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May 27

Leaky Gut Diet: What To Eat, Avoid, And Sample Meal Plan – Women’s Health

Are you wondering whats up with your

If youve never heard of leaky gut syndrome before, youre not alone. Its not currently recognized as an official medical diagnosis, so its still pretty new to health practitioners and the general public, says Brigitte Zeitlin, MPH, RD, and founder of BZ Nutrition. Leaky gut may not be a classical medical analysis, but studies have shown it to be [linked to] chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, weight gain, and obesity, she says.

Leaky gut occurs when there is damage to the intestinal lining, which then allows bacteria into the bloodstream, says Zeitlin (more on that soon). If you're having ongoing tummy issues and suspect it may be leaky gut, chat with a healthcare provider. In the meantime, here's what you need to know about leaky gut, what causes it, and the best anti-inflammatory foods that may help.

Meet the experts: Brigitte Zeitlin, RD, a New York-based registered dietitian and the founder of BZ Nutrition. Chrissy Arsenault, RDN, is a registered dietitian at Trainer Academy in Colorado.

Although its not a medical diagnosis and experts have mixed opinions on the term, leaky gut typically refers to intestinal hyperpermeability (when gaps in your intestinal wall start to loosen) and the cluster of symptoms associated with it. With this condition, the intestinal lining becomes more permeable, giving bacteria, toxins, and undigested food particles the ability to pass through the gut lining into the bloodstream, says Colorado-based dietitian Chrissy Arsenault, RDN.

Leaky gut can cause digestive issues like gas, bloating, constipation, and loose stools, Zeitlin saysbut gastrointestinal symptoms arent the only signs that point to a leaky gut. You may also notice sudden food intolerances, seasonal allergies, skin conditions like eczema or acne, chronic fatigue, joint pain, difficulty losing weight, fatigue, and even mood changes, she says.

If you have any of these symptoms, talk to your doctor about what might be going on in your gutespecially if you have candida overgrowth (a fungal infection) or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), the presence of excessive bacteria in the small intestine.

Although the causes aren't entirely clear, it is believed that acute issues like infections or stress can cause inflammation in the gut lining, says Arsenault. This could be as simple as eating food youre allergic to or something like undergoing chemotherapy or radiation, which puts stress on your physiological and physical well-being. Along with stress, an unhealthy diet may also compromise the gut lining, a recent study suggests.

Prolonged use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antibiotics, or alcohol may also affect the gut over time as well as environmental toxins like cigarette smoke, pesticides, or pollution, Arsenault says. People with chronic conditions like an autoimmune disease, celiac disease, diabetes, and Crohns disease may be more at risk to leaky gut than the average patient, she adds.

If you suspect you have leaky gut, try to make room in your diet for foods that are quality sources of fiber and fat, says Zeitlin. Aim to have six to eight cups of whole fresh fruits and veggies daily, one serving of whole grains, and include quality fats daily, like two to four tablespoons of olive oil in your salad or veggie saut, plus two tablespoons of nuts or seeds daily, and avocado, she recommends.

Before you start tossing everything in your pantry, you may want to try cutting back on common inflammatory foods like gluten and dairy first, Zeitlin says. Consider a two-week-long elimination diet and keep a food journal to track how your digestion feels after eating meals. After two weeks, add small amounts of food back into your diet for two to three days and see how you feel, Zeitlin suggests. What you have identified as a trigger, you will want to keep out of your diet long-term.

Here are some of the best foods to eat for gut health, according to Zeitlin.

While a healthy gut generally relies on a consistent and healthy diet, improving your nutrition is not the only way to strengthen your gut health. For example, taking a daily probiotic may help you maintain a healthy gut balance in addition to your new diet, Zeitlin says. A daily turmeric supplement may also help reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal system, she adds. A once-a-day multivitamin could also be beneficial in keeping your immune system strong as you navigate your gut health.

Make sure youre also getting seven to eight hours of sleep per night, as quality sleep is essential for healing your gut, Zeitlin says. Create an evening routine that helps you de-stress, gets you off screens for at least two hours before bedtime, and aim to go to bed at the same time every night, she says. Add calming activities into your routine, like walking, yoga, minimal exercise, time with friends, meditation, journaling, listening to musicanything that you know feels good and relaxing for you, Zeitlin shares.

In addition to eating balanced, satiating meals, drink plenty of water, prioritize movement, and consider an anti-inflammatory diet (and stick to it). Youll be on your way to better gut health in no time.

Meguire Hennes is a freelance lifestyle journalist specializing in fashion news, celebrity style, dating, and wellness (her Libra moon wont let her settle on one beat). She received a B.A. in fashion studies from Montclair State University, and her words can be found in Bustle, The Zoe Report, Elite Daily, Byrdie, and more. When shes not debunking a new TikTok wellness trend or praising Zendayas latest red carpet look, you can find her in yoga class, reading a cutesy romance novel, or playing Scrabble with her puppy in her lap.

See the original post:
Leaky Gut Diet: What To Eat, Avoid, And Sample Meal Plan - Women's Health

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