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Sandra Oh and 20 More Stars You May Not Have Known Are Vegan – The Beet

Not all plant-based celebrities areas vocal about their cruelty-free diet as Joaquim Phoenix, or at least it's not the main topicinterviews tend to focus on,so many people on this list may actually come as a surprise. It's common knowledge in Hollywood that celebritieswill temporarily adopt a vegan diet to lose weight for glamour shots, a movie role, orto slim down for a vacation when paparazzi can catch them "off guard at the beach."
Some celebrities go on and off their vegan diets, and don't want to be "caught" eating fish or poultry or dairy, so they don't self- identify as vegan. At The Beet we applaud any attempt to embrace a plant-based or plant-forward lifestyle and this list is inclusive of anyone who has "ditched meat" or dairy, or is stealthily vegan, since they may be doing it for reasons of their own, whether it's health, the planet, or animals. Phoenix gripped the audience during the Oscars with his heartfelt speech of animal awareness, but whatever reason stars have for turning towardthe plant-based lifestyle, we want to be inspired by their healthier choices.
Sir James Paul McCartney is no stranger to a meat-free life as he's been vegetarian for 45 years. He initially went vegetarian in 1975 with his first wife Linda McCartney and began his advocacy for animal rights. You have probably heard of the movement #meatlessmondays and have seen the hashtag on your Instagram feed. Yes, it means that you avoid eating meat on Mondays but what you may not know is Paul McCartney and daughters, Stella and Mary McCartney launched the first "Meat-free Monday"campaign in 2009 that started the popular movement and hashtag. Stella McCartney, Paul's second daughter, is a well-known fashion designer to ethical vegetarian luxury clothing brand Stella McCartney.
Paul works closely with PETAtovoice opinions about animal rights. In November, helaunched a campaign with the nonprofit to encourage others to say no to turkey for Thanksgiving. The campaign shows Paul wearing a T-shirt with the saying " EAT NO" and an image of a turkey below the phrase. Just recently he used his voice to advocate for the abolishment of "wet markets" and we expect to hear more from him in the coming days on related topics.
We give Paul a round of applause on and off stage for his efforts to inspire others tolimit meat on Mondays and use ethical practices in your daily food consumption.
If you find yourself constantly singing along to the song The Greatest, then you're already a Sia fan. Sia tweeted that she is "fully vegan now" back in 2014 and stays true to her word.
She's actively involved in different vegan awareness campaigns and a documentary film. And, you probably didn't know that she recently shared a vegan pie with Scooby-Doo and Shaggy on the animated Scooby-Doo Where Are You!series. Sia cares deeply about animal welfare and teamed up with PETA to launch her own campaign to pledge the end of animal homelessness. She's also appeared in the documentary,Dominion, along withJoaquin Phoenixand Rooney Mara, which covers modern animal agriculture through hidden cameras.
Way back at the start of Grey's Anatomy,Sandra Oh took the cast out for a plant-based lunch at Truly Vegan in Hollywood. We want to ask her, was this the spark that got Ellen Pompeo to go vegan? In her effort to inspire contemporaries to eat vegan, the TV staris known to invite her friends for vegan meals that are delicious.She adopted the vegan lifestyle years ago and continues to quietly livea cruelty-free life. Understandably,she keeps it private and hasn't shared any new information about her vegan journey of late, but according to onesource, she feels it is a "lifestyle," not a dietary choice.
Giselle revealed that when she was at the peak of her modeling career, her diet consisted of "cigarettes, wine, and mocha Frappuccinos," according to an interview inPeopleMagazine. Now39 and the mother of two children, Gisele eats a "mostly" plant-based diet to nourish her body andstay fueled.
Her family, including her children Vivian and Benjamin, all eat this way because it's "healthy and good for the planet." Brady is known to keep a super-strict, mostly plant-based diet, which he credits for staying fit, strong and healthy enough to be about to enter his 21stseason in the NFL, starting his third decade as QB for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this coming fall, after winning 6 Superbowl rings with the New England Patriots.
Gisele shared with People what she eats in a day, starting with a green juice,vegetable soup for lunch, hummus andcrudits for a snack, and leafygreens with quinoa for dinner. She also loves chamomile tea before bedtime. Talk about the perfect couple.
