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Lose weight with these 8 little changes – Fox News

Losing weight shouldn't mean giving up all the foods you love. Try these small changes, and you may notice big results.
1.Spice up your coffee. With cinnamon, that is. Sweetening your drink with a dash of cinnamon instead of sugar and sugary creamer can save upward of 80 calories per drink.
2.Have egg-y French toast (or pancakes). Order your eggs over-easy, and use that delicious egg yolk to add moisture to your breakfast no butter or syrup needed! Youll get a bonus boost of protein, too. Need some recipe inspo? Try this egg-topped Protein-Rich Cherry French Toast, with no added sugar.
3.Make hummus your new favorite condiment. Next time you have a baked potato, top it with hummus instead of butter. Dont dismiss this until you have tried it, Keri Gans, RDN, author of The Small Change Diet, told Fox News. Creamy hummus adds a lot of flavor to a baked potato, with a lot less calories than butter. Thats 77 calories less per Tablespoon, to be exact. The bonus is you also get fiber and protein from the chickpeas, Gans added.
4.Turn on slow jams during dinner. The speed of music influences how fast we eat, Christy Brissette, MS, RD, owner of 80 Twenty Nutrition in Toronto, told Fox News. Quick-serve restaurants sometimes use this trick to get people in and out of their seats faster. Playing slow music could have the opposite effect helping you eat more slowly and realize youre full faster.
5.Vinegar down your salad dressing. Dilute your favorite salad dressing with balsamic vinegar. Youll pucker up for the intense flavor, while practically slashing your calories in half,Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, author of Read It Before You Eat It told Fox News.
6.Eat fragrant cheese. Yes, this means you can eat cheese and lose weight! But choose the super flavorful varieties so a little goes a long way, Brissette advised. Try Manchego or Parmesan, so just a sprinkle adds tons of flavor to your salad or pasta. You wont need those big chunks of cheese you might be tempted to add when using less flavorful versions.
7.Add beans to Bolognese. I am a die-hard meat lover, but I love to add black beans to a Bolognese so I can reduce the amount of chopped sirloin used, Gans said. This not only cuts calories it also adds health benefits from the beans, like helping to decrease your risk of heart disease.
8.Mix your drink differently. In lieu of tonic water, use club soda as a mixer for your next drink. It contains zero calories, whereas tonic water has 124 calories per 12 ounces. This is nearlyas much as cola, Ginger Hultin, MS, RDN, owner of Champagne Nutrition in Seattle, told Fox News.
Amy Gorin is freelance writer and owner of Amy Gorin Nutrition in Jersey City, NJ. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest.
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Lose weight with these 8 little changes - Fox News
This Crazy-Easy Hack Can Help You Avoid Overeating And Lose Weight – | This Crazy-Easy Hack Can Help You Avoid Overeating And Lose Weight "I'm not a firm believer in counting calories every day as a weight loss strategy, but we do need to be aware of not overconsuming," says Glassman. "Using the Hunger Quotient is a way to be mindful about eating enough and not overeating, without having ... |
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This Crazy-Easy Hack Can Help You Avoid Overeating And Lose Weight -
How to lose weight without dieting – WAAY

Stephanie McMurry is a registered dietitian who knows nearly every "lose weight fast" trick.
"I've heard of bizarre tips such as sniffing an apple to try to take away a craving," she said.
In her years of experience, she's noticed most people cannot maintain "fad" diets.
With swimsuit season around the corner, WAAY 31 wanted to find scientifically-proven ways to shed pounds, without heading to the gym. WAAY 31 presented those tips to McMurry, to see if the tricks are realistic.
Trick one, sniff a banana or peppermint. Studies found as more people sniffed fruit, they were less hungry. They even lost an average of 30 pounds!
But, McMurry doesn't believe it. She says sniffing fruit would increase your cravings and make you focus more on your food.
Trick two, eat a bigger breakfast than dinner. Studies found people who ate a large breakfast, shed 11 pounds more than those who ate a large dinner.
Trick three, tie a ribbon around your waist.As you eat, the ribbon will tighten and it keeps you conscious of when your stomach is full. McMurry likes this concept, but she says people would be tempted to take it off.
Trick four, eat in front of a mirror. A study found participants reduced their food intake by one-third. But, McMurry says physically monitoring what you eat will keep you from enjoying your meal and would not work in the long-run.
Trick five, take pictures of your food. Nutritionists say a visual account of food helps to curb your appetite.
Trick six, eat wrapped candy.A study found people ate 30-percent less candy when they took the time to unwrap it.
Trick seven, is what McMurry's husband swears by.Instead of chowing down on M&M's, he tears a corner off the bag and eats the candies, one piece at a time.
Then, he lets it melt on his tongue. McMurry says eating candy in this manner, gives your senses time to smell and taste the chocolate and you ultimately eat less.
Trick eight, light a vanilla-scented candle after dinner. "The candle takes the place of dessert. Your senses smell something sweet and it makes you think of a baked good and you will skip dessert," said McMurry. A study found participants lost an average of 4.5 pounds each, by wearing vanilla-scented patches.
Trick nine, use small plates. McMurry says we're used to piling food onto our plates, so by using smaller plates, we would put less food on it and eat smaller portions.
Trick ten, surround yourself with the color blue.Researchers found people ate 33-percent less in a blue room. They say the blue hue makes food look less appealing. On the flip side, the colors red, yellow and orange encourage eating.
Nutritionists also recommend eating under bright lights.
For the best results, make sure you consult a health professional.
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How to lose weight without dieting - WAAY
Watch Out For These 4 Phrases If You Want To Lose Weight – Women’s Health

