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Fitness Influencers Face Backlash For Mocking Fellow Gym-Goer, Get Banned From Returning There – Bored Panda

Going to the gym can be super stressful, especially when youre just starting out. It feels like youre messing up every exercise, you dont know how to mount the machines properly, everyones looking at you Its horrible, I know.
The truth is, people in the gym seldom care about what youre doing. Besides the rare bad apples that Noah Bermudez collects and exposes to his followers, like these two girls making fun of a guys totally valid exercises by pointing at him, copying what hes doing and laughing. You know, just textbook bully stuff.
More info: TikTok
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Image credits: noahhbermudez
They set up their whole tripod just pointing at him, laughing, and copying his workout because it looked goofy. Didnt really like that, I found that kind of cringe so I made a video on it and it did so well that they took down the original video.
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Image credits: noah_bermudez3
They just wanted to let me know that it wasnt bullying. In fact, they said they were playfully indicating with their fingers that they were copying his workout and they werent bullying him, they just found it amusing. Back when I used to get made fun of, people would say a lot of stuff and Id always question Why? And they would say Its not bullying, you know, its just funny. Oh, its for your amusement, making fun of me. It makes everything 10 times better.
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Image credits: noah_bermudez3
I cant breathe when youre not there. The town of Yapsville needs their mayor back. Even tried to get their friends to ask me to take down the video. Buddy, its not happening. Help, theres a bomb strapped to my chest. Its about to explode at any minute. What do I do?'
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Image credits: noah_bermudez3
They sent me a DM telling me to take down the video, I responded with what any intelligent, handsome man would respond with and that was: I cant breathe when youre not there. The town of Yapsville needs their mayor back. I have good news and I have bad news about this whole situation. The good news is, this guy sent me a DM, hes friends with the manager and they got kicked out of the gym. Bad news is, after hearing this, I pooped my pants out of pure excitement and I have no one to change my diaper. Does anyone wanna do that? Mason? You wanna change my diaper?
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Image credits: noah_bermudez3
This may sound a bit silly, but the video is not for the faint of heart. Looking at people just having a riot, while pointing, miming, and just breaking down in laughter at a dude who is doing *checks notes* hip stretches? Its a time capsule of a throwback to the school years, where most bullying happens, so people whove experienced it firsthand will know what I mean.
None of the exercises are weird, none of what he is doing is weird in the slightest, hes just focused on his workout. It really makes you think Hey fellas, is exercising in the gym weird?
But you probably already know all of that. What were really here for is what happened when the video went viral with Noahs help.
According to Noahs socials, hes a videographer and editor, and you can find a lot of his long and short-form content on his YouTube. Across his shorter videos, youll find a bunch of videos like the one weve got today, of him pointing out various entitled, creepy, and generally insensitive-to-the-point-of-stupid people.
Todays video is no different. It popped off on TikTok with the original takedown of the bullies getting over 5.3M views and Noah showing off excuses they sent to him and requests to take down the former video getting 7.3M total. Although these videos were big on TikTok, reels on Noahs Instagram page have netted him from 15 to 18M views at a time. Just goes to show you that people are there for satisfying content made against gym bullies.
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Image credits: Victor Freitas (not the actual photo)
After shamelessly pointing and laughing at an innocent guy as if he was working out in full clown makeup and getting blasted online after people saw Noahs video, the pair took down the original video, which would have been enough for Noah. He would have stopped there and made no more updates and they would probably have just faded into obscurity.
They just had to follow up with him and ask him to remove that video. Instead of doing so, Noah made another video, showing their message to the world. In the message they excuse themselves as playfully indicating with their fingers and downplay the fact that there was any bullying in the video at all.
Many comments on the video pointed out that the girls downplaying what they did like that is pretty much textbook gaslighting as they are trying to create a certain false narrative that what every viewer of the original video saw wasnt really what they saw.
Instead of making a sensible reply (not that there was one necessary), Noah sent a nonsense voice message, indirectly calling Debbs a yapper someone who talks a lot (yaps) with little to no substance.
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Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio (not the actual photo)
Finally, Noah shared a third video, with an amazing conclusion to this story: the video was so viral that it reached a guy who used to work at the gym and thus knows the manager, leading to the pair getting banned from the gym!
Good riddance and good luck finding another gym to be awful in! Just in case youd like to keep updated with whether the women will ever post an update video, you can just find Berna and Debbs on TikTok.
Now, if youre unfortunately dealing with a gym bully, but dont have a platform as big as Noahs, theres a couple of things you can do, at least according to Megafied Fitness.
You may try dealing with your bully yourself, either by ignoring them or standing up to them by making sure that youre not going to let awful remarks fly. Alternatively, you can get the gyms trainers or management involved, asking them to do something about your bullys behavior.
If management doesnt give a lick, perhaps its best to look for a less toxic place to work out or do like Noah and make sure that everyone knows about their behavior. Most importantly, dont doubt yourself. Youre in the gym for a reason bettering yourself and no one has the right to talk down to you, no matter your experience or progress.
Noahs saga has gained 16.8M views across three videos, with the most popular second video getting over 1.1M likes. What did you think of the videos? Have you dealt with a gym bully or creep yourself? Let us know down below.
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Image credits: Anastasia Shuraeva (not the actual photo)
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Fitness Influencers Face Backlash For Mocking Fellow Gym-Goer, Get Banned From Returning There - Bored Panda
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