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Sep 25

Welcome to Diets Dont Work!

Are you locked in an uncontrollable cycle with food? Iknow the hopelessness created by yo-yo dieting, overeating and losing weight to only regain it again. Youve already tried all the diets; Atkins, South Beach, Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, NutriSystem, etc. You promised yourself that this time would be different. But here you are again looking for another solution.

Currently sixty-six percent of Americas population is overweight and nearly one-third are obese. But at the same time we are spending over $60 billion on dieting and weight loss products each year. At no time in history have we had more people overweight. Something is drastically wrong!

Most of us can write books about nutrition and diets. We know the fat grams, calories, and carbohydrates in most foods. We know how we should eat, and what we shouldnt eat. But we just cant put that knowledge into practice.

By the time people pick up this book, they are out of control with food. But its not just the food. It is the obsessive thoughts about food, weight, diets, and body image that consume our lives. We need to experience an internal change for lasting results.

Diets Dont Work provides astructured program that changes the way you think about food and your Self. Because of dieting we have completely disconnected from our appetite. Some of us do not know when we are hungry or full. We may think we are hungry but actually we may be experiencing a feeling that we are not even aware of.

People who go through this step-by-step method outlined in the Diets Dont Work productshave long-term recovery from disordered eating. We understand and we know how to stop this painful way of living. Our books and productsare available in many formats to use in the comfort of your own home. Now is the time to create a new you where you can eat when hungry, make healthy choices, and stop when you are fullwithout a struggle.

You can do this! I willshow you how.

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Welcome to Diets Dont Work!

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