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Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just 10 Days – STYLECRAZE

There will always be a reason why you still havent shed those few extra pounds you have packed on. A few cookies here and a donut there, and the next thing you know is the weighing machine displaying a panic-inducing number.
Healthy weight loss is a gradual process, that much is true. But incorporating small changes in your lifestyle can show really fast results, in as less as 10 days. Click here to view an enlarged version of this infographic
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The focus should be on cutting back calories, incorporating healthier foods into your diet, and working out.
Breakfast Lunch And Dinner Snacks
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The best way to reduce calorie intake is by incorporating more fiber into your diet. The recommended amount is about 30 grams a day, but most people dont consume enough fiber.
How Is It Helpful?
Fiber is of two types, soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber absorbs water and transforms into a gel during digestion. Insoluble fiber remains undigested as it passes through your system. Both types of fiber slow down the process of digestion, and helps you feel fuller for longer (1).
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Carbohydrates are a staple in the diet of many. In fact, of all the food groups, the amount of carbs consumed is the highest. This poses a problem because every gram of carbohydrate contains four calories. And most foods that are rich in carbs barely possess any other nutrients.
How Is It Helpful?
Filling yourself up with carbs adds a lot of calories to your diet, which is why cutting back on carbs can be a great step towards weight loss (2).
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There is this prevalent misconception that fats are bad for you. That isnt entirely true. There are healthy fats and there are the unhealthy ones. You need to make sure that the fats you eat are good for your health.
How Is It Helpful?
Most junk foods contain unhealthy or saturated fats. They are the ones responsible for an array of diseases. But unsaturated fats, which is found in avocado, olive oil, and nuts, can help lower cholesterol and the risk for heart diseases when had in moderation.
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Exercise and weight loss go hand in hand. While it might not be possible to start working out an hour a day overnight, you can start by doing small things at a time. A 15 minutes walk, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to start.
How Is It Helpful?
Even if you dont end up working out a lot, a little exercise is better than no exercise. Regular exercise helps burn calories and boosts your metabolism. It also helps in maintaining your muscle mass, and since muscles need more calories than fat, you end up burning a substantial amount of calories every day.
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It is easy to lose track of everything you eat. Some of us even eat without registering it. How many times have you given a thought to your morning cappuccino, and the fact that it can contain over 120 calories?
How Is It Helpful?
We tend to consume a lot of things that are high in calories, but dont even count as food. Carbonated drinks, coffee, and junk like chips are some examples. So it is important to register what you are eating, and keep track. You can cut back on a lot of calories just by avoiding foods that dont fill you up (3 ).
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Three meals a day can leave you feeling hungry in between. And thats where most of us slip up. Even if we try eating meals that are healthy, we end up binging on snacks that are anything but. And this has a huge impact on our weight, so we should opt for better snack options.
How Is It Helpful?
The biggest culprit that causes weight gain is our habit of unhealthy snacking. Fries and chips and cookies do nothing to fill us up, but add a lot of carbs, sugar, and fat. It is also difficult to stop at one or two because we still feel so hungry. So opt for snacks that have a high fiber content.
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Most of us find it difficult to let go of our favorite foods. Chips and cookies might be fattening and unhealthy, but we still end up having them. Which is why not buying junk food is a good step towards losing weight.
How Is It Helpful?
The reason we eat so much junk is because we buy it, and keep it available and accessible. You know the saying, out of sight, out of mind. Purging your pantry and fridge of high-in-calories and low-in-nutrients food can help you cut back on unhealthy snacking.
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One of the main reasons we break from our diet plans is the fact that it is really difficult to resist temptation. A few days of green smoothies and salads, and you find yourself gorging on every kind of junk imaginable. Most of us dont have the willpower to keep eating something we despise for a long period of time. Which is why deprivation doesnt work. The best way to have want we want, and not gain weight is by eating smaller portions.
How Is It Helpful?
The idea behind smaller portions comes from the fact that it takes your brain about 20 minutes to process what you eat. So, you may not even realize that your stomach is full and keep eating. It is necessary that you take breaks between servings to actually gauze whether you are hungry anymore.
When you see more food on your plate, you tend to eat more (4 ). So it makes sense to serve yourself smaller portions. This way, you know youre not overeating. And it can help you lose weight, and without you having to give up your favorite foods.
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With work and miscellaneous other tasks demanding our attention, cooking your own meals can seem like too much of a chore. But if you are looking to lose weight, this is a great step you can take.
How Is It Helpful?
The best way to determine if the meal you are eating is healthy for you is by making it yourself. That way, you get to experiment with what you like and what you dont. You also get to try out low calorie alternatives of your favorite dishes. This helps you control to your portions.
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Drinking enough water is really important for your health. Insufficient water intake could actually be impacting how much you weigh.
How Is It Helpful?
Sometimes, thirst can be misinterpreted as hunger pangs by your brain. So, to gauze whether you are really hungry or not, try drinking a glass of water before eating anything.
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There are times when temptation gets the better out of us, and we end up binging on junk. Or we go to a party and end up eating way more than what we had planned.
There will always be instances where we fall off the wagon. And it can seem all too easy to give up on the whole notion of losing weight. But even if you slip once or twice (or a hundred times), go back to sticking to your diet.
How Is It Helpful?
Experts agree that going off your diet is bound to happen. But they also agree that you should go back to it if you want to keep off the weight that you had lost in the first place (5 ).
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A low calorie diet doesnt have to be the ordeal it is made out to be. If you stick to three meals and two snacks a day, you ought to stay full.
There are plenty of recipes that you can try for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that not just aid in weight loss, but are delicious to boot.
There are those who consider breakfast to be the most important meal of the day, and preach that it is something that should never be skipped. The logic was that if you missed breakfast, you would be hungrier at lunch, and you might even indulge in pre-lunch snacking. But recent research shows that how much you eat at lunch does not really depend on whether or not youve had breakfast.
But skipping meals is never a good idea, because it brings with it a plethora of health issues. So, when weight loss is on your mind, you can go for good old oatmeal or try out a high fiber, super-healthy smoothie.
Ingredients Needed
How To Make
Ingredients Needed
How To Make
Lunch And Dinner
Lunch is the most important meal of the day. What you have for lunch should get you through the day, all the way to dinner, with maybe a snack in between. Which is why it should be filling, but healthy and low in calories.
If you get your lunch on the go, make sure that you opt for options that dont contain high-fat dressing or empty calories. Something along the lines of grilled chicken on whole grain bread is ideal.
Your dinner, while not too heavy, should be able to sustain you through the night. A stew, served without bread or rice, should work very well.
Ingredients Needed
How To Make
Ingredients Needed
How To Make
When you stay hungry, all the junk you are trying to avoid can get too tempting to resist. To keep yourself from getting too hungry between meals, always keep something with you that you can munch on. It doesnt always have to be celery or carrot sticks. You can always treat yourself to something delicious that isnt completely terrible for your diet.
Ingredients Needed
How To Make
Ingredients Needed
How To Make
There is one important thing that you should keep in mind that you may not end up losing as much weight as you want to. The initial few kilos/pounds will be easy to shed, but after that, it can get a little tougher. The weight loss wont be as drastic as it was. But the thing is, you are making changes to your lifestyle and heading down a path of better health. Sustainable weight loss is better for you in the long term.
But if your are looking to lose weight real quick, maybe for an important function or to fit into a dress you havent worn in a while, you can lose a substantial amount of weight quickly by following a strict diet. But a word of caution before you dive deep, you may put back the weight youve lost once you go off the diet plan.
In case you are a starter, here is a 10 day routine for you. It demonstrates what you should be eating, at what time and in what quantities:
Morning beverage
Breakfast (within 9 am)
Lunch (within 1.30 pm)
Evening beverage
Evening intake( by 5)
Dinner (within 9)
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Simple Tips To Lose Weight In Just 10 Days - STYLECRAZE
How to Lose Weight | Tips &Tricks to Lose Weight

