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Biochemistry, Dihydrotestosterone – StatPearls – NCBI Bookshelf
The application of the knowledgeon dihydrotestosterone-related processes spans from the prenatal development of organs to the aging-related complications in males. A clinician can single-handedly tackle the issues that occur out throughout the age spectrum. This hormone finds its utility as an essential hormone in males until puberty, after which it is considered an etiology for certain diseases. Thedualfunction of this hormone places it in the basic science and applied field of medicine. This article aims to outline thebasic biochemistry of the hormone, its physiological functions at different stages of development, and its role in certain pathological conditions.
Androgens are endogenous steroid hormones. They consist of the hormones dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), androstenedione, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the most potent hormone among the androgens and is considered a pure androgen as it cannot convert into estrogen. It is formed primarily in peripheral tissues of the body, where it exerts its effects. Testosterone converts to DHT by the action of the 5 alpha-reductase enzyme at these target tissues.[1]This isolated synthesis at a specific target tissue makes DHT primarily a paracrine hormone.[2] Asit is produced mainly in the liver, only small amounts are present in the systemic circulation.[3][4]It plays a vital role in the sexual development of males. During embryonic life, it is involved primarily in the sexual differentiation of organs. Through adolescence and adult life, DHT promotes prostate growth, sebaceous gland activity, male pattern baldness, and body, facial and pubic hair growth. This hormone, however, does not seem to play any significant role in normal female physiology. The mutations leading to dramatic losses of DHT in females only have minor effects on their normal physiology. The various functions of DHT are highlighted in the respective pathologies discussed in this article.
Aswith any other disease, a deficiency or an excess of the DHT hormone leads to specific pathologies. These pathologies require identification and treatment for the adequate development and functioning of the genital organs, specifically in males. The hormone deficiency requires special attention as it affects the prenatal sexual differentiation of a fetus, which sets forth a cascade of maldevelopment issues that are unmasked only during puberty.
Cholesterol is the precursor molecule for DHT synthesis, which passes through a series of reactions to form testosterone. Testosterone is then reduced by the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase at the target tissues to form DHT. This reduction step involves the use of NADPH to remove a double bond in the testosterone molecule. There are three isoenzymes of 5-alpha-reductase: types 1, 2, and 3. 5-alpha-reductase type 2 is the most prevalent and the most biologically active isoenzyme.[1]This enzyme is present primarily at the target tissues where DHT exerts its actions, allowing the conversion of testosterone to DHT to occur only at these specific sites.[1]
DHT is significantly more potent than the other androgens; this is due to the high affinity of DHT to the androgen receptor, its slow dissociation, and a long half-life. Compared to testosterone, DHT has approximately double the binding affinity to the androgen receptor and a dissociation rate about five times slower.[1]The enzyme 3-alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which is present in the DHT target tissues and the liver, is responsible for the metabolism of DHT. The metabolism yields inactive metabolites, which are excreted in the urine.[3]
DHT plays a critical function in the sexual development of males, beginning early in prenatal life. The role of DHT differs as males progress through the different stages of development. It has various impacts on their physiology during childhood, puberty, and even throughout adult life.
During sexual development, various embryological structures develop under the influence of a variety of genes and hormones. A specific and unique environment of hormones results in male or female differentiation of structures. In males, testosterone, anti-mullerian hormone (AMH), and DHT act in concert to inhibit female differentiation and promote the development of the male phenotype. DHT is essential for the formation of the male external genitalia. The testicular Leydig cells produce testosterone under the influence of placental human chorionic gonadotropin by around day 60 of prenatal development. The luteinizing hormone (LH) from the fetal pituitary takes over testosterone production by roughly week 16. The peripheral 5-alpha-reductase type 2 converts circulating fetal testosterone to DHT, which is responsible for proper male differentiation of the urogenital sinus, the genital tubercle, urogenital fold, and labio-scrotal folds. This activity leads to the formation of the penis, scrotum, and prostate. DHT, along with insulin-like factor 3 (INSL3), helps stimulate gubernacular growth required for testicular descent. The absence of DHT may lead to ambiguous male external genitalia and undescended testis. Sex steroids accumulate from testicular production of testosterone in the male fetus and placental production of estrogen in both sexes, causing negative feedback on fetal pituitary, which helps control gonadotropin levels in the womb.
After birth, the loss of placental estrogen removes negative feedback on the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal (HPG) axis, which results in a transient increase in its activity in both sexes for the first few months of life. In males, this promotes a rise in testosterone levels and, therefore, DHT. The negative feedback on the HPG axis recovers by six months of age and the levels of sex hormones remain low until adrenarche.
Adrenarche typically occurs around six years of age in both sexes. The adrenal gland develops a new layer, the zona reticularis. This layer of the adrenal gland produces androgens, including testosterone, which increases systemic testosterone, leading to the development of sebaceous and apocrine glands, contributing to the development of minor acne and body odor. Testosterone production continues to increase as the zona reticularis continues to mature. There is enough peripheral conversion of testosterone into DHT by age 10 to result in pubic hair development. These events of adrenarche are distinct from puberty though they often coincide.
An increase in the activity of the HPG axis characterizes the onset of puberty. Hypothalamic secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) increases, stimulating pituitary LH secretion, which increases testosterone production from the testes. The increase in systemic testosterone is associated with a significant conversion to DHT at its target tissues. This DHT promotes further growth and maturation of the penis and scrotum. DHT is also the primary androgen responsible for facial hair, body hair, pubic hair, and prostate growth. The circulating level of DHT in the blood is only 10% of the circulating level of testosterone. However, the DHT level can be as much as ten times greater than testosterone due to its isolated production in peripheral tissues.[2]
DHT does not play a significant role in the normal physiology of adults. The most notable effects are prostate enlargement and male pattern hair loss as they age.[5]
The effects of DHT are mediated through the intracellular androgen receptor.It passes through the cell membrane and binds to the androgen receptor in the cytoplasm of the cell. This interaction initiates a cascade leading to the transport of the ligand-androgen receptor complex to the nucleus, where it acts as a transcription factor to alter gene expression.[1]
DHT levels are useful in the diagnosis of 5-alpha-reductase deficiency and male-pattern baldness. The elevated testosterone-to-DHT ratio is a diagnostic of 5-alpha-reductase deficiency. The test is done during early infancy or puberty when the HPG axis is active. The axis becomes stimulated with the administration of hCG in the period between infancy and puberty. The serum DHT level does not directly correlate with the production in peripheral tissues. Its level increases to near-normal following puberty due to the activity of functional 5-alpha-reductase type 1 enzymes. A definitive diagnosis requires genetic testing to identify the aberration. The utility of DHT levels in diagnosing male-pattern alopecia is controversial, with no statistical significance or correlation of DHT levels with the progression of baldness.[6]
The variations in dihydrotestosterone levels are associated with various pathological conditions. These conditions usually affect people in different stages of life.