Women's Health | Watch Out For These 4 Phrases If You Want To Lose Weight Women's Health You've probably spotted fitness bloggers captioning their #TransformationTuesday posts with phrases like "This sugar ~detox~ helped me lose weight" or "Eating in *moderation* helped me slim down without giving up tacos." And while we fully support ... |
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Watch Out For These 4 Phrases If You Want To Lose Weight - Women's Health
‘Can I Take Metformin If I Want To Lose Weight?’ – Women’s Health

Women's Health | 'Can I Take Metformin If I Want To Lose Weight?' Women's Health And Reddit is filled with stories from people who have lost weight on the drug. Was trying to lose weight for a long time with no success, one person wrote of being prescribed metformin. I'm on 1000 mg a day and am down 10 pounds. I saw weight ... |
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'Can I Take Metformin If I Want To Lose Weight?' - Women's Health
Aeroflot Says Flight Attendants Need to Lose Weight or Face Penalties – Travel+Leisure

Representatives of Russias flag-carrying airline Aeroflot are firmly backing a new policy which states that not only should female flight attendants be thin, but that they should also face penalties if they are deemed overweight.
The issue came to light after two flight attendants, Evgeniya V. Magurina and Irina N. Ierusalimskaya, filed two separate lawsuits over a 2016 decision to enforce weight guidelines for those working in the airlines cabins.
According to New York Magazine, Aeroflots policy states that female cabin crew members need to remain under a size 48 (size 14 in the U.S.), however men are allowed to remain a bit larger.
We have had our salary lowered due to our clothing size. We are allowed to fly, but our salary is lowered, said Magurina.
Flight Attendant Survives Fall From 33,000 Feet
Both women lost their initial individual lawsuits, though they each announced they plan to appeal. However, economist Nikita A. Krichevskiy and journalist Pavel V. Danilin, members of the Aeroflot Public Council who are not paid spokespeople, said they have no plans to back down on the new guidelines.
I dont understand why the requirement of wearing size 42-48 is considered so unworkable, Krichevskiy said in a press conference. I myself used to weigh 103kg, and now I weigh 80kg. I just corrected my eating habits and lost weight. I dont understand why the request to be a particular size is unrealistic.
Krichevskiy and Danilin additionally noted that since Aeroflot was striving to join the ranks of the top 10 airlines in the world, the appearance of the cabin staff was of the utmost importance because customers allegedly prefer pretty flight attendants, The New York Times reported. They also claimed that heavier flight attendants could present a danger in an emergency situation.
All the Places You Don't Want to Touch on a Plane, According to Flight Attendants
For its part, Aeroflot quickly attempted to distance itself from the court hearings and Krichevskiy and P. Danilins remarks. The airline issued a statement noting that the opinions of its unpaid council members do not necessarily represent the views of Aeroflot.
N. Krichevskiy and P. Danilin were expressing their personal opinions. They are public figures and on their own initiative expressed the desire to take part in todays press conference, the statement read. Aeroflots position was set out in the Court, which rejected the claims brought by Magurina and Ierusalimskaya against Aeroflot.
Though no U.S.-based carriers require flight attendants to adhere to weight limits, they do request that flight attendants always appear at their best. As reported, American Airlines, the largest airline fleet in the world, states that flight attendants must present a professional image at all times, which includes no visible tattoos, piercings, and no extreme hair colors.
Originally posted here:
Aeroflot Says Flight Attendants Need to Lose Weight or Face Penalties - Travel+Leisure
Size-eight Katie Price wants to lose weight after posing naked for Loose Women –

