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Nov 1

Lose Weight Without Moving

Need another reason to hit the snooze button? Your fat cells need sleep, too!

The more shut-eye you catch at night, the easier your fat cells can prevent weight gain. In a new study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers at the University of Chicago directly linked sleep loss to a decline in the cells ability to react to the hormone insulin.

In the study, seven people slept for 8.5 hours four nights in a row. Four weeks later, researchers repeated the process, but shortened each nights sleep to a mere 4.5 hours. After less sleep, participants whole-body insulin sensitivity was down by an average of 16 percent.

What that means: In the short term, a decrease of fat cells insulin sensitivity can lessen the production of the hormone leptin, which goes to the brain and could both make you hungrier and heavier, says study author Matthew Brady, Ph.D., associate professor of medicine at Chicago. Even worse: Over the long term, continually low insulin sensitivity could lead to total-body resistance to insulin and the development of type 2 diabetes.

Brady says the fix could be as simple as grabbing the right amount of sleep each night, adding that it could be just as important as a balanced diet and exercise. Just as you can become mentally groggy when you dont get enough sleep, your fat cells can become metabolically groggy without enough sleep. His recommendation: Catch at least seven hours each night.

Sound easier said than done? Discover How to Sleep Right, Tonight.

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Lose Weight Without Moving

Nov 1

To Lose Weight, It Helps to Train the Brain First

Jamie Grill / Getty Images

Its easy to quit smoking, Mark Twain supposedly said. Ive done it hundreds of times.

Something similar could be said of losing weight: Its relatively easy to drop a few pounds, but keeping them off is much trickier. That explains why so many people fall into the classic pattern of yo-yo dieting, in which they lose weight, gain it back, lose it again, and so on.

A new study from researchers at Stanford University may point the way toward breaking out of this cycle. Weight loss might be more lasting, the study suggests, if dieters get the hang of certain healthy habitssuch as eating mindfully and taking brief walksbefore actively trying to lose weight.

The study, which appears in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, included 267 mostly obese women who were randomly split into two groups. Half of the women began a weight-loss regimen immediately. The other half eventually followed the same regimen, but first went through an eight-week program in which they fine-tuned their lifestyle and learned to stabilize their weight. Little Ways to Drop the Pounds and Keep Them Off

Both groups of women ultimately slimmed down by the same amountroughly 17 pounds, on average (or 9% of their initial body weight). But over the course of the following year, the women who participated in the eight-week program regained an average of just 3 pounds, compared to 7 pounds in the other group.

They cut that regain in half, says lead author Michaela Kiernan, a senior research scientist at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, in Palo Alto, Calif.

The dieting portion of the study lasted 20 weeks and featured all of the hallmarks of conventional weight-loss programs. Women met weekly with a trained instructor, kept food journals, exercised more, and followed a healthy diet focused on fruits and vegetables. Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

See the rest here:
To Lose Weight, It Helps to Train the Brain First

Nov 1

The best way to lose weight and keep it off? Delay your diet for two MONTHS while you practice it first

Women who did a practice run before they started cutting back on calories were better at keeping the pounds off Approach may crack the problem of yo-yo dieting, where women meet their target - but regain lost weight within weeks

By Jenny Hope

PUBLISHED: 11:09 EST, 30 October 2012 | UPDATED: 03:04 EST, 31 October 2012

The approach may crack the problem of yo-yo dieting where women meet their target - but regain lost weight within weeks

They say practice makes perfect and it seems that applies to dieting and staying trim.

Women who did a practice run before they started losing weight were better at keeping the pounds off, a study has suggested.

The approach may solve the problem of yo-yo dieting, in which slimmers regain lost pounds.

Researchers believe the secret of avoiding weight gain is making small, quick adjustments to eating habits before beginning a diet.

The study looked at 267 overweight or obese women who either started a weight loss regime immediately or spent eight weeks learning weight maintenance skills before starting.

They were also encouraged to weigh themselves daily to see how different eating patterns affected their weight.

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The best way to lose weight and keep it off? Delay your diet for two MONTHS while you practice it first

Nov 1

A Diet That Asks You Not to Lose Weight (at First)

Latest Exercise & Fitness News

By Rita Rubin WebMD Health News

Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD

Oct. 30, 2012 -- Perhaps the best time to learn how to avoid regaining lost pounds is before you shed a single one, according to a new study.

As anyone who's ever been on a diet knows, losing weight is easier than keeping it off. "Long-term maintenance remains elusive," the researchers write.

The problem, they say, is that people tend to abandon the changes they've made during a weight loss program, such as healthy eating, physical activity, and keeping a record of everything they eat. Typically, people regain 30% to 50% of the weight lost in the first year after stopping the program.

The researchers wondered what would happen if overweight or obese women got a chance to practice the skills needed to keep weight off without having to worry about slimming down first. They enrolled 267 overweight or obese women ages 21 and older.

"People come in really motivated," researcher Michaela Kiernan, PhD, says of those about to start a weight loss program. The premise of her study, Kiernan says, was to "get them to channel that good energy on maintenance."

So Kiernan, a senior research scientist at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, and her collaborators assigned the women to two groups: One was "maintenance first," and the other "weight loss first."

