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Weight loss story: "I avoided eating white rice and potatoes and lost 21 kilos" – Times of India

My breakfast: I have 2-3 idlis with a glass of double-toned milk.
My lunch: A bowl of lentils, boiled vegetables with just one chapati.
My dinner: Mostly salads or poha or something like an upma.
Pre-workout meal: Some healthy nuts and seeds with a cup of green tea.
Post- workout meal: 2 fruits (of any kind), along with a slice of brown bread if I feel too hungry.
I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): I try not to indulge in cheat meals because I have lost weight without going to the gym. I have lost weight at home by doing exercise and making drastic changes in my eating habits. However, if I really feel a craving kick in, I like to have a samosa!
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Indian tiffin items such as poha, upma and idli are low on calories, made in less oil and you can add all sorts of veggies to your preparation.
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Weight loss story: "I avoided eating white rice and potatoes and lost 21 kilos" - Times of India
Diabetes prevention program offered by McPherson Health – The Hutchinson News

If you have prediabetes, you can cut your risk of developing type 2 diabetes in half by losing 5-7 percent of your body weight. That's about 10 to 14 pounds for a person weighing 200 pounds.
McPherson Center for Health announces the starting date for its next nationally recognized Diabetes Prevention Program.
The next group begins on Sept. 14. Classes are 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. DPP groups meet for a year--weekly at first, then every other week for the first 6 months, then once or twice a month for the second 6 months. Medicare does cover the cost of this program.
In the program, participants work in a group with trained health professionals to learn the skills needed to lose weight, become more physically active, and manage stress.
The DPP is a program of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It's proven to delay the onset or reduce the chance of getting type 2 diabetes by 58%.
"Participants in this program are preventing type 2 diabetes by making lasting lifestyle changes," said Suzanne Fleming, MS, RDN, LD, clinical dietitian at McPherson Hospital and an instructor in the program.
Having prediabetes means it's time for prevention. For more information about the upcoming program, call Suzanne Fleming at (620) 241-2251, Ext. 179, or email her at
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Diabetes prevention program offered by McPherson Health - The Hutchinson News
Eniola Badmus to embark on another weight loss journey – P.M. News

By Taiwo Okanlawon
Nollywood superstar Eniola Badmus has expressed her interest in slimming down in her latest post on Instagram.
The plus-size actress said this when she shared an old image of herself looking slimmer than she currently is on the photo and video sharing social media platform.
Badmus who often speaks on body positivity, added that she needs an authentic way of shedding her weight and asked her followers for help.
I really really really want to go back to this statureWho can take me on this journey legit ooooooo, she captioned the image.
Some months back, Badmus, announced to her fans her plan to be fit and sexy and is not to be too slim.
Badmus said, I didnt initially decide to go on a weight loss journey; it chose me. It all started when I put up a post a while back about weight loss companies using slim people to promote their products and services. I told them to use me if truly their products work. A lot of them picked up the challenge but I was able to settle with the deshapeables. I decided to work with them because I like their plan and I hope it would work.
In fairness, I really cant tell if losing weight would help my brand because with or without losing weight, Im Eniola Badmus. If this works, people would just see the new body on me.
However, its not going to be a total transformation because I still want to be a chubby girl; not slim. The goal is to be chubby but sexier. Maybe like losing three sizes. People should not think that I would be a shadow of who they know. Im only doing this because I want to. No matter how much we shout about body positivity, one would still have to be on a diet. One would have to watch what one eats and exercise.
I dont want to be plus-size and unhealthy. I might not work-out like fitness enthusiasts but I try to keep fit. For clarity sake, I didnt and dont bend to societal pressure. I have a very thick skin and like to do whatever suites me at any particular time. The idea is to see what I would look like afterwards. There are some clothes I feel like wearing but cant wear them till I lose weight. I still belong to the fat girls association.
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Eniola Badmus to embark on another weight loss journey - P.M. News
Start losing weight – NHS

Download the NHS 12-week weight loss plan andstartyour weight loss journey.
The plan, which has proved very popular online, is designed to help you lose weight safely and keep it off.
Start the NHS weight loss plan
The keys to success:
Below are some helpful tips to start your journey towards a healthy weight. Once you're on the way, there is lots of information and advice provided in the plan.
Lots of useat and drink more than we realise and do little physical activity. The result is often weight gain.
To lose weight, we need to change our current habits. Thismeans eating less even when eating ahealthy, balanced diet and getting more active.
