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Fitness trackers: When technology goes too far – Green Bay Press Gazette

Nick Rozek, For USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin 1:37 p.m. CT March 21, 2017

Bill Micksch wears his fitness watch during a cardio sculpting class at the downtown YMCA in Green Bay.(Photo: Jim Matthews/USA TODAY NETWORK-W)

According to a study, wearable fitness devices are expected to exceed $4 billion in sales in 2017. These devices are everywhere. Some people have two for themselves, one for each child, and now even pets.

Tracking devices offer a fashionable way to participate in workplace challenges, be part of a health-conscious online community, and are a convenient way to measure many types of health-related data.

However, simply strapping a tracking watch on your wrist mightnot be enough to consider this expense a worthwhile investment. Take time to consider if you are in control of your health-and-activity tracking device, or if it is controlling you.

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Below are four common examples of when fitness trackers have too much influence on our behavior.

I feel great on todays jog, but my heart rate is getting too high. I should probably slow down.

Problem: Technology provides us with accurate measures of how hard we are working. Being able to train based on heart rate, power, pace, etc., is great for achieving specific event goals. Problems arise when we allow these measures to completely overtake our own personal feelings.

Solution: True benefits of training may be found by listening to how your body feels, as opposed to listening to your technology device. Next time you work out, pay attention to how you feel inside, take notes, and compare these feelings before and after each workout.

Well there goes another day of not reaching X number of steps. I guess I am not meant to reach my goals.

Problem: Tracking apps and wearables are great tools when we use them to positively reinforce good behaviors. The trouble begins when we allow our emotions and expectations to be controlled by their results.

Solution: Do not be disappointed in yourself when you do not live up to the numbers on your watch. Rather than hoping for the device to show you different results, take action to make a positive change within yourself.

I am too anxious just sitting here at my desk. I cannot focus, but according to my device its not time to take a break yet.

Problem: Ever feel your eyes hurt from staring at a screen for too long? Notice your legs bouncing furiously at your desk? Our wrist-bits are smart enough to sense a lack of movement and offer a gentle buzz to remind us to get up. Problems arise when we wait for this notification versus listening to our body when we need a few minutes away from our desk.

Solution: Self-awareness is a critical component to behavior change. Understanding your bodys natural signals will help you be more proactive in creating positive behaviors, rather than being reactive and simply waiting for your wrist to buzz. When you feel the sensation that you need to turn away from your screen or walk for two minutes do so.

Another night of poor sleep? Ugh hopefully, I sleep better tomorrow.

Problem: Tracking devices provide useful snapshots of data. Problems arise when we simply take in this information without doing anything about what it is telling us. Focusing on individual data points, such as a single night of sleep, mightdistract us from the bigger picture.

Solution: Use your wearable technology to follow trends in your lifestyle habits. If your device shows you have been sleeping poorly, make adjustments to your nightly routine in an effort to improve your sleep quality. Turn off the TV at least an hour before you get ready for sleep and avoid using phones in the bedroom. Try these tips and see if you can recognize improved sleep patterns over the course of the following weeks and months.

Advances in wearable technology have given us more measurable health data than ever before. After making the investment, be sure you are in control of your device, and you will find more value in the technology and in your healthy living journey.

Nick Rozek is the workplace wellness coordinator for Greater Green Bay YMCA and a certified strength and conditioning specialist. Reach him at (920) 436-1297 or

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Fitness trackers: When technology goes too far - Green Bay Press Gazette

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