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How to Lose Weight Fast | 2017

There is an old saying You are what you eat. In practical terms, that means 80% of your weight gain is contributed to your nutrition habits.
Other contributors are a sedentary lifestyle, an absence of activity, lack of sleep, anxiety, depression and sometimes a hormonal imbalance. Surprisingly, this bunch of important factors covers only 20% of the problem.
Just think:
What you put into your mouth is significantly more important in terms of weight loss, health and longevity than working out. Four times more, actually. Not the contrary.
This rule is universal. It does not matter if you are a male or a female. This does apply to you.
Yes, there are certain cases (in fact, less than 7%) when it is hormone disruptions that lead to fat deposits.
The truth is:
Those problems, as well as most other health problems, are rooted in bad nutrition.
Unbelievable, but approximately 92% of people who start losing fat, hopelessly throw up their hands in the first two weeks.
Why? They have the wrong and destructive opinion that losing weight is a difficult, scary and disgusting thing and is not for them.
But its absolute trash.
You dont have to exhaust yourself to dizziness on a treadmill or do 700 push-ups a week.
Your first step is to walk to a local Burger King or McDonalds and stuff yourself with the biggest hamburger ever. With the biggest French fries and an ice-cold cup of Coca-Cola (Im not joking).
Then come back home and feel the fluids of happiness running through your whole body. Great job!
Your weight loss journey has just begun. Enjoy the comfort of your chair and the warmth inside of you and go on reading this article
Lets go deep into the process of how your body turns food and liquids, which keep coming from your mouth into the stomach, into energy. Thisis called metabolism.
Metabolismis converting proteins, carbs and fats intoenergy so that your body works properly. To put it even more simple: metabolism is an ability of your body to produce energy.
This brings us to the point:
The main reason why we CONSUME FOODis to have energy for LIVING.
We eat to live, not the contrary.
Remember this golden rule when you are about to set your lips to a creamy muffin.
According to a recent 2015 study of Phoenix Epidemiology and Clinical Research Branch, the thrifty metabolism may really prevent you from losing fat.
The speedierthe metabolic rate, the less timeis needed to transformcalories into energy, and the more, consequently,you lose weight.
80% of fatgain is not caused by your metabolism. It is due to your eating habits. The other 20% is left for lack of movement, sleep, stress, hormonal disturbances and, yes, slow metabolism.
When you overeat, your metabolism slows down to be able to handle the insane calorie supply burst. If it didnt, you would be burnt down by the huge amount ofheatreleased after eating.
Therefore, calories which cannot be utilizedfor vital activity are consequently stored in your belly, butt andthighs.
You can help your body convert calories into energy and lose weight much faster. You just need to introduce certain weight loss techniques into your diet pill regimen. They are really simple to memorize.
Knowing and exercising them, you can lose as much weightas you want.
Calorie counting is the worst weight loss method that is available to you when you try to lose your stubborn fat.
It is almost impossible to estimate how many calories each individual needs for daily activity.
For example, I need 2,500 calories a day while you may need only 1,800.
It depends on a variety of factors. Metabolic rate is the most important of them.
Just think of it:
Is your nutritionist able to tell you exactly how many calories are used for each separate process? Absolutely not.
Calorie-counting prevents people from working out at all.
Imagine spending 60 dreadful minutes on a treadmill to burn 400 ridiculous calories (one Big Mac is around 2,000 calories). Finally, you will quit.
Its much better to switch to healthy meals that do not need any calorie counting.
Now you need to stop weighing yourself on a scale and looking at the mirror.
No scale will give you an objective view of yourself.
Why? 1 pound of fat versus 1 pound of muscle looks insanely different (see the picture). It is even more essential for those who target losing fat and gaining muscles simultaneously.
When you see yourself in the mirror on a daily basis, you start to think that there is no progress in weight loss at all. However, this is because your brain adjusts to your current image and does not remember how you looked even 5 days ago.
What can never lie to you is your camera.
To keep you motivated, you should take 1 photo of yourself 2 times per week. At first, it might look stupid or useless to you, but only until you see the first real progress captured in each photo.
This technique is extremely important.
Lets go back to metabolism.
As we said, 10% of energy you consume daily is used for digesting food itself. Its called thermic effect of food.
During each meal intake, the amount of energy that is used for digesting is approximately the same.
Its unbelievable but:
It does not matter if you eat a piece of cheesecake (500 calories) or a Big Mac (2,000 calories), the thermic effect (amount of energy you need to burn them) is absolutely the same.
When you break your daily intake into 5-6 small (9-10 oz. or 250 g each) portions instead of 2-3 big ones, you kill three birds with one stone:
Are you confused about where to get those 5-6 daily portions?
You can simply cook once for 2-3 days and fill your refrigerator with food for each intake (in plastic boxes).
Again, you will obviously want to cheat yourself and eat something like chips or a muffin. Its OK.
But what if you are already used to eating small portions? A small cake or a muffin will definitely do less harm to your shape than 2-3 ones.
As we already said: You are what you eat.
Do you want to be a stinking box full of waste and toxins? Definitely NO!
You cannot allow yourself to eat monotonous food poor in healthy nutrients.
Let your diet be as diversely colorful and rich as possible full of proteins, slow carbs, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.
Stop eating outside, specifically oil-fried food. If you dont know how to cook (or dont like to), you have to learn. Google is full of healthy and tasty recipes. If you are consistent, your cooking skills can reach a level of art.
We could talk for hours about what you should eat or not to lose weight and keep the results.
There are some simple rules you must follow to get the best results.
