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Toledo man reaches weight loss goal of 210 pounds while working to inspire others on their weight loss journey – WTOL

John Nieman began losing weight during the pandemic and says he doesn't want people to give up.
We bring you an update to a big weight-loss story we first told you about last year.
Now, hundreds of pounds lighter, that man's journey just hit an even bigger milestone.
While rowing on a Friday afternoon, John Nieman is putting in the work to keep losing the weight.
"Honestly my cousin's wedding. December 2019, saw pictures of myself and I looked like melted ice cream. I was in pretty bad shape," said Nieman when recalling when he first wanted to lose weight.
Nieman weighed in at 509 pounds.
When we first shared his story, he had just started dieting himself, until he says he hit a plateau.
After driving by it several times, that's when he decided to stop by and work out at the Standard Crossfit in downtown Toledo.
"When I met John last year, COVID had just kinda started to relax a little bit. We were just starting to get some of the restrictions lifted. Met somebody who wanted to change. He had a lot of depression in his life. Was looking for a way out of that," said Sam Woodring, a Level 2 Trainer at the Standard CrossFit.
At that time, Nieman was able to lose more than 130 pounds.
Since then, he recently hit another milestone.
"My original goal was to lose 210 pounds by the time I was 40. I'm 16 months in and I'm down 200. I hit my goal of 210 pounds. Now I"m gonna try to lose another 30 or 40 before I feel like I'm in a good place," said Nieman.
At 39 years old, he's months ahead of his birthday in January.
Woodring, his trainer, says it's because he did things the right way.
"Lifting weights. You know, running, biking. Getting on a rower. Lifting heavy things. Eating proper nutrition. If you're trying to lose weight, having a calorie deficit. Those are the ways that you're properly gonna lose the weight and the weight's actually gonna stay off."
And now Neiman wants to inspire others.
"Don't give up. The community is here. The support is here. We'll always be here. You just have to know the right places to look. And come downtown. I'm usually her. Look for the giant. I'm not hard to miss," said Nieman.
Nieman says you can reach out to him if you'd like to hear from him and his weight loss efforts.
His Instagram name is archetype_kong or you can message him on his Facebook page at John Nieman.
Meanwhile, you can visit the Standard CrossFit here to schedule a free introduction to its workouts.
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Toledo man reaches weight loss goal of 210 pounds while working to inspire others on their weight loss journey - WTOL
Polyphenols in Red Wine help burn Calories and lose Weight – Indian Wine Academy

July 20: According to Ms. Lamuela-Ravintos, a professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Gastronomy at the University of Barcelona, moderate wine consumption is not associated with weight gain, while revealing new evidence showing that in fact, red wine can help you burn calories and when drunk with meals, it also offers a range of health benefits
Dont give up wine when looking to lose weight it may help you shed the kilos- that was the message from the professor of nutrition during a recent webinar organised by wine in moderation.
Addressing the audience online, Ms. Rosa M. Lamuela-Ravintos addressed the issue of Wine and Weight Management. The professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Gastronomy at the University of Barcelona, has shown that moderate wine consumption is not associated with weight gain, while revealing new evidence to show that red wine can help you burn calories. When drunk during meals, it also offers a range of health benefits.
Using evidence from a Brazilian Study considering the timing and type of alcohol consumption and the Metabolic syndrome (a medical term for a combination of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity), she showed that moderate wine consumption had a protective effect in terms of reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes when drunk with meals, but a neutral effect when drunk outside the meals.
The study, which involved more than 14,000 participants, states: Drinking predominantly wine, which occurred mostly with meals, was significantly related to a lower syndrome prevalence; drinking predominantly beer, most notably when outside of meals and in larger quantity, was frequently associated with a greater prevalence, according to The Drinks Business.
She also told the audience that wine contains an array of beneficial minerals, vitamins and polyphenols. It is a misnomer to say wine has empty calories. She said that there was an increasing proportion of the worlds population which was classified as obese- a condition reached if you have a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher.
