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Feb 25

‘I Love SnackingWhat’s The Best Way For Me To Lose Weight?’ – Women’s Health

Women's Health
'I Love SnackingWhat's The Best Way For Me To Lose Weight?'
Women's Health
Snacking is a national pastime, an industry unto itself, even a belief system. But is its mantra"eat small and often"a healthy move for your body? Experts are divided: Studies find that eating frequently can help balance blood sugar and stave off ...

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'I Love SnackingWhat's The Best Way For Me To Lose Weight?' - Women's Health

Feb 25

Mama June’s Weight Loss Was a Total Revenge Move Against Sugar Bear –

Mama June Shannons motivation to lose weight has been revealed.

The reality star opened up onthe premiere of her new show,Mama June: From Hot to Not,that she decided to lose weight when her ex, Sugar Bear, revealed he was getting married and that he wanted her to be there.

Junes daughters, Alana Honey Boo Boo, and Lauryn Pumpkin, encouraged her along the way. Her workouts consisted of workout tapes and sticking to the salad bar while on Tinder dates.

Despite her efforts to snag a date to Sugar Bears wedding, Junes date, Jeff, ends up walking out of the restaurant midway through dinner, despite the producers pleas to stay.

Whats the point? Jeff asks.

After succumbing to unhealthy eating habits, Junes manager, Gina, suggests weight loss surgery which takes her to Los Angeles to meet with a doctor. With her heart set on surgery, Junes real work is maintaining a healthy lifestyle but can she pull through?

After the weight loss surgery, Im going to look completely different, June toldPEOPLE in an exclusive sneak peek at the upcoming season. Im scared, too, she admits to her daughters with tears in her eyes as she lays in a hospital bed awaiting surgery.

Mama June: From Not to HotairsFridays at 10p.m. ET on WEtv and you can watch the premiere episode here.

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Mama June's Weight Loss Was a Total Revenge Move Against Sugar Bear -

Feb 25

This Week in Health: Cheat Death, Lose Weight, Do Pilates | – TIME

Erik Madigan Heck for TIME

A full night of sleep rejuvenates you in a way that even the worlds strongest cup of coffee never could.

In a recent deep dive for TIME, we found that sleep also helps you age more slowly . Mounting evidence suggests that the benefits brought on by adequate sleepincluding eased-up levels of inflammationare impressive enough to help steel the body against the aging process.

Heres what else grabbed our attention in health this week.

Most people gain weight back after losing it. But this trick , involving phone calls and a bit of reflection, can really help.

Here are five ways Silicon Valley is trying to hack its way to a much (much, much) longer life.

The cost of a critical antidote, naloxone, is soaring . Thats partly because of drug-industry consolidation and a lengthy FDA-approval process, but those arent the only problems.

With the help of new evidence , scientists are shedding light on the mysterious mind-body connection. Physical problems seem to be closely connected to what happens in the brain.

The exercise looks deceptively easy. But Pilates is a mind and body workout with unique benefits for your abs.

Read on to learn the healthiest way to do laundry. (A warning to germaphobes: this story gets graphic.)

From eating monkey brains to drinking blood, man has tried some gnarly ways to extend life. Here are 24 cures our species has attempted through the ages.

Saturated fat is often maligned, but not all fat is created equal. This delicious type of fat actually seems to help protect against type 2 diabetes.

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This Week in Health: Cheat Death, Lose Weight, Do Pilates | - TIME

Feb 24

GPs say patients take offence when told they need to lose weight –

One Surrey GP said: Patients are often resentful when GPs say weight is the cause of their problems.

Some patients have declined to see some of our GPs whom they feel pressurise them about weight, but patients are often more upset at being fat than at the discussion.

But one GP from Berkshire said it was ridiculous for doctors to worry about causing offence.

We have to all stop being so politically correct and if we offend patients, bad luck, said Dr Robert Koefman, from Binfield Surgery, in Bracknell. If weight is the problem tell them so.

East London-based GP Dr Tope Ajayi said that he had seen many patients with chronic knee pain, exacerbated by their heavy weight, yet had hesitated to raise the matter.