Fad diets and exercise regimes that result in rapid weight loss are unlikely to work for long, because these kinds of lifestyle changes cannot be maintained. Once you stop the regime, you're likely to return to old habits and regain weight.
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Start losing weight - NHS
Workers try to lose weight before returning to the office – Boston Herald

Jesse Weigels jeans barely buttoned and his dress pants were off limits. But he didnt view his pandemic doughnut habit as a crisis until his 4-year-old had to extract him from a once-favorite shirt that bound his arms like sausage casing.
Shes actually hanging off my collar trying to get my shirt off, Weigel, a 35-year-old computer-systems head engineer, recalled from his home in Steubenville, Ohio. The only way to do it was to rip it off my arms.
Americans who soothed themselves with calorie-laden comfort foods are frantically trying to slim down for the perfect office bod.
Gym memberships are up, personal trainers are booked and digital subscriptions to WW, the company formerly known as Weight Watchers, were 16% higher at the end of the first quarter from a year earlier.
The pandemic-fueled isolation and anxiety meant more eating and less activity in a country where four in 10 adults are already obese, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In all, 42% of the population gained unwanted weight, averaging 29 pounds (13 kilograms), according to the American Psychology Associations annual stress survey.
Some companies saw opportunity in what was labeled on social media as #Quarantine15 and #PandemicPounds. Tracking virus outbreaks alongside stay-at-home restrictions, Hershey Co. pushed smores, the gooey confections of chocolate, marshmallows and graham crackers.
Even executives for Ralph Lauren Corp. a company built on a fantasy of exclusive lifestyles, with clothing paraded by impossibly slim models relished how its elasticized denim accommodated customers new curves.
More comfort, stretch, is playing right into the lifestyles or the COVID weight gain, Jane Nielsen, the chief operating and finance officer, said in a June 17, 2020, call with during an Evercore ISI Research. She, too, had put on pounds, she added.
All that heft creates a minor crisis for employees re-entering human society.
As of late May, 12% of Manhattan office workers had returned at least part time, according to a June survey by the Partnership for New York City, a research and advocacy group. Businesses surveyed expect that figure to reach 62% by the end of September.
In recent weeks, new clients of Own Your Fitness, a personal training service in Manhattan and Jersey City, New Jersey, have said they want not only to lose the pounds, but also to tune up for a corporate environment, according to founder Adam Dare.
They started saying, I want to look like Im still competitive and I can handle my own, said Dare, 45, who conducts in-person and virtual sessions.
The downfall of Saumil Kapadia, a 41-year-old banking chief operating officer from Jersey City, was the aroma of his wifes baking, luring him far too often from his bedroom workspace into the kitchen. Banana bread was a gateway to chips and croissants from neighborhood shops.
Now hes doing 30-minute sessions with Dare, including running, lunges, squats and push-ups, working toward the day when he can slip into office clothes.
Tribune News Service
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Workers try to lose weight before returning to the office - Boston Herald
Does coffee help you lose weight? Stunt your growth? Here’s the truth behind coffee myths – USA TODAY

Ah, coffee. The first thing you drink when you wake up, the beverage you rely on to cure your afternoon drowsiness and the solution to your all-nighter.
But what about all the common myths that we've heard when it comes to coffee?Does drinking it lead to long-term weight loss? Is it true that drinking coffee will shorten our lifespan? Is it really unhealthy? Are we getting extra caffeine if we opt for a darker roast at the coffee shop?
USA TODAY spoke to experts to help unravel some of themysteries that lie behind one of themost popular beverages in the world.
According to Katherine Zeratsky, a registered dietician at Mayo Clinic, caffeine is a stimulant that increases metabolism in the body. She says that caffeine alone, however, does not contribute to long-term weight loss as there are other factors to take into consideration, including healthy diet and exercise.
Caffeine can increase your basal metabolic rate, but the basal metabolic rate has only a small percentage overall of what happens with how we burn calories, Zeratsky told USA TODAY. It is probably not going to be significant enough to see a change in weight that most people are looking for.
Zeratsky adds that while research on the connection between caffeine and weight isnt definite, there are a few theories on how caffeine might affect weight. One theory is that caffeine can suppress appetite and reduce feelings of hunger.
Ashley Shaw, a counseling dietician at Natus Wellness, says that appetite suppression from caffeine can depend on how oftencoffee is consumed between meals.
