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May 2

Specific Osteoarthritis Exercise Programs – Spine-Health

Exercise need not result in heart-pounding, sweat-inducing fatigue to be beneficial. In fact, exercise does not, and in the case of osteoarthritis sufferers probably should not, include high impact activities such as running, or sports such as tennis, basketball, or racquetball, which require a lot of stopping, changing directions, and jumping - all of which can stress vulnerable joints and jar bones together.

Rather, an exercise program that balances a combination or exercises that increase flexibility, build strength, and provide low impact aerobic conditioning will deliver substantial benefits. There are certain forms of exercise that are particularly easy on the joints:

Water walking, using resistance bands anchored around a stationary object like a pool ladder, or hand webs to create pull and resistance, can all add variety and work a number of muscle groups. Some pre-packaged programs call for 10 minutes of stretching and flexing, 20 minutes of aerobic work (water walking or running or swimming) and 10 minutes of resistance and strength exercises. That mix covers all three categories of exercise needed.

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When developing an exercise program it is important not to ignore strengthening exercises. Strength is needed to counter balance the aerobic training. To improve muscle strength and control it there needs to be repeated muscle activity with greater resistance than normal daily activity (e.g. walking). To increase muscle strength in the torso, the core body muscles (ab and back) need to be specifically exercises, with particular attention paid to the extensor muscles.

Most doctors recommend 20 to 30 minutes a day of aerobic conditioning, combined with 10 minutes of stretching (before and after exercising). As a general rule, stretching is best done everyday, while strengthening exercises should be done every other day to allow muscles time to repair themselves between sessions.


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Specific Osteoarthritis Exercise Programs - Spine-Health

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