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If You’re Trying to Lose Weight, You Will be More Successful With This | On Air with Ryan Seacrest | Ryan Seacrest – On Air With Ryan Seacrest

If you're trying to lose weight, you will be much more successful if you have one of these. Can you guess what it is?
Ryan Seacrest shared on-air that he always tries to run a "deficit" before the holidays because he knows he's going to overdo it when we get to the festivities. So, if youre also trying to drop a few pounds this year, did you know you will be more successful if you have a partner?
Seacrest dropped the knowledge in today's hack.
And it doesnt have to be a romantic partner. It could be a roommate, a friend, a sibling, etc. According to Weight Watchers, a new study featuring 800 people trying to get in shape showed that those with a participating partner were more than twice as likely to have success.
So, buddy up! Safely, that is!
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If You're Trying to Lose Weight, You Will be More Successful With This | On Air with Ryan Seacrest | Ryan Seacrest - On Air With Ryan Seacrest
In brief: Weight loss group, Nutcracker online and more in South Fayette, Carnegie – TribLIVE

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In brief: Weight loss group, Nutcracker online and more in South Fayette, Carnegie - TribLIVE
Rebel Wilson REVEALS the exercise that helped her lose the MOST weight during her dramatic transformation – PINKVILLA

Rebel Wilson recently revealed which exercise aided her dramatic weight loss, via an Instagram video. Scroll down to see what she said.
Rebel Wilson is dishing on her Year of Health! After hitting her goal weight, the 40-year-old actress revealed that walking was the exercise that helped her the most to lose 60lbs. I know Im in a lucky position, I do have access to really amazing personal trainers. But I want you guys to know that the majority of exercise Ive done this year has just been me going out for a walk, Rebel shared on Instagram. That is free, you can do it, its safe.
Walking is the best way for mefor my body typeto metabolize fat, she added. On the physical side, my biggest tip, guys, is get out there and walk. If you can do an hour, thats what I like to do, when I go walking, and it is the best. Just get your body moving.
In case you missed it, last week, Rebel also revealed other details about her weight loss. The actress took to Instagram and shared that she had hit her goal weight of around 165 pounds, and then, she dished some more details about how she accomplished her goal. My body just responds well to protein, Rebel said during an Instagram Live, adding that she eats chicken, salmon, and protein shakes. Nutritionally, the only thing is I do try to stay under 1,500 calories because of my body type. If want to lose weight in that week, I kind of have to stay under the 1,500 [calories] each day.
She then added that now that she hit her goal weight, she will be eating a bit more to maintain her weight. Itll probably be about 2,000 to 2,500 [calories] because I do work out like a beast, she said, adding, so I do need a little bit more now that Ive hit my goal weight and maintaining it.
ALSO READ: Rebel Wilson shows off DRAMATIC weight loss in new photos; STUNS as Rona Warrior Princess for Halloween
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Rebel Wilson REVEALS the exercise that helped her lose the MOST weight during her dramatic transformation - PINKVILLA
What Is the Green Mediterranean Diet? How to Tweak the Program for Better Results –

There's a reason why Mediterranean diet plans are consistently ranked the healthiest for people wishing to not only lose weight, but revolutionize their health entirely. At the Good Housekeeping Institute, our registered dietitian crowned the Mediterranean diet this year's best as the diet's staples lean proteins, seafood, crunchy vegetables, and plenty of healthy fats lead to immense cardiovascular benefits and fights inflammation. Plus, it promotes sustainable weight loss for people who aren't willing to sacrifice entire food groups (ahem, keto)! So imagine our delight when a new study, published this month in BMJ's Heart, claimed that a few small tweaks to the diet may accelerate its effects on heart health.
Researchers behind the study call it the "green" Mediterranean diet, a refined version of the diet plan that supercharges your daily meals by asking you to reach for more fiber and less red meat. What is the diet, exactly? The updated version requires people to cut red meat almost entirely out of their diet for best results, making more room for fiber and healthy fats sourced from lean protein. To make up for any deficiency, dieters are asked to consume what's known as Wolffia globosa, or a byproduct of duckweed, an aquatic plant. Plus, you'll need to incorporate 28g of walnuts per day into your snacking, and consume at least 3 cups of green tea (if not more).
