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The 21 Best Fall Fruits and Vegetables to Eat for Health Benefits – The Beet

Fallis finally here, and we're excited to indulge in seasonal comfort food as the weather gets cooler and our bodies crave the tastes of the autumn harvest. Instead of enjoying a simple BBQ on the beach or fruit salad, we are now looking forward to cooking anabundance of orange and golden vegetables, hearty soups, as well as sipping fresh apple cider andbaking pumpkin-flavored treats.
To make all these fall indulgenceshappen, first stock up on fresh vegetables and fruits from the farmer's market or farm stand, produce section, or green market, since these autumn crops are in prime season anddeliver a host of health benefits that will have your energy on high and your body's immunity humming along.The Beet compiled this list of thehealthiest fruits and vegetables to add to your list and eat right now, to make Autumn your best season yet. We highlighted the health benefits of each one, so you can feel even more motivated to put these foods in your basket. Then, check out The Beet's library of healthy fallrecipesto enjoy andcreate new memories that will make this season your absolute favorite.
Applesare known to lower your risk of heart disease, since they contain plenty of soluble fiber that helps lower blood cholesterol levels, according to a recentstudy. Apples are a good source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, and Folate, which helps boost your immune system. One apple has about 95 calories and contains 4 grams of dietary fiber makingit the perfect low-calorie on-the-go snack that will fill you up. Visit your local apple orchardbecause September and October are prime apple picking season.
But which apple is healthiest? According to theJournal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, polyphenolic compounds found in apples (in Red Delicious apples) are extremely beneficial to human health but if you don't like the tougher skin, skip those sincemost of the benefit from flavonoids in the apple is in the skin. The Pinky Lady contains the most flavonoids, which improve bloodflow andboost your ability to createnitric oxide a molecule that relaxes and opens blood vessels for better heart health, circulation, performance, and anti-aging.
Winter squash differs from summer squash since it's harvested and eaten in the mature fruit stage when the seedsand skin are hard. These includebutternut, pumpkin,acorn, delicata, and Hubbard. Winter squash is high in vitamins A and C, promoting a healthy immune system,improving your vision, and can help clear up skin--reducing any signs ofacne.
Carotenoids are found in most squashes including acorn squash and butternut squash and may "protect against type 2 diabetes, lung cancer, mental decline, and vision disorders,"studies have found. The richer the color at the farmstand, the higher likelihood you are choosing a vegetable that's a great source of carotenoids.
Beets are extremely nutrient-dense and low in calories. One beet contains 44 calories, 2 grams of dietary fiber, 1.7 grams of protein, and is loaded with healthy vitamins and mineralssuch as vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, magnesium, iron, and potassium. Some people say that beets are the "multivitamin" of vegetables. Studies show beets help reduce your blood pressure, lowering your risk of heart diseases and stroke.
Broccoliis often maligned for its strong odor while cooking, but in terms of health, the cruciferous vegetable has anoutstanding reputation for delivering big benefits. First, broccoli is packed with vitamins, minerals, and is high in fiber,helping you lose weight naturally. Different cooking methodsaffect the nutritional value, however, so it'sbest to enjoy this vegetable completely or nearly raw and seasoned with your favorite spices and herbs.
Cooking it too much (boiling or microwaving) can deplete it of sulforaphane, a natural gas that gets emitted when the stalk, head or leaves gets injured such as when a bug or human bites into itwhichacts as a powerful antioxidant when it enters the human body and helps fight toxins and the stress of oxidization (aka aging).Broccoli is full of antioxidants that support your digestive system, prevent stress, andboost eye health--according to a study. Learn more about this powerhouse veggie here.
Brussels sprouts are high in vitamin K, which is extremely important for strong and healthy bones, according tostudies. Just half a cup contains 137 percent of your recommended daily intake of vitamin K which is great for building bones (in conjunction with vitamin D) and healthy blood cells. These veggies are also high in fiber, promoting weight loss and gut-health. Brussels sprouts are high in antioxidants which help lower stress and reduce your risk of chronic diseases. One study supports that the consumption of cruciferous vegetables may result in a decreased cancer risk.
