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Oct 15

Eat these foods for breakfast to boost metabolism and lose weight fast – Express

Therefore eating porridge in the morning can also help you feel full for a long time.

The expert explained: Eating wholegrains which are rich in fibre - such as oatmeal will also keep you feeling fuller for longer. Oatmeal is made with slow-release carbohydrates, this means that it will not increase your blood sugar levels as much as consuming refined carbs.

Therefore, your insulin levels dont spike as high. This is beneficial because insulin plays a position in letting your body know when and where to store fat, thus having lower blood sugar levels may help you burn fat.

Oats are also rich in something called beta-glucan, a type of fibre that can balance blood sugar levels, which works to prevent spikes and crashes that may drive up your appetite.

Studies have shown that eating eggs in the morning can increase feelings of fullness and reduce food intake later in the day, compared to bread.

Fresh fruit

Fresh fruit can satisfy those with a sweet tooth as most fruits like bananas are sweet and tasty.

David said: Fresh fruit is an excellent way to start your day and it also helps to boost your metabolism. Fruits like berries, mangos, pineapple, apples, pears and bananas are just a few of the fruits to include in your breakfast to help boost your metabolism.

Fruits are high in fibre which can also help to prevent cravings and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

One medium sized banana has just over 100 calories, which may seem like a lot for a piece of fruit but this also equates to 12 percent of your daily fibre needs.

Fibre helps slow the emptying of the stomach to curb cravings and keep you feeling fuller for longer.

Bananas are also a great source of resistant starch, a type of starch that your stomach and small intestine dont digest very well. Research suggests that resistant starch may help reduce calorie intake and reduce belly fat.


Whilst smoothies may be high in sugar, which can actually lead to weight gain, swapping high sugar fruits for vegetables can help slimmers lose weight and pack in extra nutrients that they otherwise may not have got into their diet.

David went on: Smoothies are a fast and easy way to get all the nutrients needed for the day ahead. Creating yummy smoothies with fruits and vegetables is a really easy way to pack in your five-a-day without even realising.

However, many of us add fruit juice to our smoothies which can often contain high sugar levels, so instead swap your sugary fruit juice for coconut water or low-fat yogurt. If you want to experiment with some new smoothie recipes, fitness and nutrition app Freeletics has some fantastic and easy recipes.

Water with lemon and honey

Water is key for anyone on a weight loss journey and is essential to keep hydration levels high.

Having it hot in the morning can help break down fat molecules, making them easier to be burnt through exercise.

David said: Honey lemon and water is a great drink to have in the morning to boost your metabolism. Honey and lemon will help to detox your body, cleaning it out for the day ahead. Having it pre-breakfast on an empty stomach will be even more beneficial."

Those with a high metabolism burn more calories throughout the day, causing weight to be lost a lot quicker than those with a slow metabolism.

See more here:
Eat these foods for breakfast to boost metabolism and lose weight fast - Express

Oct 15

The #1 Worst Thing to Drink If You’re Trying to Lose Weight – Yahoo Lifestyle

Food isn't the only factor to consider when it comes to trying to lose weight. No, we're not talking about exercise. (Although that matters, too.) You also have to take into consideration what you're drinking.

Twenty percent of the total calories you consume in a day come entirely from beverages, according to a BMC Public Health analysis. To put that in perspective, if you consume 2,000 calories per day, that 20 percent equates to 400 calories.

Now consider this: If you cut 400 calories out of your diet per day, you'd be able to lose almost one poundin a week. And that's without making any other changes.

(Related: 8 Grocery Items That May Soon Be in Short Supply.)

Sound enticing? We thought so. If you've ever tried to lose weight (or are currently in the process of doing so), you know how difficult it is to find little ways to cut back on calories without having to completely overhaul your life. And one of the easiest ways to do that is by swapping your sip.

So let's get back to that 20 percent. What beverages are we drinking that are contributing so many calories to our diets? It's coffee and tea (with add-ins, of course), energy drinks, fruit juice, fruit drinks, and milk. But these energy-dense beverages are nothing compared to the two drinks that contribute the most calories to your diet. In fact, the top two beverages are more than twice as caloric as most of the drinks you sip: soda and alcohol.

On average, adult Americans under the age of 50 consume 140 calories of soda and 150 calories from alcohol every day, according to the same BMC Public Health study. That equates to 5.7 and 6.1 percent of your total calorie intake, respectively.

When it comes to weight loss, it's basically a numbers game. The fewer calories you consume, the more weight you'll lose. So if you want to lose weight fast, you should make it easy on yourself by cutting back on one or two of the top sources of calories in your daily diet. And that means you'll have to cut back on soda or alcohol. (In an ideal world, you'd cut back on bothby avoiding them together in a cocktail as well as individually on their own.)

