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Understanding Weight Loss: How to Lose 20 Pounds by Walking …

Walking is a great way to lose 20 pounds for many reasons, and knowing how to do it effectively will help you reach your goal weight in no time. Walking is enjoyable for most people, easy on your joints, and one of the safest forms of exercise. Many people find they can stick to a walking program long term which is essential for weight maintenance. The key to losing 20 pounds by walking is to set appropriate goals and understand the fundamentals of weight loss.
How Long Will it Take Me to Lose 20 Pounds?
At a weight loss rate of -1 pound per week, it will likely take you at least 20 weeks to lose 20 pounds. Losing weight at this pace is safe and will help you keep the weight off long term. To accomplish a weight loss of - 1 pound per week, try to burn an extra 250-500 calories per day by walking. If you find you're not burning this many calories by walking alone, simply reduce your calorie intake through diet in addition to walking.
How Often Should I Walk?
If you're a beginner, start by walking 3 days per week for at least 15-20 minutes. Gradually increase the frequency and duration of your walks until you are walking 30-60 minutes per day, most days of the week. To help keep your walks enjoyable try alternate walking indoors with walking outdoors, watching television during your walks (using a treadmill), or listening to music or a book on tape with headphones. For most people it's not walking they dislike, but becoming bored during the walk. Work walking into your regular routine and make it a priority.
How Many Calories Can I Burn By Walking?
The number of calories per minute you can burn by walking is determined by your body weight and walking pace. If you walk at a pace of 4 miles per hour (a common pace) you can burn the following amount of calories per minute: 120 lb. person = 4.7 calories; 140 lb. person = 5.5 calories; 160 lb. person = 6.3 calories; 180 lb. person = 7.1 calories; 200 lb. person = 7.8 calories; and 220 lb. person = 8.6 calories. If you plan to lose 20 pounds by walking alone, try to burn at least 250 extra calories during your walk per day. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds you'd have to walk at least 40 minutes per day at a pace of 4 miles per hour to lose pound per week. If you're unsure of your pace, try walking on a treadmill to give you a better idea.
How Can I Lose Weight and Stay Toned?
Walking alone will definitely help you lose weight, however adding resistance exercise to your routine will help keep you tight and toned during your weight loss. Try walking with arm or ankle weights some days or interval train a few days per week (alternate power walking with moderately paced walks). On the days you don't walk, try lifting weights, Pilates or strength band training to stay toned while losing 20 pounds.
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Understanding Weight Loss: How to Lose 20 Pounds by Walking ...
At Home: 10 Ways To Lose Weight Without … –

If the thought of going to crowded gyms with equipment hoarders makes you cringe, there's a simpler (and cheaper) way to stay fit right about now.
With New Year's just around the corner, there will be plenty of focus on fitness, with losing weight and setting health goals the second most popular resolution for most people. Gyms can not only get crowded, but finding time to work out becomes difficult.
"It doesnt matter where you work out, its what youre doing, how often youre exercising and ensuring that its effective that makes it most beneficial," says exercise physiologist Andrea Doepker-Gavidia of Train For Life Fitness & Lifestyle Consulting in Saskatoon.
Doepker-Gavidia argues that you can easily get fit in the comfort of your own home as long as you're up to the challenge.
If you can avoid the phone calls, the television and chatty kids or family members in the background, Doepker-Gavidia says you can set a schedule to reach your health and weight goals without spending any money on memberships or stability balls.
"Choose exercises that are full body movements that mimic everyday patterns. These will use more energy and incorporate more muscle groups and will teach your body how to move as a whole more efficiently," she tells The Huffington Post Canada.
Working out with weights has proven to both intensify and speed up your metabolism, according to Women's Health magazine, but sometimes using just your bodyweight or sticking to cardio can combat stress better than strength training.
To make things a little easier on you, Doepker-Gavidia suggests turning off your phone during your routine, invite a friend or another family member over as a fitness buddy and turn up your favourite music (like one of these awesome workout tunes from 2012) to tune out everything around you.
Ready to get motivated? Here are Doepker-Gavidia's 10 exercises you can do on your hardwood floor we recommend starting out with 15 to 20 sets and only adding weights when you're ready:
Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your hips (almost like you're sitting in a chair). As you bend your knees, your thighs will be parallel with the floor, says exercise physiologist Andrea Doepker-Gavidia of Train For Life Fitness & Lifestyle Consulting in Saskatoon. Ensure your knees dont go beyond your toes and keep your chest up and look straight ahead. Stand back up to start position and repeat.
Place your hands on the floor and keep them under your shoulders. Holding your body straight, bend your elbows close to you body. Lower your chest between your hands and push back up into the starting position. If you're having trouble completing a push-up, place your knees on the floor to make things easier. For intensity, raise your feet up onto stairs or an elevated surface to increase the difficulty.
To start, get into a semi-squat position and leap sideways to land on your right foot. Immediately push off in the opposite direction and land on your left foot. Make sure you perform these skaters continuously.
Pace yourself for this one. We recommend giving yourself a goal of 15 to 20 crawls. Begin this move in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Lower yourself down one arm at a time into a plank position on your forearms, while keeping your elbows directly under your shoulders. Push back up one arm at a time into your starting push-up position. Alternate the arm you lead with and maintain a straight body throughout the movement. Lower your knees to the floor to decrease the difficulty level.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place your arms to the side. Step forward with your right foot and lower your left knee towards the floor. Your knees should bend about 90 degrees. Ensure your right knee stays over your right ankle and don't let your knee go past your toes. Step up to balance on your right foot and switch feet.
Balance on your right foot with your left foot behind you. Lean forward, keeping a straight body position and lift your left heel towards the ceiling. Maintain a slight bend in your standing knee so you dont lock your knee. If you're having trouble balancing, focus on something in front of you or hold your back leg for initial support (pictured here).
