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Feeding tube for weight loss and 3 other stupid health trends

By Deborah Kotz, Globe Staff
The safe way to slim down for the white gown
Im constantly amazed at the stupid stuff people will try to lose weight, feel better, or get some momentary visceral pleasure. (And, no, Im not talking about the secret service agents suspended for their Colombian exploits.) A rash of strange and ridiculous fads have been hitting the headlines lately and in case youre wondering whether to try one yourself, heres why you shouldnt.
1. Feeding tubes for weight loss. A Sunday New York Times article about brides-to-be hooking themselves up to feeding tubes to lose weight before the big day takes the three-tiered wedding cake for the stupidest weight loss stunt. Yet, there are actually doctors willing to insert a nasogastric tube through the nose, down the esophagus, and into the stomach to provide super low-calorie nourishment and rapid weight loss.
The price? About $1,500 for the 10-day treatment, but the price to the body includes constipation, bad breath, and dizziness along with the possibility of kidney stones, dehydration, and headaches.
I think its pretty gross, said nutrition researcher Dr. Thomas Moore, a professor of medicine at Boston University School of Medicine. And you wind up burning off a lot of muscle on these low 800 calorie a day diets -- including heart muscle.
2. Intravenous hangover cure. A Las Vegas-based anesthesiologist last week began offering an IV cure for hangovers. For $90 or $150, patients get hooked up to an IV bag to alleviate dehydration caused by the hangover or, for the higher priced option, get a dose of powerful anti-nausea medication normally given to cancer patients.
How about just spending $5 on a few water bottles and aspirin? That way, you dont have to worry about side effects from the nausea medication, nor bruising from the IV needle.
3. Bacon sundae. Burger King started test marketing a sundae with a strip of bacon in some cities. Im not sure when, or if, the sundae is coming to Boston, but its not the first time bacon has been combined with ice cream. Jack in the Box offers a bacon milkshake, and Dennys started sprinkling bacon bits on its Maple Bacon Sundae last month. I guess these fast-food chains figured if fried butter on a stick was a hit at the Iowa fair, they had to up their ante.
4. Huggable vending machine. Ever thought of hugging a vending machine? What if it gave you a free snack in return? Coke vending machines in Singapore are doing just that: spitting out free cans in return for a hug. Its a campaign Coca-Cola is rolling out across Southeast Asia to get more people hooked on sugary beverages. In the U.S., we could certainly use huggable vending machines to encourage more of us to eat more fresh fruit or vegetables. We might be waiting a long time for that one.
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Feeding tube for weight loss and 3 other stupid health trends
Study: Looking To Lose Weight? Stick To The Basics

BOSTON (CBS) Obese Americans can still lose weight the old-fashioned way, according to researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
According to the study, obese people are more likely to lose weight through basic diet and exercise than other methods.
We found that people who said they were eating less fat, exercising more, taking prescription weight loss medicine and joining weight loss programs were successful at losing weight, said lead author Jacinda M. Nicklaus, a clinical research fellow at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School.
WBZ NewsRadio 1030s Diane Stern spoke with Nicklaus:
Researchers analyzed self-reported data taken from 4,000 obese people over the age of 20, of which 2,523 attempted to lose weight. More than 40 percent of them reported that they lost at least 5% of their weight.
The numbers also showed that those using more popular weight-loss diets, liquid diets and non-prescription weight-loss pills were not as successful at losing weight.
Those people who said they were doing a popular diet, or they used a popular diet to lose weight, were not associated with successful weight loss, said Nicklaus.
The study did not look at an obese persons ability to keep the weight off.
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Study: Looking To Lose Weight? Stick To The Basics
Adele Goes Veggie And Takes Up Jogging

11:37, Sunday, 1 April 2012
Adele has reportedly taken up jogging with her boyfriend Simon Konecki and the pair are also claimed to be following a strict vegetarian diet in a bid to lose weight.
The Daily Mail claims that the singer, 23, and her 36-year-old beau have already shed more than a stone apiece over the last month.
A source told the paper that they go running each morning with Adele's dog Louie, near the home she rents in West Sussex.
The mole said: "The weight is dropping off them and they plan to keep dieting until the end of April. They are inseparable they are losing weight together, getting fit together and planning a future together.
"Adele says she's doing her best work and feels healthier than she has for months."
We told you a little while ago that Adele was hoping to drop two dress sizes.
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Adele Goes Veggie And Takes Up Jogging
Choosing exercise you enjoy best way to lose weight

