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Programs with the Westwood Council on Aging: AARP tax help – Wicked Local

Common Content| Wicked Local
The Westwood Senior Center will continue to stay closed to the public through the winter of 2021. Staff is available daily, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Monday through Friday, and we now offer limited transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping and errands. Meals on Wheels and Outreach services continue as always.
Call the COA at 781-329-8799, or visit
Events (Feb. 4-11)
CABLE ACTIVITIES Comcast Channels 8 & 12 Verizon Channels 32 & 42
Zoom activities contact COA for sign up and link
Thursday, Feb. 4
8:30 a.m.-noon Medical Appointments masks are required
8 a.m. Floor Yoga - CABLE
9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga CABLE
10 a.m. Tai Chiwith Scotty ZOOM
10 a.m. Pilates with Mary - ZOOM
Noon Lunch & Learn - CABLE
Friday, Feb. 5
Errands Within a five-mile radius of the Senior Center masks are required
9 a.m. Exercise with Stephanie; Cardio Strength & Stretch - CABLE
10 a.m. Line Dancing - CABLE
Monday - Feb. 8
8:30 a.m.-noon Medical Appointments masks are required
9 a.m. Exercise with Stephanie; Cardio Strength & Stretch CABLE
9 a.m. AARP Tax help by appointment only
10 a.m. Line Dancing CABLE
10 a.m. TAI CHI -with Scotty ZOOM
1 p.m. Cooking Class with Roberta Comfort Foods - ZOOM
Tuesday Feb. 9
8:30 a.m.-noon Medical Appointments masks are required
a.m. - Grocery Shopping Shaw's or Roche Bros. - masks are required
8 a.m. Floor Yoga - CABLE
9:30 a.m. -- Chair Yoga CABLE
9:30 a.m. - Walking Club with Angie & Maria must sign up in advance
10 a.m. Drawing with Brenda ZOOM
Noon- 1 p.m. Lunch & Learn - CABLE
1 p.m. Drawing with Brenda ZOOM
1 p.m. Lecture with Henry Quinlan ZOOM "USSR Russia Myths, Mysteries & Spying"
Wednesday, Feb. 10
9 a.m. Exercise with Stephanie -- Sit and Get Fit CABLE
a.m. - Grocery Shopping Shaw's or Roche Bros. - masks are required
9:30 a.m. Current Events with Susan Sprecher - ZOOM
10 a.m. Line Dancing CABLE
Thursday, Feb. 11
8:30 a.m.-noon Medical Appointments masks are required
8 a.m. Floor Yoga - CABLE
9:30 a.m. Chair Yoga CABLE
10 a.m. Tai Chi - With Scotty ZOOM
10 a.m. Pilates with Mary - ZOOM
Noon - Lunch and Learn -- CABLE
SHINE with Mitch
9 a.m.-noon by phone appointment only
Feb. 17
If you are retiring soon, and if you would like some assistance with your prescription drug coverage, please call and sign up for a phone consultation. Please note that appointments fill up fast. At your scheduled appointment time, you will need to have with you all your medical cards (Medicare, supplemental insurance and prescription cards) and medication bottles (or a list of your current medications, dosages and frequencies) for Mitch to be able to help you.
Are you feeling lonely or anxious during this health crisis?
Are you a Westwood resident looking for mental health services?
These feelings can come on strong and you do not need to deal with them by yourself. Please consider contacting the William James College INTERFACE Referral Service at 888-244-6843, and they can help you find a provider under your current insurance policy. This referral is free to any Westwood resident.
What to expect when you call: You will speak with a resource and referral counselor about your needs.
Connect: You will receive information about potential matches within two weeks.
Care: You will receive a follow-up call to make sure you have made a successful match.
Funded by the Town of Westwood, the Westwood Public Schools, Youth & Family Services, Board of Health and the Council on Aging.
Transportation with Trish
We continue to carefully expand our transportation program.
ERRAND DAYS ON FRIDAYS - You may schedule errands within a 5-mile radius of the Senior Center.
