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The 7 best foods to help you sleep AND lose weight at the same time – The Sun

MANY people have been struggling to sleep during the coronavirus pandemic due to increased levels of stress.
Around six in 10 Brits struggle to hit the hay successfully, according to a recent study from King's College London.
It also found that 63 per cent of people say their sleep has gotten worse since March.
As well as this a recent report also suggested that a third of Brits have put weight on during lockdown, as gyms closed their doors due to the virus.
But could your diet be the key to a good night's sleep, and are there foods that can help you nod off and lose weight?
Speaking to The Sun experts have revealed the seven foods that can help you drift off without piling on the pounds.
Foods that help calm and relax the body and don't disturb the gut are great for people who are struggling to sleep, Karl Kristian founder and health and wellbeing expert at New Nordic told The Sun.
He said: "Nuts such as walnuts and almonds that are also a source of melatonin that is a hormone that helps regulate your sleep."
Despite the fact that nuts are high in fat and in calories, various studies have shown that they are not linked to weight gain.
One study found that people who ate two or more portions of nuts a week were 31 per cent more likely to keep the weight off than those who consumed no nuts at all.
Most of us are used to tucking into a hot chocolate before bed or even a chilled glass of wine in the evening, but Karl says that the best way to get a good night's sleep is to drink a herbal tea before bed.
He said: "Chamomile tea contains antioxidants that help relieve stress and anxiety by reducing inflammation and soothing your muscles which is why it is often recommended for those that struggle with insomnia."
Karl added that green tea, ginger, coffee and yerba mate are all great beverages that can help with your metabolism and therefore can help you maintain a healthy weight.
"As well as this, apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries becoming popular as a supplement to help weight management and digestion.
"Science is now reinforcing these concepts with studies showing that it may play a role in helping to maintain a healthy blood sugar balance, as well as helping you feel full more quickly", he added.
Nutritionist Susan Alexander, who works alongside Unbeelievable Health said a diet in magnesium rich foods can help if you're struggling to sleep.
She said: "Magnesium has been shown to help you relax, so try eatingrichsources ofmagnesiumsuch as greens, dry beans, whole grains and low-fat dairy products.
"Tryptophanis an amino acid that's believed to inducesleep, as it isa precursor to thesleep-inducing chemicals serotonin and melatonin.
"Tryptophancan be found in yoghurt, milk, oats, bananas, dates, poultry, eggs and peanuts."
Foods such as greens help you stay fuller for longer and also contribute to your five-a-day.
Low fat dairy products can also help if you're trying to lose weight as their calorie and fat count are lower than the "full fat" versions.
Nutritionist Donia Hilal added: "Foods rich in magnesium are another way to relax your muscles and mind before bed.
"You can find magnesium in leafy green vegetables such as spinach, nuts and avocado."
We have heard many times that the Mediterranean diet is good for your health - but it could also help you sleep, according to Dr Michael Mosely, who devised the Fast800 diet plan.
He said: "A traditional Mediterranean diet is rich in oily fish, veg, legumes and olive oil and little in the way of sugary snacks.
"Eating this way will help improve both your mood and your weight, something we will all need to consider as we become increasing sedentary during self-isolation."
Four top tips to get a good night's sleep
Nutritionist Lisa Borg said there are four things everyone can do to help them get forty winks.
He said that focusing on a diet included legumes will help you stop craving sugary snacks which is turn leads to poor sleep and high levels of sleep deprivation.
Dr Mosely added: "You should stop eating altogether at least three hours before bed.
"Experts think this helps us keep our body temperatures down. As we get to our bedtimes, our body temperature starts to drop which helps trigger sleep.
"When a late-night snack hits your stomach, your body starts breaking it down and absorbing it.
"This increases gut activity and your core temperature will stay high, so dont bother with the pre-bed hot chocolate or glass of milk. These are common myths.
Oily fish is a great source of vitamin D, protein, some B vitamins and selenium.
It's also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which come with a whole host of health benefits.
The main benefit of oily fish is that it's been shown to reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular diseases.
Speaking to The Sun Lisa Borg, nutritionist atPulseLight Clinic said you should aim to consume around three pieces of oily fish a day to help your weight loss efforts and said that keeping a balanced diet will also help you drift off easier each night.
"If one wakes up feeling really tired after a good nights sleep it suggests hormonal imbalances may be present.
"Follow a diet to balance blood glucose levels and make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday."
