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African Mango Reviews – Watch Me Shrink With African Mango – Video

02-01-2012 01:52 Click the link above to watch me shrink! Real users will be sharing the secret of losing weight 9.6kg over 10 weeks with African Mango. Inside, you will find out truthful African Mango reviews, the experience and results with African Mango from real consumers. African mango reviews -
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African Mango Reviews - Watch Me Shrink With African Mango - Video
Weight Loss With African Mango – The Secret African Mango Helps Me Losing Weight 10kg In 10 Weeks – Video

01-01-2012 22:24 Visit the link above to discover the secret that originates from the mysterious Africa, African Mango Plus that help lots of people losing weight. African Mango is clinically tested and proven, even Dr. Oz said it. Check out consumers' weight loss experience and results with African Mango and after they took it for ... African Mango Weight Loss -
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Weight Loss With African Mango - The Secret African Mango Helps Me Losing Weight 10kg In 10 Weeks - Video
African Mango Scam Busted – Weight Loss Journey With African Mango In 10 Weeks Amazing Results! – Video

02-01-2012 02:42 Watch the African Mango scam get busted. Click the link above to check out the amazing weight loss journey with African mango in 10 weeks. You will learn how African Mango will help you to lose weight effectively the natural way. African mango scam -
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African Mango Scam Busted - Weight Loss Journey With African Mango In 10 Weeks Amazing Results! - Video
African Mango Extract – Your Ultimate Weight Loss Transformation – Video

02-01-2012 02:14 Check out consumer's weight loss transformation secret of losing 9.6kg over 10 weeks with African mango. Inside, you will learn how African mango extract helped people and will help you to lose weight easily. African Mango Extract -
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African Mango Extract - Your Ultimate Weight Loss Transformation - Video
Trying to lose the weight

For years, I've been carrying a weight I've never wanted.
It's about 20 pounds left over from the last baby, who is now 10.
At one point several years ago, I got rid of most of it. But it missed me so much, it came back and brought friends.
Now I'm carting around 25 pounds of extra flab, which is too much like its owner -- tenacious, stubborn and unwilling to submit.
I've tried more diets than I care to admit. I've gone through tests to get to the root of the problem. I've taken supplements to make up for deficiencies in my body, in the hope that once the metabolism is working right, the extra fat will just go away.
I've tried diets without exercise, exercise without diets, and diets with exercise. I've lost, gained, and stayed steady.
After being told I was gluten sensitive, I cut out wheat products and processed carbohydrates. I didn't feel any different or lose any weight.
But then I indulged over the holidays and enjoyed the carbs -- until the scale started moving up.
In January, I began working out again. My son and I are now among the early morning regulars at the Paseo. I also spent five days on an all-juice diet to clean out my system and reset my appetite.
The "juice feast" worked well, but once I returned to solid foods, the scale started creeping up.
Recently, a friend shared a video, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead," a documentary about Joe Cross, who lost over 100 pounds and was healed of a nagging skin condition thanks to a 60-day juice diet.
This approach requires up to a gallon of juice a day, which can get expensive. But if it heals my body and rids me of the fat, it will be worth it.
And if it doesn't, I will just call it quits with all this diet stuff, and will attempt to come to peace with the fact that my current physique is just a part of motherhood and middle age.
Another friend, who is a fitness instructor, said I need to focus on health, not weight. I know this, but I also know that I'm a 125-pound-person walking around in a 150-pound-person's body, and I want out.
So here I go -- again.
Holding on to hope.
And a glass of juice.
Helen Middlebrooke, of Toto, is a freelance writer and author. Follow her juice journey at
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Trying to lose the weight
Buy African Mango And Lose Weight Quickly – Video

02-01-2012 02:58 Click the link above to find out how you can lose weight quickly with African mango. Inside you will see user experiences and results with African Mango and you can get the best African mango deal if you decide to buy African mango. Buy African Mango -
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Buy African Mango And Lose Weight Quickly - Video
Liverpool Varsity study says quality of life of obese dogs improves when they lose weight

Liverpool (UK), Feb.24 (ANI): University of Liverpool researchers have found that overweight dogs that lose weight have an improved quality of life compared to those that don't.
It is estimated that approximately a third of the dog population in the United Kingdom is obese.
Obesity is a serious disease and can lead to many other health disorders, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.
A study of 50 overweight dogs, comprising a mix of breeds and genders was undertaken by scientists at the University in collaboration with the University of Glasgow, Royal Canin and the WALTHAM Centre for Pet Nutrition.
Owners completed a questionnaire to determine the health-related quality of life of their dog prior to weight loss.
A follow-up questionnaire was completed by the owners of 30 dogs that successfully completed the weight loss programme, enabling changes in quality of life to be assessed. A range of life quality factors were scored, including vitality, emotional disturbance and pain.
The quality of life of dogs which succeeded with their weight loss programme was also compared with those dogs that failed to lose weight successfully.
The results showed that the quality of life improved in the dogs that had successfully lost weight, in particular vitality scores increased and the score for emotional disturbance and pain decreased. Moreover, the more body fat that the dog lost, the greater the improvement in vitality.
The research also found that dogs that failed to complete their weight loss programme had worse quality of life at the outset than those successfully losing weight, most notably worse vitality and greater emotional disturbance.
Dr Alex German, Director of the Royal Canin Weight Management Clinic at the University, said: "Obesity is a risk for many dogs, affecting not only their health but also their quality of life. This research indicates that weight loss can play an important role in keeping your dog both healthy and happy."
Dr Penelope Morris, from the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition, added: "Strategies for combating obesity and keeping dogs fit and healthy include portion control, increased exercise and diets specifically formulated for overweight pets."
Established in 2004, the Royal Canin Weight Management Clinic at the University's Small Animal Hospital UK's is the world's first animal weight management referral clinic and was set up to help tackle and prevent weight problems in animals such as dogs and cats.
Veterinary surgeons from any general practice in the UK can refer overweight animals to the clinic. The patients receive a thorough medical examination, and are then given a specific dietary plan and exercise regime to follow over several weeks. The research is published in The Veterinary Journal. (ANI)
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Liverpool Varsity study says quality of life of obese dogs improves when they lose weight
Beat myths and get going