Examples: A whole orange is better and healthier than boxed orange juice. Mashed potato is healthier than French fries (but is worse than a baked one). Home-cooked chicken breast is better than McNuggets.
They nourish your body with healthy acids that are extremely important for your vital functions. These are fast carbs, such as sugar, white wheat, agave syrup, and a specific type of processed fats called trans fats (campaign for banning trans fats) that accumulate in your tissues in the form of fat cells.
Therefore: We strongly insist that you eat more products with natural poly- and monounsaturated fat.
And again: Focus on what you eat.
For many trying to lose weight, this technique is the most important one.
It is for those men and women who eat emotionally, not physically.
They treat food mostly as a drug or a temporary solution to their emotional problems (depression, anxiety and fear) caused by financial situations or relationships, for example.
Indeed, specific types of food can act like highly addictive drugs, causing release of serotonin (hormone of happiness) and easing emotional pain.
Scientists know that. This is why obese people dont stop overeating, gain more weight and crave more food. All they do is increase the dosage.
If it is you:
What can really help you is beyond any nutritionists advice or a weight loss plan.
The solution to the problem lies inside of you.
All you need to do is to address emotionally the root of your craving.
Do I want to eat that cake because I am really hungry or is it just an emotional trigger caused by the job I lost or my divorce?
Keep asking yourself such questions before you eat. Train your willpower and the problem will consequently go away by itself.
If it doesnt help, find a therapist or consider getting an efficient appetite suppressant (see below).
80% of your weight loss problem is purely caused by overeating and poor food and drink intake management, not lack of activity or having a sedentary life.
Therefore, changing your diet is a great way to start losing weight. And if you follow the techniques above, make no mistake, you WILL certainly lose a great deal of weight over time.
The question is, is it enough for people who really need to lose a lot of weight (60+ pounds) quickly? In most cases, the answer is no.
Why is it so difficult?
Because, unfortunately, 87% of people do not have enough willpower to stop themselves from overeating.
Moreover, while diet is the answer, its a long, slow, steady process of losing weight with it.
On top of that:
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How to Lose Weight Fast | 2017
How To Lose Weight FREE Weight Loss Tips For Losing Fat Fast

If I had to guess, Id say the most common goal in the diet and fitness world is weight loss. Nothing else even comes close.
Thats probably why there are thousands of weight loss tips, diets and methods, thousands of programs, plans and products designed for losing weight, and millions of books, websites and articles written about how to lose weight fast.
Its enough to make you head explode. The worst part of all is that most of it is complete crap. Im talking bad information, pointless methods, unproven gimmicks, and just plain old stupid nonsense.
The truth is, losing fat is actually pretty simple, and Im going to explain exactly what you need to do to make it happen as effectively as possible for FREE.
Here now are the only 5 weight loss tips you ever need to hear
Despite how complicated and confusing it all seems, there is literally only one thing you need to do to lose weight. Simply put, you just need to eat less total calories. Thats it.
No matter what youve heard or read or seen before, weight loss is and always will be about calories.
Sure, protein, fat, carbs, different types of foods, supplements, exercise and everything else plays a role to some degree. However, its all secondary to calories. This isnt just an opinion or a guess or a fad its a scientifically proven fact.
Eating less calories (therefore creating a caloric deficit) is the one and only requirement for losing weight. Got that? Good. No other weight loss tip matters if you fail to get this part right. Dont ever forget that or let the other less important stuff get in your way of making this happen.
Well, it works like this. There is a certain number of calories that you need to eat each day in order to maintain your current weight. This is known as your calorie maintenance level.
Its the amount of calories your body burns each day through a combination of activity (walking, standing, moving, etc.) and keeping you alive and functioning (pumping blood, digesting food, breathing, etc.).
Why is this the most important aspect of how to lose weight? Simple
So, losing weight is just a matter of consistently eating less calories than you burn. Theres honestly nothing more to it than that.
Which means, if youre not losing weight now (or at any point in the future), youre just eating too many calories. Its not the type of foods, or the amount of carbs, or any other silly crap. Its calories.
This brings us to the most important question of all how many calories do you need to eat per day to lose weight as fast as you realistically should? To answer this question, you just need to figure out what your calorie maintenance level is and then eat less than that amount each day.
To do this, just fill out the calorie maintenance level calculator below and click Calculate! to get what should be a pretty fast and accurate estimate.
Calorie Maintenance Calculator
The amount given above is an estimate of how many calories you need to eat per day to MAINTAIN your current weight. In order to lose weight, you need to eat LESS calories than this amount.
How much less? Well, in most cases, you should eat 20% fewer calories per day.
So, whatever maintenance level the calculator estimated for you, figure out what 20% of that amount is and then subtract it from the total. For example, if your estimated maintenance level was 2500 calories (just an example), youd first calculate 20% of 2500 and get 500 (2500 x 0.20 = 500). Then just subtract that 500 from the 2500 total and get 2000.
In this example, this person would need to eat about 2000 calories per day to lose weight as fast as they should. How fast is that? Well
If your calorie intake is indeed accurate, most people should end up losing between 0.5-2 pounds per week.
This is the rate most often recommend by virtually every expert with half a brain. I personally recommend it, too.
Specifically, people with A LOT of weight to lose should end up losing closer to 2 pounds (or maybe more early on) per week. People with A LITTLE bit of weight to lose should end up losing closer to 0.5-1 pound per week. People with an AVERAGE amount of weight to lose should end up losing between 1-2 pounds per week.