BMI is calculated by using a person's height and weight. The formula is BMI = kg/m2 where kg is a person's weight in kilograms and m2 is ones height in meters squared. A BMI of 25.0 or more is overweight, while the healthy range is 18.5 to 24.9. The BMI of 25-30 is considered overweight and if it is less than 25 the person is normal or underweight.
Every year, we notice that these people of normal weight are decreasing while those with obesity is increasing. This is a matter of concern, especially among children, she said, adding that the problem of obesity is that it is a disease which gets worse with obesity, resulting in type 2 diabetes -one of the worst diseases, along with heart disease. It is also associated with physiological problems.
Unfortunately, the combination of increased obesity and the feeling that alcoholic beverages provide empty calories, led to the elimination of wine from a weight-loss diet.
Talking about the incidence of obesity and cardiovascular disease risk among wine drinkers, she said that initially she relied on the results of a study called PREDIMED (Prevencin con Dieta Mediterrnea)- a pioneering dietary pathway that focused on the long-term effects of a Mediterranean diet among nearly 7,500 random participants, the results of which were published in 2013.
After looking at different items from the study, she observed that the marked wine drinkers ate no healthier food than those who didnt. However, those who drank wine had lower heart rates and lower body mass index (BMI) when energy expenditure was similar to the teetotalers- those who abstained.
This was true for those who drank very little (1-6 units per week), and those who consumed more than 14 units per week. But the results were better among moderate wine drinkers, who drank 7-14 units of wine at every week.
Subhash Arora
Once again, here is a Study that validates the Golden Rule by delWine propagated for the last 17 years-drink quality wine, preferably red wine and preferably with food. Men should limit their intake to 2 glasses a day while women should stick to one glass due to an otherwise increased chance of breast cancer which can be cancelled out if they take folates regularly. Please consult your progressive doctor for medical advice in your specific case-editor
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Polyphenols in Red Wine help burn Calories and lose Weight - Indian Wine Academy
One Major Effect Coffee Has on Weight Loss, Dietitian Says | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

It's the most-sipped beverage in the world next to water, and it's no wonder so many of us love it: That's right, it's coffee. In addition to the recent discovery of the link between coffee and liver health, and the even newer study that suggests coffee may help prevent COVID-19, now a dietitian is giving us one more reason to pour that beautiful brew. If you've been curious about whether coffee can help you lose weight, you've been right. A dietitian for the Mayo Clinic is revealing how it happens.
Katherine Zeratsky, RD, LD is a registered dietitian at the Mayo Clinic. Zeratsky recently took to the renowned health system's blog to reveal several ways coffee may play a role in boosting your weight-loss efforts. Keep reading to understand how coffee can support weight loss, and don't miss One Secret Fitness Trick That Can Add Years to Your Life, Says Top Trainer.
Though we don't suggest that the healthiest way to lose weight is to stop eating, you might find that quieting your appetite slightly when it's growling can help you from overdoing it next time you sit down to a meal. Zeratsky says: "Caffeine may reduce feelings of hunger and your desire to eat for a brief time."
RELATED:This Is the Best Coffee for Weight Loss, Says an Expert
Especially for those of us who work in some activity most every day, we all need a little rest on occasion. Thanks to its impact on the body's thermogenesis process (more on that here), coffee can help your metabolism stay active when you do. Check out other ways you can help your body burn fat even while you're taking it easy.
It's true: As Zeratsky explains, just by definition, caffeine's role as a stimulant can bring greater efficiency to the body's calorie-burning capacity.
RELATED: The Most Surprising Drink for Weight Loss, Says Dietitian
You might be inspired to brew a fresh cup now but, as you consider any habit that could impact your healthcoffee-drinking and losing weight includedit's always best to talk with your healthcare provider to choose the routine that's right for you.
For more like this, get the Eat This, Not That! newsletter and read up on The 3 Best Drinks to Speed Up Your Metabolism, According to Experts.
