking two 10-minute breaks and walk around the car park, as well as walking on my one-hour lunch every single day. On top of that, I would go to the gym three times a week. I did challenges with people all over the world and it can get quite competitive. Sometimes I ended up walking in the rain just so I could win the workweek hustle!
PS: What advice do you have for anyone starting out on a weight-loss journey?
LM: Don't expect it to happen overnight. This will be a long process but one that will be totally worth it. It will become easier once you are a few weeks in. Don't get upset when you are having an off day; we all get those. I've skipped the gym many times for takeaway and treats instead. It's life. Take one day at a time. Every day is a fresh start. Just never stop, never give up. You will get there, one day at a time.
Image Source: Lobke Meulemeester
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Lobke's 75-Pound Weight-Loss Secrets: Weight Watchers and Fitbit - POPSUGAR
How can Russell Wilson eat more and still lose weight? –

Dr. Emily Cooper talks about the new, nine-meal program Russell Wilson is on to get lean before the season.
Heather Bosch, KING 6:22 PM. PDT July 07, 2017
Photo by: Matt Kartozian/USA Today Sports Images (Photo: Matt Kartozian, Custom)
Seahawks Quarterback Russell Wilson lost weight... by eating more.
According to ESPN, Wilson eats nine meals - about 4,800 calories - every day. His diet includes plenty of protein and vegetables, but no dairy or bread.
He's dropped from 225 to 214 pounds.
"You would think if you cut your calories back, you're going to lose weight and if you increase your calories you're going to gain weight," says Dr. Emily Cooperof Seattle Performance Medicineand author of The Metabolic Storm, "but the opposite can happen."
"The body, when it thinks that you're starving, holds on to fat to protect you from that starvation. It does that by slowing your metabolism," explains Dr. Cooper.
Cooper says she doesn't know Wilson's personal diet, but believes that by adding calories, Wilson was able to allow his body to get rid of extra stored fat.
Cooper cautions that with all low carb diets, "your body eventually outsmarts it and your body will start storing more fat," so those types of diets might not be the best option for everyone, long term.
2017 KING-TV
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What Happens To Your Metabolism When You Lose Weight –

Weight loss can be complicated. Between sticking to a strict diet, hitting the gym consistently, managing your macro nutrients, and tracking every bit of progress, shedding pounds often turns into a complete lifestyle change. Of course, all of these elements while sometimes challenging are within our control. Metabolism, on the other hand, is less manageable.
While some claim that there are certain foods that speed up your metabolism, it's mostly out of your control. "Metabolism is partly genetic," Roshini Rajapaksa, MD recently wrote for "That means that even if you and your best friend shed the same amount of weight, your bodies could respond differently."
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So what happens to your metabolism when you drop the pounds? The answer isn't so simple. Rajapaksa explains that the speed at which you lose weight could be a large contributing factor to your metabolism's resting rate. When you restrict calories, your body will slow its calorie burn and hold onto the energy it has. This is typically called "starvation mode." However, if you lose weight slowly over time (dietitians suggest trimming 500 calories from your daily intake and losing 1 pound per week), this effect won't or at least shouldn't occur.
Plus, we already know that when you increase your muscular strength, and therefore, your body's requirement for energy, your body will use its fuel more efficiently. In other words, your metabolism will benefit from building muscle. Because of this, our best advice would be to opt for a manageable workout routine over cutting calories alone.
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This Smart Scale Will Help You Lose WeightAnd It’s $30 Off – | This Smart Scale Will Help You Lose WeightAnd It's $30 Off Enter smart scales: These high-tech devices reveal much more than how many pounds you're carrying. They show other helpful metrics such as body mass index, body fat percentage, muscle mass, and bone mass. A 2016 University of Manchester study ... |
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This Smart Scale Will Help You Lose WeightAnd It's $30 Off -
How Catch-Up Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight | Reader’s Digest – Reader’s Digest

