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7 Sneaky Ways You Can Add Fat To Your Diet To Lose Weight – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 7 Sneaky Ways You Can Add Fat To Your Diet To Lose Weight Women's Health That's because fat takes longer to digest, which means it's an extremely satiating food so you won't be hungry again anytime soon. And that's a very, very good thing when you're trying to lose weight. We asked Larson to spill her favorite healthy ... |
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7 Sneaky Ways You Can Add Fat To Your Diet To Lose Weight - Women's Health
Gabourey Sidibe: Don’t congratulate me on losing weight and ‘mind … – ABC News

Academy Award-nominated actress Gabourey Sidibe is opening up about one of her pet peeves: when people congratulate her on her recent weight loss.
"We tell women what they need to look like, and what they don't need to look like," Sidibe told ABC News' Robin Roberts during an interview for her season 2 of her podcast "Everybody's Got Something." adding that "it's so misogynistic."
"There are plenty of like fat guys or whatever," Sidibe said. "And no one has ever written think pieces about why they need to lose weight. No one's ever going to accuse them while they were, you know, on a show promoting their film, that they're actually promoting an unhealthy diet."
"Mind your own body," the 34-year-old actress who skyrocketed to fame after starring in the 2009 film "Precious," exclaimed.
Subscribe and listen to the "Everybody's Got Something" podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Play Music, Stitcher and the ESPN and ABC News mobile apps.
Sidibe called it "the weirdest thing in the world" when people will congratulate her on losing weight.
"You don't need to congratulate me on it," Sidibe said. "You don't congratulate me every time I blow my nose, I needed to ... it's in my body.
"People want to feel like they have some sort of ownership over your body, even though you're a stranger," the actress added. "And it's even worse when you're recognizable like me."
The actress said she understands "that people are coming from a good place and they're happy for me," even when the congratulation wishes don't always feel like compliments.
The Harlem native is now an author with a witty debut memoir, "This is Just My Face." She spoke candidly about her rapid rise to fame, telling Roberts that she used to stress about how she would afford a dress to wear to the premieres of films she was in.
Catch the full interview with the critically acclaimed actress on the season 2 premiere of "Everybody's Got Something," which is available for download and streaming today. Future episodes include candid and inspiring interviews with everyone from music icon and cookbook author Patti LaBelle, to singer Lea Michele, author Andy Andrews, Grammy award-winning singer Mandisa, and more.
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Gabourey Sidibe: Don't congratulate me on losing weight and 'mind ... - ABC News
Doctor: You get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen – Wausau Daily Herald

Reporter Arielle Hines asks for readers to share tips about healthy eating. Wochit
Dr. Timothy Logemann(Photo: Arielle Hines/USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin)Buy Photo
WAUSAU - A Wausau doctor says sugar, not saturated fat, is one of the main reasons two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese.
Dr. Timothy Logemann is the medical director of Aspirus Ideal Weight Solution.Patients in the program learn to eathealthier, including by eating food provided by the program,while being medically supervised.The program has treated about 2,200 people in the past five years, all of whom are adults.Some participants want to lose 30 pounds for a high school reunion, Logemann said, and some have lost 200 pounds.
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Logemann spoke about his program and his thoughts on the obesity epidemic. The answers below have been edited for length and clarity.
What made you want to treat obesepatients?
I like treating people in the prime of life when we can make a difference. This is a disease that's striking people in their 30s, 40s and 50s. You can make a lifetime of a difference if you help them then.
In medicine, we are taught to treat the primary problem. If someone has a bad appendix, you don't give the patientpain medicine: you take it out. For obesity, we were treating their diabetes andhigh blood pressure, but we were not treating the primary problem.
If we can get people to follow our program or a similar program, we give them less medicine, not more. And when they lose weight, they feel better. When patients are obese, their life is just tough.It's hard to treat, but when you are successful, it's pretty rewarding.
How is your programdifferent than other programs?
In our program, you eat a lot of your own food. You eat a lot of green vegetables, low-carbvegetables and protein. We really strike out carbohydrates, because theycauseyourinsulin levels (a hormone that regulates blood-sugar levels)to come down. When your insulin levels are high, you can't lose weight.
The key to obesity is sugar. So you have to learn to eat differently. You have to learn to get your low-starch vegetables and your protein. (In a lot of commercial plans,) you don't really begin to understand what causes the problem. You just eat their spaghetti instead of yourspaghetti. But you don't realize you shouldn't eatspaghetti.
Why are so many people obese?
Most people think the current obesity epidemic is brought on the change of dietary patterns, and the most common theme is probably sugar. When I was a kid, we had soda once a week. Now people have three sodas a day. Manypeople's main vegetableare french fries,which haveno nutritional value.
It's not saturated fat. That was a myth from the '90s. (The cause) is sugar, carbohydrates and processed foods.
What are the biggest obstacles people have to overcome when they are trying to lose weight?
You have to get people to learn to realize why they pick their foods. Why am I eating these cookies?Am I hungry or is everyone else eating a cookie, so I want to have a cookie?You have to think about why you are doing what you are doing.The culture in this country isobesogenic (causing obesity).
I do think, too, there area lot of bad myths out there. For example, exercise isnot a weight loss tool. You get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen.
People always look at us like we have three eyes when we say we don't really care about exercise. To lose weight, you need to change your diet. Exercise is a good tool to maintain weight loss and we encourage exercise. But this idea if you can't exercise, you can't lose weight is bad.
Arielle Hines: or 715-845-0658; on Twitter@theariellehines.
Learn more aboutAspirus Ideal Weight Solution
To find out more about the program, visit call715-847-2380.
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Doctor: You get fit in the gym, but you lose weight in the kitchen - Wausau Daily Herald
Where does fat go when you lose weight? – Metro

