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Jun 11

Drop it! 3,000 cops given 8 weeks to lose weight

11-Jun-12, 12:38 PM | Abigail Kwok, The online news portal of TV5

MANILA - Thousands of policemen will have to undergo an eight-week program to lose weight after they failed to meet a height-to-weight standard instituted by the National Police.

PNP spokesman Sr. Supt. Generoso Cerbo Jr. said around 3,000 policemen - half of the personnel at Camp Crame - were overweight, with body-mass indeces (BMI) beyond what the PNP considers acceptable.

The overweight policemen will undergo an eight-weekweight loss program. The program includes weekly health education lecturesthat take on such topics as caloriesand exercise, water, healthy breakfast, protein fats, metabolism,sugars and carbohydrates, dining out, and stress - and "why it is difficult to lose weight".

"It is important for policemen to be healthy. Physical fitness can beequated to good performance in our jobs. The concern of the PNP, morethan anything else, is the health of our personnel," Cerbo toldreporters.

The eight-week weight loss program comes on top of the regular exercisesconducted by PNP personnel and the periodic Physical Fitness Test(PFT) that all policemen are required to undergo. According to PNPregulations, failed PFT ratings may result in dismissal from service.

The PNP Health Service and the Directorate for Personnel and RecordsManagement (DPRM) will closely monitor the individual state and progress of the policemen over the course of their eight-week regimen.

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Drop it! 3,000 cops given 8 weeks to lose weight

Jun 11

Mum slims down for daughter's sake


MOTHERLY LOVE: Louise Martin is getting fit and healthy enough to donate a kidney to daughter Lisa should it ever be needed.

Louise Martin had tried to lose weight a few times over the years with no success.

Then she found out she could one day save her daughter Lisa's life by slimming down and getting healthy enough to donate a kidney.

"There's real motivation behind it now," the northwest mum says. "What could be more motivating than your child's life?"

Nine-year-old Lisa had trouble putting on weight from day one and only managed to gain 1kg in the first four months of life.

She was diagnosed with kidney problems around her first birthday after months of hospital visits and has a polycystic kidney, which is covered in cysts, as well as a urinary reflux problem.

Lisa has ongoing problems and there is a chance she may one day need a transplant.

She is among the many children who will benefit directly from Project Kidney, a fundraiser being run by the Mad Butcher and Suburban Newspapers Community Trust

Proceeds will help buy four haemodialysis machines for the first-ever national dedicated Paediatric Haemodialysis Unit at Starship Hospital.

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Mum slims down for daughter's sake

Jun 8

Lose weight for yourself

Weight Management Health Home>>Weight Management>>Health news Written by: Cary Castagna, QMI Agency Jun. 8, 2012 Melanie Grosz. (Supplied)

Melanie Grosz gets emotional when discussing what ultimately helped her lose 60 pounds and transform not only her body but also her life.

What was the key to unlocking her new reality?

Loving myself for one of the first times, she tearfully tells Sun Media in a phone interview from her home near North Bay, Ont. I had been unhappy for a long time.

Her journey began Dec. 20, 2010.

Thats the fateful day Grosz stepped on her bathroom scale and saw the bright red number 188 blinking up at me, in a seemingly mocking way.

In her own words, she writes: Seven years of marriage and motherhood had caused me to stop taking care of myself and had turned me into the kind of person I had promised myself I would never be: miserable, depressed and ashamed.

But that self-hate soon turned to self-love when she decided she had to take charge of her health and life.

Grosz, who was thin in high school but never fit, logged onto to start gleaning some weight-training and nutrition know-how.

Then she put that knowledge into action. She revamped her diet and signed up for a membership at GoodLife Fitness in North Bay.

Originally posted here:
Lose weight for yourself

Jun 8

A noodle way to lose weight

GEORGE TOWN: Universiti Sains Malaysia researchers have created dry yellow noodles to help consumers lose weight.

School of Industrial Technology head researcher Prof Azhar Mat Easa said the layered noodle contained capsaicin for effective burning of fat.

"Capsaicin is an active hot substance found in plants like chili and not many can consume it in large amounts," he told a press conference.

He said in developed countries, like the United States, capsaicin was taken in the form of capsules and had a side effect on users as it contained chemicals, and also required a considerable expenditure.

Azhar said the product was the first of its kind in the world because it offered a supply of capsaicin without irritation or a sting in the mouth.

He said layered noodle could help reduce up to a kilogramme in weight a week if 50 grammes were consistently taken daily.

"The layered noodle is cross-blended and capsaicin is flanked by two layers of flour making it more elastic and dense.

"These characteristics allow the noodle to stay longer in the system and enable the substance to burn calories in the body," he said.

Other than being nutritious and filling, the product could be enjoyed just like any other typical noodles.