First there should be noDIET. By dieting, you automatically set yourself up for failure.How exactly do you expect to maintain your new physique, if after a few weeks of dieting you revert back to your old habits?Then youll revert back to your old body. Ever heard the saying, that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Simply put, you must change your nutrition permanently. This doesnt mean eating grapefruits everyday forever, but adopting good nutrition practices (during your weight loss period this may be more stringent) that are essentially possible to keep to.
You can see from this diagram above that you can change various factors to create a negative energy balance. Sure, you can create this negative energy balance, just by decreasing the amount of calories you eat (energy intake on the left side). However, you can see for yourself that if you manipulate both sides of the scale,by both dieting and doingexercise, it will result in an additive, and even synergistic, reduction in body weight.
Studies show that a combination of both exercise and calorie restriction result in9x GREATER WEIGHT LOSS, than exercise alone.
Caloric deficit causes fat loss. But,
Exercise is your main weapon in the battle against the inevitable slowing of metabolic rate that occurs due to dieting.
Look. Losing weight isnt rocket science, once you understand your body, its simple. Losing weight is not expensive. Having a great body isnt limited to the rich and famous. But, losing weight isnt easy. It requires determination and discipline. It requires getting up and working out on days you dont feel like it. If it were easy, we would all be looking great, instead of just dreaming about it. Truth is, if you want a great body, you can have a great body.
Fat loss occurs slowly and steadily. Losing more than 2 pounds of weight per week means that you are losing water weight ormuscletissue, rather than fat. If weight is lost any more rapidly than this, it is most likely a sign that you need to eat more.To lose weight permanently, you need to lose weight slowly.Weight loss should be between1 2lbs a week.Fast weight lossis generally to be avoided. A further incentive to lose weight slowly is that stretch marks may arise due to losing weight fast.
There are3500 calories in 1lbs. (0.45kg) of fat.Therefore, to lose 1 lbs. of fat per week you need to burn 500 calories more than you consume each day (or 1000 calories less/ day to lose 2 lbs.) through a combination of nutrition and regular exercise.
500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories/ week (1lbs of weight loss/ week) 1000 calories x 7 days = 7000 calories/ week (2lbs of weight loss/ week)
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How to Lose Weight | Tips &Tricks to Lose Weight
How to Lose Weight Without Trying | POPSUGAR Fitness

