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Farmington Community Calendar: Things to do in Northern New … – The Durango Herald

Author Robin Wall Kimmerer will speak at Connie Gotsch Theatre April 21. (Courtesy photo)
April 1-27
San Juan College will host a variety of activities for Sexual Assault Awareness month. Details:
Friday, April 14
Raindrops grand opening, 4 p.m., Raindrops of the Four Corners, 2621 E. 20th St. Celebrating the stores grand opening with a ribbon cutting, giveaways and food.
Karaoke night with DJ Microband, 6-10 p.m., Locke Street Eats, 112 N. Locke Ave. Free. Sing along to favorite tunes with family and friends. No outside food or drinks allowed.
AstroFriday, 6:30 and 8:30 p.m., San Juan College Planetarium, 4601 College Blvd. The presentation will be Flight Adventures. A stargaze will follow at 9:30 if weather permits. Details:
West African drumming ensemble, 7-9 p.m., Connie Gotsch Theatre, 4601 College Blvd. $8 adults, $6 seniors, free for children 12 years old and younger. Enjoy and evening of world music led by Dr. Teun Fetz and featuring Male Fainke. Tickets: online, at the SJC bookstore and at the door.
Two Guys Comedy show, 7:30 p.m., Farmington Civic Center, 200 W. Arrington St. $14-$18. Mark Riccadonna and Tom Briscoe bring their quick wit, timing and rapport drawn from decades of comedy, show business and friendship to make every show hilariously fresh. Tickets:
Friday-Saturday, April 14-15
Rope for the Big Bucks Classic, 3-7 p.m., McGee Park, 41 County Road 5568. Two arenas will feature roping, rain or shine. Friday events include Masters Saddle Roping and No. 11 Slide-Cash Roping. Saturday events include No. 10.5 and No. 8.5 Cash Roping. This is a family-friendly event. Details:
Saturday, April 15
Twin Falls Trail hike, bus leaves at 8 a.m., Farmington Museum, 3041 E. Main St. $30-$35. For hikers 16 years old and older. A sack lunch is included. The 6-mile trail is located near Teec Nos Pos, Arizona and is rated moderate. Pack plenty of water, sunscreen, a hat and appropriate shoes. To register, call (505) 599-1400.
Locke Street Eats flea market, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Locke Street Eats, 112 N. Locke Ave. Shop a variety of vendors and enjoy a meal from one of the sites food trucks.
Spring Dumpster Weekend, 8 a.m.-3 p.m., Berg Park, 514 Scott Ave. Farmington residents may drop off yard trimmings, metal, household nonhazardous trash, yard waste and electronic waste, including televisions. Details: (505) 599-1426.
Poetry reading and book signing with Samuel Galbraith, 1-3 p.m., Amys Bookcase, 2530 San Juan Blvd. Celebrate Poetry Month with semi-local poet Samuel Galbraith as he shares from his first book, Mismatched Perceptions.
Comedy Night, 8-10 p.m., SunRay Park and Casino, 39 County Road 5568. Ron Morey and special guest, Brian Kohatsu, will perform.
Tuesday, April 18
Lunch Out Tuesday, 11 a.m.-8 p.m., Ice Age Frozen Yogurt and Caffeine Bar, 4005 E. Main St., Suite C. Support local businesses and meet a member of Farmington Chamber of Commerce.
Thursday, April 20
National CTE Letter of Intent signing day, 9-11 a.m., Connie Gotsch Theatre at San Juan College. Celebrate students as they sign letters of intent to attend San Juan Colleges Career Technical Education Programs in the summer or fall.
One Book, One Community Book panel of runners, 3:30-5 p.m., San Juan College Suns Room. Free. Guests Timberlin Henderson, Jeri Hogue, Karen Krob and Scott Robinson will answer running-related questions. Campus trail maps will be offered to attendees. Details:
Business after Hours, 5-7 p.m., Los Hermanitos, 2400 W. Main St. Free. Hosted by Farmington Chamber of Commerce.
Friday, April 21
Talk by author Robin Wall Kimmerer, 6 p.m., San Juan College Connie Gotsch Theatre. Free. The talk is hosted by Broadening Horizons Lecture Series. Wall Kimmerer will discuss her book Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants. Details: (505) 566-3430.