What type of exercise is really going to help me lose weight?
Thats a very good question with lots of different answers. My first instinct would be to tell you that the best exercise for you is an exercise that you enjoy. Think about it youre only going to lose weight if you actually do the exercise repeatedly and for an extended period time. And you are more likely to continue an exercise if youre enjoying it. So it makes sense, then, to say that the best way for you to lose weight is to exercise by doing something you enjoy.
I could easily end the article right there and be satisfied, but Ill give you a few more tips in your weight loss endeavor before I do. The healthiest way to lose weight is to increase your activity level with calorie-burning activities and decrease your caloric intake.
Everyone knows how to decrease the number of calories you put into your mouth everyday. Everyone also knows that there are healthy foods, like fruits and vegetables, that we should be choosing to eat more of it. As simple as that sounds, it proves difficult in this world of fast food and comfort food and a dinner for every celebration imaginable.
It all comes down to our choices in those situations. The same is true in our choice to increase our activity level and burn those calories. The answer really is simple: do it. But, we try and complicate it with our busy schedules, a fear of committing to a particular exercise regime, and fooling ourselves into believing that it just costs too much money to exercise correctly.
Its true that we are very busy and our schedules are full, but finding just 30 minutes 4 times a week to care for your body and train it to start working the way its supposed to, will save you time in the long run. Its also true that there are many types of exercise regimes to choose from and it does make sense to eventually pick one and stick with it, but it is perfectly okay to play the field and try some different things before you jump in with both feet.
For burning the maximum amount of calories, you need to have an elevated heart rate for at least 20-25 minutes, 4 times a week. Jogging, bicycling, walking, swimming, playing a sport, aerobics classes these are all great ways to elevate your heart rate. Now, to address the issue of exercising costing too much money. There are certainly costly options available to you when choosing an exercise, but there are also plenty of low cost or free options as well. The smartest investment would definitely be a gym membership without a long-term commitment that has several different types of exercise options to offer.
When thinking about your overall health, $20-$30 a month is not that costly. It is true that building lean muscles through weight lifting will greatly accelerate your weight loss efforts. Lifting weights allows your body to be working and burning calories for at least 24 hours after the exercise as your muscles are building themselves back up. This increases your metabolism, which we all know benefits weight loss. Lean muscles in our body aid in eliminating fat as well.
Ill also admit that weight machines can be a bit intimidating at first. They are not, however, anything to be scared of it. Building and strengthening your muscles is such an integral part of effective weight loss and thats not scary at all! It is important to be cautious and smart around weight machines, which does require a knowledge and understanding of the machines. But this does not have to cost you a lot of money. The City Rec Center offers a free weight room orientation three times a month. They also offer very affordable personal training with discounts for two or more people. Meeting with a personal trainer just a couple of times can give you the confidence to attack weight training on your own, and move you closer to your weight loss goals.
Ill end much like the way I began, in stating that choosing an exercise plan you will enjoy is the greatest way for you to lose weight. I would, however, recommend the addition of strength training and the accountability and variety of a gym membership to challenge you and offer you all the tools necessary at your disposal.
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Choosing exercise you enjoy best way to lose weight
Adele Weight Loss: Singer Goes Veggie With Boyfriend, Plans To Diet Till April End [PHOTOS]

By Ankita Mehta | Apr 01, 2012 05:38 AM EDT
Singer Adele is turning vegetarian to lose weight after fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld called her "too fat."
The 33-year-old Grammy winner and her 36-year-old charity campaigner boyfriend Simon Konecki have followed a strict vegetarian diet for the past one month and have lost almost a stone. The couple goes for jogging every morning.
"The weight is dropping off them and they plan to keep dieting until the end of April," the Daily Mail reported quoting a friend of the 23-year-old Grammy winner, who lives with Konecki in a rented 6million pile in West Sussex.
"They are inseparable - they are losing weight together, getting fit together and planning a future together. Adele says she's doing her best work and feels healthier than she has for months," he added.
Adele has been working out with a personal trainer twice a week at her home and has reportedly quit smoking.
"Adele has found so much more energy now she's quit smoking. She really wants to get healthier, now that she's half-way there," theSun reported, quoting a source.
"She had always been curious about taking up Pilates but until recently there just hadn't been any time."
British singer, six Grammy winner Adele. Image Credit: Reuters
Photographs of British singer, six Grammy winner, Adele, through the years. Image Credit: Reuters
Original post:
Adele Weight Loss: Singer Goes Veggie With Boyfriend, Plans To Diet Till April End [PHOTOS]
Can brown fat help you lose weight?