To make sure this is happening correctly, weigh yourself at least once per week (always first thing in the morning on an empty stomach) and make sure weight loss is taking place as fast as it should be.
Basically, your goal is to make weight loss happen at the ideal rate I described. If it is, youre perfect. If its not, then just make a small adjustment to your calorie intake, wait a week or two, and see what your weight does then. Is it decreasing at the ideal rate now? If so, keep eating that amount of calories. If not, adjust again until it is.
If youve ever been confused about how to lose weight, this is the point when you need to sit back and smile. You now know EXACTLY what you need to do.
The following weight loss tips will definitely be helpful too, but this first tip is one that matters most. Remember that.
Calories are always the most important aspect of losing weight, but after that its protein.
As Ive explained before (High Protein Diet), protein plays 3 very important roles in the weight loss process:
So, how much protein should you eat to get these fat loss benefits? Well, this depends on whether or not you will be doing any form of exercise (weight training, cardio or both).
(If you are significantly overweight, you should use your target body weight instead of your current body weight when calculating your protein intake. So, a 350lb person looking to get down to 250lbs would use 250lbs as their weight. If you have a more average amount of weight to lose, use your current weight.)
Common high protein foods include chicken, turkey, fish, lean cuts of meat, eggs and protein supplements.
When the question of how to lose weight comes up, exercise is almost always one of the first answers given.
The thing is, the type of exercise people usually talk about is cardio, not weight training. You know, stuff like like jogging or riding a bike.
Why? Because cardio is the form of exercise that burns the most calories. Remember the first weight loss tip on this list? You know eat less calories? Well, another way of creating that same effect is by burning more calories.
For this reason, cardio can definitely be useful for losing weight. The problem is, people tend to grossly overestimate the amount calories they burn during cardio (its much less than people think), and its just so much quicker and easier to eat less calories than it is to get on a treadmill and burn that same amount of calories on a daily basis.
For this reason, cardio is completely optional for losing weight. I recommend making weight loss happen primarily through your diet, and then, if you want to (or just prefer to), use cardio as a secondary part of the overall picture. (Additional info here: Best Time To Do Cardio For Weight Loss)
On the other hand, I think weight training should be a requirement. Why? Well, theres a few reasons:
Convinced? You should be. Of course, now youre probably wondering how to create the best weight training routine. Its okay, I got you covered. My guide to Workout Routines is the best place to start.
Once again, the most important part of how to lose weight is your diet, and the most important part of your diet is calories. After that, its protein.
As for everything after that, here now are some additional weight loss tips for getting the rest of your diet right:
Beyond all of the above, here are the only other weight loss tips truly worth mentioning
You now know exactly how to lose weight as effectively and (realistically) fast as possible. All thats left for you to do now is put it all together perfectly and actually do it! Of course, for most people, thats the hardest part.
What I mean is, you probably still have some additional questions about designing the weight loss diet and workout that will work as quickly and easily for you as possible. You may also just want some help doing it. Well, after nearly 10 years of people asking for it, Ive finally created the solution.
Its called The Ultimate Fat Loss & Muscle Building Guide, and in it I provide every additional answer, detail and fact you will ever need to get the best results as fast as possible. It contains the proven diet and workout system Ive used to help countless men and women lose fat permanently and completely transform their bodies.
Ready to do the same? Then go here to learn all about it: The Ultimate Fat Loss & Muscle Building Guide
Read the original here:
How To Lose Weight FREE Weight Loss Tips For Losing Fat Fast
Lose Weight, Miami Weight Loss Diet Medical Center

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Lose Weight, Miami Weight Loss Diet Medical Center
How to Lose Weight – Diet Doctor

Do you have trouble losing weight? Or would you like to lose faster? Youve finally come to exactly the right place.
The sad truth is that conventional ideas eat less, run more do not work long term. Counting calories, exercising for hours every day and trying to ignore your hunger? Thats needless suffering and it wastes your time and precious willpower. Its weight loss for masochists. Eventually almost everyone gives up. Thats why we have an obesity epidemic.
Fortunately theres a better way. Get ready for effortless weight loss. li The bottom line? Your weight is hormonally regulated. All thats necessary is reducing your fat-storing hormone, insulin, and youll effortlessly lose excess weight.
Below is a practical step-by-step guide to do exactly that.
Are you ready? Here we go.
Start at the top of the list (most important) and go down as far as you need. Klick on any tip to read all about it. Perhaps you only need the first piece of advice?
Eighteen tips too many for you? Check out this new high-quality video course with the five most important ones. Sign up for free updates and youll get instant access to it:
or keep reading below for all 18.
If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and starch (like bread). This is an old idea: For 150 years or more there have been an infinite number of weight-loss diets based on eating less carbs. Whats new is that dozens of modern scientific studies have proven that, yes, low carbis the most effective way to lose weight.
Obviously its still possible to lose weight on any diet just eat less calories than you burn, right? The problem with this simplistic advice is that it ignores the elephant in the room: Hunger. Most people dont like to just eat less, i.e. being hungry forever. Thats dieting for masochists. Sooner or later a normal person will give up and eat, hence the prevalence of yo-yo dieting.
The main advantage of low carb diets is that they cause you to want to eat less. Even without counting calories most overweight people eat far fewer calories on low carb. Sugar and starch may increase your hunger, avoiding it may decrease your appetite to an adequate level. If your body wants to eat an appropriate number of calories you dont need to bother counting them. Thus: Calories count, but you dont need to count them.