Begin on all fours (downward dog), ensuring your hands are directly under your shoulders and your knees are directly under your hips. Slowly extend your right leg behind you and reach your right arm forward into a straight line. Hold your balance without arching your back. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
Begin by lying on your right side with your right elbow directly lined under your shoulder. Keeping your feet on the floor, lift your hips off the floor and support your body with your forearm. Hold for three seconds and slowly lower your right hip onto the floor and repeat.
Lay on your back with your arms by your sides. Bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Maintaining a straight back, raise your hips up to a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for three seconds and lower your hips slowly back to the floor and repeat.
Lay on your stomach and reach your arms forward (like you're flying). Gently raise your legs and upper body off the floor while keeping your head straight. Pause for three seconds and repeat.
Squats: Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart and lower your hips (almost like you're sitting in a chair). As you bend your knees, your thighs will be parallel with the floor, says exercise physiologist Andrea Doepker-Gavidia of Train For Life Fitness & Lifestyle Consulting in Saskatoon. Ensure your knees dont go beyond your toes and keep your chest up and look straight ahead. Stand back up to start position and repeat.
Triceps Push-Ups: Place your hands on the floor and keep them under your shoulders. Holding your body straight, bend your elbows close to you body. Lower your chest between your hands and push back up into the starting position. If you're having trouble completing a push-up, place your knees on the floor to make things easier. For intensity, raise your feet up onto stairs or an elevated surface to increase the difficulty.
Skaters/Leaps: To start, get into a semi-squat position and leap sideways to land on your right foot. Immediately push off in the opposite direction and land on your left foot. Make sure you perform these skaters continuously.
Plank Crawl: Pace yourself for this one. We recommend giving yourself a goal of 15 to 20 crawls. Begin this move in a push-up position with your hands directly under your shoulders. Lower yourself down one arm at a time into a plank position on your forearms, while keeping your elbows directly under your shoulders. Push back up one arm at a time into your starting push-up position. Alternate the arm you lead with and maintain a straight body throughout the movement. Lower your knees to the floor to decrease the difficulty level.
Walking Lunge: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and place your arms to the side. Step forward with your right foot and lower your left knee towards the floor. Your knees should bend about 90 degrees. Ensure your right knee stays over your right ankle and don't let your knee go past your toes. Step up to balance on your right foot and switch feet.
Single Leg Balance Stick: Balance on your right foot with your left foot behind you. Lean forward, keeping a straight body position and lift your left heel towards the ceiling. Maintain a slight bend in your standing knee so you dont lock your knee. If you're having trouble balancing, focus on something in front of you or hold your back leg for initial support (pictured here).
Bird Dog: Begin on all fours (downward dog), ensuring your hands are directly under your shoulders and your knees are directly under your hips. Slowly extend your right leg behind you and reach your right arm forward into a straight line. Hold your balance without arching your back. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.
Side Plank Hip Drops: Begin by lying on your right side with your right elbow directly lined under your shoulder. Keeping your feet on the floor, lift your hips off the floor and support your body with your forearm. Hold for three seconds and slowly lower your right hip onto the floor and repeat.
Bridge: Lay on your back with your arms by your sides. Bend your knees while keeping your feet flat on the floor. Maintaining a straight back, raise your hips up to a straight line from your shoulders to your knees. Hold for three seconds and lower your hips slowly back to the floor and repeat.
Superman Back Extension: Lay on your stomach and reach your arms forward (like you're flying). Gently raise your legs and upper body off the floor while keeping your head straight. Pause for three seconds and repeat.
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At Home: 10 Ways To Lose Weight Without ... -
how to lose weight in your face

When it comes to personal care and fitness, it is always important to have good health and take proper care of your body, that way your health will improve and you will also look better. Maybe you want to start losing weight? Or, maybe you think you are healthy and have a good body, but you just cant get rid of that face fat or double chin that bothers you so much and is not pretty at all.
Drink water - If you think that because you drink a soda, juice or other processed drinks you are drinking water for the mere fact that the product is made with water, you have to reconsider. Even if you drink water. Drink more water. Water is always good for your body, you have to take into consideration your metabolism and the amount of energy you burn during the day, how much sunlight you take at day, and anything you do that could dehydrate, so you can make up for that loss. The recommended is 2 liters of water a day (or eight glasses) but taking in consideration all of the above, you can adjust to what your body needs. Also, when you are not drinking enough water your body tends to retain liquids, and that may result in a fat looking face.
Diet and exercise A balanced diet and regular exercise are the basics to a healthy lifestyle. But, maybe you are on a diet, but you dont exercise; or you do exercise and you are burning body fat, but your face remains the same.
There are two types of fat, the good fat, and the bad fat. In order to avoid the bad fat, you have to reduce the intake of junk food like burgers, pizza or anything fried. On the other hand, there is a compound that can be found on many foods that is very rich in good fat: Omega 3.
This is very important for maintaining an efficient metabolism and a healthy body. Among the foods rich in omega-3 theres fish, almonds, nuts, olive oil, and many more. Also, too much salt and refined sugar could make your body more likely to retain liquids, such as alcohol. Foods rich in calcium like cheese (low fat cottage cheese) or yogurt, can also help with weight losing and retain less water in your face.
Exercise will reduce overall fat, it does not matter which type of exercise you do. After losing some weight, eventually you will lose face fat and you will see your cheeks slimmer, so if you already have a good diet, sometimes that alone will not be enough, you have to exercise too. Besides normal exercises there are also specific exercises that could help to reduce fat face:
Chewing gum: the repetitive chewing gum motion helps to strengthen your jaw. Stop if its starting to hurt.
