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Lean into the discomfort. You will be supported: UI administrators reassure students and families at COVID-19 town hall – Argonaut

Thursday evening, University of Idaho employees provided a town hall-style meeting for students and families to better understand the universitys COVID-19-related preparations and the impacts studentsmaysee on their fall semester experiences.
UI Vice Provost for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Blaine Eckles hosted the meeting. He was joined by Interim Provost and Executive Vice President Torrey Lawrence, ASUI President Lauren Carlsen and three others. Samuel Lopez provided a live Spanish interpretation.
Lawrence began by explaining the steps UI has taken to prepare campus for students, staff and faculty to return safely. The information shared in this segment closelymatched the information provided in the earlier town hall meeting for UI employees, albeit with a focus on the impacts on students.
Eckles provided information on UIs COVID-19 testing system and what kind of experience students should expect when returning to campus.The testing system wasexplained in further detail in this weeks edition of Talks with Torrey, where UI COVID-19 Response Manager Seth Vieux explained the goals of the system, who does and does not need to be tested and the reasoning behind some of UIs decisions regarding testing.
Those concerned about COVID-19-related restrictions can consult witha university physicianand the Center for Disability Access and Resources to develop a plan for alternate accommodations.However, no student will be allowed in campus buildings without a face covering and no student will be allowed in classrooms without a negative COVID-19 test result. Those who decide to opt out of these requirements entirely will be assisted in transitioning to entirely online coursework, Eckles said.
Students who did not receive an email with a link to sign up for testing can email askjoe@uidaho.eduorcovid19questions@uidaho.eduto ask for the link, Eckles said.
For a students perspective on what UIs testing system is like,check out Alexis Van Horns columnon her experience scheduling her appointment, getting tested and waiting for her results.
Students living on campus who contract COVID-19 will stay in a dedicated isolation space. Parking, food, beverages and unlimited coffee will be available throughout the students stay,Associate Dean of Students Cari Fealy said.
The university will provide students a list of things to pack and prepare them to spend about 10 days in isolation. UI staff will check on the students daily to ensure theyhave everything they needand didntforget something in their dorm room.If students feel comfortable, they will be allowed to participate in their classwork remotely, but they are not required todo so while in isolation.
Students can also isolate at home with their family, but Eckles warned this increases the risk of spreading COVID-19.The university would continue to follow up with students isolating with their families,Fealysaid.
Youre taking (COVID-19) with you, Eckles said. Just because youre in a car with your parents doesnt mean youre not going to give (COVID-19) to them. So, lean into the discomfort. Lean into it a little bit. You will be supported, I promise you, if we do need to house you here.
Like in other high traffic areas around campus, thermal scanners have been added to the entrance of The Hub to ensure those who chose to dine in the facility arent running a fever,one of the symptoms of COVID-19. Those who are not allowed inside the facility due to the temperature check will still be provided food, Eckles said.
But were not going to send them away hungry, I want to assure you Eckles said. Well make sure theyve got food because thats why theyre showing up. Weve got you covered on that. And like (Lawrence) mentioned, we do have grab-and-go (food options) for our students.
After these presentations, the panelists answered questions submitted beforehand or in the question and answer function of the Zoom call. Discussion topics ranged from the on-campus enforcement of face covering requirements to class schedules and activities.
For a comprehensive look at how COVID-19 has affected the fall 2020 semester at University of Idaho,take a lookatour reference pageandUIs COVID-19 website.
Over 200 student clubs and organizationsat UIwill be allowed to continue functioning this fall, although each must work with DSI to develop a COVID-19 plan relevant to the organizations activities, Department of Student Involvement Assistant Director Lynsie Clott said. DSI will continue hosting entertainment for students through companies which meet the universitys COVID-19-related safety standards.
Upcoming events include a showing of Jumanji: The Next Level, axe throwing, bungee jumping on the Theophilus Tower Lawn, Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. competitions and mask decorating opportunities.
The Student Recreation Center is also open, Executive Director of Recreation and Wellbeing Rusty Vineyard said.Most of the SRCs normal equipment is available, albeit spaced out to provide space for social distancing. Intramurals and group exercise programs, from fitness classes to evening bike rides and afternoon walks in the UI Arboretum, will still be offered. Some virtual options will also be available.
Students do not have to be on the Moscow campus to take advantage of UIs Counseling and Testing Center,Fealysaid. Individual appointments can still be scheduled with counselors or Dean of Students Office case managers. The CTC will launch a virtual group counseling option in the fall as well, but no further details were provided. Those with concerns about others are encouraged tosubmit aVandalCarereport to ensure the person or people receive help from the university.
UI will monitor factors such as positive COVID-19 test results on campus, the spread of COVID-19 in the surrounding community, local hospital capacity and more to decide whether to transition the university fully online early, Lawrence said.
I think weve been clear from the beginning of all this planning that if we need to make (the decision to go entirely online), we will, Lawrence said.
The full recorded town hall meeting will be available on the UI COVID-19 website in the future.
Alexis Van Horn can be reached atarg-news@uidaho.eduor on Twitter @AlexisRVanHorn
See original here:
Lean into the discomfort. You will be supported: UI administrators reassure students and families at COVID-19 town hall - Argonaut
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