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Feb 9

Be Heart Wise – The – The Free Press of the University of Southern Maine

By: Malinda Scannell, Nurse Practitioner

February is Heart Month. It is an important time to Know Your Numbers! Blood pressure, Cholesterol,Blood Sugar, and Body Mass Index (BMI)-these measurements help to identify your risk of heart disease.

Additional risk factors include family history, diet, and smoking.

Heart disease remains a major cause of illness and death globally. The American Heart Association(AHA) reports cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke combined) kills about 2,300 persons aday more than all forms of cancer combined. However, seventy-two percent of Americans dontconsider themselves at risk for heart disease. The AHA urges people to take care of their hearts year-round. Heart disease is preventable.

Experts recommend cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk evaluation and prevention planning starting at age20, sooner if you have any history of CVD. A CVD risk assessment offers one the opportunity to bothidentify their CVD risk factors and to develop management strategies of specific and overall risks toprevent heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and stroke.

University Health Services (UHS) can provide you with a personalized health screening to determineyour risk factors for cardiovascular disease. From this assessment, the providers at UHS will work withyou to establish a plan to limit your risk and prevent illness.

Utilizing the American Heart Associations Life Simple 7 the seven most important predictors of hearthealth, your risk for cardiovascular disease could be lowered. Lowering your risk for heart disease, alsoreduces your risk for high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, stress and depression.

What is Lifes Simple 7? They include measures to eat better, get active, lose weight (if needed),manage blood pressure, control cholesterol, reduce blood sugar and stop smoking. A healthy diet is keyto fighting CVD. Eating a diet low in sodium and fats (both saturated and trans fats); consuming 2 fruitand 3 vegetable servings each day; avoiding red and processed meats; adding fish 2-3 times a week; andlimiting sugar and other sweeteners is recommended. Another cornerstone to maintaining andimproving cardiovascular health is physical activity. Start moving 2 hours a week or 30 minutes aday for 5 days a week of moderate activity, such as a brisk walk or active yoga, is needed. Over half ofadults do not meet these minimum activity requirements. Adults who are overweight (BMI = 25-29.9) orobese (BMI > 30) are at greater risk of CVD. Weight loss of 5-10% of ones body weight has been shownto make a difference. Hypertension, blood pressure > 130/80, is another modifiable risk for CVD.

Elevated cholesterol and blood sugar are additional risks that can be managed. If you smoke or vape,quitting will reduce your risk. There are many resources available to help one quit.

Join me in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. The most important way to prevent heart disease isto practice a healthy lifestyle throughout ones life. The earlier you put healthy lifestyle practices intoplace, the better you are able to lower your risk of disease.

Prevention is intervention for a healthy heart.

Get to know your numbers. Start a plan of action today. Call Health Services for an appointment toassess your cardiovascular risk and to assist you in developing a healthy lifestyle plan. The number tocall is 207-780-5411.

Respectfully submitted,Malinda Scannell, Nurse PractitionerUniversity Health and Counseling ServicesPhone: 207-780-5411

Be Heart Wise - The - The Free Press of the University of Southern Maine

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