By opting for oily fishes you can reduce the sugar levels in meals as oily fish already has a lot of flavour so doesn't usually require further seasonings which some times contain added sugars.
She added: "Sleep is essential in controlling appetite and food choices. The tired individual will crave sugary foods for a quick energy fix.
"Insufficient sleep results in a higher production of the hunger hormone Ghrelin and subsequently an excess intake of calories.
"Balance meals and snacks ensuring they provide a carbohydrate, a protein and a healthy fat. This helps to slow down the release of glucose and therefore reduces insulin release and keeps one satisfied for longer."
If you have become dependent on a sweet treat in the evening opting for products with no added sugars are a good alternative.
Yogurts won't upset the stomach and products such as Perfect World Ice Cream and Halo which are under 400 calories a tub are great if you want to have a treat without piling on the pounds.
Supermarkets such as Asda, Sainsbury's and Waitrose also do their own low calorie ice creams.
Some of these products - many of which contain nuts, are also high in fibre which Lisa recommends.
Donia Hilal, nutritionist said while Turkey may not be at the top of everyone's shopping list - it's a great food for sleep and weight loss.
Speaking to The Sun she said: "It is rich in an amino acid called tryptophan which is used by the body to increase melatonin levels - our sleep hormone.
"You can incorporate turkey breast into your dinner to help naturally boost melatonin levels in the body."
Turkey is also high in protein and is great to add to salads and pastas.
Emily Rollason, nutritionist for Holland & Barrett added: "Protein is whats known as a macronutrient, meaning the body requires a lot of it to stay healthy.Protein is a not-so-secret weapon when it comes to weight loss.
"The main reason for this is protein is satiating which means it makes you fuller for longer.
"For adults, the general daily requirement is 0.6g of protein per kilogram bodyweight."
For people who aren't big fans of turkey and for those who are vegetarian or vegan she suggested a protein shake with almond or other nut milk.
While Donia said there are no specific foods that will help with weight loss - the most important thing is to make sure that you are consuming less calories than you are burning throughout the day.
She did however say that cherries could be a great addition to your diet.
"Cherries are naturally rich in melatonin, the hormone which helps regulate your sleep.
"Try opting for overnight oats with cherries before bed to help you doze of naturally", she added.
Emily added: "Cherry-tart cherries such as Montmorency Cherries have naturally high levels of a hormone that regulate the bodys circadian rhythm (the sleep/ wake cycle) and induces sleep - melatonin.
"Some studies have shown that those taking cherry juice had improved sleep and slept for longer that those not taking this."
Go here to read the rest:
The 7 best foods to help you sleep AND lose weight at the same time - The Sun
Weight loss: Drink ginger tea to lose weight fast and burn hundreds more calories a day – Express

Weight loss can be an uphill battle for many people with not knowing what to eat or drink. Ginger tea is not a well known weight loss drink but ginger has many properties that assist in speeding up the weight loss process. David Weiner, Training Experience Manager at Al-based fitness and lifestyle coaching app Freeletics has shared how ginger works to help slimmers achieve their goals.
He says: Ginger tea is one of the most popular ways to consume ginger. Other than using it as a remedy for illness or a sore throat, there are countless other health benefits of adding ginger tea into your diet.
Ginger not only adds delicious flavour, but it is also full of incredible vitamins and nutrients.
David explains how these vitamins and nutrients include B3 and B6, iron, potassium and vitamin C.
Vitamins are important for slimmers as they can provide your body with sufficient energy as well as helping to reduce fatigue to help you keep focused and motivated.
READ MORE:Weight loss: Burn hundreds of extra calories a day by swapping water for this
The expert continues: Along with the many minerals and vitamins occurring in ginger, there are dozens of incredible health benefits that can occur when one consistently drinks ginger tea.
The first and perhaps most obvious benefit of ginger tea is that it is anti-inflammatory. Thanks to a naturally occurring enzyme in ginger called gingerol, the root actively works to naturally reduce inflammation, swelling, or bloating of any kind.
This can help those struggling to get rid of the extra fat that is carried around the stomach called visceral fat.
David says: Alongside this, the gingerol also causes antioxidant effects that work to fight stress of other toxins that are taking up space in the body.
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Drinking ginger tea everyday will also boost the immune system. Because of the abundant presence of vitamin C, ginger tea can be one of the best remedies for fighting illness or a sore throat.
The immune system can play a major role in the regulation of body weight and it is important to keep this healthy by following a healthy lifestyle.
