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(Reuters) - People trying to lose weight may swear by specific
diet plans calling for strict proportions of fat, carbs and
protein, but where the calories come from may not matter as
much as simply cutting back on them, according to a study.
Researchers whose results were published in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition found there were no differences in
loss or the reduction of fat between four diets with different
proportions of fat, carbohydrates and protein.
"The major predictor for weight loss was 'adherence'. Those
participants who adhered better, lost more weight than those
who did not," said George Bray, at Pennington Biomedical
Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, who worked on
the study.
Earlier research had found that certain diets -- in particular,
those with very low carbohydrates -- worked better than others,
Bray told Reuters Health in an email, but there had been no
consensus among scientists.
Bray and his colleagues randomly assigned several hundred
overweight or obese people to one of four diets: average
protein, low fat and higher carbs; high protein, low fat and
higher carbs; average protein, high fat and lower carbs; or
high protein, high fat and lower carbs.
Each of the diets was designed to cut 750 calories a day.
After six months and again at two years after starting the
diets, researchers checked participants' weight, fat mass and
lean mass.
At six months, people had lost more than 4.1 kg (9 lbs) of fat
and close to 2.3 kg (5 lbs) of lean mass, but they regained
some of this by the two-year mark.
People were able to maintain a weight loss of more than 3.6 kg
(8 lbs) after two years. Included in this was a nearly 1.4 kg
(3 lb) loss of abdominal fat, a drop of more than seven
But many of the people who started in the study dropped out,
and the diets of those who completed it were not exactly what
had been assigned.
For example, the researchers had hoped to see two diet groups
get 25 percent of their calories from protein and the other two
groups get 15 percent of their calories from protein. But all
four groups ended up getting about 20 percent of their calories
from protein after two years.
"If you're happier doing it low fat, or happier doing it low
carb, this paper says it's OK to do it either way. They were
equally successful," said Christopher Gardner, a Stanford
University professor uninvolved in the study.
"They did have difficulties with adherence, so that really
tempers what you can conclude," he added.
In the end, he said, people should choose the diet that's
easiest for them to stick with. SOURCE:
(Reporting from New York by Kerry Grens; editing by Elaine Lies
and Ron Popeski)
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Calories count, but source doesn't matter: study
Cheese, milk, yoghurt and other dairy foods could help dieters
lose those extra kilograms, a new scientific study suggests.
Researchers have reviewed 14 clinical trials involving 883
adults, which delved into how consuming dairy impacted on
people's weight, body fat, waistlines and lean muscle mass.
The authors of the article, published this month in the
International Journal of Obesity, said they wanted to reveal
more about the relationship between weight loss and dairy
consumption, which they argued was "still to be fully
Boosting dairy intake without cutting energy intake might not
lead to a significant change in weight, but if adults included
three to four servings of dairy per day in an energy-restricted
diet they were likely to experience weight loss, as well as a
shrinking of the waistline.
"Dairy consumption would help people to lose weight from fat
compartments of the body, particularly from abdominal adipose
tissue, which has been reported as a main determinant of
cardiovascular risk factors," the review found.
Dairy Australia dietician Glenys Zucco said the organisation
had nothing to do with the study but welcomed it.
She said more research was needed to understand how dairy foods
helped in weight loss when dieting.
Ms Zucco said earlier research suggested that dairy calcium
might help people lose extra padding by decreasing the amount
of fat absorbed from foods.
"Dairy protein and calcium are thought to help control
hunger, particularly in a calorie-restricted diet," Ms Zucco
Dairy products may help people lose weight
Myla Dalbesio admits she used to 'throw up' after eating in a
bid to lose weight.
The model - who has been hailed as the the new Crystal Renn -
admits she used to be desperate to shed some pounds so resorted
to drastic measures.
The 24-year-old beauty told Claph Magazine: 'I tried for a long
time to make myself (lose weight). I tried throwing up after I
ate and that's awful. That is painful - I would never wish for
anyone to do that ever.
'And then I'd go through weeks where all I ate was black olives
or pickles because they have no calories and nothing was
happening. I wasn't losing weight, I was spending hours in the
gym. I have a really large chest and it's never going to go
While she is now enjoying success, Myla says she wants the term
'plus-sized' to go as she thinks it will help improve the
confidence and self-esteem of women everywhere.
She said: 'I think that this division between straight and plus
is really harmful. The term 'plus size' is outdated. To get rid
of the term 'plus' would be a step in the right direction.'
See original here:
'Plus-size' is outdated term - Dalbesio
By Charles Stuart Platkin
Special to the Star-Telegram
Trying to lose a few pounds? A large part of eating too much is
about our appetite; if we could get that under control, the
weight would simply fall off. Here are a few strategies.
1. WaterCan water help you stay
full? I know after I drink several glasses of water I eat less.
In fact, some studies support this notion. Water can help you
lose weight by keeping you feeling full and helping to reduce
your consumption of other high-calorie drinks (and foods). A
recent study found that over the course of 12 weeks, dieters who
drank water before meals three times per day lost about 5 pounds
more than other dieters. Try drinking about two 8-ounce glasses
before each meal.2. NutsThere are
many types of nuts with health benefits. In addition to other
benefits, nuts (almonds, pistachios, walnuts, etc.) can help fend
off hunger. They're high in fiber and protein -- both hunger
fighters. Just limit portions to about 1 ounce, because nuts are
high in calories, too.3. Naturally
occurring fiberFoods that are naturally high in fiber
(e.g., 100 percent whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes)
fill you up because they take up room in your stomach and slow
digestion. Why only "naturally occurring" fiber? According to the
journal Nutrition Review, inulin
(often added to foods as fiber) may help you go to the bathroom
in the same way natural fiber does, but it doesn't have the same
effect on slowing down stomach-emptying (making you feel full
longer) or helping to lower cholesterol.4.