A 2012 study also showed that people on a low carb dietburned 300 more calories a day while resting!According to one of the Harvard professors behind the study this advantagewould equal the number of calories typically burned in an hour of moderate-intensity physical activity. Imagine that: an entire bonus hour of exercise every day, without actually doing it.
Bottom line: A low carb diet reduces your hunger and makes it easier to eat less. And it might even increase your fat burning at rest. Study after study show that low carb is the smart way to lose weight and that it improves important health markers.
Do you want to watch a new high-quality 11-minute video course on how to eat low-carb, high-fat (LCHF)? And about the most important things to think about? Sign up for free updates and youll get instant access to it:
Do you want to know more about exactly what to eat on low carb, exactly how to do it, potential problems and solutions and lots of great recipes?
Start here: LCHF for Beginners
Dont be hungry. The most common mistake when starting a low carb diet: Reducing carb intake while still being afraid of fat. The problem is that carbs and fat are the bodys two main energy sources.It needs at least one. Low carb AND low fat = starvation
Avoiding both carbs and fat results in hunger, cravings and fatigue. Sooner or later people cant stand it and give up. The solution is toeat more natural fat until you feel satisfied. For example:
Always eat enough, so that you feel satisfied, especially in the beginning of the weight-loss process.Doing this on a low carb diet means that the fat you eat will be burned as fuel by your body, as your levels of the fat storing hormone insulin will be lowered. Youll become a fat burning machine. Youll lose excess weight without hunger.
Do you still fear saturated fat? Dont. The fear of saturated fat is based on obsolete theories that have beenproven incorrect by modern science. Butter is a fine food. However, feel free to eat mostly unsaturated fat (e.g. olive oil, avocado, fatty fish) if you prefer. This could be called a Mediterranean low carb diet andworks great too.
Eating when hungry also implies something else:If youre not hungry you probably dont need to eat yet. When on a LCHF diet you can trust your feelings of hunger and satiety again. Feel free to eat as many times per day that works best for you.
Some people eat three times a day and occasionallysnackin between (note that frequent snacking could mean that youd benefit from adding fat to your meals, to increase satiety).Some people only eat once or twice a day and never snack. Whatever works for you. Just eat when youre hungry.
Read More about Why Eating When Hungry is Smarter than Counting Calories
On a low-carb diet you should aim to eat when hungry (see tip #2 above). And if youre not hungry? Dont eat. Nothing slows down weight loss more than frequently eating a lot of food that you do not need. This, in fact, is so important that its worth this section of its own.
Unnecessary snacking can be a problem on LCHF too. Some things are easy to eat just because theyre tasty and easily available. Here are three common traps to watch out for on LCHF:
Do you have to eat breakfast? No, of course not. Dont eat if youre not hungry. And this goes for any meal.
On a strict LCHF diet the hunger and urge to eat tends to decrease a lot, especially if you have excess weight to lose. Your body may behappilyburning your fat stores, reducing the need to eat.
If this happens, be happy! Dont fight it by eating food you dont want. Instead wait for the hunger to return before you eat again. This will save you both time and money, while speeding up your weight loss.
Some people fear that they will lose control if they dont eat every three hours, thus making them eat thousands of calories and blowing their diets completely. So they obsessively snack all the time.
This obsessive snacking may be necessary on a diet high in sugar/processed carbs to control hunger cravings, but itsusually completely unnecessary on an LCHF diet. Hunger will only slowly return and youll have plenty of time to prepare food or grab a snack.
To lose weight quickly and sustainably: Eat when youre hungry but only when youre hungry.Forget the clock and listen to your body instead.
Learn more in these videos:
Tracking successful weight loss is sometimes trickier than youd think. Focusing only on weight and stepping on the scale every day might be misleading, cause unnecessary anxiety and undermine your motivation for no good reason.
The scale is not necessarily your friend. You may want to lose fat but the scale measures muscles, bone and internal organs as well. Gaining muscle is a good thing. Thus weight orBMIare imperfect ways to measure your progress. This is especially trueif youre just coming off a long period of semi-starvation (calorie counting), as your body may want to restore lost muscles etc. Starting weight training and gaining muscle can also hide your fat loss.
Losing fat and gaining muscles is great progress, but you may miss this if you only measure your weight. Thus its smart to also track the disappearance of your belly fat, by measuring yourwaist circumference.
Heres how to do it:
Compare your result to these recommendations:
I recommend aiming for excellent but its not always realistic. Young people can usually achieve this, but for some middle-aged or older women it may be a major victory to get all the way to decent.
I suggest measuring your waist circumference and weight before starting and then perhaps once a week or once a month. Write the results down so that you can track your progress.If you want you can measure more areas: around the buttocks, the chest, the arms, legs, etc.
Note that your weight can fluctuate up and down several pounds from day to day, depending on fluid balance and stomach contents: Dont worry about short term changes, instead follow the long-term trend.
If you can, try tocheck other important health markerswhen starting out, like these:
These markers are almost universally improved on a low carb diet, even before major weight loss. Re-checking these health markers after a few months can be great for your motivation astheyll usually showthat youre not just losing weight, youre gaining health too.
PS:Dont have a measuring tape at home? Try these options:
It usually takes years or decades to gain a lot of weight. Trying to lose it all as quickly as possible by starving yourself rarely works well long-term, thats just the recipe for yo-yo dieting. To succeed you need something that works long term.
Its common to lose2-6 pounds (1-3 kg) within the first weekon a strict low carb diet, and then on average aboutone pound (0.5 kg) per week as long as you have a lot of weight remaining to lose.This translates into about 50 pounds (25 kilos) per year.