Friday-Sunday, April 21-23
Annual Indoor and Outdoor Car show, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Friday, 8:30 a.m.-8 p.m. Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-noon Sunday, McGee Park, 41 County Road 5568. Free. Northern New Mexico Street Rodders presents the 39th annual Land of Enchantment car show. View old and new cars while enjoying live music and concessions. Details:
April 21, 22, 28-30
August: Osage County by Tracy Letts, 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Sunday, Totah Theater, 315 W. Main St. $10-$12. Presented by Theater Ensemble Arts. When the large Weston family unexpectedly reunites after Dad disappears, their Oklahoman family homestead explodes in a maelstrom of repressed truths and unsettling secrets. Tickets: Details: (505) 326-2839,
Saturday, April 22
Spring Craft Fair, 8 a.m.-noon, Calvary Chapel Farmington, 6925 E. Main St. Free. Support area crafters, artisans and small business owners. Details: (505) 326-0604.
Locke Street Eats flea market, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Locke Street Eats, 112 N. Locke Ave. Shop a variety of vendors and enjoy a meal from one of the sites food trucks.
Chokecherry Canyon spring cleanup, 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Chokecherry Canyon and The Glade. Lunch and water provided. Collect trash to receive raffle tickets. Raffle prizes are offered by area businesses. Details: (505) 686-383.
Four Corners Christian Womens Conference New Beginnings, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Henderson Fine Arts Conference Center, 4601 College Blvd. $35, includes lunch. The keynote speaker will be Anita Keagy with other featured guests. Reservations: or (505) 635-8315.
Earth Day, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Berg Park Little Pavilion, 400 Scott Ave. Participate in earth-friendly activities with Farmington Clean and Beautiful and the City of Farmington PRCA Department.
Kinseys Spring Classic, 9 a.m., Lions Wilderness Park. $65 cyclist, $45 tech personnel, $25 children. The Kids Race for cyclists 9 years old and younger begins at 9 a.m. The 30-mile XC race begins at 11 a.m. Male and female pro purses will be $500, $250 and $100. Presented by Sandstone Cycles and other sponsors. Register:
Health and Safety fair, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., Sycamore Park Community Center, 1051 Sycamore St. Free. Visit a variety of vendors providing health and safety information. Details: (505) 566-2482.
Live music with Fools Gold band, 6-10 p.m., Locke Street Eats, 112 N. Locke Ave. Free. Fools Gold band plays country, rock, blues and Spanish music. No outside food or drinks. Attendees may bring chairs.
Carvin Jones in concert, 8-10 p.m., Farmington Civic Center, 200 W. Arrington St. $25. Jones is a blues frontman who was voted one of the 50 greatest blues guitarists of all time by Guitarist Magazine. Tickets:
Sunday, April 23
San Juan Symphony: Poetry in Motion, 3-4:30 p.m., Henderson Fine Arts Center Performance Hall, 4601 College Blvd. $30. San Juan Symphony Youth Orchestra will perform side-by-side with San Juan Symphony for the first time. Music director Thomas Heuser will lead the double orchestra in a challenging repertoire. Tickets:
Tuesday, April 25
Storyteller: Guardian Initiatives, 6-7 p.m., Farmington Public Library multipurpose room, 2101 Farmington Ave. Team Guardian will speak on their 3,000 rowing journey across the Atlantic Ocean. Details: (505) 566-2210 or
Wednesday, April 26
Business Builder workshop, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Artifacts Gallery, 302 E. Main St. Free. Learn tactics to revise, review or revamp a marketing program with Local New Network and Farmington Chamber of Commerce. Details: (970) 300-3428.
Thursday, April 27
Focus on Farmington Coffee, 8 a.m. San Juan College School of Energy, 4601 College Blvd. Free. Hosted by Four Corners Energy Conference. Details: Jamie Church at (505) 325-0279 or
Friday, April 28
Fourth annual Dia de Los Ninos, 9 a.m.-noon, San Juan College Learning Commons Plaza. Free. Enjoy this family-friendly event and learn about an array of children's summer activities. Luke Renner, the Yo-Yo Slinger, will also perform. Details:
San Juan College mascot launch party, 2-4 p.m., San Juan College Learning Commons Plaza. Meet the colleges new mascot and take photos with him. Enjoy food, drinks, music and games.