Both groups met for 28 weeks, but the maintenance-first group spent the first eight weeks learning maintenance skills, while the weight loss-first group spent the last eight weeks learning how to keep the weight off by learning problem-solving skills.

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A Diet That Asks You Not to Lose Weight (at First)

Nov 1

To Lose Weight, Train the Brain

Jamie Grill / Getty Images

Its easy to quit smoking, Mark Twain supposedly said. Ive done it hundreds of times.

Something similar could be said of losing weight: Its relatively easy to drop a few pounds, but keeping them off is much trickier. That explains why so many people fall into the classic pattern of yo-yo dieting, in which they lose weight, gain it back, lose it again, and so on.

A new study from researchers at Stanford University may point the way toward breaking out of this cycle. Weight loss might be more lasting, the study suggests, if dieters get the hang of certain healthy habitssuch as eating mindfully and taking brief walksbefore actively trying to lose weight.

The study, which appears in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, included 267 mostly obese women who were randomly split into two groups. Half of the women began a weight-loss regimen immediately. The other half eventually followed the same regimen, but first went through an eight-week program in which they fine-tuned their lifestyle and learned to stabilize their weight. Little Ways to Drop the Pounds and Keep Them Off

Both groups of women ultimately slimmed down by the same amountroughly 17 pounds, on average (or 9% of their initial body weight). But over the course of the following year, the women who participated in the eight-week program regained an average of just 3 pounds, compared to 7 pounds in the other group.

They cut that regain in half, says lead author Michaela Kiernan, a senior research scientist at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, in Palo Alto, Calif.

The dieting portion of the study lasted 20 weeks and featured all of the hallmarks of conventional weight-loss programs. Women met weekly with a trained instructor, kept food journals, exercised more, and followed a healthy diet focused on fruits and vegetables. Best Superfoods for Weight Loss

To Lose Weight, Train the Brain

Oct 18

Want to Lose Weight, Get in Shape and Have a Personal Trainer to Make it All Happen? Now There's an App for That!

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- FitOrbit, Inc. announced the launch of their FitOrbit for iPhone app, which is available today in the iTunes App Store.

FitOrbit for iPhone an even more personal extension of FitOrbit's newly updated online platform is the first ever interactive and intimate mobile fitness solution. While there are hundreds of fitness and weight-loss apps, this is the first and only one that blends the power of technology with the potency of human support and guidance. Now, FitOrbit subscribers can have their personal trainer and customized exercise and meal plans with them at all times. It delivers on FitOrbit's core promise and belief: "If it's not personal, it's not possible."

The FitOrbit app is free to all members of, the revolutionary online program that delivers personal training and full weight-loss programs for a tiny fraction of what conventional personal training costs at a gym, or at home. For an average of $10 a month, FitOrbit members receive a full lifestyle package, including a smartly personalized workout regimen, realistic meal plan, plus 24/7 standby support.

FitOrbit's highly personal and trainer-guided solution has been proven effective. In a recent independent 20-week study, participants reported an average of 1.3 lbs/week of weight loss using FitOrbit. With FitOrbit for iPhone, that experience is mirrored and extended to the mobile device.

FitOrbit for iPhone allows users to completely sync with the FitOrbit web experience, offering:

"Our users love their trainers. The more they talk with their trainer, the more they track their meals and workouts, the more weight they lose it's that simple. With our new iPhone app, your trainer and your plan are never more than a touch away," says Amir Hosseinpour, Senior Vice President of FitOrbit, Inc.

The app is available for free for members at the iTunes App Store:

About FitOrbit

Launched in June 2009 by one of the fitness industry's reigning icons, Jake Steinfeld of "Body by Jake" fame, FitOrbit provides real personal trainers and weight loss plans for $10/week. FitOrbit's investors include healthcare giant WellPoint, Spark Capital, Polar Capital and Ron Conway. Subscribers receive a full lifestyle package including an ideally matched trainer, a smartly personalized workout regimen, realistic meal plan, plus 24/7 support. Each user's dedicated trainer provides the constant motivation, guidance and irreplaceable human touch vital to weight loss success, which is also fully accessible via the FitOrbit for iPhone app. FitOrbit is available at and is also sold through diet foods leader Jenny Craig and fitness celebrities including Jackie Warner. Based in Los Angeles, California, FitOrbit is a place where fitness revolves around its members. For more information, visit

Want to Lose Weight, Get in Shape and Have a Personal Trainer to Make it All Happen? Now There's an App for That!

Oct 18

How Many Calories Needed to Lose Weight Free Guide Now Available for Dieters

MEMPHIS, Tenn., Oct. 18, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - How many calories needed to lose weight is a common question that most doctors receive by those wanting to shed extra pounds. The standard number for years written in medical books was slightly less than 2000 calories each day. A new guide available from the Weight Loss Success Plan website is providing helpful information with updated dietary information. People that require more than 2000 calories each day often have different caloric intake requirements to lose weight. This free guide, available here, can be downloaded free of charge to help people attempting safe weight loss.