X-O exercise: moving your mouth in different ways exercise the muscles. Pronouncing X, O repeated times its an easy way to burn fat from your cheeks.
Face massage, face stretching and blowing balloons are good exercises too.
A hot towel in your face helps to combat the fat stored in your facial areas.
Having excess fat on the face also lowers personal self-esteem and it could make you look older and fatter. Finally, we recommend avoiding excessive consumption of alcohol and smoking, because it causes sagging and fine lines that makes you look chubby. Dont take any medications without consulting a doctor as it could induce water retention.
And remember:
Drink a lot of water, cold water if possible
Low calories diets are the best and foods rich in calcium to reduce water retention.
Take proper sleep.
Cut down the salt and sugar intake.
how to lose weight in your face
Weight Loss – Carrots ‘N’ Cake

I love food and I love eating. But, I dont love dieting. Although I have always been a mostly healthy eater, Im not one to turn down a piece of birthday cake or a glass of wine during cocktail hour. But indulging a little too much and a little too often resulted in a slow gain of 25 pounds by my early 20s.
When I was younger, Id managed to maintain my weight of 130 pounds by being active. I belonged to the dance team and played intramural sports, so it wasnt difficult for me to motivate myself to exercise. After college, I started a desk job, and with that came long hours, pizza lunches, and plenty of happy hours. I continued to exercise almost every day, but it wasnt enoughand my weight climbed to 153 pounds, which was too much for my 5-foot-4-inch frame.
I wasnt happy at my heaviest, but I wasnt really motivated to do anything about it until a ski trip with friends in 2004 put things in perspective. The vacation was a blast, but I quickly lost my getaway glow when I saw photos from our trip. Looking at the physical proof, I was embarrassed by how much weight I had gained. Every photo was a bad photo of me. I was so depressed that I threw most of them away.
Soon after the ski trip, I left my desk job to pursue graduate school and took a part-time job working at the front desk of an upscale health club. One of the perks was a free membership, which was the motivation I needed to take control of my weight. I started exercising at the health club most mornings, taking Body Pump and spinning classes on a regular basis. Finding workout buddies helped too. I made some new friends who were avid runners and I began training for and participating in road races with them.
Even though I was burning plenty of calories through exercise, I knew my eating habits were preventing me from losing weight. I wasnt eating unhealthy foodsI stuck with salads, turkey sandwiches, and stir-fry dishesI was just eating too much of everything. I started tracking my daily calories online at Counting calories really helped me understand my overblown portion sizes and just how many calories I was consuming.
Almost a year and a half later, in the summer of 2006, I finally reached my goal weight of 130 pounds. My weight loss didnt happen overnightin fact it took a pretty long timebut that was because I wasnt dieting. Through trial and error and figuring out what worked best for me, I made lifestyle changes, which have stuck with me to today. For example, I almost always have oatmeal with nut butter and a piece of fruit for breakfast. It helps set a healthy tone for my whole day, plus it keeps me full until lunchtime.
Now Im committed to maintaining my weight without missing out on any fun, like birthday celebrations or nights out with friends, which is the main philosophy behind Carrots N Cake. Hopefully, my tips and tricks are helpful to you and youll share some of your own secrets and successes with me too.
December 2003
August 2003
July 2008
July 2010
April 2011
June 2012
October 2012
August 2013
July 2015 How I lost the baby weight in 4 months
Make an appointment to exercise
Every Sunday I jot down my exercise goals on my Google calendar. Sometimes last-minute plans get in the way, but I generally stick to my schedule once Ive put it in ink.
Count caloriesat least in the beginning
I didnt realize just how many calories I was consuming, so tracking what I ate helped keep me aware of what I was putting in my mouth. I dont count calories anymore, but I track what I eat (and when I exercise) on my blog, which keeps me accountable.
Eat fresh fruit with breakfast
Its such a small thing to do, but it sets a healthy tone for my whole day. Plus, fruit is low in calories and good for you!
Reduce portion sizes
This might seem like a duh tip, but just eating less of my usual servings helped me lose weight.
Read a lot of health and fitness magazines
These types of magazines are constant motivation and keep healthy eating and fitness interesting, especially when I really dont want to get on the elliptical! Plus, I get tons of a great ideas for meals and workouts from them.
Meal plan
Every Sunday I sit down and plan a weeks worth of meals. I almost always make my own lunch, which means I have more control over how many calories are in my meal. Im also able to save money by making sure I use up all of my fresh produce.
Keep truckin
Maintaining my weight is all about balance. If I overindulge at a weekend barbecue or mindlessly munch throughout the afternoon, I dont throw in the towel. I make sure my next meal is healthy and move on.
Check out these posts!
How I Beat My Sugar Addiction
How I Get Myself Back on Track
Tricks to Avoid Emotional Eating
How to Lose Weight with a Busy Schedule
Sunday Style: How I Set Myself Up for a Healthy Week
My Meal Planning Process
Q & A: Starting a New Diet and Cravings
Healthy, Travel-friendly Snack and Lunch Ideas
Tips to Curb Late Night Snacking
How to Gain Support While Losing Weight
5 Tips for Goal-Setting Success
My Thoughts on Carbohydrates
Protein Powders I Love
I also write a weekly column for the weight loss blog on, so be sure to check out more of my posts there!
See the rest here:
Weight Loss - Carrots 'N' Cake
MAX Workouts by Shin Ohtake – High-Intensity Workout Routines …

Here are the 6 WORST things you can do if you want to ignite your body's own fat-burning furnace and get lean, strong & totally ripped in less time:
Doing isolated exercises like bicep curls and tricep kick-backs will NOT get you any significant results. These one-muscle-at-a-time moves simply don't stimulate enough muscle fibers to build lean muscle or expend enough energy to maximize your calorie burn.