shutterstockIf you cant seem to catch enough zs during the week, youre not alone. But bad things happen to your body when youre sleep-deprived, not least of which is weight gain. Well, heres some good news: Sleeping in on the weekend to make up for sleep lost during the week is associated with lower body mass index (BMI), according to a study published in the Oxford University Press journal Sleep.
The researchers, a collaboration of scientists based in Boston, Massachusetts, and the Republic of Korea, sought to determine if what they refer to as catch-up sleep impacts body mass index (BMI) in the general population. To do so, they conducted face-to-face interviews of a random sampling of 2,156 adults, comparing their sleep habits with their BMI scores. The 932 participants who slept incatch-up sleepers (people who sleep longer on the weekend than on weekdays by approximately two hours) had a significantly lower BMI than the other subjects. Whats more, every additional hour of catch-up sleep was associated with a decrease in BMI.
As to why sleeping in on weekends can lead to weight loss, one of the study co-authors, Robert Thomas, MD, MMSc, of the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, Department of Medicine at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, reminded Readers Digest of the substantial experimental and epidemiological data that short sleep contributes to weight gain. He notes, our best estimate [as researchers] is that there is a balance to be kept, and the body can adjust and adapt within reason. Catch-up sleep allows the basic balance to be maintained.
Accordingly, Dr. Thomas suspects that intermittent catch-ups during the week would have the same effect. However, as he points out, the reality is that most of us dont have time for cat-naps mid-week and are left to catch up on sleep over the weekend.
Although the study showed significant differences in BMI with the addition of two or more hours of catch-up sleep, Dr. Thomas points out that there are substantial individual differences, such that the benefit we get from those extra hours will vary depending on how much sleep each of us generally needs. To determine your optimal sleep, you can track the time spent sleeping on nights when there is no need to wake up to an alarm, suggests Liza Baker, a health coach at Simply Health Coaching. That tells you about how many hours of sleep your body likes to get, since it varies greatly across the population, from just 4 to 5 hours to 9 to 10 hours. (Most adults fall in the 6- to 8-hour range.)
So can you actually lose weight by sleeping in on the weekend? Only if youre paying off a sleep debt from the week, according to the results of this study. It helps if youre also eating less, Dr. Thomas adds.
If youre looking to get more sleep, you might want to try some of these sleep tricks on for size, and be aware that there are jobs that are bad for sleep.
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How Catch-Up Sleep Can Help You Lose Weight | Reader's Digest - Reader's Digest
Mom Claims She Dropped 112 Pounds By Drinking Green Tea –

Siobhan Thornton spent most of her life as a size 12 or 14, but after giving birth to her now three-year-old-daughter Tia, the 23-year-old could barely fit into a size 18. By 2015, Thornton was at her heaviest after she had split up with her boyfriend. The single mom soon developed an unhealthy relationship with food and rarely left her house because of her sadness, and soon she became depressed with how she looked.
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Determined to lose weight to become healthier and feel better, Thornton found research online that indicated that green tea can boost metabolism and slow down weight gain. So, she began drinking two cups of tea every day.
The 23-year-old mom, who once weighed 245 pounds, claims she was able to lose 112 pounds through regular exercise, a Vibroplate and drinking gallons of green tea, she told the Daily Mail.
Before her weight loss.
Siobhan Thompson/Triangle News
"I am certain that I lost the first [42 pounds] through drinking green tea alone," Thornton told Daily Mail. "My metabolism just went through the roof and I hadn't done much else."
The Scotland native now weighs 126 pounds. "I was measuring my waist and it was getting smaller and smaller and I wasn't doing any exercise," Thornton says. "Green tea is so underrated and it's cheap as chips."
After her weight loss.
Siobhan Thompson/Triangle News
Inspired by her weight loss, she was willing to alter her diet and exercise plan to keep up her new healthy lifestyle. She has continued to drink her brew while adding three trips to the gym each week and only eating junk food in moderation.
Now that the single mother is at her healthiest, her confidence has grown.
"I used to avoid looking at myself, now my confidence is through the roof and I've halved my BMI," Thornton says.
Drinking tea has numerous benefits to your health as Thornton initially researched. Studies have found that the catechins in green tea can help elevate metabolic rate and increase fat oxidation which helped participants lose weight.
"If you're a regular soda, juice, energy-drink or sweetened-coffee-and-tea drinker and you switch to unsweetened green tea, it can absolutely be a contributor to weight-loss!" says Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN, Nutrition Director at the Good Housekeeping Institute. "That's because the number one source of added sugar (and therefore, added calories) in the American diet is from sugar-sweetened beverages, so opting for a calorie-free alternative is always best, and green tea can be a delicious replacement."
But London warns, drinking green tea alone may not work wonders for everyone. "If you're already sipping on water flavored with fresh fruit, sparkling water, unsweetened coffee and tea, or the occasional diet beverage, then chances are you'll have to do more than simply switch up your hydration habits to lose weight for the long-term."
According to a small study, green tea is effective in reducing participants' body fat due to the tea's high amount of the antioxidant EGCG. Other studies have found similar results, where drinking green tea may aide your weight loss efforts when in combination with a healthy diet and exercise.
"While a few small-scale studies have linked an increased metabolic rate to drinking green tea (when sipping about four caffeinated cups per day!), the only truly variable factor in your basal metabolic rate is increasing your lean body mass, a.k.a. building muscle. That's why strength training is key to keeping your metabolism up for the long-term, and crucial to bone, muscle and immune function, which ultimately helps to support metabolism over time," London says. "The more direct link between green tea and potential metabolic effects? If it wakes you up enough to get your tush to the gym!"
[h/t Daily Mail]
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This Is Why You Lose Weight on Vacation – The Daily Meal