Story continues

And if you had to choose one, it should be soda.

Soda isn't just bad for your overall health, it can cause weight gain. With around 150 calories and 35 grams of sugar per can, soda is a beverage full of empty calories.

Study after study shows that increasing soda consumption has a direct effect on weight gain. One International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity study even found this to be true despite increases in physical activitythat means that exercising isn't going to help you fend off the weight gain associated with drinking soda.

On the other hand, while alcohol has calories, it doesn't appear to contribute to weight gain as much as soda does.

A recent study published in the journal Obesity tracked men's alcohol consumption habits over the course of 24 years. The results were surprising: men who increased their alcohol consumption by one drink over this time period did gain some weight, but it was "unlikely to be clinically meaningful," according to the authors. Based on these findings, the researchers concluded that light to moderate consumption of alcohol can be part of a healthy dietas long as men keep it to less than two drinks per day. If you go over that number, the study found that this is enough to considerably contribute to weight gain.

Alcohol's minor effect on weight gain has also been found for women. An Archives of Internal Medicine study tracked the alcohol consumption habits of over 19,000 American women for just under 13 years. The results of this study were even more shocking than for the men. Researchers found that for women who were in a healthy BMI range, light to moderate consumption of alcohol (1-2 drinks per day) was actually attributed to less weight gain over the course of a decade compared to women who didn't sip alcohol at all. The authors speculate that the reason why alcohol-drinkers gained less weight over time compared to non-drinkers is that women tend to drink alcohol in place of other calories rather than in addition to. That means that while men are more likely to have a beer with pizza, women are more likely to have a glass of wine with a show.

While these studies show that alcohol can be a part of a healthy diet and may not contribute to weight gain if consumed in moderation (once you go over 2 drinks per day, it's a different story), you should still consider the other health and safety consequences related to excess alcohol consumption, such as liver disease, heart disease, and digestive problems. And if you're just getting started on your weight loss journey, it couldn't hurt to curb your alcohol intake and save those calories until you reach your goal weight.

At the end of the day, if you're looking to lose weight, you need to cut back on calorieswhether those come from soda, alcohol, or unhealthy foods is up to whatever works best for you and your personal diet needs.

For more healthy eating news, make sure to sign up for our newsletter!

View original post here:
The #1 Worst Thing to Drink If You're Trying to Lose Weight - Yahoo Lifestyle

Oct 15

UAE weight-loss: ‘How I lost 26kg in one year without going to a gym’ – Gulf News

Veena before (left) and after Image Credit: Supplied

Its easy to fall into the well of self-deprecation when others validate your worst thoughts. I used to think others called me fat because I was fat, recalls Veena B.Nair. The mother-of-two found herself agreeing with body-shamers more and more as she hit 90kg.

Then when she decided to stop working in Dubai and focus on a being a homemaker in 2018, she also resolved to make a change. I was just trying my own thing. I was going through videos etc. and basically they all spoke about reducing carbs. I have purely focused on [food to lose weight], she says.

She explains that she can spilt her weight-loss journey into three stages. In the first and second stages the self-confessed foodie stopped eating from restaurants. She stopped eating non-vegetarian food and she cut down on her portion sizes. Instead of 4 chappatis [flat bread]that I was eating I would eat 1.5, she explains.

Every week Nair would check her weight. And every time there was a drop in numbers shed celebrate. The feeling that overtook her was So I can reduce [weight too].

She also began to drink more and more water. Once I started drinking water I could see the results. I was drinking 3 litres of water [every day] for 3 months, she explains. She drank water before meals to curb appetite, she drank water when she was bored; she drank water through the day.

She said goodbye to her favourite treats from the bakery or just hot off the wok.

As for exercise, she says laughing: Exercise I didnt do much - only housework. And sometimes I will do walking or something, but it was not a factor at all - I was lazy to do [any more exercise].

At the end of three months, she lost 15kg.

Early days

Nair has always loved her food, but the weight began to pile on soon after puberty. She has PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), a common hormonal issue, that can lead to weight gain. Her menstrual cycle was irregular it would come once every 45 days or so, she recalls. Doctors told her to lose weight and people used to make fun like, you are growing size wise not height wise, she says.

She had tried over the years to kill the kilos but nothing had worked and for each child she had, she gained 10kg.

So it was heartening for her to see the change from phase one It was very motivational for me to see my looks change, she says. And the reception this got was even more gratifying.

She happily headed into stage 2, where she increased her food intake, still boycotting all meat products and keeping away from food from outside.

Over the next three months, she lost 5 more kilos. Her menstrual cycle became regular and she began to see a change in herself.