SleepWhen you're tired you're less likely to make healthy
food choices. And many sleep-deprived people believe they
"deserve" to eat something sugary and fatty. A few studies have
demonstrated that lack of sleep leads to an increase in the
hormone ghrelin (which tells the body to eat) and a decrease in
the hormone leptin (which tells your body to stop eating).Studies
show that you need roughly 7.5 to 8.5 hours of sleep to get the
benefits for diet and exercise. You should have a regular bedtime
seven days per week. Also, check your mattress and box spring.
When was the last time you replaced them? Make sure your room
temperature is comfortable. Get rid of the TV in the bedroom. And
make your sleep environment quiet.5. Watch
a comedyAccording to an article in the
journalAppetite, watching a comedy can reduce your
appetite. In the study, one group watched a 7.5-minute clip of an
animated comedy with a plate of cookies in front of them, while
the control group did not watch the film. The comedy group ate
about one medium chocolate chip cookie less than the control
group.6. Eat more
veggiesVeggies help you lose weight because they're high
in fiber and water (see above), plus you get a lot of food for
few calories. For instance, for the same 227 calories in one
brownie you could eat 7.5 cups of broccoli.7. SoupBecause soups are water-based, they tend
to make you feel less hungry without adding too many calories, so
you eat less. Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition at
Penn State University, has led several studies that show soup can
help you lose weight when consumed prior to a meal. One study
found that eating soup prior to your meal could reduce total
consumption by as much as 100 calories. There are many
great-tasting, low-calorie soups by Campbell's, Healthy Choice
and Amy's Kitchen. Just watch out for sodium and keep calories
under 100 per cup.8. Limit
alcoholAlcoholic drinks are like liquid doughnuts. Alcohol
impairs judgment, which means that you eat and drink more. To top
it off, most people enjoy eating high-calorie, high-sodium snacks
when they drink. Alcohol can be especially harmful to dieters
because it may cause blood sugar levels to drop, which can
stimulate your appetite.Try some good, lower-calorie drink
options: red or white wine, wine spritzers and drinks made with
seltzer or club soda. And steer clear of drinks that are really
desserts (e.g., cream or ice cream drinks).9. Reduce stressWhen you're stressed, your body
releases cortisol, a hormone designed to help you either fight or
flee. But when the cause is not a lion about to attack but rather
a stressful e-mail, the cortisol may trick your body into
thinking it has done something active in response to a perceived
threat and send a signal to your brain to refuel your body.The
other biological reason why stress can derail your diet is that
carbs help you feel better. Judith Wurtman, Ph.D., co-author of
The Serotonin Power Diet (Rodale,
2008), was the first to connect food with mood when she found
that carbohydrates boosted a potent brain chemical called
serotonin, which controls mood, sleep and appetite and, when
elevated, helps you to feel more relaxed and calm.When stressed,
we long for comfort foods such as brownies, doughnuts, candy, ice
cream, pizza, mashed potatoes and fried chicken. One reason is
that your parents probably gave you an ice cream when you had a
bad day at school or when you lost the big game, so these are
what you're used to having in times of discomfort.10. Eat less saturated fatA study done at the
University of Cincinnati and reported in Brain Research proposes that human beings can
learn how much food they should eat to be at a healthy weight.
However, the researchers found that diets high in fat impair the
function of the hippocampus, which results in less ability to
notice the "stop eating" cues. Bottom line: Lower your intake of
saturated fats by eating lean meats and low-fat
Platkin, Ph.D., M.P.H., is a nutrition and public health advocate
and founder of
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Try these tips to curb your appetite and lose weight in the process
23-01-2012 12:01 Friend us on Facebook @ Why Diets Fail
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Why Diets Fail
21-01-2012 13:46 Do date, i have now lost 6 LBS total in 3 weeks, so i hope you find these tips helpful! i will do another vid if you guys want on this including meal ideas My Diet Plan tips: Exercise: 1 - exercise 3-5 days a week 2 - Cardio is important. 3 - Work out at home, out side or in gym 4 - back
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Im Fat... Time to Lose Weight! - Top 10 Tips for Losing Weight - Video
24-01-2012 19:46 Want to lose extra weight but tired of being hungry all the time?
Original post:
How to lose weight without being hungry - Video
25-01-2012 16:52 This is my fourth attempt. I failed but I don't give up! Though I am sick at the moment (I think you can see it in my face, I used some foundation to cover my red (fever) face), I filmed this short vlog to let you guys know that I'm not giving up to reach my weight loss goal
Read more here:
I FAILED TO LOSE WEIGHT - The fat girl is still fat! - Video
02-01-2012 19:46 See the list: Follow us on:
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Top 10 Snacks to Lose Weight - Video
30-12-2011 07:52 Davey Wavey's Weight Loss Program: Use discount code "youtube" to save 25%
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New Year's Resolutions: Lose Weight in 2012? - Video
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