If you were to drink coffee before you were to eat a meal, you would probably feel a little bit more full than you normally would if you drank a cup of water. You might not eat as much of your meal, and that is probably where you're going to see that weight loss effect, Shaw told USA TODAY.
Shaw adds that the way bodies react to coffee is personal.
Coffee acts as a stimulant and an appetite suppressant for some, but it is individualized because some people might not have that effect."
Edward Giovannuci,a professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, says that inmajor reviews of studies, coffee has been associated with a probable decreased risk of some cancers and Type 2 diabetes.
"Coffee does have some unique compounds that are beneficial to health. Theseinclude some antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds," Giovannuci told USA TODAY.
But, Giovannuci says the possible health benefits are not always there.
"Caffeine in pregnant women is associated with increased risk of pregnancy loss," Giovannuci said.
He alsosays that there may be acute effects of too much caffeine in susceptible people in raising blood pressure and causing sleep disturbances.
"Yet, overall, coffee drinkers have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.So as long as you don't suffer these acute effects, you shouldn't worry," he said.
Is coffee healthy or not?: Here's how much you should drink and how much is too much
Liver cancer: Drinking 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day reduces risk, study suggests
According to the National Coffee Association(NCA),roasting itself doesnt change the amount of caffeine in coffee beans.
"Many peopleassume that the strong, rich flavor of darker roasts indicates a higher level of caffeine, but the truth is that light roasts could actually have a very slightly higher caffeine content," an NCA representative told USA TODAY.
Zeratskysays that coffee or caffeine itself does not directly stunt growth. Instead, if achild is consuming coffee, sodas or other beverages that are displacing the intake of beveragesthought to be nutritious, then parents would have the concern of whether they aregetting adequate nutrients to promote or meet their growth potential.
"It'sthe idea that we don't wantcaffeinated beverages to be replacing other foods and beverages that are nutritious that will promote appropriate growth, which is why caffeine is not recommended at all for children and teenagers," Zeratsky said.
According to a 2018 JAMA internal medicine researchstudy, researchers analyzed data from half a million Britons over a 10-year study period and found that drinking coffee, whether decaf or caffeinated, was inversely associated withrisk of dying, includingthose who drink eight or more cups per day.
A 2019 Pubmed research study, after analyzing21 cohortstudies with over 10 million participants, found thatdrinking one cup of coffee, whether decaf or caffeinated, per day was associated with a 3% reduced risk of death, and drinking 3 cups of coffee was associated with a 13% reduced risk of death.
"Within an acceptable amount, coffee can be part of a healthy diet and, in fact for many people,coffee is a rich source of antioxidants. So when you think about healthy aging,having foods or beverages that have those antioxidantsis thought to be helpful,"Zeratsky said.
With all of the coffee and wine studies,: how can you know which ones are worth your time?
Coffee does have fluids in it that can count toward one's hydration needs, and it is good to take in moderate amounts.But, Shaw says that having too muchcan have a mild diuretic effect.
"Basically a diuretic just kind of causes you to go to the bathroom more, so you are having more fluid leave the body, so abalance of one or two cups should be fine," Shaw said.
Here is the original post:
Does coffee help you lose weight? Stunt your growth? Here's the truth behind coffee myths - USA TODAY
Chia Seed Water for Weight Loss: Does It Work? – Everyday Health

Is chia seed water a magic weight loss potion? According to proponents of the latest viral TikTok health trend, drinking the superseed steeped in H2O may be the key to prevent overeating and ultimately helping with weight loss.
TikTok user @happyandhealthyolivia shared the health hack as part of her popular series TikTok Health Trends That Actually Work. The brief video has been viewed over 12.4 million times since June 28 and includes a demonstration on how to make the purported weight loss beverage. Just combine 1 tablespoon [tbsp] of chia seeds with a glass of water (optional: add lime) and drink 30 minutes before meals, she says, in addition to explaining they increase feelings of fullness.
Another user, @kanipark, mixes her chia seed water, boasting that the tiny black seeds are filled with fiber, protein, good fats, calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and antioxidants. Drinking chia seed water in the morning can give a boost to your digestion and improve bowel movement. Great for your protein intake, heart health, bone health, blood sugar control, digestion, weight loss, and inflammation, she writes. It doesnt really taste like anything but it doesnt taste good either. But if I drink this whole thing I know that I will be full because it is super thick.
RELATED: Can Lettuce Water Actually Help You Sleep?