If you want to build lean muscle while burning fat so you can get serious definition, you need to perform exercises that stimulate as many muscles and expend as much energy as possible at the same time. Using these types of exercises (which I'll reveal on the next page) will dramatically accelerate your results.
Fancy machines may make the gym look high-end, but truthfully, about the only thing they're good for is for sitting down while you tie your shoes or catch your breath! The problem is this: Machines alter the way your body naturally moves and restrict your range of motion. This severely limits your ability to fully activate all of your muscles fibers -- that means less fat burning and less muscle definition. Worse yet, machines can cause excessive strain on your joints, leading to nagging injuries down the road.
If you want fast results, it's critical that you incorporate exercises that allow your body to move naturally with full range of motion so you can skyrocket your metabolism and tone your entire physique. In minute, I'll explain the 6 primary movements that are the foundation of these full-body exercises...and I'll also fill you in on the best types of weights to use for your workouts.
Look, you need to do cardio if you want to lose weight and burn fat...BUT there's a right way and a wrong way to do your cardio workouts. If you've been pounding the pavement or the treadmill with nothing to show for it (except sore joints and a pair of stinky worn out sneakers), you already know it takes a lot of effort to get minimal results.
In this article, I'm going to reveal the most effective way to pump up your cardio routine that will get you insane results in half the time of your regular cardio workout -- without causing unnecessary stress on your joints. Seriously, don't skip this article because once you learn this simple trick, you'll kick yourself for not doing it all along.
If you want washboard abs, doing traditional ab exercises like crunches and sit-ups WILL NOT get you a six pack. In fact, doing any exercises that target your abs won't get you a six pack either! These so-called "ab" exercises are a complete waste of time. They don't make your abs get any more defined and they definitely don't burn any fat.
The key to getting sculpted abs is to burn off that stubborn layer of belly fat that's hiding them! In the next few minutes, I'll show you how to burn away the "ab flab" while stimulating all 6 of your abdominal muscles at the same time so you can finally carve out your six pack abs.
Repeating the same workouts over and over is a surefire way to STOP getting results. We're creatures of habit and we tend to stick to things we're familiar with and good at. But when it comes to your workouts, if you want to keep making progress and keep seeing changes in your body, you've got to start switching things up.
You see, your body has an amazingly ability to adapt quickly and when it does, that's when you hit the dreaded plateau and you stop making progress. On the next page, I'm going to tell you exactly how often you need to change up your workout routine so you can keep your body guessing to accelerate the results process.
Longer workouts do NOT equal better or faster results. If you've been slaving away at the gym and your body isn't visibly changing, you can't do more of the same thing and expect a different result.
When it comes to getting lean and fit, your body responds to quality over quantity. I'm going to tell you the #1 way to super-charge your workouts -- this simple, yet overlooked method is the single fastest way to getting lean and ripped while cutting your workout time almost in half. No joke - this technique will open up a can of whoop-ass on your workout!
Women, discover the biggest mistakes that are sabotaging your workout efforts. Plus, learn the only way to use high intensity intervals, strength, and circuit training to get maximum fat-loss & muscle tone.
Guys, find out why your workouts aren't cutting it. Discover the secrets to kicking your fitness into high gear so you can pack on more muscle, get more cut, melt the fat, and improve your athletic performance
See more here:
MAX Workouts by Shin Ohtake - High-Intensity Workout Routines ...
GM Diet – The Fastest Indian Vegetarian Diet to Lose Weight …

Obsessed with losing weight? Tell me who isnt! Every second person would tell you they want to change their body. Losing weight isnt impossible, as many people think it is. It does take a lot of dedication and a little bit of hard work. Well, actually it takes immense dedication and a whole lot of hard work. However, here is a secret diet plan to slim down your body and cut down your weight in just 7 days! This is the best vegetarian diet to lose weight. Are you wondering why this diet is any different? When you have tried almost everything possible in the world and havent got the best results. This vegetarian diet to lose weight will help you lose weight very quickly. It is also called as the GM Diet plan.
The Vegetarian diet plan for weight loss is not just to lose weight, but it is also a maintenance method for a slim and proportionate body. Along with these, it will help you practice eating vegetables and fruits which will help to boost up the metabolic rate.Vegetarian diets and weight loss go hand it hand. It is the healthiest and the fastest way to shed pounds. This vegetarian diet program has become famous around the world. Every one is addicted to it, it actually works!
Most people are skeptical about the fruitfulness of this diet plan. Is it really all that effective? And can you really lose oodles of weight, just by sticking to a GM Diet Chart for one week? To answer that question, we must first understand how the GM Diet works.
The fact that dieters have to drink up to 2 liters of water each day is a great way to help digestion and wash away the toxins. If you detoxify your body regularly, it will help in faster digestion and regular elimination of toxins in the form of urination and bowel movements, which lead to eventual weight loss.
Foods need an adequate amount of water to dissolve into nutrients. The digestion process is much easier with regular water intake. The water intake aids in the assimilation of nutrients and also utilizes the reserved energies for boosting for metabolism though this weight loss diet.
But the GM weight loss diet ensures we eat a lot of high fiber foods and water to flush away the toxins in a regular manner. Bowel problems, for instance constipation, can thus be easily avoided by the help of The GM Diet.
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Is this Vegetarian GM Diet backed by science? Its a question most of us ask ourselves. The fiber filled diet ensures that you keep your hunger pangs at bay, for a longer period. Vegetables and fruits are chock-a-block with all kinds of essential vitamins and minerals, and meet the nutritional requirements of the body.