Scientists arrived at this conclusion after splitting nearly 300 men and women into three groups, asking them to follow different diets over the course of 18 months. The first group simply received advice for upping their fitness and eating a healthier diet; the second group, however, was instructed to follow a regular Mediterranean diet and were placed on a calorie-based plan, as well as the same fitness advice. But the third group followed the "green" Mediterranean diet, eating the same amount of calories as the other Med group, albeit with the duckweed protein shake served at dinnertime, green tea throughout the day, added walnuts, and advice to avoid red meat entirely.
Those on the green version of the diet saw the best, most substantial changes to their health six months later; they had the biggest drop in cholesterol and blood pressure. Plus, this group lost roughly 14 pounds in just six months.
Here's the catch, though all of the groups saw beneficial results, explains Brierley Horton, MS, RD, a registered dietitian and nutritionist who has reviewed Mediterranean diet plans for years. All groups lost weight, including those on the regular Mediterranean diet (around 12 pounds!), and waist sizes slimmed down amid all participants. The same trend was true for cholesterol levels. "Yes, the 'green' Med diet group had better results but the Mediterranean diet still provided improvement for the other group in the study," she explains.
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Below, Horton walks us through what you need to know about the study's updated guidelines for Mediterranean diets, plus how you can incorporate a Med-diet-friendly protein shake into your routine.
If you haven't heard of it, you're not alone. Horton says research published in 2017 put this edible plant-protein, also known as Asian watermeal, on the map for most. A MentalFloss report claims duckweed, which has a flavor profile similar to watercress, is the smallest fruit in the world, but Horton explains that it manages to pack in a lot of protein nonetheless. Researchers have previously found that the protein counts in duckweed can be equal to "40% of [its] dry weight" in some conditions. "It's water-based, which is probably the reason why duckweed also manages to be a significant source of omega-3 fatty acids," Horton adds.
Frozen Woffia Globosa Supplement
Organic Cold-Pressed Hemp Seed Protein Powder
Organics Chia Seed Powder
Essentials Organic Ground Flaxseed
But you've probably never seen a duckweed supplement in the health aisle or even at a
specialty store, as this protein is often mixed in with other sources to make "plant-based" supplements on the market today. The study indicates that dieters were given a specific frozen product made by Mankai, but Horton says it's unclear if the study's sponsors had any input on including this particular brand.
Don't fret if you can't find pure duckweed supplement: Horton says you can still pack in extra protein and omega 3s into your routine with a protein shake made with hemp, chia, or flax seeds. "Without getting into a nitty-gritty comparison to duckweed, all three of those seeds have high sources of omega 3s in them, and they're great sources of protein, and they're widely available to all of us right now."
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While more research needs to be done in order to understand why this version of the Mediterranean diet prompts better results, it's clear that cutting out any amount of fatty, processed red meats will lead to better health. "People who tend to dip into vegetarian and vegan lifestyles, they're just healthier overall, right? They have better markers for cardiometabolic risk, and less chronic inflammation," Horton explains. "Since the green Mediterranean diet is supplementing meat with plant-based protein in duckweed and other staples, it's not surprising that health is improving and then you also consider walnuts, which also have high amounts of omega 3s just like duckweed. Individually, these staples are good, and now they work together."
Remember: the "green" Mediterranean diet requires you to cut down on red meat for best results, to snack on a few handfuls of walnuts each day, to make a protein shake (either with duckweed protein or a similar substitute), and to drink 3 or 4 cups of green tea as well (which is healthier than soda or coffee). Cutting down or eliminating red meat looks different for everyone, Horton says: if you can slowly reduce the frequency that you're eating red meat, that's a good start.
You'll also be able to enjoy these staples:
If giving meat up entirely is a challenge for you, you can take a few steps to enjoy it without derailing your diet. First, select a cut of meat that is physically lean: "Go for a filet rather than a large ribeye," Horton advises. Second, make sure you're choosing fresh meat rather than processed products: "Avoid things like processed pork or deli meats," she adds. Lastly, if you have a hankering for bacon or a processed meat, Horton says try incorporating a smaller amount into an otherwise healthy dish. "It's about using it as a garnish or in the same style as a condiment, right? Put a dash of bacon or ham into what you're cooking, to add the flavor and enjoy it, without actually eating an entire plate of it on its own."
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What Is the Green Mediterranean Diet? How to Tweak the Program for Better Results -
Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Losing Weight by Walking – News18

If you think losing weight is only possible through hours spent at the gym and sweating away, then think again. Walking is a great way to stay fit and healthy, and also lose some of that extra weight. But you must keep certain things in mind when opting for this less strenuous method of fat-control. Here is all you need to know about losing weight through walking regularly.
