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Peoria Tri-County Residents Register Now for the Seattle Sutton's 2013 Slim Down Contest

OTTAWA, Ill., Oct. 8, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating (SSHE) is sponsoring the Seattle Sutton's 2013 Slim Down Contest to help 10 lucky Peoria Tri-County residents lose weight and improve their health. One grand prize winner who loses the most weight will be packing their bags and heading to Riviera Maya, Mexico with a guest.
SSHE will provide 10 contestants a chance to make a lifestyle change once and for all. For 15 weeks contestants will receive SSHE meals for FREE, beginning on January 7, 2013 and concluding the week of April 22, 2103. Meals provided include 21 meals per week -- every breakfast, lunch and dinner for the contestants, a total of 315 meals in all.
Registration for the contest takes place between October 8, 2012 at 10 AM and October 22, 2012 at 10 AM at Selected contestants will be notified by November 12, 2012. Registration is also available by mail, information provided in Peoria Journal Star ads.
To register for the contest and read the complete rules and regulations, go to
The contestant who loses the most weight based on percentage of body weight will be heading to Riviera Maya, Mexico with a guest. Second place prize will win $1,000 cash from Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating. Third place prize will win a year membership to Landmark Racquet and Health Club.
The contest is sponsored by Seattle Sutton's Healthy Eating in cooperation with Apple Vacations and Riu Palace Riviera Maya and Landmark Racquet and Health Club.
To be considered for this contest, you must:
Ready to Lose Weight?
Fill out an online registration form at and submit your story with a current full-length photo. You may also opt to upload a recent video of yourself telling your story about why you should be chosen.
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Peoria Tri-County Residents Register Now for the Seattle Sutton's 2013 Slim Down Contest
Raspberry Ketone: Get a Free Bottle of Raspberry Ketones & Lose Weight Fast

Raspberry ketone diet free bottle giveaway campaign is live now at along with a free report which explains why raspberry ketones is a better choice than the HCG diet or green coffee bean extract.
(PRWEB) October 07, 2012
Susan Squires from Florida says: I saw a positive plug of this product on the Dr. Oz show so I figured I would give it a try. It did as expected. When I take the capsules my stomach does get a full feeling where I don't have the urges to eat. As an end result I am eating less each day and noticed that I have been gradually losing weight. I would recommend this product to others who want to lose weight and cut down on their daily calorie intake.
Click Here To Get A Free Bottle Of Raspberry Ketone Susan Used To Lose Weight
Raspberry ketone is a natural phenolic compound that is the primary aroma compound of red raspberries. It is used in perfumery, in cosmetics, and as a food additive to impart a fruity odor. This compound regulates adiponectin, a protein used by the body to regulate metabolism.
In studies on rats, raspberry ketones helped prevent the onset of obesity in mice that were on a high fat diet. They also prevented an increase in blood triglyceride following high fat meals. That translates into raspberry ketones not only helping prevent the onset of obesity, but also preventing fat storage as well.
Research and raspberry ketone reviews have shown that raspberry ketone can help people too in their weight-loss efforts, especially when paired with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet of healthy and whole foods.
Raspberry ketone causes the fat within human cells to get broken up more effectively, helping the body burn fat faster. The recommended dose is at least 100mg per day. To get the same benefit from the whole fruit, one would have to consume 90 pounds of raspberries.
People from all over the world have started to report back raspberry ketones benefits.
Frank E. Wellman from Charlottesville, VA says: I tried this product on the recommendation of Dr. OZ and was not disappointed in the results. I upped my intake to 2 caps a day taken in the morning and that seemed to hit the sweet spot. I have lost about 2 lbs. a week and will soon be within the weight range suggested. Give it a try.
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Raspberry Ketone: Get a Free Bottle of Raspberry Ketones & Lose Weight Fast
Health Research News Launches New Healthy Dessert Offer for Those Looking to Lose Weight

Online review site Health Research News, has launched a new comprehensive special offer on the on healthy dessert options that can help people lose weight. Many people are looking for ways to get healthy and to lose weight and provides the information that these people need to succeed with their new dessert recipe launch.
Ft. Worth, TX. (PRWEB) October 05, 2012
There are many are considering all natural protein and weight loss supplements as part of their diet and weight loss efforts which is why the company is launching the new insight on how to use protein powders like the BioTrust Low Carb protein powder in dessert options that are healthy and will make taking this protein supplement easy. To help the many dieters considering using protein powder and for the many who already use the BioTrust protein supplement has created these new healthy dessert recipes right on their company website.
The new informational dessert recipe offer includes a comprehensive look at not only taking the BioTrust Low Carb protein powder but on how dieters can take advantage of these healthy recipes on their own to help them reach their weight loss goals. The new recipes that include this all natural weight loss supplement have launched on the company website and are currently available to any interested consumer looking to try this all natural protein supplement as part of their weight loss effort.
For more information on the BioTrust protein powder product and on their new dessert recipes visit Health Research News, at
Matt Lewis (281) 891-3826 Email Information
Continued here:
Health Research News Launches New Healthy Dessert Offer for Those Looking to Lose Weight
'Fitocracy' turns weight loss into a social game

