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Mar 4

lose weight without exercise | Women’s Health – Women’s Health

Women's Health
lose weight without exercise | Women's Health
Women's Health
Let's say you absolutely abhor working out. (We know you're out there, even if you don't want to cough up to it.) How much are you screwing yourself over in the ...
6 Unusual Ways to Lose Weight That Actually WorkPOPSUGAR
Diet Doc Patients Maintain Weight Loss Without Harmful Weight Loss Programs Like Original hCG DietMarketwired (press release)
10 Hidden Reasons Your Diet Isn't WorkingReader's Digest -GroundReport
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lose weight without exercise | Women's Health - Women's Health

Mar 4

‘I Lost Nearly 40 Pounds In 6 MonthsHere’s How I Did It’ – Women’s Health

Women's Health
'I Lost Nearly 40 Pounds In 6 MonthsHere's How I Did It'
Women's Health
I had plenty of time, so I committed to lose weight in time for that wedding, six months down the road. I work in TV and originally heard of Kira Stokes because she trains Norah O'Donnell of CBS This Morning. I did some research and it just so happened ...

The rest is here:
'I Lost Nearly 40 Pounds In 6 MonthsHere's How I Did It' - Women's Health

Mar 4

UAE Helping Hands: Mother needs surgery to lose weight that poses threat to life – The National

ABU DHABI // Hanadi Ali is in a race against time to lose weight.

Doctors have told Mrs Ali, who weighs more than 180 kilograms, that she must have surgery to reduce her weight or face becoming seriously ill.

"Currently its just my knees that are damaged and I am grateful that its only that," says Mrs Ali, 40.

She has a three-year-old daughter and caring for the child is difficult. "I want to lose weight and I have tried a million diets but nothing works," Mrs Ali says.

To alleviate her allergies, "the doctor put me on steroids and I kept gaining weight. I didnt understand why".

Over a few years, Mrs Ali has gained more than 30kg. The steroids have also disrupted her hormones.

Her husband, who found employment last month, earns Dh2,000 a month.

Bariatric surgery, which Mrs Ali needs, costs Dh26,000.

"Ive looked for the cheapest place I could have it done and I was told that it would cost no less than Dh26,000," she says. "I cant afford to pay that."

Mrs Ali, a Syrian, has been a UAE resident for 30 years. She and her husband have no health insurance.

"The weight gain started only after the steroids, which ruined my life. I wish doctors had warned me," she says.

"They told me that my hormones will stabilise only after I lose weight. I cant wait for that day to come. Ill be a better mum and wife, and my life wont be at risk."

Hisham Al Zahrani, manager of zakat and social services at Dar Al Ber, urged the public to help Mrs Ali.

"Without surgery, Mrs Ali will not be able to lose the weight and her life is at risk. She needs Dh26,000 for surgery, which the family cant afford," he said.

Last month, The National reported on the need for insurance companies to cover bariatric surgery.

The healthcare system could save millions of dirhams a year if weight-loss surgery and follow-up cosmetic procedures were covered by health insurance, doctors said.

Such operations can reduce the risk of diabetes, heart attacks and strokes.

But insurers will not cover the procedures because they view them as short-term solutions. They said patients should commit to healthy diets and exercise to lose weight.

Weight-loss surgery costs up to Dh50,000, with further costs for cosmetic operation to remove excess skin.

The number of operations on morbidly obese patients has risen by more than 5,000 a year, said the Bariatric and Metabolic Institute Abu Dhabi at Sheikh Khalifa Medical City.

To help, call the hotline on 0502955999, or send a WhatsApp message to the same number. Donations can be made by depositing money in Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank account, Iban number AE9805 000 000 000 11530734 or Dubai Islamic Bank account, Iban number AE8002 4000 352 0443 1952 01.

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UAE Helping Hands: Mother needs surgery to lose weight that poses threat to life - The National

Mar 3

Woman who struggled to lose weight actually had 140-pound tumor – Fox News

A 71-year-old woman who spent two decades testing diets and exercises in a bid to get fit has lost nearly 200 pounds after doctors discovered a massive tumor was the real cause of her excess weight. Mary Clancey, of Saint Clair, Pennsylvania, weighed more than 350 pounds when the 140-pound ovarian cyst was detected, Fox 43 reported.