There's a fat that makes you thin, researchers say.
Brown fat, two new studies suggest, burn calories like a furnace. The research is raising hopes that it may someday be used to help people control their weight.
Until about three years ago, it was thought that only babies had brown fat because they don't shiver like adults, and use it to keep warm.
Then, scientists discovered that adults have it too, in small amounts in the upper back, on the side of the neck, in the dip between the collarbone and the shoulder, and along the spine.
Now, in one new study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, six men were cooled down for three hours, but not enough to make them shiver, and they burned an extra 250 calories.
Other data shows that when mice exercise, they release a hormone that turns white fat cells into fat-burning brown ones. And it may work the same way in humans. It may also explain why exercise burns more calories than you might expect.
It's too soon to recommend that you chill yourself to a slimmer waist, but does seem like brown fat is a fat we can learn to love.
To watch Dr. Holly Phillips' report on brown fat, click on the video in the player above.
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Can brown fat help you lose weight?
Weight loss may not boost teen self-esteem

Published: March. 30, 2012 at 1:56 AM
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind., March 30 (UPI) -- Obese white teenage girls who lose weight might not get a boost in self-esteem or feel better about themselves, U.S. researchers said.
Sarah A. Mustillo, a Purdue University associate professor of sociology who studies obesity in childhood and adolescence, used data from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study.
"We found that obese black and white teenage girls who transitioned out of obesity continued to see themselves as fat, despite changes in their relative body mass," Mustillo said in a statement. "Further, obese white girls had lower self-esteem than their normal-weight peers and their self-esteem remained flat even as they transitioned out of obesity."
The health and weight of more than 2,000 black and white girls was tracked for 10 years, starting at ages 9-10, as part of the national study. The girls were separated into one of three groups -- normal weight, transitioned out of obesity and chronically obese -- based on their body mass trends during the 10-year period.
There was a difference in self-esteem levels between races. Self-esteem for black girls transitioning from the obese to the normal range rebounded, but teens of both races continued to have negative body perceptions.
"The self-esteem for black girls was lower overall to begin with, but for those who moved into the normal weight range, self-esteem increased more than it did for any other group of girls," Mustillo said.
The findings were published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.
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Weight loss may not boost teen self-esteem
Jenny Craig and FitOrbit Announce New Service to Revolutionize the Way People Lose Weight and Get Fit