Finally, in stage three she went back to eating non-vegetarian food. By now Nair had honed her skill keeping portion sizes small and limiting her intake of unhealthy goods. She was also determined to lose weight.

She lost, in another 6 months, another 6 kilos.

After this giant drop, she began to draw concern for being too thin and as a result began to let her hair down, ending 2019 4kg heavier. Shes maintained this new goal weight - 68- since.


Thats not to say there werent any hiccups. One problem I faced later on was I started feeling my skin is having some problem. Like that time I went to a dermatologist. She said its ok, because you have reduced so much of weight, maybe because of that. I was having hair fall and skin issues, she says. She hadnt been on supplements of any sort. But this has since balanced out.

Its easy to fall into the well of self-loathing when others give voice to your worst thoughts. But grit will always beat the nexus of negativity. And when it does, the butterfly will emerge.

See the article here:
UAE weight-loss: 'How I lost 26kg in one year without going to a gym' - Gulf News

Oct 15

How to get more bang for your bite without the added weight gain – 69News WFMZ-TV

More than 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. is obese and in kids, its 1 in 5. How can you get more bang for your bite without the added weight gain? Here are some of the most filling foods that aid in weight loss.

Whether its comfort food or you just cant get enough food, food can be addicting.

The number of people losing weight or stating that they have tried to lose weight over the past year is about 50 percent, said Ellen Schur, MD, MS, associate professor of medicine and clinical research director at UW Medicine Diabetes Institute.

How do we get that number down? One way is by picking low-energy density foods.

Whole, unprocessed foods, such as fruits, vegetables, very lean proteins and low-fat dairy products allow us to eat more without gaining weight.

When you eat nuts, about an ounce of nuts a day, so 160 to 200 calories of nuts a day, they actually help you feel more full, said Lori Brizee, registered dietician at the Duke University Diet and Fitness Center.

Baked potatoes are high in carbohydrates yet loaded with vitamins and fiber.

Broth-based bean soups contain a big dose of fiber and resistant starch.

Greek yogurt is known as the single best food for shedding pounds as dairy proteins increase fullness.

Eggs are considered a complete protein containing all essential amino acids. Just be sure not to discard the yolk!

For just 90 calories, three cups of air-popped popcorn with a dash of red pepper will help you stay fuller longer.

Also, before you head out to eat at night, drink a shot of pickle juice. It helps you feel full, suppresses your appetite and helps to speed up your metabolism.

See the original post:
How to get more bang for your bite without the added weight gain - 69News WFMZ-TV

Oct 15

On a weight loss diet? Here are two quick and healthy breakfast recipes to kickstart your metabolism – Times Now

On a weight loss diet? Two quick and healthy breakfast recipes to kickstart your metabolism  |  Photo Credit: iStock Images

New Delhi: Breakfast is often considered as the most important meal of the day. A power-packed, nutritious breakfast will fuel your body and mind after an overnight fast, providing energy and sustenance throughout the day. A healthy breakfast will also jumpstart your metabolism, which can help you burn more calories and speed up your weight loss. So, eating a healthy breakfast may help you burn belly fat faster, while also supporting your well-being in many other ways.

A number of studies suggest that regularly eating a breakfast loaded with nutrients, including protein and fibre, may help you shed those extra pounds and keep weight in check. There are different theories about the benefits of eating a healthy breakfast for weight loss.

While more work is required to better understand the link between breakfast eating habits and weight loss, you must understand that eating wrong foods can derail your efforts to get a slimmer waistline. So, its important to fill your tummy with the right foods that will give you energy and keep you feeling full until lunchtime.

As most of us continue to stay indoors, breakfast is sometimes skipped due to a change in routine. Here are two quick and healthy weight loss-friendly breakfast recipes suggested by nutritionist Sheryl Salis, RD, CDE, that will jumpstart your metabolism and provide the body and brain with fuel to endure the rest of the day:

The perfect breakfast or brunch recipe with a good combination of taste and health.


For baked apples

For oatmeal




Make sure that you fill your diet with nutritious whole foods that will help you lose weight, improve immunity, and boost your overall health.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

On a weight loss diet? Here are two quick and healthy breakfast recipes to kickstart your metabolism - Times Now

Oct 15

14 of the Best Keto Products in 2020 – Healthline

Keto is wildly popular these days, and for good reason. The low carb, high fat diet has helped many people successfully lose weight and manage their blood sugar levels or epilepsy though its long-term safety and effectiveness arent yet known (1, 2, 3).

Given the diets popularity, many new keto products come to market regularly. In light of the increasingly large selection, choosing which ones to try can be overwhelming.

Healthline has assembled this list of the best keto products of 2020 based on the following criteria:

Here are 14 of the best keto products in 2020.

General price ranges with dollar signs ($ to $$$) are indicated below. One dollar sign means the product is rather affordable, whereas three dollar signs indicate a higher price range.