He said he had weighed up whether or not it's worth bringing the fact the patient's weight may be contributing to their pain for fear of it negatively affecting my relationship with the patient.

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GPs say patients take offence when told they need to lose weight -

Feb 24

Exercise won’t necessarily help you lose weight, but it will help you … – Los Angeles Times

Hoping to shimmy into those skinny jeans by adding an extra spin class to your workout routine or spending more time on the treadmill?

Sorry, say experts, youre out of luck. Exercise, while enormously beneficial for maintaining a healthy weight, doesnt tend to be effective for shedding pounds. The best way to trim the flab is to minimize the food on your plate.

You cannot outrun a bad diet, as an editorial in the British Journal of Sports Medicine put it.

Yes, exercise would work if you did enough of it its just so much easier to eat less, says James Hill , professor of pediatrics and medicine at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora. It takes mere seconds to scarf a 200-calorie candy bar, but 40 minutes of walking to burn that off. And with weight loss, youre not just trying to break even youre aiming for a calorie deficit.

Some people about 15% of us may even find that exercise makes them much hungrier, countering weight loss goals, says Dr. Tim Church , a professor of preventive medicine at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, La.

But exercise does playa key role: It helps keep weight off once youve lost it. Since 1994, Hill has tracked more than 10,000 people in the National Weight Control Registry who shed an average of 66 pounds each and kept it off for more than five years. Only 9%of them maintain their weight without significant exercise so its possible, but its very rare, Hill says.

For one thing, its hard to cut food calories over the long term. Exercise, on the other hand, burns added calories. It also improves metabolism, including how the body manages blood sugar and appetite. Youre giving yourself a safety margin for those days when you eat a bit too much.

But dontoverestimate that margin, Church warns. Taking the stairs does not earn you a cheeseburger.

In addition to keeping you trim, exercise is good for the heart, the liver and other essential organs, studies show. It even helps the brain by alleviating depression and anxiety, and by warding off cognitive decline later in life.

You name it, exercise helps it, Church says.

Hill says those whove lost a lot of weight and dont want to regain it should exercise for70 minutes a day. (People who were never obese can get away with less yes, life is unfair.) That could include planned workouts like going to the gym, but also casual activities like walking around a mall or playing Pokemon Go.

Figure out what works for you, Church says.

See the original post here:
Exercise won't necessarily help you lose weight, but it will help you ... - Los Angeles Times

Feb 24

Stress could make it harder to lose weight, new study finds – Washington Times

A new study has found a link between chronic stress and difficulty in losing weight.

The research by a team of British researcher looked at levels of cortisol, a stress hormone naturally produced by the body, as stored in hair samples from test subjects.

We found levels of cortisol in the hair to be positively and significantly correlated to larger waist circumference and higher body mass index or BMI, lead researcher Sarah Jackson of the Institute of Epidemiology and Health at University College London said, CBS News reported. These results provide consistent evidence that chronic stress is associated with higher levels of obesity.

The study does not establish a causal link and further study with younger test subjects may be warranted.

The study had nearly all white participants and was conducted among an older population, significant because age and race are factors in cortisol levels, CBS reported.

As indicated in the paper, measurements of hair cortisol reflect exposure over the past several months, obesity researcher Susan Fried, who did not work on the study, told CNN in an email. But the obesity in the people studied likely developed many years earlier. Thus, these high hair cortisol values may simply reflect social or biological stress associated with being obese.

It is possible, for example, that the social stigma that people with obesity often endure may cause mental stress and hence high cortisol levels, Ms. Fried added.

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Stress could make it harder to lose weight, new study finds - Washington Times

Feb 24

7 women on what it’s really like to lose over 100 pounds –




Losing weight whether its 20 pounds or 200 is incredibly difficult. People who successfully do it and keep it off transform their lives, not just for the short term, but forever. Healthy eating and exercise remain a big part of their lives.

While most people expect to eat new foods and start exercise routines, they experience many surprising changes.

These seven women share 13 things they wish they knew before losing at least 100 pounds.