Jenny Craig, one of the worlds leading authorities on weight management, announced today a new agreement with FitOrbit creators of internet-based personal training to launch My JennyFit (, a new service that gives clients personal, practical and customized fitness plans with a professional online trainer. This collaboration of two industry leaders coming together to help America get healthy marks the first time any major weight loss program in the U.S. has offered online personal fitness training.
For as little as $2 a day, My JennyFit gives clients their choice of an online certified trainer who will create custom, personal daily workout plans and provide unlimited guidance and motivation. Jenny clients can also track their daily menus and progress, as well as have access to easy-to-follow video demonstrations of each exercise chosen for their workout plan, and communicate directly with their trainer. My JennyFit is completely online, eliminating appointments and scheduling hassles. Prices range from as low as $10/week for a six-month plan to $18/week for a four-week plan, significantly lower than the cost of a personal trainer at the gym.
Were so excited to team up with FitOrbit to offer My JennyFit, a revolutionary new service that gives clients their very own online personal trainer and custom workout plans designed just for them, says Dana Fiser, CEO of Jenny Craig. With the obesity epidemic spreading across the globe and with it the overwhelming health issues caused by weight-related diseases its more important than ever to give people the tools and knowledge they need to lose weight and get in shape. Jenny is proud to offer our clients this innovative, new program to help them live a healthy, active lifestyle, and be the very best versions of themselves they can be.
Both Jenny and FitOrbit understand the importance of having an expert on your side to provide counseling and motivation, and to champion your successes, says Jennifer McCarthy, Senior Vice President of Fit Orbit. My JennyFit provides clients with support and inspiration from expert trainers who are by their side to help them achieve meaningful results. Its the perfect combination of food and lifestyle counseling with fitness and exercise guidance.
My JennyFit is the newest addition to Jennys impressive roster of program options designed to help clients manage their weight by creating a healthy relationship with food, building an active lifestyle, and developing a balanced, holistic approach to living. Jennys customization and one-on-one consultation, coupled with its In-Centre and At-Home meal options, provide clinically proven results to help clients achieve and maintain meaningful weight loss. In fact, a two-year study published in The Journal of American Medical Association, October 27, 2010, showed that 92 percent of participants who stuck with the Jenny program lost 10% of their body weight in one year, and had minimal regain at the two-year mark.
My JennyFit is a continuation of Jenny Craigs commitment to getting America healthy through the My Heart. My Life. My Jenny initiative. A proud national sponsor of the American Heart Associations Heart Walks, Jenny is supporting the American Heart Associations mission to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent by 2020 and encouraging consumers to join in participating in more than 350 Heart Walks in 2012. For more information, visit
*Clients, on average, lose 1-2 pounds per week.
About Jenny
With Jenny what you see is what you get and thats a commitment to healthy, happy success. We're here for you, not for us, and were here every inch of the way.
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Jenny Craig and FitOrbit Announce New Service to Revolutionize the Way People Lose Weight and Get Fit
Coffee Beans As Weight Loss Medicine

March 29, 2012
According to new evidence, unroasted coffee beans may be able to play a big role in those who are trying to lose weight.
Scientists found that unroasted, or green, coffee beans can produce a substantial decrease in body weight in a short period of time.
They reported their findings at the 243rd National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS).
The study involved 16 overweight or obese people between the ages of 22 and 26 years old. The participants were given capsules of the extract or capsules containing a placebo for 22 weeks during the study.
The subjects alternated between a low dose and a higher dose of the extract. The low dose consisted of 700 mg of coffee extract, while the higher dose was at 1,050 mg.
All the participants in the study were monitored for their overall diet and exercise during the 22 week period.
Joe Vinson, Ph.D., the study leader, said their calories, carbohydrates, fats and proteins did not change during the study. He also said the participants did not exercise any differently.
The researchers found after the trial that the participants lost an average of 17 pounds during the 22 weeks.
The participants saw an average of 10.5 percent decrease in overall body weight, and a 16 percent decrease in body fat.
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Coffee Beans As Weight Loss Medicine
Unroasted Coffee Extract May Help You Lose Weight

Unroasted coffee beans may help people lose weight, according to research presented Tuesday at the annual conference of the American Chemical Society. The study involved only 16 patients, but the results showed a strong link between using the supplement and weight loss.
Applied Food Sciences, a maker of green coffee extract, funded the study conducted in India that has not undergone peer-review publication.
Study volunteers maintained their usual diet and doctors tracked body weight over a six-month period. Participants took capsules daily with 700 milligrams or 1,050 milligrams of unroasted green coffee extract or a placebo.
On average, participants taking green coffee extract daily lost 17 pounds over the course of the study - a nearly 11 percent decrease in body weight, researchers said.
"This was indeed a small study," Joe Vinson, study coauthor and professor of chemistry at the University of Scranton, toldHealthDay. "But here, with higher extract doses than have been used before, the patients experienced what I would call rather large weight loss."
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Prior studies conducted in France and Japan saw mild weight loss with lesser doses of green coffee extract.
Although green coffee extract could have benefits, it is "premature" to recommend this approach, Dr. David Katz, director of Yale University's Prevention Research Center, told ABC News.
"It's a supplement, not a substitute," he said. "The emphasis will always need to be on overall diet and physical activity."
Researchers did not focus on the weight loss impact of caffeine, but instead on chlorogenicacid, a compound found in unroasted coffee that the roasting process destroys .
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Unroasted Coffee Extract May Help You Lose Weight