5-alpha-reductase Deficiency
The 5-alpha-reductase enzyme is involved in the production of DHT. The enzyme deficiencies are an autosomal recessive condition, typically arising due to loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding 5-alpha-reductase type 2.[7]Males born with a 5-alpha-reductase deficiency have underdeveloped genitalia, undescended functional testes, and a small or absent prostate. The development of the testes and the internal organs of sexual differentiation are unaltered. The presentation is variable depending on the enzyme level. In severe cases, the infants have external genitalia that appears typical for a female, and hence, are raised as one. They have a small clitoris-like penis, an unfused scrotum appearing as labia, and a short, blind-ending vagina. DHT levels are about 30% of their normal values. However, testosterone and AMH are produced normally, maintaining the mesonephric duct and inhibiting the paramesonephric duct, respectively. The testes continue to develop normally, but they fail to descend due to the lack of DHT. At the onset of puberty, the patients have a rapid increase in testosterone production from the testicles leading to the development of many secondary sexual characteristics. Their voice deepens, testes may descend, muscle mass increases, and the penis enlarges. Although DHT is involved in some of these processes at puberty, testosterone levels are sufficiently elevated to induce these changes without its influence, though they remain undervirilized in other ways. Facial hair growth is greatly diminished, and pubic hair grows in a typical female pattern. The prostate does not develop normally. The patients ultimately develop male gender identity and a sexual preference for females. These individuals can become fertile with surgery to correct the male ductal system. Female development is largely unimpacted by a congenital 5-alpha-reductase deficiency. Normal female development is not dependent on significant DHT activity. The low DHT levels may lead to reduced body hair growth and a mild decrease in pubic hair.
Androgen Deficiency
Testosterone is the primary hormone used in androgen-deficiency states like male hypogonadism, androgen deficiency of severe illness, androgen deficiency of aging, and microphallus in infancy. DHT has also been proposed as a treatment for androgen deficiency as it is a pure androgen and does not convert to estrogen. A potential advantage of DHT over testosterone is the reported and seemingly paradoxically muted effects of DHT on prostate growth. The decreased effect of DHT on the prostate gland of humans may be due to the decrease in intraprostatic estradiol levels.[8]
5-alpha-reductase Inhibitors
5-alpha-reductase inhibitors are useful in the treatment of conditions that have excessive DHT activity. The conditions include benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), prostate cancer, androgenic alopecia (male pattern hair loss), and hirsutism. These drugs work by inhibiting the 5-alpha-reductase enzymes, thereby reducing DHT production in tissues.[9]The most common drugs are finasteride and dutasteride. Finasteride inhibits only 5-alpha-reductase type 2, while dutasteride inhibits both type 1 and type 2 isoforms of the enzyme. Generally, the drugs are well tolerated, though they may diminish libido and sexual function.[9]
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
The prostate has a significant 5-alpha-reductase type 2 activity, producing large amounts of the potent DHT. This local DHT stimulates normal activity but also commonly induces hypertrophy and hyperplasia of the prostate. More than 50% of men over the age of 50 have some degree of BPH.[10]The increase in prostate growth is likely due to increased local production of DHT or increased activity of its receptor.[10]The patients may experience symptoms such as difficulty urinating and sexual dysfunction due to increased prostate growth.
The treatment of BPH mainly involves the administration of alpha-1 adrenergic antagonists. But in some patients, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride and dutasteride, are indicated. These drugs are effective in reducing the size of the prostate and relieving symptoms associated with BPH.[9]
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer also characteristically demonstrates an increase in the activity of DHT. There is an upregulation in all three isoforms of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. The mutations in genes result in uncontrolled proliferation and inhibition of apoptosis, which are related to pathways involving DHT.[11]The mutations in the androgen receptor also have implications in many cases of prostate cancer.
The 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors: finasteride and dutasteride are effective in treating and decreasing the risk of prostate cancer.[11]Though several clinical trials have demonstrated an overall decrease in prostate cancer incidence with these drugs, patients undergoing these therapies have increased rates of higher-grade cancers.[11]
Male Androgenic Alopecia (MAA)
Male androgenic alopecia is commonly known as male pattern hair loss. It is a form of hair loss occurring commonly on the top and frontal region of the scalp that recedes progressively. Increased DHT activity is responsible, amongst other factors, in the pathophysiology of androgenic alopecia.[6]Men with androgenic alopecia are genetically predisposed to higher 5-alpha-reductase enzyme levels and androgen receptor activity at the hair follicles.[12]Similarly, patients with enzyme deficiency are less likely to be prone to male androgenic alopecia.[12]
The oral 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride, can effectively slow or even reverse this hair loss pattern. In two large randomized controlled trials, approximately 99% of participants showed either a decrease in or reversal of hair loss.[13]The other first-line therapy for treating MAA is topical minoxidil, an arterial vasodilator.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
DHT has a negligible role in regulating normal female physiology. However, there are implications in the pathophysiology of PCOS. It is known to cause an increase in body weight, body fat, serum cholesterol, and adipocyte hypertrophy in experimental mice.[14]Surprisingly, the administration of prenatal DHT in experimental female mice does not induce penile formation.[15]
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Biochemistry, Dihydrotestosterone - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Exercise, protein metabolism, and muscle growth – PubMed
Exercise has a profound effect on muscle growth, which can occur only if muscle protein synthesis exceeds muscle protein breakdown; there must be a positive muscle protein balance. Resistance exercise improves muscle protein balance, but, in the absence of food intake, the balance remains negative (i.e., catabolic). The response of muscle protein metabolism to a resistance exercise bout lasts for 24-48 hours; thus, the interaction between protein metabolism and any meals consumed in this period will determine the impact of the diet on muscle hypertrophy. Amino acid availability is an important regulator of muscle protein metabolism. The interaction of postexercise metabolic processes and increased amino acid availability maximizes the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis and results in even greater muscle anabolism than when dietary amino acids are not present. Hormones, especially insulin and testosterone, have important roles as regulators of muscle protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy. Following exercise, insulin has only a permissive role on muscle protein synthesis, but it appears to inhibit the increase in muscle protein breakdown. Ingestion of only small amounts of amino acids, combined with carbohydrates, can transiently increase muscle protein anabolism, but it has yet to be determined if these transient responses translate into an appreciable increase in muscle mass over a prolonged training period.