According to the nonprofit FoodPrint, chia seeds come from the chia plant, Salvia Hispanica, and they earned their name from Aztec warriors, who used them as survival foods.
There is no research on chia seed water for weight loss, and even on chia seeds alone, there is a lack of rigorous research suggesting they provide this benefit. For example, a small Brazilian study published in 2015 in Nutricion Hospitalaria involving 26 men and women who were overweight or had obesity found that eating 35 grams (about 3 tbsp) of chia seeds daily for 12 weeks resulted in weight loss. That said, the study was small and short term.
Still, there may be some merit to adding chia seeds to your weight loss diet. Chia seeds are high in fiber, which can help to increase satiety, says Tara Collingwood, RDN, who is based in Orlando, Florida. They are also a good source of protein and fat, both of which are filling and may prevent overeating, she points out. Just 1 ounce (about 2 tbsp) of the tiny black seeds boasts 4.7g protein, 10 g fiber (an excellent source), and 9 g fat (almost exclusively the good kind), per the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Bottom line: Chia seeds can prevent hunger because they take a longer time to digest. However, drinking a glass of chia seed water a day isnt going to undo the damage of poor dietary choices or a caloric surplus.
RELATED: 21 Tips for Weight Loss That Actually Work
When you eat chia seeds, youre getting more than a potential weight loss perk.
Chia seeds are tiny, but they pack in more nutrition than you think, says Collingwood. Often dubbed a superfood, they are packed with omega-3 fatty acids (from alpha-lipoic acids or ALAs, the plant-based form of the fatty acids), antioxidants, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc, she notes.
A previousreview, published in April 2016 in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, suggested chia seeds contain antioxidants that may be protective to the liver and the heart, and may help extend longevity and help keep cancer at bay. Researchers also pointed out that as an ample source of fiber, they can aid in digestion and help manage health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression.
RELATED: What Does It Mean to Use Food as Medicine?
If you still want to whip up chia seed water, Collingwood suggests soaking them in water for 30 minutes or until they are a tapioca-like gel consistency. Theres no set ratio for water to chia seeds, but vloggers on TikTok are using 1 tbsp of the seeds in a typical glass of water.
While mixing chia with water wont enhance the seeds potential weight loss perks, it will make them more palatable, not to mention safer to eat. (As Time previously reported, the superseeds can be a choking risk when eaten alone in raw form and in excess.)
If you arent into the idea of drinking chia seeds, try eating them dry on top of salads or putting them into baked goods, like breads or pancakes, Collingwood suggests. You can also add them to smoothies or use them to whip up a chia seed pudding for breakfast or a snack. To make the latter, simply mix chia seeds into your favorite type of milk and let sit overnight, Collingwood says. Add other mix-ins like fresh fruit, nuts, and sweetener as you wish. In one chia pudding recipe, blogger Love and Lemons recommends 1 cup of milk to cup chia, plus other yummy mix-ins, such as cinnamon and fresh lemon or orange juice.
RELATED: 10 Healthy Recipes to Make With Chia Seeds
Because chia seeds are nutrient dense with a decent amount of calories and fat per serving, eat them in moderation. A typical serving size of chia seeds is 2 tbsp, which contains about 138 calories, according to the USDA.
Additionally, because chia seeds are so high in fiber, Collingwood urges consuming enough water or other liquid to wash them down. This will help promote digestion and avoid constipation, gas and other digestive issues associated with consuming too much fiber without water. If your diet is currently low in fiber, be sure to increase your intake of fiber gradually, as well, according to the Mayo Clinic.
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So, are TikTokers onto something by drinking chia seed water for weight loss? Per Collingwood, when combined with mindful, healthful eating, chia seeds could help you lose weight. Chia is satiating, and can assist in preventing ravenous hunger and eating more later in the day, as long as someone is mindful about portions and pays attention to their body telling them if they are hungry or full, she explains.
But chia seeds are not a magic bullet for weight loss. They do not burn extra calories or increase metabolism in any way. Additionally, if you consume too many of them, you might gain weight instead.
However, adding a tablespoon to your water may help fill you up and prevent you from eating more in addition to offering other health benefits as well.
RELATED: 7 Essential Facts About Metabolism and Weight Loss
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Chia Seed Water for Weight Loss: Does It Work? - Everyday Health
Eat This Before a Meal to Lose Weight and Other Foods to Put on Your List – WFXB

Those who had soup at the beginning of a meal consumed 20% fewer calories at that meal. Dieticians list 3 other foods you will want to give a second look.