Generally, prices range from $0.03$1.40 per ounce (28 grams), or $4.50$83.50 per item or multipack deal, though this may vary depending on where you shop.

Note that products in this roundup are highly diverse, ranging from sauces to bars to pasta. This makes direct price comparisons difficult.

Pricing guide

Most condiments and sauces are loaded with sugar, giving them a high carb count. Here are some sugar-free, keto-friendly alternatives.

Price: $

Store-bought spaghetti sauces are often full of sugar and additives, but Raos is a keto-friendly alternative made with just tomatoes, olive oil, and seasonings.

A 1/2 cup (125 gram) serving contains just 5 grams of net carbs.

Shop for Raos Homemade Marinara Sauce online.

Price: $

Ketchup is another condiment thats traditionally packed with sugar. However, this ketchup from Primal Kitchen is unsweetened and contains just 2 grams net carbs per tablespoon (15 grams).

It contains only tomatoes, balsamic vinegar, and spices, and its certified organic.

Shop for Primal Kitchen Ketchup online.

Tons of sweet keto products exist, but when it comes to savory snacks, many keto dieters feel like their only options are beef jerky or pork rinds. Here are some savory snacks that can add variety and help you stick to your keto diet.

Price: $$

These new almond flour crackers from Fat Snax come in classic cracker flavors like Cheddar, sea salt, and everything seasoning.

Theyre also made with high quality ingredients and contain just 2 grams of net carbs per 11-cracker (20-gram) serving.

Best of all, theyre crunchy and hold up well to dips and spreads.

Shop for Fat Snax Almond Flour Crackers online.

Price: $$

If youre looking for a crunchy and filling snack, try these beef chips from Kalahari Crisps. Unlike most beef jerkies, they contain no added sugar and less than 1 gram of carbs in an entire bag (28 grams).

Theyre also free of preservatives and additives, and one bag packs a whopping 20 grams of protein.

Shop for Kalahari Crisps Air-Dried Beef Chips online.

Price: $$$

These salmon skin chips are a fresh take on pork rinds, made instead with skin from sustainably sourced, wild-caught Alaskan salmon.

They come in various flavors like chili lemon, spicy BBQ, salted, and tart cranberry.

Best of all, one bag (15 grams) contains 0 grams of carbs and 10 grams of protein.

Shop for Goodfish Crispy Salmon Skin Chips online.

Price: $$$

These salty and crispy roasted seaweed snacks from gimMe are satisfying and flavorful, and they provide only 25 calories and 0 grams of net carbs per package (5 grams).

They also come in a variety of flavors like sea salt and avocado oil, extra virgin olive oil, and teriyaki and each flavor is made with organic, vegan ingredients.

Shop for gimMe Organic Roasted Seaweed Sheets online.

Price: $$

Another flavorful alternative to pork rinds, these chicken skin chips are crunchy and can hold up well to your favorite keto-friendly dips.

One package (28 grams) of the original flavor is free of carbs but packed with fat and protein, making it an excellent keto-friendly choice.

Other flavor offerings include barbecue and salt and vinegar. Moreover, all of the flavors are simply made with chicken skin, salt, oil, and seasonings.

Shop for Flock Chicken Skin Chips online.

Bars are an easy, grab-and-go meal or snack, but many including keto-friendly ones are too high in carbs or contain less desirable ingredients. Here are some better alternatives.

Price: $

These fiber-rich bars feature pea protein and coconut as their star ingredients, and theyre sweetened with monk fruit. Available flavors are chocolate chip, coconut cocoa, and espresso brownie.

These bars are also plant-based and provide 9 grams of protein, 11 grams of healthy fat, and just 5 grams of net carbs per bar (40 grams).

Shop for Hungry Buddha Keto Bars online.

Price: $

GOODTO GOs line of soft-baked bars contains just 23 grams of net carbs per bar (40 grams), depending on the flavor. These bars have a cake-like texture, making them great for a standalone snack or dessert.

Theyre made with high quality ingredients and come in several flavors, like blueberry cashew, vanilla almond, cinnamon pecan, raspberry lemon, and strawberry macadamia nut.

Shop for GOODTO GO Soft-Baked Keto Bars online.

Price: $

While they pack 9 grams of protein and just 2 grams of net carbs per bar (35 grams), Krunchy Keto Bars are more like a candy bar than a protein bar.

Theyre sweetened with stevia and erythritol, a sugar alcohol, as well as dipped in a milk chocolate coating.

Shop for Good Good Krunchy Keto Salty Caramel Nut Bars online.

Here are some other keto-friendly alternatives to popular carb-heavy foods, including pasta, tortillas, and pizza crusts.