USM was discussing with several companies to commercialise the product which was expected to hit the market soon at RM7 per 100 grammes. - Benama

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A noodle way to lose weight

Jun 7

Customers Lose Money in Weight-Loss Scam

JEDDAH, 24 March 2005 People seeking to lose weight lost their money instead. The fancy and extremely expensive Beauty & Diet center off Tahlia Street that opened less than two years ago closed its doors three weeks ago due to financial difficulties without repaying its clients fees. A statement posted on its door says the company is forced into liquidation and directs clients who have financial claims or owe money to it to contact the law office of Hassan Mahassni for settlement.

The partnership system is for each partner to be liable for his or her share of the company and we here only represent the foreign partner because it is the one that had put forward its share of the money to be returned to the clients, said Saeed Al-Qarni from the law office. He explained to Arab News that this settlement is a percentage of the total amount owed to the clients who can either accept it or seek complete reimbursement through the courts which can take a long time and cost them further expenses.

In addition, he said that there is no system to force the company to repay the clients. If the client agrees to the settlement, they sign a document stating that they would not ask the company for any further amounts.

One of the clients complained to Arab News that when she signed up for their weight loss program, the management insisted that she pay the full fee of SR10,000 upfront because that was their system.

What was annoying is that for a whole month whenever I came for my appointment they would tell me that they are overbooked and reschedule me and I didnt do any of the sessions. Now they went belly up and I cant get my money, she said.

Another client said that she went to Beauty & Diet before last summer and paid them SR8,000 for lipotherm and facial treatment. After going to four sessions out of the contracted 12, I decided not to continue with the treatment and asked for my money according to the contract but they kept delaying me for three months and now they closed, she said. She would not accept the settlement amount because she wants what is fully owed her.

The clients have every right to be angry because this is not fair to them. ... Unfortunately the Saudi partner has not returned its share of the clients money for reimbursement and we are doing everything we can including selling the equipment, Al-Qarni told Arab News.

He said that the center was badly managed but many clients fell for its promotional gimmicks. We have a list of around a thousand clients but only about 20 percent of them have come forward for their money even though weve put an ad in a local paper that we will accept claims for only a month. But we will extend that period because apparently not all the clients are aware of the situation, he said.

Excerpt from:
Customers Lose Money in Weight-Loss Scam

Jun 6

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Jun 6

Black adolescent girls less likely to lose weight from exercise than white counterparts

(CBS News) High amounts of exercise may not help black girls may not stave off obesity as well as their white counterparts.

Recent research, published in the June 2012 issue of Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, revealed that black girls who were active at 12 years old were almost just as likely to be obese at the time they reached 14 as African American girls who didn't exercise that much.

In 2010, black women were 70 percent more likely to be obese than white women, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Minority Health. The number increases for teens: Black girls were 80 percent more likely to be obese than white girls from 2007 to 2010. As a whole, four out of five black women are overweight or obese, and African Americans were 70 percent less likely to exercise than white people in 2010.

"Our results suggest that prompting adolescent girls to be active may be important to preventing obesity but that using different approaches (e.g. emphasizing reductions in energy intake) may be necessary to prevent obesity in black girls," Dr. James White of Cardiff University in Cardiff, England and Dr. Russell Jago of the University of Bristol in Bristol, England wrote in the study.

For the study, researchers followed 1148 adolescent girls (538 black and 610 white) between the ages of 12 and 14. Their level of physical activity was recorded using an accelerometer and their food intake was recorded in three-day periods. The amount of time spent sitting and watching TV was also taken into account. The subjects' body fat was measured by using Body Mass Index (BMI), and percentage body fat was measured using calipers.

The black girls in the group with the most physical activity were only 15 percent less likely to be obese by age 14 than the group with the lowest levels of exercise. When it game to white girls, the active group was 85 percent less likely to have weight problems.

"It creates yet another barrier to what might already feel like a struggle," Ginny Ehrlich, chief executive of the Alliance for a Healthier Generation, said to the Los Angeles Times. "When we talk with young people, we talk about healthy living -- eating better and moving more. We're trying to stay away from messaging around obesity."

Toni Carey, who founded the national running group Black Girls Run!, told the Los Angeles Times that getting African American girls to exercise was already an uphill battle. When she began running her mother told her, "That's something that black people don't do" - and mentioned that her uterus was going to fall out and other myths. Carey also said that diets are often unhealthy because single-parent homes often turn to cheap fast food to feed their families and family cooking normally includes less healthy dishes.

She explained, "If you aren't seeing your peers out there running and exercising, or you hear them say, 'I don't want to mess up my hair,' it's more than likely you're not going to engage in that physical activity."

Alison Field, who studies weight in adolescents and women at Harvard Medical School and Children's Hospital in Boston and was not involved in the study, suggested to Reuters that the study results may show that the typical recommendation of more exercise may not be ideal for African American girls. It might mean that diet and other lifestyle changes need to be made to help maintain weight.