MEDICAL APPOINTMENTS - Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning in January. Doctors appointments must be between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and noon. No Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Faulkner Hospital or Medfield appointments at this time.
GROCERY SHOPPING -continues to run on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the a.m.
You must sign up two business days in advance- No exceptions.
Vans are thoroughly sanitized after each trip and every evening.
No medical appointments on Feb. 15, Presidents Day.
No COVID symptoms. Masks are required.
Food Security
If you are feeling food insecure, please call HESSCO Elder Services and let them deliver a daily meal to you. Their number is 781-784-4944.
The Food Pantry (a private independent nonprofit) may also be able to help; the number is 781-269-2008. If you would like a volunteer to grocery shop for you, please contact the Senior Center directly as we have volunteers who are willing to do your food shopping.
AARP tax help
Mondays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Feb. 8-April 12
By appointment only
Strict COVID spacing and cleaning protocols will be followed
There is no cost to this program, but appointments fill up fast so please sign up early.
The Westwood Senior Center will host AARP Tax Preparation to any low- or moderate-income seniors who need help preparing their federal and Mass income tax forms. AARP Tax Aides will be on hand every Monday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Please bring your tax returns from last year, any current tax documents, your driver license and/or Social Security card and all other necessary information with you.
Upcoming lectures
We are pleased to introduce a new speaker, Henry Quinlan, who comes highly recommended. Henry owns his own publishing company and has a very varied 40+ year career.
Tuesday, Feb. 9, at 1 p.m.
USSR- Russia Myths, Mysteries and Spying
A one-hour presentation based on Henrys 30 years involvement with the former Soviet Union and Russia including living in Moscow for five years during the demise of the USSR and the rise of the new Russia. The presentation will entertain and educate you. Accompanying Power-Point with 62 panels.
Please call the center to sign up, and we will send you the Zoom link.
Historian Gary Hylander Zoom Lectures
If you have heard his lectures before, you know he brings history alive, if you have not heard him and enjoy history, you must sign up to listen to his stories. And with Zoom, you can do this at home, with a cup of coffee, on your couch!
The Civil War Amendments
Tuesday, Feb. 16, at 10 a.m.
The Civil War is over and Reconstruction has begun. Gary will discuss how Amendments 13, 14, and 15 played into the rebuilding of America.
Please call the center with your email address to sign up and we will send you the Zoom link.
Exercise classes
Yoga with Bonnie on cable every Tuesday and Thursday. Floor Yoga at 8 a.m.; Chair Yoga at 9:30 a.m.
Walking Club with Angie and Maria. You must sign up in advance; participation is limited to four seniors per walk
Senior hikes will be held every Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. and are limited to three-four participants and one leader. The leaders will send out the information the week before the hike. Participants can register at the center a week before; Maria or Angie will then call or email you with all the details. All hikes will be rescheduled during inclement weather and please remember that winter hiking requires appropriate warm clothing, traction devices and maybe snowshoes.
Exercise with Stephanie -- every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m. on local cable.
Pilates with Mary Thursdays at 10 a.m. via Zoom. Please call the center to sign up with your email address.
Cooking Classes with Roberta
Classes begin at 11 a.m. via Zoom
Feb. 8 - Comfort Foods for the cold winter months - This pasta dish has it all - greens, beans and sausage pasta - then we will make tourtiere, a French Canadian meat pie (perfect dinner for a cold night) and of course a delicious carmel walnut tart for dessert!
Call in advance to sign up, and Lorraine will send you the recipes.
Legal Clinic with attorney Veranira Ochea, MetroWest Legal Services
Wednesday March 24, from 1-3 p.m.
Schedule a private 20-minute free legal phone consultation. MetroWest Legal Services provides free legal aid to seniors on housing, public benefits and Social Security matters; durable power of attorney, health care proxy and simple probate matters; Medicaid, nursing home issues, limited domestic relations and bankruptcy. Sign up with the center, and Ochea will call you at your appointment time. Due to limited availability, this is for Westwood residents only.
Follow this link:
Programs with the Westwood Council on Aging: AARP tax help - Wicked Local
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