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Apr 15

7 Diet And Lifestyle Resources To Help Protect Your Brain Health – Plant Based News

Whats the most important organ in your body? Without your heart, your blood wouldnt flow, and your cells would die. Without your lungs, no oxygen would get to your blood. And without your kidneys, you couldnt get rid of nitrogenous waste. OK, so theyre all crucial to your survival.

But when it comes to taking care of yourself, theres one organ that often gets overlooked: your brain. Whats truly ironic is, its your brain thats doing the overlooking. Just think about it for a moment: Your brain tells your heart how fast and how powerfully to beat. Your brain tells your lungs how often and how deeply to breathe. Your brain tells your kidneys OK, you get the picture.

And your brain also allows you to read, write, and speak, to form memories, and to experience moods. In short, your brain is the engine of your very identity.

The upcoming Food Revolution Summit, a free online summit featuring 25 of the worlds most trusted food and nutrition experts (including Dr. Greger and Dr. Barnard) will discuss the brain in relation to lifestyle and diet. Running from April 25-May 3, the summit will present the most up-to-date research and information about food, nutrition, disease prevention, immune health, and environmental stewardship.

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When something goes wrong in the brain, it can be pretty terrifying. Take Alzheimers disease, for example.

Alzheimers is one of the most feared diseases on the planet for many sad reasons. Worldwide, nearly 44 million people suffer from it. And in the U.S., 1 in 3 seniors dies with some form of dementia.

Not only is the incidence of Alzheimers rising rapidly, but the human costs of the disease can far exceed those for diseases that affect the body but leave the mind intact.

From the disease sufferers themselves, who experience losing their memories and identities slowly and painfully, to the family members who watch their strong and wise elders reduced to husks of themselves, and who often have to step into overwhelming responsibility as caretakers, Alzheimers exacts a tragic toll.

While Alzheimers may be the most visible brain disease, medical science has now identified over 1,000 other neurological diseases, not even counting the disorders that may produce neurological symptoms like brain fog and headaches.

Medical science has now identified more than 1,000 neurological diseases(Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)

It would be hard to find anyone who doesnt agree that a healthy brain is required for a good life, especially as we age. Despite this fact, most people today are eating foods and engaging in lifestyle behaviors that dramatically increase their risk of Alzheimers, dementia, depression, and many other brain problems.

Whats worse is the groundwork for these issues is often laid decades before the onset of symptoms. Meaning you could be at risk right now and not even know it.

Thats all pretty bleak. But heres some very good news: Your brain is resilient! And if problems havent progressed too far, it can recover and heal when you give it the right support.

Since you cant change the past, its what you do right now that matters most.

Easier said than done, though, right? A 2015 AARP study found nine out of 10 people believe brain health is important, but most werent aware of how to improve it.

So, do you want to know what you can do for your brain health, right now?

Then check out our top seven brain health resources designed to give you the science-backed knowledge you need to protect your brain and help prevent diseases like Alzheimers, dementia, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's from ever getting a foothold.

Even if youve eaten poorly and abused your body and mind in the past, heres what you need to know, and to do, right now to reverse the damage and protect your brain for the rest of your life.

Research suggests curcumin (the primary active compound in turmeric) has brain protective qualities(Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)

Its becoming increasingly well known that we can prevent most heart attacks, strokes, and type 2 diabetes through diet and lifestyle. And that we can prevent many cancers. Its not as widely known, though, that we can prevent many diseases of the brain.

Weve rounded up our best brain health resources for you (including a bonus special report) to show you how to optimize your brain health for the long haul.

You may have heard about antioxidants, but do you know how they can protect your brain?

Find out what the key antioxidants are, their benefits for brain (and all around) health, and the most antioxidant-rich foods, herbs, and spices here.

Discover the immense amount of research surrounding curcumin (the primary active compound in turmeric) and its brain protective qualities.

Plus, youll find out what eight other herbs, vitamins, or natural compounds are being studied for Alzheimers disease and prevention in this brief but informative article.

Food Revolution Summit speaker, Dr. Neal Barnard, tells you why diet and lifestyle changes are essential for brain health.

And he shares the evidence for the specific foods that will increase your risk of Alzheimers and which ones can fight against it (and why).

Food and mood go hand in hand. If youve ever struggled with anxiety, depression, or even just experienced a 'bad mood', this summit will empower you.

Discover the nutrients and specific foods to eat in order to boost your mood and the ones that are worst for your mental and emotional health.

A diet rich in healthy whole foods is good for general health(Photo: Adobe. Do not use without permission)

An excerpt from The Alzheimers Solution: A Breakthrough Program to Prevent and Reverse the Symptoms of Cognitive Decline at Every Age by Food Revolution Summit speakers and leading edge neurologists, Dean and Ayesha Sherzai, MD.

Find out all about the Sherzais Alzheimers research, including their strategies for preventing and reversing the disease through crucial lifestyle changes.

In this TEDx Talk by neuroscientist, Sara Lazar, youll find out the scientifically proven brain health benefits of yoga and meditation.

Plus, the results of two different studies Dr. Lazar conducted around meditation and the amazing changes witnessed in the brain as subjects continued their practice over time.

In this special report, previously only available during our Food Revolution Summit, youll discover eight different superfoods (including two popular beverages!) that have been scientifically proven to prevent and even reverse brain diseases like Alzheimers and dementia.

It also features a handy checklist to help you remember which foods are best for your brain, so you can put them all to work for you.

In the Food Revolution Summit, we dive into all of these topics. You can hear the worlds top experts on food and health, as they share the latest breaking insights on how you can use food to prevent chronic illness, helping your body stay healthy and be more vibrant and resilient in the face of whatever challenges come your way. These are crazy times were living in, and none of us can control what goes on in the world around us.

But we do get some say in the choices we make. And those play a fundamental role in shaping our destiny.

You can find out more about the free summit, and sign up for your place, here

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7 Diet And Lifestyle Resources To Help Protect Your Brain Health - Plant Based News

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