Count those steps
As walking is less arduous than a hardcore gym, you need to do it a little more and a little longer. Try to get between 10,000 and 15,000 steps per day. Sounds difficult, but very much possible. Most smartphones come equipped with health apps or you can download a third-party app/get a smartwatch to track the number.
Divide the steps
You dont need to walk 15,000 steps in one go. Divide your walk into 3-4 sets of 20-minute long walks throughout the day. Walking after meals is especially beneficial to aid digestion.
Proper attire
Wear proper shoes and clothes. The clothes can still be anything from pyjama to proper tracksuit but shoes are very important. Find the best fit, with the best support to the soles and ankles.
Pace yourself
Dont walk the entire 20-minutes at the same speed. Alternate between a brisk, power walk and a slower amble. There can be up to 20% more calorie burn by alternating the speeds.
Lift some weight
No, not actual weightlifting. Try adding bodyweight exercises before like squats or push-ups to raise the heart-rate and burn those calories even more.
Flat surface vs steep
Walking on flat ground is great, but if you walk along a slope its even better! It increases metabolic rate and burns more calories.
Walking like all exercises results in sweating. Replenish that lost hydration. Additionally, drinking up to 2 litres of water in a day can actually help the weight loss. But opt for either plain water or green tea. Avoid energy drinks at all costs as they have a very high sugar count.
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Here's Everything You Need to Know About Losing Weight by Walking - News18
Gaining weight can be difficult but here are the safest ways to do it – News24

Theres no shortage of articles and resources out there offering people advice on the best ways to lose weight. But not everyone wants to lose weight.
For those who want to gain weight, finding good advice on how to reach the weight they desire can be harder to come by.
Whether its a sports person wanting to increase muscle mass, somebody recovering from a long illness or someone with a high metabolism whos naturally thin, it can be just as difficult for some to gain weight as it is for others to lose it.
The only way to gain weight is to consume more energy (calories) than your body typically requires on a daily basis. Weight gain should also be a gradual process around one pound a week is a realistic achievement. Gradually increasing calories with healthy foods alongside strength exercise - whatever your age - will help to ensure that the weight gained is most beneficial and can be maintained.
However, if someone is losing weight for a medical reason (such as an overactive thyroid or inflammatory bowel disease) seeking medical help to treat the underlying cause is immediate priority. Only when weight is stable can you begin to successfully gain additional pounds.
Ideally weight gain should be achieved in the healthiest way possible by considering nutrients as well as energy. Consuming extra nutrient dense foods and fluids rather than opting sugar or fat laden choices, will provide additional nutrients (including protein, vitamins, minerals, essential fats) that improve overall health and wellbeing.
Consuming 300-500 calories more per day than your body requires should lead to steady weight gain.
If keeping track of calories seems too much effort, some other ways you can increase overall intake include:
Have larger portions at mealtimes: for those with a good appetite adding in another portion of cereal at breakfast, an extra egg or cheese slice to your lunchtime sandwich and an additional potato or spoon of pasta at dinner or even following it with pudding is an easy way to boost overall intake without needing to count calories.
Eat little and often (including snacks between meals) instead of just three main meals per day. It can sometimes be easier for those with a poor appetite to graze on smaller portions instead of consuming a big meal all at once. Trying to eat every two to three hours can also result in a more nutritious daily intake than more intermittent meals.
Include nutrient dense snacks such as nuts, dried fruit, cereal bars, oatcakes, crackers and cheese, breadsticks and houmous, yoghurt between meals. Not only are such snacks high energy and high protein, they also boost levels of vitamins and minerals too, such as calcium and iron - both essential to good health.
Including nutritious drinks throughout the day can boost total energy intake. Instead of water, try milk and milky drinks, fruit juices, smoothies. Using full fat milk in drinks and yoghurt in smoothies is another easy way to increase calories.
Adding cheese into soups, spreads on sandwiches or toast, and using extra oils in cooking or as dressings can help add extra calories to your meals without adding to the bulk. For example, a matchbox size piece of cheese (30g) provides 125 calories and 8g protein.
Incorporate healthier fats into the diet by including oily fish (such as salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, pilchards), olives, avocado, nuts and seeds, olive, rapeseed or sunflower oils and spreads. As well as being calorie rich, they are packed with essential heart healthy fatty acids including omega 3.
