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Jun 14

Diet sodas may confuse brain's 'calorie counter'

Sugar-free drinks may make sweet-detecting circuits numb to the real stuff

Web edition : Wednesday, June 13th, 2012

By baffling the brain, saccharin and other sugar-free sweeteners key weapons in the war on obesity may paradoxically foster overeating.

At some level, the brain can sense a difference between sugar and no-calorie sweeteners, several studies have demonstrated. Using brain imaging, San Diego researchers now show that the brain processes sweet flavors differently depending on whether a person regularly consumes diet soft drinks.

This idea that there could be fundamental differences in how people respond to sweet tastes based on their experience with diet sodas is not something that has gotten much attention, says Susan Swithers of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind. A key finding, she says: Brains of diet soda drinkers dont differentiate very well between sucrose and saccharin.

Erin Green and Claire Murphy of the University of California, San Diego and San Diego State University recruited 24 healthy young adults for a battery of brain imaging tests. Half reported regularly drinking sugar-free beverages, usually at least once a day. The rest seldom if ever consumed such drinks. While the brain scans were underway, the researchers pumped small amounts of saccharin- or sugar-sweetened water in random order into each recruits mouth as the volunteer rated the tastes.

Both the diet soda drinkers and the nondrinkers rated each sweetener about equally pleasant and intense, Green and Murphy report in an upcoming Physiology & Behavior. But which brain regions lit up while making those judgments differed sharply based on who regularly consumed diet drinks.

Certain affected brain regions are associated with offering a pleasurable feedback or reward in response to desirable sensations. And compared with those who don't drink diet soda, the diet soda drinkers demonstrated more widespread activation to both saccharin and sucrose in reward processing brain regions, the researchers say.

One of the strongest links seen was diminishing activation of an area known as the caudate head as a recruits diet soda consumption climbed. This area is associated with the food motivation and reward system. Green and Murphy also point out that decreased activation of this brain region has been linked with elevated risk of obesity.

The new findings may help explain an oft-observed association between diet soda consumption and weight gain, the researchers say. Once fooled, the brains sweet sensors can no longer provide a reliable gauge of energy consumption.

Read more:
Diet sodas may confuse brain's 'calorie counter'

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