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Exercise, protein metabolism, and muscle growth - PubMed
Men should know their testosterone levels by age 30 to prevent health issues like weight gain and muscle loss, says top urologist – Yahoo News
Early testing can help identify low testosterone.PeopleImages/Getty Images
Low testosterone levels can cause side effects ranging from low libido and mood to muscle loss.
A urologist said more men should get tested so their doctors can see how their hormone levels change over time.
There is some evidence that higher testosterone levels may prevent illness like prostate cancer, not increase the risk.
Testosterone is a crucial hormone for men's health, and a top urologist says more men should know their levels earlier in life.
Low testosterone can causeloss of energy, muscle, and libido, and can contribute to chronic illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity, according to research.
But diagnosing low testosterone can be tricky, because natural testosterone levels can vary.
If you don't already know your baseline, and you start experiencing these symptoms, you may not be able to trust the results of a testosterone test, said Dr. Ananias C. Diokno, former chief medical officer and chair of urology at Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak.
"If you ask men what their testosterone levels are, they'll scratch their heads. They don't know and doctors aren't testing for this.You should know what your level is by the time you hit 30 to 35,"Diokno told Insider.
Testing for low testosterone is simple, using a blood test.
In healthy men, testosterone levels can range between 260 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) and more than 900 ng/dL, depending on age.
Low testosterone is typically defined as less than 250-300 ng/dL, according to the Cleveland Clinic.
However, since natural testosterone levels can vary widely,Diokno said many men can be misdiagnosed for hormone deficiencies.
For example, a person with testosterone levels of 400 or 500 ng/dL won't be diagnosed with low testosterone because it's higher than the defined standard, but if his initial levels were 700 or higher, the drop is significant and may warrant treatment.
Story continues
"Many practitioners close their minds. Someone may be having symptoms but according to the guidelines, does not have low testosterone. It's frustrating among men and among doctors who can't help them," Diokno said.
One solution is more routine hormone testing so men can establish what a healthy baseline looks like for them, similar to other markers of health like cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar, Diokno said.
Over time, men's testosterone levels dwindle as a common side effect of aging.However, younger men can also have low testosterone, causing them to experience similar symptoms to much older men.
Telltalesymptoms of low testosterone can be mental, physical, and emotional, including:
"The lower the testosterone, the more symptoms," Diokno said.
For men who have had sudden dips in hormone levels, testosterone therapy can help restore quality of life, energy, and libido, Diokno said.
Previously, testosterone therapy has been carefully regulated, in part because high testosterone has been linked to a higher risk of prostate cancer in some studies.
Diokno said the opposite may be true, according to some observational studies, and healthy testosterone levels may protect prostate health.
Loss of muscle linked to low testosterone can cause other problems, too, including a decreased metabolism that can lead to weight gain and associated health issues.
Available evidence suggests that testosterone therapy, done correctly and with medical supervision, is a safe and effective way to raise hormone levels, and more research is needed to see who could benefit, Diokno said.
"It's a Pandora's Box, I think there are many questions that are still unanswered," he said.
Read the original article on Insider
Testosterone: Function, Levels, Testing, and More – Healthgrades
Testosterone is a sex hormone in males and females. The adrenal glands secrete it, along with the testes in males and the ovaries in females.In males, testosterone forms reproductive organs and characteristics such as increased muscle and bone mass and body hair growth. In females, testosterone contributes to the sex drive and plays a role in the menstrual cycle.
This article explores the hormone testosterone, its role in the body, and what happens when testosterone levels are out of balance.
Testosterone is a sex hormone present in greater amounts in males. Hormones are chemicals made by the bodys glands that circulate in the bloodstream and control certain processes.
In males, testosterone plays a key role in developing sex organs such as the prostate and testicles. It also produces other male characteristics, such as:
Although people often think of testosterone as a male hormone, its also essential in the female body. In females, testosterone plays a role in the sex drive or libido.
Other characteristics that testosterone influences in females include:
Testosterone levels typically change during your lifetime and even throughout the day. Levels also differ between males and females. Doctors measure testosterone levels in nanograms (ng) per decilitre (dL).
Below are typical testosterone levels for male children and adults by age range.
Female testosterone levels
Below are typical testosterone levels for female children and adults by age range.
Several conditions may cause testosterone levels to become out of balance, leading to reproductive dysfunction and other symptoms.
Conditions that can cause low levels of testosterone
Hypogonadism refers to low levels of testosterone in males. Primary hypogonadism happens when the testicles do not produce enough testosterone.
This condition may develop due to Klinefelter syndrome, in which a male is born with an extra X chromosome. Other causes of primary hypogonadism include chemotherapy and aging.
Secondary hypogonadism happens when your pituitary gland or hypothalamus does not function correctly. Factors that may cause this include HIV, obesity, and pituitary disorders.
Turner syndrome occurs when a female is born with only one X chromosome rather than two. This results in lower testosterone levels and a wide range of symptoms.
Conditions that can cause high levels of testosterone
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common condition in which females can have elevated testosterone levels. While the exact cause of PCOS is not known, it tends to run in families.
Misusing steroids and other appearance performance-enhancing drugs (APEDs) can cause an increase in testosterone levels. This can cause hormonal problems and can put you at a higher risk for:
You may notice symptoms of your testosterone level being too high or too low.
Symptoms of low testosterone
Males with low levels of testosterone may experience:
Females with low levels of testosterone may experience:
Symptoms of high testosterone
High levels of testosterone that do not result from synthetic supplementation are rare in males. In many cases, there are few observable symptoms.
Females with high levels of testosterone may experience symptoms such as:
Medical professionals will test for low testosterone only if you have clinical symptoms such as loss of body hair, sexual dysfunction, hot flashes, or increased breast tissue in males.
If your medical professional believes there may be an imbalance in your testosterone level, they can order a total serum testosterone lab test. To complete this test, you will need to have your blood drawn between 810 a.m.
If your lab results are low, you will need to repeat the test another day. During that test, your doctor may measure other hormone levels as well.
In some cases, a brain MRI can show whether there is a problem with your pituitary gland that may be causing low testosterone levels.
In cases where the cause of low testosterone levels is hypogonadism, your medical professional may prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT).
Females sometimes take TRT to treat postmenopausal loss of sexual drive or to produce male characteristics when making a gender transition.
Potential benefits of TRT include:
Potential risks include cardiovascular complications.
Learn more about TRT.
Testosterone is a sex hormone responsible for forming many male sexual characteristics and reproductive organs. In females, testosterone contributes to the menstrual cycle and sex drive.
Low testosterone levels in males, a condition called hypogonadism, may produce many symptoms. These may include reduced sexual desire and hot flashes. Some people may also experience changes in hair volume, testicular size, and bone density.