Flashlight Night Hike, 7-9 p.m., San Juan College HHPC. Free. Hikers of all levels of fitness are invited to hike and make smores. Register online at Details: Erica at or (505) 566-3819.
San Juan College Symphonic Band concert, 7-9 p.m., Henderson Fine Arts Center Performance Hall. $6-$8. Conducted by Dr. Teun B. Fetz, the band will play a variety of up-tempo music, with a mix of lovely lyrical songs. Tickets:
Live music with Onry Ozzborn, 7:30 p.m., Lauter Haus, 1806 E. 20th St. $10. Special guests include Sleep and UBO. Presented by Conscious Roots & Rocky Mountain Cannabis. Tickets:
Saturday, April 29
Museum Edventure, all day, tours begin at Farmington Museum & Visitor Center, 3041 E. Main St. $85-$95. Explore the cultural heritage of the Four Corners on an all-day field trip to Canyon de Chelly. For those 16 years old and older. The program includes transportation.
Locke Street Eats craft fair, 8 a.m.-1 p.m., Locke Street Eats, 112 N. Locke Ave. Shop a variety of makers and artists while enjoying a meal from one of the sites food trucks.
Community yard sale, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Acts Christian Academy, 2600 N. Sullivan Ave. $30 space rental. Donated items will be accepted through April 26. Details: (505) 326-5149.
Dia de los Ninos celebration, 9 a.m.-noon, San Juan College Learning Commons plaza, 4601 College Blvd. Celebrate Childrens Day with San Juan College and area performers, organizations, libraries and clubs. A variety of family-friendly activities will be offered. Details:
Independent Bookstore Day and book signing, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Amy's Bookcase, 2530 San Juan Blvd. Celebrate Independent Bookstore Day while building community.
Bark in the Park and Doggie Dash, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Animas Park parking lot. Join Farmington Regional Animal Shelter for a day of family fun that celebrates animal welfare. The Doggie Dash starts at 10 a.m. Vendors, the adoptable pet parade, entertainment and more will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Registration for the Doggie Dash is free and early registration provides a T-shirt and doggie bandanna. Details:
Getn Chizzy with It stand up comedy performance, 8:15-midnight, Dinos Hideaway Bar, 405 County Road 390. $20-$25 for VIP, $15 at the door. Meet and greet at 7 p.m. Doors open at 7:45 p.m.
Storytime, 11 a.m., 2 p.m.., Farmington Public Library, 2101 Farmington Ave. Free. Storytime for children ages 6 to 11. Details: (505) 599-1270.
Bridge, 12:30 p.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex multipurpose room, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Mexican Train dominoes, 12:30-3:30 p.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex sun room, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Disc golf in the park, 2 p.m., Sycamore Park Community Center, 1051 Sycamore St. Join San Juan Basin Disc Golf club to play disc golf in all weather. Bring discs. Details: (505) 566-2480.
Arts and crafts for kids, 4 p.m., Sycamore Park Community Center, 1051 Sycamore St. Free. For ages 6 to 12 years old. Details: (505) 566-2480.
Singo, 6 p.m., Inspired Moments Event Center, 310 W. Main St. $10. Two games played per night. Prizes awarded. No registration required. Details:
Farmington Composite Squadron meeting, 6:30 p.m., Four Corners Regional Airport, 1296 Navajo St. Learn more about the Civil Air Patrol and meet members. Details: (505) 215-3097,
Crafty Ladies, 9 a.m.-noon, Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex multipurpose room, 109 E. La Plata St. $3. Crafty ladies who enjoy making a different craft each week. Preregistration required. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Writing Class, 9:30-11:30 a.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex studio room, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. A group of patrons who like to write books, poems and short stories. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Quilting & Sewing, 10:30-3:30 p.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex sunroom, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. Join others to socialize while working on individual projects. Supply your own materials. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Storytime, 11 a.m., Farmington Public Library, 2101 Farmington Ave. Free. Storytime for children ages 6 to 11. Details: (505) 599-1270.