The great mystery: You went on a vacation, ate ice cream on the beach, drank sugar-loaded cocktails every night, and you came back five pounds lighter.
How did that happen?
No, it doesnt mean you should come back and throw all your health habits out the window. And no, it doesnt mean you should take a cruise every weekend to get thin. So what does it mean?
Based on our culture of slashing calories and shedding pounds, this phenomenon is a complete anomaly. I mean, youre pounding calories and dramatically reducing exercise. That should make you pile on extra fat, right? But based on what researchers and nutritionists know about health and weight, the weight loss actually makes a lot of sense.
There are three reasons your lazy lifestyle on vacation actually makes you lose weight.
Lower stress levels When you go on vacation, youre taking a break not only from your health habits, but also from your stress. Your adrenal glands get a breather (finally) and shut off their panic mode. They allow your body to fall more in sync with your natural rhythm and your health.
Cortisol, the main stress hormone in your body, gets taken down a level in your bloodstream, which can have a pivotal effect on your behavior, metabolism, and overall health. Often, weight gain occurs due to increased cortisol levels in the body. So it makes sense that reducing the stress hormones racing through your system allows those extra pounds to fall off.
Youre not exercising If youre a frequent exerciser, taking time off from the gym can actually result in more weight loss than overdoing it. When you rest your muscles, they recover and have time to build back up. This is why rest days are so essential but if youre living a fast-paced, busy lifestyle, even your rest days could be strenuous.
When youre lying on the beach or chilling in a cabana all day, your muscles finally get the time theyve been craving to recover. Having larger muscles burns more fat hence, you have a higher probability of weight loss.
You allow yourself to eat the foods you crave Dieting doesnt work. At this point, if you dont know that, then youve been living in serious denial. So what should you do to be healthier, if not diet?
Through extensive research, intuitive eating and letting go of all food rules and restrictions has shown the greatest health benefits in the long run no matter your current weight. When you go on vacation, thats exactly what you do. You eat when youre hungry and you stop when youre full. You let go of all the dieting rules and just let yourself eat and drink freely. No points, no calories, no macros. Just food.
It may seem counterintuitive, but it works. Its a safe bet that you feel those benefits, too, as well as see them on the scale.
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This Is Why You Lose Weight on Vacation - The Daily Meal
6 Things You Should Know Before Trying To Lose Weight On The Whole30 – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 6 Things You Should Know Before Trying To Lose Weight On The Whole30 Women's Health While the program can help you lose weight, the Whole30 is meant to reshape your overall relationship with food so that you feel your best. And should you happen to shed pounds along the way, it's just a bonus. But what if you want to try the Whole30 ... |
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6 Reddit Users Share What REALLY Helped Them Lose Weight – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 6 Reddit Users Share What REALLY Helped Them Lose Weight Women's Health One of the most important elements of successful weight loss is establishing a support system. For some this means leaning on friends, family, and coworkers. But that's not always enough. Sometimes, you need a community of people who truly understand ... |
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The Best Wines To Drink If You’re Trying To Lose Weight –

When you're trying to lose weight, the biggest bummer of all isn't giving up chocolate cake or hitting the gym five days per week it's having to quit drinking. Seriously, grabbing drinks is one of the most social activities of all time. And abstaining from a poolside beer or ice cold ros can make for a torturous summer when all your friends are busy boozing. Luckily, we've got a little hack that helps you sneak in a glass every now and then. You've just got to know which bottles to pop.
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If you love red wine, stick to merlot, pinot noir, or ros. According to Tanya Zuckerbrot, R.D., creator of the F-Factor Diet, they each contain about 88 calories, 3 grams of carbs, and 1 gram of sugar per glass.
Steer clear of marsala and sherry, though. Those glasses are loaded with 164 calories, 14 grams of carbs, and 8 grams of sugar.
When it comes to lighter white wines, opt for chardonnay, white zinfandel, or sauvignon blanc. Zuckerbrot notes that these picks are all under 85 calories, with 2.6 grams carbs and 1 gram of sugar per glass.
What you definitely need to avoid are sweet dessert wines like riesling or moscato, which can clock in at upwards of 160 calories per glass, 12 grams of carbs, and 8 grams of sugar per glass.
No matter which varietal you choose to pour, you've got to stick to a 5-ounce serving. So, as tempting as it is to fill that giant balloon glass with a little somethin' extra, you should try to stay strict.
What's more, the old adage that "moderation is key" remains true here as well. Zuckerbrot made a perfect point in a recent interview with Women's Health: "Just treat it like any other indulgence by adding up your calories for the day or week to determine how much wiggle room you have and where wine can fit in."
So, my fellow winos, that means only one glass per night.
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The Best Wines To Drink If You're Trying To Lose Weight -