High levels of testosterone in males typically result from anabolic steroid use. High levels of testosterone in females generally result from an underlying medical condition.
Contact your doctor if you think your testosterone levels may be imbalanced.
Read more:
Testosterone: Function, Levels, Testing, and More - Healthgrades
New study to see whether a skin cream can prevent heart failure in women – Monash University
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06 October 2022
Womens health expert Prof Susan Davis has been awarded a $160,000 Heart Foundation Vanguard Grant, and along with it their prestigious Ross Hohenen Award for Innovation, for a new study to evaluate the efficacy of testosterone supplementation in preventing a specific type of heart disease in post-menopausal women.
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is an emerging global health problem accounting for approximately half of all patients with heart failure.Its three times more common in women than in men, and a large age-associated spike in prevalence approximately 4-fold - is seen in women aged 55-64 years, when their blood testosterone concentrations are at their lowest.
The new study called ETHEL builds on Prof Daviss impressive track record expanding medical knowledge around the roles of sex hormones, including testosterone, on the physical and mental health of menopausal and post-menopausal women.
Shell work with Dr Rakibul Islam from her own team at the Womens Health Research Program at the Monash School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, and Prof Thomas Marwick and Dr Erin Howden from the Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, who have specific expertise in HFpEF diagnosis and monitoring.
Prof Davis says, Sex hormone changes during menopause can have debilitating symptoms on some women, and may have serious implications for long-term heart health. Half of earths inhabitants are women this type of research therefore has the scope for massive impact.
There is already evidence from animal models that low testosterone is associated with the development of HFpEF, and research including some of Prof Daviss previous studies provides biological plausibility and preliminary clinical evidence of the role of testosterone insufficiency in progression to HFpER in post-menopausal women.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration has recently approved a testosterone skin cream for post- menopausal women experiencing sexual dysfunction, which has been shown to have no negative impacts on heart health. Prof Davis and the ETHEL team will conduct a randomized controlled pilot trial to measure the impacts of the skin cream on well-established indicators of heart function in women with asymptomatic heart failure.
If the findings are positive, this would justify larger, longer-term studies that could one day lead to changes in medical practice and massive reductions in disease burden and healthcare costs.
The women taking part in the study will be drawn from a pre-existing Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute study, VicELF, in which 52 per cent of participants are known to fit ETHEL inclusion criteria.
Prof Davis says, The ETHEL team is proud to be making this contribution to womens health, and thrilled that the study design and potential impact has been recognized by the Heart Foundation with the Ross Hohenen Award.
Its such important knowledge for us to have, and we thank the Heart Foundations many donors who make this and other heart-related research projects possible.
Click here for more news from theSchool of Public Health and Preventive Medicine.
About Monash University
Monash University is Australias largest university with more than 80,000 students. In the 60 years since its foundation, it has developed a reputation for world-leading high-impact research, quality teaching, and inspiring innovation.
With four campuses in Australia and a presence in Malaysia, China, India, Indonesia and Italy, it is one of the most internationalised Australian universities.
As a leading international medical research university with the largest medical faculty in Australia and integration with leading Australian teaching hospitals, we consistently rank in the top 50 universities worldwide for clinical, pre-clinical and health sciences.
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New study to see whether a skin cream can prevent heart failure in women - Monash University
The coin theory – Trinidad & Tobago Express Newspapers
So sometime last year I had an epiphany of a coin theory which supposedly explains an aspect of the rhythm and essence of how the universe functions.
The idea was that things exist in a circle concept where there was the beginning, the end and back to the beginning again. At the same time things also functioned in opposites.
Thus, the resultant coin theory. A coin has opposite sides andwas essentially a circle. Thus, opposites and circular at the same time.
I thought I was being very profound but some friends who I told asked if I was eating some special popcorn or brownies. But when one looks at the life landscape, there is definitely a circular concept. The planets, including the Earth, rotate around the Sun, the seasons rotate, and time itself seems to be a cycle. And of course, even us humans in our lifespan, we have to admit it is seriously once a man, twice a child.
As we get older and pass the 80-something year barrier, we are slower both physically and cognitively, and eventually we may end up in diapers with no teeth, chewing on baby food, and sleeping most of the day. With the opposites, there are the aspects of yin and yang, light and darkness, male and female, opposites for everything. Opposites are necessary to appreciate the other side. Each opposite cannot exist without the other. Without darkness we cannot appreciate light, for example.
There is even the cycle of gender. The male and the female are opposites and yet they exist in a cycle. Lets review the hormonal lifespan cycle. The foetus in the womb is an all-female one in the first eight to ten weeks. So, we all start off being female as the default gender. By eight to ten weeks, the male foetus is now bombarded with high levels of testosterone, which especially changes the genitalia and the brain.
Males peak their testosterone levels as young adults and, as they get older, their testosterone levels reduce and the testosterone-to-oestrogen ratio changes.
Suddenly their libido is reduced, they are whiny and verbose, and they get man boobs.
With women, as they get older, their oestrogen is reduced post-menopause and although their testosterone levels also reduce, the oestrogen is reduced more significantly, and the ratio also changes.
For many women they get comparatively stronger than the men their age, their libido can increase and seemingly they can become more assertive, some even say more aggressive. Doing a broad brush, one theory suggests that as they get older, old women become more like men and old men become more like women.
A broad brush is difficult, especially with regards to gender, as there are so many factors that affect it, hormones being only one factor. Culture and genetics also play a role. It is a fact that women live longer than men. As an average, women live five per cent longer. Supposedly the oestrogen can protect them against heart disease and circulating high cholesterol levels. Women also have better immune systems. Men also are more prone to drinking, smoking, overeating. Women also have spare back-up genes from the extra X chromosome, while men have no such back-up since they have a Y chromosome.
In terms of physical strength, men dominate at their peak but as they get older, they are more frail, more prone to heart disease, they have more complex medical issues and thus they die younger. It begs the question, though, are men whiny and verbose because their oestrogen-testosterone ratio has changed, or is it because they miss the physical strength and dominance at the peak and they are now saddled with ill health and reduced perception of purpose which makes them stay at home more, reminisce about the previous years and whine about the life now?
Do women actually become more assertive and aggressive as they get older, or is it that they grow into themselves and develop confidence along with better health and living longer lives? Or do they similarly miss the sense of purpose and try to exert the missing matrifocal dominance by being cranky and irritable?
Lets flip it further. Are women and men just showing similar signs of growing old, but society as the observer interprets it differently? Maybe it is all really a manifestation of ageing more so than gender differences. Maybe it is society that is doing the labelling and the assumptions. Maybe both genders are just showing signs of ageing and loneliness.