Katie Price is keen to lose weight after stripping naked for Loose Women.
The mother-of-five is in incredible shape and currently wears size-eight clothes, but she insisted to Digital Spy that her figure isn't quite trim enough.
"I want to get back into my size-six jeans," she explained. "Even if you are naturally slim, or even if you're bigger, you know when you've put on a bit of weight."
Katie and the Loose Women team recently stripped off for a "secret" new segment of the show called Body Stories, which is described as "a campaign to prove every body tells a story".
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Despite not being entirely satisfied with her weight at the minute, Katie explained that she was happy to strip off for the shoot.
"I'm not bothered I don't think I'm in bad nick for someone that's 38 with five kids," she added. "I like that I look like my pictures. So many people airbrush their pics so much these days that when you meet them, you don't recognise them."
Katie has made no secret over the years that she sometimes suffers with bloating.
So when rumours spread that she's pregnant with baby number six, when in fact she's just bloated, she finds it pretty embarrassing.
And although she can take most negative comments with a pinch of salt, this one is a low blow for her.
"It really pisses me off actually," she continued. "I've had five kids, of course I am going to look bloated sometimes it's my muscles. I try not to worry about it but if I look slim, then I'm too thin, and if I'm bloated, then I must be pregnant. I can't win!"
However, after struggling for years, Katie believes she's now found a solution to bloating in the form of specially-formulated shakes. And she's so happy with the results that she's decided to sell them as part of her latest business venture 'Katie Price Nutrition'.
Opening up about her new range of shakes, she said: "I tried these before I last went on holiday. I was on them for two weeks and they were amazing. My bloating went and my belly was so much flatter. I also found I had more energy.
"You know what I'm like, I won't bring something out unless it works, otherwise I'll get slated for it. Honestly, these actually work.
"I'm such a busy person, I just don't have the time to exercise or go to the gym. But with these products, you can lose weight without doing any exercise at all. I'm going on them again now so I can fit back into my old jeans."
We're looking forward to seeing the results and how quickly the shakes work their magic. But until then, we had to ask Katie about rumours she wants to launch an after-watershed version of Loose Women.
Confirming she's up for it, the star told us: "That would be so amazing, wouldn't it? It would be real banter. I could be really let loose!"
Katie Price Nutrition is available now at
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Lose weight naturally with these 4 easy remedies – Fox News

We all know of herbs and other natural remedies that can help improve our memory and boost our libido, but could there be a similar solution for burning fat?
On Twitter, we got that exact question from a viewer, and the answer is that yes, other than exercise, you can help burn fat by adding certain foods to your diet.
Here are a handful:
Bone broth Kellyann Petrucci, M.S., N.D., a weight loss expert, told Fox News that bone broth is one worlds oldest healing foods and can be especially effective when it comes to weight loss. Its power, she said, lies in the fact that it contains lysine, an anti-inflammatory agent known to aid fat burning.
Petrucci offered this tip: Two days a week, do something called mini fasting that's where you sip on nothing but bone broth two days a week, have a light meal about 7 oclock, and that will even heighten your fat-burning power.
Turmeric Studies show this super-spice can not only boost your body temperature, which can speed metabolism, but it can also improve your memory.
Cinnamon Next time you pour your morning cup of coffee or whip up a breakfast smoothie, consider adding a dash of cinnamon. Thats because the spice can help regulate your blood sugar helping you avoid that dreaded 3 p.m. crash and control your appetite, to boot. Plus, like turmeric, cinnamon can warm your body to boost your metabolism.
Ginger You likely turn to this spice when you have a bellyache, but it turns out that ginger is also a powerful natural solution for weight loss. In fact, studies suggest adding this spice to your diet can increase your fat burning by 20 percent.
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Lose weight naturally with these 4 easy remedies - Fox News
These Are The Best Beers To Drink If You’re Trying To Lose Weight – Women’s Health

Women's Health | These Are The Best Beers To Drink If You're Trying To Lose Weight Women's Health Naturally, the best way to stay on the wagon (at least, when it comes to your calorie intake) is to plan ahead, steering clear of the brewskies that can do the most damage to your waistline, says Lockwood. (Learn how bone broth can help you lose weight ... |
Continued here:
These Are The Best Beers To Drink If You're Trying To Lose Weight - Women's Health
9 Tips For Women Who Want To Lose Weight After 40 (especially around the middle) – Huffington Post