Every 5 pounds of fat loss roughly equals 1 inch lost around the waist (1 kilo = 1 cm).
Young males sometimes lose weight quicker than this, perhaps twice as fast. Post-menopausal women may lose at a slightly slower pace. People on a very strict low carb diet may lose weight quicker, as well as those who exercise a lot (a bonus). And if you have an enormous amount of excess weight to lose you could start out much faster.
As you get closer to your ideal weight the loss slows, until you stabilize at a weight that your body feels is right. Hardly anyone gets underweight on a low carb diet as long as they eat when hungry.
Examples: Weight loss stories.
Are you coming off a period of semi-starvation (calorie counting)? Focus on your waist circumference and health markers (see advice #4) at first as it sometimes takes several weeks before weight loss is apparent.
Expect weight loss plateaus: Days or weeks where nothing seems to happen on the scale. Everybody hits them. Stay calm. Keep doing what youre doing and eventually things will start happening again (if not, check the other 16 tips).
Losing a lot of weight long-term and keeping it off forever wont happen unless youchange your habits forever. If you lose weight and then return to living exactly the way did when you gained weight, dont be surprised when the excess weight returns. It will.
Maintaining weight loss requires long-term change and patience. If this doesnt seem possible for you, then youre perhaps more interested inone of these magical diet scams.
Forget quick fixes:If you lose some weight every month, eventually youll get rid of all your excess weight.Thats inevitable progress. Thats what you want.
PS:Long-term change is only hard in the beginning, especially during the first couple of weeks.Its like quitting smoking.Once you develop new habits it becomes easier and easier every week. Eventually it comes naturally.
Keep reading!
This is a tip that goes for men as well, of course, but eating fruit is a more common obstacle for women trying to lose weight.
This advice is controversial as fruit has an almost magical health aura today. People may believe that fruit is nutritious butunfortunatelyfruit contains a lot of sugar around 10% by weight (the rest is mostly water). Just taste an orange or a grape. Sweet, right?
Five servings of fruit per day is equivalent to the amount of sugar in 16 ounces of soda (500 ml). Contrary to what many people believe the sugar is more or less identical (about 50% glucose, 50% fructose).
Sugar from fruit can shut down fat burning. This can increase your hunger and slow your weight loss.For best results avoid fruit or enjoy it occasionally as a treat.
Bottom line:Fruit is candy from nature.
Most people believe that fruit is natural, but todays fruit in the supermarket have very little in common with what fruit used to look like before. Theres way more sugar in modern domesticated fruit.
What Fruits and Vegetables Looked like Before
This applies to women too, but men drink more beer on average. Beer contains rapidly digested carbsthat shut down fat burning. Thats why beer is sometimes referred to as liquid bread. Theres a good reason for the term beer belly.
Here aresmarter alcoholic optionsfor losing weight:
These drinks hardly contain any sugar/carbohydrates so theyre better than beer. However, large amounts of alcohol might slow weight loss somewhat, so moderation is still a good idea.
LowCarbAlcohol theBest and the Worst
Many people replace sugar with artificial sweeteners in the belief that this will reduce their calorie intake and cause weight loss. It sounds plausible. Several studies, however, have failed to show any positive effect on weight loss by consuming artificial sweeteners instead of plain sugar.
Instead, according to scientific studies,artificial sweeteners canincrease appetite and maintain cravings for sweet food. And one recent independent study showed that switching drinks with artificial sweeteners to water clearly helped women lose weight:
Study: Avoiding Diet Beverages Helps Women Lose Weight
This could be because the body increases insulin secretion in anticipation that the sugar will appear in the blood. When this doesnt happen, blood sugar drops and hunger increases. Whether this chain of events regularly take place is somewhat unclear. Something odd happened when I tested Pepsi Max though, and there are well-designed studies showing increased insulin when using artificial sweeteners.
Furthermore, artificial sweeteners can maintain an addiction to sweets and lead to snack cravings. And the long term effects of consuming artificial sweeteners are unknown.
Studies claiming to show neutral or positive effects of sweeteners are usually funded by the beverage industry.
By the way, Stevia is marketed as a natural alternative to artificial sweeteners. Thats marketing talk. There is nothing natural abouta processed super-sweet white powder like Stevia.
If youre having trouble losing weight I suggest that you completely avoid sweeteners. As a bonus youll soon start to enjoy the natural sweetness of real food, once youre no longer adapted to the overpowering artificial sweetness of junk food and diet sodas.
23706:35Do you find the idea of avoiding sweeteners almost impossible to imagine? Addiction to sugar and sweet foods is very common, but its possible to become free. Check out our video course with addiction specialist Bitten Jonsson, RN.
Read More about Artificial Sweeteners
Many prescription drugs can stall your weight loss. Discuss any change in treatment with your doctor. Here are the worst three:
These other medications can also cause problems:
Have you ever wished for more hours of sleep, and a less stressful life in general? Most people have and that can be bad news for their weight.
Chronic stress may increase levels of stress hormones such as cortisol in your body. This can cause increased hunger and result in weight gain. If youre looking to lose weight, you should review possible ways to decrease or better handle excessive stress in your life. Although this often demands substantial changes, even altering small things such as posture may immediately affect your stress hormone levels, and perhaps your weight.
You should also make an effort to get enough good sleep, preferably every night. Strive to wake up refreshed of your own accord, independently of the alarm clock. If youre the kind of person who always gets brutally woken up by the alarm ringing, you might never be giving your body adequate rest.
One way to combat this is to go to bed early enough for your body to wake up autonomously before the alarm clock goes off. Letting yourself get a good nights sleep is another way of reducing stress hormone levels.