There are so many factors to consider. Genetics, culture, the more frail Y chromosome, changing hormonal ratios, risk-taking behaviour and presumed invincibility behaviour for men. Women are initially more focused on being the family caretaker and support system. With our system of matrifocal families, the woman prioritises the family and the career over her own needs and, later on in life, when the career has plateaued and the family unit more dispersed, maybe then women have the space and time to assert themselves more or react to the loss.
What I know for sure is that each opposite cannot exist without the other, so we should appreciate and support each other and try to understand the rhythm. The cycle suggests, though, that we all start off as females and end as females.
What ah thing.
Dr Joanne F Paul is an emergency medicine lecturer with The UWI and a member of TEL institute
Excerpt from:
The coin theory - Trinidad & Tobago Express Newspapers
The Emerging Raw Food Movement and the ‘Great Reset’ GNET – GNET
Food has become an increasingly visible topic across far-right digital subcultures as well as the broader right-wing online ecosystem. On Telegram, neo-Nazis claim that the war in Ukraine is a Jewish conspiracy to manufacture a food crisis and usher in a New World Order (NWO). In comparison, right-wing users on Twitter supporting Dutch farmer protests frame proposed government regulations to reduce livestock and fertiliser use as a plan to orchestrate food shortages. Meanwhile, influential figures ranging from Alex Jones, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and Tucker Carlson have promoted conspiracy theories that fires at food processing plants across the U.S were purposely set to disrupt the food supply chain.
These conspiratorial narratives have surged as threats of an impending global food crisis have emerged over the last year and align with the rising Great Reset conspiracy theory. The Great Reset was a term used in 2020 by the World Economic Forum to outline a vision for a post-Covid-19 economic recovery plan. The far-right has seized upon this term to push a conspiracy theory that globalist elites wish to install a liberal authoritarian one-world government and refer to state responses like lockdowns and mask mandates as forms of biopolitical control.
Food is viewed as playing a major role in the Great Reset in terms of how we produce and eat food in response to projected global population growth and as a means of tackling climate change. Raw food proponents argue that globalists will oversee the removal of meat and dairy products from modern diets and replace food consumption with novel sources of protein such as plant-based and lab-grown meat. Insect-based foods occupy a particular fixation in this dystopian vision, in which an elite will live on a luxurious meat-based diet while ordinary people will be forced to live in small pods and subsist on bugs.
To advance their ideology, far-right narratives claim that modern health alternatives such as plant-based milk or meat are harmful and affect sexual reproductive abilities due to the presence of hormones. Additionally, industrial control over the food supply, i.e. Big Agriculture (BigAg), and patterns of food consumption by elites is believed to be a powerful tool for societal control. Reverting back to foods deemed to be more traditional or natural, such as raw meat, milk, and eggs, is therefore seen as a way to rebel against modern unhealthy diets and break away from the system of control, while also regaining a sense of masculine natural order through consumption.
Raw Egg Slonking
Perhaps the most prominent and one of the most influential voices on this issue, who was recently featured in Tucker Carlsons much-discussed End of Men docuseries trailer, goes by the pseudonymous Twitter handle Raw Egg Nationalist. A key thinker within Frogtwitter, a loose network of pseudonymous Twitter accounts with alt-right origins, and the Right Wing Bodybuilder (RWBB) community, his esoteric cookbook Raw Egg Nationalism was published by the white nationalist Antelope Hill Publishing Company. Raw Egg Nationalism describes itself as a physical and political ethic built around the massive consumption of raw eggs, and promotes slonking a 36-raw-eggs-a-day diet. It is said to have been followed and perfected by American bodybuilder Vince Gironda as a more effective means of attaining protein, enhancing muscle mass gains, and increasing testosterone levels.
Raw Egg Nationalist frequently spreads ideas relating to diet and nutrition and features full-page ads promoting the consumption of a variety of food products from raw milk and honey to animal fats and olive oil, all the while promoting Great Reset narratives. In his article Beyond The Wall: Becoming a Barbarian in the Age of the Grain State, he declares If we care about freedom today, we need to think carefully about the relationship between control of the food supply and social control. The Great Reset, the latest iteration of the globalists plan for world government, has at its centre a new agricultural revolution. Raw Egg Nationalist encourages regenerative farming, buying local produce, and the decentralisation of agriculture as ways to push back against the Great Resets aim to control the food supply.
Dr. Benjamin Braddock is another promoter of raw egg slonking, who describes raw egg nationalists as emphasising the health and vitality of the nation-state and all who live in it. Braddock states that the corrupted toxic food supply is an outgrowth of the large-scale low-quality mindset of globalism that has no concern other than the bottom line. No loyalty to the health and vitality of the country or anyone in it. Nationalism is closely linked to physical health, with the health of the nation-state dependent upon the health of men who can stand up to the globalist agenda. Braddock says, rejects establishment narratives that eating raw eggs can cause salmonella: They want you weak. I want you strong. That is why I now bring to you the esoteric knowledge of the raw egg cult.
Finally, another figure within this subculture is Mike Mahoney, also known as Mike Ma, whose website describes himself as a proponent of raw milk, raw eggs, raw organs and features links to sites that warn of the dangers of fluoride in tap water and locations for buying raw milk. Ma has authored the accelerationist novels Harassment Architecture and Gothic Violence, both of which are regularly advertised in Raw Egg Nationalists Mans World magazine. Harassment Architecture is also a popular text among neo-Nazis and has been shared on Telegram alongside far-right terrorist manifestos.
At the end of his novel Gothic Violence, Ma includes a nutrition addendum which declares that the world of today is more desperate for a dietary renaissance than any other point in time, warning against the consumption of fluoridated tap water, packaged foods, and seed oils, and calling on his followers to eat meat and drink raw milk every day. While meat can symbolise masculinity for the right, the more extreme paleo-style diets advocated by Mike Ma can be seen as a far-right form of hypermasculinity, symbolising potency and a communion with nature. Meanwhile, raw milk advocates claim that nutritional and health benefits are reduced through the pasteurisation process, while far-right activists have seized upon raw milk as a symbol of white supremacy, with white Europeans said to have a genetic mutation to continue digesting lactose into adulthood.
Seed Oils, Soyboys and Anti-xenoestrogen Activism
In addition to the raw egg, meat, and milk craze, the gastropolitics trending in online far-right subcultures include hostility toward seed oils, the latest food product undergoing a backlash, with a notable anti-seed oil movement thriving on Twitter over the last year. Most scientific experts reportedly dont cite seed oils as unhealthy. However, several nutritionists have warned of health problems associated with high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in seed oils, and these claims have recently gained traction in mainstream spaces. While the movement against seed oils is quite diverse, far-right activists are particularly keen supporters of the cause, promoting abstention from consuming anything containing the product, with claimed health benefits including protecting skin from sunburn.
