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The Benefits of CrossFit for People Age 60 and Above – BarBend

Its never too late to start.
Age is just a number.
These age old (no pun intended) adages are passed around a lot in the fitness community. Although often only meant as a means of inspiration, they may have a lot of truth to them as well, scientifically speaking. When it comes to improving physical and mental health, longevity, and quality of life, fitnessmight be one of the best means to do so. So we decided to do a deep dive on how and why CrossFit training can be a valuable fitness option for people over the age of 60.
Below are some of the major topics we cover:
In addition to better educating about how CrossFittraining can help build a stronger body, mind, and community, this article aims to be a go-to reference for common exercisesand how to get involved in competitive events.
Editors note: The content on BarBend is meant to be informative in nature, but it shouldnt take the place of advice and/or supervision from a medical professional. The opinions and articles on this site are not intended for use as diagnosis, prevention, and/or treatment of health problems. Speak with your physician if you have any concerns and before starting any new dietary or training regimen.
[Related: The ultimate guide to strength sports for Masters athletes]
Functional fitness is a classification of training that incorporates movements akin to what a person would perform in their day-to-day life. This can include squats, lunges, jumps, pulling movements, and cardio (running, biking, etc.). CrossFitmethodology adds in Olympic weightlifting (snatches and clean & jerks), powerlifting (deadlifts, front and back squats), explosive movements (using medicine balls, kettlebells, etc.), gymnastics, and some specialized movements such as rope climbs, sled work, and rowing.
There are many potential health benefits, so lets dive into what it can specifically offer athletes over the age of 60.
It is important to note the culture of support around the CrossFitcommunity. It is one of the most important means for acquiring new members as well as maintain those who have already been initiated. According to a 2018 systematic review and meta-analysis in theSports Medicine Open, preliminary data has suggested that CrossFit practice is associated with higher levels of sense of community, satisfaction, and motivation. (1)
It is likely the case that one of the biggest draws for anyone thinking of getting into CrossFittraining is improving longevity while maintaining or bettering physical capability. The evidence showing correlations between endurance training, high intensity interval training (HIIT), and high intensity functional training (HIFT) and longevity is pretty extensive.
Fifty-four peer-reviewed publications found considerable support for superior longevity for people involved in endurance related sport. (2) More specifically, a study in the Journal of Aging Research determined a physically active subjects had a higher life expectancy of upwards of 7 years.
A 2013 study in Population Health Managementrecognized that a critical need for senior-oriented programs that improve health and preserve and extend functional capabilities. The relationship between these improvements also led to reduced health care expenditures. (3)
For those who have not had a consistent training program, the intensity that comes along with CrossFit training might be intimidating. Dont worry, there are ways that new trainees can perform workouts without extending past their abilities or what is comfortable for them. One of the major ways is called scaling (more on this later).
Rest assured that the science is behind getting active to improve physical fitness even in the elderly. Progressive strength training in the elderly is an efficient wayto reduce sarcopenia and retain motor function, even at higher intensities, according to a 2011 study in theDeutsches Arzteblatt International.(4)
Furthermore, anyone who may be skeptical about the safety of higher intensity exercise, HIFT is not necessarily any riskier than any other form of exercise at a relatively equal intensity. A 4-year analysis that oversaw3,049 participants completed in 2018 in the Orthopedic Journal of Sports Medicinesuggested that CrossFit training is relatively safe compared with more traditional training modalities. (5)
Not only is getting physically active a smart choice for overall fitness levels, it might actually be better to train more days per week than less. That same 4-year analysis uncovered training for the majority of days per week could lead to fewer injuries. Those at the greatest risk of injury, primarily to their shoulders and back, were the participants who performed less than 3 workouts per week.
For athletes over the age of 60 participating in CrossFittraining for the first time, there should be some comfort knowing that the risk of injuryis similarto other sports according to a 2020 study in theJournal of Human Kinetics.(6) To further reduce the risk of injury, athletes are better off doing an adaptation period with the aim of improving technique. Good news:improving technique is a touchstone of CrossFit methodology.