The expert continues: Lastly, drinking ginger tea has also been seen to help lower the cholesterol. Of course, it is important to note that one wishing to improve their cholesterol levels should also combine drinking the tea with other methods like increasing exercise and adding more fruits and vegetables into their diet.
By adding ginger root into tea, one can actively work towards their weight loss goals.
All the amazing benefits discussed above work together as a team to help clean out toxins in the body and can help bring your weight to a healthy number.
Gingerol, in particular, stimulates a speedy digestion and can help stabilise blood sugar levels in the body. This, in turn, can support the body feeling fuller for longer and lead to less unnecessary snacking.
David also suggests adding lemon into your ginger tea for adding sweetness and vitamins.
He says: Not only will this be a welcome addition for your taste buds, but also will give your immune system an extra boost and help to suppress your appetite.
But when is the best time to drink ginger tea in order to reap the benefits?
The expert says: While ginger tea can be consumed at any time during the day, the most important benefits can be reaped by drinking it first thing in the morning just after waking up.
This helps the body recharge, rehydrate, and gear up the metabolism to start the day. Even more, it helps the body and mind to feel more clear, focused and ready to go.
David says that making your own ginger tea is super easy and only requires three ingredients.
He explains: First, boil water, then add freshly grated ginger, strain and enjoy. For even more flavour and antioxidants add a splash of lemon juice or turmeric.
See the original post:
Weight loss: Drink ginger tea to lose weight fast and burn hundreds more calories a day - Express
Food hacks to help you lose weight quickly during social distancing – The Standard

Healthy Eating ByRachel MurugiStaying at home all the time makes it very easy to overindulge (Photo: Shutterstock)
Losing weight has never been so challenging. With staying and working from home being the new normal, everywhere you turn, you see your fridge close by. Without being keen, you may tend to overindulge and fail to attain your weight loss goals. On the contrary, you may actually end up putting on more weight which is alarming. Follow these tips to help you through your weight loss process during the social distancing season.
Stick to your eating schedule
Having a schedule is the most important thing, while sticking to it strictly elevates it's effectiveness. One of the key challenges of being home, especially when working from there is that, you wake up in odd hours in comparison to your normal office-going days. You may also find yourself sleeping late too. In short, your feeding schedule will be equally jumbled up as your daily routine. Get to set times that you are deliberate in eating. If you would previously take breakfast at seven, don't make it ten in the morning. This is likely to affect your feeding during the rest of the day through which you fail to track your feeding and weight gain/loss.
Watch your calorie intake
Too many calories and too much sugar are the root cause of most weight issues. Being around your home doesn't give you the leeway to overeat, Do not stay without checking your calorie and sugar intake. Maintain weighing them or consuming conscious portions of the same.
Have meals that keep you full
Chia seeds, plantains, nuts, among others, are examples of foods that keep you full. You need to adapt to this method because you should not be overindulging. When you constantly eat items, without proper caution, you'll continue gaining weight unnecessarily. In relation to your meal plan, identify the meals or snacks that you want to include as heavy.
Eat healthy snacks
It's very easy to open a bag of chips or cookies and constantly indulge. Unfortunately, your fitness goals can be kissed goodbye, if that is your snacks of choice. To ensure you are consistent in weight loss, have healthy snacks. Fruits and vegetable cuts work well. Also aim for baked items instead of fried as the fried ones contain more oil which isn't in line with your weight loss goals.
Portion your meals
Do you think that the social distancing rules and staying at home recommendations allow you to indulge as much as you can because of the freedom? No. Self discipline is the number one thing you'll need to possess add practically do it by portioning your meals. Eat as per the ration you need which should go hand in hand with your fitness meal plan.
Stay hydrated oftenDrink plenty of water throughout the day (Photo: Shutterstock)
For your detox and to aid good digesting, ensure that hydrating is a normal thing for you to do during the day. It's very important to your body.
Food hacks to help you lose weight quickly during social distancing - The Standard
Weight loss: The real reason your diet plan stops working and how to fix it – Express

Tamara Willner, nutritionist at NHS-backed healthy eating plan Second Nature, revealed why you shouldnt give up if you hit a plateau. In fact, these stints are important for overall weight loss.
Tamara said: "The weight-loss plateaus are important to allow time for our body to reset before we can continue losing weight again. This is explained through the set-point theory.
"Everyone has a natural set point which is the weight range that our body hovers at when were eating healthily. Our set point is determined by our DNA and our environment.
"Slow, gradual weight gain over many years can cause our body to resettle at a new, higher weight.