Cabbage contains 2 grams of dietary fiber and ishigh in vitamin K, which helps your blood clot in a healthy way (you need this if you get cut or bruised) and works with vitamin D to support strong bone health. The cruciferous vegetable contains a variety of different antioxidants that help reduce inflammation, according to a study. Another study suggests that "thepreviously observed health benefits ofcruciferous vegetable consumption may be partly associated with the anti-inflammatory effects of these vegetables." The autumn season is the perfect time to make cabbage wrapped tacos or flavorful cabbage soup, get creative!
Cauliflower is high in dietary fiber, promoting natural weight loss, and reducing a whole host of diseases including heart disease, cancer, chronic inflammation, type 2 diabetes, and more, and promoting immune function, according to a major study. In one cup of cauliflower, there are 3 grams of fiber,which is 10% of your daily needs. "Higher intakes of dietary fiber are linked to less cardiovascular disease," the study found, "and fiber plays a role in gut health" since it's a prebiotic food that promotes the growth of healthy probiotic bacteria in your intestines, which sets off a healthy chain reaction that does everything from lower your risk of heart disease to boost immunity and help overall mood.
"Higher intakes of fiber are linked to lower body weight as well as less risk of cancer, " the study found. Cauliflower is also high in vitamin K, which supports healthy bones. This tree-shaped vegetable is known for its anti-inflammatory effects as well since it contains high levels of vitamin C, which acts as an antioxidant.
First, cranberries are mostly water and fiber, making them the perfect food to snack on for weight loss. One cup of cranberries is made up of 87percent of water and contains 4.6 grams of fiber. Cranberries are also full of essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K1, manganese, and copper. Cranberries are known to help prevent UTI's, since they're loaded withA-type proanthocyanidins, antibacterialflavonoids, according to onestudy. "The proanthocyanidins in cranberry, in particular... have been implicated as important inhibitors" of the main cause of UTI's, specifically a bacteria called "primarily P-fimbriatedE. coli," according to another study.
If you're looking to drop some pounds this season, add green beans to each meal. Just one cup of raw green beans has 31 calories, zero fat, 4 grams of dietary fiber, and only 3.6 grams of naturally occurring sugar (which is not the same as added sugar). They also contain no cholesterol. Green beans are high in vitamins K, E, and B6, and minerals such as calcium, iron, and zinc which is extremely important for bone health and immunity.
One single cup of raw kale contains 500 mcg of vitamin K (which is nearly 7 times your daily recommended amount) as well as plenty of vitamin A (twicef your daily amount), vitamin C (more than yourdaily recommended amount). It also has manganese and vitamin B6. Kale is loaded with powerhouse antioxidants, including flavenoidsthathelp to lower blood pressure, work as anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, ant-depressant, and anti-canceragents, according to onestudy.
Kale is as powerful as medicine: Men who drank kale juice every day for 12 weeks increased their HDL-cholesterol or "good cholesterol" by 27percent and loweredLDL-cholesterol or "bad cholesterol" by 10percent, anotherstudy showed.
Kale also helps boost your immune system, since the green vegetable is high in vitamin C. Did you know that one cup of kale has more vitamin C than a whole orange? Kale isone of the best sources of vitamin C you can add to your plate.
One cup of parsnips contains 6.5 grams of fiber and 1.5 grams of natural plant-based protein. They're rich in antioxidants that help fight disease and rally the immune system against infection. Parsnipsalso contain polyacetylenes, compounds that may have appear to work against canceraccording to onestudy.Parsnips are also loaded with vitamin C and provide about 25 percent of your daily needs in just one serving. Add this hearty vegetable to your salads, soups, and side dishes with a little lemon and herbs.
Despite their sweet taste, pears arelow in calories and high in dietary fiber, making them a natural weight-loss-friendly fruit. One medium-sized pear contains 6 grams of fiber and 12percent of your dailyrecommended amount of vitamin C. Pears are also a good source of flavonoids that help to reduce inflammation and lower your risk of diseases, according to onestudy. Green-skinned pears contain two plant-compounds, lutein and zeaxanthin, which are help sharpen your vision, especially as you get older.