Hooks and Needles, 1 p.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex sunroom, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. Participate in crocheting and needlepoint projects. All skill levels. Supply your own materials. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Hip Hop dance class, 5 p.m., Sycamore Park Community Center, 1051 Sycamore St. Free. Learn choreography and freestyle dancing. Ages 6 and older. Open to all ability levels. Registration recommended. Details: (505) 566-2480.
Bible study and potluck dinner, 6 p.m., Calvary Chapel Farmington, 6925 E. Main St. Youths books $10, adult books $35. Potluck at 6 p.m. Childcare provided. Details:
Community line dance class, 6-7:30 p.m., Sycamore Park Community Center, 1051 Sycamore St. Free. Taught by Joyce Barrett. Details: (505) 566-2480.
Basketball open gym, 6-8 p.m., Sycamore Park Community Center Harv Henry Gym, 1051 Sycamore St. Free. Details: (505) 566-2480.
Four Corners Old Car Club meeting, 6:30 p.m., San Juan College room 9012. The club meets every third Tuesday of the month. Details: (505) 716-7100.
Northern New Mexico Street Rodders, 7 p.m., SunRay Park and Casino Sting Ray Room, 39 County Road 5568. The group meets every second Tuesday of the month. Next meeting is March 14. Details:
Navajo Bible Study, 10-11 a.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex room, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. Bible study covers traditional Scriptures and singing in the Navajo language. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Toddler playdate, 10 a.m.-noon, E3 Children's Museum and Science Center, 302 N. Orchard Ave. Free. Designed for families with young children to develop early motor skills and find new playmates. Details: (505) 599-1425.
Beadwork, 1-3 p.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex sunroom, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. Join others to socialize while working on individual projects in this Native American art style. Supply your own materials. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Ceramics, 1-3:30 p.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center art studio, 109 E. La Plata St. Join Holly and Tina to work on painting ceramics and socializing. Fees may be required for some supplies. Details: (505) 599-1380
Untangled Threads, 2 p.m., Farmington Public Library, 2101 Farmington Ave. Free. Bring knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross stitch, or more and chat with other people who also like doing crafts. Details: (505) 599-1270.
Afterschool Art! Attack, 3:45-4:30 p.m., E3 Children's Museum and Science Center, 302 N. Orchard Ave. Free. Explore new art techniques. Ages 6 and older. Details: (505) 599-1425.
Dodgeball, 4 p.m., Sycamore Park Community Center, 1051 Sycamore St. All ages. Details: (505) 566-2480.
Paint night, 6 p.m., Inspired Moments Event Center, 310 W. Main St. $30. Various themes. All supplies are included. Additional paints nights are listed online at Registration is required. Register: (505) 360-3430.
Marine Corps League Detachment 736 monthly meeting, 6 p.m., Farmington Civic Center, 200 W. Arrington St. The group meets on the first Monday of the month.
Rockstar bingo, 6:30 p.m., Traegers, 5170 College Blvd. Details:
Mental Health Task Force meeting, 9 a.m., virtually with San Juan Safe Communities Initiative. The meeting is held on the first Thursday of every month. To join, contact Gretchen Potter at or (505) 860-3365, or Greg Allen at
San Juan County Seed Savers and Permaculture meeting, 10 a.m.-noon, The Harvest Food Hub, 310 W. Animas St. Discuss gardening practices, prepare seeds for libraries and experiment with plant varieties. The group meets every second Thursday of the month.
Bible Study, 10:30-11:30 a.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex room, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. Bible study covers traditional Scriptures and fellowship. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Milk and cookies meetup, 10:30-11:30 a.m., E3 Childrens Museum and Science Center, 302 N. Orchard Ave. Free. Meet other breastfeeding and chest-feeding families, learn about local resources and build a community of support. Cookies are provided. Details:
Trivia Lounge, 1 p.m., Bonnie Dallas Senior Center annex, 109 E. La Plata St. Free. Details: (505) 599-1380.
Simply Science, 3:45-4:30 p.m., E3 Children's Museum and Science Center, 302 N. Orchard Ave. Free. Participate in simple science experiments. Dress in clothes that can get messy. Ages 6 and older. Details: (505) 599-1425.
See more here:
Farmington Community Calendar: Things to do in Northern New ... - The Durango Herald
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