by Doug Delony / KHOU 11 News
Posted on October 5, 2012 at 10:15 AM
Updated today at 10:24 AM
HOUSTON There are plenty of smartphone apps and websites that claim theyll help you lose weight, but few turn the process into a social game where you compete against your friends.
Fitocracy launched in 2010 with just a few users, but now it has 400,000 thanks in part to its iPhone app. (Its makers say an Android version is on the way.)
You can sign up for Fitocracy, for free, using an e-mail address or you can link it directly to your Facebook account. Using the iPhone app, you can plan your fitness goals and track your daily workouts.
Each time you work out, you earn points, unlock achievements, andslay the laziness dragon. All of these points add up, because in the end, youre competing against whoever you choose to friend on the social network.
Obviously, this method isnt for everyone, since you may not want people to know how much you weigh or how much you work out. For some people, however, this is just the motivation they need. Many users even post somewhat revealing photos of their progress.
The good news is you dont have to have a smartphone to compete. Even just going to you can track and share your workouts.
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'Fitocracy' turns weight loss into a social game
Losing weight through hypnotherapy

Action News
October 5, 2012 (WPVI) -- Anyone who wants to lose weight can choose from literally hundreds of plans and these days, many turn to surgery. But what if you just thought you had surgery?
Judy Seward thinks she's finally on the road to a healthy weight.
Her struggle is a familiar one.
"When I'm sad, when I'm happy, no matter what, I turn to food and that's not a good thing," Seward says.
Her cravings sent her straight to fast food, sweets, and salty treats.
Her weight loss efforts came and went, but never brought lasting results and those extra pounds have really taken a toll on her health.
"Having trouble walking, I have high blood pressure now, borderline high cholesterol, and diabetes is next," Seward said.
In April, 100 pounds over her healthy weight, Judy decided the solution to taking better care of her body was through her mind.
Instead of undergoing gastric bypass, as her doctor suggested, she signed up for a session with hypnotherapist Rena Greenberg.
Here is the original post:
Losing weight through hypnotherapy
This Holiday Season Enjoy the Parties and the Food and Lose Weight

Lifesize weight-loss system gives you permission to eat whatever you want and still lose weight.
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 04, 2012
The secret to our system is that we designed the perfect portions for ALL the foods we love to eat, says Lifesize co-creator, Myles Berkowitz. The Lifesize portions are big enough to leave people satisfied so they dont walk around feeling hungry, but they are small enough so that people will lose weight.
After years of research and development, Lifesize launched earlier this year with a sell-out segment on HSN and was recently featured in the New York Times, The Huffington Post, CBS News and local Los Angeles television news.
Lifesize portions are different from, and most times bigger than, the portion sizes recommended by many diet experts. The portions were created by Hollywood trainer, Steven Kates, based on 20 years of observing the amounts of food people without weight problems ate. He found that how they stayed thin was that they ate whatever they wanted but simply ate less of it. Steven then created food portions that were practical that people can live with for life. His Lifesize portions are the same for men and women.
A recent study done on Lifesize at Colorado State University proved that Lifesize food portions program works. The study found that even if a person ate whatever he or she wanted, and ate unlimited FREE FOODS (fruits/vegetables) allowed on the program, following the portion guide, they cut between 400 500 calories a day from their diet and also decreased the amount of food they ate during the day. In addition to losing weight, the study participants found they lost a significant amount of inches from their waist, hips, thighs, and arms.
Berkowitz and Kates developed Lifesize after Berkowitz needed to lose weight and turned to Kates for help. Kates told him something he found hard to believe its not what you eat, its how much you eat, period. Kates told Berkowitz to eat all his favorite foods: ribs, hamburgers, pizza but to eat less of them.
Berkowitz was unconvinced but took note of the portion sizes Kates showed him using his own hands as a way to measure. Thinking he might be right, Berkowitz and his wife made clay bowls based on the portion sizes. The bowls were marked M for meat, C for carbs, D for dairy, etc. Soon, following the new portion control guidelines Berkowitz found his energy level was up and his excess weight started coming off. He ultimately lost 46 pounds and has kept if off for five years.
In creating Lifesize, Berkowitz and Kates studied weight loss research from major universities, consulted with doctors and nutritionists and tested their theories on hundreds of people to come up with a weight loss program strictly based on using the Lifesize portions for portion control. They also designed unusual, yet easy-to-use tools for people to measure out the Lifesize portions of food every time they eat, just like Berkowitz did with his clay bowls. No weighing, visualizing, memorizing or guessing.
Finally, they created a complete 5-Step Program to teach people how to portion their food at home or on the fly, and at any meal on any day. The program focuses on:
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This Holiday Season Enjoy the Parties and the Food and Lose Weight
Lemonade Diet Review – Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Look Good Naked! (Master Cleanse)