"However, going below our set-point range can be extremely challenging. Our body will do everything to maintain it.
"Everyone is unique, so some of us will naturally have a higher weight set point, and some of us will have a lower one."
READ MORE: Weight loss: Drink ginger tea to lose weight fast and burn hundreds more calories a day
How can you kick-start weight loss again?
Tamara detailed her tips to get out of a plateau.
1) Check your portions
Aim to build balanced meals with a portion of protein, healthy fats, and plenty of non starchy vegetables. If youre adding some carbohydrate, opt for complex carbs (e.g. oats, rye bread, or brown pasta) over refined carbs (e.g. white bread, white rice, or sugary cereals)
2) Manage your carb intake
Evidence suggests that the best diet for weight loss is a lower-carbohydrate approach.
Reducing our intake of refined carbohydrates can help kickstart weight loss.
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3) Stay hydrated
Our body often mistakes thirst signals for hunger. Consider setting a reminder on your phone every hour to have a glass of water, or having a glass of water before each meal.
4) Consider when youre eating
Early research suggests time-restricted feeding (TRF) (keeping our eating window to 10 hours or less, e.g. 9am-7pm, or 8am-6pm) could promote weight loss.
Larger, well-controlled studies are needed to draw solid conclusions, but it may help some of us feel better and kickstart our weight loss.
5) Vary your exercise routine
To get the benefits of exercise we dont necessarily need to be exercising harder. Instead, its about looking at the type and frequency of our exercise.
Changing up the exercise we do is a good way to build up different types of muscles in our body and optimise the amount of fat we burn.
Consider trying some new exercises at home or fitting in small bursts of exercise into your daily routine.
6) Manage stress and sleep
If were determined to lose weight, keep it off in the long term, and improve our overall health, managing our stress and sleep is vital.
Poor sleep and high stress can, directly and indirectly, impact our weight and health.
Consider practising two minutes of deep breathing or meditation each day. Improving our bedtime routine can increase the quality of our sleep, for example reducing screen time before bed, keeping our bedrooms dark and cool, and avoiding alcohol in the evening.
Second Nature is an NHS-backed healthy eating plan that also aims to reverse type 2 diabetes. See for more info.
Weight loss: The real reason your diet plan stops working and how to fix it - Express
Weight loss: The Hollywood-approved superfood that could help you lose weight – Express

What is teff?
Teff is a tropical grain and is one of Ethiopias staple foods, explained nutritionist Alice Yeates, who works with London-based brand Tobia Teff.
It is usually made into flour for cooking and baking; it has grown in popularity in the West because of it being naturally gluten free.
The grain has been around for years and is the go-to carbohydrate for Ethiopias elite runners, including Olympic gold medalist and world record holder Haile Gebrselassie.
But as awareness of the versatile grain grows, its being dubbed the new quinoa with Hollywood A-listers including Gwyneth Paltrow and Victoria Beckham said to be fans.
So what makes it so healthy - and superior to other grains?
READ MORE:Dr Michael Mosley on the ideal daily meal plan to lose weight fast
The nutty-tasting grain can be cooked a little like quinoa to make a porridge-like dish - though this isnt the healthiest way to eat it.
Be aware that when made into porridge or traditional Ethiopian injera, the glycaemic index is higher because the water gelatinises the starch, warned Alice.
However, teff is often made into a flour to use for baking cakes or bread, which is why its become so popular in recent years with the rise in demand for gluten-free flours.
While bread and baking arent exactly the mainstays of any weight loss plan, substituting your usual flour for teff - or adding it into your diet in other ways - could help you to snack less as well as give you the nutrition you need to keep your energy levels up.
Teff is high in fibre which slows down the release of sugar into the bloodstream, better than most gluten free flours, commented Alice, who recommended Tobia Teff Organic Brown Flour.
It is higher in protein than regular wholegrain flour, containing about double the quantity, which is a good thing as this also slows down the release of sugar into the bloodstream, and means that the carbohydrates from teff are absorbed more slowly.
Keeping your blood sugar on an even keel is essential if youre watching your weight.
When we eat sugar the body produces insulin to manage the blood sugar, Alice explained.
When there is extra sugar this excess is put down as fat. This means that keeping our insulin production down by balancing the blood sugar helps us to not gain weight.
Whats more, the high protein content is essential for anyone trying to lose a few pounds, especially on a low calorie diet.
