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At Home with Harvard: Health and Fitness – Harvard Magazine

This round-up is part of Harvard Magazines series At Home with Harvard, a guide to what to read, watch, listen to, and do while social distancing. Read the prior pieces, featuring stories about the history of women at Harvard, the climate crisis, racial justice, and more, here.
Whats the best diet and exercise routine for you? This is a question with a seemingly infinite number of answers and follow-up questions. Sifting through questionable health and fitness content on the Web can be exhausting, especially when quarantine has given many of us more time to invest in exercise. Thats why weve compiled some of our best coverage on health and fitness research for you to read and rely on.
The immune system protects the human body from diseases, but its power to destroy invading pathogens, if misdirected, can lead to illness and death. Many chronic diseases are linked to low-level inflammation. Researchers have therefore sought ways to turn the immune response off, or at least tamp it down. In the course of this work, Harvard Medical School professors Paul Ridker and Peter Libby made a fortuitous discovery: an experimental drug, acting through the immune system, was anti-inflammatory without being immunosuppressive at the same time. The idea that the immune response is multifaceted has led other researchers to explore its final phase, when healing occurs, after the inflammation caused by injury or illness has begun to subside. This is an active process mediated by a class of immune-system moleculescalled specialized pro-resolving mediatorswith properties that are just beginning to be understood as scientists work to develop them into a pharmacology for resolving inflammation.
This story about the power of exercise had its origins in a pile of press releases. Sometime in the late 1990s, I began saving science-based press releases that showed how exercise could prevent everything from gallstones to strokes, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and declines in mental acuity (that can occur naturally with age). Each of these was a separate finding, conducted by researchers who did not know each other, and who in most cases were not even acquainted with each others work. At the time, I found it extraordinary that so many maladies were linked through exercise, and wondered why. Shortly after the article was published, I began receiving heartfelt letters from people saying that it had changed their livesand that was extremely gratifying. The letters continued for many years, and the opening paragraph was reprinted with permission in several books. Scientific understanding of how exercise confers its many benefits has come a long way. Remarkably, however, more is being discovered all the time!
~Jonathan Shaw, Managing Editor
Matthias Nahrendorf uses equipment like this PET/CT imaging scanner to study the role of white blood cells in inflammation.Photograph by Jim Harrison
The culprits are well known: sleep, diet, exercise, and stress. These four lifestyle factors are implicated again and again in studies of chronic health conditions, and one way they affect the body is by causing inflammation. But how? wondered radiology professor Matthias Nahrendorf. Biologically speaking, what links inflammation to lifestyle? In a study published in 2019, he found an answer in the behavior of blood stem cells. When mice exercised, for instance, he saw that their blood stem cells went into a kind of dormancy, generating fewer pro-inflammatory white blood cells and platelets, without decreasing the number of oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Soon, reports Harvard Magazine writer Jonathan Shaw, Nahrendorfs exercising mice had fewer circulating white blood cells than their sedentary counterparts, dampening inflammationan effect that persisted for weeks.
Bruce Spiegelman and Michael Greenberg
Imagine getting the neurological benefits of endurance exercise from a pill. The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is working on it. In 2013, scientists there, working with Harvard neurobiologist Bruce Spiegelman, isolated a protein that increases with endurance exercise and gave it to sedentary mice. The protein turned on genes that promote brain health and lead to the growth of new neurons involved in learning and memory. If it can be made in a stable form and developed into a drug, it could improve therapies for cognitive decline in older people caused by diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinsons. Spiegelman noted at the time that more study was needednow presumably underwaybut said, What is exciting is that a natural substance can be given in the bloodstream that can mimic some of the effects of endurance exercise on the brain.
~Lydialyle Gibson, Associate Editor
Photograph of gymsuit by Kevin Grady/Radcliffe Institute
Recently, I was looking through our online archives for a lively piece to promote on social media. An article came up with a photo of a Radcliffe College gymsuit circa 1896that immediately piqued my interest. Womens fitness was highly encouraged at the time because it was widely thought that intellectual exertion would damage a young womans childbearing capacity. These gymsuits were made of heavy wool that was hard to wash, and buttoned from chin to belly. Today they may seem awfully restrictive, but back then these outfits, with their divided skirts, were rather scandalousand liberating.
~Kristina DeMichele, Digital Content Strategist
In recent years, the microbiomethe universe of microbes teeming in the guthas become the focus of intense research as scientists have come to realize its powerful influence on human health. The microbiome has been linked to conditions like depression, anxiety, allergies, and obesitybut the mechanism remains mostly unknown. Two years ago, A. Sloan Devlin, a Harvard biological chemist, discovered that altering a single gene in a single type of bacteria in the human gut can vastly change metabolism. As she explained to writer John Griffin, Its a bacterium, and a single enzyme in a bacterium, thats causing a change in whether the host is using fats versus carbohydrates.