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One Major Effect Coffee Has on Weight Loss, Dietitian Says | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
How to lose weight using these 10 tools that help make your health journey more fun –

When it comes to shedding unwanted kilos, that wont cut it.
Losing weight is hard work, dammit!
You need a solid plan of action, lots of determination and a stash of secret weapons that will help you stay on track and get the job done.
Here are a few of our faves.
Do you have portion size complacency?
This is the unfortunate condition of eyeballing way more than the recommended serving size of whatever it is youre about to eat.
Measuring portions is a great way to keep you in check.
With a handy barbecue outside your back door, simple, healthy meals are a snap.
Were thinking perfectly grilled chicken, steak seared just right, flavoursome fish, and fresh vegies tossed in a little olive oil.
Dont save your barbecue for special occasions use it every day to whip your weight-loss efforts into shape.
Specifically, someone wholl call BS when you try to cop out of exercise.
Shes the annoying friend who will guilt you into that walk, run or Zumba class and shes a weight-loss weapon in disguise.
You can thank her later.
There are many trackers on the market to suit a range of budgets and personal needs, but all have one thing in common: they motivate the heck out of you!
Track your weight loss better as most monitor steps, stairs climbed, heart rate, quality of sleep and kilojoules burned.
Theyre sold everywhere and are totally worth the investment.
Make this nifty gadget your new best friend.
No cheating on portion sizes!
Yes, you could exercise in a daggy old T-shirt and sweatpants.
But why would you?
Pulling on cute workout clothes and shoes can be surprisingly motivating.
Logging what you eat keeps you honest and helps you learn what works best for you.
The best apps feature extensive kilojoule databases and barcode scanners, which are a godsend for making great choices at the grocery store.
A couple we love are MyFitnessPal and Easy Diet Diary.
When you use your mobile to sync your fitness tracker with your food diary app, magic happens.
Since your phone is usually with you, you can say sayonara to last excuse.
It really is all about that bass.
The right music gets you in the zone, spurs you on, helps you keep pace, elevates your mood and distracts you (in a good way) from physical exertion.
Whether its a driving beat or something more laid-back, a workout playlist you can groove to is a must.
Google best workout music for new ideas.
As women, were great at overcomplicating the issue of weight loss.
We emotionalise our relationship with food, blame hormones, metabolism, thyroid issues, partners, you name it.
Lets get real; very few weight problems are related to diagnosed medical conditions.
Or partners.
Its still kilojoules in verses kilojoules out burn more than you consume and you will lose weight.
Thats a fact!
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How to lose weight using these 10 tools that help make your health journey more fun -
Weight loss story: "I have protein-rich khichdi for dinner and lost 30 kilos" | The Times of India – Times of India

My breakfast: Tea with 1 spoon of sugar (having sugar is one of the biggest sins I have, but I cannot do without it) with 1-2 whole-wheat bread slices and a biscuit or rusk.
My lunch: Homemade Dal with any dry vegetable sabzi and 1 chapati with lots of green salad. On some days only fresh curd with Chapati. ( I always make sure that I have enough portion of Protein in my diet - be it Dal / Dahi / Paneer) and yes not to forget - Almost no potato
My dinner: Khichdi with normal "Ghee Tadka" (2-3 times a week) or any home-cooked sabzi with 1 chapati
Pre-workout meal: Big cup of Black Coffee - Never loved coffee this much before 🙂
Post-workout meal: It would be either my daily Breakfast or Dinner - depending on my workout time.
I indulge in (What you eat on your cheat days): I can't remember even a single "Cheat Day" in my first 4 months of workout. However there were times, when I had to go out for lunch/dinner (which I could not avoid) I used to have either yellow dal with 1 chapati or plain dosa/idli.
Low-calorie recipes I swear by: Khichdi (trust me - I never ate this in my life, but I am loving it and actually have it at least 1-2 times a week now) - It's a wholesome diet in itself full of proteins.
