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Maya Karin told to lose weight for Munafik 2 –

Aftermuch speculation, director Syamsul Yusof has confirmed he will be filming the sequel to Munafik and he has found his leading lady award-winning actress Maya Karin.
Im very excited to be a part of Munafik 2. Ive always wanted to work with Skop Production. When (producer) Datuk Yusof Haslam called to offer me the part, I said yes right away, said Maya, 37, during an interview in Kuala Lumpur recently.
Released in 2016, Munafik is a horror film which focuses on how Ustaz Adam (played by Syamsul) tries to help Maria (Nabila Huda), a woman possessed by a malevolent spirit. The film earned RM19mil from box office collection in Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. It also won the Malaysia Film Festival award for Best Malaysian Film.
In Munafik 2, Maya will take on the role of Sakinah, a poor single mother living in an isolated village.
Syamsul, 32, revealed that the plot for Munafik 2 involves Ustaz Adam going head to head with a man and his misguided religious teachings. Sakinah will be affected by an evil spirit linked to the man.
Its a role that Maya has been looking to add to her resume. The actress, who is synonymous with horror offerings like Pontianak Harum Sundal Malam, Waris Jari Hantu and Jwanita, wants to break away from playing the role of the scary one.
If they said I have to play a hantu or a pontianak again, I would be a little bit disappointed. How many times do I want to keep doing the same thing? This role is a perfect mix. Now, I get to be the one who is scared instead. I really want that. Something different, said Maya.
However, the actress has to go on a diet to achieve the look of a struggling parent. So its just rice, salted fish and ulam for me for the next two weeks!
Maya who has scaled back on acting projects in recent years also revealed that shes nervous about going back on set.Im a little bit worried because I heard Syamsul is a serious person on set. I used to act with Bront (Palarae) and Remy (Ishak) all the time and now for this movie, its with people Ive never worked with before, she said.
Syamsul announced that Nasir Bilal Khan, Fauzi Nawawi and Mawi (of Akademi Fantasia fame) will also star in Munafik 2.Shooting starts on March 20 and the movie is scheduled for a 2018 release.
When word got out that Maya is picked to star in Munafik 2, there was chatterthat she would be replacing Nabila. But thats not the case, said Maya.
I think its confusing to the audience if they read in the news that Im replacing her. I really have to stress that Im not replacing anyone. (Nabilas) character died in the previous movie. Im playing an entirely different character, she explained.
Apart from Munafik 2, Maya will be involved in another acting project but the actress declined to reveal details. She will also be performing at Istana Budaya in a concert with Awie in April.
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Maya Karin told to lose weight for Munafik 2 -
Unable to Lose Weight? Bacteria in Your Gut Might Be the Culprit – Observer

Observer | Unable to Lose Weight? Bacteria in Your Gut Might Be the Culprit Observer At a party's snack table with friends, you find yourself nibbling on celery sticks, while others down ice cream, booze and burgers without a second thought. You've had to count calories since age 15, and you gain weight just looking the buttercream ... |
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Unable to Lose Weight? Bacteria in Your Gut Might Be the Culprit - Observer
Study: More Americans getting fatter, fewer trying to lose weight – Washington Times

The number of obese Americans is increasing while the number of those trying to lose weight is decreasing, according to study published this month by the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Titled Change in Percentages of Adults With Overweight or Obesity Trying to Lose Weight, 1988-2014, the study says that carrying excess weight has become socially acceptable in the U.S.
Because more people are satisfied with being overweight, fewer are motivated to slim down, says the study, which was conducted at the Jiann-Ping Hsu College of Public Health at Georgia Southern.
You would hope that as being overweight and/or obese become more well-known risk factors for a variety of conditions and diseases, more people would attempt to avoid that risk, Kassandra Snook, the studys lead author.
I think the results of this research are very significant in showing that the obesity epidemic is continuing, and will continue to worsen as long as no weight loss attempts are made, Ms. Snook said.
Obesity has been linked to a number of maladies, including diabetes and heart disease.
Excerpt from:
Study: More Americans getting fatter, fewer trying to lose weight - Washington Times
Trying to Lose Weight? Use This Grocery Shopping Guide – POPSUGAR

POPSUGAR | Trying to Lose Weight? Use This Grocery Shopping Guide POPSUGAR Rome wasn't built in a day, and those abs that are "made in the kitchen" don't appear after one meal. If your goal is weight loss, you'll need to give your grocery list an overhaul and start shopping strategically. One day at a time, meal after meal ... |
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Trying to Lose Weight? Use This Grocery Shopping Guide - POPSUGAR
Jefferson County woman inspires more than 10000 people to lose weight on low-carb diet – WHAG