~Lydialyle Gibson, Associate Editor
Weve all experienced the internal conflict: we like the feeling we get from exercise, but the idea of just curling up on the couch with a pint of ice cream has appeal, too. These competing impulses are the two sides of a deep-seated, highly evolved tension. On the one hand, the human body has evolved in myriad ways that have made us among the best endurance athletes on the planet. On the other hand, humans evolved in an environment of food scarcity. Survival hinged on conserving energy. In the modern context of caloric abundance, that strategic laziness is maladaptive, as Lerner professor of biological sciences Dan Lieberman explains. In Born to Rest (with apologies to Christopher McDougall 85, author of Born to Run) he suggests tactical countermeasures that anyone can employ to help tip the scale toward exercise.
~Jonathan Shaw, Managing Editor
Hu believes a plant-based diet can help feed a growing population in a healthy, sustainable way.Photograph by Jim Harrison
For this feature, I profiled Stare professor of nutrition and epidemiology Frank Hu, who has spent his life studying how diet and lifestyle affect health. A member of the 2015 USDA Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, Hu saw first-hand that developing a strong scientific base for recommendations isnt enough to get science-backed nutritional advice to the public. Today, he believes that a plant-based dietone low in meat, especially of the red or processed varietiescan improve personal and population health while reducing the production of greenhouse gases. No longer content just to let the science speak for itself, Hu has embraced political leadership, advocacy, and communication.
~Jacob Sweet, Staff Writer/Editor
Continued here:
At Home with Harvard: Health and Fitness - Harvard Magazine
- Fitness - Killer 550 Rep Workout [Last Updated On: June 10th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 10th, 2011]
- Fitness - Suicide Sweat Workout [Last Updated On: June 12th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 12th, 2011]
- Fitness Corner - Ep.1 [Last Updated On: June 12th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 12th, 2011]
- SPECIAL - LA Fitness Expo - Ronnie Coleman [Last Updated On: June 13th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 13th, 2011]
- LA Fitness! [Last Updated On: June 14th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 14th, 2011]
- Dance Dance Dance Fitness [Last Updated On: June 14th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 14th, 2011]
- Muscle [Last Updated On: June 14th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 14th, 2011]
- 5 Minute Tone Body, Abs Workout, Fitness Training w/ Tammy [Last Updated On: June 15th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 15th, 2011]
- Fitness - Bootylicious Workout [Last Updated On: June 16th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 16th, 2011]
- Zumba® Fitness Music Video feat. "Pause" by Pitbull [Last Updated On: June 16th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 16th, 2011]
- Fitness - Hot To Trot Workout [Last Updated On: June 17th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 17th, 2011]
- Instructional Fitness - Dumbbell Bench Press [Last Updated On: June 17th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 17th, 2011]
- Fitness - Sexy [Last Updated On: June 17th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 17th, 2011]
- Fitness Is SEXY FTW! [Last Updated On: June 18th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 18th, 2011]
- Fitness - Sexy Body On Fire Workout [Last Updated On: June 19th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 19th, 2011]
- Abs Workout how to get six pack abs [Last Updated On: June 19th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 19th, 2011]
- Killer Abs Exercise - Pike Roll Out on Fitness Ball [Last Updated On: June 22nd, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 22nd, 2011]
- Look Cute Get Fit GloZell the Fitness Guru [Last Updated On: June 23rd, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 23rd, 2011]
- 1 Intro to Ridgeline Fitness Swiss Ball Series [Last Updated On: June 24th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 24th, 2011]
- Rob Riches WBFF Fitness Model Contest Prep. 12 Weeks Out [Last Updated On: June 26th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 26th, 2011]
- Zumba Fitness Basic Steps Demo [Last Updated On: June 27th, 2011] [Originally Added On: June 27th, 2011]
- Get Up fitness challenge [Last Updated On: July 1st, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 1st, 2011]
- Fitness - Sexy Beast Workout - High Intensity Interval Training [Last Updated On: July 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 4th, 2011]
- Your First Circuit- David's Fitness [Last Updated On: July 5th, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 5th, 2011]
- Fitness - 600 Rep Sexier Body Workout [Last Updated On: July 10th, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 10th, 2011]
- Rob Riches WBFF Fitness Model Contest Prep. 8 Weeks Out - Legs [Last Updated On: July 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 11th, 2011]
- Zumba Fitness' Beginner Steps of the Week - sponsored by Degree [Last Updated On: July 13th, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 13th, 2011]
- Fitness Corner - Ep.12 [Last Updated On: July 21st, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 21st, 2011]
- Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2012 Trailer [Last Updated On: July 22nd, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 22nd, 2011]
- Rob Riches WBFF Fitness Model Contest Prep. 10 Weeks Out - Triceps [Last Updated On: July 23rd, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 23rd, 2011]
- Rob Riches WBFF Fitness Model Contest Prep. 7 Weeks Out - Back [Last Updated On: July 25th, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 25th, 2011]
- Fitness - Rock'n No Rolls Workout [Last Updated On: July 27th, 2011] [Originally Added On: July 27th, 2011]
- Rob Riches WBFF Fitness Model Contest Prep. 5 Weeks Out - Chest [Last Updated On: August 1st, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 1st, 2011]