Alec Baldwinhas made a bigger commitmentto plant-based eating since he was first told by doctors that he was pre-diabetic and needed to change his diet. That was decades ago. But, over the last few years, he's been vocal about the benefits not only to his health but also the impact plant-based eating has on the environment. In a CNN articlewritten by Baldwin entitled "The path to a better planet goes across your plate" Baldwin explains how "Human activity is fundamentally altering the planet."
He writesthat "In wealthier countries, we also need to shift our diets away from rampant overconsumption,notably of meat, and toward a nutritious mix of plant-based foods that are less resource-intensive, require less land, and are better for our health."
Of course, Alec Baldwin met his wife, Hilaria Baldwin, at New York's Pure Food and Wine eatery, a popular raw vegan bote.
Miley adopteda gluten-free diet back in 2012for health reasons and two years later, committed to a vegan diet she still lives by today. In a tweet to PETA, she thanked the organization..." for giving me the honor of receiving the Best Voice 4 Animals award! Living a completely vegan lifestyle, whether it's what I eat or wear I am very certain that veganism is taking over and stoked to see so many brands jumpin' on this revolution!"
The animal-loving celeb wrote on Instagram, if you choose to eat meat you love pets, not animals."She recently adopted a dog from an animal shelter with new boyfriend Cody Simpson, clickhereto read see their cute newest puppy.
On another note, in case you're not up to date with the Miley and Liam break up, Liam Hemsworthjust announced he dropped his vegan diet after developing kidney stones. But, Miley continuestospeak up for the "voiceless" and uses her massive Instagram following of 107 million followers to advocate for the cruelty-free lifestyle.
We all remember Pamela Anderson as thecurvaceous blonde in the hit series Baywatch as she playedCasey Jean in the red one-piece swimsuit that brought her world-class fame.She is a life-long active animal rights advocate and teamed up with PETA to join the Animal Protection Organization. "I cant stay silent when animals are suffering or abused,"Anderson said. She became vegetarian at a young agegrowing up ina household of hunters in Western Canada, and could not fathom the idea of animal cruelty after seeing her father a hang up a deer head as a trophy.
Anderson doesn't wear real leather or faux fursince she doesn't like the concept of appearing to be wearing the real thing.Still, in order to promotemoving consumersaway from leather and fur,she sent her friends, Kim Kardashian and Melania Trump faux fur jackets so they would stop wearing real animal skins. Anderson wants to advise people that, Being vegan is an aphrodisiac diet. Its a win-win.Meat makes you impotent and unhealthy."
"We shouldn't eat as much meat guys," Kristen Stewart told GQ in an interview in January. The Twilight star has made a full 180 from vampire to vegan. When she appeared on the game show"Hot Ones" she chose to skip the wings and instead compete by eating increasing spicier sauce on vegan cauliflower wings Host Sean Evans allows his celebrity guests to choose whether they want to compete with real or faux meat and when someone like Paul Rudd opts for vegan wings it sends the vegan world into a paroxysm of speculation as to whether the star has gone vegan.
The question still lingers, When did Stewart go vegan? Was it before her vampire role in The Twilightseries, or in time for the Charlie's Angel remake she was promoting last January? There's no actualconfirmationfrom Stewart herself butBritish Voguehas quoted her as saying her new diet "makes her feel like a woman." Before, she had a more boyish body. When GQ asked Stewart what she ate her answer revealed her new vegan bent:
"Everything. Well I mean honestly, we shouldn't eat as much meat guys," she replied. "You know what I'm saying? But like I'm trying a lot, hard. I'm trying earnestly." We applaud that.
Remember the 2016 Joker played by Jared Leto?You probably painted your face and dyed your hair green for Halloween to look like him. Well, this award-winning actor eats a high-protein diet consisting of only plants.Leto, who has been plant-based for 20 years, says it keeps him "shredded" in an interview. Now, 48, Leto looks half his age.
From time to time, fans ask questions on his Instagram: How do you burn fat so fast? How do you build muscle easily?Leto told Billboardmagazinethe secrets to hisfit physique and low body fat is eating plant-based.Twenty solid years of eating vegetarian/vegan and taking care of myself, he answers. Leto also enjoys hiking, yoga, and lifting weights.
In his interview withBillboard, Leto ate vegan tacos while answering questions about his rapid weight gain to play the role of the villain in theSuicide Squad.He reported that he bulked up by eating a strict high-protein plant-based diet.