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Weight loss story: "I have protein-rich khichdi for dinner and lost 30 kilos" | The Times of India - Times of India
One Major Side Effect of Eating Boiled Eggs, Experts Say | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

A hard-boiled egg can be a good source of protein that takes the edge off hunger, but the new "boiled egg diet" takes things a little too far. That's what two dietitians believe, as a restrictive new weight-loss trend is said to be gaining momentum on social media. What exactly is the boiled egg diet? Here's important insight you should know.
Keep reading to learn a major side effect of going on the boiled egg diet, and sign up for the Eat This, Not That! newsletter for the nutrition news you need. Also, don't miss This Gone-Viral Way to Cook Eggs Is Dangerous, Say Experts.
Women's Health has reported on the boiled egg diet, which apparently is stirring buzz online. This diet isn't exactly what it sounds like (fortunately). While it is composed of boiled eggs, that's not all that's on the menu. According to WH, the boiled egg diet also includes a list of lean proteins (fish, pork, poultry minus skin), non-starchy vegetables (think leafy greens, broccoli, bell peppers, asparagus, and carrots), a very select handful of fruits (berries, lemons, grapefruit and watermelon), and minimal fats (butter, mayonnaise, and coconut oil).
RELATED:One Major Effect of Eating Fruit Every Day, Says New Study
The boiled egg component of the diet generally comes in as the diet calls for an individual to eat two eggs with fruit at breakfast, then vegetables with eggs or another lean protein at both lunch and dinner, according to registered dietitian and nutritionist Erin Palinski-Wade.
RELATED:Unhealthiest Proteins for Weight Loss, According to Experts
Anytime you subtract all the carbohydrates from your diet, it's going to help you lose weightbut not in a healthy way. Palinski-Wade says the problem with the boiled egg diet is that it doesn't provide your body with all the nutrition you need.
To this point, WH also cites Keri Gans, another registered dietitian and nutritionist, listing the foods that are off limits on the boiled egg diet: "[T]he diet suggests avoiding all processed foods, and even other veggies like potatoes, corn, peas, and legumes. You're also asked to avoid some fruits: bananas, pineapple, mango, dried fruits, and sweetened beverages."
Just one example of why this isn't ideal for your health comes from a brand-new study that's stressing why eating whole grains is so important to cardiovascular health, and how whole grains can even help you lose weight.
A couple hard-boiled eggs are a good snack now and then, but several a day? It wouldn't be sustainable for most people to diet successfully, Palinski-Wade suggests.
Also, it's important to remember that while eggs have some super health benefits, they're also a source of cholesterol and saturated fat. If you're not egged-out, peek at One Major Side Effect of Eating Too Many Eggs, Says Science.
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One Major Side Effect of Eating Boiled Eggs, Experts Say | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
Raven-Symon Shares How She Lost 30 Pounds in 3 Months | Eat This Not That – Eat This, Not That

Losing 30 pounds in just a few months? That'sso Raven. Multihyphenate star Raven-Symon has been sharing her weight loss journey with fans, revealing the exact tips and tricks she's employed to lose 30 pounds and improve her overall health over just three months.Now, in a new interview, the actor and TV host reveals the exact steps she took to drop the weight and improve her health in one fell swoopand there are no personal trainers or expensive diet plans involved.
Read on to discover how she shed the pounds. And for more insight into how your favorite stars really slim down, check out Katie Lee Biegel Shares How She Got Back to Her Pre-Baby Weight.
In a new interview with Australia's Today Show, Raven-Symon revealed that she decided to lose weight after having a frightening experience at the doctor.
"My numbers came back and it scared the bejesus out of me. I've always dealt with weight my entire lifesurpassing 200 pounds at some points, going under 150 at other points," she explains. "There was a moment recently where I sat down with my wife and I was just like, 'This has to stop.'"