Technique, which is defined in theCrossFitlevel 1 training guide as quality of movement, isan intimate part of safety, efficacy, and efficiency. Technique is everything. It is at the heart of our quantification. You will not express power in significant measure without technique.
So how does CrossFittraining adjust for those who have never done it before? They do so through scaling.
Scaling is the process of adjusting a workout or movement to better match the abilities of the person performing it. It is also a way to customize training for a persons needs at any given time. Feeling sore from a previous training session? Scale the workout. Feeling some tenderness in a muscle or joint and are concerned about aggravating it? Scale the workout.
Scaling is very important when learning a new lifting pattern. If someone has never performed a particular movement, it doesnt make much sense to load up a ton of weight and hope for the best. Remembering the importance of technique regardless of age or fitness level is key. CrossFit trainers are generally eager to work with clients to find the right movement patterns for their needs and goals.
As the trainee who will be performing the exercises, be sure to clearly articulate your goals. They can be as simple as wanting to walk up the stairs more efficiently or picking things off the ground without causing back pain. Scaling allows the trainer and the training itself to help further you toward whatever your goals may be.
Training in a group environment makes participants more motivated and more reliable the longer they do it. A 2019 study in thePLoS One(the Public Library of Science) looked into how motives differ by length of participation. They concluded that the enjoyment and challenge of HIFT was a sufficient motivator when beginning, and that this exercise form promotes an increase in those motives with greater length of participation.
The study also concluded that interpersonal motives (representing relatedness) also increase with participation time. (7) A 2017 study inBMJ Open Sport and Exercise Medicine furtherreinforces these ideas with their findings that group exercise helps participants meet recommended levels of physical activity. (8)
The community aspect of CrossFit enables a higher likelihood that people will exercise and enjoy it the more they do it. A2017 study inBMC Geriatrics concluded thatregular group exercise contributes to balanced health in older adultsand helped them to improve or maintain their functional health and enjoy their lives.(9)
There may be concerns for those above the age of 60 to get involved in any sort of group fitness. However, there are strong arguments to be made about ensuring exercise remains a part of the routine for seniors. In a 2018 study inFrontiers in Immunologythat analyzed exercise-induced immune suppression, scientists found thatleading a physically active lifestyle reduces the incidence of communicable (e.g., bacterial and viral infections) and non-communicable diseases (e.g., cancer), implying that immune competency is enhanced by regular exercise bouts.
They concluded that that leading an active lifestyle is likely to be beneficial, rather than detrimental, to immune function, which may have implications for health and disease in older age. (10)
Exercise has shown to aid other issues such as peripheral arterial diseaseand helpssuppress the most common age-associated chronic conditions.(11)In a 2015 study in Rejuvenation Research, scientists found that physical exercise islargely the answer to attenuate many of its deleterious systemic and cellular effects. (12)
Functional fitness training has potential benefits for physical and mental health, and longevity. But how and where does one sign up?
If youre interested in joining a CrossFit affiliate, youre in luck; as of early 2020, there are14,790 totalCrossFit affiliates globally.You can start by checking out theOfficial CrossFit Affiliate Mapthat can help locate the nearest CrossFit boxes near you.
When beginning, a coach will teach how to do the movements properly and adjust them as needed for your current fitness level (scaling!). has quick tutorials that break down the movements so they can be practiced from home. There are also courses that anyone seeking to improve their health and fitness through effective training and nutritional strategies can take.
Here is a list of guides for the non-bodyweight movements you are likely to encounter that you can refer to:
Here is a list of guides for bodyweight movements:
If you are ever in a position where you dont have access to the requisite equipment, scale it and/or check out our CrossFitters guide to movement substitutions.
[Related: 8 things I wish Id known before starting CrossFit]
Whether youre just starting out in CrossFittraining or are actively looking to compete, being aware or even knowledgable about higher levels of competition cant hurt. It might even provide a means of inspiration. Here is a quick rundown of the pinnacle of CrossFit competition The CrossFit Games and how athletes get there.
It takes place once per year, is broadcast and live-streamed internationally, and features individual, team, and age group competition (teens and Masters divisions). There are four main ways to qualify for the CrossFit Games: Open, Sanctionals, Online Qualifiers, and Invitations.