But if a person is looking to gain muscle as well, a combination of more food and protein, with a resistance training programme is the best way to build lean tissue rather than fat tissue. Getting the recommended amount of exercise (150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week plus strength building exercises) will also help preserve muscle mass throughout life.
Regular strength building/resistance type exercise (such as yoga, weightlifting, or circuit training) alongside a protein rich diet has been shown to promote this.
Many factors can cause unintentional weight loss including depression, anxiety, an overactive thyroid gland, sudden illness or chronic health conditions. Rapid weight loss is of greatest concern due to loss of muscle as well as body fat.
Such weight loss is common with digestive disorders (such as Crohns disease or cancers of the digestive tract. These can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, and malabsorption)
Unintentional weight loss can lead to malnutrition and the elderly are particularly vulnerable to this. Malnutrition can in turn cause fatigue, increased risk of falls, difficulty coughing (which increases risk of chest infections) and heart failure.
Weight and lean body mass can often decline as a natural part of the ageing process, with up to 50% of people 80 and older experiencing sarcopenia (muscle wasting and decreased strength).
Whether somebody has lost weight or is naturally thin, a person is classified as underweight if they have a body mass index (BMI) less than 18.5kg/m. This is just a starting point however. Having a low BMI doesnt necessarily mean a person is malnourished - but it could indicate that there may be an issue around dietary intake.
Having a low body weight can also lead to health consequences, including nutritional deficiencies (such as iron deficiency anaemia and osteoporosis), lower immune function, impaired fertility, low energy and lethargy, and susceptibility to cold.
While gaining weight can be challenging for some people, eating the right foods alongside exercise, where possible, will ensure that its done in the healthiest way, and leads to better health overall.
Emma Kinrade, Lecturer in Nutrition and Dietetics, Glasgow Caledonian University
This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.
Continued here:
Gaining weight can be difficult but here are the safest ways to do it - News24
One item to add to your wellness tool kit this holiday season! – 100 Mile House Free Press

If you reach for another Christmas cookie, and no ones there to see it, did you really eat it?
Unfortunately, yes
While we might not be enjoying all the usual holiday events and parties, that doesnt mean were free from all the usual holiday habits. And yes, that includes tasty treats.
This year, give yourself the gift of a healthier lifestyle.
While losing weight can be hard, the process can be made easier with the right nutrition program for you.
Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol, for example, is a medically developed program using science-based ketogenic principles that empowers you to develop and sustain a healthier lifestyle.
Lorrie Dolinski, from 100 Mile House Pharmasave, shares the systems three-step approach to reaching your goal of a healthier weight.
Step 1: Weight Loss
With Ideal Protein, the first step is resetting your body to burn more fat and ultimately lose weight. Restricting your carbohydrate intake helps your body optimize fat loss through ketosis, a state your body enters that burns fat as an alternative energy source, Dolinski explains. This phase continues until you reach your weight loss goal.
With a vast selection of recipes, delicious meals and savoury snacks to choose from, youll get to enjoy tasty treats that will bring you one step closer to your goals.
Step 2: Stabilization
Step 2 involves exploring ways to manage a healthy weight and build healthy habits because once youve lost the weight, it can be hard to keep it off!
Here, youll adjust your protein, carbohydrate and fat intake to manage hunger, promote satisfaction, and maintain your weight loss. Youll continue taking advantage of Ideal Proteins vast selection of recipes, delicious meals and savoury snacks to fuel your weight loss (and they taste amazing too!)
You can look forward to recipes like their Cookie Dough Swirl Bar, Mushroom Parmesan Risotto or Cheesy Omelette to name a few, Dolinski says.
Trained and experienced Pharmasave Ideal Protein coaches understand your unique health needs and offer continued support through weekly follow-up sessions, one-on-one coaching, daily educational materials and by collaborating with your pharmacist to ensure you have everything you need to reach your goals.
Follow the special three step program to help you achieve your health and wellness plan.
Step 3: Maintenance
This final step will help you continue living your fullest, healthiest, best life yet!
Once your weight is stabilized, youll remain connected with your coach and continue receiving education and support to help you maintain your healthy weight.
To learn more about the Ideal Protein path to a healthier lifestyle, call 250-395-2921 or visit them online or in person to learn more.