An equal fixation has previously been placed upon soy-based products, which are said to increase mens estrogen levels and decrease testosterone (although scientific studies reportedly dispute this). The term soy boy is used to describe weak and effeminate men who lack masculine characteristics. At the heart of the alt- and far-rights obsession with soy, writes journalist Will Sommer, are fears of internal weakness, and a distrust of the food supply and the rest of the modern world. These anti-soy conspiracies gave rise to a new issue area within far-right politics, with rising influential thinkers labelling themselves anti-xenoestrogen activists, meaning those who are against the consumption of food believed to produce estrogen.
One of the most well-known of these voices is the pseudonymous Bronze Age Pervert (BAP), whose now banned Twitter bio previously described himself as a Free speech and anti-xenoestrogen activist. Bronze Age Pervert is host of the Caribbean Rhythms with BAP podcast and author of self-published Bronze Age Mindset, a cult reading among far-right internet circles that promote atavistic masculine virtues rooted in classical antiquity as a means of enacting political change. While much of his discourse is laced with irony and characterised by trolling, his persona has been described as unmistakably fascistoid.
Like Ma, Bronze Age Pervert is an anti-xenoestrogen activist who laments the destruction of beauty in modern society and idealises previous civilizations. BAP is fixated on the aesthetics of the male human body and presents images that worship the natural beauty of man, which he deems to have been buried by the modern trash world. One of the corrupting ills of the modern world that he identifies is the modern food industry, described as full of harmful chemicals that slowly destroy your essence. He similarly blames the pollution of the earths waters on chemicals emitted by obese high-fructose-corn-syrup-guzzling beasts.
Finally, although the consumption of raw eggs, meat, and milk has been framed as a masculine practice within these online subcultures, it has gradually been adopted by more mainstream far-right figures, including female influencers. These women in particular promote the narrative that consuming raw meat, dairy, honey, and anti-seed oils, has beneficial properties for both male virility and female fertility. As the central producers of food within their households, far-right women showcase various cooking recipes to incorporate these products into everyday meals for the whole family. These influencers claim nutritional benefits while also incorporating a far-right ideological message of a pending Great Reset that can be avoided through self-sufficient homesteading and connecting with local farmers who support our values.
Many of these anti-modern ideas concerning diets are not necessarily new. The mass consumption of raw eggs can be traced to a broader trend of fitness minimalism, while the consumption of raw milk and meat can be linked to alternative nutritionist Aajonus Vonderplanitz, who Mike Ma directly cites. Vonderplanitz pioneered the primal diet and fought legal battles for consumer access to raw milk. Anti-xenoestrogen activism also predates the adoption by far-right activists, with alternative nutritionists like Ray Peat having written extensively on the harmful effects of estrogen. His works are shared alongside Mans World magazine and content by BAP on sites linked to the manosphere. Both Peat and Vonderplanitz are being increasingly embraced by figures on the far-right. This importantly represents a common far-right strategy which taps into pre-existing communities and offers ideologically-driven solutions as a means of radicalisation and retention for broader appeal. Overlap between various communities, such as the prepper/survivalist scene and accelerationist movement, merge through shared practices like raw food consumption.
Similarly, gastropolitics has long played a historical role within the far-right. Maintaining the ideal masculine and feminine body devoid of modern influences is a far-right fetish that aestheticises the purity of racial reproduction. As indicated above, a healthy body is projected as a healthy nation, which is atomised into individual heteronormative family units. The contemporary far-right continues this legacy through raw meat and dairy, as well as anti-seed oils, production and consumption. No longer is a reliance on BigAg, representing state control, necessary for survival. However, one key aspect of situating the importance of this movement is its high visual and aesthetic reproduction within digital cultures. While its origins are esoteric and fringe, it has steadily become more visible and recognised as a form of in-group community building among the broader far-right ecosystem, largely mainstreamed through prevalent right-wing figures. This type of conspiratorial spread, when linked to the Great Reset, may present the potential for violent consequences.
Dr. Eviane Leidig is aMarie Skodowska-Curie postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Culture Studies at Tilburg University. Her research focuses on the far-right, gender, and digital cultures, as well as platform governance and regulation.
Joshua Farrell-Molloy is a Research Fellow with the Accelerationism Research Consortium. He holds an MA in Security, Intelligence and Strategic Studies from the University of Glasgow and his research focuses on the far-right, online extremist subcultures and foreign fighters.
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The Emerging Raw Food Movement and the 'Great Reset' GNET - GNET
Red Boost Reviews Ingredients That Work or Cheap Scam? Chilliwack Progress – Chilliwack Progress
Red Boost is a nutritional supplement designed to support blood flow, making it easier to get and maintain an erection.
Available as part of the Hard Wood Tonic System, Red Boost claims to rapidly restore penis function by targeting blood flow using natural ingredients.
Keep reading to discover if Red Boost lives up to the hype today in our review.
Red Boost is a blood flow support supplement available exclusively online through
By taking two capsules of Red Boost daily, you can use a blend of maximum strength natural ingredients to support blood flow.
Red Boost is marketed specifically to men with erectile dysfunction and other sexual function issues. Many men relieve ED symptoms by increasing blood flow. When its easier for blood to flow to your penis, its easier to get and maintain an erection.
Red Boost features a combination of libido boosters, testosterone boosters, and blood flow enhancers, including stinging nettle, horny goat weed, and tongkat ali, among others.
Each bottle of Red Boost is priced at $59 and backed by a 60 day moneyback guarantee.
Red Boost works by supporting blood flow, testosterone, and libido using a blend of natural herbs, plants, and nutrients.
Some of the advertised benefits of the supplement include:
Some people use Red Boost because their poor blood flow makes it difficult to get an erection. Others use Red Boost to boost sex drive or support testosterone. As you get older, all of these symptoms can increase, worsening sexual function. Red Boost aims to help with a blend of proven ingredients.
Blood flow and blood supply play a crucial role in erection quality and overall sexual performance.
Your arteries and veins carry blood to and from the penis. Heres what happens to blood flow when you get an erection:
During an erection, your arteries expand to increase blood flow to the penis
Blood arrives in your penis, filling two tubes of spongy tissues in the penis; these two tubes are called the corpus cavernosa
As the spongy tissue fills with blood, it swells the area, making the penis large and stiff and angling it out from the body
Then, the veins in your penis narrow, trapping the blood and making it easier to maintain an erection
Once the man ejaculates, or once the man is no longer sexually aroused, the veins expand, allowing trapped blood to return to the body.