The Lemonade Diet (aka Lemon Cleanse or Master Cleanse) has been around for decades, especially in celebrity circles for quick pre-stage weight loss. Today's technology has encapsulated the lemonade diet in a supplement pill, known as the Lemonade Weight Loss Diet Supplement. releases its product review.
(PRWEB) September 30, 2012
The big secret? Celebrities have been using the "Lemon Cleanse" (aka "Master Cleanse") for decades in order to achieve quick weight loss results and detoxify their bodies. This diet was developed by an alternative medicine specialist in the 1940's who sought to create a program that would remove toxins from the body and aid in weight loss.
When one follows the Lemonade Weight Loss Diet plan, including the low calorie meal plan and exercise program, one can expect to lose a minimum of 1-3 pounds per week.
Suggested benefits of the Lemonade Diet include:
1.Quick Weight Loss
2.Fat Burn
3.Increased Energy
4.Curbed Appetite
5.Flatter Stomach
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Lemonade Diet Review - Lose Weight, Burn Fat, Look Good Naked! (Master Cleanse)
Unexpected foods to help you lose weight

Its no secret that losing weight isnt easy; in fact, it can be downright frustrating. Contrary to popular belief, weight loss is not just about exercising vigorously or eating a diet of solely fruits and vegetables. Whether its because they speed up your metabolism or because they keep you feeling full, there are some foods that can help you lose weight, despite not being considered healthy.
String cheese is the perfect quick snack for any time of day its small packaging allows for easy storage in your purse or briefcase. String cheese is naturally low in calories, does not contain carbohydrates and is a lean protein, so you will feel full without having consumed too many calories. From a nutritional perspective, string cheese provides valuable amounts of calcium and vitamin A. Please be cautious, however, as string cheese often contains higher levels of sodium, it may not be appropriate for those on low-sodium diets. To help reduce the sodium content, soak it in water before eating.
Apples and pears are low in calories, yet packed with fiber, which can help you feel full and control your appetite. Furthermore, the high pectin levels in apples can help slow digestion and create a feeling of fullness. Pears contain 12 percent of your daily suggested intake of vitamin C, which research suggests can help maintain a low body fat percentage. When choosing pears and apples, aim to eat organic theyve been shown to contain less pesticide residues.
All-natural peanut butter is loaded with protein and fiber. Together, they help you feel full and maintain this feeling longer, so naturally, youll eat less. Research has shown that people who added 500 calories of peanuts to their regular diet consumed less at meals and increased their resting metabolism by 11 percent. Be cautious when choosing your peanut butter: Read the ingredients and nutrition facts to ensure that it does not contain too much added sugar.
Black pepper contains a compound called piperine, which recent research has shown may increase energy expenditure and may prevent the formation of new fat cells. Before you begin sprinkling this spice on all your meals, know that this research has not been carried out in humans more research is needed before confirming peppers effects on weight loss. Still, other peppers, such as jalapenos or chili peppers, have been shown to have modest effects on metabolism because of the compound which gives them their infamous heat, capsaicin.
Air-popped popcorn, in stark contrast to its cousin movie theatre popcorn, contains few calories and is full of fiber, which will help you keep you feeling full. The hull of popcorn contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants that may also have disease-fighting properties. When preparing popcorn, dont add tons of butter and salt. Instead, choose sodium-free seasonings or herbs to keep it healthy. Pesky popcorn hull, which often lodges itself between your gums and teeth, can also get caught in the stomach and intestines of those who have undergone gastric bypass surgery or who have diverticulitis, so this food may not be appropriate for this population.
As a general rule, moderation is key when it comes to weight loss: moderate exercise, moderate calorie-cutting, etc. Its best to not make very drastic changes in your lifestyle; you want to be able to maintain your exercise regimen and healthful eating habits for the long term.
Dr. David B. Samadi is the Vice Chairman of the Department of Urology and Chief of Robotics and Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City. He is a board-certified urologist, specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of urological disease, with a focus on robotic prostate cancer treatments. To learn more please visit his websites and Find Dr. Samadi on Facebook.
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Unexpected foods to help you lose weight
Blogging the 'Write' Way to Weight Loss For Some Dieters