Sleep deprivation, on the other hand, comes hand in hand with sugar cravings. It also has an adverse effect on self-discipline and makes it painfully easy to give in to temptation (its no coincidence that induced sleep deprivation is a common interrogation technique). Similarly, sleep deprivation weakens your resolve to work out.
Do you have trouble sleeping even if theres ample time for it? Here are five tips from an expert:
Finally, make sure that your bedroom is dark enough, and stays at a pleasant temperature. Sleep well!
Many may find the above guidelines difficult to follow, perhaps because of a lack of time (or the equivalent small children!). But stressing less and sleeping more doesnt just feel good. It can also play a part in helping you get thinner.
Read More About the Benefits of Sleep
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How to Lose Weight - Diet Doctor
How To Lose Weight | How to lose weight | body+soul

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How To Lose Weight | How to lose weight | body+soul
How Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight – Verywell

Doing yoga regularly offers many benefits, including making you feel better about your body as you become stronger and more flexible, toning your muscles, reducing stress, and improving your mental and physical well-being. But how can it help you lose weight?
Practicing any type of yoga will build strength, but studies show that yoga does not raise your heart rate enough to make it the only form of exercise you need to shed pounds.
In order to lose weight, you must eat healthily and burn calories by doing exercise that raises your heart rate on a regular basis. More vigorous yoga styles can provide a better workout than gentle yoga, but if weight loss is your primary goal, you will want to combine yoga with running, walking, or any other aerobic exercise that you enjoy. Still, yoga can play an important role in a weight loss program.
While losing weight can be simplified to a calories in vs. calories out equation, a lot more goes into successfully changing your habits to make healthier choices second nature. Yoga helps by bringing you better in tune with your body, improving your self-image and sense of well-being. Reducing stress and thereby stress eating is another way that yoga can support weight loss. By encouraging a healthy lifestyle, consistent yoga practice makes it more likely that you'll be able to maintain your weight loss.
Perhaps most significantly, yoga's emphasis on listening to your body first and foremost can be a sea change for people who have struggled to shed pounds in the past. Yoga has an important role to play in a holistic approach to weight loss.
If you've never done yoga before, be sure to start with beginner level classes.
You'll burn the most calories in athletic vinyasaclasses. These styles usually start with a fast-paced series of poses called sun salutations, followed by a flow of standing poses which will keep you moving. Once you are warmed up, deeper stretches and backbends are introduced. Vinyasa includes many popular, sweaty yoga styles, such as:
Ashtanga yoga is a very vigorous style of practice and its practitioners are among the most dedicated of yogis. Beginners are often encouraged to sign up for a series of classes, which will help with motivation. Since Ashtanga follows the same series of poses each time, once you learn the sequence, you can practice anytime at home or join a Mysore-style group, in which there is a teacher present but each student goes at their own pace.
Power yoga is extremely popular at gyms and health clubs, though it is widely available at dedicated yoga studios as well. Power yoga is based on building the heat and intensity of Ashtanga while dispensing with fixed series of poses.
Vinyasa yoga done in a hot room ups the ante by guaranteeing youll sweat buckets. Be aware that Bikram and hot yoga are not synonymous. Bikram is a pioneering style of hot yoga, which includes a set series of poses and, indeed, a script developed by founder Bikram Choudhury. These days, there are many other styles of hot yoga that make use of the hot room but not the Bikram series.
Gentle yoga, while burning fewer calories, is still a great way to nurture and care for your body.
You can also do yoga at home on the days you cant make a class. Online yoga video websites make it easy to practice in your own living room.To maximize yoga's benefits, it's great to do a little bit each day.Starting a home meditation practiceis another. Yoga's benefits are both mental and physical, making it an integral part of many successful weight loss regimes.
See the original post here:
How Yoga Can Help You Lose Weight - Verywell
5 Key Strategies for Running to Lose Weight – Verywell

As one of the most vigorous exercises out there, running is an extremely efficient way to burn calories and lose weight. A 150-pound person will burn approximately 100 calories per mile when running. If you're hoping to use running to lose weight, here's some advice on how to be successful.
If you want to lose weight by running, keep in mind that you'll only shed pounds if you burn more calories than you consume.
To lose a pound, you have to burn, through exercise or life functions, about 3,500 calories. So you'll need to combine running with a healthy diet. Runners do have special nutrition needs, but the basic principles for healthy eating still apply. Try choosing smaller portions of high-fat and high-calorie foods and eating more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
One common eating mistake among runners is that they overcompensate for the calories burned by exercise with extra calories from more food and beverages. Some runners even find that they gain weight or hit a weight loss wall, despite their regular training.
One way to prevent "stealth calorie" consumption or mindless eating is to write everything you're eating in a journal for a few weeks. Seeing a record of your food intake will help you see where your diet needs improvement. It will also keep you on track because you'll think twice before putting that chocolate-covered donut in your mouth.
Get more tips on how to avoid overeating by controlling your portion sizes.
More: 5 Smart Eating Rules for Runners Best Foods for Runners Healthy Snacks for Runners Six Simple Changes for Healthy Diet
Sticking to a training schedule is a simple way to stay motivated to run.