If you find yourself always hungry, or have that teens who you just cant fill up it may be because of the foods were eating. Dieticians give us the top foods to stock up on that will leave you feeling full, satisfied and healthy. If youre looking for a longer lasting full high protein is a way to go. And eggs are not only a good way to start your day. Studies show that those who eat them for breakfast were more satisfied and consumed fewer calories throughout the day. And you know what they say about beanswell they are good for your heart and also fill you up. Fiber provides bulk and slows the movement of of food through your digestive tract, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Legumes such as beans, peas and lentils are known for good sources of fiber and protein. They are 30% more filling than pasta and bread, and low in calories which also makes them weight loss friendly. Foods that contain a lot of water fill you up without adding calories. Go for more soups. Research shows soups may be more filling than solid meals with the same ingredients. Broth-based soups tend to be lower in calories than cream based. So look for those. Another idea is to choose it as an appetizer a study showed that those who had it at the beginning of a meal consumed 20% fewer calories at that meal. And dont knock the potatoes. Theyve gotten a bad wrap in the past because of their carb content but you should give them a second look. Potatoes have a certain type of starch called resistant starch, which has half the calories of regular starch. It acts a lot like soluble fiber and helps you feel full and eat less calories later. Cook them for triple the benefit. cooling and reheating potatoes multiple times continues to increase their hunger-suppressing effect.
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Eat This Before a Meal to Lose Weight and Other Foods to Put on Your List - WFXB
Kudos for weight loss care – The Suffolk News-Herald – Suffolk News-Herald

Sentara Obici Hospital has built a reputation for thoroughly researching the unique needs of Suffolk and Western Tidewater and being responsive to those needs.
One of those needs is weight loss care. A 2018 Community Health Needs Assessment by the Obici Healthcare Foundation found some astounding statistics more than 80% of adults in the foundations service area are overweight, and 45% are obese.
This group of people needs access to medical care that can help them get to a healthier weight; however, before recent additions, people had to travel all the way to Norfolk.
Thankfully, a weight-loss program will be fully operational at Sentara Obici Hospital in late August. This new program will serve not only residents in Suffolk but also residents in Franklin, Isle of Wight County, Southampton County and other points west who need the services of this program.
Dr. Gregory Adams, who will head up the surgical portion of the program, spoke with the newspaper recently and seems to have a full understanding of the particular needs of these communities as well as the options that need to be available for all patients.
Were glad to see the new program will incorporate non-surgical options, including diet, therapy, medications and psychotherapy, in addition to surgical options. These treatments can help people lose weight without going under the knife. While surgery may be an option for some people, other people may be able to shed pounds with less invasive medical and mental health care, and we believe all options should be available in a given area so that all patients can have the best option for them.
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Kudos for weight loss care - The Suffolk News-Herald - Suffolk News-Herald
Why Its Okay If Youre Not Having A Dramatic Body Transformation During The Pandemic –

Lets Start With A Little Background, Shall We?
Weight loss and Ioh, boy, where do I even begin? Its been an extreme push and pull relationship since I was 17-years-old and was first diagnosed with severe Hypothyroidism. To make things even worse, I share an intense, passionate and all-consuming relationship with foodwhich has not always worked out well for me.
I have seesawed between fat, skinny, chubby, skinny fat, obese, thin, athletic and overweight for almost 15 years now. Obviously, its not healthy, but now, you can understand why weight and I have been in such a long and turbulent relationship.
My childhood was all about sports. Ha! Surprised? Went like wtf? Well, its true. I am talking National level stuff here. I was in shape. Obsessed with physical activity, but all of that ended when I was diagnosed and I sacrificed sports for a career.
Hypothyroidism entered my life and told me straight to my face: Sweety, I am going to make your life miserable from now on. Try and lose all the weight you want, I wont let that happen! Since then, its been all about eating less, eating right, working out, moving more, staying healthyconcepts that were totally alien to me while I was growing up and was in the best shape of my life.
2020 began on a fantastic note for me. I just turned 30 and was already super motivated AF to drop some major kilos. I was a work-in-progress at a fitness centre and was freaking killing it there. My clothes were becoming loose. I was feeling attractive. I was getting compliments. I was on top of the damn world. Life was good.
March arrived and thats when all my progress went to sh*t.
With the Coronavirus global pandemic slowly progressing from a concern to an actual oh-my-God-is-this-really-happening development, my only source of workout came to a screeching halt. And initially, I took it as a positive thing. I mean, more time at home means more time to work out, right? Well, it was not the case for me.