SHEPHERDSTOWN, W.Va. - In a state that ranks second in obesity, losing weight means a lot more than just dropping dress sizes to West Virginians.
I had to go on disability and quit my job of 24 years and I basically felt like I lost my purpose in life, Michelle Dorsey said.
After being a serial dieter her entire life, Dorsey lost 110 pounds after starting this low-carbohydrate diet.
Now, because of these wonderful people and I get to reach out to people and change their lives, I feel like I have my purpose back. I have my life back, Dorsey said.
It was designed by Dr. Eric Westman, who co-authored the Atkins diet.
A Jefferson County womanhas inspired more than 10,000 people to start the program and drop hundreds of pounds.
Melanie Miller said the diet focuses on cutting the carbohydrates out for those who are carbohydrate-intolerant.
This is people who have metabolic conditions, diabetes, pre-diabetes, maybe they have PCOS or endometriosis and because they have those conditions, their bodies cannot process sugar, flour and starch, Miller said.
Dieters eliminate certain fruits, vegetables, and starches, which typically help others who are able to process carbohydrates lose weight, but it only packs on the pounds for those who are carbohydrate-intolerant.
However, that doesnt mean dieters cant indulge on some of their favorite foods.
Lance Paul lost 33 pounds since he began the diet on January 16th of this year.
I can still eat an entire prime rib with vegetables on the side, I wouldve never thought I could eat that, Paul said.
Dwain Dawson has lost so much weight since he began on Memorial Day of 2016 that he and his wife can both fit in his old pair of pants.
These are a size 50 pants and I am in a pair of 34s today, Dawson said.
However, dieters said best of all they are not alone on their weight loss journey.
Bill Nicewarner has lost 45 pounds since he began in May of 2016.
If somebody is feeling weak, all they have to do is send out a message and everybody is there to support everybody else, Nicewarner said.
Melanie Miller will be teaching others how to start this low-carbohydrate diet at the Clarion in Shepherdstown on April 8th at 1 p.m.
For tickets, please go to:
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Jefferson County woman inspires more than 10000 people to lose weight on low-carb diet - WHAG
Fewer Americans trying to lose weight – Northwest Herald

CHICAGO Fewer overweight Americans have been trying to lose weight in recent years, and researchers wonder whether fat acceptance could be among the reasons.
The trend found in a new study occurred at the same time obesity rates climbed.
Socially accepted normal body weight is shifting toward heavier weight. As more people around us are getting heavier, we simply believe we are fine, and no need to do anything with it, said lead author Dr. Jian Zhang, a public health researcher at Georgia Southern University.
Another reason could be people abandoning efforts to drop pounds after repeated failed attempts, Zhang said.
The researchers analyzed U.S. government health surveys over nearly two decades from 1988 through 2014. The surveys involved in-person physical exams and health-related questions including asking participants whether theyd tried to lose weight within the past year. More than 27,000 adults ages 20 to 59 were included. They were not asked to explain their answers.
In the early surveys, about half the adults were overweight or obese. Those numbers climbed to 65 percent by 2014. But the portion of overweight or obese adults who said they were trying to slim down fell from 55 percent to 49 percent in the study.
Body mass index, a measure of height and weight, determines weight status. Those with a BMI of 25 to 29 are considered overweight; 30 and above is obese. A BMI of 30 generally reflects being about 50 pounds above your ideal weight.
The study results were published March 7 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Dr. Scott Kahan, director of a weight-loss clinic in Washington, said the study is important and echoes previous research. He acknowledged it has become more acceptable in some circles to be overweight, but that many patients still feel stigmatized. He said many come to his center after repeated attempts to lose weight and some give up for a while out of frustration.
The study found obesity was most common among black women 55 percent were obese in the most recent survey years, and there was a big decline in black women trying to lose weight. Whether thats because of fat acceptance, dieting frustration or other reasons is not known.
Zhang said theres a positive side to fat acceptance, if it means people feel less ridiculed for their weight. But obesity can increase risks for heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other ailments.
The findings are a very serious concern, he said.
We should forget the words fat or obesity, Zhang said, adding a healthy lifestyle may be an effective way to help people lose weight.
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Fewer Americans trying to lose weight - Northwest Herald
Everything about this ridiculous CNN Nutrition ad is a lie – Quartz