If youre eating less, when your body burns fat it can also break down the protein in your muscles - which isnt the outcome you want if youre trying to get lean.
Therefore eating plenty of protein is a must in order to maintain muscle mass.
Teffs high fibre is also beneficial for weight loss because it will help you to feel fuller for longer, aid digestion and feed the good bacteria in your gut - all of which will help you to stick to your weight loss plan.
So how should you use it?
I would use it in baking, either in bread or in cakes, advised Alice.
I always suggest to clients that they substitute half the flour content with ground almonds or almond flour to add protein, so a cake made with half teff and half ground almonds is a great option."
Read more here:
Weight loss: The Hollywood-approved superfood that could help you lose weight - Express
DO NOT REMOVE Bartomeu wants to "lose weight" by 100 million the wage bill – Sportsfinding

FC Barcelona is today the club with the most expensive LaLiga squad and chips, with a final cost of 525 million euros, corresponding to 61% of the club's total budget. Taking into account that for next season a minimum reduction of 300 million euros is calculated in the budget because of the coronavirus pandemic, that would leave the club in a ratio of almost 80% only in chips and player write-offs, a situation that would lead the club to technical bankruptcy.
The president of FC Barcelona, Josep Maria Bartomeu, is aware that the situation is untenable today and that not even the salary cut that the staff accepted during their inactivity in the end meant some 32 million euros in savings has been enough to alleviate the critical situation that the entity is going through.
Hence, the club has given the green light to the departure of the heavyweights of the squad. A decision that can be considered necessary, both sportingly, to rejuvenate the workforce, and economically, to substantially lower the wage bill.
The club has set itself the goal of reducing the current wage bill by around 100 million, which together with a series of palliative decisions, such as collecting part of the deferred salary, could get the entity out of the quagmire it is in.
The departure of players such as Luis Surez (23.4 million euros gross per year), Sergio Busquets (14.9), Ivan Rakitic (13.3), Samuel Umtiti (12), Arturo Vidal (9) or Jordi Alba (8.5 ) would certainly ease the club's coffers. In fact, the absence of these half a dozen players already represents a saving of about 80 million euros.
Hence, Surez's request to continue in the club, accepting the role of substitute, is considered irrelevant by those responsible for the entity: he collides head-on with his current record, the third most expensive of the squad.
Likewise, the policy of incorporating youth and talent into the workforce would facilitate the possibility of long contracts with ascending and progressive chips, which would open the doors to a notable reduction in the wage bill for the 2020/21 season.
Go here to see the original:
DO NOT REMOVE Bartomeu wants to "lose weight" by 100 million the wage bill - Sportsfinding
Lose weight and fight coronavirus with ex-Gladiator Dr Zoes top tips – The Sun

WHETHER you have loved or hated what lockdown has done for your diet and your waistline, one thing is certain we need to do more exercise.
After his brush with Covid-19, Boris Johnson is determined to get the nation living healthier lifestyles.
The Prime Ministers war on obesity comes as mounting evidence links being overweight to an increased risk of dying from coronavirus.
But Boriss mission might prove easier said than done for busy families. Half of parents spend less than an hour a day of quality time with their children.
On average, parents play with their kids for only 43 minutes per week and sit with them at the dinner table for just 36 minutes a week.
Put simply, it is not easy finding time to move more and eat healthily, despite Downing Streets best intentions.
And yet as every parent knows, multi-tasking can be your best friend and you can turn almost anything into some form of exercise for all the family, regardless of the kids ages.
Similarly, if meals are usually rushed, with devices at the table, there are ways you can eat better and harness some much-needed togetherness and positivity at the same time.
That might mean switching family dinners for a family breakfast or brunch, or eating a picnic in the park together.
If you are struggling to get the kids moving and eating well, here you will discover things you can do that will not cost you much but will leave you all healthier and happier.
They cost less than 5 and whether youre playing catch with them or trying to get them to land around a rock or stick, theres plenty of fun to be had with a frisbee.
From piggy-in-the-middle, to using the frisbee to knock empty milk cartons off a wall, what matters is that you all get involved.
Have a reward or prize for the winner it could be extra screen time or choosing the family movie.
Get the teens to DJ and build a playlist with everyones favourite songs on, then turn the lights down and dance like youre in a nightclub.
Youll be surprised at how out of breath a good dance can leave you all and itll release those happy hormones.
Download the Public Health England Change4Life food-scanner app, which scans barcodes and tells you how much sugar and salt are in foods.