Peas are an easy vegetable to add to most dishes like veggie burgers, kinds of pasta, salads, tacos, and more. In just 1/2 cup of peas,you'll get4 grams of plant-based protein and dietary fiber., which helps fill you up and promotes weight loss. Peas have four times the amount of protein as carrots. So if you're looking to boost your plant-based protein game, peas are an easy add on. Buy them fresh or frozento eat all fall and winter for your healthiestresults
Sweet potatoes get all the respect. But even regular potatoes are full of nutrients.Yes, they contain carbs cut since they also have high fiber and nutrients, potatoescan actually help you lose weight. In astudythatmeasured the satiety level of different foods, boiled potatoes ranked number one, which means they can fill you up and leave you satisfied longer. Some peopleswear by potatoes as a weight-loss food, so long as you leave off the oil, likeChef AJ who lost 100 poundseatinga plant-based diet rich in potatoes. In addition, potatoes are a good source of vitamins and minerals and contain almost zero fat. Potatoes are made up of 77percent water and have high levels of potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and folate, which are essential nutrients that boost your immune system and your energy levels.
Most people think of pumpkin as a vegetable, but it's actually an autumn-crop fruit.One cooked pumpkin, about 245 grams, contains 245% of the reference daily intake of vitamin A,boosting your immune system, andhelping to perfect your vision. Pumpkins are weight-loss-friendly food since they're low in calories, high in fiber, and made up of about 94% water.When you carve your pumpkin into ajack o lantern, use the 'pumpkin meat' and create healthy plant-based recipes with this delicious and seasonal fruit.
Radishes are fall diet heroes for when you are staring at a table of pre-game snacks. Instead of the chips reach for these: One-half cup serving of radishes contains 12 calories and zero fat, making them the perfect crunchy snack to eatwhen you want something healthier and still satisfying. If you want to clean up you're diet and incorporate low-calorie snack foods, radishes are perfect.
One cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber and 1.5 grams of plant-based protein but only 64 calories, making them a great addition to any dessert or smoothie recipe. They provide more than half ofyour recommended daily intake of vitamin C which helpsboost immunity and their deep pigment means they contain phytochemicals that are helpful to your overall health since these dark pigments offer antioxidants to fight the stress of oxidization on a cellular level (you'll see clearer skin, more energy). One study explains that raspberries can help reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and obesity.
Health Benefits: One rutabaga contains 9 grams of dietary fiber and 4 grams of plant-based protein. They're also loaded with essential vitamins like Vitamin C (nearly twice your daily recommended amount in one serving), potassium (one third what you need in a day), magnesium, calcium, and vitamin E.Rutabagais so high in vitamin C that this infusion of C willnot only help boost your immune systembut also prevent the signs of premature aging on your skin, according to a study.
Swiss chard is a leafy green that's high in fiber and extremely low in calories, which is what makes it a perfect base for your salads or taco wrapssince it's one of the easiest ways to add density to a meal and feel full. The veggie is extremely high in vitamin K (delivering 7 times your daily recommended amount) which helps regulate your blood calcium levels to promote bone health. Swiss chard is also high in vitamins A, C, and E, and helps boost immunity, clear skin, and improve vision. Swiss chard is high in antioxidantssuch as kaempferol, which fights inflammation and may have anti-cancer effects, according to a study.
Turnips are full of healthy vitamins and minerals, such asvitamins K and C, promoting a healthy immune system and bone health. Turnips are also rich in glucosinolates, a bioactive plant compound high in antioxidantsthat appear to haveant-cancer effects, according to a study. Turnips are also used "as a traditional medicine for the treatment of headaches, chest complaints, rheumatisms, oedemas, gonorrhea, syphilis, and rabies," another studyreports.
Bananas are among the most popular fruit in the world, for all the right reasons. Theycontain essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, extremely important for plant-based or veganeaters because while it's found in eggs and dairy (which plant-based peopledon't eat) it helps boost mood andeven fights depression. B6 helps create neurotransmitters that regulate emotions, including serotonin. A low level of vitamin B6 mightcontribute todepression onestudyfound since there was a correlation between low B6 levels anddepression.
Bananas are also famously high in potassium (422 grams per banana), which helps to regulate fluid balance, reduce blood pressure, and protect against heart diseases or stroke according to a study.
Read more here:
The 21 Best Fall Fruits and Vegetables to Eat for Health Benefits - The Beet
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