You may have seen a much-circulated story, allegedly posted on CNNs website, in which a Cornell University student claims to have lost 37 pounds through a diet regimen consisting of apple cider vinegar and supplements of Garcinia cambogia, a type of tropical fruit.
If it is not immediately obvious to you, this is an Internet ad for weight loss supplements, not a CNN story. The woman interviewed in the story doesnt exist. Apple cider vinegar and Garcinia cambogia do not do what the ad claims they do, and can in fact be harmful when taken as suggested.
Everything about this ad is a lie. It lies about big things that could hurt peoples health and it lies about stupid little things like celebrity diets. It is a lie smothered in lies and served open-faced on a bed of lies. Lets unpack this.
Fact: A good way to tell where a story is from is to look at where the story is from. If I were to write, This story you are reading on represents official UK policy on phony diet ads, you could look at the top of your browser and see that you are in fact on and I am lying. CNNs URL is, not, and that is not how independent is spelled.
Fact: There is no Suzanne Pischner on LinkedIn or Twitter. Her byline appears only on other fishy-looking weight loss ads, including one purporting to be from TMZ posted under the URL trompe loeil Suzanne, if you are real and reading this, please send a notarized birth certificate to
There is no Amanda Haughman in Cornells current student or alumni directories. In December, a nearly identical ad for a product called Premiere Garcinia Cambogia labeled a completely different womans photo as Cornell student Amanda Haughman. A lifestyle blogger pointed out that the photo was in fact of a Scottish woman named Seana Forbes, and was taken from a YouTube ad for a fitness app.
An story dated March 13 said Amanda was a Cornell student. In similar ads dated March 14, she went to Harvard or Stanford. A Google image search turns up ads describing the same blond woman with the too-big jean shorts as a student at UCLA, Michigan State University, the University of South Wales, and the National University of Singapore. Amanda Haughman is either a privacy-minded global scholar orand this is just a theorynot a real person.
Fact: The image of the man identified as Mark was lifted from a 2015 story in the Daily Star, a UK daily tabloid, about a man named Mark Smithers. Here a pellet of truth is dropped in the rabbit hutch of lies: there is a Mark and he did lose weight. But he did not use this product and is not a close friend of Amanda, who is not real.
Fact: Amanda cant sit. She has no lower extremities. She doesnt exist.
Fact: The photo labeled 2016 is from 2015; the one labeled 2015 is from 2014. No such interview with McCarthy exists. In actual interviews, McCarthy has politely rebuffed repeated requests to talk about if or how she may have lost weight, for the same reason US speaker of the house Paul Ryan has never released his colonoscopy reportsits nobodys business and its a kind of weird thing to ask about in the first place.
This is where TrimGenesiss claims go from absurd to potentially dangerous. Hydroxycitric acid (not hydroxycitcric, as above) is a type of citric acid found in many tropical plants, including Garcinia cambogia. In the world of unregulated supplements, natural is an often-abused term that has no bearing on how safe or effective a product is. Arsenic is naturally occurring. Mercury is naturally occurring. Nature makes a lot of stuff. Humans arent supposed to eat it all.
A 1998 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found no significant difference in weight loss between participants who took Garcinia cambogia and those who took a placebo. A 2011 meta-review in the Journal of Obesity found that while there was some evidence of short-term weight loss in patients using the supplement, those that took it were also twice as likely to have bad gastrointestinal side effects. Another 2013 review of 17 studies deemed Garcinia cambogia safe for human consumption, but concluded that its effect on weight loss was unclear.
The unproven benefits of Garcinia cambogia have not stopped assorted hucksters from pushing it as a weight loss wonder drug; television personality Mehmet Oz called it a revolutionary fat buster on a 2012 show.
I dont get why you need to say this stuff cause you know its not true, Claire McCaskill, a Democratic senator from Missouri, said at a 2014 Senate hearing on Ozs false claims (quoted in this actual CNN story).
I do personally believe in the items that I talk about on my show. I passionately study them, Oz, a trained surgeon, responded. This is an acceptable defense for an amateur Bigfoot hunter, but not a scientist.
Fact: Several claims follow; they are all bogus. There have been zero clinical studies on the effects of apple cider vinegar combined with Garcinia cambogia.
The ad never discusses the supposed benefits of drinking the apple cider vinegar, though here Suzanne Pischner may be relying readers previous familiarity with the subject. A long-time favorite of health food advocates, apple cider vinegar is increasingly popular as a home remedy for maladies including sore throats, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, acne, and jellyfish stings.
There is ample scientific evidence that vinegar does in fact help control blood sugar, if taken as one tablespoon diluted in a cup of water at the start of a meal, says Carol Johnston, a professor and associate director at Arizona State Universitys School of Nutrition and Health Promotion. The evidence on weight loss is meager but there are hints of thisparticularly in the rat model, she added. If vinegar impacts body weight, it is very subtle and not what most have in mind when they start a weight loss trial.
The active ingredient in apple cider vinegar that helps control blood sugar (and possibly weight) is acetic acid, which is found in all vinegar. And while drinking one to two teaspoons in water as recommended by Cornell/Harvard/MSU/National University of Singapore grad Amanda Haughman probably isnt harmful to most people, its worth remembering that vinegar is an acid, and drinking acid straight can be dangerous.
Ultimately, the ad serves apple cider vinegar as a folksy side dish to a weight loss supplement that could have harmful side effects. The US Food and Drug Administration says weight loss supplements, including those purporting to contain Garcinia cambogia, often contain undisclosed ingredients, including active drugs.
The danger of weight-loss related fake news is thatlike their political counterpartsthey make ridiculous claims that can distract from the fact that they are still lies masquerading as the truth, and could end up hurting someone.
In memory of Amanda Haughman (1995-2017), a victim of the Bowling Green Massacre.
More here:
Everything about this ridiculous CNN Nutrition ad is a lie - Quartz
Lose weight and get more energy with these nine easy steps to boost your metabolism – The Sun