As soon as Jamie Lanigan who dropped 145 pounds thanks in part to a lunch club at work started losing weight, she happily donated her clothes to charity. But she regrets not keeping a pair of pants she wore when she weighed 400 pounds.

I really wish I kept one pair of pants from my start weight so I could have a tangible reminder of how far Ive come. Some days, sticking to the plan is a bit more of a challenge than other days, so having that symbol of your hard work could help you keep your goals in sight, she told TODAY, via email.

After five years of watching her diet, participating in a lunch club and working out almost every day of the week, Jamie Laingan lost 145 pounds.

Using food to comfort herself after the deaths of her mother and husband meant Justine McCabe's weight ballooned to 313 pounds. She realized she needed to drop pounds to be healthier. To stay motivated, she snapped a selfie every day, and with diet and exercise, she lost 128 pounds to weigh 185.

But she became obsessed with being healthy.

I wasn't aware how easily you could swap one eating disorder for another, McCabe said. I became so engrossed in my efforts that it was all I could see and it clouded my ability to realize how far I'd already come. It created a very powerful cycle of over training, binge eating and body dysmorphia.

She spent several months focusing on her self-worth and finding balance. Today, she feels happy with herself.

After getting stuck in a turnstile at Disneyland because she weighed 510 pounds, Jacqueline Adan started her weight-loss journey, dropping 350 pounds in four and a half years. But thinking about losing over 300 pounds felt daunting. She wishes someone told her to focus on the little wins.

Take it one day at a time, one pound at a time, she said. Focus on making a lifestyle change, not just a quick way to lose weight.

At her heaviest, Jacqueline Adan weighed more than 500 pounds..

Misty Mitchell lost 143 pounds after quitting drinking, cutting carbs and exercising. She knew shed be shopping for new clothes, but had no idea weight loss changed just about everything.

My skin cleared up, I am no longer a shade of pink, my heels arent cracked, my hair is coming in thicker, she said. You get your body back You feel healthy and pain-free again.

After realizing she could eliminate the medications she took for high blood pressure, cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes if she shed some weight, NaTasha Glaspy started going to the local YMCA. In two years, she lost 160 pounds and some friends with bad habits.

My relationships with old friends have changed mainly because we don't do the things we used to do, like go eat, she said. Most (of my new friends) are really into a healthy lifestyle and fitness.

After NaTasha Glaspy lost 160 pounds she no longer relied on medications for high blood pressure, cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.

Betsy Ayala failed to shed the baby weight after having her daughter, but reading a nasty text exchange about her weight motivated her to change her eating habits and start exercising. In three years, she went from 262 to 157, shedding 105 pounds. While she feels confident today, not everyone supported Ayala.

Not everyone is going to be happy that you are a better version of you. Sometimes, people are comfortable with who you were before and when you find a new happiness or you change, sometimes people react in different ways, she said. I think some people feel left behind.

RELATED: 7 steps that helped this woman lose 225 pounds at age 63

When she weighed 300 pounds, no one noticed Misty Mitchell. Since losing weight, strangers approach her.

I can feel people look at me all the time and its because I look good and it feels nice to feel that energy again, to have people smile back when you smile at them, for people to start up conversations with you," she said. "Im not invisible anymore."

Misty Mitchell cut alcohol out of her diet and lost 137 pounds.

When NaTasha Glaspy began losing weight, she thought her body held her back. But she soon realized it was her brain creating the roadblocks.

Your mind will put a limit on what you are capable of. Challenging yourself is also very important, she said. To continuously see results, you have to advance your workouts and leave your comfort zone.

After making a New Years resolution to lose weight, Lexi Reed lost 236 pounds in a year, with the help of her husband, Danny, who lost 62 pounds. While she knows shes experienced a great transformation, she still forgets she fits on roller coaster and airplane seats, or booths at restaurants.

I don't feel I've had many bad experiences since losing weight other than the struggles of not realizing mentally how much smaller I am sometimes and still questioning if I can fit, she said.