The Open is a worldwide event that spans five weeks. Each week, a workout is released and participants are allotted four days to record their performance and submit it for review. Upon completion of the Open, the top ranked man and woman using a relative scoring system from each participating country is declared national champion(based on citizenship) and is offered an invite to the Games. In addition to the national champions, the top 20 men and women in the Open worldwide also receive invites.
Athletes results for each workout and their respective rankings are tracked via the CrossFit leaderboard. Leaderboards can be customized to highlight members of a group, profession, location, etc. so even if you dont have interest in higher competition, you can see how you stack up against a particular group.
According to CrossFits website,Sanctionals are independently owned and operated (and CrossFit-licensed) fitness competitions that offer another pathway for top men, women, and team athletes to receive invitations to compete at the CrossFit Games.
There were 28 Sanctionals planned around the globe that fed into the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games. 26 teams (each comprised of 2 men and 2 women), 40 teens, and 120 Masters athletes are invited to the Games under the current format.
In competitive CrossFit, there are six Masters divisions that each span 4 years starting at age 35 up to the age 60+ division.Jarka GiangiulioandPatricia McGillare age 60 and 61, respectively, and are both CrossFit Games athletes.72-year-oldLaura Bruzzonedid not get started in the sport until age 67 and has some valuable advice to offer others who are considering doing the same.Below are their thoughts on CrossFit including their introductions to the sport and what motivates them to continue training.
Giangiulio achieved her firstmuscle-upat age 60 and is capable of deadlifting 285lb. She spent the first half of her life in Slovakia and has since been in the United States and trains atCrossFit Parallax in New Jersey. She placed seventh in the womens 60+ division in the CrossFit Games Age Group Online Qualifier to earn a spot at the 2020 Reebok CrossFit Games.
She started CrossFit in 2011 after getting her fitness in via aerobics, spin, and bootcamp classes. When asked what drives her to compete, Giangiulio responded:
theres this rush when you compete, and that feeling you get when you finish and you know you did well, its amazing. Its hard to explain. But its just good energy, and everyone is supporting you and cheering for you.
Another big draw to CrossFit is the efficiency of the training.
with CrossFit, theres always room for improvement, always something you can work on. I really like that. And I like that in just seven minutes, you can get a really hard workout and be done with it.
McGill began training CrossFit in 2013 and was the runner-up at the 2019 Reebok CrossFit Games in the 60+ division. She then followed it up with a 3rd place finish in theCrossFit Games Age Group Online Qualifier last fall. She trains six days a week and even performs workouts in her backyard.
I said to my husband, Honey, if I dig a hole, will you cement a pole so I can practice muscle-ups?
She splits her training between home workouts and sessions at the gym. Her basement is set up with kettlebells, dumbbells, a rowing machine, and the requisite Olympic weightlifting equipment. Her backyard is outfitted with a rope for climbs, a step for wall balls, and the aforementioned pole to support rings to allow for pull-ups and muscle-ups.
When asked what keeps her motivated to train into her 60s, McGill responded:
I just want to be able to continue to do whatever I want for the rest of my life.
The 72-year-old Bruzzone took up CrossFit five years ago after it was recommended to her by a friend. In her interview withGood Morning America, Bruzzone shared some advice for potential fellow Masters athletes:
You certainly shouldnt let age or anything else hold you back. So long as you dont give up and you do something, youre going to get payback, definitely.
Bruzzones training sessions and feats of strength in a CrossFit gym went viral as a means of inspiration for younger athletes. However, Bruzzone found the opposite to be true as she feels younger athletes inspire her:
I see the younger people doing heavier weights and I want to get closer to what theyre doing. Its more motivation for me to push harder.
Although Bruzzone has never competed in the CrossFit Open or at the Games, she still trains at 6am on most days, and only takes a rest day when she feels it necessary. Her fitness goals are positioned to thinklong term.
I have a long range plan. When Im 90, I want to get to the bathroom by myself.
We reached out to two doctors of physical therapy, Dr. Joseph LaVacca and Dr. Eugene Bo Babenko who is also a certified CrossFit trainer. They discussed the benefits and obstacles (both physical and mental), the remedies to those obstacles, personal experiences theyve had with their patients, and advice they would offer those starting out in functional fitness training.