For more celebrity transformations, check out Sherri Shepherd Says This One Thing "Makes the Weight Fall Off" After Losing 35 Pounds.
In order to shed the pounds, Raven-Symon adopted a "low-carb, high-fat" way of eating that she says keeps her satiated in a way that her previous meal plans didn't.
In addition to her new way of eating, the star says that she's been incorporating "lots of fasting" and low-impact exercise into her regular routine.
Raven-Symon says that, in addition to making over her eating habits, she feels like she "finally understand[s] the science of my body and what it needs in order to be at a healthy weight."
The star says that much of her weight loss has come about due to a seismic mental and emotional change. "I call some of my weight 'hate weight,'" she explains, noting that therapy and her happy marriage have helped guide her transformation. "As soon as I stopped hating things around me and my cortisol went down, I was able to not rely on carbs as much and take away all of those things that were really pushing my insulin levels to the point of no return, creating an insulin resistance in me that is very dangerous for future health."
Raven-Symon says she's not letting the number on the scale determine how she feels about her progress.
"I put away that number, I put away that scale," she says. "What I look at is: Am I able to walk up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing? Am I able to wake up without inflammation in my ankles and my wrists and all of my injuries? Am I able to digest foods without grumblings in my tummy?I'm not trying to hit a goal number, I'm just trying to stay healthy."
For more insight into how your favorite stars shape up, check out Eva Longoria Shares Her Challenging Butt Workout In New Video, and for the latest celebrity health and fitness news delivered to your inbox, sign up for our newsletter!
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Raven-Symon Shares How She Lost 30 Pounds in 3 Months | Eat This Not That - Eat This, Not That
Op-Ed: Why you should forget about that pandemic weight gain and cut yourself some slack – Los Angeles Times

Buried in the sweetness of a return to some sort of pre-pandemic life is the dread of something less palatable: an uncomfortable date with my scale. I know its going to tell me Ive gained 10 pounds. And with that knowledge, theres a fleeting thought that maybe Im not ready to put on a public face, at least not yet not while Im looking like this.
Before you judge me, know that Im really not a shallow person. Honest. Im at a place in my life where I rarely worry about what other people think of me, because I know how rarely they do. I even teach mindfulness and self-compassion to other healthcare workers, showing them how to handle their negative self-talk with grace and gentleness. So why let a modest weight gain during a planetary crisis get under my skin?
Im hardly alone in my up-a-size boat. A research letter recently published in JAMA suggests that Americans who sheltered in place gained an average of 20 pounds during the pandemic. And perhaps Im primed to be even more sensitive, because like 9% of the population worldwide, I once struggled with an eating disorder. Its a part of my life I consider to be over, the work done to leave it in the past. But even when old habits die, their shadows often linger.
Is a bit of regression really so shocking, in light of everything weve been through in the past 18 months? Weve home-schooled kids, cared for elderly parents, learned to live with fear and uncertainty and, in far too many cases, lost people we love. Its common for my colleagues and I to dutifully say to one another, Well, at least we still have our health.
Or do we? In the spring, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. Even though my mindfulness practice gives me meaningful relief, I often wonder what role chronic stress (or asymptomatic COVID-19) could have played in that condition and what role it may have in aggravating my ongoing symptoms and even weight gain.
The deeper truth is that the unrelenting, toxic pressure of living through the pandemic has affected our health in myriad ways.
Those who experienced financial instability, personal illness or loss, complex grief and moral injury will likely show a wide array of physical and mental health effects in the years to come. Some groups have borne some of the worst stress and trauma, especially communities of color that have been disproportionately affected by COVID. Many of us may find we need to tend to old injuries that have suddenly flared up.
But too often, we fail to tend to those injuries at all. We restrict, we repress, we fixate, we berate, aiming a stream of vitriol squarely at ourselves for not being thinner or stronger or tougher or better able to take the blows as they come. I did that for years.