When Roni Noone set out to lose 70 pounds, she decided to blog about the experience. Her first posts were little more than the electronic equivalent of a note tacked to the refrigerator: They charted her weigh-ins and a few simple thoughts.
Now, five years later, she's dropped all the weight and her daily web journal, Just Roni, has blossomed into an active community of over 200,000 followers. For the past three years she's hosted the annual Fitbloggin conference in her hometown of Baltimore.
Noone said her blog has played a huge part in her successful weight loss. "That simple commitment made a world of difference. Something happened. Something clicked," she said. "The goal of blogging weekly was something completely in my control. It was a conscious decision I made and I only had myself to blame if I didn't keep up with it."
Obviously, Noone isn't the only weight loss blogger out there. As the nation has grown fatter, so has the number of people who blog about being fat. Though no group appears to be keeping tabs on the weight loss blogosphere, the website lists nearly 500 diet and weight loss related web logs, the formal term for blogs.
Most weight loss blogs consist of daily musings, concerning everything from the struggle to shed the pounds, to the frustration of hitting a plateau, to the celebration of success. Some offer recipes, surveys and links to calorie-counting sites and support groups.
The reasons people -- mostly women it seems -- begin sharing their innermost thoughts about their outermost traits are varied. Alyssa Curran started The Double Chin Diary about a year and a half ago to give herself some accountability.
"I want to share what I'm doing with my audience, no matter how big or small, and I don't want to disappoint them," she said.
Fifty-year-old Gail Geden Spenser focuses her blog, Shrinking Sisters, on working through some of the stickier situations that arise from trying to lose fifty pounds. For instance, if she feels an evening binge coming on, she tries to reach for the keyboard instead of a snack.
"I've shifted my blog writing time to 9:00 p.m. as a way to keep my hands and brain busy during the danger zone. When I do that I'm less likely to wonder what's going on in the kitchen," she said.
Gary Foster, a psychologist who is the director of the Center for Obesity research and Education at Temple University, said he suspected a lot of people blog about their weight loss to build a sense of community and find encouragement.
Blogging the 'Write' Way to Weight Loss For Some Dieters
Hydroxycut(TM): Skipping Meals Can Sabotage Weight Loss Efforts

NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwire - Sep 27, 2012) - TIME reports that a new study has pinpointed the damaging effects of skipping meals while attempting to lose weight. Although somewhat counterintuitive, this study shows that women who skip meals actually lose less weight than those who stick to a healthy meal plan. The makers of the weight-loss supplementHydroxycut understand that achieving weight-loss goals requires individuals to stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine -- one that does not encourage skipping meals, but rather enforces the importance of regular, balanced dietary intake.
The study analyzed 123 sedentary, postmenopausal women who participated in a weight-loss plan. Each woman, who was between the ages of 50 and 75, was assigned to a restricted-calorie diet or an exercise plus diet regimen. Throughout the study, the participants filled out questionnaires, tracked dietary changes, and reported other relevant behaviors. In total, the study spanned one year.
At the end of the initiative, researchers discovered that both groups lost weight; however, the behaviors that these women reported impacted the amount of weight that they lost. Skipping meals was one behavior that impeded the ability of women to shed extra pounds.
Participants who skipped meals lost almost eight pounds less than the women who followed their meal plan. This behavior is thought to contribute to binge eating or eating unhealthy food after fasting. Although women may assume that their caloric intake balances, this practice actually results, frequently, in the intake of more calories. Additionally, skipping meals can create changes in the metabolism, which can further complicate weight loss efforts.
But the tendency to skip a meal might mean more than the simple fact that a participant chose not to eat. The article reveals: "We also think skipping meals might cluster together with other behaviors," asserts Dr. Anne McTiernan, the Director of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. "For instance, the lack of time and effort spent on planning and preparing meals may lead a person to skip meals and/or eat out more."
The makers of Hydroxycut advocate that sticking to a regular meal plan and recording food intake are excellent ways to stay on track with weight-loss goals. As such, the makers of Hydroxycut encourage individuals to maintain a healthy diet and exercise plan while using their products in order to achieve their best results possible.
Hydroxycutis the number one, best-selling weight loss supplement brand in America*. The key ingredients of Pro Clinical Hydroxycut (lady's mantle extract, wild olive extract, komijn extract, and wild mint extract) have been shown to reduce BMI and encourage weight loss for participants involved in two clinical studies. In the first study, the average weight loss with these key ingredients was 20.94 pounds over a 12-week period and in the second study, the average weight loss was16.50 pounds over an 8-week period. All groups involved in these two studies followed a reduced-calorie diet.
* Read the entire label. 2012.
Hydroxycut is available in several formats, including Pro Clinical Hydroxycut Caffeine Free, Hydroxycut Herbal, and more.
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Hydroxycut(TM): Skipping Meals Can Sabotage Weight Loss Efforts