I found myself more and more dead tired by the end of work by each passing day, and more stressed. Obviously, I could not even step out for a run, which meant I needed to start home workouts and I have always hated doing that with a burning passion. Working out for me means literally stepping out. I need to leave my home to exercise. Simple.
However, as the kilos kept piling up, no matter how less I ate or how clean my diet was, the internet was being flooded with incredible stories of how people had dramatically transformed their bodies in just 3 months or 6 months.
Super obese people were now sporting abs, women who were struggling with post-pregnancy weight were looking like freaking supermodels.
The one thing all these stories had in common was that they were madly working out on a daily basis. I am talking 1-2 hours of cardio and weight and yoga and anything other workout you can think out. Now, as I said before, working out in my room was the one thing I hated the most, but I started feeling like I had no other choice. Everyone was doing it, why was I finding it so difficult. With that in mind, I started the in-my-room exercisesand I had never felt worse in my life.
I missed the fresh air of my daily walks, I freaking missed the people at my gym as we danced together in a sweaty, musical ritual. And by the end of 3 months, I had lost a meagre 4 kiloswhich made me almost smash everything in my room.
With a year having gone into the pandemic and my weight trying to give competition to that of a Panda, I tortured myself every day watching these weight loss stories and screamed from the inside that I was not able to do that despite all my efforts.
Somehow, I had convinced myself that if I do not lose weight like others during the pandemic, I was a loser and that I could not do anything else. Suddenly, all my past achievements in life did not matter. I also started associating my worth to the numbers dropping on the scale.
Try and imagine how frustrating I must have felt to watch the kilos pile up despite eating clean, despite working out. Yes, my job required me to stay pretty much chained to the computer all day, and that prevented me from working on my NEAT, but I was still doing everything right.
One day, around 4 am, as I was staring at my burning vanilla-scented candle and trying to win my war with insomnia, I started wondering if I should just stop. Stop with the fruits and veg, stop running like a headless chicken on my rooftop, stop doing endless situps and planks and just accept my fate of turning into a continentwhen something hit me like a truck.
A process that's supposed to make you feel better, was actually sucking all the joy and happiness from my life!
No wonder I was miserable even though I had lost 10 kilos in 5 months. Sure the weight was coming down even though at the speed of a snail, but what was I losing in the process? I was angrier than ever, my hair was literally turning grey, I starting getting acne like crazy, I was tensed all the time, my endless patience was dwindling, I was forcing myself to be happy (something that came so naturally to me)
I realized that one persons weight loss DOES NOT have to be my story. Another persons transformation DOES NOT have to be my goal. What will happen if I dont lose all that weight in a limited time? Exactly, nothing! Will my family kick me out? No. Will I lose my job? No. Will my friends abandon me? No way. So? Why was I killing myself over not being able to lose 20 kilos in 3 months like so many others? Why couldnt I be happy with my progress, no matter how small it was?
I started praising myself for my tiny but significant gains. I told myself that I was losing weight slowly despite a severe medical condition and a sedentary job, and that was freaking amazing! I assured myself that I was not unhealthy and was not killing myself if I ate cake or a damn lasagna once in a while. I accepted that my body was differentmy journey was differentI was different from all those people who were going viral for their transformations, and that I was doing nothing wrong.
Slowly, but surely, peace started resurfacing back in my head. I stopped plotting the death of the universe. I stopped seeing food as my mortal enemy. I continued doing what I was doing with the little workouts, and minus the stress and all that negativity I had createdI realized I was actually killing it!
Once I figured out that it was not some race to lose weight, the pressure just died, and I was proud of my efforts.
And right now, even though I am still not thin yet. And am still waiting for the rains to stop and the situation outside to ease up so I can run again, I am finally at peace with my journey. Because I have nothing to prove to anyone, and being healthy, both physically and mentally, is more important to me right now in this pandemic.
Honestly, guys, look at what is happening outside. We are the privileged few. While people are dying and families are being torn apart with grief because of Covid, some of us are still healthy surrounded by our precious family in our homes, safe and happy. Instead of coming down on ourselves just because of that number on the weighing machine, how about we thank God to be alive and healthy right now?
The weight will drop, eventually, but its not worth losing your mental peace over it. I paid a price to come to that life-altering realisation...but you don't have to.
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Why Its Okay If Youre Not Having A Dramatic Body Transformation During The Pandemic -