Where does the fat go? (Picture: Getty Images)
When you lose weight you are probably so delighted to see the fat disappear that you dont think about where it actually goes.
In a study completed by UNSW Australiait was discovered that despite many health professionals misconceptions that fat is converted into energy or heat, the fat is actually breathed out as carbon dioxide.
It goes into thin air says the lead author of the study, Ruben Meerman, a physicist and Australian TV science presenter.
Ruben Meerman followed the atoms of the fat and of 10 kg of fat lost, 8.4 kg of that was exhaled as carbon dioxide through the lungs and the remaining 1.6 kg becomes water and is excreted as urine, sweat, tears, breath, and other bodily fluids.
Unfortunately, breathing itself cannot cause weight loss.
Breathing more than the required rate can cause hyperventilation, resulting in dizziness, palpitations ans loss of consciousness.
The authors were frequently asked could weight loss cause global warming?
Ruben Meerman said: This reveals troubling misconceptions about global warming which is caused by unlocking the ancient carbon atoms trapped underground in fossilised organisms.
The carbon atoms human beings exhale are returning to the atmosphere after just a few months or years trapped in food that was made by a plant
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MORE: Stop complimenting peoples weight loss mine was a sign of severe illness
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Where does fat go when you lose weight? - Metro
Lose Weight And Beat Stress: Amazon’s Best-Selling Essential Oil Diffuser Is 65% Off! – | Lose Weight And Beat Stress: Amazon's Best-Selling Essential Oil Diffuser Is 65% Off! Our sense of smell can accomplish a lot: Not only can it alert us to dangers like smoke and poison, but studies show it can also lower our stress levels and improve mental performance. The limbic system, which controls memories, emotions, and basic ... |
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Lose Weight And Beat Stress: Amazon's Best-Selling Essential Oil Diffuser Is 65% Off! -
There is an app for losing weight –

Credit: Apple via CNN
When it comes to losing weight, or getting in shape, or both, the key is coming up with a game plan and then stick to it.
David Hitt and Robert La Branche did that in a big way.
Robert has lost at least 80 pound. David has lost at least 50.
They have high pressure jobs. Both are contractors working on the Space Launch System. Both have families and 24 hours in most days just isnt enough.
But both are also data junkies.
In their jobs and work environment, they are constantly crunching numbers and data.
David and Robert have translated that approach to weight loss with the use of apps.
Robert downloaded My Fitness Pal. David downloaded Lose it.
It boils down to math for them. If they eat less calories than their target calorie goal, they lose weight. If they eat more than the target calorie goal, they dont lose weight.
Some might say, they need to exercise to make this work. David says he does when he has a chance.
The point here is David and Robert have found a system that works for them to keep weight off and they have to discipline to stick to it.
If you know someone that has a success story when it comes to losing weight, you can email to tell us about it!
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There is an app for losing weight -
5 Meal Delivery Boxes That Will Help You Lose Weight – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 5 Meal Delivery Boxes That Will Help You Lose Weight Women's Health That's where signing up for a meal-delivery service can be super-helpful for those trying to lose weight. Meal kits get you in the habit of planning ahead and cooking your meals, a tried-and-true weight loss strategy, says Samantha Cassetty, R.D., a ... |
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5 Meal Delivery Boxes That Will Help You Lose Weight - Women's Health
Going vegetarian is the most effective ‘diet’ for losing weight, say researchers – Metro

