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Covid-19 and fitness: The new rules for keeping fit – Hindustan Times

Covid-19 and fitness: The new rules for keeping fit - fitness - Hindustan Times "; forYoudata += ""; forYoudata += ""; forYoudata += ""; count++; if (i === 7) { return false; } }); forYouApiResponse=forYoudata; $(forutxt).html('Recommended for you'); $(foruContent).html(forYoudata); } } }); } else if(forYouApiResponse!=''){ $(forutxt).html('Recommended for you'); $(foruContent).html(forYouApiResponse); } } function getUserData(){ $.ajax({ url:""+user_token, type:"GET", dataType:"json", success: function(res){ if(res.length>0) { $("[id^=loggedin]").each(function(){ $(this).hide(); }); } } }); } function postUserData(payLoad, elm){ var msgelm=$(elm).parents(".subscribe-update").nextAll("#thankumsg"); $.ajax({ url:"", type:"POST", data:payLoad, contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", success: function(res){ if(res.success===true){ $(msgelm).show(); $("[id^=loggedin]").each(function(){ $(this).css("display","none"); }); $("[id^=loggedout]").each(function(){ $(this).css("display","none"); 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See the original post here:
Covid-19 and fitness: The new rules for keeping fit - Hindustan Times
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