It's as simple as sipping green tea, eating breakfastand doing a few push-ups
TAKE control of your metabolism to keep you slim, trim and full of energy.
Here, wereveal how to boost yours to help you lose and maintain weight.
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1 Dont think skipping breakfast will save you calories. Missing it slows down your metabolism. Go for poached eggs on toast or a bowl of porridge. It will regulate energy levels and keep your metabolism happy.
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2 Always fidget at your desk, on the bus or watching TV, keep moving. Tapping a foot or wagging a leg keeps your body working harder.
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3 Rather than rolling out of bed the minute your alarm clock goes off. Do a few squats and stretches to ignite your metabolism first thing.
With your feet shoulder width apart, squat over the bed until your behind touches the top, then stand up tall and reach for the ceiling with your arms.
Do this ten times for maximum benefits.
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4 Swap your cappuccino for green tea. Its antioxidants are thought to speed up your metabolism. And it has fewer calories than milky coffees.
5 Do some high intensity interval training (HIIT) in your lunch hour.
It is less scary than it sounds. Quick workouts are designed to have a big impact on your metabolic rate, burning more calories and you can do it in just four minutes. Try marching on the spot for ten seconds followed by 20 seconds jogging on the spot. Repeat eight times.
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6 Add ice to your drinks. The colder they are, the harder your body works to process them. Your metabolism works harder to adjust the ice cold temperature to your core body temperature.
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7 Do daily push-ups. This engages lots of muscles groups in your upper body and abs and will help you burn more calories. Just by having more muscle, your body will require more calories to help it run efficiently. These moves also help get rid of bingo wings, lift your bust and keep you strong.
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8 Yank up the heat. Make your dinner a calorie-burning one by simply adding some chilli flakes to your dish, as these help speed up your metabolism.
Low-fat, homemade curries and even curried fish and vegetables are great foods to keep your metabolism running efficiently.
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9 Get to bed earlier. Research shows fewer than seven hours sleep can impact your metabolism by slowing it down. Not enough sleep can also make you hungrier. Make sure you are in bed nice and early every night to get the shut-eye you need to help you through the day.
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Lose weight and get more energy with these nine easy steps to boost your metabolism - The Sun
Why Losing Weight Is Basically The WORST Idea Ever – YourTango