Note: all bolding is done by BarBends editorial team for emphasis.
Functional fitness is the key here YES the way we think about aging is all sorts of messed up.If seniors, or any human of any age, want to be able to use their bodies, then they need to do some type of training to maintain it just like we do maintenance on our cars. While there is a natural degradation that comes with each day/month/year, it is all about managing that damage that allows us to improve healthspan, which implies the ability to be a more robust human for longer. If folks want to live longer and be able to do more things, then they 100% should participate in some kind of training program or movement practice.
Yes, without a doubt.Seniors biggest opportunity as they age is the loss of muscle mass, mainly power, and a narrowing social circle which is actually the number one factor for most of their stress and ailments. CrossFitis the perfect solution to both given classes are guided by coaches who understand the aging process and can be scaled accordingly to fit the capacity of each client.
More and more we are seeing research support the idea that we are not our x-rays or MRIs and a lot of the dysfunction we see with these images can sometimes be nothing more than normal age related changes our bodies go through as we continue to use them.
General de-conditioning is the number one overall ailment many of the cliches come to mind. Do we age because we stop dancing, or do we stop dancing because we get old? You are only as old as your joints feel.
The most common things that put folks in retirement homes or the morgue are a fall and broken hip the best way to combat this is to improve range of motion, proprioception, and strength. Leg strength, grip strength, and VO2 max are all incredible predictors of our mortality and can all be improved with functional training.
[CrossFit] also recently had a huge push for CrossFit Health, where they had seniors as the demo folks in a living room, using water bottles and such this is a great message and speaks to the fact that we all need to be partaking in some version of fitness for our entire lives and the barrier to entry should be very low.
As we age we are typically met with increasing co-morbidities such as weight gain, mental health issues, and changes to our cardiovascular systems (blood pressure/heart rate). I think community outreach and education can be an affective remedy.This population has survived and thrived through a lot of stress and changes in their lives. They very rarely want to be thought of as delicate, old or fragile. Holding 60+ classes to make people fit into a more common group of people, educating primary care physicianson the benefits of exercise as we age.
Aside from reduction in depression, anxiety and improved sleep, exercise has been shown to add years to your life, something that we can all likely agree is the ultimate benefit.
The biggest obstacle is fear/marketing it looks scary usually these CrossFit gyms have only young folks with shirts off huffing and puffing and making very loud noises of all sorts.
Culture seems to be the biggest obstacle for just about everything these days. When you are told that aging population is fragile, or should stop doing certain movements/exercises, or that their joints are bone on bone, those are the kind of thought viruses that spread very quickly,usually promoting fear and avoidance rather than reframing and lateralization.
Most effective remedies I have seen are specific silver sneakers programs specific marketing to get folks to see others in their age range can and are doingthis, and not getting injured. Sometimes its important to connect it to activities that are importantto that population.
I think community outreach and education can be an affective remedy. This population has survived and thrived through a lot of stress and changes in their lives. They very rarely want to be thought of as delicate, old or fragile. Holding 60+ classes to make people fit into a more common group of people, educating primary care physicianson the benefits of exercise as we age. Aside from reduction in depression, anxiety and improved sleep, exercise has been shown to add years to your life, something that we can all likely agree is the ultimate benefit.
Biggest benefits for CrossFit seem to be the increased ability to do the activities that we hold dear and overcome many of the aches and pains that we have built up over time. Another thing that works is one-on-one training with very personalized progressions.It is easier to throw constantly varied workouts at younger folks but as we develop more limitations we require more personalized attention to get better results and avoid injury.
These patients have more lean body mass, recover from injuries quicker, usually have jobs that they find more satisfying, are on little to no medications, and most important can envision their future and can continue to create goals both personally and professionally. One thing that happens as clients get older, retire, watch their kids grow is that they lose a sense of purpose. Those that maintain and active mind and body experience the same stressors but demonstrate more resilience when facing them.