These summer mornings, my extra 10 pounds and I get up early and walk my dog along the shoreline of the lake where I bring my family every year for a few weeks of reprieve. I sit on a bench while my pups fleshy petal of a tongue licks my forearm.
During this COVID marathon, I feel like Im finally coming up for air, a pebble settling in water, no longer clenched like a fist. Im remembering that there is a place beyond this tension, that before the pandemic I found peace in my life, and I will find it in the aftermath, too.
I had a friend in university who loved to feed me. I think of her every time I smell the first hint of garlic spitting in a slick of hot oil: the Indigo Girls on in the background, my friend saying shyly, Id never go to all this trouble just for myself. I always wondered, what did she eat when I wasnt around concrete paste and water? Why did she need me there just to do something nice for herself?
For everyone who has been more tightly coiled during the pandemic, whatever demon you are carrying, may you find a way to do something nice for yourself this summer, something that reminds you that, yes, you are worth a little bit of trouble.
And you know what else? Nobody cares if you gained 10 pounds, or more; almost nobody will even notice if you emerge looking generally like a swamp creature. Of course we should all eventually try to get back to a healthier weight, but Im not going to preach only offer a gentle reminder.
If you think youll finally approve of yourself when you lose weight or write that bestselling book or run a marathon, you have it backward. Start by cutting yourself a little slack. Everything else may just fall into place.
Jillian Horton is a Canadian physician and writer. She is the author of We Are All Perfectly Fine: A Memoir of Love, Medicine and Healing. @jillianhortonMD
To Lose Weight, Stop Counting Calories and Do This, Study Says – The Beet

For years we have been told that eating small meals throughout the day is the key to healthy weight loss. The opposite may actually be true, studies now tell us. Eating two large meals a day is better than six small ones, to burn more calories,keep blood sugar low and lose weight quickly. Even if you eat the exact same amount of calories in the two meals versus the frequent smaller ones, you will lose more weight and lower your blood sugar with the less frequent eating habit, the research says. The key appears to be allowing time between meals and eating according to your body's biological clock, not the times designated by others.
Thelatesttrend of intermittent fasting (IF), where you don't eat for a window of 14 to 16 hours a day, allowing your blood sugar to flatten and your body to use fat stores as fuel, is so popular in large part because it's how we often eat anyway. IF doesn't take any extra calorie counting or net-carb calculating. If you eat an early dinner and late breakfast you are likely not eating for 14 hours. Stretch that a little further and you get to 16 hours.
Before IF became popular, when wewere told to eat breakfast, by health magazines and other experts, many of us who are not generally hungry when we wake up (or until later in the morning) felt that we had to force ourselves to eat something, and turned to sweet cereals, sugar and butter-laden pastries, doughy bagels with cream cheese, or other high-carb, low nutrient breakfasts that would set us up for weight gain.
While more frequent meals were believed to lower the risk of disease, there is now conflicting evidence that shows the low meal frequency (one or two meals a day) has been found to be most effective in losing weight, in a recent study.The key is to take into account theperiod of fasting between the two meals. "The physiological underpinning of these interconnected variables may be through internal circadian clocks," the authors wrote, "and food consumption that is asynchronous with natural circadian rhythms may exert adverse health effects and increase disease risk." Which is a fancy way of saying: Listen to your own hunger cues and eat when you want to, not at a pre-ordained time for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
The myth was that eating breakfast and then a series of smaller meals throughout the day would allowus to eat fewer calories overall, but that rarely happens whenone startsthe day with a carb-rich calorie bomb like a donut. This sugary breakfast habit then sends our blood sugar skyrocketing and plummeting, settingus up for a day of rollercoaster hunger and lagging energy that was worse than if they had not eaten anything at all until a little later in the middle of the morning when their natural hunger cues would kick in.
If your morning meal consists of foods high in sugar with little to no fiber or protein, the up and down blood sugar triggers your body into thinking it needs more fuel, comments registered dietitian, Lauren Armstrong. Research has indicated a big dip in blood sugar can lead to hundred more calories eaten throughout the day.