Price: $

If youve been doing keto for a while, you may have already tried zucchini or shirataki noodles. However, many people consider these noodles from Palmini, which are made from hearts of palm, to be an even better pasta alternative.

A 2.6-ounce (75-gram) serving provides just 2 grams of net carbs, and Palmini offers linguine noodles, lasagna sheets, and angel hair pasta.

Shop for Palmini Lasagna Sheets online.

Price: $

Folios are thin wraps simply made from cheese. Theyre great for sandwiches, wraps, and tacos, and you can also crisp them to make edible bowls or eat them alone as a snack.

Because they contain only cheese, theyre low in net carbs containing zero grams per wrap and packed with fat and protein. Folios are available in Cheddar, Parmesan, and Jarlsberg flavors.

Shop for Folios Cheese Wraps online.

Price: $

These pizza crusts from Outer Aisle have only 3 grams of net carbs each, and theyre made with simple ingredients like cauliflower, eggs, Parmesan cheese, nutritional yeast, and seasonings.

In addition to being keto-friendly, theyre gluten- and grain-free. Outer Aisle also offers a jalapeo pizza crust if youre looking for something with a little kick.

Shop for Outer Aisle Italian pizza crusts online.

Price: $

Catalina Crunch cereals are made with a high fiber, grain-free flour blend and sweetened with stevia and monk fruit. A 1/2-cup (36-gram) serving contains just 5 grams of net carbs.

They also offer 6 classic cereal flavors, including fruity, maple waffle, and honey graham.

Shop for Catalina Crunch Cereal online.

If youre following the keto diet, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose from the increasing number of product options.

However, the most important consideration for keto products is the carb count.

For example, many cauliflower pizza crusts are on the market, but not all of them are keto-friendly. You have to check the nutrition label to ensure that the product youre purchasing is appropriate for the keto diet.

Next, you want to consider the ingredient quality. Many keto-friendly products are made with artificial sweeteners or less-than-ideal sugar alcohols like maltitol, which may spike your blood sugar levels (4).

Try to choose products that are free of unnecessary additives or made with healthier, more natural sweeteners like stevia or monk fruit.

Keto is wildly popular, and hundreds if not thousands of keto-friendly food products are available.

To find the best keto-friendly foods, be sure to check the nutrient label to verify that the food has a low total or net carb count.

You should also try to choose products that are made with high quality ingredients and free of artificial sweeteners.

This guide can help you identify the best keto-friendly food products on the market today.

Original post:
14 of the Best Keto Products in 2020 - Healthline

Oct 15

Gemma Collins looks slimmer than ever in pyjamas after 3st weight loss in Happy Monday snap – The Sun

GEMMA Collins shows no signs of slowing down her weight loss journey as she dazzles in a pyjama set.

Theself-confessed diva, 39, looked slimmer than ever after dropping 3stone, as she tried to cheer up fans by wishing them a "magical Monday".


Lying on a cream striped chaise, Gemma beamed towards the camera as she leaned her head on her hand.

Her wavy blonde locks rested on the shoulders of her bright blue hoodie and matching pyjama trouser set.

The statement PJs are part of her Gemma Collection clothing collection which she launched to cater to plus-size women.

Gemma captioned the post: "Wishing you all a BEAUTIFUL MAGICAL MONDAY .





"Waiting till 6pm for announcements can make the day a little unsteady for us so sending lots of love !!!".

Gemma referred to the Prime Minster Boris Johnson's address to the nation today at 6pm announcing a new lockdown system that divides the country into different tiers.

The Essex lass has been on an impressive weight loss journey over the past year, which has seen her lose a whopping three stone.

Fans flocked to the comment section to praise Gemma on how well she's looking as one said:"You look amazing!"


Another added: "Keep up the good work Gems"

And a third said: "You look absolutely amazing ."

The GC's weight loss journeyhas been credited to her following a range of hardcore diets and by using weight loss jabs.

The 250 shots act as an appetite suppressant and help the body turn stored fat into energy.


Speaking on Instagram, the star opened up about her controversial way of losing weight and told fans: "They have transformed my whole life with regards to dieting."

But despite praising the product on her platform, Gemma was recentlyrapped for breaching ad rules by promoting the weight loss jab, after she didn't make it clear she was advertising it on her platform.

Gemma has treated herself to various other procedures since shedding the pounds, including ahydro oxygen facialback in August.



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Last week she got apainful "jawline tightening" treatment to make herself look permanently contoured.

She filmed herself getting the procedure and told fans: "Girls, if any of you are trying to contour your face, this is the best girl to do it. Ive got no filter, I've got nothing on my face."

The beautician explained: "Basically we are doing a jawline contouring and tightening treatment. There's no needles, it's literally done with a machine."