Clancey had sought medical attention in November for blood clots in her leg, and was put through various other tests to check her overall health.

I was so shocked when they told me, Clancey told Fox 43. The first thing I thought was Sigourney Weaver with the Alien. I was so scared. I thought, What could this be then?

Clancey said her doctors believe the cyst may have been gradually growing for up to 16 years, and she underwent emergency surgery for its removal. Within a day, Clanceys weight dropped to under 150 pounds.

For four days after that surgery, I cant describe it. It felt like something was empty, Clancey told Fox 43. My body didnt feel right. I guess I was so used to carrying that weight that I felt totally different.

After being discharged from the hospital, Clancey said shes looking forward to tending to her garden. She also has regained 10 pounds and has high hopes for her new figure.

Hopefully, Ill get curvy, she told the news station. Ill be one hot babe eventually.

Read more from the original source:
Woman who struggled to lose weight actually had 140-pound tumor - Fox News

Mar 3

Lord Falconer on Labour losses and losing weight – BBC News

Lord Falconer on Labour losses and losing weight
BBC News
The former Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer joins me for lunch, where we chew over the fate of the Labour party and his battle to lose weight. We're squashed into the corner of rather a noisy caf and he is munching his way through a couple of apples ...

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Lord Falconer on Labour losses and losing weight - BBC News

Mar 3

Implanted device helps obese patients lose weight – WNDU 16 – WNDU-TV

About 200,000 Americans undergo weight loss surgery every year, choosing methods like gastric bypass, banding, or surgical balloons to shrink the stomach and decrease food intake.

Now, doctors have another option for patients when diet and exercise is not enough

The most I ever saw on the scale was 409 pounds," Eric Wilcoxon recalls.

Standing six feet, four inches tall, the 44-year-old leaves a big impression. These days, Eric is more than 135 pounds lighter after a lifetime struggle with diet and exercise that impacted his life and his health.

I sat in my chair for probably the last two years before I had this done," Eric recalls.

When its your husband, you dont want anything to happen to him. Im getting emotional here. I dont want him to die," Christy Wilcoxon explains.

Doctor Vladimir Kushnir recommended Eric undergo an endoscopic procedure to implant the AspireAssist.

What the device is is a modified feeding tube with a larger external portion and a smaller internal portion," Kushnir explains.

Thirty minutes after a meal, Eric connects the tube to a water canister and pumps out about one-third of his stomach.

Similar to what happens with weight loss surgery, some of the food you eat doesnt go where it naturally would, which helps you lose weight because you dont absorb as many of the calories," Kushnir explains.

A lot of people do think its gross, but Im really not overly concerned about what other people think," Eric admits.

Eric watches what he eats in order for the Aspire to work; he drinks a lot of water and chews his food a lot.

People dont comprehend how much you have to chew in order to do this. This tube in my belly is no bigger than an ink pen sitting on your desk, Eric explains.

But Eric credits that tube plus a healthy diet with allowing him to do things he couldnt before, like coach his sons football team.

The FDA approved the AspireAssist last year for obese patients.

Patients must not have undergone any other surgical weight loss procedure to be considered for Aspire.

Unlike other weight loss procedures, the Aspire ssist device can be removed.


TOPIC: Aspire for Weight Loss REPORT: MB #4224

BACKGROUND: Obesity is a disease where a person has a body mass index of 30 or higher. A normal BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9, and overweight is anywhere from 24.6 and 29.9. An estimated 112,000 deaths are related to obesity, since this disease can lead to 30 chronic health conditions like type 2 diabetes, stroke, heart disease, asthma, sleep apnea, some types of cancer and others. According to the CDC, one in three American adults were obese in the year 2015. Today, almost 79 million Americans (69 percenr) are considered to be obese or overweight. Obesity can be treated with behavioral changes like dieting and exercising, but when these dont lead to any results, weight loss surgeries are an option. (Source:

WEIGHT LOSS SURGERIES: Weight loss surgery is a treatment option for people who are obese and are committed to making lifestyle changes in order to keep the weight off. In addition to helping patients lose weight, they also help with treating other conditions the patient may be suffering from like diabetes and heart disease. Some of the surgeries available are: * Gastric Bypass, where only a small part of the stomach is left. The small stomach cant hold a lot of food, so the person eats less. * Adjustable Gastric Band which consists of putting a small band of the top of the stomach; the band leads to how much food can go in the stomach. * Gastric Sleeve, the surgery removes almost the entire stomach. The surgery also curbs the hunger hormone which results in eating less. * Electric Implant that delivers electrical pulses to a nerve between the stomach and brain, allowing for the brain to know when the stomach is full. (Source:

ASPIRE ASSIST: Aspire Assist is a new FDA approved treatment that can help obese people lose weight. This treatment works by helping reduce the amount of calories the body consumes by eliminating some of the food that was eaten. The Aspire Assist procedure consists of placing a thin tube in the inside of the stomach that connects directly to a discreet button on the outside of the abdomen. The placing of the device is a 15 minute procedure, where only local anesthesia is used, and patients can return to their normal activities 2 hours later. Once the device is in place, patients can aspirate up to 30 percent of what they ate, about 30 minutes after a meal. Patients also have to chew and eat very slowly in order to let the brain know that they are full. Unlike other weight loss surgeries, this procedure is reversible since the device can be taken out at any time. So far, over 60 percent of the patients who have used Aspire Assist have lost over 10 percent of their body weight. People who qualify for this procedure are those with a BMI between 35 and 45, but it is not recommended for those who have gone through weight loss surgeries, stomach surgeries or an eating disorder. (Source: & Dr. Vladimir Kushnir)

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Implanted device helps obese patients lose weight - WNDU 16 - WNDU-TV

Mar 2

5 steps that helped this woman shed 68 pounds and transform her life –




When Jackie Gilmore-Jacksons mother passed away, she turned to food for comfort. It wasnt uncommon for her to snack mindlessly and eat at odd hours, even enjoying dinner at midnight. Since that sad time in 2010, her weight slowly increased.

It wasnt until she saw a note from her doctor that she realized her health was in danger.

I saw on the chart obese and my feelings were hurt, Gilmore-Jackson, 48, of Wilmington, North Carolina, told TODAY. When I think of obese, I think of people who are really, really large."

Jackie Gilmore-Jackson before she lost 68 pounds and improved her health.

RELATED: How this woman lost 183 pounds by following these 5 steps

Her doctor told her that even though her cholesterol and blood pressure numbers were normal, that wouldnt always be the case if she didnt make some changes. Then, she saw a picture of herself and felt even worse. At the time, she was 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighed 252 pounds and she didnt recognize herself.

I remember being so down and I thought What happened? How did you get this way? she said.

It was June 2016 when she realized she needed to lose weight. She started by making small changes, cutting sodium and sugar and buying a pedometer to count her steps. Gilmore-Jackson thought she was active, but she soon learned that she only averaged about 2,000 steps a day, a little less than a mile.

At the same time, she applied to participate in the Womans Day Live Longer and Stronger Challenge. The magazine selected five women from across the country to receive nutrition and exercise counseling from Joy Bauer and guidance from experts at Mayo Clinic to lose weight and improve their health.

Gilmore-Jackson never thought she'd be selected, but she committed to changing her habits no matter what. When she learned she would be part of the program, she felt thrilled.

Jackie Gilmore-Jackson tries walking 15,000 steps a day. She has also cut sugar and salt from her diet. These changes helped her lose 68 pounds and improve her health.

I just couldnt believe I actually got accepted, she said. I really needed that. I needed something to motivate me.

She believes the tips she learned from being in the program helped her. Having a support group she could talk with kept Gilmore-Jackson motivated and engaged. In the first month, she dropped 12 pounds. After eight months, she is down 68 pounds.

RELATED: Mom gets real about weight loss: Here's how she shed 90 pounds in a year

I was just so impressed because in the past it took me longer, she said. We had accountability to get me where I needed to be."

Gilmore-Jackson shares some tips she learned in the program and from her own experience that helped her lose weight.

For most of her life, Gilmore-Jackson used food when she felt sad or stressed. Recently, her company went through a round of layoffs, but instead of eating, she walked.