Jaden Smith switched up his diet from vegan to vegetarian, meaning that he doesn't eat meat but eats dairy from time to time. In arecent article by Plant Based News, Smith admits he skipped meals and was not getting the proper nutrition when he was veganbut this hasn'tstopped him from eating animals as he is vegetarian.
Aside from his own plant-based living, for his 21st birthday in July 2019, he donated free vegan meals tothe homeless. Similarly, Smith opened up his own food truck called I LOVE YOURestaurant, and served the homeless vegan food on Skid Row in downtown Los Angeles. We appreciate Smith's initiative to help those in need and servenutritious plant-based food to others who have a difficult time getting their hands on healthy food.
The Duchess of Sussexhas neveradmitted to being fully vegan, but sources say, she eats a plant-based diet during the week. She teaches husband Prince Harry vegan cooking and in a Plant-Based News article, Markle explains how she wants to raise their baby on a vegan diet. However, there is back and forth tensionwiththe Queen who says the royal baby will not be vegan. Maybe Queen Elizabeth will change her mindafter she celebrates her 94th birthdaywith the vegan pie PETA sent her!
Megan reported to Good House Keeping magazine that she takes her Vitamix blender everywhere she goes to make her delicious plant-based shakes. "When I had my car brought out [to Canada], I shipped myVitamixin the backseat... I cannot travel without my Vitamix."
Markle, known for her posh and propper style, wears clothes by Stella McCartney, a vegetarian and cruelty-free luxury brand. Markle even refuses to wear vegan furs and told Good Housekeeping Magazine,"My wardrobe for my part inSuitsisn't like Working Girl dressing for work doesn't have to be so on-the-nose these days...personally, I love cropped pants in vegan leather, a great fitted blazer and a button-down [shirt]."
Markle, a tennis fan, is close to Serena Williams,our next vegan celeb.
As a professional athlete, fueling the body isa key factor to Willaim's successes. In aBon Appetitearticle, she explained that she adopted aplant-based diet back in 2012, she was eating a lot "healthier" for her sister, Venus, who eats a strict vegan diet for health reasons. In the interview, Venus labeled Serena as "chegan", meaning she is vegan but occasionally eats chicken but Serenanotes "I don't eat red meat or pork." Serenamentioned we would find her fridge full of "coconut water, Gatorade (my favorite!), cucumbers, mint, kale, vegetables, ginger, and wheatgrass."
Back in March, Serena Williams introduced a new vegan clothing line to her fashion brand, "Serena," the vegan leather pants and leather blazer sold out within the weeks of the launch date. She wears her favoritegiraffe-print dress in the photo above.
The Williams sisters rally to support the vegan lifestyle and Serena's husband, Alexis Ohanian, is on board, click here to read why Ohanian madethis healthy lifestyle switch.
The popular grocery store, Whole Foods Market sells vegan products and nonvegan products which arises black lash from ethical vegans as CEO John Mackey follows a strict vegan diet. The successful businessman grew up in Houston Texas and told Business Insider that he would traditionally eatprocessed foods for dinner while watching TV with his family. Now, Mackey steers clear from the processed isle and eats a clean vegan diet and feels amazing at the age of 65. During his interview with Business Insider, the mentioned he eats only 3 vegan meals a day and rarely snacks, but when he does, it's only a couple of Medjool dates.
John Mackey is the author of the popular book, The Whole Foods Diet: The Lifesaving Plan for Health and Longevity,and swears that much of his success has come from eating vegan. Mackey, who's dedicated to living a plant-based lifestyle, takes his rice cooker on the road with him because he travels a lot for work. His favorite breakfast is steel-cut oats cooked in his rice cooker and he'll pop into the nearest Whole Foods for lunch,and makes a "big salad" and eats steamed veggies "with some kind of lentil" for dinner with his wife Deborah.
Jason Mraz, singer of the popular song, I'm Yours, committed to a vegan diet to support his friend diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Mraz says he eats mostly raw food and told magazinesources his favorite vegan dish is "Chocomole, a mixture of avocados, dates, cacao, agave nectar, and coconut oil."
In addition to his raw plant-based diet, Mraz told Vegetarian Times he doesn't put a lot of "stress on his diet," and he occasionally heats up a bowl of soup or roast vegetables and admits he is probably eating a 75% raw diet. And, just like Meghan Markel, Mraz loves his Vitamix and blends together a mixture of raw foods and powders before he takes a flight.