Go here to see the original:
Gemma Collins looks slimmer than ever in pyjamas after 3st weight loss in Happy Monday snap - The Sun

Oct 15

Considering going vegan? Heres everything you need to know – Yahoo News

The word "vegan" may conjure up images of celebrities downing $10 green juice after their Sunday morning yoga class. But the eating plan is much more than another buzzy diet trend. Lizzo is one of the most recent celebs to subscribe to the eating philosophy, not to lose weight or make a political statement, but because she said, "health is what happens on the inside."

And she's right. A vegan diet can be a smart choice for many people; one that can improve your health, prevent or help control a variety of health conditions and yes, it can help you lose weight if that's your goal.

What is a vegan diet exactly? Put simply, it is one where youre not eating animals or foods that come from animals (like eggs, milk, cheese or honey). And while it is restrictive in some ways (especially for those who rely heavily on animal products), it also opens up a world of possibilities when it comes to getting creative with nutrient-dense, plant-based foods.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, vegan eating can be a healthy diet for people of all ages (including children), pregnant and lactating women, and athletes.

The diet may help you:

Lose weight and maintain a healthy BMI

Promote general health

Prevent or control diabetes

Improve heart health by lowering cholesterol and preventing high blood pressure

Boost your mood

Research found that compared to eating a low-fat diet, people eating a vegan diet lost more than three times as much weight after two years. Research also suggests that for people with type 2 diabetes, eating vegan may help them better manage their condition, as well as help boost mood and weight loss and lower cholesterol. And since you'll be cutting out foods that are linked to poor health when eaten in excess, like meat, butter and cheese, a vegan diet will promote your health overall.

Data also suggests people who eat vegan, on average, tend to have lower BMIs and be less likely to develop hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome compared to non-vegetarians and other types of vegetarians.

Story continues

But to see those benefits, you need to eat foods that are minimally processed, since they tend to be the most nutrient-dense for the calories, said Gabrielle Turner-McGrievy, PhD, RD, associate professor in the department of Health Promotion, Education and Behavior in the Arnold School of Public Health at University of South Carolina (who studies the health benefits of vegan eating). You can do an unhealthy version of really any diet.

Related: A step-by-step guide to eating good quality plant proteins that will benefit you and Mother Earth.

Done correctly, its beneficial for anyone, explained Amy Shapiro, MS, RD, CDN, founder and director of Real Nutrition in New York City. Eating vegan (if youre doing it the healthy way) can benefit people who have heart disease and/or high cholesterol and are looking to reduce the amount of saturated fats in their diets, Shapiro says. It can also help people control diabetes and lose weight, so its a good option for those looking to slim down.

Eating vegan (along with other types of plant-based diets) is also good for the planet. Farming animals for food is known to be one of the big contributors to greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change. And it can be friendly on your wallet, too, according to another study from Turner-McGrievy and her colleagues. Dried beans and rice are a lot less expensive than beef, she said.

If your plate is currently filled with meat, fish and eggs, start by eating vegan a few times a week. This can make the transition easier, by giving you time to experiment with vegan recipes and slowly shift your mindset to building a meal around plant-based foods.

As long as youre not eating animals or animal products, youre following a vegan diet. But just because a food is vegan doesnt mean its necessarily part of a healthy diet.

Candy, French fries and potato chips can all be vegan, but they also tend to be high in fat and low in fiber, which means they wont fill you up and youre more likely to eat more than a healthy portion, explained Shapiro. A lot of clients come to me who put on weight after going vegan because the quick and easy-to-grab foods arent always so healthy.

Focus on plants and whole foods, the less processed the better, Shapiro said. Get protein from nuts, seeds, beans and other legumes. Eat healthy fats, like avocado, olive oil, nuts and seeds. When it comes to carbohydrates, choose nutrient-dense ones, like whole grains, potatoes, legumes and fresh fruits. Try non-dairy milks and yogurts. And definitely do eat lots of vegetables.

For packaged foods: check the label for ingredients you recognize and can pronounce, Shapiro said.

Related: Vegan recipes from Beyonc's nutrionist, Samah Dada and Chloe Coscarelli make ditching dairy and more a cinch.

What a day on a vegan diet may look like:

Wondering what your plate may look like when following a vegan diet? Shapiro broke it down:

Breakfast: Oatmeal with chia seeds, blueberries and cinnamon

Lunch: Large salad of mixed greens, olives, a variety of vegetables, edamame and hemp seeds

Snack: 1/2 cup coconut yogurt mixed with cashews and goji berries

Dinner: Lentil based pasta, tossed with vegan pesto, spinach, broccoli and peas

Dessert: Small scoop vegan ice cream like those made by Daily Harvest or Van Lehwen

The only vitamin youre really missing out on is vitamin B12, which is only found in animals, Shapiro explained. Do consider a supplement, she said.