The diet is rich in complex carbohydrates like brown rice, which is high in essential nutrients like magnesium, potassium, calcium and fiber, while still having a paltry amount of fat.
In the GM diet, you can only have chicken, which is low in fat. What the right amount of protein does is that it increases the metabolic rate and burns fat.
Another thing that works for the diet is that you do not have to limit the amount of food you eat, just the kind of foods you eat. That works fine for most of us, as we do not have to feel deprived. It is only when we feel deprived that we go on a binging spree. Also, having frequent small meals and increasing water intake boosts metabolism and aids in fat loss.
It is not what you will call a science- based weight loss diet. But then again, very few science-based diets have enjoyed the unprecedented success that the GM Diet has.
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This 7 day vegetarian diet plan was developed for the well being of General Motors Inc. employees. That is the reason it is called the GM Diet Plan. The aim of the program is to gain a healthy body. You can expect the following things by practicing this Diet Plan regime:
All these in just 7 days! It is a miracle diet plan! At the beginning it may sounds a bit impossible to follow it, but just 7 days of dedication will bring you a healthy body. If you successfully complete these 7 days, you will definitely love the results. You would never want to break the diet regime, because you know the worth of it. Just to make sure that you are healthy enough to practice this diet, consult your doctor before you begin.
This Diet Plan includes the intake of fruits, vegetables and starch. To prepare yourself for the vegetarian GM diet plan, you need to avoid alcohol for a few days. Especially in the time of the diet schedule and before it. This is a very important tip you need to follow. Alcohol increases the uric acid in the body, which leads to water retention. This blocks the natural detoxifying process from taking place.
It is also very essential that you drink up to 10 glasses of water everyday. As you will not be consuming the same amount of carbohydrates which you normally do. Water will be your main source of energy for the whole day. It will also boost your metabolism and remove the unwanted pounds from the body, naturally. In case you have already tried this diet plan, it is better to take a break for 2 to 3 days before you resume the diet again. This will help the body to adjust to the new method of nutritional intake, which will also relieve your body from any kind of anxiety. Here is what you have to do for the 7 days of your Diet Plan.
Being the first day, it is always the hardest. Try to keep yourself away from all kinds of cravings as you will be consuming only fruits. You can consume all the fruits, excluding grapes, bananas, litchi and mangoes. You can have them in any quantity you like. It is suggested that you consume more watermelon, lime, oranges, apples, pomegranates, strawberries and melons. You can eat 20 times a day, but you should eat only fruits.
This is the way of preparing your body for the upcoming days. The only source of nutrition is from the fruits, they provide you will all that you need for your body. If you prefer to cut them up and eat, its great but make sure you arent adding anything else to it. Its just a pure fruit for me day! If you can limit your fruit intake to only melons, your have a good chance of losing 3 pounds on your first day.
Like the first day, the second day is All veggies day. You can eat nothing but vegetables and only vegetables. You can eat to your hearts content, feel your stomach filled up with vegetables if you need to. Boiled or raw vegetables will do. You can even begin your day with a boiled potato and a tea spoon of butter. This is done in order to give the body enough energy and carbohydrates for the day. But after that only raw and boiled vegetables.
Only one potato this day is enough, dont consume more than that. Adding a pinch of oregano or basil seasoning to make the vegetables more edible is perfect. Day 2 is a calorie free day with a good amount of fibre and nutrients. If you make it through day two, you are definitely dedicated!
Day 3 is a combination of day 1 and 2. You can eat the mentioned fruits and vegetables. Eat any quantity and any amount you like and drink lots of water as directed. You need to avoid potatoes on day 3 as you are getting enough carbohydrates supply from the fruits. Your system is all set to burn the excess pounds. Your cravings may try to dominate, but think about the weight loss and the great results. You will feel light and happy by this time.
Everything has its perfect time, if you believe in this saying then your right. Remember how you were told not to eat bananas on the first three days? Well on the 4th day of the vegetarian diet for losing weight, you have the liberty to eat up to 6 bananas for the whole day. You can drink up to 4 glasses of milk. You must have heard that bananas help in weight gain, however in this diet, they act as a source of potassium and sodium for the body. Since the intake of salt is reduced, bananas will do the job.
You can also have one cup of a highly diluted soup for a meal. The soup should consist of capsicum, onions, garlic and tomatoes. It is a tasty and healthy recipe which will help in the weight loss process. You can drink it only 1 time a day, it is only to refresh your taste buds from all the vegetable and fruit intake. Be careful to resist yourself. You are just 3 days away from a losing weight!
Day 5 is a festival day for you, as you can have a tasty meal. You can munch on tomatoes, sprouts and cottage cheese, also known as paneer in India. You can also add soya chunks to you meal. Make a tasty soup with the mentioned ingredients and drink it. Make sure to increase your water intake on day 5.
You can eat up to 6 tomatoes and increase the water intake with 1/4 of the daily consumption. This is done in order to cleanse your body from uric acid. The tomatoes are for the fibre and digestion process. The water will purify your body from all kinds of toxins.
Day 6 is a little different to day 5. You will be eating sprouts, cottage cheese and other vegetables but by excluding tomatoes. No tomatoes on day 6, avoid them. The tasty soup and lots of water should help you through your day. Vegetables will provide vitamins and fibre to your body. You will already notice change in your body by this time. Continue consuming a good amount of water everyday.
The last and final day of the diet plan. This is the most important day. You will be feeling light on your toes and happy inside out. You can have fresh fruit juice, one cup of brown rice or half chapathi and other vegetables you would want to eat. You can complete your day with the consumption of water.
That is the whole diet plan for 7 days. If you can follow it strictly, no one can stop you from gaining a healthy and slimmer body. The below tips will help you to plan your 7 days effectively.