Long time vegan, Leona Lewis grew up in a vegan household and continues to eat a plant-based diet.Lewis first adopted the diet at 12 when she learned about the health risks of eating animal products but toldWomen's Health Magazine she occasionally eats an omelet. She also mentioned her 2:30 lunch is normally a kale salad topped with dried cranberries and she loves a veggie stir-fry for dinner. Recently, Leona Lewis married Dennis Jauch at Sting's Estate in Italy. The couple celebrated with delicious vegan Italian dishes by pastry chef Marco Falla who created a vegan version of Millefeuille, normally made with dairy.
Hannah Teter changed her diet after watching the documentary, Earthlingswhen she discovered how "horrible" factory farming is. After a strict vegetarian diet, Teter liked the way she performed as an athlete and believes that her diet helped her win gold at the 2006 games.
She now considers herself "plant-based" and in an interview with the Huffington Post, Teter mentioned," I feel stronger than Ive ever been, mentally, physically, and emotionally. My plant-based diet has opened up more doors to being an athlete. Its a whole other level that Im elevating to. I stopped eating animals about a year ago, and its a new life. I feel like a new person, a new athlete."
You may recognize Maggie Q as the star of the Nikita series, but in the plant-based world,she's well-knownfor her heroic activism. Maggie Q has followed a strict vegan diet for 19 years, making her a true veteran of the lifestyle. She made the plant-based diet transition because she felt sluggish and had low energy, she has said. The famous actress keeps in shape by eating veggies and plant-based protein and working out with a passion. The Beetcaught up with Maggie Qlast summer tohear about her latest project, her sustainable activewear line called Qeep Upthat gives back to charities that support ocean life. We adore Maggie Q, and everything she's done to help the environment and protect animals.Her most recent series,Designated Survivor,was picked up by Netflix so enjoy a binge-watching party.
Read More:Maggie Q On Her New Sustainable Activewear Line, Qeep Up|
Winner of the first Masterchef vegan cook-off with Gordon Ramsay, MadelainePetsch was raised vegetarian and went completely vegan at age 14. She claims that she started this diet before it was "trendy" and shot a campaign for PETA last year wearing a dress made of bok choy. Petsch says her vegan diet allows her to feel "healthier" and not "lethargic."
She told PETA that her favorite restaurant is Veggie Grill, but it changes from time to time and her favorite snack is shaved beets popped in the oven, baked into crispy chips. The advice Petsch gives to plant-leaning or plant-curious in her PETA video is: "As long as you're aware, that's the first step."
After doing a little sleuthing on her social media platforms we think Millie Bobbi Brown qualifies as plant-based. Whether or not she is actually skipping all meat and dairy, one thing is for sure: She eats mostly salads, vegetables and grains and lives a predominantly plant-based lifestyle full of healthy foods. The famous actress recently launched a new vegan beauty line called Florence by Millis. The makeup products, which include skin tints and eye gel pads, are certified vegan by the animal rights organization PETA.
The grammy-nominated sisters went vegan for a week with their mom but liked it so much they decided to stick with it. For one thing, it helps keep their "voices in shape" by eating a vegan diet and they emphasize the fact that dairy helps to limit extra mucus build-up, according toa PETA interview. The proteges of Beyonce were discovered when their YouTube cover of her song "Pretty Hurts" reached the superstar herself, and she helped launch their careers. Now 19 and 17, the duo have 2.4 million followers on Instagram and havemoved from their hometown of Atlanta to LA to star in their own show, Grownish. They found that the vegan lifestyle was super easy in their hometown."Eggs and dairy never sat well with me so it was easy, Chloe toldComplex. When we moved to L.A., it really became easy. So many vegan restaurants and vegan aisles in the grocery store are like heaven for us!
Best known for her role asLizzie Mcguirein the long-running series, Hilary Duff is a recent vegan advocate and entrepreneur. She recently launched the vegan and cruelty-freeeyeshadow palette, "Day Dreamer" and changed her diet to plant-based last fall.
In addition to her ethical and cruelty-free practices, Duff partnered with Unilever and Walmart to create a campaign that educates consumers on recycling practices. Duff notes, "I care about the planet and the future of what it looks like for my kids...and generations to follow us.The time is now to be responsible and lower our carbon footprint."
Duff follows a "clean eating plan" which doesn't include meat or dairy because she wants to lower her carbon footprint. She told One Green Planetshe's lost 10 pounds since she's started eating this way last October.
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Sandra Oh and 20 More Stars You May Not Have Known Are Vegan - The Beet
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