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Coronavirus Diet: 9 Foods That Promote Relaxation To Help You Stay Calm – CBS Los Angeles

In need of a little calming influence? Try eating food that helps yourelaxnaturally.
If youre experiencing nervousness, racing thoughts, difficulty getting to sleep, or even panic during thecoronavirus pandemic, youre not alone. This is anextremely stressful time; its only natural that wed feel a little amped and uneasy.
If youre having trouble relaxing, avoidingsugarandcaffeineis a must. These ingredients can further stress our bodies and set us up for anxiety. On the flip side, there are foods that can help support our nervous system, increase our resiliency to stress, and even make us feel calm right after we eat them.
As we move through this crazy time, lets lean on these 9 foods that promote relaxation.
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A fermented drink that falls somewhere betweenyogurtand milk,kefiris a great addition to your social distancing routine. It can be made from dairy milk ornut milkand contains high amounts of beneficial bacteria, which support a healthy gut microbiome. At first glance, our gut health might seem unrelated to our nervous systems, but its actually quite the opposite. Studies have shown not only thatstress can alter the microbiomein undesirable ways, but thatanxiety could actually be alleviatedby regulating gut bacteria.
You can drink kefir plain or use it as a creamy base for recipes like in thisChilled Avocado, Cucumber, and KefirSoup recipeby Julie Smolyansky.
Fatty fish likesalmonare full of omega-3 fatty acids, which have proven to be extremely beneficial for calming the nervous system. In fact, a systematic review of 19 clinical trialspublished inJAMA Open Networkshowed that improvements in anxiety symptoms were associated with omega-3 fatty acid treatment. Try thisMaple Mustard Grilled Salmon recipefromChristine Gallaryand add salmon to the menu a few times a week.
Related Reading:The Best Places to Buy Fresh Seafood Online
Tart cherriescontain high levels of various phytochemicals, including melatonin. Youve probably heard of melatonin before; its known as the sleep hormone because our bodies release it in the evening to help us get to sleep. Well,studies have shownthat consuming tart cherry juice increases melatonin levels and can improve sleep quality and duration. If youre having trouble winding down at night, tart cherries might be the perfect food to lean on. For otherfoods that can help you sleep, read this.
Have you ever wondered whycucumber wateris so popular? It could be because the smell ofcucumbershas natural stress-relieving properties. And its not only the smell, either; this low-sugar fruit also contains B vitamins, which help support our central nervous system. In fact,studieshave shown that a B complex vitamin can improve anxiety symptoms compared to placebo.
Plenty of studies have found interesting links between vitamin C and mood. In fact, one study on 42 high school students showed thatvitamin C actually lowered anxiety levels. Citrus fruitslikelemons,limes, oranges, and grapefruitare one of the best ways to get vitamin C in your diet. Hereshow to segment citrusfor easy, mess-free eating.
You might not think of Vegemite as a health food, butone study, published in 2018, showed that people who consume yeast-based spreadssuch asMarmite, Vegemite, Promite, and Aussiemitehave lower levels of anxiety and stress. According to the researchers, the B vitamin content in these spreads is likely to thank for their anxiety-reducing powers. To start using Vegemite, try spreading it thinly on one side of agrilled cheese sandwich. It adds a bitter, salty flavor that you may just learn to love.
Onionsare one of the best sources ofprebiotic fiber, which helps to feed healthy gut bacteria. As we now know, a balanced microbiome is essential for optimal mental health. Other sources of prebiotic fiber include leeks,bananas,garlic, andapples. Try adding raw onions to salads or whips of thisEasy Caramelized Onions recipefrom Aida Mollenkamp.
Pumpkin seedsare one of the best sources of magnesium, which is often referred to as the relaxation mineral and is one of the topstress-relieving nutrients. Many of us are deficient in magnesium, as processed foods are virtually devoid of this mineral, but luckily, pumpkin seeds provide more than 150 mg of magnesium per cup, which is almost 50 percent of your daily recommended intake. Try thisHomemade Pumpkin Seed Milk recipe, from the book Magnesium Everyday Secrets.
Related Reading:This Pumpkin Sourdough Focaccia Is the Perfect Accompaniment to Any Stew
Lucky you: Research published in theJournal of Proteome Researchfound that eating about 1 ounces ofdark chocolateper day can actually lead to lower levels of cortisol, which is one of our primary stress hormones. For extra relaxation benefits, dark chocolate also contains significant levels of magnesium. Just make sure you opt for dark chocolate and if youre not sure what to buy, these are thebest dark chocolate barsout there.
Focusing on these foods can help promote relaxation, peaceful sleep, and a sense of calm despite whats going on outside. Luckily, most of these foods are also affordable, delicious, and can be prepared in any number of creative ways.
Article provided by CBS sister site All featured products are curated independently by Chowhound editors. When you buy something through their retail links, they may receive a commission.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health provider regarding any questions you may have about a medical condition or health objectives.
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Coronavirus Diet: 9 Foods That Promote Relaxation To Help You Stay Calm - CBS Los Angeles
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