When you increase blood flow say, by taking blood flow supporting supplements or exercising more often you make it easier to get and maintain an erection. Conditions that restrict blood flow can make it harder to maintain an erection, as can conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and other issues.
Erectile dysfunction is more common than many people realize. Its also increasingly common at younger ages.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, approximately 40% of men are affected by erectile dysfunction by age 40. As you get older, your chances of developing the condition increase.
As you age, you have a higher chance of developing conditions that impede blood flow and worsen erectile function. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and physical injury, for example, can all make it harder to get and maintain an erection.
Some men take supplements to support blood flow and healthy blood pressure. Others take cinnamon, garlic, fish, onions, citrus fruits, and other natural foods linked to cardiovascular health.
Thanks to Red Boost and similar ingredients, men can fix erectile dysfunction without prescription drugs or side effects. The formula contains all-natural ingredients to support blood flow in various ways.
Red Boost contains a blend of herbs, plant-based nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support blood flow, testosterone, and libido in various ways.
Here are all of the ingredients in Red Boost and how they work, according to the manufacturer:
Horny Goat Weed: Horny goat weed is rich with a natural chemical called icariin that appears to be linked to blood flow, libido, and sex drive. Used for centuries as an herbal sexual health booster, horny goat weed lives up to its name by boosting libido. Its been proven to work in multiple major studies in humans. Some researchers believe horny goat weed also has antioxidant effects to support healthy blood flow and inflammation, which could provide further sexual health benefits.
Tongkat Ali: Tongkat ali is found in virtually every testosterone support supplement sold online today. Also known as Eurycoma longifolia jack, or Longjack, tongkat ali can support healthy inflammation while raising levels of nitric oxide (NO), widening and relaxing your blood vessels while making blood flow more easily. Some studies also show tongkat ali can impact testosterone, libido, and sex drive in various ways.
Fenugreek: Red Boost contains fenugreek, a root extract found in many sexual health supplements marketed to men. Used since ancient times for its purported effects on fertility, libido, and testosterone, fenugreek can rejuvenate the body and improve sexual performance in various ways. Some studies have shown fenugreek can genuinely raise testosterone levels. Although fenugreek may not work for everyone, its one of the most science-backed natural testosterone boosters available today.
L-Citrulline: Citrulline is an amino acid found in many preworkout supplements for its ability to support blood flow and pump. If you want to maximize blood flow and performance during your workout, then you might take an L-citrulline supplement. The makers of Red Boost extend that concept to sexual performance. By taking L-citrulline before sex, you can widen blood vessels and support blood flow throughout the body, making it easier to get and maintain an erection.
Nettle Root: Red Boost contains nettle root, a traditional plant for supporting prostate health and overall male health. Today, some studies show nettle can support prostate health using a blend of antioxidants. If you have prostate issues like benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH then it can be difficult to urinate, maintain an erection, and become sexually aroused. As you get older, youre more likely to develop BPH. Red Boost aims to help with a strong dose of nettle root.
The makers of Red Boost cite 15 studies on the official References page, including peer-reviewed research published around the world. Although Red Boost has not been studied, the individual ingredients within the formula have been studied to verify their benefits. Well review some of that research below to determine if Red Boost can really fix erectile dysfunction.
Horny goat weed is one of the most important ingredients in Red Boost. Some studies show icariin, the active ingredient in horny goat weed, can help with erectile dysfunction. In fact, its been used in traditional Chinese medicine for that purpose for thousands of years. In this 2010 study, researchers found horny goat weed led to a significant improvement in erection quality in rats when taken at three different doses and compared to a placebo. Rats had greater erection quality based on cavernous nerve stimulation testing and assessment of intracavernous pressure (ICP), two common measurements of erection quality.
Tongkat ali is a popular natural testosterone booster that has shown some evidence it can work as advertised. In this 2013 study, researchers found tongkat ali could impact stress hormones and improve mood in a group of moderately stressed subjects. If your erection dysfunction issues are caused by stress, then tongkat ali may be able to help. A separate study on tongkat ali found it specifically led to significant increases in free and total testosterone in men and women.
Red Boost also contains fenugreek. In this 2016 study, researchers gave fenugreek or a placebo to a group of 60 healthy male subjects. Participants took 600mg of fenugreek extract per day for 8 weeks. Researchers found participants in the fenugreek group had significant anabolic and androgenic activity compared to the placebo group, suggesting fenugreek could increase free and total testosterone while stimulating overall testosterone production.
L-citrulline may the most science-backed ingredient in Red Boost. L-citrulline has been shown to improve blood flow in multiple studies. In this 2017 study, for example, researchers examined the effects of L-citrulline on a group of older adults. Researchers found L-citrulline improved blood pressure and improved muscle blood flow during exercise, which validates L-citrullines effectiveness as a preworkout.
Its also true that stinging nettle can support prostate health, as advertised by the makers of Red Boost. In this 2013 study, researchers found stinging nettle extract could help patients with benign prostate hyperplasia, reducing symptoms and improving outcomes. However, theres limited formal evidence stinging nettle can significantly improve sexual performance.
Overall, Red Boost contains a blend of ingredients linked to blood flow, libido, testosterone, and sexual performance. Although we have little information about the dosages or concentrations of these ingredients, its possible Red Boost can support its advertised benefits to relieve symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
Red Boost is priced at $49 to $69 per bottle, depending on the number of bottles you order.
Heres how pricing breaks down when ordering Red Boost online today:
Each bottle contains a 30 day supply of Red Boost, or 60 capsules. You take two capsules daily to support blood flow, health, wellness, and longevity.
According to the manufacturer, the normal retail price of Red Boost is $297 per bottle, which means youre paying hundreds of dollars by ordering through the promotional page online today.
Red Boost has a 180 day satisfaction guarantee.
If youre unsatisfied with the effects of Red Boost, or if you did not experience significant benefits, then you can request a complete refund within 180 days with no questions asked.
Red Boost is made by the same team that created the Hard Wood Tonic System, an erection boosting protocol marketed to men with ED.
The Hard Wood Tonic System includes eBooks, testosterone enhancers guides, supplement guides, and more to help rejuvenate your sexual health and performance. Red Boost can complement the effects of the system and enhance your results.
You can contact the makers of the Hard Wood Tonic system and the Red Boost customer support team via the following:
The company also does business under the name Jetpack or Claro Media. Claro Media is a Toronto-based ecommerce company.