Metro | Going vegetarian is the most effective 'diet' for losing weight, say researchers Metro 'This finding is important for people who are trying to lose weight, including those suffering from metabolic syndrome and/or type 2 diabetes,' says Dr Kahleov. 'But it is also relevant to anyone who takes their weight management seriously and wants ... |
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Going vegetarian is the most effective 'diet' for losing weight, say researchers - Metro
11 genius hacks for losing weight (and feeling healthier than ever) – The Herald-Times (subscription)

Sometimes its the little things that count. Try these simple but clever hacks to help you lose weight and feel healthier, with relatively little effort.
1. Plan ahead
We eat whatevers available when were hungry, and often whats available isnt a healthy option. Keep healthy, non-perishable food in your bag, your car, your desk drawer at work and anywhere else youre likely to get hungry.
Going out for the day to a place with abundant junk food? Prepare your favorite healthy lunch and take it with you.
2. Swap it out
When it comes to nutrition, often theres a healthier alternative that tastes just as good. You just need to get used to it. Try reaching for the trail mix instead of the potato chips, using Greek yogurt in place of sour cream, swapping olive oil and vinegar for a creamy salad dressing and treating yourself to frozen yogurt rather than ice cream.
3. Go nutrient dense
You can improve your health by eating nutrient dense foods that are high in nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals) but low in calories. According to Authority Nutrition, nutrient dense food include salmon, blueberries, kale and even dark chocolate.
4. Drop the diet drinks
Chemical packed diet drinks are considered a very unhealthy option by many nutritionists. Despite their lack of calories, diet drinks make you fat. Experts suggest the artificial sweeteners in diet drinks may interfere with your metabolism and trick the body into thinking its getting sugar, causing it to pump out insulin. This may be why some research has linked diet drinks to an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.
5. Make water your go-to drink
Drinking plenty of water is one of the simplest things you can do to improve your health and lower your overall calorie intake. If you find it boring, add a slice of lemon or lime and give yourself time to get used to it. If you usually drink sodas and juices it will take a while to stop craving the sugar.
6. Make on the side your default
Most of us overdo sauces, dressings and extras like butter and sour cream. Always ask for it on the side and use as little as you need to enhance the taste of your food.
7. Go plant based
My favorite piece of nutritional advice is from Michael Pollan:
Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.
You dont have to go vegan, or even vegetarian, but by including lots of plants in your diet, youre keeping your body full of nutrients and limiting unhealthy fats and sugars. The other parts of this snippet of advice are simple too. Eat food (not chemicals and additives) and not too much of it (just stick to sensible portion sizes).
8. Replace food (with something better)
If you and your friends always meet for a meal, or a coffee (usually accompanied by a donut or three) consider mixing it up. Meet at the beach to go surfing, at a club to go dancing, or at an art gallery to look at beautiful paintings.
9. Change your habits
Getting healthy can be as simple as replacing an unhealthy habit with a healthy one. Replace vegging out in front of the TV after dinner with an evening walk, or lunch at your desk with a stroll around a nearby mall. Small changes add up over time.
10. Invest in a tracking tool
Consider getting a tracking device, such as a Fitbit, that monitors your daily activity. They can be surprisingly motivating. Youll find you push yourself to walk extra steps each day or do more exercise, just to see your numbers going up.
11. Find a hobby you truly love
If its an active hobby, or one that gets you out in the fresh air, thats great, but according to an article in Forbes, any hobby can be good for your physical and mental health.
These hacks will help you feel healthier in no time, as long as youre consistent. No strict diet or punishing gym regime needed.
Karen Banes is a freelance writer specializing in parenting, lifestyle and entrepreneurship. Contact her at her website via Twitter where she tweets as @KarenBanes.
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11 genius hacks for losing weight (and feeling healthier than ever) - The Herald-Times (subscription)
Jillian Michaels’ Top Weight Loss Tip Is Super Easy To Follow –

If there's one woman who knows how to get in shape, it's Jillian Michaels. She spent years as a trainer on The Biggest Loser, and has built a brand around helping others lose weight, most recently with her self-titled Jillian Michaels app. Moral of the story, when she talks, we listen.
Woman's Health recently interviewed Michaels and asked her to share her advice for losing weight the healthy way. Her top tip is pretty standard advice, but also offers a totally new way of looking at things: Michaels says to lose weight, you have to think of your body like a car.
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Many people make the mistake of eating right OR exercising, but often fail to really commit to both. Think of it this way: if you're not doing either, you're in reverse and are likely gaining weight. If you're doing just one, you can get stuck in neutral, or will lose weight very, very slowly. If you're doing both, you're in drive, and the weight will come off at a steady pace.
Her advice is a solid way to put weight loss into perspective, and an easy mantra to remember if you're looking to shed some pounds.
Follow Delish on Instagram.
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Jillian Michaels' Top Weight Loss Tip Is Super Easy To Follow -