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Nov 15

45 & Thrive: Contraction action Key movement terms at the core of strength training programs – Kingstonist

Photo via Pixabay.

When one is new to fitness training, or returning after a significantperiod of time, then considering possible programs, meeting with personaltrainers, or even Googling various training protocols can seem daunting especially when one is trying to keep track of some of the key terminology. Its not that the fundamental ideas behindfitness training are particularly challenging, but an early barrier to comfortwith these programs can be as simple as understanding the basic terms and lingoused regularly within this world.

So today, a little primer on a few key training terms particularlyfocused on the action and movement of muscles while doing functional strengthtraining. By the way, functional strength training, the type of trainingat the core of 45 & Thrive, involves the performing of exercises againstresistance (weights, machines, body weight) in such a manner that theimprovements in strength and fitness are directly related to the movementsand activities of an individuals daily life. Put another way, we train inthe gym to make the tasks, chores, work, fun, play, and life outside the gymeasier.

Okay, lets get started. An initial concept important to the understanding of human movement is that of Anatomical Position This is the reference position for all body parts in relation to each other as standardized in the fields or medicine, anatomy, kinesiology, and personal training. In short, it is a map, or layout for the human body; standing upright, face and palms forward, feet approximately a shoulder-width apart, and arms hanging naturally at the side. From this standardized posture, body movements and indeed many of the names of body parts, are derived.

Flexion Movement at a joint, or involving multiple joints where the joint angle decreases and the body part moves away from anatomical position. Example: When we perform a bicep curl with a dumbbell, the action from start of the exercise to the point where we have curled it as far as possible, is a flexion.

Extension Movement at a joint, or involvingmultiple joints where the joint angle increases and the body partreturns to anatomical position. Example: When we perform a bicep curl with adumbbell, the action from the end of the curl portion, back to the starting(anatomical) position, is an extension.

Hyperextension Movement at a joint, or involvingmultiple joints, where the body part moves from extension beyond anatomicalposition. Example: Tilting the head/neck back beyond anatomical position likewhen we look up at the stars, or when we arch our backs beyond anatomicalposition. Hyper, meaning beyond or excessive, may also used with theterms flexion and extension to describe a movement which goes beyond anatomicalposition to an unstable or injury prone position. We try to avoid that.

Concentric Muscle Contraction The muscle(s) shortenas body segment moves through flexion. Example: When we perform a bicep curlwith a dumbbell, during the flexion phase (first half of the overallexercise) the biceps muscle undergoes concentric contraction; the musclefibres shorten as they add force to the resistance and movement occurs.

Eccentric Muscle Contraction The muscle lengthens,under tension, as it returns to anatomical position. The muscle lengthens dueto the resistance being greater than the force the muscle is producing. Thishappens as we either consciously turn off some of our muscle fibres to allowthe return motion to take place, or, when we are fatigued to the point where wecan no longer produce enough force to hold the concentrically contractedposition. Example: The controlled lowering phase of the bicep dumbbell curlresults in this type of contraction of the biceps muscle. So, the biceps muscledoes not only work as we curl the dumbbell upwards, but is also engaged as welower the weight to the starting position. During this second phase of theexercise, this additional and complementary contraction occurs, which furtherworks the muscle, and does so in a way different than a concentric flexion.

Isotonic Contractions A collective termwhich refers to the action of a muscle undergoing both concentric andeccentric contractions during exercise. Example: A complete bicep curlexercise, single repetition, from start to finish would be considered isotonic, as its fibres changed length while contracting throughout the exercise.

Isometric Contractions A muscular contraction where the length of the muscle does not change. The muscle fires or activateswith force/tension, but there is no movement at the joint. The joint remainsstatic. This might sound counter-intuitive, but we have all contracted muscles,yet no movement has occurred. Simply standing upright and holding that posturerequires muscles to contract and help hold that position, from our core,through to our legs and feet. In the gym, when we do plank exercises, or holda steady position performing a wall sit, we are doing isometric exercise.

So, there you have it. Some key terms related to strength trainingand, in particular, how we both describe and understand body movements centredaround muscle contraction through joints. Hopefully when these terms arise,either in discussion with a personal trainer, watching YouTube videos on newexercises or technique, or while reading about new training programs, an increasedfamiliarity with these terms enhances understanding, focus, and performance ofyour training routines.

Next time, I look forward to discussing how, through 45 & Thrive, we apply an understanding of the mechanics and physiology of the various types of muscle contractions to our method of functional training in order to optimize gains, minimize time spent in the gym, and be prepared to enjoy life to its fullest through robust longevity.

Until next time

Michael Patterson, M.Ed.Lift long and Prosper

Michael Patterson M.Ed, has spent 30+ years as a fitness and health professional. He holds degrees in Physical and Health Education, Psychology, and Education. Find out more about Michael and follow him on his website at, and on Instagram @45andthrive. Questions and comments can be sent to

*Disclaimer: The information provided and discussed in this column is based on my personal experience, studies of physical and health education and my expertise as a lifelong fitness and health professional. Any recommendations made about fitness, training, nutrition, supplements or lifestyle, or information provided through this column, should be discussed with your physician or other health-care professional.

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45 & Thrive: Contraction action Key movement terms at the core of strength training programs - Kingstonist

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