Your complete vegetarian diet plan is ready for you. Now what? You lose 5 to 8 kilograms for that week and gain it back the next? This easy vegetarian diet plan to lose weight was not made to help you gain weight right? It is definitely hard to stick to this vigorous diet plan all your life. All you need to do after this diet plan is to maintain yourself. You dont have to live on this food forever. So here are a few things you should be doing, to maintain a healthy and happy life.
The GM diet has become the most popular diet which is practiced by Indians. This is mainly because of vegetarian attributes. Just 7 days of dedication and hard work will make you shed lots of weight. This weight loss diet is extremely effective and has satisfied many Indians.. Dont wait any longer! Take up this 7 day challenge and say hello to a better lifestyle and a better body. It is a great regime for you to follow. Watch what you eat, control your food cravings and you will be a happier and slimmer person next week!
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Day 1 of GM Diet Plan:
Day 2 of GM Diet Plan:
Day 3 of GM Diet Plan:
Day 4 of GM Diet Plan:
Day 5 of GM Diet Plan:
If you eat non-vegetarian food then you can have the following foods:
Day 6 of GM Diet Plan:
If you eat non-vegetarian food then you can have the following foods:
Day 7 of GM Diet Plan:
If you eat non-vegetarian food then you can have the following foods:
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Most people are scared to follow a strict exercise regime while following a weight loss diet. They are bothered by the fact, that they might not be strong enough to do the exercises. But if you are smart enough, you can follow an exercise regime which wont be very taxing and will enhance your weight loss efforts.
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Go for a brisk walk, or walk fast for two minutes and then walk slowly for another one minute. Do this for 40 minutes. This acts as interval training and is great for weight loss.
Day 6
Repeat this procedure three times, or if you feel weak you can do it two times.
Day 7
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The vegetable soup is the staple food o the GM diet chart for weight loss that can be consumed on all days of the diet except for day 1. There are a few other recipes such as baked fish and chicken that are included in the non-vegetarian version if the GM diet. Here, we have presented all the important recipes of the seven days diet chart in one place for your convenience.
Soups are undoubtedly the healthiest of all foods which is low in calories, oil free and enriched with the nutrition vegetables and spices. Check out this easy and simple mixed vegetable soup recipe that you can prepare on all days of the GM diet. It is one of the best diet soup recipes that can also be included in other weight loss diets.
Wash peel and chop all the vegetables. Add all the vegetables into a pressure cooked and pour enough water so that all the vegetables are submerged, sprinkle some salt. If you are non-vegetarian then you can use chicken stock instead of water. Put on the lead and cook till 1 whistle. Switch off the stove and let the steam escape on its own. Now, open the lid, pout the soup in a bowl, sprinkle a pinch of black pepper and lemon juice on it and enjoy.
Lentils and beans are an amazing vegetarian source of protein and fiber and sprouts are the healthiest forms of enjoying them. The health benefits of bean sprouts need no new emphasis. In this recipe we have explained how to make sprouts and prepare a tasty and healthy sprout salad.
Method of Sprouting
Take the amount of beans or lentils you want to sprout and keep it in a bowl, wash it thoroughly 3 to 4 times and transfer it to a dry bowl. Pour some water over the beans/lentils and let it soak overnight, discard the excess water the next morning and transfer the swelled beans/lentils into a clean muslin cloth. Tie the corners of the cloth together ant the center and keep it aside for 10 hours. After 10 hours open the muslin cloth and you will notice the sprouts coming out. So, now that we know the exact method of sprouting let us check out how to make sprouts salad.
Put all the ingredients except salt, mint and coriander leaves and lemon juice in a glass ball and mix thoroughly, sprinkle the salt and coriander and mint leave from top; drizzle the lemon juice and mix it once again.
You can include spinach in your soup as well as palak paneer in order to enjoy a low-calorie healthy and tasty food with the brown rice. But in order to include it in the GM diet routine, it is necessary to make the palak paneer oil free.
Clean the spinach and blanch it in boiling water for 3 minutes and then put it in a bowl full of ice-cold water for 5 minutes. Drain the leaves and keep aside. In a dry pan add 1 teaspoon of olive oil and saut the onions, ginger and garlic. Pour the onion mixture and spinach leaves in a grinder and grind them to from a fine paste. Now, in a non-stick pan toss the paneer cubes till they turn slightly brown. Again brush some oil on the non-stick pan, add the onion and spinach mixture, dry masala powders, shahjeera, salt and simmer for a few minutes, add the sauted paneer cubes, simmer for few minutes and enjoy hot with brown rice.
What better way to load up on high quality proteins on days 5, 6 and 7 of the diet than with delicious and light boiled chicken? This is one of the simplest boiled chicken recipes for all those non-vegetarian weight watchers who have craved the tasted of meat for the first four days of the 7 Days GM diet.
Wash the chicken toughly with water and place it in a large pot with lid. Add enough water so that it completely covers the chicken; add all the other ingredients into the water, put on the lead and start boiling. Set the lid at an angle so that the steam can escape from the pot. Reduce the heat and continue to boil for 1 to 1 hour 30 minutes. Add more water if needed. Remove the chicken form the pot once the meat starts coming apart from the bones. Enjoy the boiled chicken on days 5, 6 and 7 of the diet, strain and stock the broth in the fridge which can be used to prepare the mixed vegetable soup.
Fish is another amazing source of high quality proteins, healthy fats and omega 3 fatty acids that is a good potion for those who dont like eating chicken on all the last 3 days of the diet. This is one of the easiest recipes for baked fish that required very few ingredients and can be prepared in a jiffy.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F or 165 degrees C. In a small bowl add the onion paste, black pepper powder, lemon juice and chopped coriander. Dip all the filets in this mixture and arrange on a baking tray coated with olive oil. Bake for 20 minutes in the oven or till the fish flakes easily.