Red Boost is a blood flow supporting nutritional supplement featuring a blend of herbs, plants, and nutrients to support cardiovascular health in various ways, making it easier to get and maintain an erection.
By taking two capsules of Red Boost daily, you may be able to support blood flow and sexual health without the side effects of medication.
To learn more about Red Boost or to buy the supplement online today, visit the official website at
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Red Boost Reviews Ingredients That Work or Cheap Scam? Chilliwack Progress - Chilliwack Progress
Fact Check: Have Testosterone Levels Fallen 1% Every Year Since 1980? – Newsweek
The fall of testosterone levels the past several decades has fueled something of a health panic, with public figures and influencers leaning in to share their theories on the phenomena.
Mainstream celebrities, including Tucker Carlson, have examined the claim, in his case also spreading other misinformation by doing so.
Naturally, social media has become a breeding ground for such panic, particularly among platforms skewed to younger audiences, such as Instagram and TikTok.
The Claim
A video posted on August 14, 2022, on Instagram claims that testosterone levels have decreased every year since 1980.
Other videos making the same claim, some of which have hundreds of thousands of views, can also be found on TikTok.
The Facts
The central claim in the video is that testosterone levels have decreased 1 percent every year since 1980. The terms aren't clearly defined, but we can reasonably assume that is a 1 percent reduction per year per male on average for the past 42 years.
This would mean that a male's average testosterone level has fallen 42 percent since 1980.
As it stands, there is very little research to support this specific datapoint.
Studies have indeed shown that testosterone levels have decreased since 1980. Some data shows that mean total testosterone decreased among adolescent and young adult men between 1999 and 2016 by around 25 percent.
A similar study was conducted in 2006, which looked at levels between 1988 and 2003. It found that there had been a decrease of around 15 percent.
Newsweek could not find research that directly compared testosterone levels between men in 1980 and 2022 (raising questions about source for the Instagram claim), but did find one study from 1980 that measured "plasma testosterone levels of sexually functional and dysfunctional men."
Using the mean measurement of testosterone in men with "normal sexual function" in this study and compare it with measurements taken in the 1988-2003 study, data shows a 20 percent increase in the testosterone among the men measured in 1980 versus those measured in 1988.
Combining all of the percentage changes across all the studies mentioned so far would provide you with a figure far beyond the 40 percent mentioned in the Instagram video.
The problem is it's methodologically unsound.
The age, geography, health backgrounds and lifestyle of the men across all the studies would not be controlled in the same way, nor is it likely that the methods used to measure testosterone levels were the same across all the studies.
There may also be other unaccounted variables that could have affected the results. A sum of percentages is therefore not substantive enough to support the Instagram claim.
To explore this in more detail Newsweek spoke to Michael Samoszuk, a Medical Officer at Siemens Healthineers, whose previous work on low testosterone has been published in the International Journal of Impotence Research.
"Analytical methods for measuring testosterone levels have improved considerably over the past 40 years, and it is not advisable to compare "apples to oranges", such as levels measured by older methods to levels measured by contemporary methods," he said.
"Major confounding factors are the selection of the men in such year-over-year comparisons and the time of the specimen collection. Were all of the specimens from 40 years ago drawn from men of the same age and level of health as men from more recent studies? I doubt it.
"Also, the time of collection is very important, because early morning blood draws yield higher levels of testosterone.
"In short, unless the comparative studies are strictly controlled for age, health, and time of blood draw, it is not possible to draw any meaningful conclusions about longitudinal changes in testosterone."
The Instagram video also mentions a number of causes behind the purported decrease in the average testosterone levels, such as consumption of saturated/processed foods and lack of exercise.
According to Dr. Channa Jayasena, a Clinical Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Reproductive Endocrinology and Andrology at Imperial College and Hammersmith Hospital, London, the reason for the decrease has been quite simple.
"Overall levels of testosterone have reduced, but that is only due to increases in obesity and diabetes in the population testosterone is just a marker of a man's health.
"If you take away these factors, it is really uncommon to need testosterone replacement (0.1-2 percent of men, depending on your age).
"So, saying that testosterone levels have reduced over time is like saying that people in Europe became more radioactive in 1986. That may be true, but is misleading since the rise was caused by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster."
The Ruling
There is evidence which shows that average testosterone levels have fallen since the 1980s, but not to the extent that is claimed in the Instagram and TikTok videos. Different studies have charted 15-25 percent decreases between 1980 and 2019, but the results of those studies cannot be cumulatively drawn together.
FACT CHECK BY Newsweek's Fact Check Team
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Fact Check: Have Testosterone Levels Fallen 1% Every Year Since 1980? - Newsweek
Larry Wheels Reveals a Physique Update One Month After Getting Off Steroids and On TRT – BarBend
Powerlifter Larry Wheels recently took to his YouTube channel to discuss his decision to stop using anabolic steroids. Wheels said hes been on all kinds of performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) for the past decade, but he decided to take an indefinite break from the PEDs to challenge himself and see what he can lift without them.
But since he says his body can no longer produce testosterone naturally, Wheels revealed that he is now on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). TRT is a medical treatment for people who produce irregular amounts of testosterone, and he intends to go on 175 milligrams per week, which he says is on the higher side of being a natural, healthy male in his prime.
He recently posted a physique update after a month of TRT, and its easy to see that he already looks leaner:
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Editors Note: BarBend does not intend to make a moral or ethical statement regarding the athletes actions. This article is reporting on the information laid out by the athlete themselves. BarBend is not a medical resource and does not endorse the recreational use of performance-enhancing drugs.
Wheels didnt share what he weighs now, but compared to posts from earlier in the year, hes far more trim, with more noticeable veins and striations and less bulk. One of the biggest differences is in his face, which looks a good deal thinner than photos from just a few weeks ago.
In an Instagram post from August 16, 2022, Wheels wrote about going from 300 pounds down to 240. That was before his steroid and TRT announcements, so its possible hes even lighter now.
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Wheels mentioned recently that he is pumping the brakes on his journey to deadlift 1,000 pounds which is in part due to his decision to stop taking steroids. A recent back injury played a part in it, too. In the meantime, he recently posted a video of himself and bodybuilder Andrew Jacked working out shoulders and bicepsin Dubai.
In the video, Wheels mentions that his skin has cleared up now that hes off a steroid cycle and that hes expecting to start dropping more water weight soon after. He also says that his strength in the gym hasnt been impacted yet, but hes expecting that to come in the next few weeks.
With Wheels being such an open book on social media, expect more updates on his post-steroid life in the months to come.
Featured Image: @larrywheels on Instagram
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Larry Wheels Reveals a Physique Update One Month After Getting Off Steroids and On TRT - BarBend