You'll know exactly what you need to do every day and each run builds on the next, so it's much harder to postpone or skip workouts. Following a schedule can also help you avoid a running injury by not increasing your mileage too quickly. If you're new to running, here are beginner training schedules to check out:
4 Weeks to Run One Mile - for those brand-new to running 3 Weeks to a 30-Minute Running Habit - for beginners who can run for a minute 4 Weeks to Run Two Miles - for beginners who can run at least a half mile 5K Run/Walk Training Schedule - for beginners who can run for 5 minutes at a time 5K Beginner Runner Training Schedule - for beginners who can run at least one mile More Training Schedules- if none of the above schedules work for you
If you don't want to follow a schedule, you still need to have some consistency with your running because you won't lose weight by running once a week. It's best to get some activity every day, but if that's not possible, try to shoot for at least 3-4 times per week.
If you find that your motivation to run is suffering, follow these tips to get inspired.
More: Make Running a Priority Top Excuses for Not Running and How to Beat Them How to Start a Running Habit
Incorporating speed work or interval training (running at a very fast speed for short intervals of time) into your running routine can also help your weight loss efforts. Speed work burns a great amount of calories in a short period of time. You'll also increase your muscle mass and improve your resting metabolism, causing you to burn more calories throughout the day.
Speed Workouts:
Get more tips on how to boost your metabolismand how to burn more calories during your runs.
If you're running regularly and you're training for a long-distance event, proper nutrition is especially critical for your performance. Skipping meals doesn't allow you to train with adequately fueled muscles. You shouldn't skimp on calories before, during (when necessary), and immediately after your very intense and long workouts. These are crucial times when nutrition is important to performance and recovery.
Here are some common questions from runners who want to lose weight by running:
Original post:
5 Key Strategies for Running to Lose Weight - Verywell
New York Medical Weight Loss Center

Welcome to New York Medical Weight Loss Center
Congratulations on taking the first steps toward gaining control of your weight and your health. Have you struggled with your weight? Perhaps for a long time? Or even, for most of your life?
Losing weight is one of the greatest challenges our country faces today. Our weight loss clinic specializes in helping patients who have been unsuccessful with previous weight loss methods, or who have tried over and over to lose weight yet keep regaining all the pounds they have lost.
Dr Aron is a licensed physician who has received special training in Bariatric Medicine the medical treatment of the overweight and obese. Our programs are based on the latest developments in the fields of nutrition and weight control. We provide a comprehensive, non-surgical approach to the treatment of obesity. Our program is based on medical science, not fads or fad dieting.
We realize that being overweight can be a personal and frustrating experience. At NY Medical Weight Loss Center we get to know our patients on a personal level. We know every patient is unique with special physical and emotional needs. We will help you identify your personal weight control challenges, set a realistic goal weight, and customize a weight loss plan to suit your food preferences, health status, and lifestyle.
Do something for yourself that can change how you look and feel. Something that will be beneficial to your health and well-being Oksana Aron, MD
Rather than offering a quick fix, our goal is to provide patients with a genuine life-changing experience. Dieting alone is not the answer. We educate patients on all aspects of weight loss and help them gain the skills required to successfully manage their weight ongoingly.
Diet Doctor Aron identifies and treats the hidden causes of weight gain and obesity, such as slow metabolism, hormonal and nutritional imbalances or genetic factors. While in the weight loss program, you can improve your overall health and well-being, such as normalizing your cholesterol level and blood pressure.
We will create a custom diet plan for you based on your regular food preferences.
Even patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, or thyroid imbalances can lose weight safely in our program. We are also able to effectively and safely treat obese teens.
When diet and exercise are not enough, proper use of medications can help you lose weight. FDA-approved prescription appetite suppressants, used to safely assist with weight loss for over 40 years, can be an option if medically indicated. If Dr. Aron has prescribed such medications in your diet plan they are provided FREE of charge.
When you reach your goal weight, we provide you with a free weight loss maintenance plan.
We speak English, Spanish, Russian.
Hablamos Espaol, Ingls, Ruso.
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WeightLossNYC Medical Weight Loss Center, 7032 4th Avenue, NY, NY 11209
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Start Losing Weight Today
New York City Weight Loss
2016, Dr. Aron Medical Weight Loss Center, Brooklyn, New York 11209 d/b/a WeightLossNYC Logo and Icon Trademarks of Oksana Aron M.D.
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New York Medical Weight Loss Center
@ Lose Weight By Eating – Natural Fat Burner and Diet Pill …

PhenQ is an innovative, multi-dimensional supplement, which provides all the features and functions that other weight loss aids and diet supplements offer, though rarely deliver.
With its power to suppress the appetite, burn fat, while also speeding up the metabolism and improving energy, endurance and even mood, PhenQ is a top potent and effective weight loss supplement ever available on the market.
With its endless positive reviews and testimonials, it is becoming more and more popular and required.
PhenQ is an exclusive weight loss supplement that guarantees a wide range of advantages. The medication will:
Suppress the appetite, assisting you to keep to a diet by eliminating excessive amount of calories gained during mindless eating. The medication helps a patient feel sated with much smaller portions, so that he/she does not consume extra calories;
Burn fat gained after consumption of certain meals, block fat production and slow down lipid digestion, decreasing weight gain and fat storage;
Boost energy production, improve endurance and mood that affect the desire to work hard on the desirable effect.
Being a multi-dimensional drug, PhenQ includes all the advantages that such a great number of weight loss supplements report to offer, though never seem to keep. The creators of PhenQ have chosen and approved successful components of the leading quality and included them into one weight loss supplement to maximize effectiveness and duration of success. The revolutionary and high quality formula lies in top-notch ingredients and is manufactured and produced in the UK and the US in FDA and GMP approved facilities. It means that PhenQ is manufactured in regulated facilities to ensure effectiveness and quality of its components.