Losing weight takes a lot of sweat and discipline, but even when you're not powering through a treadmill interval workout or counting calories, there are a lot of simpler ways to see those pounds drop on the scale. Employing these 10 little tricks daily will help you lose weight, no gym or diet required.
Related: Health Advice I Wish I Could Have Given to My 20-Year-Old Self
Related: If You Want to Lose Weight From Running, Read This
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How to Lose Weight Without Trying | POPSUGAR Fitness
How to Lose Weight the Simple Way –

Do you have trouble losing weight? Or would you like to lose faster? Here are the 18 best tips for you.
For some people losing all of their excess weight is easier said than done. But there are many common errors people make. Correcting them can restart or speed up your weight loss.
Based on more than a decade of experience treating obese patients, reading studies, going to obesity conferences and discussing this topic with the worlds biggest experts, heres my best advice for maximizing your weight loss.
Start at the top of the list (most important) and go down as far as you need. Perhaps you only need the first piece of advice?
If you want to lose weight you should start by avoiding sugar and starch (like bread). This is an old idea: For 150 years or more there have been an infinite number of weight loss diets based on eating less carbs. Whats new is that at least 17 modern scientific studies have proven that, yes, low carbis the most effective way to lose weight.
Obviously its still possible to lose weight on any diet just eat less calories than you burn, right? The problem with this simplistic advice is that it ignores the elephant in the room: Hunger. Most people dont like to just eat less, i.e. being hungry forever. Thats dieting for masochists. Sooner or later a normal person will give up and eat, hence the prevalence of yo-yo dieting.
The main advantage of low carb diets is that they cause you to want to eat less. Even without counting calories most overweight people eat far fewer calories on low carb. Sugar and starch may increase your hunger, avoiding it may decrease your appetite to an adequate level. If your body wants to eat an appropriate number of calories you dont need to bother counting them. Thus: Calories count, but you dont need to count them.
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How Much Exercise Do You REALLY Need to Lose Weight …

New guidelines issued from the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) state that 30 minutes of exercise, 5 days a week might not be enough. In 2001, ACSM recommended that overweight and obese adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise per week to improve their health. 200 to 300 minutes per week was recommended for long-term weight loss. But will this amount of exercise really help you lose weight and keep it off?
New research shows that "between 150 and 250 minutes per week of moderate intensity physical activity is effective in preventing weight gain greater than 3% in most adults but will provide "only modest" weight loss." So ACSM has published new physical activity recommendations in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Overweight and obese individuals are more likely to lose weight and keep it off if they exercise for least 250 minutes per week. Exercising for more than 250 minutes per week has resulted in "significant" weight loss for these individuals.
So what does this mean? If you're trying to lose weight, 50 minutes of cardio exercise along with regular strength training might be what it takes to see the results you're hoping for.
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How To Lose Weight – HowStuffWorks

So you've decided to lose weight. But how do you do it? There are many ways to lose weight, but the best method is to choose an eating plan that is healthy and balanced and that you can stick with in the long run.
As difficult as losing weight may seem, the real challenge is keeping the weight off. To be successful, you'll need to replace poor eating habits with healthy ones that are realistic and flexible enough to be followed for life.
Some diet programs promise weight reductions of more than two or three pounds a week, but such claims are not completely honest. Ten or more pounds in the first few weeks is possible, but that quick weight loss won't last.
Initially, weight reduction comes mostly from the loss of water and the breakdown of muscle protein, not fat. When you eventually replace these vital substances -- as will happen when you resume normal eating habits -- you are likely to regain the weight. Diets that promote transient weight losses can do psychological harm. Few things are more discouraging than watching a 10- or 20-pound weight loss evaporate into a 2- or 3-pound loss.
The National Weight Control Registry (NWCR) was established to document effective behaviors shared by those who successfully lose weight and keep it off. The NWCR found that those who successfully lost weight dropped an average of 66 pounds over 5.5 years. To achieve this, individuals not only adhered to a low-calorie, low-fat diet that included breakfast and closely monitored their weight and food intake, but they also engaged in high levels of physical activity.
That may sound difficult, but you can find motivation by learning some of the benefits of losing weight on the next page.
This information is solely for informational purposes. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO PROVIDE MEDICAL ADVICE. Neither the Editors of Consumer Guide (R), Publications International, Ltd., the author nor publisher take responsibility for any possible consequences from any treatment, procedure, exercise, dietary modification, action or application of medication which results from reading or following the information contained in this information. The publication of this information does not constitute the practice of medicine, and this information does not replace the advice of your physician or other health care provider. Before undertaking any course of treatment, the reader must seek the advice of their physician or other health care provider.
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Losing Weight – Heart