When you look at the evolutionary reasons for this, we likely were born to get up and forage, hunt or find our food, pick the berries and fruit, cook the small meat and eat at around noon. The body is built to easily withstand a morning of no sustenance and can make it much longer to our next meal, burning calories along the way.
In the study that looked at the difference in weight loss between two large meals a day versus six smaller ones, researchers asked 54 patients with type 2 diabetes (both men and women), between the ages of 30 and 70, with aBMI of between 27 and 50 and an HbA1c 6-11.8percent to follow two different diets for 12 weeks (27 ineach group). Each diet involved the same number of calories and carbs and the same macronutrient content but one diet was spread over six meals a day and the other diet involved eating two sittings a day, for essentially what was breakfast and lunch.
Both groups lost weight but the dieters in the two meals a day lost more weight and lowered every major health marker to end up significantly healthier than those who ate essentially all day long. The findings: Eating only twomeals a day reduced body weight, cholesterol levels, fastingblood sugar, and every other important health marker,more than the same caloric restriction split into six meals. These results suggest that eatingtwo meals a day is more effective in weight loss than spreading your calories into more meals throughout the day.
Here's where following your natural diet urges makes sense. Instead of thinking that you need to eat breakfast and lunch (and skip dinner), listen to your body and eat when you're hungry. For most of us, that means mid-morning, like at 11 or 11:30 am and have an early lunch-style meal that is savory, not sweet. Eating a sweet breakfast sends blood sugar soaring and insulin crops up to tell your body to cart off unused blood sugar to be stored as fat. In many countries the first meal is protein and vegetables, nuts and fruit, whole grains and seeds, so add leftover salad to your first meal of the day, and think in terms of helping your body burn fuel without overwhelming it with added sugars.
Adding protein, healthy fats, and fiber into your meals helps to stabilize blood sugar because they digest much slower compared to high sugar foods, says Armstrong. Youll also feel full for a longer period of time and will avoid any early afternoon energy crashes.
The second meal may be earlier than what people call dinner. It may be a sunset meal or a twilight snack. Most of us dive into the chips and dips before dinner because our natural body clock tells us that we should eat at 5 or 6 pmand then by the time we go to bed we have had ample time to digest. When dinner is late, like 8 or 9pm that can confuse our natural diet cues and we eat to be social, not because that's when we are actually hungry.
Bottom Line: To be healthy, lose weight, and not overeat, try two meals a day and shift them to when you are hungry, not when you first wake up in the morning. If our natural hunger clock is to be trusted and listened to, then we may need new names for meals. Instead of breakfast, lunch, and dinner, perhaps we need a mid-morning meal and an evening meal. Leave the rest to your natural diet clock, and trust your body. Research is showing us we know how to eat if we just listen to ourselves.
The Top 20 Veggies with the Most Protein
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To Lose Weight, Stop Counting Calories and Do This, Study Says - The Beet
To Lose Weight and Keep It Off, Just Start Juicing, Studies Find – The Beet

When June comes around faster than a bullet train and we still haven't shed the extra padding from a winter of working from home, what is there to do but look for healthy ways to detox?One often-cited study shows that the best way to jumpstart weight loss and improve gut health (to lower inflammation)quickly is a short but deliberate juice fast, even if you only swap out some of your meals for juicing.
By increasing the number of fruits and vegetables you intake, by juicing, you can positively impact your gut's balance of micro-organisms, which make up your microbiome, to switch it over toward healthy bacteriawhich feed on vegetables, fruit, and the fiber they containfrom those that feed on saturated fat, meat, dairy, and toxins. Thatmeans you will not only lose weight but create a cascade of health benefits throughout the body that include opening up your blood vessels, delivering more oxygen to the muscles (with nitric oxide from the fruit and vegetable juice), and allow yourself to feel more energetic, recover from workouts faster and feel all-around more like Superman or Superwoman, all from just adding plant-based foods to your diet, the more the better.