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The GM Diet is not an easy diet to follow, especially since you have to do away with carbohydrates to a large extent. So to keep yourself satiated, you can rustle up a few delicious soup dishes.
This fiber-rich vegetable soup has minimal calories, yet is a nourishing recipe which will stave off those hunger pangs. This is one soup, which you can have even after you are done with the GM Diet plan.
Makes six servings
This cold tomato soup recipe islow-calorie, really low-fat, vegetarian and perfect for the vegetarian GM Diet. It really packs a nutrient punch, with plenty of Vitamin C and Vitamin A. So, when you are bored of your regular soups, make sure you try this nutritious soup.
More here:
GM Diet - The Fastest Indian Vegetarian Diet to Lose Weight ...
Jim Tomsula’s wife told him to shave his mustache and lose weight after 49ers firing –

Remember Jim Tomsula? He was the coach of the San Francisco 49ers for one season following the departure of Jim Harbaugh, after having previously served as the team's defensive line coach for eight seasons.
He looked like this:
After one 5-11 season, Tomsula was fired and replaced by Chip Kelly. (Kelly has also since been fired and replaced by Kyle Shanahan. It's been a tough few years in San Francisco.) Upon his firing, Tomsula returned home to a wife that was not at all happy with this look.
"My wife said, 'Man, you look old and scraggly. Get that off,'" Tomsula said, per the Washington Post. "Her and the daughters. I said, 'Ok, let me shave that off.' She said, 'And by the way, you've been fat for 20 years. Lose some weight.' So I got on a diet and shaved my mustache. I'm not dyeing my hair though."
Now, Tomsula is the defensive line coach for Washington. And he looks like this:
A year away from football appears to have been kind to Tomsula, who is now back doing what he did best: coaching up the defensive line. He was considered a very good position coach before taking the 49ers' top job. Washington needs a lot of help up front, as its run defense was one of the weakest in the NFL last season. If he does a good job there, maybe Tomsula gets another opportunity to step into the big job one day in the future.
Originally posted here:
Jim Tomsula's wife told him to shave his mustache and lose weight after 49ers firing -
New study finds one simple diet change can help you lose weight twice as fast – AOL

Sean Dowling
Jun 16th 2017 10:23AM
When it comes to losing weight, we know diet and exercise play a role.
However, a new study shows it's what you cut out that makes the pounds melt away and boosts metabolism by reducing muscle fat.
That doesn't mean just sugar, but meat has got to go too!
We'd all lose more weight if we went vegetarian, according to new research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition.
Making this change can help you lose weight twice as fast, compared to conventional low-calorie diets.
RELATED: 7 ingredients making you gain weight
7 ingredients making you gain weight
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Both coconut milk and oil can turn a dish into a calorie bomb. One cup of canned coconut milk contains a whopping 445 calories and 48 grams of fat, which is 74 percent of your daily recommended amount of total fat. Add a few cups to your soup and you jack up the calories and fat. So what about coconut oil? According to the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans, coconut oil is categorized as a solid fat with high amounts of saturated fat and should be eaten sparingly.
When using: Choose light coconut milk, and use coconut oil in very small amounts.
Banana bread tastes so much better with walnuts, and who doesnt like a nice mixture of nuts in trail mix? Think Im nuts? Check out the calories. One ounce (or 14 halves) of walnuts contains 185 calories and 18 grams of fat. Add several ounces of crushed walnuts to your brownie batter or grab a few handfuls to munch on and youre talking several hundred calories.
When using: Keep servings to 1/4 cup or less, depending on the recipe.
Dark Chocolate Chips
To make dishes healthier, many folks swap milk chocolate chips for dark chocolate chips. A heavy hand even of dark chocolate chips, however, can sabotage muffins, pancakes, waffles, and any other delicious treat, breakfast or snack you make with them.
When using: Use about 1/4 cup per batch for baking. If you want to up the chocolate, add unsweetened cocoa powder in addition to a small amount of dark chocolate chips.
This natural sugar contains a small amount of minerals, which makes it a better choice than other artificial sweeteners. Added sugar, however, is added sugar. The latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends no more than 10 percent of calories come from added sugar, which is 200 calories in a 2,000-calorie diet. One tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories and 74 grams of sugar. It doesnt take more than several tablespoons of honey to reach that added-sugar maximum.
When using: Opt for 1 to 2 teaspoons per serving.
Traditional granola includes oats, oil, a sweetener, and flakes or crisps. Add-ins like dried fruit, coconut and nuts are now becoming more popular. On average, 1/4 cup of granola without nuts contains 100 calories, 2.5 grams of fat and 17 grams of carbohydrates. Pour 1/2 to 3/4 cup of granola over your oatmeal or Greek yogurt and you can be downing 200 to 300 calories from only granola.
When using: Get a delicious crunch by using 2 to 4 tablespoons per serving. If you need more volume, supplement with whole-grain cereal, which tends to have fewer calories per serving.
Add 1/4 cup of half-and-half to your morning cup of joe for an extra 79 calories and 7 grams of fat. That may not seem like a lot, but if you like a few cups of coffee throughout the day, the few extra calories start to become hundreds in one day. Now think about how many hundreds (or even thousands) of extra calories that is during one entire week.
When using: Add low-fat or nonfat milk to coffee throughout the day. Save the half-and-half for that all-important morning cup.
A bed of greens topped with vegetables is super-healthy you cant argue with that. Toss it in 1 cup of balsamic vinaigrette, though, and you add an additional 800 calories and 80 grams of fat! Even if the salad is made for four people, thats still substantial: Each serving contains an additional 200 calories and 20 grams of fat.