Calorie counting is a habit that some dieters get into when changing eating routines in an effort to get rid of extra body weight. The process of counting calories can be tiresome and not always give an accurate indication of what someone needs to eat healthy each day. While body weight and metabolism are important, eating foods that provide a balance of calories is a solution that many doctors have agreed with in medical studies. This helpful information has been put into the new free guide for dieters.

The average person consumes up to six sugared beverages in one day according to a recent soft drink survey. One of the factors in excess weight gain is the ingestion of complex sugars that are not used for metabolic energy. High doses of sugar can cause weight gain as well as health problems in some children and adults. Medical issues like diabetes, stroke and heart disease have been linked in medical research to high doses of sugar intake.

The Weight Loss Success Plan website has put together a series of guides that are designed to help full-time and occasional dieters. While notating calories is important, it is not the only factor that can lead to weight loss. Helpful dietary hints and useful information is provided in the free guides available for use as an alternative to exercising and other solutions on the market that claim easy weight loss.

Dieters and stay-at-home moms or dads that are interested in downloading the free calorie guide can access it by using this link.

About Weight Loss Success Plan

The Weight Loss Success Plan website is helping those that want information to lose weight. Without requiring fad diets or exercise equipment, it is possible for people to make simple lifestyle changes and choices to lose excess weight. The natural weight loss information provided by the Weight Loss Success Plan is a comprehensive review of natural weight loss. This method of learning weight loss at home by avoiding supplements and unproven diets is one that is unique to the Weight Loss Success Plan website online.

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit

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How Many Calories Needed to Lose Weight Free Guide Now Available for Dieters

Oct 17

The Coca Cola Drink That'll Make You Gorgeous and Help You Lose Weight

Sure, there are tons of drinks already on the market that can help you lose weightuh, water comes to mindbut can any carefully-marketed chemical concoctions also give you gorgeous hair and radiant skin?

According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Coca-Cola is teaming up with French pharmaceutical company Sanofi to launch a new beauty drink that claims to "strengthen hair and nails, embellish skin, lose weight, and improve vitality."

The drink, called Beautific Oenobio, is made from mineral water, fruit juice, and nutritional additives and is scheduled to roll out in drugstores this fall. But you won't see it here in the states just yetthe unlikely business partners are only releasing the bevs to a limited number of stores in France.

We're dying to knowwould you ever try a drink that claims to make you, in essence, more beautiful? Do you think the stuff will actually work, or is this going to end up being another one of those weight-loss product disasters?

Let's discuss! Weigh in with your vote in our poll, and sound off in the comments below.

Related Articles:

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The Coca Cola Drink That'll Make You Gorgeous and Help You Lose Weight

Oct 17

Does losing weight feel like wishful shrinking?

William Bisset

William Bisset talks to former All Black captain and now men's health advocate Buck Shelford.

Many people I speak to tell me they would like to lose weight and be healthy, but struggle with forming new habits and sticking with them long term.

I asked Buck Shelford, legendary former All Black rugby captain, this question last week.

On the rugby field, Shelford was known to have a fighting, winning spirit. But in the past few years he has had an even greater fight to tackle ... cancer. He too lost 25 kilograms and what he has come to realise on his journey is that people need to ''step up and take control of their health''.

In particular, he has targeted men, who are often stubborn or staunch towards getting regular health checks.

He was alarmed when he discovered that men live on average four years less than women, and so he is on a campaign to encourage men to have regular check-ups and to live better.

He has been travelling the country promoting his book Buck Up, The Real Bloke's Guide to Getting Healthy and Living Longer. He discusses more about this on my video interview.

Budgeting versus eating healthily is an issue for many people. So I have been buying snap frozen vege mixes when they are on special.

I cut up heaps of ginger, a few cloves of garlic and lightly fry it in quality oil. I add chilli flakes and then add the veges with boiling water. I do not overcook the veges, just enough to soften them to enjoy, so I do not cook away all the goodness.

Here is the original post:
Does losing weight feel like wishful shrinking?

Oct 17

Kim Kardashian sheds weight

People News

Oct 17, 2012, 3:25 GMT

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Kim Kardashian is desperately trying to lose weight.

The reality TV star - who has reportedly gained 28 pounds and gone up two dresses since she began dating rapper Kanye West earlier this year - claims to have lost six pounds in the past few days.

She wrote on her blog yesterday (16.10.12): 'I've lost about 6 lbs so I wanted to wear something very Miami and fun, sexy and tight out to dinner with my boyfriend! But not a typical short tight dress.'

The comment was accompanied by pictures of the couple, in which Kim is wearing a revealing top and skirt on her home from a dinner date with the 'Mercy' rapper, taken earlier this week on the same night that he attacked a photographer for snapping pictures of them and asking him about her ex-boyfriend Reggie Bush.

Earlier this month, the curvy 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians' star - who previously worked out twice a day with a personal trainer - admitted she was hoping to shed some weight after relaxing her diet and fitness routine.

She said: 'I'm hoping to slim down a little bit, and I'm not afraid to say it.

'I think everyone goes up and down in whatever that comfortable love-relationship phase is, where you like to eat out, but now it's time to get it together again.'

Here is the original post:
Kim Kardashian sheds weight

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