According to the study, justthree days of juicing is enough to switch over the gut microbiome from inflammatory bacteria to good bacteria, meaning you train your body to shed pounds and hit reset, fast.
There's no better way to lose weight and do a healthy cleanse, thestudy tells us than to start juicing, at least one meal a day. Juicing, especially with a variety of vegetable juices from beets, dark leafy greens, and other intensely colored vegetables, adds important plant antioxidants, present in the pigments of the juice, called polyphenols that not only help us shed fat faster but detox all those extra empty calories and unhealthy gut bacteria from a long weekend of over-indulging (with booze, meat, sweets, and whatever else we allowed ourselves in the name of enjoying thelong-awaitedchance to socialize withfriends). Juicing works by adding fiber and nutrients to your body and allowing your gut to empty itself of bad bacteria that metabolize meat and dairy to the so-called healthy gut bacteria that fights inflammation, and literally start fresh.
"Vegetable and fruit juices provide polyphenols... fiber, and nitrates (especially in beet juice), which may induce a prebiotic-like effect," the study authors state. They set out to find out if three days of juicing would have significant health benefits and found that on day four, all serious health markers were improved, including weight loss.
The study put 20 healthy adults on ajuice diet for threedays and then had them eat normally afterward for 14 days, and the weight loss from the juicing lasted until the end of the experiment, so even after the subjects went back to their customary diet, the juice fasting weight stayed off, indicating that this type of new healthy gut microbiome was doing its job.
"On day 4 we observed a significant decrease in weight and body mass index," the authors reported, "which was maintained until day 17. On day 4 the proportion of the phylum Firmicutes and Proteobacteria [bad bacteria] in stool was significantly decreased and Bacteroidetes and Cyanobacteria [good bacteria] was increased compared to baseline and was partially reversed on day 17."
Also on day four, they reported that "plasma and urine nitric oxide was increased by 89 percent and 360 percent, respectively," while the number of unhealthy lipids in the body had fallen by more than 20 percent, which meant that heart health was also improved. "General well-being score was increased at the end of the study," the authors concluded. "In summary, a 3-day juice-based diet altered the intestinal microbiota associated with weight loss," which stayed off for 17 days of the study, and an increase inNitric Oxide, plus adecrease in lipid oxidation.
This was so significant that even a partial juice fast is likely to benefit you. Here is how to make a healthy green juice based on this study, with green vegetables, and a small amount ofmint, cucumber, and lemon juice to sweeten the drink enough to make it palatable.
For five detox juice recipes to cleanse your body and lose weight, click here.
Serves 1
Beet juice, specifically, carries more health benefits than other vegetables or plants, because of the fact that it contains a plant pigment that makes it an intense color or red called betalains. These phytochemicals are believed to give beetsthe ability to keep blood pressure low by helping blood vessels stay supple, open, and allow blood to freely flow through them. But they are also indicated in studies as helping the body infighting cancer, a fact that experts agree makes beet juice a uniquely powerful ingredient to add to your daily routine.
Beets get their rich color from betalains, which are water-soluble antioxidants, according to a studypublished in 2016. "Betalains have chemo-preventive capabilities against some cancer cell lines in the body, explains Shannon Henry, RD, a registered dietitian withEZCare Clinic,an online healthcare service. Betalains are thought to help your immune system search for free radicalsand neutralizeunstable cells in the body.
Inyet another recent study,researchers gave obese female patients a mix of dried fruit and a high-fiber drink of vegetable concentrate and found that the effect of the phytochemicals, or plant-based nutrients, from the fruits and vegetableshelped to reduce blood sugar and lower insulin resistance, so fiber from dried fruit can be beneficial as a snack while you are juicing since the fiber can also act as a prebiotic toimprove guthealth.
Serves 1
The Top 20 Veggies with the Most Protein
Read more from the original source:
To Lose Weight and Keep It Off, Just Start Juicing, Studies Find - The Beet