People exercise to look and feel good, to lose weight, to manage medical conditions such as diabetes and depression, or to socialise at the local tennis club - but rarely to keep their joints healthy.
Common mythology has it that exercise will wear joints out or, if you already have arthritis, do more damage. Nothing could be further from the truth.
RELATED NEWS: Up and moving thanks to exercise | Stay active to stay mobile | Aches and pains may mask the truth
Exercise is an integral part of joint health. It is important in managing osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid or inflammatory arthritis. What matters is the how, when and where the exercise is undertaken.
Exercise serves many ends. Resistance or strengthening exercises such as lifting weights strengthen the muscles around the joint which increases stability. Flexibility or stretching exercises increase range of motion and help minimise joint stiffness. Aerobic exercises such as walking, swimming or cycling increase general fitness by improving heart and lung function. Increased fitness improves endurance, enhances the sense of wellbeing and increases the capacity to manage pain.
If stiff and painful joints are stopping you from exercising, it's time for a rethink. First, seek sound medical advice about controlling the disease and managing the pain. With osteoarthritis, this usually involves taking a combination of paracetamol and anti-inflammatory drugs.
What kind of exercise? The underlying principle when exercising arthritic weight-bearing joints such as knees and hips is to reduce the load on the joint. Low-impact exercise can be done in water, on an exercise bike or cross trainer, or by redistributing some weight through the arms, as in Nordic pole walking. Tai chi for arthritis improves strength, balance and posture.
The other way to reduce joint loading is to lose weight. Even a kilo or two will help - 5 per cent of your body weight will help a whole lot.
Seek the advice of a professional and aim for a mixed exercise program that incorporates reduced or non- weight-bearing aerobic exercise, as well as strengthening and flexibility exercises.
The trick is to start slowly and exercise to your comfort level.
For more information about exercise classes visit: or phone 9388 2199.
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Beat myths and get going
Battling obesity with better mathematical models

VANCOUVER, British Columbia (ISNS) -- In the war to lose weight it may be something other than willpower or junk food that's preventing victory: it could be faulty use of mathematics.
Traditionally, nutritionists and researchers have assumed that all you need to do to lose weight is cut calories -- about 500 calories per day to lose a pound per week for most dieters, from the assumption that each pound of weight lost represented 3,500 calories in reduced calorie intake or increased exercise.
"People have used this rule of thumb for decades, and it turns out to be completely wrong," Kevin Hall, a scientist with the National Institutes of Health, said at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in Vancouver.
Hall said the reality is that losing weight slows a person's metabolism -- and the mathematical model typically used doesn't take this slowing into account. When dieters report a "yo-yo" sequence, of weight loss, reaching a plateau in weight and then slowly regaining previously lost pounds, this is part of the reason.
New models may have some of the answers. The science of weight loss isn't new; scientists have been struggling to understand it for almost 40 years, said Carson Chow, a senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. Chow said that what's different now is that scientists are compiling many data sets into a single model.
Hall and Chow are part of a team that has created a new model, and an online weight simulation tool that shows what happens when people of varying weights, diets and exercise habits try to change their weight. Their model was first published last fall in the journal The Lancet.
"Instead of using that old rule of thumb, people input their goal weight in a certain period, and the model shows them what you have to do in [the] short term to get to goal weight and then what they'd have to do permanently," explained Hall. The model takes into account differences in sex and body-fat content.
At the moment, the online tool is not very user-friendly, say the researchers, so it's primarily intended for physicians and researchers who help guide people toward better health. Obesity is on the rise: two-thirds of the adult U.S. population is classified as overweight or obese, and around the globe, obesity rates have doubled in the past 30 years.
Outdated calculations predicted that people could lose weight forever, if they stuck to the calorie-reduction rules. The new model predicts slower weight loss.
"If I want to lose 10 pounds of weight eventually, I have to cut 100 calories per day out of my diet," Hall explained. "You'll get halfway there in about a year, and then you will eventually plateau, [reaching the goal] after about three years."
Math can also help to drive policy decisions, said Boyd Swinburn of the World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for Obesity Prevention in Australia. He explained that many of the "best buy" policies that tend to have a real impact, such as restricting marketing to kids, taxing sugary substances, and increasing labeling, also tend to be the policies that governments do not want to undertake.
The less cost-ineffective interventions, like after-school programs, tend to be the ones that governments are more interested in undertaking, said Swinburn.
"You get a huge spread in the relative effectiveness of these programs," said Swinburn, adding that mathematical perspectives that parse out health improvements per dollar help shed light on policy interventions.
Questions remain about the science of weight loss. For example, is a calorie of butter burned the same way in the body as a calorie of fruit? Like many other parts of the equation, said Hall, it may vary from person to person.
The same is true of exercise. "For small changes, exercise is more potent than cutting calories -- it speeds up weight loss," said Hall. But at some point, a person will reach a tipping point, where cutting calories will have a larger impact.
That's because someone who is 200 pounds will lose more calories doing the same exercise than someone who is 150 pounds.
"The heavier you are, unlike the popular notion, the more calories you're burning," said Hall.
Katharine Gammon is a freelance science writer based in Santa Monica, Calif., and writes for a wide range of magazines covering technology, society, and animal science.
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Battling obesity with better mathematical models
Lose Weight Fast Morning Bedroom Workout – Video

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