PhenQ Ingredients - What's Inside?
The components of PhenQ are the propriety mix of 7 ingredients exclusively combined for ultimate results. The ingredients included in PhenQ are the following:
Capsimax Power, a mix of piperine (black pepper), capsicum, caffeine and niacin (Vitamin B3) serves as a fat burning drastic blend. Due to the stealth thermogenics of capsicum and poperine, it can quickly boost slimming down by heating you up with the process of rapid fat burning and eliminating profound reservoirs of fat.
Calcium carbonate assists in promotion of a healthy weight loss process.
Appreciated for its preferable effects on bone health and growth, calcium also helps you balance weight by making the fat cells in the organism reduce fat storage.
The core message calcium sends to body fat cells is informing them about the absence of the necessity to preserve fat because it receives sufficient nourishment.
This will help speed up the weight loss process as fat storage decreases to minimum.
Chromium Picolinate suppresses your appetite, limiting the amount of unnecessary carbohydrate craving.
By decreasing cravings, you get an opportunity to control the blood sugar level. When the amount of chromium in the cells increases, the ingredient balances cravings, as your body gives the signals that it has enough sugar.
Besides, fewer cravings make it much easier to lose excess weight and maintain the condition, as you are not taking any unwanted carbohydrates and sugar anymore. Chromium can be found in most vegetables and meat, as well as in a range of whole grains making it an exceptionally natural and essential mineral.
Caffeine is an indispensable component found in a vast majority of effective energy and weight loss supplements.
In fact, about 97% of Americans start their day with caffeine intake for improved productivity and increased energy level.
Decreased fatigue and increased alertness allow people to keep on track with the diet, and caffeine provides them with the energy necessary for exercising.
L-Carnitine Furmarate, an important ingredient that can be found in red meat, diverse nuts and multiple green vegetables, serves a natural amino acid, which helps with the conversion of fat into energy.
Nopal is a fiber-rich cactus plant. Boosting the fiber levels, it makes you feel sated for much longer and helps you control the appetite.
Additionally, Nopal helps supply the added energy, together with toxic and fluid elimination.
a-Lacys Reset serves as the stand out component in PhenQ. It works by increasing muscle mass while decreasing body fat and, as a result, you lose weight. According to the information presented at the product's website, Lacys Reset was approved to decrease body weight by around 3.44%, body fat by 7.24% and increase muscle mass up to 3.8%.
Other components of PhenQ are Magnesium Oxide and Magnesium Stearate.
A great number of weight loss supplements contain so many fillers that customers experience adverse reactions to inhibiting these aids instead of beneficial results from the products.
Total body transformation. 6 months.
As every organism is different and operates differently, it is inevitable to wait for at least 3-6 months before judging about the duration and effectiveness of PhenQ results.
Though, you will definitely find yourself more concentrated and having more energy.
Numerous customers have lost about 10 lbs in one month and extra 5 lbs every following week!
Keep in mind, you have to participate, too. The medication does not work wonders and does not make miracles, so you must ensure you are sticking to a balanced, low-calorie diet and regular workouts while getting sufficient amounts of water, as well as, the necessary sleep and rest.
These factors together with PhenQ are a killer combo, which will activate fat burning at full speed, thus, reduce weight easier and faster.
Despite the fact that both PhenQ and Phen375 share many advantages, PhenQ's proprietary mix offers benefits approved by science.
With its exclusive a-Lacys Reset, researches claimed a noticeable percentage decrease in the amount of body fat (around 7.24%), body weight (about 3.44%) and an impressive increase in muscle mass (more than 3.8%).
The only important thing that separates the exclusive mix of PhenQ from Phen375 is the powerful action of PhenQ focused not only on the weight loss process, but also on building muscle mass.
Another great benefit of PhenQ is a 60-day money-back guarantee that allows you to test the medication with nothing to lose, except weight.
Where to Buy PhenQ?
Receiving a body of your dreams has never been simpler and easier. PhenQ is available with "buy 2 and get 1 for free" special that is definitely a great deal.
It is indispensable to allow from three to six months of usage to track the events from a quick start up to lasting results!
Our readers can get this exclusive 2 for 1 deal by clicking here.
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@ Lose Weight By Eating - Natural Fat Burner and Diet Pill ...
Weight Loss Made Easy – Simple Changes to Lose Weight

Weight loss made easy with simple changes to your habits Melissa Ross/ Getty Images
Losing weight is not easy. You will never hear me say that it is. It takes dedication, motivation, and hard work. But you can make weight loss easier. There are easy tricks to lose weight. Changing what you eat is the first step.
You can lose weight by changing how much food you eat, but if you change what you eat, the weight loss process gets even easier.
Here are the diet changes that I suggest.
Then start to build meals around healthy types of fish and poultry. Eating lean protein helps to curb hunger so you eat less. You should also make better choices at fast food restaurants to keep fat calories in check. To keep your shellfish, fish, chicken, and turkey diet-friendly, be sure to choose the right preparation method. Skip creamy, high-calorie condiments like tartar sauce or "special sauce" on grilled chicken sandwiches.
The next step in your weight loss plan is to change your drink choices. Cutting back on certain drinks can make a huge difference to your long-term weight loss success.
There are simple habits that will help you get slim and keep the pounds off for good.
Remember, any of these healthy changes that you make to your diet, your drinking habits and to boost your daily activity level is going to make weight loss easier. Start with simple easy changes and build your program gradually.
*Edited by Malia Frey, Weight Loss Expert
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Weight Loss Made Easy - Simple Changes to Lose Weight