When youre at the supermarket, send the kids off to find a box of cereal, using the app, that has less than 4g of sugar per serving.
Theyll enjoy the scanning and the hunting, and feel like theyve won when they find the cereal you are looking for.
Get the kids to write a list of all the colours in the rainbow, and fruits and veggies that are those colours for example, red peppers, pink grapefruit or beetroot, oranges, sweet potatoes.
Then help them work their way through all the colours, marking off what theyve eaten and rating it all out of ten.
Their palate will expand and theyll be eating plenty of different micronutrients.
Get kids of all ages involved in rules you set around food for example, dessert only at weekends and not until you finish dinner, or a piece of fruit before dessert.
If you implement rules as a parent, the kids may react against them, but make them part of the process and theyll follow the rules because they helped to make them.
Build obstacle courses at home and incorporate some quiz questions for example, twice up and down the stairs, through a tunnel made of chairs, a forward roll across the floor, and answer times-table questions or a science question.
Then you can try doing the course in reverse and the kids get to ask you whatever question they want.
You dont even need to buy the bubble solution, you can make some up with washing-up liquid and water.
See who can blow the biggest bubble, get the kids to blow them and give yourself 30 seconds to pop as many as you can while they keep count then its their turn, and whoever pops the most bubbles wins.
You can mix bubble solution with washable paint, too, for some more colourful fun.
For around the same price as a frisbee, you can get everyone moving with a skipping rope.
Create a league the winner is the one who can skip for the longest without stopping.
Have skipping races where you time each other. Or have a skipping rope relay race if theres enough of you, where the skipper hands the rope to the next racer and so on.
Skipping for ten minutes is like running a mile in eight minutes. Its great cardio and you can do it anywhere from the lounge to the park.
Divide a chart into the names of the people in your family then set each of you targets for certain numbers of steps or miles or a certain numbers of games played.
You all have to work towards these and log your walks, runs or games for monthly totals.
I operate an 80:20 rule and its always worked for me.
Eighty per cent of the time I eat healthy balanced meals with plenty of fruit, veg, wholegrains and salads.
Then 20 per cent of the time I eat whatever I want whether thats a chocolate bar, a takeaway or three courses when Im out for dinner.
I dont ever deprive myself of what I really want and its a sustainable way for me to eat.
Treats become less special when you have them all the time so ask yourself what substitutions you can make to improve everyones diet.
Have a big full fruit bowl in easy view in the lounge and make the rule that it is always available without asking permission, but put chocolate, crisps and biscuits away in a locked cupboard.
Small-scale studies have found if you have to wait more than 30 seconds for a treat, youre less likely to want it, so making yourself and the kids find the key might make you think twice and get them over the impulse.
Even if youre only tempted by the fruit once in every five times, its a small change that will make a big difference.
Meal times can become battlegrounds, with each side digging their heels in the kids refusing to eat their vegetables and you getting more and more upset and irate.
Before you get to that point, start the meal by asking everyone around the table to say three things theyre grateful for or three things that went well today.
Everyone will eat with a more positive mindset because youve been focusing on the positive.
When I was a Gladiator, Powerball and Danger Zone were two of the most popular games and reliving them now is great fun for kids. You can get a ball for as little as 1.
In Powerball, competitors tried to get a ball into a basket while Gladiators tried to stop them. In Danger Zone, Gladiators threw balls at competitors a bit like tag with balls.
These games are great for kids who are a little older and for younger ones, games of catch or piggy in the middle will get you all moving.
However you decide to get creative with a ball, make sure you always take one out and dont just leave it to the kids to play get involved and get your heart rate up too.
If your budget allows, have a basket by the door and fill it with different types of balls if theyre in sight, the kids will use them more than if they have to hunt them out.
Whether you try and collect five white flowers on a walk, avoid all the cracks in the pavement until you reach the next driveway, or hop for 20 seconds every time you see a yellow car, walks can be turned into whatever you want them to be.
A walk in a nearby wood or by a local river can alleviate stress, boost energy levels and lift your mood.
Children can go on a bug hunt, see how many different species they can find and take snaps to show grandparents.
In springtime, look out for tadpoles, and in autumn collect conkers and take some string for conker fights.
Children can complain their legs are tired on a long walk but often their body is fine, its their brain thats bored, so get them moving in different ways.
Get older kids climbing trees or building a den in the woods and make sure you join in. Seeing you get lost in fun will encourage kids to do the same.
If youre on a long walk, try and come up with a football team for every letter of the alphabet.