I took a deep breath and I walked around the campus three times and when I came back, I felt better, she said. I didnt have the desire to eat.

RELATED: 5 foolproof strategies for dealing with cravings

Every hour an alarm goes off on Gilmore-Jacksons pedometer and she walks for three minutes. She arrives at work early so she walks for an extra 20 minutes. Building workout time into her schedule keeps her active and reinforces healthy habits. On average, she takes 15,000 steps a day.

Jackie Gilmore-Jackson says having a support group was also key.

RELATED: Weight-loss success: Woman loses 200 pounds thanks to dog

When Gilmore-Jackson cooked, shed just toss a dash of salt or sugar in her food. She had no idea that she was using way more than a serving. Her teaspoons were more like tablespoons.

I was eating two or three times more than I was supposed to be eating, she said.

Now, she measures everything and knows shes eating proper portions.

When Gilmore-Jackson first started her weight-loss journey, she simply cut sugar and salt. Then, she started eating more fruits and veggies. Then, she started drinking 16 ounces of water before meals. Making these changes slowly helped her lose weight and build good habits.

Start today. Dont say Monday, dont say tomorrow, she said. There is something you can do today, drink more water, go for a walk.

For more weight-loss inspiration, check out our My Weight-Loss Journey page.

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5 steps that helped this woman shed 68 pounds and transform her life -

Mar 2

21 Super-Easy Food Tweaks That Will Help You Lose Weight – Women’s Health

Women's Health
21 Super-Easy Food Tweaks That Will Help You Lose Weight
Women's Health
Losing weight doesn't require a total recall of all the foods you love or a workout routine you hate. Nope. To get started dropping pounds and keeping them off, all you need to do is make teeny, tiny alterations to your meals and habits, master them ...

The rest is here:
21 Super-Easy Food Tweaks That Will Help You Lose Weight - Women's Health

Mar 2

Finally, An Instagram Trend That Will Help You Lose Weight The Healthy Way – Women’s Health

Women's Health
Finally, An Instagram Trend That Will Help You Lose Weight The Healthy Way
Women's Health
Despite its trendiness, bullet journalingor #bujomight actually help you lose weight, says says Brigitte Zeitlin, R.D., a nutritionist in New York City. She says that journaling can help you track the healthy changes you're making and tune you into ...

Original post:
Finally, An Instagram Trend That Will Help You Lose Weight The Healthy Way - Women's Health

Mar 2

This Hormone Might Be the Reason You Can’t Lose Weight – The Daily Meal

Leptin, which was formally discovered in 1994, is a protein manufactured within fat cells that circulates through the blood stream and signals to the hypothalamus the part of the brain controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, and emotional activity whether your fat cells have enough energy to fuel the bodys normal metabolic processes. Because of its role in regulating hunger, leptin was thought to be a potential tool to help weight loss but Robert H. Lustig, MD, professor of pediatrics at the University of California, argues that, instead, leptin is really a potential cause of weight gain.

When leptin levels are above a certain threshold, the brain is given the signal to stop eating, and the body burns energy at a healthy rate; if leptin levels are unbalanced, though, this seemingly harmless hormone can adversely affect your ability to shed pounds. Lustig warns that if not enough leptin reaches the brain; it signals to the body that its still hungry, or worse, starving. As the brain enters starvation mode, a number of processes go into motion all of which stymie weight loss: You get hungrier, you take in extra energy, and you store fat in order to re-establish normal leptin levels.

But its not a lack of leptin thats necessarily problem this could be easily be remedied with supplements rather what leads to weight gain is leptin resistance, a condition that prevents the brain from receiving the signal to stop eating. Without this natural indictor, the body becomes obese, but the brain believes its starving. Living with leptin resistance makes weight loss a struggle, but there are ways to naturally reestablish leptin sensitivity. Lustig recommends bringing down triglyceride levels by limiting saturated fat intake, eating more omega-3 fatty acids, and engaging in weekly exercise. High triglyceride levels seem to block leptin transport into the brain, and in order to make your leptin work, you have to let the signaling occur. The only way to let the signaling occur it to get your triglyceride down, notes Lustig.

See the original post:
This Hormone Might Be the Reason You Can't Lose Weight - The Daily Meal

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