HealthHealth and wellnessWeight Loss
Originally posted here:
One item to add to your wellness tool kit this holiday season! - 100 Mile House Free Press
Dancing to Lose Weight: Calories Burned, Dance Options, More – Healthline

You might think of dancing as something you just do at the club on Saturday nights. While dancing is a great way to unwind and have fun, it has so many other benefits, too.
In fact, dancing is an excellent way to exercise, burn fat and calories, and lose weight. So, if youre looking to add some new moves to your workout routine, read on to learn how dancing can benefit your weight loss efforts.
Like most forms of aerobic or cardio exercise, dancing has many health benefits, including weight loss.
Besides burning a good number of calories, dancing can also increase your muscle strength. Building lean muscle mass may help you burn fat and tone your muscles.
Some of the health benefits of regular cardio exercise, such as dancing, include:
Dancing also has mental health benefits. Aerobic exercise may help improve your mood and reduce your risk of depression.
Dancing has extra benefits because its often a social activity. Dancing with a partner or in a group can create a sense of community and help you feel more connected to other people.
And just as importantly, its a fun activity. When you enjoy doing something, youre more likely to keep doing it. This is why dancing can be a great way to stay motivated when it comes to exercise for weight loss.
As with most types of exercise, faster, more vigorous forms of dancing will burn more calories than slower dancing. For example, hip hop dancing burns more calories than ballroom dancing.
Below are some examples of how many calories youll likely burn during 30 minutes of dancing if you weigh 150 pounds. If you weigh less, youll likely burn fewer calories, and if you weigh more, youll likely burn more.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of high intensity exercise each week for health benefits, including weight loss.
So, if dancing is your main form of exercise, the amount of time you spend doing it depends on how vigorously you dance.
If youre looking for substantial weight loss (5 percent of your body weight or more) experts recommend at least 300 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week.
There are many different types of dance, all of which offer health benefits and the potential for weight loss.
Many gyms offer dance classes, and there are also plenty of online dance videos you can try to see what form of dance feels right for you.
If you prefer something less structured, you can also just crank up your favorite music in your living room and dance around for 30 minutes or more. If youre moving and getting your heart rate up, youre reaping rewards and burning calories.
If youre interested in specific types of dance classes, here are some popular dance options for exercise and weight loss.
Zumba is a dance fitness program set to Latin and other international music.
It uses interval training, alternating between fast and slow movements. These short bursts of high-intensity exercise help you burn even more calories than just dancing at a consistent speed. And its a full-body workout, so youre able to tone and strengthen many of your muscles.
Zumba has many other health benefits, including:
The choreography in Zumba isnt meant to be formal, so you can join in as long as you keep moving. Many gyms and community centers offer classes that welcome all fitness levels.
Hip hop dancing is a high-intensity, high-impact form of dancing. It includes everything from break dancing to modern dance-like moves. Some gyms may offer hip hop dance classes, but there are also many online videos available to help you become familiar with hip hop choreography.
Benefits of hip hop dancing include:
A lot of hip hop dance involves repetitive motion, much of which is high-impact. These moves can lead to injuries if theyre done incorrectly or if you dont give yourself time to rest in between dance sessions.
Ballet is a form of classical dance that focuses on precise movements and technique. While the slow movements of ballet may not burn as many calories as other types of dance, it can still help improve your health and fitness with:
Many dance studios offer ballet classes for all levels.
If youre interested in ballet movements, you may also want to try barre classes. These classes, which are offered at many specialty studios or gyms, incorporate ballet, yoga, and Pilates into a workout based on small isometric movements.
Pole dancing, also called pole fitness, can be a great form of exercise. It involves moves like holding yourself up on the pole, twisting yourself around, and creating shapes with your body.
In addition to providing cardio exercise, some of the benefits of pole dancing include:
A word of caution: Pole dancing requires a lot of gripping and twisting. You may want to opt for a different form of dance if you have hand, wrist, shoulder, knee, or back injuries. Its also important to train with an instructor to avoid injury.
Ballroom dancing includes partner dances like the waltz, foxtrot, and tango. Even salsa dancing can count as a type of ballroom dancing.
While theres competitive ballroom dancing, its also a great workout for amateurs. Check your local community center or dance centers in your neighborhood to see if they have ballroom dancing classes you can attend.
Ballroom dancing can provide benefits like:
This is a low-impact type of dancing, so its a great way to get aerobic exercise if you have joint issues.