In 2016 for a New Year's resolution, Lexi Reed and her husband, Danny, vowed to lose weight and get healthy. After a year, they lost a combined 298 pounds, with Danny shedding 62 pounds and Lexi dropping 236.

Justine McCabe noticed many people think they need to be a certain weight and arbitrarily pick a number to reach. She did that, too. But she soon realized being healthy felt more fulfilling.

A number doesn't translate into happiness, she said. I would advise anyone to really listen to their own body and needs, and not compare themselves with anyone else.

By taking a selfie a day, Justine McCabe watched herself transform from obese to fit.

Betsy Ayala agrees:

I also wish people told me not to obsess too much on the numbers, she said. When I was at my lowest, I was a senior in high school and I was around 150 pounds and I was a size 10, so I kept on thinking I want to be 150 Now I'm 157 pounds and Im a size 8; it's not so much about the number on the scale, it's about how you feel.

After losing 350 pounds, Jacqueline Adan has skin hanging off her body. She never expected this would still impact how she feels.

It hurts, she said. There are still some days I feel fat and like that girl I was before. I still get pointed at and laughed at and called fat because of the way my skin looks. That is definitely something I never would have imagined would still happen after losing 350 pounds.

RELATED: Man loses 176 pounds and transforms his life

What you eat makes a huge difference with weight loss. But it seems easier to add more workouts than give up fatty food.

I wish that someone would have told me from the beginning how important nutrition is with exercise. It took me about four months to really learn what nutritional lifestyle changes would work with my body, NaTasha Glaspy said.

Some weeks, the number on the scale doesnt move. Or the crunches aren't flattening that belly. That's OK. Everyone's been there; failure is part of losing weight.

Ive had ups and downs, a few injuries and setbacks happened, but I put trust in the process and I try to remain consistent with developing healthy habits. Its the consistency through the setbacks that have helped me get closer to my goals, said Jamie Lanigan.

Justine McCabe agreed.

No one gets into this kind of journey without struggling, she said. "It's never a straight trajectory to success."

For more stories like this, check out our My Weight-Loss Journey page for inspiration.

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7 women on what it's really like to lose over 100 pounds -

Feb 24

Chubby Tigers Chasing Drones: The Latest in Diet Technology – New York Magazine

Ad will collapse in seconds CLOSE February 23, 2017 02/23/2017 1:17 p.m. By Madison Malone Kircher


The Harbin Siberian Tiger Park in China is trying something new to help slim down some of its overweight tigers: drones. This sounds like a great idea, in theory, until you actually execute it, and have a dozen or so very large Siberian tigers chasing a drone through the snow, and then batting it to the ground. The tigers gather round the drone carcass in what looks like an attempt to try to eat it, but scamper away once the downed machine begins to smoke.

One too low flight plan aside, this seems like a pretty foolproof weight-loss method, and the tigers seem to enjoy chasing the drone around the sanctuary. Now, to figure out how to replicate this with humans, launch it on Kickstarter, and make a gazillion dollars.

Update 02/23/17 5:30 p.m.: As reported by Motherboard, the Harbin Siberian Tiger Park is apparently a known slaughter farm which specializes in contraband like tiger bone, meat, pelts, and a specialty called bone wine.

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You might have thought you were done with Uptown Funk video edits this side of 2014. You thought wrong.

Its been exactly a year since Facebook introduced reaction emoji.

The end of SHA-1 is nigh, if that means anything to you.

Its time to bust out your flute.

Merriam-Webster is not here for Kellyanne Conways definition of feminism.

Facebook released 200 different flag options you can choose.

Remember printers?

A great idea until the tigers pawed the drone from the air and tried to eat it.

A new developer tool uses machine learning to identify toxic comments.

Dont want a customs agent looking through your Twitter DMs? Heres how.

Justin Bai just wanted to know about the origin of the Rolodex emoji; instead, he discovered something bigger.

Imagine the looping-video possibilities.

The 24/7 stream is sponsored by the Icelandic Cat Protection Society and features a dollhouse full of kittens.

Sleeping pills combined with internet access, what could possibly be better?