Kids first get picky with food around the time they start walking this happens because our ancestors needed their children to be wary so they wouldnt wander off and grab any old poisonous mushroom or berry.
Sunday roasts, fajita dinners or homemade pizzas are great ways of giving options to young ones who might be picky there is bound to be some combination or topping they like.
Evidence shows that repeatedly exposing a child to a particular food, even if just by sight, increases the likelihood they will accept and eventually like that food.
A tin of pulses or mixed beans is cheap and will pad out a curry, Bolognese or stew, and get some fibre into everyones diets.
Switching white rice for brown isnt just about getting more fibre, vitamins and minerals.
Studies have found women who made this simple dietary change for just six weeks reduced their body weight and waist circumference.
Cycling is a great way for the whole family to get out and about and be active together.
Some councils already offer free bikes, and cycling training schemes, and well hopefully see this extended following the Governments plan to encourage people to take to two wheels.
Kids imaginations know no boundaries, theyll happily pretend theyre a frog, horse or bear for a whole walk. So get involved and rediscover your inner child.
Hop like a frog: Next time youre in the park or garden, all do this, to the next tree, lamppost or bench.
Teach some yoga: Strike a sun- worship yoga pose and kids will think youre being a snake while if you adopt the right position, youll stretch your spine and improve your posture over time.
Get your crab on: Little kids will think theyre being the real thing, and for older kids a popular Gladiator game was the Sky Track where competitors were strapped to a race track in the air and had to crawl along it upside down. Get older kids to race you in this pose and see who wins.
Bear crawl: Little ones can pretend theyre bears stalking their prey and big ones can race on all fours like competitors do on the Eliminator on Gladiator.
Whats vital for all these games is that parents get involved. Play is a learned skill and imaginative play is vital for childrens development. It helps them problem-solve and encourages critical thinking but they need your involvement to show them whats fun and how to enjoy it.
So forget who is watching or where you are, and immerse yourself. Youll get your heart rate up, which will cut risk of diseases like diabetes and cancer, and its quality time with the kids.
You dont need a garden, simply a windowsill and some washed-out tins to use as plant pots.
Get children of all ages to plant herbs and make them responsible for watering them and nurturing them.
If theyve grown something, theyre more likely to be comfortable eating it when it is put on their plate.
Jobs and other demands on our time often mean that families struggle to sit round the table together at dinner time, even though were constantly told how important it is to do so.
It doesnt have to be dinner, though.
Brunch or lunch can be a time everyone convenes round the table too.
Find at least three slots a week where you all share one meal.
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Lose weight and fight coronavirus with ex-Gladiator Dr Zoes top tips - The Sun
Weight loss roti: Do not eat wheat bread for oats to lose weight, in few days you will see amazing effect – Pledge Times

Bread made of wheat flour is the most eaten and preferred in most Indian households. But if you are on your weight loss journey and have been using this roti for a long time, then all your dieting is becoming useless. Yes, wheat flour contains a lot of calories, which can increase your weight. So if you are on weight loss, then you should include bread made of oats in your eating plate.
Oats roti is a healthy and gluten free recipe, which is more nutritious than wheat flour. The most important thing is that it is 100 percent pure and is not mixed with any other flour like wheat or jowar etc. Bread made from oats is highly beneficial for those who have health problems like thyroid, PCOS, diabetes and heart disease. If you want to lose weight, then do not forget to eat this oats bread. Learn here its benefits and method of making bread
Benefits of eating oats in bread
Also read: Eat oats in these 6 ways, along with losing weight, health will also be madeOats Bread Recipe
To make bread, firstly grind the oats in a mixer. Then sieve the flour well. Now put 1 cup water in a vessel for heating. When the water becomes hot, turn off the gas and leave the water to become lukewarm. Now take out 1 cup of oats flour in a vessel and put 1 teaspoon of olive oil in it. Then add hot water and knead the flour well. After the dough is ready, keep it for 10 minutes. Now prepare the loaves with this flour. Since oats are gluten free, it is a little difficult to make a perfect shape. You can eat this roti with ghee from above and eat it with any favorite vegetable. Also read: If you are troubled by obesity, then consume these 2 things, fat will decrease without tension
You can eat fresh curd, paneer, chicken or any protein rich vegetable with oats bread. For quick weight loss, do not forget to exercise with this roti for 30 minutes daily.