Other vitamins that you might not be getting enough are iron (plants have iron, but our bodies dont absorb it as well as the type found in animal sources) and zinc (which is found in some, but not all vegetables). Dairy products (which are not vegan) tend to be good sources of calcium and vitamin D, but many dairy alternatives (like nut milks and coconut yogurts) are fortified with these nutrients.

Related: This balanced whole-food-forward approach to eating is not only healthy, its easy to sustain.

Done right focusing on whole and minimally processed, nutrient-dense foods a vegan diet offers a lot of health benefits for people of all ages and lifestyles. Educate yourself, however, before you start. Consider talking to a dietitian, reading books, stocking your pantry, taking a vegan cooking class or watching some Youtube videos. And as always, start with your doctor, who will be able to recommend the best eating plan for you.

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Considering going vegan? Heres everything you need to know - Yahoo News

Oct 9

We need to care less about Rebel Wilson’s weight loss. But we never will –

OPINION: The only time Ive actually ever wanted to punch someone is the time when I got off stage after my first burlesque set and a woman said to me: God, its so nice to see a big girl up there on stage being sexy.

I know she meant it as a compliment. She was in the Ive-had-three-too-many-$8-wines stage where some women get both over-complimentary and unintentionally bitchy. And it took every iota of self-restraint that I had to smile, say thank you and bolt backstage before crying.

I was size 14 at the time, and weighed precisely 89 kilograms. (And I know that fat is a relative scale, and for some people thats not even overweight, while for others that makes me a soggy human dumpling.)

Graham Denholm/Getty Images

The public reaction to Rebel Wilsons weight loss highlights the contradictory views many of us hold simultaneously: we want to celebrate fuller-figured beauty, but we also want to be skinny, writes Verity Johnson.

Id started burlesque because I hated how I looked, I knew I should love it, and I also knew I didnt know how to fix that disparity. And the fact that it took me six months to get back on stage made me realise how much work I had to do.

READ MORE:* Rebel Wilson shares an update on her weight loss 'goal' as she continues her 'year of health'* Adele's birthday post reared an uncomfortable obsession ... again* How about a rom-com where a woman who's not rail-thin is attractive even when she's not concussed?

I thought about that moment this week when watching our collective reactions to Rebel Wilsons weight loss. Its a repeat of what happened with Adele a few months ago. And Susan Boyle and Khloe Kardashian and Kelly Osbourne ... and basically any woman larger than a size 8 who manages to break through into mainstream celebrity only to have the audacity to drop size.

They lose weight and we lose our minds.

(And I can tell you this from working inside a news organisation: celebrity weight loss stories go off. Trump may have Covid, the election may be less than a fortnight away, and Lake hau has been ravaged by a fire, what we really cared about was Rebel Wilsons get-fit phase.)

The most traditional, deeply flawed response to her weight loss is to congratulate her. We love the spectacle of the fat clown turned hot clown. We crave the smooth, inspirational, incremental improvement of the female body as she drops dress sizes.

Partly because culturally weve still got very narrow beauty standards that say that thinner equals better. But also because theres something impressive for many people about weight loss as an easy, understandable symbol of how much humans can improve themselves through willpower. As the kids would say, its a problematic fave.

And then theres the other equally irritating response that people have to her weight loss, which is to bemoan her decision as letting down the body positivity movement.

When she rose to fame as a rare example of a glamorous, gorgeous, certified star who was also plus size, we made her a fuller-figured figurehead. We loved her for being big, exactly as my drunken backhanded commentator was trying to say, and we celebrated her for almost doing us a public service in showing us that sexiness doesnt have a size.

But now were grumpy because shes supposed to be happy being fat.

Robert Kitchin/Stuff

Verity Johnson: Whatever she does, [Wilson] cant win. Wouldnt it be heavenly if she could lose weight and us not care?

This expectation on her directly contradicts the reality that nearly all women hold deeply tangled, contradictory and knotty feelings about their own bodies. Many genuinely celebrate fuller-figured beauty, but we also still want to be skinny.

Likewise I was both flattered and deeply humiliated to be a plus-sized poster girl. And this isnt necessarily proof we dont believe in plus-size beauty, rather that we hold deeply felt but utterly contradictory views simultaneously.

So, as soon as Rebel Wilson shows that she also has these deeply human feelings, that she may have been proudly plus-size for years but now she wants to lose weight, we tell her off for not fitting with the ideological narrative weve written all over her.

The depressing reality is that all of these responses enthusiasm, curiosity, disappointment, gawking theyre all nonsense. Whatever we do, were still making her fleshy pocket a symbol of public morality, either to celebrate it for conforming to conventional beauty standards, or to complain that its failing to conform to #selfacceptance doctrine.

