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May 2

Exercise programs are key to treating chronic conditions

Dear Colin: I'm 67 years old and would like to start an exercise program to help my arthritis and Type 2 diabetes. The problem is that I don't know where to start. My doctor fully supports my health goals but says he "isn't comfortable" giving exercise advice (beyond walking) due to "lack of exercise training in medical school." What can I do? I'm afraid of doing the exercises wrong and hurting myself.

-- Luise, Tigard

Your attitude is admirable and is the first step in effectively dealing with chronic conditions such as arthritis and Type 2 diabetes.

Millions of people hear about the impressive medicinal effects of exercise for chronic conditions through their doctors, but usually aren't given starting tools because of doctors' hectic schedules and lack of exercise prescription courses in most medical schools (Journal of the American Medical Association 2001).

Consequently, most people are told only to walk, which research shows is inadequate if you want all the incredible benefits of exercise (Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 2003, 2005; Physical Therapy 2008). Strengthening exercise and stretching are crucial components of exercise programs, particularly if you're older or have conditions such as arthritis and/or diabetes (Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2002, 2006).

Providing appropriate and complete exercise guidance to patients can be inconvenient for most health care providers, given how much additional time (already in short supply) and training it consumes. Nevertheless, here are a few steps to getting going on a program to fight arthritis and diabetes:

1. Decide where you're going to exercise. This will dictate the exercises for your strengthening program. You don't need to join a health club; simply having an adjustable bench and dumbbells at home will enable you to perform more than 160 exercises. A perk of health clubs is the social aspect, which some people enjoy. If you're going to join a health club, insist on a month-to-month contract so you're not locked into something long-term that you could eventually not use.

2. If possible, get professional help. I recommend getting a licensed physical therapist who has additional training in exercise therapy above and beyond physical therapy school. This not only makes the most of your time, but it's likely your insurance will cover most or all of the cost. Look for a physical therapist online or ask your doctor for a recommendation.

3. Establish the time of day you will exercise. Workouts should run 30-60 minutes and don't deviate, because getting in the habit of exercise is key to long-term adherence.

4. Outline your strengthening exercises. To ensure you're safely strengthening the right muscles, choose an exercise for your entire back, chest and thighs to simultaneously stimulate other "smaller" muscles (shoulders, abdominals, low back, hips and calves).

Exercise programs are key to treating chronic conditions

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