Finally, a way to share even more photos.

Many Americans have replaced work hours with game play and ended up happier. Which wouldnt surprise most gamers.

Dylan is in fourth grade and believes communism is the future of the United States.

The controversy-courting figure nets another loss.

Uber with wings.

Ex-employee Susan Fowler documented everything during her time at the company, but management still found ways to deny her claims.

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Chubby Tigers Chasing Drones: The Latest in Diet Technology - New York Magazine

Feb 24

How to lose weight according to a diet writer – – Atlanta Journal Constitution

For 10 years, Ive been the force, which simplifies the weight-loss process into practical, sustainable behaviors that help you lose weight and actually keep it off. It hasnt always been easy, but I believed enough in my program to quit my comfortable job for it. Ive since made a career out of working with clients who have "tried everything" but just havent managed to keep the weight off. One client had attempted 16 different programs before finding success with me.

The truth is, you can lose weight with almost any program, butsustainingthat weight loss is a different story altogether. My program has been a success because clients can fly the nest after acquiring the necessary skillsI dont want anyone to come back as repeat business. Here the top weight-loss strategies that make myclients so successful.

Tension relief is one of the top reasons we overeat and make poor food choices. When something causes us to feel tense, we seek to alleviate that feeling often with overly indulgent food and drinks. As we get older, we make less time for fun, which leads to burnout.

What defines fun for you? Consider signing up for art classes, salsa lessons, volunteering, board games, meditation, yoga, even cookinghealthier spins on your favorite foods. Focusing on fun might sound trite, but there's a good reason my most successful clients create time for it: The more fun we have, the less we'll rely on food and drink to create it for us.

...what youre craving is avoidance. When we indulge, were after theexperience of eatingthe escape and distraction. So when you want to eat an entire pint of ice cream, what youre really after is that sense of reward. But food wont give you what you're truly looking for, so when youre craving something that will hamper your goals, ask yourself: "If I could use amagic button to change something in my life right now, what would I use it for?" This will help you identify whatsreally bothering you. For example, if youre unhappy with your career, or youre seeking a better relationship with your partner, identifying these issues will help you map out a plan of action instead of covering up a desire with temporary relief in the form of dessert.

You know how some people can work their butts off in the gymeven with a trainerand they dont end up looking any different? You can't out-exercise a poor diet; what you do between exercise matters most. While exercise is the key to energy and a better mood, diet is the key to weight loss.

We often have to battle between our short-term, irrational mind and our long-term, rational mind. When were hungry, stressed, or tired, its harder to make good choices. Besides, when was the last time you were "in the mood" for grilled chicken and vegetables when you felt ravenous? Sure, you might not always follow through with your healthy-eating plans, but the chances youll do so increase dramatically when youactually have a plan in the first place. You dont get any bonus points for using heroic willpower rather than simple planning, so why not make it easier on yourself? My most successful clients always have healthy food ready to go in the fridgethis just makes good choices easier.

This might sound like common sense, but its not common practice. You cant expect tostick with a plan that wont work in the long run, but people keep attempting absurd fad diets. Forget about them! You can only follow a cookie, shake, grapefruit, cabbage, no-carb, and no-fun diet for so longand my most successful clients avoid these diets. Before you start any weight-loss program, ask yourself, "Can I see myself eating like this in five years from now?" If the answer is no, then the diet youre thinking about starting isnt going to work. Give yourself a chance to succeed from the start.

One of the top reasons people are overweight is because they eat when they're emotionally hungry, not physically hungry. Physical hunger comes on gradually and can be satisfied with any food. It passes what I call the "Broccoli Test."

Emotional hunger comes on suddenly. It feels urgent and is marked by specific food cravings. You can have snack after snack, and nothing hits the spot. This is because you're not hungry for foodyou're hungry for something else. So when youre about to eat, pause and ask yourself, "Am I hungry or am I eating to change the way I feel?" This will allow you to catch yourself if you're about to eat for emotional reasons, not out of true hunger.