- Dance Fitness w/ Mia - Forget You - Cee lo AND Echa Pa' Lante - Thalia [Last Updated On: August 3rd, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 3rd, 2011]
- Owen Hargreaves in Fitness Training Offered 4 Year Contract with Brighton Electricity [Last Updated On: August 6th, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 6th, 2011]
- Back Workout @ LA Fitness Santa Monica California [Last Updated On: August 13th, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 13th, 2011]
- Bennett Streets on The Body Shop on FTNS Fitness Radio [Last Updated On: August 15th, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 15th, 2011]
- Akward Trainer "Pole Fitness" [Last Updated On: August 16th, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 16th, 2011]
- Joe "The Beast" DeRousie [Last Updated On: August 16th, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 16th, 2011]
- Aqua Fit Exercise Class at LA Fitness [Last Updated On: August 17th, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 17th, 2011]
- Start/Select - Diablo III, SoulCalibur V and Zumba Fitness [Last Updated On: August 17th, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 17th, 2011]
- Fitness Diet for Students [Last Updated On: August 21st, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 21st, 2011]
- Health@Google: Steve Kamb on "Nerd Fitness" [Last Updated On: August 21st, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 21st, 2011]
- 13 Minute Fitness Meal [Last Updated On: August 22nd, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 22nd, 2011]
- P90X Extreme Home Fitness Review [Last Updated On: August 25th, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 25th, 2011]
- Anna 'fitness' baffles everyone, Even MP Lalu Prasad Yadav [Last Updated On: August 31st, 2011] [Originally Added On: August 31st, 2011]
- GSP Fan Fitness Challenge: Fingertip Push-up [Last Updated On: September 3rd, 2011] [Originally Added On: September 3rd, 2011]
- Dance, Dance, Dance Music Video - Zumba Fitness [Last Updated On: September 8th, 2011] [Originally Added On: September 8th, 2011]
- Fitness - Tight Summer Booty Workout [Last Updated On: September 9th, 2011] [Originally Added On: September 9th, 2011]
- Day 22 of the 40 Day Fitness Challenge w/ Sawyer Hartman [Last Updated On: September 13th, 2011] [Originally Added On: September 13th, 2011]
- Zumba Fitness - E3 2010: Dancing Woman Debut Trailer | HD [Last Updated On: September 21st, 2011] [Originally Added On: September 21st, 2011]
- Fitness - Extreme Workout Challenge 2 [Last Updated On: September 23rd, 2011] [Originally Added On: September 23rd, 2011]
- Fitness - Gamerfit - Big C works out with Adrian Crowe [Last Updated On: September 24th, 2011] [Originally Added On: September 24th, 2011]
- Fitness - Fast Death Workout [Last Updated On: September 27th, 2011] [Originally Added On: September 27th, 2011]
- Zumba Fitness at Nickelodeon's World Wide Day of Play [Last Updated On: October 1st, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 1st, 2011]
- Fitness - Lower Body Workout 1: Squat Exercises [Last Updated On: October 2nd, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 2nd, 2011]
- Fitness - GaGa for Tight Buns Workout [Last Updated On: October 3rd, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 3rd, 2011]
- Fitness - Hard Body Workout [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Fitness - 15 Minute Extreme Workout [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- SELF Fitness - Dive in! [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Fitness - Sexy Torture Workout [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Meital Dohan Fitness Wisdom [Last Updated On: October 4th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2011]
- Stoke v Liverpool - Dalglish on Bellamy and Andy Carroll fitness | English Premier League 2011 [Last Updated On: October 5th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2011]
- Flat-Belly Foods (Diet [Last Updated On: October 5th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2011]
- Beware of Fitness myths [Last Updated On: October 5th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2011]
- Laugh your way to fitness [Last Updated On: October 5th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2011]
- Female Fitness Model Training For Chest, Biceps, Triceps [Last Updated On: October 5th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2011]
- Day 40 of the 40 Day Fitness Challenge w/ Sawyer Hartman [Last Updated On: October 5th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2011]
- Fitness - Boot Camp Workout 1: Burpee's Exercise [Last Updated On: October 6th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 6th, 2011]
- Fitness - Sexy Monkey Workout [Last Updated On: October 6th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 6th, 2011]
- FITNESS Trainer! [Last Updated On: October 8th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 8th, 2011]
- Fitness - Abs Core Cardio Workout [Last Updated On: October 9th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 9th, 2011]
- How to do Fitness? (Part 2) [Last Updated On: October 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2011]
- Health and Fitness Special - TWiST #192 [Last Updated On: October 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2011]
- Zumba Fitness 2, the video game: Behind the Scenes [Last Updated On: October 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2011]
- Makeup, Fashion [Last Updated On: October 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2011]
- 24 Hour Fitness Tip: Try Different Cardio Machines [Last Updated On: October 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2011]
- How to do Fitness? (part 1) [Last Updated On: October 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2011]
- On the Go Fitness Snack: Homemade Trail Mix [Last Updated On: October 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2011]
- Bradley Cooper's Total-Body Workout (Diet [Last Updated On: October 11th, 2011] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2011]