When using: Vinaigrettes are made from healthy oils, but pour on a maximum of 2 tablespoons per person.
Researchers studied 74 men and women with type 2 diabetes. They were randomly assigned either a vegetarian diet or conventional anti-diabetic diet that followed guidelines from the European Association for the Study of Diabetes.
The vegetarian diet was all about fruits and veggies, grains, nuts and a max of one low-fat yogurt a day.
Everyone restricted their diets by 500 calories a day, so that obviously helped cut weight a little bit.
Researchers found that vegetarian dieters lost an average of 13.7 pounds compared to 7.1 pounds for conventional dieters, nearly twice as much over the course of several weeks.
The vegetarian diet also reduced muscle fat. That's a big deal for people with type 2 diabetes because muscle fat can worsen insulin resistance, according to Men's Fitness.
So if you want to lose weight, I hope you like broccoli!
RELATED: 5 food mistakes that won't let you lose weight
5 food mistakes that won't let you lose weight
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1. Steer clear of coffee First, if you're stressed, your body will react. Stress produces cortisol which hurts your body's ability to digest food, and if your fix to stress is coffee, we've got some bad news. Coffee can produce cortisol too, which means DOUBLE the hormone, and therefore, double the amount of body fat your body will store. Instead of coffee, try Detox teas.
Photo credit: Getty
2. Sit down to eat Don't eat all your meals on the go. Although it's great for time management, it's not great for your digestive system. So take a second to sit down and eat. This will help you digest your food.
Photo credit: Getty
3. Drink lots of water You have to hydrate! And this doesn't mean two glasses of water a day. Without water, your body will slow it's digestion down, and in turn store more fat around your belly. So make sure you're drinking around eight glasses of water each day.
Photo credit: Getty
4. Eat nuts in moderation There is a proper way to eat nuts, because they're so high in fat -- and that's in moderation. Also, if you soak them in warm water overnight it will help to neutralize the phytic acid, which can cause irritation to your digestive tract.
Photo credit: Getty
5. Choose the right fat And speaking of fat, some fats are your friend! Foods that are high in omega-3's help boost your metabolism and give you energy. They keep you fuller for longer, so you won't be reaching for those naughty snacks when that 4 p.m. slump hits.
Photo credit: Getty
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New study finds one simple diet change can help you lose weight twice as fast - AOL
Bell motivated to lose weight by dad’s death, contract bonus – Fort Worth Star Telegram

Fort Worth Star Telegram | Bell motivated to lose weight by dad's death, contract bonus Fort Worth Star Telegram Dallas Cowboys offensive guard/tackle Byron Bell earned $150,000 on Monday when he weighed in at less than 320 pounds. That kind of money is incentive enough to motivate Bell to drop from the 360 pounds he weighed when signing with the Cowboys in ... |
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Bell motivated to lose weight by dad's death, contract bonus - Fort Worth Star Telegram
This might be the easiest and stupidest way to lose weight – New York Post

If youre sleeping then youre not eating.
Thats the idea behind a worrying new trend in which anorexics abuse sedatives in the hope of losing more weight.
Dubbed the Sleeping Beauty Diet, it has caused concern among experts.
Instead of eating food, women are instead knocking themselves out with the help of sleeping pills, snoozing through meal times.
Those following the dangerous trend severely restrict their calorie intake, sleeping for up to 20 hours a day in extreme cases.
Perhaps even more worrying, the trend, also dubbed narcorexia, is proving popular on pro-anorexia websites.
One user wrote: This diet is perfect for the end of the school semester, or just for people who have a lot of extra time on their hands.
Less extreme advice advocates a better nights sleep each night and a healthy eating and exercise plan.
The Sleep Doctors Diet Plan by Michael Breus suggests people exercise no less than four hours before bed and get at least seven hours of shuteye per night.
But it has been taken to the extreme as people seek ways to skip meals.
The Suns nutritionist Amanda Ursell said the new trend was shocking and is not to be dismissed lightly.
Most of us need three meals a day just to sustain us from an energy point of view. If you skip breakfast, your ability to concentrate and focus in the morning and your mood are going to be not as good as if you did have breakfast. And if you skip lunch, the same thing will happen in the afternoon, she said.
Eating disorders are really big issues and they profoundly affect your physical health and your mental well-being. This is not to be dismissed lightly, this trend towards sleeping diets, because they are deeply, deeply worrying, she added.
More than 725,000 men and women in the UK are affected by eating disorders, according to the UKs eating disorder charity Beat.
Ursell added that recent data from the National Diet and Nutrition Survey suggests that many women already struggle to pack enough nutrients into their diets and as a result often suffer deficiencies in iron, calcium and other nutrients.
If you are cutting out food, you are going to be malnourished. If you are then starving yourself through sleeping, youre just going to exacerbate it, so you will feel shocking when you do wake up. Sleep itself wont sustain you. It is almost inconceivable that someone has put this out there, she said.
Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important for maintaining good health.
The NHS recommends eating at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, basing meals on starchy foods like rice or pasta, eating lean proteins like fish and legumes and drinking plenty of water.
Eating disorders are serious mental illnesses with complex causes. The messages and methods of losing weight promoted by the diet industry are unlikely to be the sole and direct cause of an eating disorder, but they may exacerbate the problem or be a contributing factor for someone who is vulnerable to developing one or is already ill, a spokesperson for Beat said.
If someone has become obsessive about what theyre eating or appears to be going to extremes in order to lose weight, it could be a sign that they are developing or have developed an eating disorder. The important thing is not to delay, as the sooner someone is treated, the better their chance of full recovery, she added.
Continued here:
This might be the easiest and stupidest way to lose weight - New York Post