As with any exercise, there are safety precautions to bear in mind to minimize your risk for injury. Following these tips may help you stay safe while dancing:
Dancing is a great way to boost your fitness, lose weight, and gain other health benefits. And its a form of exercise thats often a lot of fun and done in a group setting, which may motivate you to keep at it over the long term.
You can try dancing on your own to your favorite tunes, or you can opt for a more structured format by joining a dance class or group session at your gym or local dance studio. Theres also the option of following along to online videos that focus on dance moves to lose weight.
Whats most important is to find the style and type of dance that you most enjoy. If your goal is to lose weight, aim for more than 150 minutes of moderate intensity dance or 75 minutes of high-intensity dance each week.
Read more:
Dancing to Lose Weight: Calories Burned, Dance Options, More - Healthline
Weight loss story: I followed this diet plan to lose 18 kilos within 5 months of my c-section – Times of India

Breakfast: My breakfast was always tasty and nutritious. I usually would have something around 9-10 a.m., which would be either oat, upma, the chilla, whole wheat veggie sandwich, poha or sometimes, a glass of milk with biscuits or dry fruits.
Lunch: Homemade food is the best. I have a bowl of daal, vegetable sabzi, curd, salad with 1/2 chapatis.
Dinner: Light and easy does it for me. Either a glass of milk or something nutritious like soup, sprouts, stir-fried paneer cubes or a bowl of daal (with one chapati). No pre or post-workout meals for me.
Cheat Day Meal: Veg pulav, Pav Bhaji, Pizza, basically what I like to eat.
My workout: I experimented a lot with my workout regime and made it a point to stay active through the day (still do).
I go cycling for 30 minutes daily, a 1-kilometre walk every alternate day and dancing on the weekends. I also tried weight training.
Go here to see the original:
Weight loss story: I followed this diet plan to lose 18 kilos within 5 months of my c-section - Times of India
Expert tips on spices which can help you lose weight in the winter season – The Indian Express

One cannot enjoy Indian food without the beautiful blend of spices. For centuries, India has attracted many from around the world with its varied collection of spices. Apart from the taste and flavour, they also provide major health benefits. The main focus is to add them to your diet to regulate the process of weight loss. They also contribute to boosting the overall immune system which is essential because of viral infections and flu, says Dr Archana Batra, a dietician. She tells how some top spices can help you keep your weight in check in winters.
Enriched with anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and anti-viral properties, this ancient spice is known to boost the digestive system which helps in increasing the metabolic rate. It also deposes the excess fat from the body. You can have turmeric tea, turmeric detox drink along with soups and curries, Dr Batra suggests.
It contains natural fibre which largely helps suppress food cravings. The fibre gives a filling effect for a longer period and prevents overeating. It is also a good source of mucilaginous fibre which helps to protect the digestive system from the damages of free-radicals.
Having fenugreek soaked in water every morning helps flush out toxins and increase the metabolism rate. The key aspect to remember is that the most natural way to escalate weight loss is to improve digestive function.
This tree-based spice plays an active role in weight loss. Cinnamon increases the metabolism rate and also suppresses the frequent hunger pangs. It also helps control the insulin level in the blood, for an increased level causes an increase in the level of fat, and also minimises the menstrual pain, says Dr Batra. It is also beneficial for relieving nausea, besides giving warmth to the body.
She suggests mixing one tablespoon of cinnamon powder in your detox water in the morning or enjoying it with a glass of warm milk.
Black pepper
The component piperine in black pepper suppresses the accumulation of fat in the body and also increases metabolism. It strengthens the immune system and prepares the body to fight against infections. This earthy spice helps the body to absorb the nutrients in a better way. In fact, black pepper tea does wonders in managing obesity, the doctor explains.
Enriched with vitamins A, D and C, it not only helps in improving the immune system, but being a natural diuretic, also helps to flush out unwanted substances from the body. Try to start your day with a glass of soaked fennel seed water, and you can also add it to your breakfast cereals or in your dessert, says the dietician.
This aromatic diuretic spice stimulates the digestive system and efficiently helps to burn body fat. You can add cardamoms to your morning tea and your green tea. In fact, you can also chew 3-4 pods of cardamom to get the best results.
Chili pepper
An important element in chili pepper is capsaicin which poses a thermogenic effect to help you burn the fat. This hot spice is quickly absorbed in the stomach and in turn, suppresses the urge to eat frequently.
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Expert tips on spices which can help you lose weight in the winter season - The Indian Express