Are you a woman over 40 and noticing its getting harder to lose weight? Got some extra stubborn fluff and puff around the middle? Maybe yourefinding that the diets you did in your 20s or 30s dont work as fast as they used to or donteven work at all! If youre already well past 40, chances are youve found its harder to lose weight. And, those inches around your waistline wont budge.
Yes ladies, Middle Age Spread is a real thing. Now before you click the little x on your browser to close this page and curse my name in disgust, sit tight. First, Im going to lay out the facts of why this happens to most women. Then, Im going to give you some action steps you can take tostart losing weight again!
Ok, no big surprise here. During perimenopause, our estrogen and testosterone levels start to drop. By menopause, they plummet. This is probably why approximately 30% of women between 50 and 59 are obese.
There appears to be a connection between estrogen and body weight regulation. With lowerestrogenlevels, lab animals tend to eat more and be less physically active. Levels that are too high or too low appear to lead to fat storage. And, lower estrogen levels may also slow down your metabolic rate (the speed at your body converts stored energy into working energy).
Many of us just slow down with age and exercise less. This is just bad all around. This is true for both men and women. Heres why:
Sarcopenia. Sar-who? Naturally as we get older, we gradually lose muscle mass a little bit every year. It actually starts happening as early as 30. The less muscle we have on our bodies, the slower our metabolism is and the easier it is to gain weight.
We also lose aerobic fitness as we age, further slowing down our ability to use up energy when we exercise. In other words, we burn less calories when we exercise.
If you were very active in your younger years, you may have had some injuries. Like a spicy pepperoni pizza does after dinner, those injuries from your carefree days can come back to haunt you. These ghosts of injuries past show up in the form of early arthritis, bone spurs, tighter muscles, pinched nerves, etc. After our 30s, new injuries also take longer heal. No wonder we slow down.
Many women have troublesleeping during menopause due to hot flashes, night sweats, stress and the other fun stuff that goes along with low estrogen levels. Migraines anyone?? The bummer is poor sleep is linked to hunger and weight gain because of two more hormones: ghrelin (the feed me hormone) and leptin (the Im full hormone). Heres a short blog I wrote on that topic. If youre sleep deprived, these hormones get out of whack.
As we age, we tend to become more insulin resistant which can put us at risk for type 2 diabetes. When you eat foods that break down into sugar, the pancreas pumps out insulin to escort the sugar out of your blood. People with Insulin resistance dont use insulin effectively so that cells have trouble absorbing sugar which causes a buildup of sugar and insulin in the blood. Researchers still arent 100% in agreement as to why, but at the end of the day, people with insulin resistance gain weight, particularly around the middle. And some research shows that lack of estrogen may cause insulin resistance.
1. Eat less added sugar, processed food and refined grains (white bread, bagels, pasta, white rice, you know the drill). A lot less. According to the sugar science department at UCSF, added sugar is hiding in 74% of all packaged food. And, the majority of carbohydrates in the typical American diet is made of refined grains. This means reading labels folks and knowing how many different names there are for sugar. Just because its called agave nectar or cane juice crystals doesnt mean its any better for you than the white granulated stuff. Your body doesnt know the difference and once you eat it, its all the same to your pancreas (the organ that produces insulin in response to sugar). Click this link to see 61 different names of sugar then run to your pantry and read the ingredients on your packaged food.Prepare for a rude awakening!
2. Exercise More. Contrary to what your body may want to do, you must exercise more regularly as you age, not less! If youre finding yourself slowing down, gradually start ramping it back up. Its not a good idea to go from taking an occasional walk to running a 10K. Thats a fast track to getting an injury. But start finding ways to fit more physical activity to your life. The more you exercise, the more insulin sensitive you become (thats the opposite of insulin resistant!)
Jill Brown
3. Keep a food journal or use an app to track what you eat. As we get older, our metabolisms naturally slow down. That means you need less food. If youre still eating as much as you did in your 30s, youve probably had to buy a whole new wardrobe or 2 by now. Apps like My Fitness Pal or Lose It help making weight loss goals easier by keeping you on track. Or you can go old school and write everything down then look up the calories. Not all calories are created equal, but one is for sure, taking in more than you burn leads to more body fat.
Pay attention to how you feel after eating certain types of foods and notice what makes you good and what makes you feel crappy.
4. Take probiotics to aid in digestion.
5. Eat more anti-inflammatory foods high in omega-3s, along with garlic, turmeric, cocoa, tea and berries.
6. Eat more high-quality protein. Higher protein diets have been shown to help with weight loss.
7. Eat more soluble fiber. It fills you up so you feel less hungry, it can increase insulin sensitivity and you know the other reason.
8. Sleep more and stress less. Easy, right? This may be the hardest part. There are plenty of things you can try. Melatonin and or magnesium at night. Massages. Yoga. Meditation. Hot baths before bed. Black out windows and cooler temperature in your bedroom. A good shrink. Theres really no shortage of suggestions. It may be time to experiment if youre not getting enough good sleep.
9. Talk to your doctor about hormone replacement therapies. HRTs have been shown to help control weight gain.
Think of this as a quick start guide for what you can do to promote weight loss starting around the perimenopausal years. In future articles, I will go deeper into each of the topics mentioned to help you lose weight and feel better so we can enjoy what should be the best years of our lives! Stay tuned!
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9 Tips For Women Who Want To Lose Weight After 40 (especially around the middle) - Huffington Post