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Nov 17

Covid-19 Lockdowns: New Research Shows The Toll On Our Diets –

Wednesday, 18 November 2020, 12:45 pmPress Release: University of Auckland

Lockdowns took a toll on New Zealanders diets,with most people consuming more unhealthy snacks and drinks,according to a study led by researchers from the Universityof Auckland.

The Covid Kai Survey of 3,028people ran from April 24 to May 13 when New Zealand was atalert levels three and four. Results of the online surveyhave just been published in the Journal of the Royal Societyof New Zealand.

Most people increased consumption offoods and drinks classified as unhealthy, such as sweet andsalty snacks, white bread and pasta, processed meat andsugary drinks.

The results suggest the governmentshould put more emphasis on nutrition during any futurelockdowns, according to the authors, led by Dr SarahGerritsen, of the School of Population Health in the Facultyof Medical and Health Sciences.

Two-out-of-threepeople increased their score on an unhealthy diet measure,with 40% eating more sweet snacks and 33% eating more saltysnacks. One-third of respondents increased alcohol intakeand 20% drank more sugary drinks.

Dr Gerritsen said:With the restaurants, fast-food chains and take-awayoutlets closed, we wondered if more home-cooked meals wouldresult in healthier eating over the lockdown. Butindependent grocers, and fruit and vegetable stores werealso closed which may have limited options for buyinghealthy food.

Supermarkets, dairies and petrolstations, which remained open during the lockdown, arecharacterised by heavy marketing of ultraprocessed foodswhich can have excessive energy and are high in added sugarand salt, said Dr Gerritsen.

New Zealanders are notthe only ones who have struggled to eat healthily during thepandemic. Research from around the world shows time at home,boredom, and heightened stress lead to more snacking, partlybecause food is constantly available at home.

Healthmessages from the government during lockdown focused oninfection control, physical exercise, mental health,accessing health care, and family violence. Anotherresearcher in the Covid Kai Survey team, Dr Lisa Te Morenga,said: Public health advice could include the importanceof nutrition for immunity, how to prepare healthyhome-cooked meals, and tips to avoid eating in response tostress.

During future lockdowns, the governmentcould allow independent grocers to stay open; restrict themarketing and promotion of unhealthy food, alcohol, andsugary drinks; and subsidise healthy foods like fruits andvegetables, especially for families on low-incomes, theauthors say.

Researchers from the University ofAuckland (School of Population Health, School of Nursing,and Discipline of Nutrition and Dietetics), VictoriaUniversity of Wellington (School of Health) and OtagoUniversity (Department of Human Nutrition) conducted thestudy. The survey was part of an international study across38 countries led by researchers at the University of Antwerpin Belgium.

Talking of the methodology, Dr Gerritsensaid: A survey that is representative of the populationwas not able to be conducted during the lockdown. The onlinesurvey was biased toward those who are more likely to be onsocial media, with high literacy, and interested in foodissues.


Thepeer-reviewed and open-access article:

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Covid-19 Lockdowns: New Research Shows The Toll On Our Diets -

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