Whatever she does, she cant win. Wouldnt it be heavenly if she could lose weight and us not care?

If our response could be the actual, neutral body-acceptance that says, Do whatever you want with your pocket of flesh. But our enduring obsession with stories like hers, through the skinny tea decades and now the #selfacceptance years, shows thats never going to happen.

We cant not take a womans body and make it an ideological battleground for our own tangled, frustrated, insecure notions of size and self-worth.

See the original post here:
We need to care less about Rebel Wilson's weight loss. But we never will -

Oct 9

Why you may not be losing weight on the keto diet – Report Door

If you arent losing weight on the keto diet, you may not be following it correctly.


Most people who do the keto diet will lose weight, but you have to follow it strictly and be in a calorie deficit to make it work.

Over time, you may hit a keto plateau where you will stop losing weight, even while following the same diet.

Even if you dont lose weight, a slightly higher number on the scale may not always be a bad sign if you are gaining muscle.

This article was reviewed bySamantha Cassetty, MS, RD, nutrition and wellness expert with a private practice based in New York City.

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The keto diet is a popular way to lose weight and improve health. But not everyone loses weight on keto, and some stop losing weight after a few months.

If you arent meeting your weight goals on the ketogenic diet, you may need to make some adjustments or talk with a registered dietitian. Here are some reasons why you might not be losing weight on keto.

The main purpose of the ketogenic diet is to send your body into ketosis. Ketosis is a state where your metabolism shifts from burning carbohydrates for fuel to fat cells, instead.

However, it can take a lot of careful planning to put your body into ketosis. And it wont happen immediately. It can take anywhere from two to seven days of extreme carb restriction to reach ketosis.

You can check to see if you are really in ketosis using at-home urine test strips. These strips detect ketones, substances your liver creates when processing fat.

However, being in ketosis is not going to make you lose weight if you are still taking in too many calories, says Scott Keatley, RD, a dietitian at Keatley Medical Nutrition Therapy.

Losing weight on the keto diet is like losing weight on any diet you need to burn more calories in the day than you consume.

The restriction does not need to be extreme, but you should be at a caloric deficit.

Being in ketosis makes this a little easier since with the right foods it can reduce your appetite so youre less hungry and therefore, less likely to overeat.

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Some foods to eat on keto that will help you feel full are:

Fiber-rich, low-carb vegetables like leafy greens, broccoli, and asparagus

Lean, protein-packed meat like seafood and poultry.

Healthy fatty foods like avocados, nuts, and seeds.

However, if youre still having trouble controlling your caloric intake, here are some tips:

Replace any sugary drinks you might have with flavored water.

Measure out snacks beforehand so you dont unconsciously consume too much.

Track your calories with one of Insider Reviews best weight loss apps.

If you restrict calories too much to less than 1,200 per day for the average adult this can also slow your weight loss goals. Because when you dont eat enough it can send your body into starvation mode, where your metabolism slows down and you may stop losing weight.

Numerous studies indicate a strong link between stress and obesity. Part of the reason could be related to the fact that stress increases levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your body, which leads to enhanced appetite and potentially overeating and subsequent weight gain.

Some simple ways to relieve stress include:

Exercising regularly

Getting more sleep

Connecting with loved ones

The Department of Health and Human Services recommends adults complete at least 150-300 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Physical activity is important for many reasons, including maintaining a healthy weight.

Regular exercise can also help reduce stress levels, boosting your chances of appetite control and weight loss. Some tips to maintaining a regular workout routine include:

Choose a workout regimen you enjoy.

Find a workout partner(s) to hold you accountable.

Make long-term goals to work toward.

Even if you are keeping your metabolism up, your weight loss may still slow down over time. As you cut calories and lose weight, your body will adapt to the change and start needing fewer calories to keep itself going, says Keatley. In other words, people tend to hit a weight loss plateau.

However, Keatley says that you should not use the scale as your only measure of progress. Lean muscle is denser than fat, so burning fat and building muscle can actually lead to a slight weight increase. The scale may freak you out when the change happening is positive, Keatley says.

There are certain medical conditions that are associated with weight gain, making it exceptionally difficult to lose weight. Many of these conditions are hormonal disorders like Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), diabetes, Cushings syndrome, and hypothyroidism.

Cutting carbs on the keto diet can lead to rapid weight loss. But if youre not losing weight, make sure youre in ketosis, not eating too many calories, and are controlling your stress levels.

If youre considering trying the keto diet to lose weight, Keatley says, I would advise anyone thinking of a keto diet to talk to their doctor and a dietitian before, during, and after.

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Why you may not be losing weight on the keto diet - Report Door

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