Reduce calories in and increase calories out.
Losing weight means changing the balance of calories in to calories out. If we eat more calories than we need, we can gain weight. If we eat fewer calories than we use, we can lose weight.
So start with good information: you need to know how many calories you should eat each day for your individual level of activity, and then you'll need to find ways to stay within your limits. Find out your personal daily calorie intake and fat needs. To lose weight, you must use up more calories than you take in. One pound is approximately 3,500 calories. To successfully and healthfully lose weightand keep it offmost people need to subtract about 500 calories per day from their diet to lose about 1 pound per week.
Educate yourself
Increase calories burned
Regular physical activity has so many proven benefits, such as to help control weight and blood pressure and decrease the risk for heart diseases and stroke. All healthy adults (ages 18 to 64) should get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes (150 minutes) of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity (e.g., brisk walking) every week or 1 hour and 15 minutes (75 minutes) of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity (e.g., jogging, running) every week. Additionally, you need on 2 or more days a week muscle-strengthening activities. Besides helping you lose weight, physical activity also improves the quality of life.
The amount of physical activity any individual person needs for weight loss can vary, but you will need to get both regular physical activity and follow a healthy eating plan to lose weight and keep it off. A good plan may include 30 to 60 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity, like brisk walking, done nearly every day. Find something you can do and find ways to enjoy it. Take a brisk walk or a jog with a friend or your dog. Enjoy a video that gets you moving.
Source: Adapted from ACSM's Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription, Ninth Edition, and Ainsworth BE, Haskell WL, Herrmann SD, Meckes N, Bassett Jr DR, Tudor-Locke C, Greer JL, Vezina J, Whitt- Glover MC, Leon AS. 2011 Compendium of Physical Activities: a second update of codes and MET values. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2011;43 (8):1575-1581.
You might even keep a fooddiary at first to help you learn how much you are eating and whether you're eating out of habit instead of real hunger. When you are aware of your roadblocks you can plan alternative choices. Remember to focus on your goal: feeling your best and living a healthy life. In the long run, you'll be so glad you invested in your health.
Last reviewed on 08/2014.
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Losing Weight - Heart
Lose Weight By Eating with Audrey Johns | Clean Eating …

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From time to time I make media appearances or participate in photo shoots and have to really look my best. To ready myself for these jobs I do a Detox Diet Week. I do this to reduce bloat, trim a
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How to Lose Weight | POPSUGAR Fitness

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The jeans don't lie. You knew you let yourself go a little bit, and after throwing the stupid bathroom scale away because it said you were (insert red-flag number here), you went for the true test slipping on your favorite jeans. Ugh. Not being able to pull your pants past your thighs sure does tell you something. If you're at a loss as to how to begin, here's a no-fuss, straightforward, 11-step guide to losing weight.
7 a.m. Breakfast 9:30 a.m. Snack 12:30 p.m. Lunch 3:30 p.m. Snack 6:30 p.m. Dinner
Don't skip meals or snacks to save calories since it'll slow down your metabolism and cause weight gain. If you're up late, enjoy a snack after dinner, but be sure to finish it at least an hour or two before bed so digestive issues don't keep you up getting enough sleep will help you lose weight.
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How to Lose Weight | POPSUGAR Fitness
65 Fast Ways to Lose Weight … Weightloss

Want to know a few tried-and-true ways to lose weight and finally shed those annoying excess pounds, and lose as much as 7 pounds in 7 days? If you dread the idea of quick #weight loss because the idea calls to mind cabbage soup, cleanses, detox shakes, endless crunches and hours on the treadmill, relax and take a deep breath, because I promise there's no cabbage involved. You can drop pounds fast without feeling like you're not living your normal life! If you follow these tips, you can lose weight fast, losing up to 7 pounds in 7 days! Are you ready to transform your life? Then read the fastest ways to lose #weight:
One #fast way to lose weight is to start creating your own from-scratch meals, like salads, shakes and soups. You can drop pounds and save #money by becoming your own healthy chef! This might sound small, but it's one of the #best ways to lose that 7 pounds in just 7 days. Let the week begin!
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65 Fast Ways to Lose Weight ... Weightloss