See the article here:
Black adolescent girls less likely to lose weight from exercise than white counterparts

Jun 6

Limiting Junk Food Options May Not Help You Lose Weight

Many people try to lose weight by limiting themselves to just one or two kinds of junk food. In theory, it sounds good. However, a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition is saying that although your calorie count from junk food may decrease, it doesnt necessarily mean that your overall calorie count will follow suit. Apparently, there are some people who compensate for their lack of junk food variety by consuming too much of other foods.

Researchers recruited 200 obese participants into a program that would supposedly help them lose weight. This involved group meetings, increased physical activity, and a calorie-reduced diet. In addition, half of the group was asked to limit their junk food variety to just two options.

In the 18 months of the study, participants who were asked to limit their junk food variety were found to have consumed fewer calories from junk food compared to the other half. At six and 12 months, the limited group was consuming 100 less junk food calories each day. By the end of the study, they were consuming less than 80 junk food calories each day.

At the end of the study, both groups lost weight, having consumed fewer calories in the course of the program. However, they both lost the same amount of weight on average--around 4.5 kilograms--indicating that limiting junk food variety wont give anyone an edge over other dieters.

According to Alexandra Johnstone, a researcher at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, who was consulted by for her thoughts on the study, "It makes sense to try and reduce the amount of variety in the diet, but human beings enjoy eating, so they will find other food components to consume than the ones that are being limited."

If you want to lose weight more successfully, dont just limit your junk food variety; do the same for your other meals. Portion control is also a big factor that contributes to weight loss.

(Photo source:

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Limiting Junk Food Options May Not Help You Lose Weight

Jun 5

Weight-Loss Expert JJ Smith Helps 5 People Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Weeks … Find Out How!

WASHINGTON, June 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Last month 5 lucky participants were selected to participate in a 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge with JJ Smith, Nutritionist and Certified Weight-Loss Expert. In the first two weeks, she helped them lose a combined total of 50 pounds by following her Detox-Eat-Move (DEM) System.

The DEM System is a three-phased system that allows you to get rid of stubborn body fat and reverse some of your health issues and ailments, restoring your body to optimal health. JJ says, "One of the goals of the DEM Weight Loss Challenge is to help others learn how to help their own body burn fat effortlessly. I share my notes on exactly what guidance I gave to each of the 5 participants to help them get healthy, fast weight loss. This allows others to apply the same strategies to their own weight loss journey!" To see photos of the 5 participants and read their weekly reports to learn how JJ Smith has helped them shed 50 pounds in 2 weeks, click here:

The DEM System is a nutritionist-designed program that provides easy-to-follow guidelines for eating "clean and balanced" foods that not only help you lose weight, but cause you to look and feel younger and healthier than you have in years. Unlike other weight loss programs that focus on the typical advice of "eat less and exercise more," the DEM System features methods to detoxify the body, balance your hormones, and speed up your metabolism so you can burn more fat effortlessly. You can learn more about the DEM System at

About JJ Smith:

JJ Smith,, is the author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Lose Weight Without Dieting or Working Out. JJ is a nutritionist and certified weight-loss expert who has been featured on The Steve Harvey Morning Show, The Montel Williams Show and The Jamie Foxx Show and on the NBC, FOX, CBS, and CW Network television stations, as well as in the pages of Glamour, Essence, and Ladies Home Journal. Since reclaiming her health, losing weight, and discovering a "second youth" in her forties, bestselling author JJ Smith has become the voice of inspiration to women who want to lose weight, be healthy, and get their sexy back! JJ may be contacted on the web at, by email at, on Twitter: jjsmithonline and Facebook Page: RealTalkJJ or at 202-558-5543.

This press release was issued through eReleases Press Release Distribution. For more information, visit

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Weight-Loss Expert JJ Smith Helps 5 People Lose 50 Pounds in 2 Weeks ... Find Out How!

Jun 5

Want to lose weight? Go for a walk in the cold after dinner

Dr Aaron Cypess said: "We propose that agents that work similarly to cold in activating brown fat specifically can provide promising approaches to fighting obesity while minimizing other side effects.

"At the same time, we now know that ephedrine is not the way to do it."

For the study, the team gave participants injections of either ephedrine or a control saline solution and asked them to wear 'cooling vests' with water at 57 F pumped into them.

Their fat activity was then measured.

Researchers found that brown fat was the same following both the ephedrine and saline injections.

However, after the subjects wore the cooling vests for two hours, their brown fat activity was stimulated significantly.

Both interventions - ephedrine injections and the wearing of the cooling vests - did result in the same number of calories being burned, Dr. Cypess noted.

He said: "But we found that ephedrine was not using brown fat to do it.

"This is the first time it has been found that ephedrine does not turn on brown fat."

Both methods had effects of the sympathetic nervous system -- which activates the fight or flight response -- such as increased blood pressure.

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Want to lose weight? Go for a walk in the cold after dinner

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