Ill never forget when a client told me that before starting one of her many failed diet attempts, she was told to sign a contract stating shed never indulge inany of her favorite desserts again. If only it were that easythats like saying "Dont be sad" to someone whos depressed. Its ridiculous. Never indulging again isnt sustainable... or even desirable.

You should eat treats when theyre special to you. My rule is that your special indulgence should pass the "Will I remember this in two weeks?" test. Most of the indulgences we eat arent remarkabletheyre bags of chips or boxes of stale-tasting cookies from a convenience store. The idea is to make the most of routine meals and indulge when its truly worth your while. Wait for a memorable treat like a high-quality pastry from your favorite shop.

The real secret to sustainable weight loss is that there is no secret. It's about eating well, exercising and doing these consistently. Understanding what gets in the way of consistencyand how to be more steady in your effortsis the only way to stick with a plan and get the results you really want.

Adam Gilbert is the founder, an online program that solves the lack of consistency faced by chronic dieters. You can follow Adam on hisblog,Instagram, andTwitter.

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How to lose weight according to a diet writer - - Atlanta Journal Constitution

Feb 23

Don’t Even Think of Cutting Out This Food If You Want to Lose Weight – Reader’s Digest


Before you purge the cupboards of crackers and toss out everything in the fridge that isnt celery in preparation for a new diet, youll want to pause long enough to take note of a new study. While its tempting to banish carbs completely, as many trendy diets advocate, a team at Tufts University in Boston has found that people who ate whole grains absorbed fewer calories from their foodan amount equivalent to nearly a cookie a day.

In the study, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the Tufts researcher team found that swapping white rice for brown rice and whole grain cereal for more sugary options, increased calorie loss. Before you scoff and saytheyd lose even more if they cut carbs completely!it might surprise you to learn that the whole grains they ate reduced the amount of calories they absorbed during digestion and also sped up their metabolism. (Find out why low-carb diets arent the answer.)

The researchers observed 81 men and women, aged 40 to 65, over a six-week study period. Participants were divided into two groupsthose eating whole grains such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, and whole-grain pasta, and those eating more refined grains, including white bread, white rice, and regular pasta. They even underwent blood testing to make sure they werent straying from their assigned grains group. Tufts researchers provided all of the food for study participants so they could ensure that nothing else in their diet was changed except for the type of grains, and its worth noting that participants consumed much of the sugar and fat that an American diet usually includes.

At the end of the six weeks, Dr. Karl reported that the differences in calorie intake were measurable. The men and women who ate whole grains took in fewer calories a day than their counterparts who ate the same diet with American-style processed grains. The change in grains could add up to a loss of 5 pounds a year, though researchers werent measuring weight loss in this investigation. People who were eating whole grains compared to people who were eating refined grains had a larger excretion of energy in the stools, so they were not absorbing as many of the calories that they were eating, Phil Karl, PhD, who worked on the study, told NBC News. They were going more, pooping more frequently, and in larger volumes. Potentially, they were not digesting as much energy from their diet.

The research team attributes that effect to the fact that the greater amount of fiber in whole grains is not digested, and in turn, it can pull out other undigested foods with it, according to Dr. Karl.

There was about 100 calories per day difference in energy deficit in the whole grain group, Dr. Karl said. There also seemed to be a slight difference in resting metabolism, how many calories a person burns while sitting still, as the whole-grain eaters had a slightly faster metabolism.

Researchers admit that human weight loss and weight gain is not an exact science, but their findings could prove significant in helping people slow the steady weight gain that often occurs as we age.

In order to take advantage of the benefits of the study for yourself, simply swap out your favorite carbohydrates for whole grain versions and include more whole grains in your diet in your general. Go for brown rice, barley, buckwheat, bulgur, whole oats, whole grain oatmeal, and even things like whole corn tortillas.(Also check out the ancient grains that are on their way to becoming the next quinoa.) Look for brands with whole in front of the first ingredient, and make sure they have at least three grams of fiber per serving. Here are more tips on how to include whole grains in your diet.

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Don't Even Think of Cutting Out This Food If You Want to Lose Weight - Reader's Digest

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