See the original post here:
Weight loss roti: Do not eat wheat bread for oats to lose weight, in few days you will see amazing effect - Pledge Times
Doctors Offer Plant-Based Diet Classes to Improve Type 2 Diabetes – The Beet

Eight-weeks, after taking a nutrition course to learn about how to eat a whole-food, plant-based diet, over half of the participants with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes showed significantimprovements in their health.
A newfree online nutrition coursestarts tomorrow, August 25th Sign uphereto start.
The Physicians Committee Responsible Medicine (PCRM) offered a free eight-weekprogramonline to educated people about plant-based nutrition, called Fight COVID-19 with Food. This course is aimed at helping people who are at the highest risk for severe symptoms from COVID-19 if they catch the virus, due to the fact that they need to lose weight and improve their health to minimize risk factors associated with the worst cases of coronavirus.
A plant-based diet is one of the most powerful tools we have in medicine, says Vanita Rahman, MD, class instructor. Within weeks of making a diet change, class participants saw their blood pressure and blood sugar improve, lost weight, and reported other profound benefits to their health.
Doctorsdesigned this course to teach participants the health benefits ofa plant-based diet in dialing back chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, heart disease andinflammation, all associated with the most dangerous symptoms of COVID-19. The course included tips, a guide to meal planning and interactive Q & A'sto set participants up for success.
The course has been life-changing for many participants especially those with diabetes and high blood pressure, according to the organizers.PCRM surveyed the participants after the course ended and the results were impressive: 53% of those who were diabetic reported improvements and 54% with high blood pressure saw improvements. Out of all class participants who wanted to lose weight, 67% of those eating plant-baseddid.
PCRM designed thiscourse after assessing its local community in Washington D.C. Though it is meant to be accessible to all, PCRM ishoping communities hit the hardest bychronic diseases and COVID-19, especially communities of color, will take advantage of this course. PCRM is actively trying to offer communities at disadvantage resources to be their healthiest. PCRM founder Dr. Neil Barnard said:
D.C.s Black residents make up 46% of the population, but an overwhelming 80% of COVID deaths. Thats unacceptable. While there are many factors involved in health disparities, as doctors, we know that a healthy diet can be an important part of the solution. We want to do everything we can to get this free information into the hands of people who need it.
People around the globe are taking a hard look at their diets and health overall. We're all trying to stay healthy and for some, that means eating plant-based.Whether you live or die from COVID-19 often depends on whether you have heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and other underlying conditions. A plant-based diet can help tackle these conditions, and our goal is to share this lifesaving information with as many people as we can, Dr. Barnard emphasized.This free course may be the opportunity to offer more the tools they need for a healthier lifestyle.
PCRM is bringing the free online nutrition course back after its success. Sign up here to start on August 25th.
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Doctors Offer Plant-Based Diet Classes to Improve Type 2 Diabetes - The Beet
This Guy Explains How Beating Addiction Helped Him Lose 210 Pounds and Get Jacked – Men’s Health

For Tony Sander, a packed and intense working schedule meant that he relied on an unhealthy diet to keep himself going. Over time, food, along with drinking, became a source of relief from that stress. "The food was as much of an addiction as alcohol ever was," he says in a recent episode of Brand New Me.
Men's Health
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Then in 2016, Tony's car came off the road while he was driving home drunk. He shattered his knee in the accident, and doctors told him that at his current weight of 429 pounds, it wasn't safe to operate on him. This, he recalls, was the wake-up call he needed, and he started to make some serious lifestyle changes, starting with cutting out alcohol and changing his diet.
"My goal from the beginning was to save my life," he says. "My health was beyond a mess, so that was just self-preservation at the beginning, and then self-preservation turned into 'my health is getting better, let's get physically fit.'"
Working with his trainer Keith, Tony has now lost a staggering 210 pounds through working out and a strict diet plan, and has also found that exercise provides a healthier, more sustainable way to handle his stress and anxiety than food or alcohol.
"It's now my stress relief, going to the gym is my 90 minutes of my solace, it's my office, it's my time," he says. "The mental transformation that I've had, to be able to make the physical changes, I've had to come to terms with who I was, what my addictions were, and how I was going to fix them. The mental changes have been bigger than the physical."
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The best advice he can offer to anybody who wants to start making changes to their lifestyle and lose weight: "Just start today. You don't have to wait for tomorrow, you don't have to have a great plan, there is a community out there that wants to help, there's people who have done it, and all they want to do is help other people do it."
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This Guy Explains How Beating Addiction Helped Him Lose 210 Pounds and Get Jacked - Men's Health