Absolutely, I have worked with a number of folks above 60. Their performance far exceeds anyone in their cohort who does not. They are addressing so many physical factors.I also work as a home health physical therapist and I have seen everything from COVID pneumonia cases, stroke cases, etc., and no matter the age and function, I utilize many of the principles of CrossFit for my patients to help them improve and address their various impairments.
One thing that happens as clients get older, retire, and watch their kids grow is that they lose a sense of purpose. Those that maintain an active mind and body experience the same stressors but demonstrate more resilience when facing them.
Socialization hands down.The communities I have watched grow, and the friendships formed, allows for people to cheer for each other because they truly want what is in the best interest of the other person. CrossFit communities plan nights out, go to each others weddings, and even spend holidays together. As the gym grows, so does your family.
I would want to make sure they understand what the term CrossFit refers to. I would want them to be an educated consumer and ensure that thecoach/trainer they work with has some experience with similar pops and/or is able to provide them with a personalized plan to keep them safe and still reaping the benefits that the community setting brings.
That is great and I am proud of their decision. I would encourage them to look at their goals:
I would further suggest having a personal trainer that can work with their coach on your team. Where I think the biggest opportunity for community classes of all sorts to continue to evolve is providing information and understanding about each members individual capacity.
I think the concept is phenomenal. Ifell in love with it when I did my first workout and then did the CrossFit Level 1 certification. But since I entered the community in 2010, I have seen many versions of the original message create many watered down versions. It is going through some interesting changes withGlassmanselling the company. It will be interesting to see how it progresses.
In general I have been a huge fan and advocate for CrossFit since I began my career in 2010. Unfortunately the average career of a HIIT or CrossFit athlete (based on memberships) seems to be less than 3 years. This was presented at a Sports Symposium in Philadelphia not too long ago that I was able to attend.
This is the biggest opportunity for HIIT classes. Build consistency. The community is there, but people are scared and think this is not for me or I could never do that. Everyone is waiting to feel better to move or workout, rather than working out to feel better.
In addition, sometimes culture leads us to believe that we need to be emptying the tank all the time. That we need to be pouring sweat, not have an off day, or complete an insane challenge that we are not ready for to fit in. I would love to see more scaling to keep people safe, not just an RX and an alternative with less weight or reps something meaningful where this group can look at each other and say I am here and I am with other people just like me, and I do not have to be forced to do what is on the board.
I do believe that if every gym followed a CrossFit type model in a responsible manner, the world would be a healthier and stronger place.
The science is clear.CrossFittraining can enable people over the age of 60 the ability toimprove their physical fitness, their ability to day-to-day activities more efficiently, and their ability to prevent disease.It can offer a supportive community that can better ensure consistency in the gym and make workouts more enjoyable.
For those above 60 years of age looking to improve their futures, CrossFittrainings focus on individual goals and proper technique might be the way to go. There are CrossFitaffiliates are all over the world that can help you get a foothold in that community and build your body for many years to come.
Brent Hamar, et al. (2013). Impact of a Senior Fitness Program on Measures of Physical and Emotional Health and Functioning.Population Health Management.16(6): 364372.doi:10.1089/pop.2012.0111.
Allyson G. Box, et al. (2019). High Intensity Functional Training (HIFT) and competitions: How motives differ by length of participation.PLoS One.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0213812.
Komatsu, H., Yagasaki, K., Saito, al.Regular group exercise contributes to balanced health in older adults in Japan: a qualitative study.BMC Geriatrics17,190 (2017).
Tara L. Haas, et al. (2012). Exercise Training and Peripheral Arterial Disease.Comprehensive Physiology.2933-3017.doi:10.1002/cphy.c110065.
Feature image via Shutterstock/Halfpoint.
Read the rest here:
The Benefits of CrossFit for People Age 60 and Above - BarBend
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- Shoulder Press Exercise [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Fitness- rubber band [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Pull Up Technique Tips [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Best Tricep workouts Best triceps workout program bodybuilding workouts exercises routine [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Diabetes - Exercise Program - Reverse Insulin Resistance [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Update on Eye Exercise Program Progress [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Easy Exercise for Foot, Arch and Leg Pain from Fallen Arches, Flat Feet, Pronation [Last Updated On: October 5th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2011]