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Nov 18

Stay motivated about health all year long – Herald-Mail Media

Getting organized, making goals to improve health or change behaviors can happen at any time of the year. Why does it always seem to come up in January? It is natural to think about starting new at the beginning of a new year. The real key to making any change is to know that you are ready.

Are you ready is the most important question you can ask yourself when determining if you should make a New Years Resolution this year. By mid-January, 30% of those who have made resolutions are slacking off. Within six months, less than half are sticking with their resolution. Your motivation should come from within. It has to be something you want to do. Having the ability to choose is crucial for motivation. External motivators such as your mother said you should or your spouse wants you to, dont usually last.

Before blurting out your New Years Resolution as you are toasting in the New Year, take some time to consider what changes you need to make, what changes you are capable of making and what has enough meaning to you that you will be motivated to accomplish it.

The point of New Years Resolutions is to make next year better. To decide on what resolution you want to make, write down ideas. Brainstorm all the areas of your life you might want to improve: financial, physical, emotional. Narrow them down to the most important to you, the most likely you will be able to accomplish and what might have the most impact. If health is your priority area, think about scheduling a physical with your doctor or a fitness assessment with a trainer at your gym. Both can help you assess the areas you need to work on and help you create a plan.

Make small changes throughout the year that will add up by the end of the year. Make a plan that includes one change a month for the whole year. For each new month, keep the change you have tackled and add on another. By the end of the year, you will have made 12 changes that can have a major impact when combined. Some can be small, such as always taking the stairs instead of the elevator. They can be major, such as quitting smoking.

Here are some examples of changes you can make to improve your health:

Include a fruit or vegetable with each snack and meal.

Be thankful for one thing every day. Write it in a journal.

Set aside five minutes each day to stretch and do deep-breathing exercises.

Reduce or, better yet, eliminate sugar-sweetened beverages.

Try a new exercise such as yoga or water aerobics

Try a new fruit or vegetable each week.

Eliminate ultra-processed foods packaged, ready-to-eat foods that have additives such as sugar, preservatives, artificial flavors and colors.

The Wellness Center at Berkeley Medical Center has programs that can help you accomplish your health resolutions. Our staff of certified trainers can work with you to develop an exercise plan based on your goals. Additional programs offered include A Healthy Weigh of Life, Weight Loss Boot Camp, Personal Training and Chronic Pain and Chronic Disease Self-Management.

For more information on The Wellness Center at Berkeley Medical Center or any of the programs mentioned, stop by for a tour of the facility or call 304-264-1232.

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Stay motivated about health all year long - Herald-Mail Media

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