Just stop right now...
If you're like millions who struggle right now with emotional eating, binge eating, and yo-yo dieting, first off, I wantyou to know that you're not alone!
Butthat fact probably doesn't bring you much comfortbecause you really don't want to stay in that camp, right?
Maybe you're like everyone else who tries hard to lose weight, stop the food obsessions, and end the struggle and your #1 thought is forever and always, "I want to lose weight".
Why? Because what you (and everyone else) have been taught is that "weight LOSS" is the way to go.
I've gotta "LOSE weight".
Here's the No. 1 reason why losing weight is the worst idea ever.
I was out with my Pomeranian, Happy, on one of our daily walks andhaving a grand'ole time.
I love our cardiowalks together! We walk almost non-stop for 30 to 45 a minimum of 5 days a week and sometimes I even hop on Periscope at the same time to ask my live viewers for their biggest weight loss challenges.
Since I coachclients to the end of theirbinge eating, emotional eating and self-sabotage, I'm interested to hear what my Periscope followers are battling with when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle without thestruggle.
That day, I came back home from my walk with Happy and found that the ring I'd been wearing for about 3 years was gone. I'm quite sure I had it on before we left the house and when we returned I saw that I'd lost my ring. I loved that ring.
I'd bought it on one of my trips to Denver. It reminded me of the fabulous moments I'd spent out in Colorado with all of the time spent getting my NLP certifications over several weeks with the best NLP trainers on the planet.
Needless to say, I was pretty upset when I saw that my ring was gone. So guess what I did when I found that I'd lost my ring?
I headed right back out the door!
It was already dark outside, and it was a very hot summer night. ButI grabbed a light and went out to retrace my steps.
When I didn't find my ring, I went out again the next day to retrace my steps, searching and searching for it.
I kept looking and looking and looking for my ring that I'd lost.
And that brings me to my point about losing weight...
Why losing weight is the WORST idea ever:
What have you ever lost in your life that you didn't keep trying to find after you lost it? If you're like everyone else on the planet, there's nothing in your life that you've ever lost that you didn't look for in hopes of finding it. Otherwise, you wouldn't say that it was lost!
So then ...why the heck do you want to LOSEweight? Is it because yo-yo dieting is fun? Do you want to lose weight so that you can gain back twice as much? I bet your answer to both of these questions is no. After all, who do you know wants to lose weight and then gain it all back?
No one, right?
Unfortunately, yo-yo dietingis a common struggle my coaching clients have prior to working with me.
But putting aside that millions struggle with yo-yo dieting, can you see that when you're stuck in the pattern that it's a perfect analogy for the constantsearch forlost weight? Just like I was constantly searching for my lost ring?
If it's lost,you are going to look for it!
Why losing weight Is NOT the result my weight loss coaching clients want (even though they think that's what they want in the beginning!):
Initially, my coaching clients hire mebecause they want to lose weight.
Even though they are very smart and successful women, they have never achieved lasting success with ending their binge eating, emotional eating, and yo-yo dieting on their own.
They hire me because theywant to end all of their food and weight struggles so that they can easily live a healthy lifestyle, drop the fat, and keep it off.
Butinitially, they dothink just like everyone else does that losing weight is the solution they want. What theyend up learning is that the BEST solution is torelease the fat from their body.
You see, when you release something, you let it go. You don't go out looking for it in the middle of the night like I went out looking for my ring that I'd lost!
Releasing the fat permanently and without struggle is the best solution for the problem.
Losing weight is the average solution that most are still hoping for, but losing weight is not permanent.
Eventually, that weight always comes back, because either consciously or unconsciously, you go out looking for it (and you always find it, right back where it started...).
However, when you learn how to release it and let it gothen you'll really be in the winner's circle.
When you easily release the fat from your body you don't go out looking for it in the middle of the night because it's notlost weight.Instead, it's the fat that you consciously choose to easily release because you're no longer fighting with emotional eating, binge eating, food addictions or self-sabotage.
You let the fat go and you don't miss it once the root of the problem is healed and the struggle that created the fat is released.
What would it feel like to release the fat for good?
How good would it feel if you could release the fat and let it go? For good?
What if you could say "bye-bye" to the fat, see it off, and never go out looking for it in the middle of the night because you never lost it, to begin with?
If you could release your binge eating, release your emotional eating, and fully get out of your own way, then does it make sense that nothing would stand in your way of releasing the fat? How would that feel?
The good news is that it is absolutely possible to achieve permanent weight loss.
My coaching clients do it all the timebut do keep in mind that it's an inside out process. It's all about healing the root of the real problem instead of trying to attack it from the outside,which is what almost everyone is trying to do.
When the root of the problem is healed and released, then your behaviors will transform.
And then guess what happens? It becomes easy to live the healthy lifestyle that will allow the fat to drop off and stay off. It's quite amazing once you experience it for yourself.
What if you make the decision now that you'll never again lose weight because you certainly don't want to FIND it again later?
What if from now on, any fat you release from your body will be released for good? Isn't that a much better plan for permanent weight loss?
Since 2009 JoLynn has been coaching smart, successful women out of the pain and frustration of emotional eating, binge eating and food addiction, into the place where weight loss is struggle-free. Take a first step by learning more about the state of yourmindset. Is your mindset Fit or Fat? Click here to find out now!
Continue reading here:
Why Losing Weight Is Basically The WORST Idea Ever - YourTango
Lose weight and gain a healthy lifestyle with NutriMost – Fox17

Fox17 | Lose weight and gain a healthy lifestyle with NutriMost Fox17 Looking for a healthy way to lose weight that doesn't involve pills or surgery? There's a program in West Michigan called NutriMost that guarantees participants a minimum weight loss of 20 pounds and a positive change in lifestyle. Dr. Mark McCullough ... |
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Lose weight and gain a healthy lifestyle with NutriMost - Fox17